Surf the Net With Kids has a new RSS 0.91 feed.

It's a "guide to the hidden educational gems of the Web, written for kids, parents and teachers by syndicated columnist Barbara J Feldman."

A picture named barb.jpgIn the email announcing the new service, Ms Feldman explains, in plain language, why RSS has so much value right now. "Unsolicited email is flooding our in-boxes. Unfortunately while trying to fix the problem, spam filters are blocking mail we want to receive, even, perhaps (gasp!) our free weekly Surfnetkids newsletter.

"It's a classic case of throwing the baby out with the bath water. RSS avoids the dual problems of spam and spam filters because you do not need to divulge your email address to anyone (no more spam) and only you control your list of subscriptions (sidestepping spam filters entirely.) "


Thanks for your kind words about my RSS newsletter announcement of last week.

But the URL for my new full-content RSS newsletter is The URL you mention ( ) is a headlines-only feed that is over a year old.



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